Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 "BG7" * * This file is part of BG7 * * BG7 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <> */ package com.era7.bioinfo.annotation; import com.era7.lib.bioinfo.bioinfoutil.Executable; import com.era7.lib.bioinfoxml.*; import com.era7.lib.era7xmlapi.model.XMLElement; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import org.jdom.Element; /** * * @author Pablo Pareja Tobes <> */ public class AutomaticQualityControl implements Executable { public static final int FACTOR = 100; public static final String FINISHED_JOB_STATUS = "FINISHED"; public static final String BLAST_URL = ""; public static final String CHECK_JOB_STATUS_URL = ""; public static final String JOB_RESULT_URL = ""; public void execute(ArrayList<String> array) { String[] args = new String[array.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { args[i] = array.get(i); } main(args); } public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length != 4) { System.out.println("This program expects four parameters: \n" + "1. Gene annotation XML filename \n" + "2. Reference protein set (.fasta)\n" + "3. Output TXT filename\n" + "4. Initial Blast XML results filename (the one used at the very beginning of the semiautomatic annotation process)\n"); } else { BufferedWriter outBuff = null; try { File inFile = new File(args[0]); File fastaFile = new File(args[1]); File outFile = new File(args[2]); File blastFile = new File(args[3]); //Primero cargo todos los datos del archivo xml del blast BufferedReader buffReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(blastFile)); StringBuilder stBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String line = null; while ((line = buffReader.readLine()) != null) { stBuilder.append(line); } buffReader.close(); System.out.println("Creating blastoutput..."); BlastOutput blastOutput = new BlastOutput(stBuilder.toString()); System.out.println("BlastOutput created! :)"); stBuilder.delete(0, stBuilder.length()); HashMap<String, String> blastProteinsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); ArrayList<Iteration> iterations = blastOutput.getBlastOutputIterations(); for (Iteration iteration : iterations) { blastProteinsMap.put(iteration.getQueryDef().split("\\|")[1].trim(), iteration.toString()); } //freeing some memory blastOutput = null; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Initializing writer for output file outBuff = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile)); //reading gene annotation xml file..... buffReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inFile)); stBuilder = new StringBuilder(); line = null; while ((line = buffReader.readLine()) != null) { stBuilder.append(line); } buffReader.close(); XMLElement genesXML = new XMLElement(stBuilder.toString()); //freeing some memory I don't need anymore stBuilder.delete(0, stBuilder.length()); //reading file with the reference proteins set ArrayList<String> proteinsReferenceSet = new ArrayList<String>(); buffReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fastaFile)); while ((line = buffReader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.charAt(0) == '>') { proteinsReferenceSet.add(line.split("\\|")[1]); } } buffReader.close(); Element pGenes = genesXML.asJDomElement().getChild(PredictedGenes.TAG_NAME); List<Element> contigs = pGenes.getChildren(ContigXML.TAG_NAME); System.out.println("There are " + contigs.size() + " contigs to be checked... "); outBuff.write("There are " + contigs.size() + " contigs to be checked... \n"); outBuff.write("Proteins reference set: \n"); for (String st : proteinsReferenceSet) { outBuff.write(st + ","); } outBuff.write("\n"); for (Element elem : contigs) { ContigXML contig = new ContigXML(elem); //escribo el id del contig en el que estoy outBuff.write("Checking contig: " + contig.getId() + "\n"); outBuff.flush(); List<XMLElement> geneList = contig.getChildrenWith(PredictedGene.TAG_NAME); System.out.println("geneList.size() = " + geneList.size()); int numeroDeGenesParaAnalizar = geneList.size() / FACTOR; if (numeroDeGenesParaAnalizar == 0) { numeroDeGenesParaAnalizar++; } ArrayList<Integer> indicesUtilizados = new ArrayList<Integer>(); outBuff.write("\nThe contig has " + geneList.size() + " predicted genes, let's analyze: " + numeroDeGenesParaAnalizar + "\n"); for (int j = 0; j < numeroDeGenesParaAnalizar; j++) { int geneIndex; boolean geneIsDismissed = false; do { geneIsDismissed = false; geneIndex = (int) Math.round(Math.floor(Math.random() * geneList.size())); PredictedGene tempGene = new PredictedGene(geneList.get(geneIndex).asJDomElement()); if (tempGene.getStatus().equals(PredictedGene.STATUS_DISMISSED)) { geneIsDismissed = true; } } while (indicesUtilizados.contains(new Integer(geneIndex)) && geneIsDismissed); indicesUtilizados.add(geneIndex); System.out.println("geneIndex = " + geneIndex); //Ahora hay que sacar el gen correspondiente al indice y hacer el control de calidad PredictedGene gene = new PredictedGene(geneList.get(geneIndex).asJDomElement()); outBuff.write("\nAnalyzing gene with id: " + gene.getId() + " , annotation uniprot id: " + gene.getAnnotationUniprotId() + "\n"); outBuff.write("eValue: " + gene.getEvalue() + "\n"); //--------------PETICION POST HTTP BLAST---------------------- PostMethod post = new PostMethod(BLAST_URL); post.addParameter("program", "blastx"); post.addParameter("sequence", gene.getSequence()); post.addParameter("database", "uniprotkb"); post.addParameter("email", ""); post.addParameter("exp", "1e-10"); post.addParameter("stype", "dna"); // execute the POST HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); int status = client.executeMethod(post); System.out.println("status post = " + status); InputStream inStream = post.getResponseBodyAsStream(); String fileName = "jobid.txt"; FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(fileName)); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = != -1) { outStream.write(buffer, 0, len); } outStream.close(); //Once the file is created I just have to read one line in order to extract the job id buffReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(fileName))); String jobId = buffReader.readLine(); buffReader.close(); System.out.println("jobId = " + jobId); //--------------HTTP CHECK JOB STATUS REQUEST---------------------- GetMethod get = new GetMethod(CHECK_JOB_STATUS_URL + jobId); String jobStatus = ""; do { try { Thread.sleep(1000);//sleep for 1000 ms } catch (InterruptedException ie) { //If this thread was intrrupted by nother thread } status = client.executeMethod(get); //System.out.println("status get = " + status); inStream = get.getResponseBodyAsStream(); fileName = "jobStatus.txt"; outStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(fileName)); while ((len = != -1) { outStream.write(buffer, 0, len); } outStream.close(); //Once the file is created I just have to read one line in order to extract the job id buffReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(fileName))); jobStatus = buffReader.readLine(); //System.out.println("jobStatus = " + jobStatus); buffReader.close(); } while (!jobStatus.equals(FINISHED_JOB_STATUS)); //Once I'm here the blast should've already finished //--------------JOB RESULTS HTTP REQUEST---------------------- get = new GetMethod(JOB_RESULT_URL + jobId + "/out"); status = client.executeMethod(get); System.out.println("status get = " + status); inStream = get.getResponseBodyAsStream(); fileName = "jobResults.txt"; outStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(fileName)); while ((len = != -1) { outStream.write(buffer, 0, len); } outStream.close(); //--------parsing the blast results file----- TreeSet<GeneEValuePair> featuresBlast = new TreeSet<GeneEValuePair>(); buffReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(fileName))); while ((line = buffReader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.length() > 3) { String prefix = line.substring(0, 3); if (prefix.equals("TR:") || prefix.equals("SP:")) { String[] columns = line.split(" "); String id = columns[1]; //System.out.println("id = " + id); String e = ""; String[] arraySt = line.split("\\.\\.\\."); if (arraySt.length > 1) { arraySt = arraySt[1].trim().split(" "); int contador = 0; for (int k = 0; k < arraySt.length && contador <= 2; k++) { String string = arraySt[k]; if (!string.equals("")) { contador++; if (contador == 2) { e = string; } } } } else { //Number before e- String[] arr = arraySt[0].split("e-")[0].split(" "); String numeroAntesE = arr[arr.length - 1]; String numeroDespuesE = arraySt[0].split("e-")[1].split(" ")[0]; e = numeroAntesE + "e-" + numeroDespuesE; } double eValue = Double.parseDouble(e); //System.out.println("eValue = " + eValue); GeneEValuePair g = new GeneEValuePair(id, eValue); featuresBlast.add(g); } } } GeneEValuePair currentGeneEValuePair = new GeneEValuePair(gene.getAnnotationUniprotId(), gene.getEvalue()); System.out.println(" = " +; System.out.println("currentGeneEValuePair.eValue = " + currentGeneEValuePair.eValue); boolean blastContainsGene = false; for (GeneEValuePair geneEValuePair : featuresBlast) { if ( { blastContainsGene = true; //le pongo la e que tiene en el wu-blast para poder comparar currentGeneEValuePair.eValue = geneEValuePair.eValue; break; } } if (blastContainsGene) { outBuff.write("The protein was found in the WU-BLAST result.. \n"); //Una vez que se que esta en el blast tengo que ver que sea la mejor GeneEValuePair first = featuresBlast.first(); outBuff.write("Protein with best eValue according to the WU-BLAST result: " + + " , " + first.eValue + "\n"); if ( { outBuff.write("Proteins with best eValue match up \n"); } else { if (first.eValue == currentGeneEValuePair.eValue) { outBuff.write( "The one with best eValue is not the same protein but has the same eValue \n"); } else if (first.eValue > currentGeneEValuePair.eValue) { outBuff.write( "The one with best eValue is not the same protein but has a worse eValue :) \n"); } else { outBuff.write( "The best protein from BLAST has an eValue smaller than ours, checking if it's part of the reference set...\n"); //System.exit(-1); if (proteinsReferenceSet.contains( { //The protein is in the reference set and that shouldn't happen outBuff.write( "The protein was found on the reference set, checking if it belongs to the same contig...\n"); String iterationSt = blastProteinsMap.get(gene.getAnnotationUniprotId()); if (iterationSt != null) { outBuff.write( "The protein was found in the BLAST used at the beginning of the annotation process.\n"); Iteration iteration = new Iteration(iterationSt); ArrayList<Hit> hits = iteration.getIterationHits(); boolean contigFound = false; Hit errorHit = null; for (Hit hit : hits) { if (hit.getHitDef().indexOf(contig.getId()) >= 0) { contigFound = true; errorHit = hit; break; } } if (contigFound) { outBuff.write( "ERROR: A hit from the same contig was find in the Blast file: \n" + errorHit.toString() + "\n"); } else { outBuff.write("There is no hit with the same contig! :)\n"); } } else { outBuff.write( "The protein is NOT in the BLAST used at the beginning of the annotation process.\n"); } } else { //The protein was not found on the reference set so everything's ok outBuff.write( "The protein was not found on the reference, everything's ok :)\n"); } } } } else { outBuff.write("The protein was NOT found on the WU-BLAST !! :( \n"); //System.exit(-1); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { //closing outputfile outBuff.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(AutomaticQualityControl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } }