Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************* * Ephesoft is a Intelligent Document Capture and Mailroom Automation program * developed by Ephesoft, Inc. Copyright (C) 2015 Ephesoft Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY EPHESOFT, EPHESOFT DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Ephesoft, Inc. headquarters at 111 Academy Way, * Irvine, CA 92617, USA. or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Ephesoft" logo. * If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by Ephesoft". ********************************************************************************/ package com.ephesoft.dcma.workflows.service.engine.impl; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import org.activiti.engine.ActivitiObjectNotFoundException; import org.activiti.engine.ActivitiOptimisticLockingException; import org.activiti.engine.ManagementService; import org.activiti.engine.RuntimeService; import org.activiti.engine.impl.context.Context; import org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandContext; import org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.JobEntity; import org.activiti.engine.runtime.Execution; import org.activiti.engine.runtime.Job; import org.activiti.engine.runtime.ProcessInstanceQuery; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.BatchSchemaService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.EphesoftContext; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.PluginPropertiesService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.BatchInstanceStatus; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.DCMABusinessException; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.constants.CommonConstants; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.component.ICommonConstants; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.exception.DCMAApplicationException; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.threadpool.BatchInstanceThread; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.threadpool.ThreadPool; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.dao.BatchInstanceGroupsDao; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchInstance; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchInstanceErrorDetails; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.ServerRegistry; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.BatchInstanceErrorDetailsService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.BatchInstanceService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.EphesoftStringUtil; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.FileUtils; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.logger.EphesoftLogger; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.logger.EphesoftLoggerFactory; import com.ephesoft.dcma.workflows.client.EphesoftWebServiceClient; import com.ephesoft.dcma.workflows.common.WorkflowVariables; import com.ephesoft.dcma.workflows.constant.WorkflowConstants; import com.ephesoft.dcma.workflows.service.WorkflowService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.workflows.service.engine.EngineService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.workflows.util.WorkflowUtil; /** * This class represents the implementation of Engine service for a third party workflow engine. * * @author Ephesoft * * <b>created on</b> Oct 21, 2014 <br/> * @version $LastChangedDate:$ <br/> * $LastChangedRevision:$ <br/> */ public class EngineServiceImpl implements EngineService { /** * {@link EphesoftLogger} Instance of Logger. */ private static final EphesoftLogger LOGGER = EphesoftLoggerFactory.getLogger(EngineServiceImpl.class); /** * {@link BatchInstanceService} Instance of batch instance service. */ @Autowired private BatchInstanceService batchInstanceService; /** * boolean Signal for job acquire command to acquire jobs. */ private boolean serverReadyForJobExecution; /** * {@link BatchInstanceGroupsDao} Instance of batch instance group Dao. */ @Autowired private BatchInstanceGroupsDao batchInstanceGroupsDao; /** * {@link RuntimeService} Instance of runtime service. */ @Autowired private RuntimeService runtimeService; /** * {@link WorkflowService} Instance of workflow service. */ @Autowired private WorkflowService workflowService; /** * {@link EphesoftWebServiceClient} Instance of web service client. */ @Autowired private EphesoftWebServiceClient ephesoftWebServiceClient; /** * {@link ManagementService} Instance of management service. */ @Autowired private ManagementService managementService; /** * {@link BatchInstanceErrorDetailsService} Instance of batch instance error details service. */ @Autowired private BatchInstanceErrorDetailsService batchInstanceErrorDetailsService; /** * {@link PluginPropertiesService} */ @Autowired @Qualifier("batchInstancePluginPropertiesService") private PluginPropertiesService pluginPropertiesService; /** * {@link BatchSchemaService} Instance of batch schema service */ @Autowired private BatchSchemaService batchSchemaService; /** * Time for which we will wait for resources to get completed before a batch can be restarted. */ private long waitTime; /** * {@link DateFormat} Instance of Date format. */ private final DateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(CommonConstants.SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT, Locale.getDefault()); /** * Sets wait time for cleaning of resources for a batch. * * @param waitTime long */ public void setWaitTime(final long waitTime) { this.waitTime = waitTime; } /** * Default constructor. */ public EngineServiceImpl() { this.serverReadyForJobExecution = false; } @Override @Transactional public BatchInstance getBatchInstanceByExecutionId(String executionId) { BatchInstance batchInstance = null; if (null == executionId) { LOGGER.error("Execution id for getting abtch instance id is null."); } else { String batchInstanceId = (String) runtimeService.getVariable(executionId, WorkflowVariables.KEY);"Batch Instance Identifier:", batchInstanceId, " found for execution id : ", executionId); batchInstance = batchInstanceService.getBatchInstanceByIdentifier(batchInstanceId); } return batchInstance; } @Override @Transactional public void deleteProcessInstanceByBatchInstance(final BatchInstance batchInstance, final boolean isExceptionAllowed) throws DCMABusinessException { String batchInstanceIdentifier = batchInstance.getIdentifier(); cleanBatchResources(batchInstanceIdentifier); try { Execution execution = getExecution(batchInstanceIdentifier); if (null == execution) { LOGGER.warn("Batch instance:", batchInstanceIdentifier, " job state process instance is already deleted."); } else { String executionId = execution.getId(); if (EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(executionId)) { doIfErrorDeletingBatch(batchInstance, isExceptionAllowed, batchInstanceIdentifier, null); } else { runtimeService.deleteProcessInstance(executionId, "Batch process is no more required."); } } } catch (final ActivitiOptimisticLockingException activitiOptimisticLockingException) { // Added retry of delete in case locking exception comes while deleting a batch. int index; for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) { Execution execution = getExecution(batchInstanceIdentifier); if (null == execution) { break; } else { String executionId = execution.getId(); try { runtimeService.deleteProcessInstance(executionId, "Batch process is no more required."); } catch (final ActivitiOptimisticLockingException activitiOptimisticLockingExceptionIntenal) { // do nothing. } } } if (index == 3) { Execution execution = getExecution(batchInstanceIdentifier); if (null == execution) {"After retrying multiple times, batch instance id:", batchInstanceIdentifier, " current job is deleted."); } else { doIfErrorDeletingBatch(batchInstance, isExceptionAllowed, batchInstanceIdentifier, activitiOptimisticLockingException); } } else {"After retrying multiple times, batch instance id:", batchInstanceIdentifier, " current job is deleted."); } } catch (final ActivitiObjectNotFoundException exception) { doIfErrorDeletingBatch(batchInstance, isExceptionAllowed, batchInstanceIdentifier, exception); } } /** * Gets current execution object for a batch instance. * * @param batchInstanceIdentifier {@link String} * @return {@link Execution} */ private Execution getExecution(final String batchInstanceIdentifier) { Execution execution = null; ProcessInstanceQuery processInstanceQuery = runtimeService.createProcessInstanceQuery() .processInstanceBusinessKey(batchInstanceIdentifier); if (null != processInstanceQuery) { execution = processInstanceQuery.singleResult(); } return execution; } @Override @Transactional public Job getJobById(final String jobId) { Job job = managementService.createJobQuery().jobId(jobId).singleResult(); return job; } /** * Sends batch to error state and throws exception if applicable, when error comes while deleting a batch instance. * * @param batchInstance {@link BatchInstance} * @param isExceptionAllowed boolean * @param batchInstanceIdentifier {@link String} * @param exception {@link Exception} * @throws DCMABusinessException */ private void doIfErrorDeletingBatch(final BatchInstance batchInstance, final boolean isExceptionAllowed, String batchInstanceIdentifier, final Exception exception) throws DCMABusinessException { LOGGER.error(exception, "Updating batch instance status into ERROR for batch Instance ID :", batchInstanceIdentifier); if (isExceptionAllowed) { String errorMessage = "Error occur while deletion of batch instance process key from database. "; if (null == exception) { workflowService.handleErrorBatch(batchInstance, exception, errorMessage); throw new DCMABusinessException(errorMessage); } else { String newErrorMessage = EphesoftStringUtil.concatenate(errorMessage, exception.getMessage()); workflowService.handleErrorBatch(batchInstance, exception, newErrorMessage); throw new DCMABusinessException(newErrorMessage, exception); } } } /** * Saves workflow module and plugin name in error details when batch is going to go in ERROR state. * * @param batchInstanceIdentifier {@link String} */ private void saveWorkflowNames(final String batchInstanceIdentifier) { BatchInstanceErrorDetails batchInstanceErrorDetails = batchInstanceErrorDetailsService .getBatchInstanceErrorDetailByIdentifier(batchInstanceIdentifier); if (null == batchInstanceErrorDetails) { batchInstanceErrorDetails = new BatchInstanceErrorDetails(); } batchInstanceErrorDetails.setIdentifier(batchInstanceIdentifier); setLastExecutedPluginName(batchInstanceIdentifier, batchInstanceErrorDetails); setLastExecutedModuleName(batchInstanceIdentifier, batchInstanceErrorDetails); batchInstanceErrorDetailsService.saveOrUpdate(batchInstanceErrorDetails); } /** * Sets last executed module name for a batch instance in batch instance error details. * * @param batchInstanceIdentifier {@link String} * @param batchInstanceErrorDetails {@link BatchInstanceErrorDetails} */ private void setLastExecutedModuleName(String batchInstanceIdentifier, final BatchInstanceErrorDetails batchInstanceErrorDetails) { if (null != batchInstanceErrorDetails) { String moduleName = workflowService.getActiveModuleName(batchInstanceIdentifier); if (null == moduleName) { batchInstanceErrorDetails.setLastModuleName(WorkflowConstants.ACTIVE_MODULE_NOT_FOUND); } else { batchInstanceErrorDetails.setLastModuleName(moduleName); } } } /** * Sets last executed plugin name for a batch instance in batch instance error details. * * @param executionId {@link String} * @return {@link BatchInstanceErrorDetails} */ private void setLastExecutedPluginName(String batchInstanceIdentifier, final BatchInstanceErrorDetails batchInstanceErrorDetails) { if (null != batchInstanceErrorDetails) { String pluginName = workflowService.getActivePluginWorkflow(batchInstanceIdentifier); if (null == pluginName) { batchInstanceErrorDetails.setLastPluginName(WorkflowConstants.ACTIVE_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND); } else { batchInstanceErrorDetails.setLastPluginName(pluginName); } } } @Override @Transactional public boolean isBatchOwnedByCurrentServer(final Set<String> setOfBatches, final String batchInstanceIdentifier, final String serverContextPath) { boolean currentServerBatch;"Counting no. of executing jobs by server: ", serverContextPath); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(setOfBatches) && setOfBatches.contains(batchInstanceIdentifier)) { currentServerBatch = true; } else { currentServerBatch = false; } return currentServerBatch; } @Override public Set<String> getRunningBatchInstanceIdentifiers(final String serverContextPath) { Set<String> batchIntanceIdentifiers = null; List<BatchInstance> runningBatchesforServer = batchInstanceService .getRunningBatchInstancesForServer(serverContextPath); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(runningBatchesforServer)) { batchIntanceIdentifiers = new HashSet<String>(runningBatchesforServer.size()); for (BatchInstance batchInstance : runningBatchesforServer) { if (null != batchInstance) { batchIntanceIdentifiers.add(batchInstance.getIdentifier()); } } } return batchIntanceIdentifiers; } @Override @Transactional public JobEntity lockJob(final CommandContext commandContext, final JobEntity job, String lockOwner, final int lockTimeInMillis) { JobEntity modifiedJobEntity; // Providing check again before locking a job and using activiti command listener class for reset retry count for job. if (EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(job.getLockOwner())) { String jobId = job.getId(); resetJobRetries(jobId, WorkflowConstants.MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOB_RETRIES); modifiedJobEntity = commandContext.getJobEntityManager().findJobById(jobId); GregorianCalendar gregorianCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(); Date currentTime = getCurrentTime(commandContext); gregorianCalendar.setTime(currentTime); gregorianCalendar.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, lockTimeInMillis); Date date = gregorianCalendar.getTime();"Trying to obtain a lock for job with id: ", jobId, " with expiration time: ", timeFormat.format(date), " by lock owner: ", lockOwner); modifiedJobEntity.setLockOwner(lockOwner); modifiedJobEntity.setLockExpirationTime(date); } else { modifiedJobEntity = null; } return modifiedJobEntity; } /** * Sets job retries to a count that makes batch to go to error without any retries. * * @param job {@link JobEntity} */ public void resetJobRetries(final String jobId, int retries) { managementService.setJobRetries(jobId, retries); LOGGER.debug("Job id: ", jobId, ", No of retries: ", WorkflowConstants.MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOB_RETRIES); } @Override public Date getCurrentTime(final CommandContext commandContext) { Date currentTime; if (null == commandContext) { currentTime = Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration().getClock().getCurrentTime(); } else { currentTime = commandContext.getProcessEngineConfiguration().getClock().getCurrentTime(); } return currentTime; } @Override public BatchInstance getBatchInstanceByJobEntity(final JobEntity jobEntity) { BatchInstance batchInstance = null; if (null != jobEntity) { String jobId = jobEntity.getId(); String executionId = jobEntity.getExecutionId(); if (null == executionId) { LOGGER.error("The job: ", jobId, "'s execution id is null. Batch instance corresponding to this job could not be sent to error."); } else { batchInstance = getBatchInstanceByExecutionId(executionId); } } return batchInstance; } @Override @Transactional public void sendBatchToErrorState(String batchInstanceIdentifier) { BatchInstance batchInstance = batchInstanceService.getBatchInstanceByIdentifier(batchInstanceIdentifier); if (null == batchInstance) { LOGGER.error("The batch Instance object for batch identifier:", batchInstanceIdentifier, "is null. Batch instance corresponding to this job could not be sent to error."); } else { BatchInstanceStatus batchStatus = batchInstance.getStatus(); if (batchStatus == BatchInstanceStatus.ERROR) { LOGGER.warn("The batch: ", batchInstanceIdentifier, " status is ERROR. Thus Batch instance is already sent to error."); } else if (batchStatus == BatchInstanceStatus.FINISHED) { // This case because sometimes moveBatches to finished state calls for deleting batches. LOGGER.warn("The batch: ", batchInstanceIdentifier, " status is FINISHED. Thus Batch instance could not be sent to error."); } else { // Save names of last execution information for the purpose of reference for mails. saveWorkflowNames(batchInstanceIdentifier); batchInstanceService.updateBatchInstanceStatus(batchInstanceIdentifier, BatchInstanceStatus.ERROR); pluginPropertiesService.clearCache(batchInstanceIdentifier); batchSchemaService.removeBatch(batchInstanceIdentifier);"The batch: ", batchInstanceIdentifier, " is sent to error."); } } } @Override public boolean deleteBatchInstance(String batchInstanceIdentifier) throws DCMAApplicationException { boolean isDeleted = true; BatchInstance batchInstance = batchInstanceService.getBatchInstanceByIdentifier(batchInstanceIdentifier); String batchInstanceExecutingServer = batchInstance.getExecutingServer(); boolean sameServer = isSameServer(batchInstanceExecutingServer); if (!sameServer && !EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(batchInstanceExecutingServer)) { if (EphesoftContext.getCurrent().isSecure()) { isDeleted = ephesoftWebServiceClient.deleteBatchInstance( EphesoftStringUtil.concatenate(ICommonConstants.HTTPS_SLASH, batchInstanceExecutingServer, ICommonConstants.FORWARD_SLASH, ICommonConstants.WEB_SERVICE), batchInstanceIdentifier); } else { isDeleted = ephesoftWebServiceClient.deleteBatchInstance( EphesoftStringUtil.concatenate(ICommonConstants.HTTP_SLASH, batchInstanceExecutingServer, ICommonConstants.FORWARD_SLASH, ICommonConstants.WEB_SERVICE), batchInstanceIdentifier); } } else { try { deleteProcessInstanceByBatchInstance(batchInstance, true); pluginPropertiesService.clearCache(batchInstanceIdentifier); batchInstance.setStatus(BatchInstanceStatus.DELETED); batchInstanceService.updateBatchInstance(batchInstance); batchSchemaService.removeBatch(batchInstanceIdentifier); batchInstanceGroupsDao.deleteBatchInstanceInGroups(batchInstanceIdentifier); removeUncFolder(batchInstance); } catch (Exception e) { isDeleted = false; throw new DCMAApplicationException(e.getMessage()); } } return isDeleted; } @Override public void cleanBatchResources(final String batchInstanceIdentifier) { final BatchInstanceThread batchInstanceThread = ThreadPool .getBatchInstanceThreadList(batchInstanceIdentifier); if (null != batchInstanceThread) { batchInstanceThread.remove(getWaitTime()); } } @Override public boolean isSameServer(final String batchInstanceExecutingServer) { final ServerRegistry batchInstanceServerRegistry = WorkflowUtil .getServerRegistry(batchInstanceExecutingServer); String serverContextPath = EphesoftContext.getHostServerContextPath(); boolean isSameServer; if (null != batchInstanceServerRegistry && batchInstanceServerRegistry.isActive() && !EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(batchInstanceExecutingServer) && !(batchInstanceExecutingServer.equals(serverContextPath))) { isSameServer = false; } else { isSameServer = true; } return isSameServer; } /** * Gets wait time for waiting for a batch while cleaning its resources. * * @return long */ private long getWaitTime() { long waitTime; if (this.waitTime == 0L) { LOGGER.error("Wait time property does not have a valid value."); waitTime = WorkflowConstants.DEFAULT_BATCH_RESOURCE_CLEAN_WAIT_TIME; } else { waitTime = this.waitTime; } LOGGER.debug(EphesoftStringUtil.concatenate("Waiting time for cleaning up batch resources is: ", waitTime)); return waitTime; } /** * Remove UNC folder for a batch instance. * * @param batchInstance {@link BatchInstance} */ private void removeUncFolder(final BatchInstance batchInstance) { File uncFile = new File(batchInstance.getUncSubfolder()); if (null != uncFile) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(uncFile); } } @Override public boolean isServerReadyForJobExecution() { return serverReadyForJobExecution; } @Override public void setServerReadyForJobExecution(final boolean serverReadyForJobExecution) { this.serverReadyForJobExecution = serverReadyForJobExecution; } }