Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Huan Erdao * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.erdao.PhotSpotCloud; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class PhotSpotCloudServlet extends HttpServlet { /** constants */ private static final int MODE_PANORAMIO = 0; private static final int MODE_PICASA = 1; private static final int MODE_FLICKR = 2; private static final int MODE_PICASA_WUSER = 3; private static final int MODE_FLICKR_WUSER = 4; private static final int MODE_LOCALSEARCH = 5; private static final int MAX_FEED_PUB_SPOTS = 100; private static final int MAX_FEED_MY_SPOTS = 200; private static final int MAX_RETRY = 2; private static final int PICASA_MAX_RESULTS = 400; /** for Logging */ private static final Logger log_ = Logger.getLogger(PhotSpotCloudServlet.class.getName()); /** IO BUFFER SIZE = 2M */ private static final int IO_BUFFER_SIZE = 2 * 1024; /** other variables */ private int maximumFeedSize_ = MAX_FEED_PUB_SPOTS; private int totalFeedSize_ = 0; private int compactFeedSize_ = 0; private double appVerDbl_ = 0.0; private String jsoncb_ = null; private int svcMode_ = MODE_PANORAMIO; private boolean openfeedSuccess_ = false; /** photo search variables */ private String nwlat_ = null; private String nwlng_ = null; private String selat_ = null; private String selng_ = null; private String service_ = null; private String userid_ = null; /** local search variables */ private String lat_ = null; private String lng_ = null; /** * do Get, main entry for this servlet */ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { // get request params String qMode = req.getParameter("q"); String debugstr = req.getParameter("dbg"); if (debugstr != null) { try { debugstr = URLDecoder.decode(debugstr, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } jsoncb_ = req.getParameter("callback"); String appVer = req.getParameter("appver"); appVerDbl_ = 0.0; if (appVer != null) appVerDbl_ = Double.parseDouble(appVer.substring(0, 3)); String compactJson = null; totalFeedSize_ = 0; // request branch if (qMode == null || qMode.equals("searchspot")) { compactJson = ProcessPhotoSearch(req); } else if (qMode.equals("localsearch")) { svcMode_ = MODE_LOCALSEARCH; compactJson = ProcessLocalSearch(req); } if (compactJson == null) return; // Compact JSON and format it resp.setContentType("text/plain"); resp.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); if (jsoncb_ != null) resp.getWriter().println(jsoncb_ + "(" + compactJson + ")"); else resp.getWriter().println(compactJson); // debug log if (svcMode_ == MODE_LOCALSEARCH)"localsearch from=" + req.getRemoteAddr() + ",user-agent=" + req.getHeader("user-agent") + ",latlng=" + lat_ + "," + lng_ + ",dbg=" + debugstr + ",openfeed=" + openfeedSuccess_ + ",feedcount=" + compactFeedSize_); else"spotsearch from=" + req.getRemoteAddr() + ",user-agent=" + req.getHeader("user-agent") + ",bbox=" + nwlat_ + "," + nwlng_ + "," + selat_ + "," + selng_ + ",svc=" + service_ + ",dbg=" + debugstr + ",openfeed=" + openfeedSuccess_ + ",totalfeed=" + totalFeedSize_ + ",compactfeed=" + compactFeedSize_); } /** * Process Local Search query * @param req HttpServletRequest * @return compact formatted JSON String */ private String ProcessLocalSearch(HttpServletRequest req) { String requestUrl = null; String compactJson = ""; String latlng = req.getParameter("latlng"); if (latlng == null) return null; String token[] = latlng.split(","); lat_ = token[0]; lng_ = token[1]; if (lat_ == null || lng_ == null) return null; requestUrl = "*&key=" + APIKeys.google_ajax_key + "&sll=" + lat_ + "," + lng_; // debug log"requestUrl raw=" + requestUrl); StringBuilder strbuilder = null; strbuilder = openFeed(requestUrl); if (strbuilder != null) { compactJson = compactLocalSearchFeed(strbuilder.toString()); } return compactJson; } /** * Process Photo Search query * @param req HttpServletRequest * @return compact formatted JSON String */ private String ProcessPhotoSearch(HttpServletRequest req) { String requestUrl = null; String compactJson = ""; nwlat_ = req.getParameter("nwlat"); nwlng_ = req.getParameter("nwlng"); selat_ = req.getParameter("selat"); selng_ = req.getParameter("selng"); service_ = req.getParameter("svc"); userid_ = req.getParameter("userid"); maximumFeedSize_ = userid_ == null ? MAX_FEED_PUB_SPOTS : MAX_FEED_MY_SPOTS; if (nwlat_ == null || nwlng_ == null || selat_ == null || selng_ == null || service_ == null) return null; if (service_.equals("picasa")) { if (userid_ != null) svcMode_ = MODE_PICASA_WUSER; else svcMode_ = MODE_PICASA; } else if (service_.equals("flickr")) { if (userid_ != null) svcMode_ = MODE_FLICKR_WUSER; else svcMode_ = MODE_FLICKR; } else svcMode_ = MODE_PANORAMIO; requestUrl = createPhotoFeedUrl(); if (requestUrl == null) return null; // debug log"requestUrl raw=" + requestUrl); StringBuilder strbuilder = null; JSONArray compactArray = new JSONArray(); int index = 1; if (service_.equals("flickr")) { while (compactArray.length() < maximumFeedSize_) { strbuilder = openFeed(requestUrl + "&page=" + index); if (strbuilder == null) break; int curlen = compactArray.length(); createCompactJSONPhotoArray(strbuilder.toString(), compactArray);"index:" + index + ", arraysize=" + compactArray.length() + ",totalFeedSize_=" + totalFeedSize_ + ",maximumFeedSize_=" + maximumFeedSize_); if (curlen == compactArray.length()) break; if (totalFeedSize_ < maximumFeedSize_ || compactArray.length() > maximumFeedSize_ / 2) break; if (++index >= 3) break; } compactJson = formatJSONString(compactArray); } else if (service_.equals("picasa")) { while (compactArray.length() < maximumFeedSize_) { strbuilder = openFeed(requestUrl + "&start-index=" + index); if (strbuilder == null) break; int curlen = compactArray.length(); createCompactJSONPhotoArray(strbuilder.toString(), compactArray);"index:" + index + ", arraysize=" + compactArray.length() + ",totalFeedSize_=" + totalFeedSize_ + ",maximumFeedSize_=" + maximumFeedSize_); if (curlen == compactArray.length()) break; if (totalFeedSize_ < maximumFeedSize_ || compactArray.length() > maximumFeedSize_ / 2) break; index += PICASA_MAX_RESULTS; if (index > PICASA_MAX_RESULTS * 2) break; } compactJson = formatJSONString(compactArray); } else { strbuilder = openFeed(requestUrl); if (strbuilder != null) { createCompactJSONPhotoArray(strbuilder.toString(), compactArray); compactJson = formatJSONString(compactArray); } } return compactJson; } /** * Open specific url and set to StringBuilder * @param url * @return StringBuilder */ private StringBuilder openFeed(String requestUrl) { openfeedSuccess_ = false; HttpURLConnection connection; StringBuilder strbuilder = null; BufferedReader reader; URL url = null; try { url = new URL(requestUrl); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RETRY; i++) { try { connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setUseCaches(false); connection.setDoInput(true); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "text/plain"); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); if (connection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { InputStream is = connection.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"); reader = new BufferedReader(isr, IO_BUFFER_SIZE); strbuilder = new StringBuilder(); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { strbuilder.append(line + "\n"); } is.close(); } } catch (IOException e2) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e2.printStackTrace(); } if (strbuilder != null) { openfeedSuccess_ = true; break; } } return strbuilder; } /** * Create Photo Feed Url for various services * @return String for request */ private String createPhotoFeedUrl() { String url = ""; switch (svcMode_) { default: case MODE_PANORAMIO: { url = "" + nwlng_ + "&miny=" + selat_ + "&maxx=" + selng_ + "&maxy=" + nwlat_ + "&from=0&to=100"; break; } case MODE_PICASA: { url = "" + nwlng_ + "," + selat_ + "," + selng_ + "," + nwlat_ + "&max-results=" + PICASA_MAX_RESULTS; break; } case MODE_PICASA_WUSER: { url = "" + userid_ + "/?alt=jsonc&kind=photo&bbox=" + nwlng_ + "," + selat_ + "," + selng_ + "," + nwlat_ + "&max-results=" + PICASA_MAX_RESULTS; break; } case MODE_FLICKR: { url = "" + APIKeys.flickr_key + "&content_type=1&sort=date-taken-desc&extras=geo&min_taken_date=2005-1-1+00%3A00%3A00&bbox=" + nwlng_ + "," + selat_ + "," + selng_ + "," + nwlat_; break; } case MODE_FLICKR_WUSER: { url = "" + APIKeys.flickr_key + "&sort=date-taken-desc&extras=geo&user_id=" + userid_ + "&min_taken_date=1980-1-1+00%3A00%3A00&bbox=" + nwlng_ + "," + selat_ + "," + selng_ + "," + nwlat_; break; } } return url; } /** * create JSONArray for photo search * @param srcJson source json string from services * @param compactArray JSONArray object */ private void createCompactJSONPhotoArray(String srcJson, JSONArray compactArray) { JSONObject jsonobj = null; JSONArray srcArray = null; try { switch (svcMode_) { default: case MODE_PANORAMIO: { jsonobj = new JSONObject(srcJson); srcArray = jsonobj.getJSONArray("photos"); totalFeedSize_ += srcArray.length(); break; } case MODE_PICASA: case MODE_PICASA_WUSER: { jsonobj = new JSONObject(srcJson); totalFeedSize_ += jsonobj.getJSONObject("data").getInt("itemsPerPage"); srcArray = jsonobj.getJSONObject("data").getJSONArray("photos"); break; } case MODE_FLICKR: case MODE_FLICKR_WUSER: { srcJson = srcJson.substring(14, srcJson.length()); jsonobj = new JSONObject(srcJson); totalFeedSize_ += jsonobj.getJSONObject("photos").getInt("perpage"); srcArray = jsonobj.getJSONObject("photos").getJSONArray("photo"); break; } } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } // totalFeedSize_ += srcArray.length(); String author_p = ""; double lat_p = 0.0; double lng_p = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < srcArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = null; try { obj = srcArray.getJSONObject(i); } catch (JSONException e) { continue; } long id = 0; String title = null, fullThumbUrl = null, cmpThumbUrl = null, origUrl = null, author = null; double lat = 0.0, lng = 0.0; try { switch (svcMode_) { default: case MODE_PANORAMIO: { id = obj.getLong("photo_id"); title = obj.getString("photo_title"); fullThumbUrl = obj.getString("photo_file_url"); cmpThumbUrl = fullThumbUrl.replace("/small/", "/thumbnail/"); origUrl = obj.getString("photo_url"); lat = obj.getDouble("latitude"); lng = obj.getDouble("longitude"); author = obj.getString("owner_name"); break; } case MODE_PICASA: case MODE_PICASA_WUSER: { id = obj.getLong("id"); title = obj.getString("title"); JSONObject mediaobj = obj.getJSONObject("media"); JSONObject linkobj = obj.getJSONObject("links"); fullThumbUrl = mediaobj.getJSONArray("thumbnails").getString(2); cmpThumbUrl = mediaobj.getJSONArray("thumbnails").getString(1); origUrl = linkobj.getString("alternate"); String latlng = obj.getJSONObject("geo").getString("point"); String token[] = latlng.split(" "); lat = Double.valueOf(token[0]); lng = Double.valueOf(token[1]); if (svcMode_ == MODE_PICASA_WUSER) author = userid_; else author = obj.getString("author"); break; } case MODE_FLICKR: case MODE_FLICKR_WUSER: { String server = obj.getString("server"); String secret = obj.getString("secret"); id = obj.getLong("id"); title = obj.getString("title"); fullThumbUrl = "" + server + "/" + id + "_" + secret + "_m.jpg"; cmpThumbUrl = "" + server + "/" + id + "_" + secret + "_t.jpg"; origUrl = "" + obj.getString("owner") + "/" + id; lat = obj.getDouble("latitude"); lng = obj.getDouble("longitude"); author = obj.getString("owner"); // todo:get real user name.. break; } } } catch (JSONException e) { continue; } // eliminate same author with same location. // TODO: do more intelligent filtering. if (userid_ == null) { if (author.contentEquals(author_p)) { if ((lat > (lat_p - 0.01)) && (lat < (lat_p + 0.01)) || (lng > (lng_p - 0.01)) && (lng < (lng_p + 0.01))) { continue; } } } JSONObject comactObj = new JSONObject(); try { comactObj.put("id", id); comactObj.put("title", title); comactObj.put("author", author); if (appVerDbl_ >= 1.6) { comactObj.put("fullThumbUrl", fullThumbUrl); comactObj.put("cmpThumbUrl", cmpThumbUrl); comactObj.put("origUrl", origUrl); } else { comactObj.put("photoUrl", origUrl); comactObj.put("thumbUrl", fullThumbUrl); } comactObj.put("lat", lat); comactObj.put("lng", lng); compactArray.put(comactObj); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (compactArray.length() >= maximumFeedSize_) break; author_p = author; lat_p = lat; lng_p = lng; } } /** * Compact Local Search JSON Feed * @param fullJson * @return compact Json Feed String */ private String compactLocalSearchFeed(String fullJson) { JSONObject jsonobj = null; JSONArray compactArray = new JSONArray(); try { JSONArray array = null; jsonobj = new JSONObject(fullJson); array = jsonobj.getJSONObject("responseData").getJSONArray("results"); totalFeedSize_ = array.length(); for (int i = 0; i < totalFeedSize_; i++) { JSONObject obj = array.getJSONObject(i); String title = null; title = obj.getString("titleNoFormatting"); JSONObject comactObj = new JSONObject(); comactObj.put("title", title); compactArray.put(comactObj); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); compactFeedSize_ = 0; return "{\"count\":0}"; } return formatJSONString(compactArray); } /** * format JSONArray to JSON String * @param jsonArray * @return formatted JSON String */ private String formatJSONString(JSONArray jsonArray) { if (jsonArray == null) return null; if (jsonArray.length() == 0) return "{\"count\":0}"; String jsonString = null; try { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); compactFeedSize_ = jsonArray.length(); result.put("count", compactFeedSize_); if (svcMode_ == MODE_LOCALSEARCH) result.put("result", jsonArray); else result.put("photo", jsonArray); jsonString = result.toString(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); jsonString = "{\"count\":0}"; } return jsonString; } }