Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * File:
 * Created by:  Dave Reynolds
 * Created on:  27 Jan 2013
 * (c) Copyright 2013, Epimorphics Limited
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.


import static com.epimorphics.rdfutil.QueryUtil.createBindings;
import static com.epimorphics.rdfutil.QueryUtil.selectAll;
import static com.epimorphics.rdfutil.QueryUtil.selectFirstVar;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple;
import org.apache.jena.query.QueryExecution;
import org.apache.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory;
import org.apache.jena.query.QuerySolution;
import org.apache.jena.query.ResultSet;
import org.apache.jena.query.ResultSetFactory;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Literal;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.NodeIterator;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Property;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ResIterator;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator;
import org.apache.jena.riot.system.StreamRDF;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraph;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Quad;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.Closure;
import org.apache.jena.util.FileManager;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.DCTerms;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.OWL;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.epimorphics.appbase.core.ComponentBase;
import com.epimorphics.rdfutil.QueryUtil;
import com.epimorphics.rdfutil.RDFUtil;
import com.epimorphics.registry.core.DelegationRecord;
import com.epimorphics.registry.core.Description;
import com.epimorphics.registry.core.ForwardingRecord;
import com.epimorphics.registry.core.ForwardingRecord.Type;
import com.epimorphics.registry.core.Register;
import com.epimorphics.registry.core.RegisterItem;
import com.epimorphics.registry.core.Status;
import com.epimorphics.registry.util.Prefixes;
import com.epimorphics.registry.util.VersionUtil;
import com.epimorphics.registry.vocab.RegistryVocab;
import com.epimorphics.registry.vocab.Version;
import com.epimorphics.util.EpiException;
import com.epimorphics.util.NameUtils;
import com.epimorphics.vocabs.Time;

 * Implementation of the store API which uses a local triple store for persistence and
 * indexes all registered items as they are registered. In this version all
 * current data is held in the default graph and named graphs are used for each
 * version of each defined entity.
 * <p>
 * This implementation uses use the ServiceConfig machinery to specify the store
 * to be used ("store" parameter) and the (optional) indexer ("indexer"
 * parameter). The configured store should <strong>not</strong> use
 * union-default.
 * </p>
 * @author <a href="">Dave Reynolds</a>

// TODO Replace by SPARQL-based version with underlying SPARQLSource

public class StoreBaseImpl extends ComponentBase implements StoreAPI {
    static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StoreBaseImpl.class);

    public static final String STORE_PARAMETER = "store";
    public static final String INDEXER_PARAMETER = "indexer";

    protected Store store;
    protected boolean inTransaction = false;
    protected int safeBlockCount = 0;

    public synchronized void beginRead() {
        inTransaction = true;

    public synchronized void beginWrite() {
        inTransaction = true;

    public void commit() {

    public void abort() {

    public synchronized void end() {
        inTransaction = false;

    public synchronized void beginSafeRead() {
        if (!inTransaction) {
        } else if (safeBlockCount > 0) {

    public synchronized void endSafeRead() {
        if (safeBlockCount > 0) {
            if (safeBlockCount == 0) {

    public Store getStore() {
        return store;

    // Support for testing
    public void setStore(Store store) { = store;

    public void storeGraph(String graphURI, Model entityModel) {
        // Avoids Store.updateGraph because we are already in a transaction
        Model graphModel = store.asDataset().getNamedModel(graphURI);
        if (graphModel == null) {
            // Probably an in-memory test store
            graphModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
            store.asDataset().addNamedModel(graphURI, graphModel);
        } else {

    public Model getGraph(String graphURI) {
        Model result = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
        return result;

    public Description getDescription(String uri) {
        Description d = asDescription(describe(uri, null));
        return d;

    // Assumes store is locked
    private Resource describe(String uri, Model dest) {
        Resource r = getDefaultModel().createResource(uri);
        if (dest == null) {
            dest = Closure.closure(r, false);
        } else {
            Closure.closure(r, false, dest);
        return r.inModel(dest);

    protected Model getDefaultModel() {
        return store.asDataset().getDefaultModel();

    protected Description asDescription(Resource root) {
        return Description.descriptionFrom(root, this);

    public Description getCurrentVersion(String uri) {
        Description d = asDescription(doGetCurrentVersion(uri, null));
        return d;

    protected Resource doGetCurrentVersion(String uri, Model dest) {
        Resource root = describe(uri, dest);
        Resource version = root.getPropertyResourceValue(Version.currentVersion);
        if (version != null) {
            Closure.closure(mod(version), false, root.getModel());
            VersionUtil.flatten(root, version);
        return root;

    public Description getVersion(String uri, boolean withEntity) {
        Description d = doGetVersion(uri, true);
        if (d instanceof RegisterItem && withEntity) {
            doGetEntity((RegisterItem) d, null, false);
        return d;

    protected Description doGetVersion(String uri, boolean flatten) {
        Resource version = describe(uri, null);
        Resource root = version.getPropertyResourceValue(DCTerms.isVersionOf);
        if (root != null) {
            Closure.closure(mod(root), false, version.getModel());
            if (flatten)
                VersionUtil.flatten(root, version);
        } else {
            throw new EpiException("Version requested on resource with no isVersionOf root");
        return asDescription(root);

    public Description getVersionAt(String uri, long time) {
        RDFNode version = selectFirstVar("version", getDefaultModel(), VERSION_AT_QUERY, Prefixes.getDefault(),
                "root", ResourceFactory.createResource(uri), "time", RDFUtil.fromDateTime(time));
        if (version != null && version.isURIResource()) {
            return doGetVersion(version.asResource().getURI(), true);
        } else {
            return null;

    static String VERSION_AT_QUERY = "SELECT ?version WHERE \n" + "{  \n" + "    ?version dct:isVersionOf ?root; \n"
            + "             version:interval [ time:hasBeginning [time:inXSDDateTime ?start] ]. \n"
            + "    FILTER (?start <= ?time) \n" + "    FILTER NOT EXISTS { \n"
            + "        ?version version:interval [ time:hasEnd [time:inXSDDateTime ?end] ]. \n"
            + "        FILTER (?end <= ?time) \n" + "    } \n" + "} \n";

    public List<VersionInfo> listVersions(String uri) {
        ResultSet rs = selectAll(getDefaultModel(), VERSION_LIST_QUERY, Prefixes.getDefault(),
                createBindings("root", ResourceFactory.createResource(uri)));
        List<VersionInfo> results = new ArrayList<VersionInfo>();
        while (rs.hasNext()) {
            QuerySolution soln =;
            VersionInfo vi = new VersionInfo(soln.getResource("version"), soln.getLiteral("info"),
                    soln.getLiteral("from"), soln.getLiteral("to"));
            Resource replaces = soln.getResource("replaces");
            if (replaces != null) {
        return results;

    static String VERSION_LIST_QUERY = "SELECT ?version ?info ?from ?to ?replaces WHERE \n" + "{  \n"
            + "    ?version dct:isVersionOf ?root; \n" + "             owl:versionInfo ?info . \n"
            + "   OPTIONAL {?version version:interval [time:hasBeginning [time:inXSDDateTime ?from]].} \n"
            + "   OPTIONAL {?version version:interval [time:hasEnd [time:inXSDDateTime ?to]].} \n"
            + "   OPTIONAL {?version dct:replaces ?replaces.} \n" + "} ORDER BY ?info \n";

    public long versionStartedAt(String uri) {
        Resource root = getDefaultModel().getResource(uri);
        Resource interval = root.getPropertyResourceValue(Version.interval);
        if (interval == null)
            return -1;
        return RDFUtil.asTimestamp(

    public List<EntityInfo> listEntityOccurences(String uri) {
        Resource entity = ResourceFactory.createResource(uri);
        ResultSet matches = QueryUtil.selectAll(getDefaultModel(), ENTITY_FIND_QUERY, Prefixes.getDefault(),
                "entity", entity);
        List<EntityInfo> results = new ArrayList<EntityInfo>();
        while (matches.hasNext()) {
            QuerySolution soln =;
            results.add(new EntityInfo(entity, soln.getResource("item"), soln.getResource("register"),
        return results;

    static String ENTITY_FIND_QUERY = "SELECT * WHERE { " + "?entity ^reg:entity/^reg:definition ?itemVer . "
            + "?itemVer reg:status ?status . " + "?itemVer ^version:currentVersion ?item ."
            + "?item reg:register ?register . " + "}";

    public RegisterItem getItem(String uri, boolean withEntity) {
        Resource root = doGetCurrentVersion(uri, null);
        if (!root.hasProperty(RDF.type, RegistryVocab.RegisterItem)) {
            return null;
        RegisterItem item = new RegisterItem(root);
        if (withEntity) {
            doGetEntity(item, null, true);
        return item;

    protected Resource doGetEntity(RegisterItem item, Model dest, boolean getCurrent) {
        Resource root = item.getRoot();
        if (dest == null) {
            dest = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
        Resource entityRef = root.getPropertyResourceValue(RegistryVocab.definition);
        if (entityRef != null) {
            Resource entity = entityRef.getPropertyResourceValue(RegistryVocab.entity);
            Resource srcGraph = entityRef.getPropertyResourceValue(RegistryVocab.sourceGraph);
            if (srcGraph != null) {
                entity = entity.inModel(dest);
            } else {
                // Occurs for versioned things i.e. Registers
                if (getCurrent) {
                    entity = doGetCurrentVersion(entity.getURI(), dest);
                } else {
                    Resource regversion = entityRef.getPropertyResourceValue(RegistryVocab.entityVersion);
                    if (regversion != null) {
                        entity = doGetVersion(regversion.getURI(), true).getRoot();
                    } else {
                        throw new EpiException(
                                "Illegal state of item for a Resgister, could not find entityVersion: " + root);
            return entity;
        } else {
            log.warn("Item requested had no entity reference: " + root);
            return null;

    public Resource getEntity(RegisterItem item) {
        return doGetEntity(item, null, true);

    public List<RegisterItem> fetchAll(List<String> itemURIs, boolean withEntity) {
        Model shared = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
        List<RegisterItem> results = new ArrayList<RegisterItem>(itemURIs.size());
        for (String uri : itemURIs) {
            Resource itemRoot = doGetCurrentVersion(uri, shared);
            RegisterItem item = new RegisterItem(itemRoot);
            if (withEntity) {
                doGetEntity(item, shared, true);
        return results;

    // public List<RegisterItem> doFetchMembers(Register register, boolean
    // withEntity) {
    // lockStore();
    // try {
    // // A shared model would save having 2N models around but makes filtering
    // painful
    // // Model shared = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
    // List<RDFNode> items = selectAllVar("ri", getDefaultModel(),
    // REGISTER_ENUM_QUERY, Prefixes.getDefault(),
    // "register", register.getRoot() );
    // List<RegisterItem> results = new ArrayList<RegisterItem>(items.size());
    // for ( RDFNode itemR : items) {
    // if (itemR.isURIResource()) {
    // Resource itemRoot = doGetCurrentVersion(itemR.asResource().getURI(),
    // null);
    // RegisterItem item = new RegisterItem(itemRoot);
    // doGetEntity(item, null);
    // results.add(item);
    // } else {
    // throw new EpiException("Found item which isn't a resource");
    // }
    // }
    // return results;
    // } finally {
    // unlockStore();
    // }
    // }
    // static String REGISTER_ENUM_QUERY =
    // "SELECT ?ri WHERE { ?ri reg:register ?register. }";

    public List<RegisterEntryInfo> listMembers(Register register) {
        return listMembers(register, null);

    public List<RegisterEntryInfo> listMembers(Register register, List<FilterSpec> filters) {
        String query = REGISTER_LIST_QUERY;
        if (filters != null) {
            query = query.replace("#filtertag", FilterSpec.asQuery(filters, "entity"));
        ResultSet rs = selectAll(getDefaultModel(), query, Prefixes.getDefault(),
                createBindings("register", register.getRoot()));
        List<RegisterEntryInfo> results = new ArrayList<RegisterEntryInfo>();
        Resource priorItem = null;
        RegisterEntryInfo prior = null;
        while (rs.hasNext()) {
            QuerySolution soln =;
            try {
                Resource item = soln.getResource("item");
                if (item.equals(priorItem)) {
                } else {
                    prior = new RegisterEntryInfo(soln.getResource("status"), item, soln.getResource("entity"),
                            soln.getLiteral("label"), soln.getResource("type"), soln.getLiteral("notation"));
                    priorItem = item;
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                log.warn("Skipping ill-formed resource: " + soln.get("item"));
                // Skip ill-formed resources
                // Though these should be blocked on registration
        return results;

    static String REGISTER_LIST_QUERY = "SELECT * WHERE { " + "?item reg:register ?register; "
            + "      version:currentVersion ?itemVer; " + "      reg:notation ?notation; reg:itemClass ?type ."
            + "?itemVer reg:status ?status; " + "         reg:definition [reg:entity ?entity]; "
            + "         rdfs:label ?label . \n" + " #filtertag\n" + "} ORDER BY ?notation";

    public boolean contains(Register register, String notation) {
        String base = RDFUtil.getNamespace(register.getRoot());
        Resource ri = ResourceFactory.createResource(base + "_" + notation);
        return getDefaultModel().contains(ri, RDF.type, RegistryVocab.RegisterItem);

    public void loadBootstrap(String filename) {
        Model bootmodel = FileManager.get().loadModel(filename); // Load first
                                                                 // in case of
                                                                 // errors
        try {
        } finally {

    public void addToRegister(Register register, RegisterItem item) {
        addToRegister(register, item, Calendar.getInstance());

    public void addToRegister(Register register, RegisterItem item, Calendar now) {
        doUpdateItem(item, true, now);
        // Don't automatically update register, we want the option to do batch
        // updates
        // doUpdate(register.getRoot(), now);
        mod(item).addProperty(RegistryVocab.register, register.getRoot());
        Resource entity = item.getEntity();
        if (entity.hasProperty(RDF.type, RegistryVocab.Register)) {
            modCurrent(register).addProperty(RegistryVocab.subregister, entity);
        // Don't automatically update register, we want the option to do batch
        // updates
        // modCurrent(register).removeAll(DCTerms.modified).addProperty(DCTerms.modified,
        // getDefaultModel().createTypedLiteral(now));

    private Resource modCurrent(Description d) {
        Resource r = d.getRoot().inModel(getDefaultModel());
        Resource current = r.getPropertyResourceValue(Version.currentVersion);
        return current == null ? r : current;

    private Resource mod(Description d) {
        return mod(d.getRoot());

    private Resource mod(Resource r) {
        return r.inModel(getDefaultModel());

    public String update(Register register, Calendar timestamp) {
        return doUpdateRegister(register.getRoot(), timestamp).getURI();

    public String update(Register register) {
        return update(register, Calendar.getInstance());

    protected Resource doUpdateRegister(Resource root, Calendar cal, Property... rigids) {
        Resource current = getDefaultModel().getResource(root.getURI());
        Resource temp = current.getPropertyResourceValue(Version.currentVersion);
        if (temp != null) {
            current = temp;
        // doUpdate call will need current versionInfo to be able to allocate
        // next version correctly
        RDFUtil.copyProperty(current, root, OWL.versionInfo);
        // Preserve subregister - could this just be added to rigids
        RDFUtil.copyProperty(current, root, RegistryVocab.subregister);
        root.removeAll(DCTerms.modified).addProperty(DCTerms.modified, getDefaultModel().createTypedLiteral(cal));
        return doUpdate(root, cal, rigids);

    protected Resource doUpdate(Resource root, Calendar cal, Property... rigids) {
        Resource newVersion = VersionUtil.nextVersion(root, cal, rigids);
        Model st = getDefaultModel();
        return newVersion.inModel(st);

    // protected void doIndex(Resource root, String graph) {
    // if (indexer != null) {
    // // If use updateGraph then get one entry per entity, which is much more
    // efficient
    // // However, then can't search on older names for entities which have been
    // updated
    // if (Registry.TEXT_INDEX_INCLUDES_HISTORY) {
    // indexer.addGraph(graph, root.getModel());
    // } else {
    // indexer.updateGraph(graph, root.getModel());
    // }
    // }
    // }

    public String update(RegisterItem item, boolean withEntity, Calendar timestamp) {
        return doUpdateItem(item, withEntity, timestamp);

    public String update(RegisterItem item, boolean withEntity) {
        return update(item, withEntity, Calendar.getInstance());

    private String doUpdateItem(RegisterItem item, boolean withEntity, Calendar now) {
        Model storeModel = getDefaultModel();
        Resource oldVersion = mod(item).getPropertyResourceValue(Version.currentVersion);

        Resource newVersion = doUpdate(item.getRoot(), now, RegisterItem.RIGID_PROPS);

        if (withEntity) {
            Resource entity = item.getEntity();
            Resource entityRef = newVersion.getPropertyResourceValue(RegistryVocab.definition);
            if (entityRef == null) {
                entityRef = storeModel.createResource();
                entityRef.addProperty(RegistryVocab.entity, entity);
                newVersion.addProperty(RegistryVocab.definition, entityRef);
            } else {
                Resource oldEntity = entityRef.getPropertyResourceValue(RegistryVocab.entity);
                if (!entity.equals(oldEntity)) {
                    // Legality checks must be performed by API not by the store
                    // layer
                    entityRef.addProperty(RegistryVocab.entity, entity);
            if (entity.hasProperty(RDF.type, RegistryVocab.Register)) {
                doUpdateRegister(entity, now);
                Resource currentRegVersion = entity.inModel(storeModel)
                if (currentRegVersion != null) {
                    entityRef.addProperty(RegistryVocab.entityVersion, currentRegVersion);
                } else {
                    log.warn("Possible internal inconsistency. No version information available for register: "
                            + entity);
            } else {
                if (oldVersion != null) {
                    if (!removeGraphFor(oldVersion)) {
                        log.error("Could not find graph for old version of an updated entity");
                String graphURI = newVersion.getURI() + "#graph";
                Model entityModel = null;
                if (entity.getModel().contains(null, RDF.type, RegistryVocab.RegisterItem)) {
                    // register item mixed in with entity graph, separate out
                    // for storage
                    log.debug("Mixed entity and item");
                    entityModel = Closure.closure(entity, false);
                } else {
                    entityModel = entity.getModel();
                storeGraph(graphURI, entityModel);

                if (!item.isGraph()) {
                Resource graph = ResourceFactory.createResource(graphURI);
                entityRef.addProperty(RegistryVocab.sourceGraph, graph);
        return newVersion.getURI();

    private boolean removeGraphFor(Resource oldVersion) {
        Model st = getDefaultModel();
        Resource definition = mod(oldVersion).getPropertyResourceValue(RegistryVocab.definition);
        if (definition != null) {
            Resource graph = definition.getPropertyResourceValue(RegistryVocab.sourceGraph);
            if (graph != null) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public List<String> search(SearchRequest request) {
        try {
            // SelectBuilder doesn't support property paths so use brute force
            // string bashing
            String query = request.isSearchVersions() ? QUERY_VERSION_TEMPLATE : QUERY_TEMPLATE;
            query = query.replace("?text", safeLiteral(request.getQuery()));
            String filterStr = "";

            if (request.getStatus() != null) {
                String statusRef = "reg:status" + StringUtils.capitalize(request.getStatus());
                filterStr = String.format("   ?item version:currentVersion/reg:status %s.\n", statusRef);

            filterStr += FilterSpec.asQuery(request.getFilters(), "entity");
            query = query.replace("#$FILTER$", filterStr);

            if (request.getLimit() != null) {
                query += "LIMIT " + request.getLimit() + " ";

            if (request.getOffset() != null) {
                query += "OFFSET " + request.getOffset();

            log.debug("Search query = " + query.toString());

            QueryExecution exec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, store.asDataset());
            try {
                ResultSet results = exec.execSelect();
                List<String> matches = new ArrayList<String>();
                while (results.hasNext()) {
                    QuerySolution row =;
                return matches;
            } finally {

        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Search query failed, misconfigured store?", e);
            return Collections.emptyList();

    private static final String QUERY_TEMPLATE = "PREFIX text:    <>\n"
            + "PREFIX reg:     <>\n"
            + "PREFIX version: <>\n"
            + "PREFIX dct:     <>\n"
            + "PREFIX rdfs:    <>\n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE {\n"
            + "    {\n" + "        ?entity text:query '?text' .\n"
            + "        ?item version:currentVersion/reg:definition/reg:entity ?entity.\n" + "    } UNION {\n"
            + "        ?entity text:query '?text' .\n"
            + "        ?item version:currentVersion/reg:definition/reg:entity/version:currentVersion ?entity.\n"
            + "    }\n" + "    #$FILTER$\n" + "}";

    private static final String QUERY_VERSION_TEMPLATE = "PREFIX text:    <>\n"
            + "PREFIX reg:     <>\n"
            + "PREFIX version: <>\n"
            + "PREFIX dct:     <>\n"
            + "PREFIX rdfs:    <>\n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE {\n"
            + "    ?entity text:query '?text' .\n" + "    ?item ^dct:versionOf/reg:definition/reg:entity ?entity.\n"
            + "    #$FILTER$\n" + "}";

    private String safeLiteral(String value) {
        return value.replace("'", "\\'");

    private String safeURI(String value) {
        return value.replace("<", "&lt;");

    // Debug support only
    public void dump() {
        try {
            getDefaultModel().write(System.out, "Turtle");
        } finally {

    public List<ForwardingRecord> listDelegations() {
        List<ForwardingRecord> results = new ArrayList<>();
        Model m = getDefaultModel();
        ResultSet rs = QueryUtil.selectAll(m, DELEGATION_LIST_QUERY, Prefixes.getDefault());
        while (rs.hasNext()) {
            QuerySolution soln = rs.nextSolution();
            try {
                Status status = Status.forResource(soln.getResource("status"));
                if (status.isAccepted()) {
                    Resource record = soln.getResource("record").inModel(m);
                    ForwardingRecord.Type type = Type.FORWARD;
                    if (record.hasProperty(RDF.type, RegistryVocab.FederatedRegister)) {
                        type = Type.FEDERATE;
                    } else if (record.hasProperty(RDF.type, RegistryVocab.DelegatedRegister)) {
                        type = Type.DELEGATE;
                    String target = soln.getResource("target").getURI();
                    ForwardingRecord fr = null;
                    if (type == Type.DELEGATE) {
                        DelegationRecord dr = new DelegationRecord(record.getURI(), target, type);
                        Resource s = soln.getResource("subject");
                        if (s != null)
                        Resource p = soln.getResource("predicate");
                        if (p != null)
                        RDFNode on = soln.get("object");
                        Resource o = null;
                        if (on.isResource()) {
                            o = on.asResource();
                        } else if (on.isLiteral()) {
                            String olit = on.asLiteral().getLexicalForm();
                            if (NameUtils.isURI(olit)) {
                                o = ResourceFactory.createResource(olit);
                        if (o != null)
                        fr = dr;
                    } else {
                        fr = new ForwardingRecord(record.getURI(), target, type);
                        Literal code = soln.getLiteral("code");
                        if (code != null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Bad delegation record for " + soln.get("record"), e);
        return results;

    static String DELEGATION_LIST_QUERY = "SELECT * WHERE {" + "   { " + // DelegatedRegister case, registers are managed, hence additional
                                                                         // versioning
            "      ?record a reg:DelegatedRegister ; version:currentVersion ?ver ."
            + "      ?ver reg:delegationTarget ?target. "
            + "      ?item reg:status ?status; reg:definition [reg:entity ?record] . "
            + "      [] version:currentVersion ?item. " + "      OPTIONAL {?ver reg:forwardingCode ?code. } "
            + "      OPTIONAL {?ver reg:enumerationSubject ?subject. } "
            + "      OPTIONAL {?ver reg:enumerationPredicate ?predicate. } "
            + "      OPTIONAL {?ver reg:enumerationObject ?object. } " + "   } UNION {" + // Typical entity case
            "      ?record a reg:Delegated ; reg:delegationTarget ?target. "
            + "      ?item reg:status ?status; reg:definition [reg:entity ?record] . "
            + "      [] version:currentVersion ?item. " + "      OPTIONAL {?record reg:forwardingCode ?code. } "
            + "      OPTIONAL {?record reg:enumerationSubject ?subject. } "
            + "      OPTIONAL {?record reg:enumerationPredicate ?predicate. } "
            + "      OPTIONAL {?record reg:enumerationObject ?object. } " + "   } " + "}";

    public ResultSet query(String query) {
        log.debug("Query: " + query);
        QueryExecution exec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, store.asDataset());
        try {
            return ResultSetFactory.copyResults(exec.execSelect());
        } finally {

    public void delete(String uri) {

    private RegisterItem asItem(String uri) {
        String id = NameUtils.splitAfterLast(uri, "/");
        if (!id.startsWith("_")) {
            // Ensure we start with an item URI
            uri = NameUtils.splitBeforeLast(uri, "/") + "/_" + id;
        Description d = getCurrentVersion(uri);
        if (d != null) {
            return d.asRegisterItem();
        } else {
            return null;

    protected void delete(RegisterItem item) {
        if (item.isRegister()) {
            Register register = item.getAsRegister(this);
            for (RegisterEntryInfo ei : listMembers(register)) {

        Model toDelete = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
        Set<Resource> entities = new HashSet<>();
        Collection<Resource> graphs = scanAllVersions(item.getRoot(), toModel(toDelete), entities);
        for (Resource graph : graphs) {

        // Now need to reference count the entities
        toDelete = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
        graphs = new HashSet<>();
        for (Iterator<Resource> ri = entities.iterator(); ri.hasNext();) {
            Resource entity =;
            ResIterator check = getDefaultModel().listSubjectsWithProperty(RegistryVocab.entity, entity);
            if (!check.hasNext()) {
                // No references so delete
                graphs.addAll(scanAllVersions(entity, toModel(toDelete), null));
            } else {
        for (Resource graph : graphs) {

    private StreamRDF toModel(final Model model) {
        return new StreamRDF() {
            public void triple(Triple triple) {

            public void start() {

            public void quad(Quad quad) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public void prefix(String prefix, String iri) {
                model.setNsPrefix(prefix, iri);

            public void finish() {

            public void base(String base) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * Scan the tree streaming all the triples in the default graph to the given stream
     * and return a collection of the associated named graphs (entity definitions and annotations)
     * If the entities argument is null then all entities are included in the scan, otherwise only the 
     * reference to the entity is included and the entity is returned in the entities collection for
     * a post-scan cleanup. This is needed to allow for multiple references to entities.
    private Collection<Resource> scanAllVersions(Resource root, StreamRDF stream, Collection<Resource> entities) {
        return scanAllVersions(root, stream, new HashSet<Resource>(), entities);

    private Collection<Resource> scanAllVersions(Resource root, StreamRDF stream, Collection<Resource> sofar,
            Collection<Resource> entities) {
        addRefClosure(stream, root);
        for (Resource version : getDefaultModel().listSubjectsWithProperty(DCTerms.isVersionOf, root).toList()) {
            addRefClosure(stream, version);
            addRefClosure(stream, getResourceValue(version, Version.interval));
            Resource definition = getResourceValue(version, RegistryVocab.definition);
            if (definition != null) {
                Resource graph = getResourceValue(definition, RegistryVocab.sourceGraph);
                if (graph != null) {
                Resource entity = getResourceValue(definition, RegistryVocab.entity);
                if (entity != null) {
                    if (entities == null) {
                        scanAllVersions(entity, stream, sofar, entities);
                    } else {
                        // Defer deleting entities because we have to reference count them
                                new Triple(definition.asNode(), RegistryVocab.entity.asNode(), entity.asNode()));
            Resource graph = getResourceValue(version, RegistryVocab.annotation);
            if (graph != null) {
        return sofar;

    private void addRefClosure(StreamRDF accumulator, Resource root) {
        if (root == null)
        emitAll(accumulator, getDefaultModel().listStatements(null, null, root));
        emitAll(accumulator, Closure.closure(root.inModel(getDefaultModel()), false).listStatements());

    private void emitAll(StreamRDF stream, StmtIterator si) {
        while (si.hasNext()) {

    private Resource getResourceValue(Resource root, Property prop) {
        NodeIterator ni = getDefaultModel().listObjectsOfProperty(root, prop);
        if (ni.hasNext()) {
        } else {
            return null;

    public void exportTree(String uri, StreamRDF out) {
        RegisterItem item = asItem(uri);
        try {
            doExportTree(item, out);
        } finally {

    private void doExportTree(RegisterItem item, StreamRDF out) {
        if (item.isRegister()) {
            Register register = item.getAsRegister(this);
            for (RegisterEntryInfo ei : listMembers(register)) {
                doExportTree(getCurrentVersion(ei.getItemURI()).asRegisterItem(), out);

        Collection<Resource> graphs = scanAllVersions(item.getRoot(), out, null);
        for (Resource g : graphs) {
            Iterator<Quad> i = store.asDataset().asDatasetGraph().findNG(g.asNode(), Node.ANY, Node.ANY, Node.ANY);
            while (i.hasNext()) {

    public StreamRDF importTree(String uri) {
        RegisterItem item = asItem(uri);
        if (item != null) {

        final DatasetGraph dsg = store.asDataset().asDatasetGraph();

        return new StreamRDF() {
            public void start() {

            public void triple(Triple triple) {
                dsg.add(Quad.defaultGraphIRI, triple.getSubject(), triple.getPredicate(), triple.getObject());

            public void quad(Quad quad) {

            public void base(String base) {

            public void prefix(String prefix, String iri) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public void finish() {