Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Elda project
 * LDA spec:
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Epimorphics Ltd. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0.
 * Full license:

package com.epimorphics.lda.renderers.velocity;

import java.util.*;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.velocity.Template;
import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext;
import org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.epimorphics.lda.bindings.Bindings;
import com.epimorphics.lda.core.APIResultSet;
import com.epimorphics.lda.exceptions.VelocityRenderingException;
import com.epimorphics.lda.log.ELog;
import com.epimorphics.lda.renderers.Renderer.BytesOut;
import com.epimorphics.lda.renderers.common.*;
import com.epimorphics.lda.specs.MetadataOptions;
import com.epimorphics.util.CountStream;
import com.epimorphics.util.StreamUtils;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.*;

 * A VelocityRendering captures the state required to render a particular request into
 * some output format using Velocity macros. There is one VelocityRendering object per
 * incoming request.
 * @author Ian Dickinson, Epimorphics (
public class VelocityRendering implements BytesOut {

    /* Constants                       */

    /* poison string in case error occurs during streaming */
    static final String HTML_POISON = "\n<=>'<=>\"<=>\n";

    /** The default place we look for Velocity files */
    public static final String DEFAULT_VELOCITY_ROOT_PATH = "/velocity/";

    /** The configuration parameter which sets an alternative location for Velocity templates etc */
    public static final String VELOCITY_PATH_CONFIG_PARAM = "_velocityPath";

    /** Name of environment var to check for a velocity root directory */
    public static final String VELOCITY_PATH_ENV_VAR = "VELOCITY_PATH";

    /** Name of the properties file */
    public static final String VELOCITY_PROPERTIES_FILE = "";

    /** Velocity property for configuring loader path */
    public static final String VELOCITY_FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH = "file.resource.loader.path";

    /* Static variables                */

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VelocityRendering.class);

    /* Instance variables              */

    private VelocityRenderer vr;
    private Bindings bindings;
    private APIResultSet results;

    /* Constructors                    */

     * Construct a Velocity rendering closure
     * @param b Current bindings
     * @param rs Current result set
     * @param vr Reference to the Velocity renderer object, which is also a container for some of the
     * configuration information
    public VelocityRendering(Bindings b, APIResultSet rs, VelocityRenderer vr) {
        this.bindings = b;
        this.results = rs;
        this.vr = vr;


    /* External signature methods      */

     * Write the rendered output to the output stream, and side-effect the given
     * <code>Times</code> object to record duration and output counts.
     * @param times Record used to capture time and size information on output
     * @param os The output stream to write to
    public void writeAll(Times times, OutputStream os) {
        CountStream cos = null;

        try {
            long base = System.currentTimeMillis();
            cos = new CountStream(os);
            times.setRenderDuration(System.currentTimeMillis() - base, vr.suffix());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            ELog.warn(log, "%s (%s)", e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new VelocityRenderingException();
        } finally {
            if (cos != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    ELog.warn(log, "failed to close count stream: %s (%s)", e.getMessage(), e);

    /* Internal implementation methods */

     * Irrespective of what is stated in the request URL, we ensure that we see
     * all of the available metadata for this endpoint
    protected void coerceAllMetadata() {

     * Render the top-level template, given the result set and other state stored
     * in this rendering closure.
     * @param os The output stream to write to
    protected void render(OutputStream os) {
        VelocityEngine ve = createVelocityEngine();
        VelocityContext vc = createVelocityContext(this.bindings);
        Template t = null;

        try {
            t = ve.getTemplate(vr.templateName());
        } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
            ELog.debug(log, "could not find base template '%s'", vr.templateName());
            ELog.debug(log, "current velocity path is '%s'", ve.getProperty(VELOCITY_FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH));
            throw e;

        try {
            Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(os, "UTF-8");
            t.merge(vc, w);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new BrokenException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new WrappedException(e);

     * Create a Velocity engine instance, and initialise it with properties
     * loaded from the <code></code> file.
     * @return A new Velocity engine
    public VelocityEngine createVelocityEngine() {
        List<String> velocityPath = expandVelocityPath(bindings);

        Properties p = getProperties(velocityPath);
        VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine();


        return ve;

      expandedVelocityPath returns a list of paths/URLs where Velocity may
      search for its templates. The path is composed of
     <li>any components of the variable _velocityPath
     <li>the first component of /etc/elda/conf.d/{APP}/_error_pages if any
     <li>the velocity root default, currently /velocity/.
      This allows Elda Common to have error pages built-in that can be
      overridden in /etc/elda and in turn those can be over-ridden by
      entries in _velocityPath.
       @return An array of expanded file paths or other URLs where we will search for Velocity assets
    protected List<String> expandVelocityPath(Bindings b) {
        List<String> roots = new ArrayList<>();
        String userRootPath = b.getAsString(VELOCITY_PATH_CONFIG_PARAM, null);

        String rootPath = (userRootPath == null ? "" : userRootPath + ",") + etcPath() + webappPath()
                + defaultVelocityRoot();

        for (String pathEntry : StringUtils.split(rootPath, ",")) {
            pathEntry = StringUtils.trim(pathEntry);
            String pathURL = b.pathAsURL(pathEntry).toString();
            roots.add(pathURL + (pathURL.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/"));
        ELog.debug(log, "rootPath '%s'", rootPath);
        ELog.debug(log, "complete expanded path '%s'", roots);
        return roots;

    private String webappPath() {
        return "_error_pages/";

    private String etcPath() {
        String context = bindings.getAsString("_rootPath", "NO_ROOTPATH").replaceAll("/([^/]*)/.*", "$1");
        String appPath = "/etc/elda/conf.d/REPLACE/_error_pages".replace("REPLACE", context);
        List<File> files = new Glob().filesMatching(appPath);
        return (files.size() == 0 ? "" : files.get(0)) + ",";

    /** @return The default Velocity root directory, which may set by an environment variable */
    protected String defaultVelocityRoot() {
        String envRoot = null;
        try {
            envRoot = System.getenv(VELOCITY_PATH_ENV_VAR);
        } catch (SecurityException ignore) {
            // not allowed to read the environment, no biggie

        return (envRoot == null) ? DEFAULT_VELOCITY_ROOT_PATH : envRoot;

    /** @return A properties object containing the configuration properties for this velocity instance */
    protected Properties getProperties(List<String> velocityPath) {
        Properties p = new Properties();

        loadPropertiesFile(velocityPath, p);
        setDynamicProperties(velocityPath, p);

        return p;

     * Set additional properties that are calculated based on current state
     * @param velocityPath The Velocity path as given
     * @param p The current Properties object
    protected void setDynamicProperties(List<String> velocityPath, Properties p) {
        if (p.getProperty(VELOCITY_FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH) == null) {
            if (velocityPath.size() > 1) {
                for (int i = 0; i < velocityPath.size(); i++) {
                    velocityPath.set(i, velocityPath.get(i).replaceFirst("^file:", ""));
                p.setProperty(VELOCITY_FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH, StringUtils.join(velocityPath, ", "));
            } else {
                String velocityURL = "";
                if (velocityPath.size() > 0) {
                    velocityURL = velocityPath.get(0);

                if (velocityURL.matches("^http:.*")) {
                    p.setProperty("url.resource.loader.root", velocityURL);
                } else {
                    p.setProperty(VELOCITY_FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH, velocityURL.replaceFirst("^file:", ""));


     * Load the <code></code> file from the Velocity root, if it exists.
     * @param velocityPath One or more Velocity root directories to look in
     * @param p Properties to instantiate
    protected void loadPropertiesFile(List<String> velocityPath, Properties p) {
        for (String velocityRoot : velocityPath) {
            InputStream is = EldaFileManager.get().open(velocityRoot + VELOCITY_PROPERTIES_FILE);

            if (is != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    ELog.warn(log, "IO exception while reading properties: %s (%s)", e.getMessage(), e);
                    throw new WrappedIOException(e);
                } finally {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        ELog.warn(log, "IO exception while closing properties input stream: %s (%s)",
                                e.getMessage(), e);
                        throw new WrappedIOException(e);

                // stop after we find the first

    /** @return A new velocity context containing bindings that we will use to render the results */
    public VelocityContext createVelocityContext(Bindings binds) {
        Page page = initialisePage();
        DisplayHierarchy dh = initialiseHierarchy(page);

        VelocityContext vc = new VelocityContext();
        addStandardVariables(vc, page, dh);
        addBindingsToContext(vc, binds);

        return vc;

    /** Add the standard variables to the context */
    protected void addStandardVariables(VelocityContext vc, Page page, DisplayHierarchy dh) {
        vc.put("page", page);
        vc.put("hierarchy", dh);
        vc.put("renderer", this.vr);

    /** Add the Elda bindings as context variables */
    protected void addBindingsToContext(VelocityContext vc, Bindings binds) {
        for (String key : binds.keySet()) {
            vc.put(key, binds.get(key));

    /** Attach the event handlers we want */
    protected void addEventHandlers(VelocityContext vc) {
        EventCartridge ec = new EventCartridge();

        ec.addEventHandler(new IncludeNotFound());


    /** Add the Velocity Contex itself, as a debugging aide */
    protected void addContextSelfReference(VelocityContext vc) {
        vc.put("vcontext", vc);

    /** Add generic tools to the Velocity context */
    protected void addTools(VelocityContext vc) {
        vc.put("esc", new StringEscapeUtils());
        vc.put("log", log);

     * Initialise the display hierarchy, which unrolls the RDF graph into a displayable tree
     * @param page The current page object
     * @return The display hierarchy
    protected DisplayHierarchy initialiseHierarchy(Page page) {
        DisplayHierarchy dh = new DisplayHierarchy(page);
        return dh;

     * @return A new Page object providing access to the page of results
    protected Page initialisePage() {
        ResultsModel rm = new ResultsModel(results);

    public String getPoison() {
        return HTML_POISON;