Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************* * Ephesoft is a Intelligent Document Capture and Mailroom Automation program * developed by Ephesoft, Inc. Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Ephesoft Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY EPHESOFT, EPHESOFT DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Ephesoft, Inc. headquarters at 111 Academy Way, * Irvine, CA 92617, USA. or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Ephesoft" logo. * If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by Ephesoft". ********************************************************************************/ package com.ephesoft.dcma.webservice; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.oxm.XmlMappingException; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import; import com.ephesoft.dcma.barcode.BarcodeProperties; import com.ephesoft.dcma.barcode.service.BarcodeService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.barcodeextraction.service.BarcodeExtractionService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.dao.impl.BatchPluginPropertyContainer.BatchPlugin; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.dao.xml.BatchSchemaDao; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.BatchClasses; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.BatchInstances; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Direction; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.DocField; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Document; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Documents; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.ExtractKVParams; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.HocrPages; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.ImportBatchClassOptions; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.KVExtractionFieldPatterns; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Modules; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.ObjectFactory; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Page; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.ReportingOptions; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.WebServiceParams; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Document.DocumentLevelFields; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Document.Pages; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.ExtractKVParams.Params; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.HocrPages.HocrPage; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.KVExtractionFieldPatterns.KVExtractionFieldPattern; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Modules.Module; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.WebServiceParams.Params.Param; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.BatchSchemaService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.ImportBatchService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.PluginPropertiesService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.DCMAException; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.EphesoftProperty; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.BatchInstanceStatus; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.FileType; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.KVFetchValue; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.LocationType; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.component.ICommonConstants; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.exception.DCMAApplicationException; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.service.ZipService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.threadpool.BatchInstanceThread; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.threadpool.ThreadPool; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchClass; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchClassModule; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchInstance; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.KVExtraction; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.BatchClassGroupsService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.BatchClassModuleService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.BatchClassService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.BatchInstanceGroupsService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.BatchInstanceService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.FieldTypeService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.docassembler.DocumentAssembler; import com.ephesoft.dcma.docassembler.DocumentAssemblerProperties; import com.ephesoft.dcma.docassembler.constant.DocumentAssemblerConstants; import com.ephesoft.dcma.docassembler.factory.DocumentClassificationFactory; import com.ephesoft.dcma.fuzzydb.FuzzyDBProperties; import com.ephesoft.dcma.fuzzydb.service.FuzzyDBSearchService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.imagemagick.ImageMagicProperties; import com.ephesoft.dcma.imagemagick.constant.ImageMagicKConstants; import com.ephesoft.dcma.imagemagick.service.ImageProcessService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.kvextraction.service.KVExtractionService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.kvfieldcreation.service.KVFieldCreatorService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.lucene.LuceneProperties; import com.ephesoft.dcma.lucene.service.SearchClassificationService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.performance.reporting.service.ReportDataService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.recostar.service.RecostarService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.recostarextraction.service.RecostarExtractionService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.regex.service.ExtractionService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.tesseract.service.TesseractService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.user.service.UserConnectivityService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.CustomFileFilter; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.FieldExtractionTechnique; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.FileUtils; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.TIFFUtil; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.WebServiceUtil; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.XMLUtil; import com.ephesoft.dcma.webservice.constants.WebserviceConstants; import com.ephesoft.dcma.workflow.service.JbpmService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.workflow.service.common.DeploymentService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.workflow.service.common.WorkflowService; /** * This Class provides the functionality of the Web services across the product. {@link EphesoftWebServiceAPI}. * * @author Ephesoft * @version 1.0 * @see com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.BatchSchemaService */ @Controller public class EphesoftWebServiceAPI { /** * APPLICATION_ZIP String. */ private static final String APPLICATION_ZIP = "application/zip"; /** * IMPROPER_INPUT_ONLY_ONE_HTML_FILE_EXPECTED String. */ private static final String IMPROPER_INPUT_ONLY_ONE_HTML_FILE_EXPECTED = "Improper input to server. Expected only one html file. Returning without processing the results."; /** * IMPROPER_XML_PARAMETER String. */ private static final String IMPROPER_XML_PARAMETER = "Improper input to server. Parameter XML is incorrect. Returning without processing the results."; /** * ONLY_ONE_SINGLE_PAGE_TIFF_EXPECTED String. */ private static final String ONLY_ONE_SINGLE_PAGE_TIFF_EXPECTED = "Improper input to server. Expected only one single page tiff file. Returning without processing the results."; /** * USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_VIEW_THE_BATCH_CLASS String. */ private static final String USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_VIEW_THE_BATCH_CLASS = "User is not authorized to view the batch class for given identifier:"; /** * ERROR_PROCESSING_REQUEST String. */ private static final String ERROR_PROCESSING_REQUEST = "Error in processing request. Detailed exception is "; /** * ERROR_WHILE_SENDING_ERROR_RESPONSE_TO_CLIENT String. */ private static final String ERROR_WHILE_SENDING_ERROR_RESPONSE_TO_CLIENT = "Exception in sending the error code to client. Logged the exception for debugging:"; /** * NEXT_LINE_STRING String. */ private static final String NEXT_LINE_STRING = "\"\r\n"; /** * SERVER_ERROR_MSG String. */ private static final String SERVER_ERROR_MSG = "Error response at server:"; /** * ERROR_IN_MAPPING_INPUT String. */ private static final String ERROR_IN_MAPPING_INPUT = "Error in mapping input XML in the desired format. Please send it in the specified format. Detailed exception is "; /** * INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR String. */ private static final String INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = "Internal Server error.Please check logs for further details."; /** * IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER String. */ private static final String IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER = "Improper input to server. Expected multipart request. Returning without processing the results."; /** * CONSTANT_DOT String. */ private static final String CONSTANT_DOT = "."; /** * RECOSTAR_EXTRACTION String. */ private static final String RECOSTAR_EXTRACTION = "recostar-extraction"; /** * LOGGER to print the logging information. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EphesoftWebServiceAPI.class); /** * Constant for batchClassIdentifier. */ private static final String BATCH_CLASS_IDENTIFIER = "batchClassIdentifier"; /** * imService {@link ImageProcessService}. */ @Autowired private ImageProcessService imService; /** * barcodeExtractionService {@link BarcodeExtractionService}. */ @Autowired private BarcodeExtractionService barcodeExtractionService; /** * userConnectivityService {@link UserConnectivityService}. */ @Autowired private UserConnectivityService userConnectivityService; /** * kvFieldService {@link KVFieldCreatorService}. */ @Autowired private KVFieldCreatorService kvFieldService; /** * scService {@link SearchClassificationService}. */ @Autowired private SearchClassificationService scService; /** * barcodeService {@link BarcodeService}. */ @Autowired private BarcodeService barcodeService; /** * bsService {@link BatchSchemaService}. */ @Autowired private BatchSchemaService bsService; /** * docAssembler {@link DocumentAssembler}. */ @Autowired private DocumentAssembler docAssembler; /** * batchClassPPService {@link PluginPropertiesService}. */ @Autowired @Qualifier("batchClassPluginPropertiesService") private PluginPropertiesService batchClassPPService; /** * reportingService {@link ReportDataService}. */ @Autowired private ReportDataService reportingService; /** * bcService {@link BatchClassService}. */ @Autowired private BatchClassService bcService; /** * batchSchemaDao {@link BatchSchemaDao}. */ @Autowired private BatchSchemaDao batchSchemaDao; /** * importBatchService {@link ImportBatchService}. */ @Autowired private ImportBatchService importBatchService; /** * kvService {@link KVExtractionService}. */ @Autowired private KVExtractionService kvService; /** * deploymentService {@link DeploymentService}. */ @Autowired private DeploymentService deploymentService; /** * batchClassGroupsService {@link BatchClassGroupsService}. */ @Autowired private BatchClassGroupsService batchClassGroupsService; /** * biService {@link BatchInstanceService}. */ @Autowired private BatchInstanceService biService; /** * jbpmService {@link JbpmService}. */ @Autowired private JbpmService jbpmService; /** * workflowService {@link WorkflowService}. */ @Autowired private WorkflowService workflowService; /** * bcModuleService {@link BatchClassModuleService}. */ @Autowired private BatchClassModuleService bcModuleService; /** * batchInstanceGroupsService {@link BatchInstanceGroupsService}. */ @Autowired private BatchInstanceGroupsService batchInstanceGroupsService; /** * recostarService {@link RecostarService}. */ @Autowired private RecostarService recostarService; /** * tesseractService {@link TesseractService}. */ @Autowired private TesseractService tesseractService; /** * recostarExtractionService {@link RecostarExtractionService}. */ @Autowired private RecostarExtractionService recostarExtractionService; /** * fuzzyDBSearchService {@link FuzzyDBSearchService}. */ @Autowired private FuzzyDBSearchService fuzzyDBSearchService; /** * fieldTypeService {@link FieldTypeService}. */ @Autowired private FieldTypeService fieldTypeService; /** * extractionService {@link ExtractionService}. */ @Autowired private ExtractionService extractionService; /** * Instance of PluginPropertiesService. */ @Autowired @Qualifier("batchInstancePluginPropertiesService") private PluginPropertiesService pluginPropertiesService; /** * zipService {@link ZipService}. */ @Autowired private ZipService zipService; /** * PG_IDENTIFIER String. */ public static final String PG_IDENTIFIER = "PG"; /** * To split Multi page File. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} * */ @RequestMapping(value = "/splitMultipageFile", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void splitMultipageFile(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) { String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; try { if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) {"Start spliting multipage file"); final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath();"Web Service Folder Path:" + webServiceFolderPath); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath);"web service workingDir:" + workingDir); final String outputDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceOutputDir(workingDir);"web service outputDir:" + outputDir); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multiPartRequest = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; final BatchInstanceThread threadList = new BatchInstanceThread( new File(workingDir).getName() + Math.random()); String inputParams = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String outputParams = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; boolean isGSTool = false; for (final Enumeration<String> params = multiPartRequest.getParameterNames(); params .hasMoreElements();) { final String paramName = params.nextElement(); if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.IS_GHOSTSCRIPT)) { isGSTool = Boolean.parseBoolean(multiPartRequest.getParameter(paramName));"Value for isGhostscript parameter is " + isGSTool); continue; } if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.INPUT_PARAMS)) { inputParams = multiPartRequest.getParameter(paramName);"Value for inputParams parameter is " + inputParams); continue; } if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.OUTPUT_PARAMS)) { outputParams = multiPartRequest.getParameter(paramName);"Value for outputParams parameter is " + outputParams); continue; } } final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multiPartRequest.getMultiFileMap(); // perform validation on input fields String results = WebServiceUtil.validateSplitAPI(fileMap, isGSTool, outputParams, inputParams); if (!results.isEmpty()) { respStr = results; } else {"List of input file names:"); for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { + WebserviceConstants.COMMA); } for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { if (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.PDF.getExtension()) > -WebserviceConstants.ONE || fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.TIF.getExtension()) > -WebserviceConstants.ONE || fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.TIFF.getExtension()) > -WebserviceConstants.ONE) { // only tiffs and RSP file is expected if (isGSTool && (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.TIF.getExtension()) > -WebserviceConstants.ONE || fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.TIFF.getExtension()) > -WebserviceConstants.ONE)) { respStr = "Only PDF files expected with GhostScript tool."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); break; } try { final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multiPartRequest.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > WebserviceConstants.ZERO) { outStream.write(buf, WebserviceConstants.ZERO, len); len =; } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } else { respStr = "Files other than tiff, tif and pdf formats are provided."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); break; } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { respStr = performSplitAPIInternal(resp, workingDir, outputDir, threadList, inputParams, outputParams, isGSTool, fileMap); } } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER; } } catch (Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * Method to perform split multipage file API after the validations. * * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} * @param workingDir {@link String} * @param outputDir {@link String} * @param threadList {@link BatchInstanceThread} * @param inputParams {@link String} * @param outputParams {@link String} * @param isGSTool boolean * @param fileMap MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> * @throws DCMAException if error occurs * @throws DCMAApplicationException if error occurs * @throws IOException if error occurs */ private String performSplitAPIInternal(final HttpServletResponse resp, String workingDir, final String outputDir, final BatchInstanceThread threadList, String inputParams, String outputParams, boolean isGSTool, final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap) throws DCMAException, DCMAApplicationException, IOException { String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); if (isGSTool) {"Start spliting multipage file using ghost script for file :" + fileName); imService.convertPdfToSinglePageTiffsUsingGSAPI(inputParams, file, outputParams, new File(outputDir + File.separator + fileName), threadList); } else {"Start spliting multipage file using image magick for file :" + fileName); imService.convertPdfOrMultiPageTiffToTiffUsingIM(inputParams, file, outputParams, new File(outputDir + File.separator + fileName), threadList); } } try {"Executing batch instance thread using thread pool"); threadList.execute(); } catch (final DCMAApplicationException dcmae) { threadList.remove(); FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); throw dcmae; } ServletOutputStream out = null; ZipOutputStream zout = null; final String zipFileName = WebServiceUtil.SERVEROUTPUTFOLDERNAME; resp.setContentType(WebServiceUtil.APPLICATION_X_ZIP); resp.setHeader(WebServiceUtil.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, WebServiceUtil.ATTACHMENT_FILENAME + zipFileName + FileType.ZIP.getExtensionWithDot() + NEXT_LINE_STRING); try { out = resp.getOutputStream(); zout = new ZipOutputStream(out); FileUtils.zipDirectory(outputDir, zout, zipFileName);"zipFileName:" + zipFileName);"outputDir:" + outputDir); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } catch (final IOException e) { respStr = "Unable to process web service request.Please check your ghostscipt or imagemagick configuration."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(zout); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } return respStr; } /** * To export batch class. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/exportBatchClass", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void exportBatchClass(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Inside exportBatchClass web service."); String results = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; try { String identifier = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String imBaseFolderName = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String searchSampleName = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final Enumeration<String> params = req.getParameterNames(); params.hasMoreElements();) { final String paramName = params.nextElement(); if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.IDENTIFIER2)) { identifier = req.getParameter(paramName);"Value for identifier parameter is " + identifier); continue; } if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.IMAGE_CLASSIFICATION_SAMPLE)) { imBaseFolderName = req.getParameter(paramName);"Value for imBaseFolderName parameter is " + imBaseFolderName); continue; } if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.LUCENE_SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_SAMPLE)) { searchSampleName = req.getParameter(paramName);"Value for searchSampleName parameter is " + searchSampleName); continue; } } final BatchClass batchClass = bcService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(identifier); if (batchClass != null) { results = WebServiceUtil.validateExportBatchClassAPI(imBaseFolderName, identifier, searchSampleName); if (results.isEmpty()) { Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); if (loggedInUserRole == null || loggedInUserRole.isEmpty()) { results = "User not authorized to view this API."; } else { boolean isBatchClassViewableToUser = isBatchClassViewableToUser(identifier, loggedInUserRole, isSuperAdmin(req)); if (isBatchClassViewableToUser) { req.getRequestDispatcher(WebServiceUtil.DCMA_GWT_ADMIN_EXPORT_BATCH_CLASS_DOWNLOAD) .forward(req, resp); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } else { results = "User not authorized to view this batch class id:" + identifier; } } } } else { results = "Batch Class does not exist with batch class id:" + identifier; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + results); } } catch (final Exception e) { results = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error("Exception in exporting batch class :" + e.getMessage()); } if (!results.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, results); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * To extract KV. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/extractKV", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void extractKV(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) { processKVExtraction(req, resp); } private void processKVExtraction(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) { String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING;"Processing key value extraction using web service."); String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath();"Web Service Folder Path:" + webServiceFolderPath); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multiPartRequest = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multiPartRequest.getMultiFileMap(); if (fileMap.size() == 2) { try { workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath);"Created web service working directory:" + workingDir + "successfully"); ExtractKVParams params = null; String filePath = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { try { final MultipartFile multipartFile = multiPartRequest.getFile(fileName); instream = multipartFile.getInputStream(); if (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.XML.getExtension().toLowerCase()) > -1) { final Source source = XMLUtil.createSourceFromStream(instream); params = (ExtractKVParams) batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller() .unmarshal(source); continue; } else if (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.HTML.getExtension().toLowerCase()) > -1) { filePath = workingDir + File.separator + fileName;"HTML file for processing is " + filePath); final File file = new File(filePath); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } continue; } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } respStr = validateExtractKV(respStr, params, filePath); if (respStr.isEmpty()) { respStr = performExtractKVInternal(resp, respStr, workingDir, params, filePath); } } catch (final XmlMappingException xmle) { respStr = "Error in mapping input XML or the hocr file in the desired format. Please send it in the specified format. Detailed exception is " + xmle; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final DCMAException dcmae) { respStr = ERROR_PROCESSING_REQUEST + dcmae; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = "Internal Server error.Please check logs for further details." + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } finally { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. Expected two files: hocr and xml parameter file. Returning without processing the results."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } private String performExtractKVInternal(final HttpServletResponse resp, final String respStr, final String workingDir, final ExtractKVParams params, final String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, DCMAException { // extract the hocr content from hocr files // generate hocr from html file String respStrLocal = respStr; HocrPages hocrPages = new HocrPages(); List<HocrPage> hocrPageList = hocrPages.getHocrPage(); HocrPage hocrPage = new HocrPage(); String pageID = WebServiceUtil.PG0; hocrPage.setPageID(pageID); hocrPageList.add(hocrPage); try { bsService.hocrGenerationAPI(workingDir, WebServiceUtil.PG0, filePath, hocrPage);"Successfully generated hocr from html file."); final List<DocField> updtDocList = new ArrayList<DocField>(); final boolean isSuccess = kvService.extractKVDocumentFieldsFromHOCR(updtDocList, hocrPages, params); if (!isSuccess) { respStrLocal = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else {"Generating document level fields for the output result"); final DocumentLevelFields dlfs = new DocumentLevelFields(); dlfs.getDocumentLevelField().addAll(updtDocList); Documents docs = new Documents(); Document doc = new Document(); docs.getDocument().add(doc); doc.setDocumentLevelFields(dlfs); StreamResult result; try { result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller().marshal(docs, result); } catch (final IOException e) { respStrLocal = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e.getMessage(); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } } } catch (Exception exception) { LOGGER.error("Error occurred while kv extraction..", exception); throw new DCMAException("Error occurred while kv extraction..", exception); } return respStrLocal; } /** * Method to validate the Extract KV parameters. * * @param respStr {@link String} * @param params {@link ExtractKVParams} * @param filePath {@link String} * @return {@link String} */ private String validateExtractKV(String respStr, ExtractKVParams params, String filePath) { String respStrLocal = respStr; if (params != null && params.getParams().size() > 0 && !filePath.isEmpty()) { Params paramList = params.getParams().get(0); if (paramList.getLocationType() == null || paramList.getLocationType().isEmpty()) { respStrLocal = "Please provide the location type. Accepted values are: TOP, RIGHT, LEFT, BOTTOM, TOP_RIGHT, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } if (respStrLocal.isEmpty() && !LocationType.valuesAsStringList().contains(paramList.getLocationType())) { respStrLocal = "Please provide the location type. Accepted values are: TOP, RIGHT, LEFT, BOTTOM, TOP_RIGHT, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } if (respStrLocal.isEmpty() && (paramList.getKeyPattern() == null || paramList.getKeyPattern().isEmpty() || paramList.getValuePattern() == null || paramList.getValuePattern().isEmpty())) { respStrLocal = "Please provide the key and value patterns."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } if (paramList.isAdvancedKV()) { if (respStrLocal.isEmpty() && (paramList.getMultiplier() > 1 || paramList.getMultiplier() <= 0)) { respStrLocal = "Please provide the multiplier for Advanced KV extraction. Range of values is between 0 to 1."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } if (respStrLocal.isEmpty() && (paramList.getKVFetchValue() == null || paramList.getKVFetchValue().isEmpty())) { respStrLocal = "Please provide the KVFetchValue for Advanced KV extraction. Expected values are:ALL, FIRST, LAST"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } if (respStrLocal.isEmpty() && !(KVFetchValue.valuesAsStringList().contains(paramList.getKVFetchValue()))) { respStrLocal = "Please provide the KVFetchValue for Advanced KV extraction. Expected values are:ALL, FIRST, LAST"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } if (respStrLocal.isEmpty() && paramList.getLength() <= 0) { respStrLocal = "Please provide the length value greater than zero with advanced KV extraction."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } if (respStrLocal.isEmpty() && paramList.getWidth() <= 0) { respStrLocal = "Please provide the width value greater than zero with advanced KV extraction."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } } else { if (respStrLocal.isEmpty() && paramList.getNoOfWords() < 0) { respStrLocal = "Please provide positive value for no of words with advanced KV extraction."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } } } else { respStrLocal = "Please send an hocr file as input. Improper input to the server.Proceeding without processing"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } return respStrLocal; } /** * To import Batch Class. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/importBatchClass", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void importBatchClass(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) { String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING;"Start processing import batch class web service"); String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath();"web Service Folder Path" + webServiceFolderPath); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest mPartReq = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = mPartReq.getMultiFileMap(); if (fileMap.size() == 2) { try { workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath);"Created the web service working directory successfully :" + workingDir); ImportBatchClassOptions option = null; String zipFilePath = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { try { final MultipartFile multiPartFile = mPartReq.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); if (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.XML.getExtension().toLowerCase()) > -1) { final Source source = XMLUtil.createSourceFromStream(instream); option = (ImportBatchClassOptions) batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template() .getJaxb2Marshaller().unmarshal(source); continue; } else if (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.ZIP.getExtension().toLowerCase()) > -1) { zipFilePath = workingDir + File.separator + fileName;"Zip file is using for importing batch class is " + zipFilePath); final File file = new File(zipFilePath); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } continue; } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } respStr = importBatchClassInternal(resp, respStr, workingDir, option, zipFilePath); } catch (final XmlMappingException xmle) { respStr = ERROR_IN_MAPPING_INPUT + xmle; } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e.getMessage(); } finally { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. Expected two files: zip and xml file. Returning without processing the results."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { LOGGER.error("Error while sending error reponse."); } } } private String importBatchClassInternal(final HttpServletResponse resp, String respStr, String workingDir, ImportBatchClassOptions option, String zipFilePath) throws IOException { String respStrLocal = respStr; if (option != null && !zipFilePath.isEmpty()) { final Map<Boolean, String> results = importBatchService.validateInputXML(option); final String errorMessg = results.get(Boolean.FALSE); if (errorMessg != null && !errorMessg.isEmpty()) { respStrLocal = errorMessg; } else {"zip file path:" + zipFilePath); final File tempZipFile = new File(zipFilePath); final String tempOutputUnZipDir = tempZipFile.getParent() + File.separator + tempZipFile.getName().substring(0, tempZipFile.getName().indexOf(WebServiceUtil.DOT));"temporary Output UnZip Directory:" + tempOutputUnZipDir); try { FileUtils.unzip(tempZipFile, tempOutputUnZipDir); } catch (final Exception e) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); tempZipFile.delete(); resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Unable to unzip file. Returning without processing the results."); LOGGER.error("Unable to unzip file. Returning without processing the results."); } option.setZipFilePath(tempOutputUnZipDir);"Importing batch class"); final boolean isDeployed = deploymentService.isDeployed(option.getName()); final Map<Boolean, String> resultsImport = importBatchService.importBatchClass(option, isDeployed, true, null); final String errorMessgImport = resultsImport.get(Boolean.FALSE); if (errorMessgImport != null && !errorMessgImport.isEmpty()) { respStrLocal = errorMessgImport; } else { final String batchClassId = resultsImport.get(Boolean.TRUE); BatchClass batchClass = bcService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(batchClassId); renameBatchClassModules(batchClass); bcService.evict(batchClass); bcService.merge(batchClass); deploymentService.createAndDeployBatchClassJpdl(batchClass);"Batch class with identifier:" + batchClass.getIdentifier() + " imported successfully."); } } } else { respStrLocal = "Improper input to the server.Proceeding without processing"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } return respStrLocal; } private void renameBatchClassModules(BatchClass batchClass) { String existingBatchClassIdentifier = batchClass.getIdentifier(); for (BatchClassModule batchClassModule : batchClass.getBatchClassModules()) { String existingModuleName = batchClassModule.getModule().getName(); StringBuffer newWorkflowNameStringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); newWorkflowNameStringBuffer.append(existingModuleName.replaceAll(" ", "_")); newWorkflowNameStringBuffer.append('_'); newWorkflowNameStringBuffer.append(existingBatchClassIdentifier); batchClassModule.setWorkflowName(newWorkflowNameStringBuffer.toString()); } } /** * To run Reporting. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/runReporting", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void runReporting(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing the run reporting web service"); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; try { if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { InputStream instream = null; final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multiPartRequest = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multiPartRequest.getMultiFileMap(); for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multiPartRequest.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final Source source = XMLUtil.createSourceFromStream(instream); final ReportingOptions option = (ReportingOptions) batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template() .getJaxb2Marshaller().unmarshal(source); final String installerPath = option.getInstallerPath(); if (installerPath == null || installerPath.isEmpty() || !installerPath.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()).contains(WebServiceUtil.BUILD_XML)) { respStr = "Improper input to server. Installer path not specified or it does not contain the build.xml path."; } else {"synchronizing the database"); reportingService.syncDatabase(installerPath); break; } } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } catch (final XmlMappingException xmle) { respStr = ERROR_IN_MAPPING_INPUT + xmle; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * To get Batch Instance List. * @param status {@link String} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/getBatchInstanceList/{status}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public void getBatchInstanceList(@PathVariable("status") final String status, final HttpServletResponse resp, final HttpServletRequest req) {"Start processing get batch instance list from batch status web service"); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; Set<String> batchInstancesId = new TreeSet<String>(); if (!BatchInstanceStatus.valuesAsStringList().contains(status)) { respStr = "Invalid value for batch instance status. Please try again."; } else { final BatchInstanceStatus batchInstanceStatus = BatchInstanceStatus.valueOf(status);"Batch instance status is " + status);"Fetching batch instance list from the database"); final List<BatchInstance> batchInstance = biService.getBatchInstByStatus(batchInstanceStatus); if (batchInstance != null && !batchInstance.isEmpty()) { Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); if (!isSuperAdmin(req)) { // fetch the batch instances from batch instance groups Set<String> batchInstancesIdentifiers = batchInstanceGroupsService .getBatchInstanceIdentifierForUserRoles(loggedInUserRole); if (batchInstancesIdentifiers != null) { batchInstancesId.addAll(batchInstancesIdentifiers); } // fetch the list of batch instances from the batch instance table for batch classes having the given role. List<BatchClass> batchClasses = bcService.getAllBatchClassesByUserRoles(loggedInUserRole); for (BatchClass batchClass : batchClasses) { List<BatchInstance> eachBatchInstance = biService.getBatchInstByBatchClass(batchClass); for (BatchInstance bi : eachBatchInstance) { batchInstancesId.add(bi.getIdentifier()); } } } else { for (BatchInstance bi : batchInstance) { batchInstancesId.add(bi.getIdentifier()); } } "Fetched list of batch instances from the batch instance table for batch classes having the given role:"); for (String batchInstanceIdentifier : batchInstancesId) {; } final BatchInstances batchInstances = new BatchInstances(); final List<com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.BatchInstances.BatchInstance> batchInstanceList = batchInstances .getBatchInstance(); for (final BatchInstance eachBatchInstance : batchInstance) { if (batchInstancesId.contains(eachBatchInstance.getIdentifier())) { final com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.BatchInstances.BatchInstance batchLocal = new com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.BatchInstances.BatchInstance(); batchLocal.setIdentifier(eachBatchInstance.getIdentifier()); batchLocal.setBatchName(eachBatchInstance.getBatchName()); batchLocal.setCurrentUser(eachBatchInstance.getCurrentUser()); batchLocal.setExecutedModules(eachBatchInstance.getExecutedModules()); batchLocal.setLocalFolder(eachBatchInstance.getLocalFolder()); batchLocal.setRemoteBatchInstanceId(eachBatchInstance.getRemoteBatchInstance() != null ? eachBatchInstance.getRemoteBatchInstance().getRemoteBatchInstanceIdentifier() : null); batchLocal.setReviewOperatorName(eachBatchInstance.getReviewUserName()); batchLocal.setServerIP(eachBatchInstance.getServerIP()); batchLocal.setUncSubFolder(eachBatchInstance.getUncSubfolder()); batchLocal.setValidateOperatorName(eachBatchInstance.getValidationUserName()); batchInstanceList.add(batchLocal); } } StreamResult result = null; try { result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller().marshal(batchInstances, result); } catch (final IOException e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error("Internal Server error.Exception occured:" + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (result != null) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(result.getOutputStream()); } } } else { respStr = "No results found."; } } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * To get all Modules Workflow Name by Batch Class. * @param identifier {@link String} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/getAllModulesWorkflowNameByBatchClass/{batchClassIdentifier}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public void getAllModulesWorkflowNameByBatchClass(@PathVariable("batchClassIdentifier") final String identifier, final HttpServletResponse resp, final HttpServletRequest req) {"Start processing web service for get all modules workflowName by batchClassId"); String respStr = ""; Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); if (loggedInUserRole == null || loggedInUserRole.isEmpty()) { respStr = "User is not authorized to view this API."; } else { if (identifier != null && !identifier.isEmpty()) { final BatchClass batchClass = bcService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(identifier); if (batchClass != null) { boolean isBatchClassViewableToUser = isBatchClassViewableToUser(identifier, loggedInUserRole, isSuperAdmin(req)); if (isBatchClassViewableToUser) { List<BatchClassModule> modules = batchClass.getBatchClassModules(); Modules modulesSchema = new Modules(); for (BatchClassModule bcm : modules) { Module module = new Module(); module.setModuleName(bcm.getModule().getName()); module.setWorkflowName(bcm.getWorkflowName()); modulesSchema.getModule().add(module); } StreamResult result; try { result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller().marshal(modulesSchema, result); } catch (final IOException e) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e.getMessage()); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } else { respStr = "User not authorized to view this batch class id:" + identifier; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } else { respStr = "Batch Class does not exist with batch class id:" + identifier; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } else { respStr = "Invalid input parameters."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * Internal method to check if the batch class is viewable to the logged in user. * * @param batchClassId {@link String} * @param loggedInUserRole Set<String> * @param isSuperAdmin boolean * @return boolean */ private boolean isBatchClassViewableToUser(final String batchClassId, Set<String> loggedInUserRole, boolean isSuperAdmin) {"Starting \"isBatchClassViewableToUser\" service for batch class id:" + batchClassId); List<BatchClass> batchClasses = null; if (isSuperAdmin) {"Getting all batch classes."); batchClasses = bcService.getAllBatchClasses(); } else {"Getting batch classes by user roles."); batchClasses = bcService.getAllBatchClassesByUserRoles(loggedInUserRole); } boolean isBatchClassViewableToUser = false; for (BatchClass batchClass : batchClasses) { if (batchClass.getIdentifier().equalsIgnoreCase(batchClassId)) { isBatchClassViewableToUser = true; break; } }"isBatchClassViewableToUser:" + isBatchClassViewableToUser + " Batch Class id:" + batchClassId + " logged in user role:" + loggedInUserRole.toString());"isSuperAdmin Flag value:" + isSuperAdmin); return isBatchClassViewableToUser; } /** * To get Batch Class List. * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/getBatchClassList", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public void getBatchClassList(final HttpServletResponse resp, final HttpServletRequest req) {"Start processing web service for get batch class list");"Fetching batch class from the database"); Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); if (loggedInUserRole == null || loggedInUserRole.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "User not authorized to view this API."); } catch (final IOException ioe) { LOGGER.error("Error while sending the error response."); } } else { List<BatchClass> batchClass = null; if (isSuperAdmin(req)) { batchClass = bcService.getAllBatchClassesExcludeDeleted(); } else { batchClass = bcService.getAllBatchClassesByUserRoles(loggedInUserRole); } final BatchClasses batchClasses = new BatchClasses(); final List<com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.BatchClasses.BatchClass> batchClassList = batchClasses .getBatchClass();"Total batch class found from the database is : " + batchClass.size()); for (final BatchClass eachBatchClass : batchClass) { final com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.BatchClasses.BatchClass batchClassLocal = createBatchClass( eachBatchClass); batchClassList.add(batchClassLocal); } StreamResult result; try { result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller().marshal(batchClasses, result); } catch (final IOException e) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e.getMessage()); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } } /** * Method to perform conversion of batch class from database to xsd for web service. * * @param eachBatchClass {@link BatchClass} * @return com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.BatchClasses.BatchClass */ private com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.BatchClasses.BatchClass createBatchClass( final BatchClass eachBatchClass) { final com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.BatchClasses.BatchClass batchClassLocal = new com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.BatchClasses.BatchClass(); batchClassLocal.setCurrentUser(eachBatchClass.getCurrentUser()); batchClassLocal.setDescription(eachBatchClass.getDescription()); batchClassLocal.setIdentifier(eachBatchClass.getIdentifier()); batchClassLocal.setName(eachBatchClass.getName()); batchClassLocal.setPriority(eachBatchClass.getPriority()); batchClassLocal.setUncFolder(eachBatchClass.getUncFolder()); batchClassLocal.setVersion(eachBatchClass.getVersion()); return batchClassLocal; } /** * To get roles. * @param identifier {@link String} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @return Set<String> */ @RequestMapping(value = "/getRoles/{batchClassIdentifier}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Set<String> getRoles(@PathVariable("batchClassIdentifier") final String identifier, final HttpServletResponse resp, final HttpServletRequest req) {"Start processing web service for get roles of batch class"); Set<String> userGroups = null; String respStr = ""; if (identifier != null && !identifier.isEmpty()) { Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); boolean isBatchClassViewableToUser = isBatchClassViewableToUser(identifier, loggedInUserRole, isSuperAdmin(req)); if (isBatchClassViewableToUser) { final BatchClass batchClass = bcService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(identifier); if (batchClass != null) {"Fetching user roles for batch class identifier" + identifier); userGroups = batchClassGroupsService.getRolesForBatchClass(identifier); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } else { respStr = "Batch Class does not exist."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } else { respStr = "User is not authorized to view the batch class roles for given identifier:" + identifier; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } else { respStr = "Invalid input parameters."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (IOException e) { + e, e); } } return userGroups; } /** * To get Batch Class for Role. * @param role String * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} * @return List<String> */ @RequestMapping(value = "/getBatchClassForRole/{role}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public List<String> getBatchClassForRole(@PathVariable("role") final String role, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for get batch classes for user role:" + role); List<String> batchClassList = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<String> batchClasses = new TreeSet<String>(); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; if (role != null && !role.isEmpty()) { if (userConnectivityService.getAllGroups().contains(role)) {"Given role : " + role + " is valid."); boolean isSuperAdmin = false; if (userConnectivityService.getAllSuperAdminGroups().contains(role)) { isSuperAdmin = true;"Given role:" + role + " is super admin."); } if (isSuperAdmin) { List<String> results = bcService.getAllBatchClassIdentifier(); for (String batchClassId : results) { batchClasses.add(batchClassId); } } else { final Set<String> userRoles = new HashSet<String>(); userRoles.add(role);"Fetching batch classes for user role" + role); Set<String> batchClassIdentifiers = batchClassGroupsService .getBatchClassIdentifierForUserRoles(userRoles, false); if (batchClassIdentifiers != null) { batchClasses.addAll(batchClassIdentifiers); } } resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } else { respStr = "Invalid role provided. This is not amongst the list of valid roles."; } } else { respStr = "Invalid input parameters. Please provide a value for role."; } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (IOException e) { + e, e); } } for (String batchClassIdentifier : batchClasses) { batchClassList.add(batchClassIdentifier); } return batchClassList; } /** * To get Batch Instance for Roles. * @param role {@link String} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} * @return List<String> */ @RequestMapping(value = "/getBatchInstanceForRole/{role}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public List<String> getBatchInstanceForRoles(@PathVariable("role") final String role, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for get batch instances for user role"); List<String> batchInstancesList = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<String> batchInstances = new TreeSet<String>(); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; if (role != null && !role.isEmpty()) { if (userConnectivityService.getAllGroups().contains(role)) { final Set<String> userRoles = new HashSet<String>(); userRoles.add(role);"Given role:" + role + " is valid."); boolean isSuperAdmin = false; if (userConnectivityService.getAllSuperAdminGroups().contains(role)) { isSuperAdmin = true;"Given role:" + role + " is super admin."); } if (isSuperAdmin) { List<BatchClass> batchClassList = bcService.getAllBatchClasses(); if (batchClassList != null) { for (BatchClass batchClass : batchClassList) { List<BatchInstance> eachBatchInstance = biService.getBatchInstByBatchClass(batchClass); for (BatchInstance batchInstance : eachBatchInstance) { batchInstances.add(batchInstance.getIdentifier()); } } } } else { List<BatchClass> batchClasses = bcService.getAllBatchClassesByUserRoles(userRoles); if (batchClasses != null) { for (BatchClass batchClass : batchClasses) { List<BatchInstance> eachBatchInstance = biService.getBatchInstByBatchClass(batchClass); for (BatchInstance batchInstance : eachBatchInstance) { batchInstances.add(batchInstance.getIdentifier()); } } } } resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } else { respStr = "Invalid role provided. This is not amongst the list of valid roles."; } } else { respStr = "Invalid input parameters. Please provide a value for role."; } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (IOException e) { + e, e); } } for (String batchInstanceIdentifier : batchInstances) { batchInstancesList.add(batchInstanceIdentifier); } return batchInstancesList; } /** * To delete Batch Instance. * @param identifier {@link String} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/deleteBatchInstance/{batchInstanceIdentifier}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public String deleteBatchInstance(@PathVariable("batchInstanceIdentifier") final String identifier, final HttpServletResponse resp, final HttpServletRequest req) {"Start processing web service for delete batch instance"); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; boolean isSuccess = false; if (identifier != null && !identifier.isEmpty()) { final BatchInstance batchInstance = biService.getBatchInstanceByIdentifier(identifier); try { // Status for which a batch can be deleted: if (batchInstance != null && (batchInstance.getStatus().equals(BatchInstanceStatus.ERROR) || batchInstance.getStatus().equals(BatchInstanceStatus.READY_FOR_REVIEW) || batchInstance.getStatus().equals(BatchInstanceStatus.READY_FOR_VALIDATION) || batchInstance.getStatus().equals(BatchInstanceStatus.RUNNING))) { Set<String> batchInstanceRoles = biService.getRolesForBatchInstance(batchInstance); Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); if (isSuperAdmin(req) || batchInstanceRoles.removeAll(loggedInUserRole)) {"Deleting the batch instance:" + identifier); pluginPropertiesService.clearCache(identifier); jbpmService.deleteProcessInstance(batchInstance.getProcessInstanceKey()); batchInstance.setStatus(BatchInstanceStatus.DELETED); biService.updateBatchInstance(batchInstance); final File uncFile = new File(batchInstance.getUncSubfolder());"uncFile for the batch instance:" + uncFile); if (null != uncFile) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(uncFile); "Deleted the unc folders of batch instance:" + identifier + " successfully."); } isSuccess = true; } else { respStr = "User is not authorized to perform operation on this batch instance." + identifier; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } else { respStr = "Either Batch instance does not exist with batch instance identifier " + identifier + " or batch exists with incorrect status to be deleted. Batch instance should be of status:-" + "ERROR, READY_FOR_REVIEW, READY_FOR_VALIDATION, RUNNING"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = "Error while deleting batch instance id:" + identifier + ".Please check logs for further details." + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } return (isSuccess ? "Batch deleted successfully." : "Failure while deleting batch instance."); } /** * To restart Batch Instance. * @param identifier {@link String} * @param moduleName {@link String} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @return {@link String} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/restartBatchInstance/{batchInstanceIdentifier}/{restartAtModuleName}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public String restartBatchInstance(@PathVariable("batchInstanceIdentifier") final String identifier, @PathVariable("restartAtModuleName") String moduleName, final HttpServletResponse resp, final HttpServletRequest req) {"Start processing web service for restart batch instance"); boolean isSuccess = false; String moduleNameLocal = moduleName; Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; if (identifier != null && !identifier.isEmpty()) {"Start processing of restarting batch for batch instance:" + identifier); BatchInstance batchInstance = biService.getBatchInstanceByIdentifier(identifier); // only batch instance with these status can be restarted if (batchInstance != null && (batchInstance.getStatus().equals(BatchInstanceStatus.ERROR) || batchInstance.getStatus().equals(BatchInstanceStatus.READY_FOR_REVIEW) || batchInstance.getStatus().equals(BatchInstanceStatus.READY_FOR_VALIDATION) || batchInstance.getStatus().equals(BatchInstanceStatus.RUNNING))) {"Batch is in the valid state to restart.Restarting batch instance:" + batchInstance); Set<String> batchInstanceRoles = biService.getRolesForBatchInstance(batchInstance); if (isSuperAdmin(req) || batchInstanceRoles.removeAll(loggedInUserRole)) {"User is authorized to perform operation on the batch instance:" + identifier); final String batchClassIdentifier = biService.getBatchClassIdentifier(identifier); String executedBatchInstanceModules = batchInstance.getExecutedModules(); if (executedBatchInstanceModules != null) { String[] executedModulesArray = executedBatchInstanceModules.split(";"); if (batchClassIdentifier != null) { "Restarting the batch instance for the batch class:" + batchClassIdentifier); final BatchClassModule batchClassModuleItem = bcModuleService .getBatchClassModuleByWorkflowName(batchClassIdentifier, moduleNameLocal); if (batchClassModuleItem != null) { for (String executedModule : executedModulesArray) { if (executedModule.equalsIgnoreCase( String.valueOf(batchClassModuleItem.getModule().getId()))) { isSuccess = true; break; } } } } } else { isSuccess = true; List<BatchClassModule> batchClassModuleList = batchInstance.getBatchClass() .getBatchClassModules(); moduleNameLocal = batchClassModuleList.get(0).getWorkflowName();"Restarting the batch from first module." + moduleNameLocal + " as the executed module list is empty."); } final boolean isZipSwitchOn = bsService.isZipSwitchOn();"Zipped Batch XML switch is:" + isZipSwitchOn); final String activeModule = workflowService.getActiveModule(batchInstance);"The activeModule of batch:" + activeModule); if (isSuccess) {"All parameters for restarting the batch are valid."); respStr = processRestartingBatchInternal(identifier, moduleNameLocal, respStr, batchInstance, batchClassIdentifier, isZipSwitchOn, activeModule); } else { isSuccess = false; List<BatchClassModule> batchClassModules = bcModuleService .getAllBatchClassModulesByIdentifier(batchClassIdentifier); String[] executedModulesArray = executedBatchInstanceModules.split(";"); Set<String> executedWorkflows = new HashSet<String>(); for (String executedModuleId : executedModulesArray) { for (BatchClassModule batchClassModule : batchClassModules) { if (batchClassModule != null && executedModuleId .equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(batchClassModule.getModule().getId()))) { executedWorkflows.add(batchClassModule.getWorkflowName()); break; } } } respStr = "Invalid parameter for restarting batch instance. Batch is being restarted from a module:" + moduleNameLocal + " that may not yet be executed or is non existent. Please select the valid module name for restart from the following :" + executedWorkflows.toString(); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } else { respStr = "User is not authorized to perform operation on this batch instance." + identifier; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } else { respStr = "Either Batch instance does not exist with batch instance identifier " + identifier + " or batch exists with incorrect status to be restarted. Batch instance should be of status:-" + "ERROR, READY_FOR_REVIEW, READY_FOR_VALIDATION, RUNNING"; isSuccess = false; } } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { LOGGER.debug(ERROR_WHILE_SENDING_ERROR_RESPONSE_TO_CLIENT + ioe, ioe); } } return (isSuccess ? "Batch restarted successfully from module:" + moduleNameLocal : "Failure while restarting batch instance."); } private String processRestartingBatchInternal(final String identifier, final String moduleName, String respStr, final BatchInstance batchInstance, final String batchClassIdentifier, final boolean isZipSwitchOn, final String activeModule) { String respStrLocal = respStr; BatchInstance batchInstanceLocal = batchInstance; try {"Inside processRestartingBatchInternal method."); jbpmService.deleteProcessInstance(batchInstanceLocal.getProcessInstanceKey()); final BatchInstanceThread batchInstanceThread = ThreadPool.getBatchInstanceThreadList(identifier); if (batchInstanceThread != null) { batchInstanceThread.remove();"Removing the batch instance thread done successsfully."); } String executedModules = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; if (moduleName != null) {"Restarting the batch instance from the module:" + moduleName); Properties properties = WebServiceUtil.fetchConfig(); importBatchService.updateBatchFolders(properties, batchInstanceLocal, moduleName, isZipSwitchOn);"Batch folders have been updated successfully."); executedModules = batchInstanceLocal.getExecutedModules(); if (executedModules != null && (!executedModules.isEmpty())) {"List of executed modules:" + executedModules); if (batchClassIdentifier != null) { final BatchClassModule batchClassModuleItem = bcModuleService .getBatchClassModuleByWorkflowName(batchClassIdentifier, moduleName); final BatchClass batchClass = bcService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(batchClassIdentifier); final List<BatchClassModule> batchClassModules = batchClass.getBatchClassModules(); if (null != batchClassModules) { for (final BatchClassModule batchClassModule : batchClassModules) { if (batchClassModule != null && batchClassModule.getModule() != null && batchClassModule.getOrderNumber() >= batchClassModuleItem .getOrderNumber()) { final String replaceText = batchClassModule.getModule().getId() + ";"; executedModules = executedModules.replace(replaceText, WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING); } } } } }"Resetted the executed modules list to :" + executedModules); } else {"Restarting the batch instance from the begining."); importBatchService.removeFolders(batchInstanceLocal); executedModules = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING;"Resetted the executed modules list to :" + executedModules); } batchInstanceLocal = biService.getBatchInstanceByIdentifier(identifier); batchInstanceLocal.setExecutedModules(executedModules); batchInstanceLocal = biService.merge(batchInstanceLocal);"BatchInstance object updated in the database successfully."); if (activeModule != null && activeModule.contains("Workflow_Continue_Check")) { LOGGER.error("Error in restarting batch instance : " + identifier); } workflowService.startWorkflow(batchInstanceLocal.getBatchInstanceID(), moduleName); } catch (final IOException ex) { respStrLocal = "Cannot open and load backUpService properties file." + ex; LOGGER.error(respStrLocal, ex); } catch (final DCMAApplicationException dcmae) { respStrLocal = "Error while restarting batch instance " + identifier + dcmae; LOGGER.error(respStrLocal, dcmae); } catch (final Exception e) { respStrLocal = "Error in restarting batch instance " + identifier + e; LOGGER.error(respStrLocal, e); // update the batch instance to ERROR state. if (jbpmService != null) { jbpmService.deleteProcessInstance(batchInstanceLocal.getProcessInstanceKey()); } biService.updateBatchInstanceStatusByIdentifier(batchInstanceLocal.getIdentifier(), BatchInstanceStatus.ERROR); } return respStrLocal; } /** * To add User Roles to Batch Instance. * @param identifier {@link String} * @param userRole {@link String} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @return {@link String} * @throws IOException in case of error */ @RequestMapping(value = "/addUserRolesToBatchInstance/{batchInstanceIdentifier}/{userRole}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public String addUserRolesToBatchInstance(@PathVariable("batchInstanceIdentifier") final String identifier, @PathVariable("userRole") final String userRole, final HttpServletResponse resp, final HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException {"Start processing web service for adding user roles to batch instance identifier"); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; boolean isSuccess = false; if (identifier != null && !identifier.isEmpty()) { final BatchInstance batchInstance = biService.getBatchInstanceByIdentifier(identifier); Set<String> allRoles = userConnectivityService.getAllGroups(); if (allRoles != null && allRoles.contains(userRole)) { try { if (batchInstance != null) { Set<String> batchInstanceRoles = biService.getRolesForBatchInstance(batchInstance); Set<String> loggedInUserRoles = getUserRoles(req); if (isSuperAdmin(req) || batchInstanceRoles.removeAll(loggedInUserRoles)) { batchInstanceGroupsService.addUserRolesToBatchInstanceIdentifier(identifier, userRole); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); isSuccess = true; } else { respStr = "User is not authorized to perform operation on this batch instance." + identifier; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } else { respStr = "Batch instance does not exist with batch instance identifier " + identifier; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = "Error in adding roles to batch instance identifier: " + identifier + "." + e.getMessage(); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } else { respStr = "Invalid role provided. This is not amongst the list of valid roles."; } } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } return (isSuccess ? "User role is added successfully to batch instance." : "Failure while adding roles to batch instance: " + identifier + "."); } /** * To create Searchable PDF. * @param request {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param response {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/createSearchablePDF", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void createSearchablePDF(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) {"Start processing web service for create searchable pdf"); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; if (request instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath);"workingDir:" + workingDir); final String outputDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceOutputDir(workingDir);"outputDir:" + outputDir); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) request; final BatchInstanceThread batchInstanceThread = new BatchInstanceThread( new File(workingDir).getName() + Math.random()); final String isColorImage = request.getParameter("isColorImage"); final String isSearchableImage = request.getParameter("isSearchableImage"); final String outputPDFFileName = request.getParameter("outputPDFFileName"); final String projectFile = request.getParameter(WebServiceUtil.PROJECT_FILE); String results = WebServiceUtil.validateSearchableAPI(outputPDFFileName, projectFile, FileType.PDF.getExtensionWithDot(), isSearchableImage, isColorImage); if (!results.isEmpty()) { respStr = results; } else {"Value of isColorImage" + isColorImage);"Value of isSearchableImage" + isSearchableImage);"Value of outputPDFFileName" + outputPDFFileName);"Value of projectFile" + projectFile); final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multipartRequest.getMultiFileMap(); for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { try { if (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()).indexOf(WebServiceUtil.RSP_EXTENSION) > -1 || fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.TIF.getExtension()) > -1 || fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.TIFF.getExtension()) > -1) { // only tiffs and RSP file is expected final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multipartRequest.getFile(fileName); try { instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } if (fileName.endsWith(FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot()) || fileName.endsWith(FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())) { int pageCount = TIFFUtil .getTIFFPageCount(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); if (pageCount > 1) { respStr = ONLY_ONE_SINGLE_PAGE_TIFF_EXPECTED; break; } } } finally { if (instream != null) { instream.close(); } if (outStream != null) { outStream.close(); } } } else { respStr = "Only tiff, tif and rsp files expected."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); break; } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { String[] imageFiles = null; final File file = new File(workingDir); imageFiles = file.list(new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot(), FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot())); if (imageFiles == null || imageFiles.length == 0) { respStr = "No tif/tiff file found for processing."; } // getting rsp project file name String rspProjectFile = workingDir + File.separator + projectFile;"rspProjectFile:" + rspProjectFile); File rspFile = new File(rspProjectFile); if (rspProjectFile == null || !rspFile.exists()) { respStr = "Invalid project file. Please verify the project file."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { final String[] pages = new String[imageFiles.length + 1]; int index = 0; for (final String imageFileName : imageFiles) { pages[index] = workingDir + File.separator + imageFileName; index++; if (WebServiceUtil.TRUE.equalsIgnoreCase(isColorImage)) { try {"Generating png image files"); imService.generatePNGForImage( new File(workingDir + File.separator + imageFileName)); // getting png file name from image file name final String pngFileName = imageFileName.substring(0, imageFileName.lastIndexOf(WebServiceUtil.DOT)) + FileType.PNG.getExtensionWithDot(); // creating OCR recostarService.createOCR(projectFile, workingDir, WebServiceUtil.ON_STRING, pngFileName, batchInstanceThread, workingDir); } catch (final DCMAException e) { // deleting directory FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive( new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); respStr = "Error in generating plugin output for color switch \"ON\" for image:" + imageFileName + ". " + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } else { try { // creating OCR recostarService.createOCR(projectFile, workingDir, WebServiceUtil.OFF_STRING, imageFileName, batchInstanceThread, workingDir); } catch (final DCMAException e) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive( new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); respStr = "Error in generating plugin output for color switch \"OFF\" for image:" + imageFileName + ". " + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { try {"Generating HOCR file for input images."); // executing the batch instance thread batchInstanceThread.execute(); batchInstanceThread.remove(); final String outputPDFFile = workingDir + File.separator + outputPDFFileName; pages[index] = outputPDFFile; // creating searchable PDF imService.createSearchablePDF(isColorImage, isSearchableImage, workingDir, pages, batchInstanceThread, WebServiceUtil.DOCUMENTID); batchInstanceThread.execute();"Copying output searchable file"); FileUtils.copyFile(new File(outputPDFFile), new File(outputDir + File.separator + outputPDFFileName)); } catch (final DCMAApplicationException e) { batchInstanceThread.remove(); // deleting the directory contents FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive( new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); respStr = "Error in generating searchable pdf." + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { ServletOutputStream out = null; ZipOutputStream zout = null; final String zipFileName = WebServiceUtil.SERVEROUTPUTFOLDERNAME; // setting the content type response.setContentType(WebServiceUtil.ATTACHMENT_FILENAME); // setting the content header response.setHeader(WebServiceUtil.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, WebServiceUtil.ATTACHMENT_FILENAME + zipFileName + FileType.ZIP.getExtensionWithDot() + NEXT_LINE_STRING); try { // zip the directory contents and set the response status out = response.getOutputStream(); zout = new ZipOutputStream(out); FileUtils.zipDirectory(outputDir, zout, zipFileName); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } catch (final IOException e) { respStr = "Unable to process web service request.Please try again." + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } finally { // clean up code IOUtils.closeQuietly(zout); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive( new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER; } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * To create OCR. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/createOCR", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void createOCR(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for create OCRing"); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final String outputDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceOutputDir(workingDir); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multiPartRequest = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; final BatchInstanceThread batchInstanceThread = new BatchInstanceThread( new File(workingDir).getName() + Math.random()); final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multiPartRequest.getMultiFileMap(); if (!(fileMap.size() >= 2 && fileMap.size() <= WebserviceConstants.THREE)) { respStr = "Invalid number of files. We are supposed only 3 files each of type:XML, Project RSP file(if recostar tool) and tif/tiff/png file."; } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { String xmlFileName = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { try { if (fileName.endsWith(FileType.XML.getExtensionWithDot())) { xmlFileName = fileName; } final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multiPartRequest.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } if (fileName.endsWith(FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot()) || fileName.endsWith(FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())) { int pageCount = TIFFUtil.getTIFFPageCount(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); if (pageCount > 1) { respStr = ONLY_ONE_SINGLE_PAGE_TIFF_EXPECTED; break; } } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } WebServiceParams webServiceParams = null; final File xmlFile = new File(workingDir + File.separator + xmlFileName); if (xmlFile.exists()) { final FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); Source source = XMLUtil.createSourceFromStream(inputStream); webServiceParams = (WebServiceParams) batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller() .unmarshal(source); } List<Param> paramList = webServiceParams.getParams().getParam(); if (paramList == null || paramList.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); respStr = IMPROPER_XML_PARAMETER; } else { String ocrEngine = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String colorSwitch = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String projectFile = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String tesseractVersion = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String cmdLanguage = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final Param param : paramList) { if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.OCR_ENGINE)) { ocrEngine = param.getValue(); continue; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.COLOR_SWITCH)) { colorSwitch = param.getValue(); continue; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.PROJECT_FILE)) { projectFile = param.getValue();"Project file for recostar is :" + projectFile); continue; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.TESSERACT_VERSION)) { tesseractVersion = param.getValue();"Tesseract version is: " + tesseractVersion); continue; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.CMD_LANGUAGE)) { // supported values are "eng" and "tha" for now provided tesseract engine is learnt. cmdLanguage = param.getValue();"cmd langugage is :" + cmdLanguage); continue; } } String results = WebServiceUtil.validateCreateOCRAPI(workingDir, ocrEngine, colorSwitch, projectFile, tesseractVersion, cmdLanguage); if (!results.isEmpty()) { respStr = results; } else { String[] fileNames = null; final File file = new File(workingDir); if (colorSwitch.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.ON_STRING)) { String[] tifFileNames = file.list(new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot(), FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())); // generate png file for each tiff/tif file for (String tifFile : tifFileNames) { imService.generatePNGForImage(new File(workingDir + File.separator + tifFile)); }"Picking up the png file for processing."); fileNames = file .list(new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.PNG.getExtensionWithDot())); } else {"Picking up the tif file for processing."); fileNames = file.list(new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot(), FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())); }"Number of file is:" + fileNames.length);"OcrEngine used for generating ocr is :" + ocrEngine); if (ocrEngine.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.RECOSTAR)) { if (fileNames != null && fileNames.length > 0) { for (final String fileName : fileNames) { try {"File processing for recostar is :" + fileName); recostarService.createOCR(projectFile, workingDir, colorSwitch, fileName, batchInstanceThread, outputDir); } catch (final DCMAException e) { respStr = "Error occuring while creating OCR file using recostar. Please try again." + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); break; } } } else { if (colorSwitch.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.OFF_STRING)) { respStr = "Improper input to server. No tiff files provided."; } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. No tiff/png files provided."; } } } else if (ocrEngine.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.TESSERACT)) { if (fileNames != null && fileNames.length > 0) { for (final String fileName : fileNames) { try {"File processing for ocr with tesseract is :" + fileName); tesseractService.createOCR(workingDir, colorSwitch, fileName, batchInstanceThread, outputDir, cmdLanguage, tesseractVersion); } catch (final DCMAException e) { respStr = "Error occuring while creating OCR file using tesseract. Please try again." + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); break; } } } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. No tiff/png files provided."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } else { respStr = "Please select valid tool for generating OCR file."; } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { try { batchInstanceThread.execute(); if (ocrEngine.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.RECOSTAR)) { for (final String fileName : fileNames) { final String recostarXMLFileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(WebServiceUtil.DOT)) + FileType.XML.getExtensionWithDot(); try { FileUtils.copyFile( new File(workingDir + File.separator + recostarXMLFileName), new File(outputDir + File.separator + recostarXMLFileName)); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = "Error while generating copying result file." + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); break; } } } } catch (final DCMAApplicationException e) { respStr = "Exception while generating ocr using threadpool" + e; } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { ServletOutputStream out = null; ZipOutputStream zout = null; final String zipFileName = WebServiceUtil.SERVEROUTPUTFOLDERNAME; resp.setContentType(WebServiceUtil.APPLICATION_X_ZIP); resp.setHeader(WebServiceUtil.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, WebServiceUtil.ATTACHMENT_FILENAME + zipFileName + FileType.ZIP.getExtensionWithDot() + NEXT_LINE_STRING); try { out = resp.getOutputStream(); zout = new ZipOutputStream(out); FileUtils.zipDirectory(outputDir, zout, zipFileName); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } catch (final IOException e) { respStr = "Error in creating output zip file.Please try again." + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(zout); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive( new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } } } } } catch (final XmlMappingException xmle) { respStr = ERROR_IN_MAPPING_INPUT + xmle; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final DCMAException dcmae) { respStr = ERROR_PROCESSING_REQUEST + dcmae; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * To classify Image. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/classifyImage", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void classifyImage(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for classifyImage."); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multipartReq = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; String batchClassId = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final Enumeration<String> params = multipartReq.getParameterNames(); params .hasMoreElements();) { final String paramName = params.nextElement(); if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase("batchClassId")) { batchClassId = multipartReq.getParameter(paramName); break; } } if (batchClassId == null || batchClassId.isEmpty()) { respStr = "Batch Class identifier not specified."; } else { BatchClass batchClass = bcService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(batchClassId); if (batchClass == null) { respStr = "Batch class with the specified identifier:" + batchClassId + " does not exist."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else { Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); if (!isBatchClassViewableToUser(batchClassId, loggedInUserRole, isSuperAdmin(req))) { respStr = USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_VIEW_THE_BATCH_CLASS + batchClassId; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else { BatchPlugin createThumbPlugin = batchClassPPService.getPluginProperties(batchClassId, ImageMagicKConstants.CREATE_THUMBNAILS_PLUGIN); BatchPlugin classifyImgPlugin = batchClassPPService.getPluginProperties(batchClassId, ImageMagicKConstants.CLASSIFY_IMAGES_PLUGIN); BatchPlugin docAssemblyPlugin = batchClassPPService.getPluginProperties(batchClassId, DocumentAssemblerConstants.DOCUMENT_ASSEMBLER_PLUGIN); if (createThumbPlugin == null || classifyImgPlugin == null || docAssemblyPlugin == null) { respStr = "Either create Thumbnails plugin or Classify Image plugin or document assembly plugin does not exist for the specified batch class id: " + batchClassId; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else if (createThumbPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( ImageMagicProperties.CREATE_THUMBNAILS_OUTPUT_IMAGE_PARAMETERS) == null || createThumbPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( ImageMagicProperties.CREATE_THUMBNAILS_COMP_THUMB_WIDTH) == null || createThumbPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( ImageMagicProperties.CREATE_THUMBNAILS_COMP_THUMB_HEIGHT) == null) { respStr = "Create Thumbnails Height or width or output image parameters does not exist for the specified batch class id: " + batchClassId; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else if (classifyImgPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( ImageMagicProperties.CLASSIFY_IMAGES_COMP_METRIC) == null || classifyImgPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( ImageMagicProperties.CLASSIFY_IMAGES_MAX_RESULTS) == null || classifyImgPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( ImageMagicProperties.CLASSIFY_IMAGES_FUZZ_PERCNT) == null) { respStr = "Classify Images comp metric or fuzz percent or max results does not exist for the specified batch class id: " + batchClassId; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else if (docAssemblyPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_FP_MP_LP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_FP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_MP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_LP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_FP_LP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_FP_MP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_MP_LP) == null) { respStr = "Incomplete properties of the Document assembler plugin for the specified batch class id: " + batchClassId; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { final String outputParams = batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ImageMagicKConstants.CREATE_THUMBNAILS_PLUGIN, ImageMagicProperties.CREATE_THUMBNAILS_OUTPUT_IMAGE_PARAMETERS); final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multipartReq.getMultiFileMap(); if (fileMap.size() == 1) { String[][] sListOfTiffFiles = new String[fileMap.size()][WebserviceConstants.THREE]; for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { // only single tiff file is expected as input try { if ((fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.TIF.getExtension()) > -1 || fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.TIFF.getExtension()) > -1)) { final MultipartFile multipartFile = multipartReq.getFile(fileName); instream = multipartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte buf[] = new byte[WebserviceConstants.BUF]; int len =; while (len > WebserviceConstants.ZERO) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } if (TIFFUtil .getTIFFPageCount(file.getAbsolutePath()) > WebserviceConstants.ONE) { respStr = ONLY_ONE_SINGLE_PAGE_TIFF_EXPECTED; } break; } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. Expected only one tiff file. Returning without processing the results."; } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { String compareThumbnailH = batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ImageMagicKConstants.CREATE_THUMBNAILS_PLUGIN, ImageMagicProperties.CREATE_THUMBNAILS_COMP_THUMB_HEIGHT); String compareThumbnailW = batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ImageMagicKConstants.CREATE_THUMBNAILS_PLUGIN, ImageMagicProperties.CREATE_THUMBNAILS_COMP_THUMB_WIDTH); String batchId = new File(workingDir).getName() + Math.random(); ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory(); Pages pages = new Pages(); List<Page> listOfPages = pages.getPage(); String[] imageFiles = new File(workingDir).list(new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot(), FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot())); for (int i = 0; i < imageFiles.length; i++) { String fileName = workingDir + File.separator + imageFiles[i]; String thumbFileName = "th" + FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot(); String fileTiffPath = workingDir + File.separator + thumbFileName; sListOfTiffFiles[i][0] = fileName; sListOfTiffFiles[i][1] = fileTiffPath; sListOfTiffFiles[i][2] = Integer.toString(i); Page pageType = objectFactory.createPage(); pageType.setIdentifier(EphesoftProperty.PAGE.getProperty() + i); pageType.setNewFileName(fileName); pageType.setOldFileName(fileName); pageType.setDirection(Direction.NORTH); pageType.setIsRotated(false); pageType.setComparisonThumbnailFileName(thumbFileName); listOfPages.add(pageType); } final BatchInstanceThread threadList = imService.createCompThumbForImage(batchId, workingDir, sListOfTiffFiles, outputParams, compareThumbnailH, compareThumbnailW); try { threadList.execute(); // invoke the Classification Image plugin String imMetric = batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ImageMagicKConstants.CLASSIFY_IMAGES_PLUGIN, ImageMagicProperties.CLASSIFY_IMAGES_COMP_METRIC); String imFuzz = batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ImageMagicKConstants.CLASSIFY_IMAGES_PLUGIN, ImageMagicProperties.CLASSIFY_IMAGES_FUZZ_PERCNT); String maxVal = batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ImageMagicKConstants.CLASSIFY_IMAGES_PLUGIN, ImageMagicProperties.CLASSIFY_IMAGES_MAX_RESULTS); imService.classifyImagesAPI(maxVal, imMetric, imFuzz, batchId, batchClassId, workingDir, listOfPages); // invoke the document assembler plugin List<Document> doc = docAssembler.createDocumentAPI( DocumentClassificationFactory.IMAGE, batchClassId, listOfPages); Documents docs = new Documents(); docs.getDocument().addAll(doc); StreamResult result; try { result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller().marshal(docs, result); } catch (final IOException e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } catch (final DCMAApplicationException e) { threadList.remove(); respStr = "Error while executing threadpool. Detailed exception is " + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final DCMAException e) { threadList.remove(); respStr = "Error while executing threadpool. Detailed exception is " + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. Expected only one tiff file. Returning without processing the results."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER; } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * To classify Barcode Image. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/classifyBarcodeImage", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void classifyBarcodeImage(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for classifyBarcode."); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multipartReq = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; String batchClassId = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final Enumeration<String> params = multipartReq.getParameterNames(); params .hasMoreElements();) { final String paramName = params.nextElement(); if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase("batchClassId")) { batchClassId = multipartReq.getParameter(paramName); break; } } Map<BarcodeProperties, String> batchClassConfigMap = new HashMap<BarcodeProperties, String>(); if (batchClassId == null || batchClassId.isEmpty()) { respStr = "Batch Class identifier not specified."; } else { BatchClass batchClass = bcService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(batchClassId); if (batchClass == null) { respStr = "Batch class with the specified identifier: " + batchClassId + " does not exist."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else { Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); if (!isBatchClassViewableToUser(batchClassId, loggedInUserRole, isSuperAdmin(req))) { respStr = USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_VIEW_THE_BATCH_CLASS + batchClassId; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else { BatchPlugin barcodeReader = batchClassPPService.getPluginProperties(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.BARCODE_READER_PLUGIN); BatchPlugin docAssemblyPlugin = batchClassPPService.getPluginProperties(batchClassId, DocumentAssemblerConstants.DOCUMENT_ASSEMBLER_PLUGIN); if (barcodeReader == null || docAssemblyPlugin == null) { respStr = "Either Barcode Reader plugin or document assembly plugin does not exist for the specified batch class id: " + batchClassId; } else if (docAssemblyPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_BARCODE_CONFIDENCE) == null) { respStr = "Incomplete properties of the Document assembler plugin for the specified batch class id:" + batchClassId; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else if (barcodeReader .getPluginConfigurations(BarcodeProperties.BARCODE_VALID_EXTNS) == null || barcodeReader .getPluginConfigurations(BarcodeProperties.BARCODE_READER_TYPES) == null || barcodeReader .getPluginConfigurations(BarcodeProperties.MAX_CONFIDENCE) == null || barcodeReader .getPluginConfigurations(BarcodeProperties.MIN_CONFIDENCE) == null) { respStr = "Incomplete properties of the Barcode reader plugin for the specified batch class id: " + batchClassId; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { batchClassConfigMap.put(BarcodeProperties.BARCODE_VALID_EXTNS, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.BARCODE_READER_PLUGIN, BarcodeProperties.BARCODE_VALID_EXTNS)); batchClassConfigMap.put(BarcodeProperties.BARCODE_READER_TYPES, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.BARCODE_READER_PLUGIN, BarcodeProperties.BARCODE_READER_TYPES)); batchClassConfigMap.put(BarcodeProperties.MAX_CONFIDENCE, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.BARCODE_READER_PLUGIN, BarcodeProperties.MAX_CONFIDENCE)); batchClassConfigMap.put(BarcodeProperties.MIN_CONFIDENCE, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.BARCODE_READER_PLUGIN, BarcodeProperties.MIN_CONFIDENCE)); final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multipartReq.getMultiFileMap(); if (fileMap.size() == 1) { String tiffFileName = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { // only single tiff/tif file is expected as input try { if ((fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.TIF.getExtension()) > -1 || fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.TIFF.getExtension()) > -1)) { final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multipartReq.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte buf[] = new byte[WebserviceConstants.BUF]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } if (TIFFUtil.getTIFFPageCount(file.getAbsolutePath()) > 1) { respStr = ONLY_ONE_SINGLE_PAGE_TIFF_EXPECTED; } tiffFileName = file.getName(); break; } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. Expected only one tiff file. Returning without processing the results."; } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory(); Pages pages = new Pages(); List<Page> listOfPages = pages.getPage(); List<Document> xmlDocuments = new ArrayList<Document>(); Document doc = objectFactory.createDocument(); xmlDocuments.add(doc); doc.setPages(pages); Page pageType = objectFactory.createPage(); pageType.setIdentifier(EphesoftProperty.PAGE.getProperty() + "0"); pageType.setNewFileName(tiffFileName); listOfPages.add(pageType); String batchInstanceIdentifier = new File(workingDir).getName() + Math.random(); barcodeService.extractPageBarCodeAPI(xmlDocuments, batchInstanceIdentifier, workingDir, batchClassConfigMap); try { // invoke the document assembler plugin xmlDocuments = docAssembler.createDocumentAPI(DocumentClassificationFactory.BARCODE, batchClassId, listOfPages); Documents docs = new Documents(); docs.getDocument().addAll(xmlDocuments); StreamResult result; try { result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller().marshal(docs, result); } catch (final IOException e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } catch (final DCMAApplicationException e) { respStr = "Error while executing plugin. Detailed exception is " + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_ONLY_ONE_HTML_FILE_EXPECTED; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } catch (final XmlMappingException xmle) { respStr = ERROR_IN_MAPPING_INPUT + xmle; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final DCMAException dcmae) { respStr = ERROR_PROCESSING_REQUEST + dcmae; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. Expected multipart request. Returing without processing the results."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * To classify Hocr. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/classifyHocr", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void classifyHocr(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for classifyHocr."); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multipartReq = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; String batchClassId = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final Enumeration<String> params = multipartReq.getParameterNames(); params .hasMoreElements();) { final String paramName = params.nextElement(); if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase("batchClassId")) { batchClassId = multipartReq.getParameter(paramName); break; } } Map<LuceneProperties, String> batchClassConfigMap = new HashMap<LuceneProperties, String>(); if (batchClassId == null || batchClassId.isEmpty()) { respStr = "Batch Class identifier not specified."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else { BatchClass batchClass = bcService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(batchClassId); if (batchClass == null) { respStr = "Batch class with the specified identifier : " + batchClassId + " does not exist."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else { Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); if (!isBatchClassViewableToUser(batchClassId, loggedInUserRole, isSuperAdmin(req))) { respStr = USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_VIEW_THE_BATCH_CLASS + batchClassId; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else { BatchPlugin searchClassPlugin = batchClassPPService.getPluginProperties(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN); BatchPlugin docAssemblyPlugin = batchClassPPService.getPluginProperties(batchClassId, DocumentAssemblerConstants.DOCUMENT_ASSEMBLER_PLUGIN); if (searchClassPlugin == null || docAssemblyPlugin == null) { respStr = "Either Search Classification plugin or document assembly plugin does not exist for the specified batch class id: " + batchClassId; } else if (docAssemblyPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_FP_MP_LP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_FP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_MP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_LP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_FP_LP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_FP_MP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_MP_LP) == null) { respStr = "Incomplete properties of the Document assembler plugin for the specified batch class id :" + batchClassId; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else if (searchClassPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_VALID_EXTNS) == null || searchClassPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_INDEX_FIELDS) == null || searchClassPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_STOP_WORDS) == null || searchClassPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_TERM_FREQ) == null || searchClassPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_DOC_FREQ) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_WORD_LENGTH) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MAX_QUERY_TERMS) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD) == null || searchClassPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_NO_OF_PAGES) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MAX_RESULT_COUNT) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_FIRST_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIDDLE_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_LAST_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE) == null) { respStr = "Incomplete properties of the Search Classification plugin for the specified batch class id :" + batchClassId; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_VALID_EXTNS, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_VALID_EXTNS)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_INDEX_FIELDS, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_INDEX_FIELDS)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_STOP_WORDS, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_STOP_WORDS)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_TERM_FREQ, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_TERM_FREQ)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_DOC_FREQ, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_DOC_FREQ)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_WORD_LENGTH, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_WORD_LENGTH)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MAX_QUERY_TERMS, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MAX_QUERY_TERMS)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_NO_OF_PAGES, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_NO_OF_PAGES)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MAX_RESULT_COUNT, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MAX_RESULT_COUNT)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_FIRST_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_FIRST_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIDDLE_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIDDLE_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_LAST_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_LAST_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE)); final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multipartReq.getMultiFileMap(); if (fileMap.size() == 1) { String hocrFileName = ""; for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { // only single html file is expected as input try { if (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.HTML.getExtension()) > -1) { // only HTML file is expected hocrFileName = fileName; final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multipartReq.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte buf[] = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } break; } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_ONLY_ONE_HTML_FILE_EXPECTED; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory(); Pages pages = new Pages(); List<Page> listOfPages = pages.getPage(); List<Document> xmlDocuments = new ArrayList<Document>(); Document doc = objectFactory.createDocument(); xmlDocuments.add(doc); doc.setPages(pages); String fileName = workingDir + File.separator + hocrFileName; // generate hocr file from html file. HocrPages hocrPages = new HocrPages(); List<HocrPage> hocrPageList = hocrPages.getHocrPage(); HocrPage hocrPage = new HocrPage(); String pageID = WebServiceUtil.PG0; hocrPage.setPageID(pageID); hocrPageList.add(hocrPage); bsService.hocrGenerationAPI(workingDir, WebServiceUtil.PG0, fileName, hocrPage); Page pageType = objectFactory.createPage(); pageType.setIdentifier(EphesoftProperty.PAGE.getProperty() + "0"); pageType.setHocrFileName(hocrFileName); listOfPages.add(pageType); scService.generateConfidenceScoreAPI(xmlDocuments, hocrPages, workingDir, batchClassConfigMap, batchClassId); try { // invoke the document assembler plugin xmlDocuments = docAssembler.createDocumentAPI( DocumentClassificationFactory.SEARCHCLASSIFICATION, batchClassId, listOfPages); Documents docs = new Documents(); docs.getDocument().addAll(xmlDocuments); StreamResult result; try { result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller().marshal(docs, result); } catch (final IOException e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } catch (final DCMAApplicationException e) { respStr = "Error while executing plugin. Detailed exception is " + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_ONLY_ONE_HTML_FILE_EXPECTED; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } catch (final XmlMappingException xmle) { respStr = ERROR_IN_MAPPING_INPUT + xmle; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final DCMAException dcmae) { respStr = ERROR_PROCESSING_REQUEST + dcmae; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. Expected multipart request. Returing without processing the results."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * To create Multi Page File. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/createMultiPageFile", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void createMultiPageFile(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for createMultiPageFile."); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final String outputDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceOutputDir(workingDir); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multiPartRequest = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multiPartRequest.getMultiFileMap(); String xmlFileName = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<File>(); for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { try { if (fileName.endsWith(FileType.XML.getExtensionWithDot()) || fileName.endsWith(FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot()) || fileName.endsWith(FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())) { final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); if (fileName.endsWith(FileType.XML.getExtensionWithDot())) { xmlFileName = fileName; } else { fileList.add(file); } final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multiPartRequest.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } } else { respStr = "Expected only tif, tiff files."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { final File xmlFile = new File(workingDir + File.separator + xmlFileName); final FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); Source source = XMLUtil.createSourceFromStream(inputStream); final WebServiceParams webServiceParams = (WebServiceParams) batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template() .getJaxb2Marshaller().unmarshal(source); if (webServiceParams.getParams() == null || webServiceParams.getParams().getParam() == null || webServiceParams.getParams().getParam().isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); respStr = IMPROPER_XML_PARAMETER; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else { List<Param> paramList = webServiceParams.getParams().getParam(); String imageProcessingAPI = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String pdfOptimizationParams = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String multipageTifSwitch = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String pdfOptimizationSwitch = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING, ghostscriptPdfParameters = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final Param param : paramList) { if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.IMAGE_PROCESSING_API)) { imageProcessingAPI = param.getValue(); continue; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.PDF_OPTIMIZATION_PARAMS)) { pdfOptimizationParams = param.getValue(); continue; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.MULTIPAGE_TIF_SWITCH)) { multipageTifSwitch = param.getValue(); continue; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.PDF_OPTIMIZATION_SWITCH)) { pdfOptimizationSwitch = param.getValue(); continue; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.GHOSTSCRIPT_PDF_PARAMETERS)) { ghostscriptPdfParameters = param.getValue(); continue; } } String results = WebServiceUtil.validateCreateMultiPageFile(ghostscriptPdfParameters, imageProcessingAPI, pdfOptimizationSwitch, multipageTifSwitch, pdfOptimizationParams); if (!results.isEmpty()) { respStr = results; } else { imService.createMultiPageFilesAPI(ghostscriptPdfParameters, pdfOptimizationParams, multipageTifSwitch, imageProcessingAPI, pdfOptimizationSwitch, workingDir, outputDir, fileList, new File(workingDir).getName() + Math.random()); ServletOutputStream out = null; ZipOutputStream zout = null; final String zipFileName = WebServiceUtil.SERVEROUTPUTFOLDERNAME; resp.setContentType(WebServiceUtil.APPLICATION_X_ZIP); resp.setHeader(WebServiceUtil.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, WebServiceUtil.ATTACHMENT_FILENAME + zipFileName + FileType.ZIP.getExtensionWithDot() + NEXT_LINE_STRING); try { out = resp.getOutputStream(); zout = new ZipOutputStream(out); FileUtils.zipDirectory(outputDir, zout, zipFileName); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } catch (final IOException e) { respStr = "Unable to process web service request.Please try again." + e; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(zout); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } } } catch (final XmlMappingException xmle) { respStr = ERROR_IN_MAPPING_INPUT + xmle; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final DCMAException dcmae) { respStr = ERROR_PROCESSING_REQUEST + dcmae; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * To extract Field from Hocr. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/extractFieldFromHocr", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void extractFieldFromHocr(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for extractFieldFromHocr."); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multipartReq = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; String fieldValue = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final Enumeration<String> params = multipartReq.getParameterNames(); params .hasMoreElements();) { final String paramName = params.nextElement(); if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase("fieldValue")) { fieldValue = multipartReq.getParameter(paramName); break; } } if (fieldValue == null || fieldValue.isEmpty()) { respStr = "Field Value not specified."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multipartReq.getMultiFileMap(); if (fileMap.size() == 1) { String hocrFileName = ""; for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { // only single html file is expected as input try { if (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .indexOf(FileType.HTML.getExtension()) > -1) { // only HTML file is expected hocrFileName = fileName; final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multipartReq.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte buf[] = new byte[WebserviceConstants.BUF]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } break; } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_ONLY_ONE_HTML_FILE_EXPECTED; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { String fileName = workingDir + File.separator + hocrFileName; // generate hocr file from html file. HocrPages hocrPages = new HocrPages(); List<HocrPage> hocrPageList = hocrPages.getHocrPage(); HocrPage hocrPage = new HocrPage(); String pageID = WebServiceUtil.PG0; hocrPage.setPageID(pageID); hocrPageList.add(hocrPage); bsService.hocrGenerationAPI(workingDir, WebServiceUtil.PG0, fileName, hocrPage); List<KVExtraction> kvExtractionList = kvFieldService.createKeyValueFieldAPI(fieldValue, hocrPage); final KVExtractionFieldPatterns patterns = new KVExtractionFieldPatterns(); final List<KVExtractionFieldPattern> pattern = patterns.getKVExtractionFieldPattern(); for (final KVExtraction eachKVExtraction : kvExtractionList) { final KVExtractionFieldPattern kvField = new KVExtractionFieldPattern(); kvField.setDistance(eachKVExtraction.getDistance()); kvField.setFetchValue(eachKVExtraction.getFetchValue().name()); kvField.setKeyPattern(eachKVExtraction.getKeyPattern()); kvField.setLength(eachKVExtraction.getLength()); if (eachKVExtraction.getLocationType() != null) { kvField.setLocation(eachKVExtraction.getLocationType().name()); } kvField.setMultiplier(eachKVExtraction.getMultiplier()); kvField.setNoOfWords(eachKVExtraction.getNoOfWords() == null ? 0 : eachKVExtraction.getNoOfWords()); kvField.setValuePattern(eachKVExtraction.getValuePattern()); kvField.setWidth(eachKVExtraction.getWidth()); kvField.setXOffset(eachKVExtraction.getXoffset()); kvField.setYOffset(eachKVExtraction.getYoffset()); pattern.add(kvField); } StreamResult result; try { result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller().marshal(patterns, result); } catch (final IOException e) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e.getMessage()); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_ONLY_ONE_HTML_FILE_EXPECTED; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } catch (final DCMAException dcmae) { respStr = ERROR_PROCESSING_REQUEST + dcmae; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. Expected multipart request. Returing without processing the results."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * To extract Fixed Form. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/extractFixedForm", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void extractFixedForm(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) { processFixedFormExtraction(req, resp); } private void processFixedFormExtraction(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for extract fixed form...."); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Documents documents = null; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multiPartRequest = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multiPartRequest.getMultiFileMap(); String xmlFileName = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; if (fileMap.size() != WebserviceConstants.THREE) { respStr = "Invalid number of files. We are supposed only 3 files each of type: XML, RSP and tif/tiff/png."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { try { if (fileName.endsWith(FileType.XML.getExtensionWithDot())) { xmlFileName = fileName; } final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multiPartRequest.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } if (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .endsWith(FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot()) || fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .endsWith(FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())) { int pageCount = TIFFUtil.getTIFFPageCount(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); if (pageCount > 1) { respStr = ONLY_ONE_SINGLE_PAGE_TIFF_EXPECTED; break; } } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } if (xmlFileName.isEmpty()) { respStr = "XML file is not found. Returning without processing the results."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { final File xmlFile = new File(workingDir + File.separator + xmlFileName); final FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); Source source = null; try { source = XMLUtil.createSourceFromStream(inputStream); if (respStr.isEmpty()) { final WebServiceParams webServiceParams = (WebServiceParams) batchSchemaDao .getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller().unmarshal(source); List<Param> paramList = null; if (webServiceParams != null && webServiceParams.getParams() != null) { paramList = webServiceParams.getParams().getParam(); } else { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive( new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); respStr = "Invalid xml file mapped. Returning without processing the results."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { String colorSwitch = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String projectFile = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; if (paramList == null || paramList.size() <= 0) { respStr = "Improper input to server. Returning without processing the results."; } else { for (final Param param : paramList) { if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.COLOR_SWITCH)) { colorSwitch = param.getValue();"Color Switch for recostar is :" + colorSwitch); continue; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.PROJECT_FILE)) { projectFile = param.getValue();"Project file for recostar is :" + projectFile); continue; } } } String[] fileNames = null; final File file = new File(workingDir); respStr = WebServiceUtil.validateExtractFixedFormAPI(workingDir, projectFile, colorSwitch); if (respStr.isEmpty()) { if (colorSwitch.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.ON_STRING)) { String[] tifFileNames = file.list( new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot(), FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())); // generate png file for each tiff/tif file for (String tifFile : tifFileNames) { imService.generatePNGForImage( new File(workingDir + File.separator + tifFile)); }"Picking up the png file for processing."); fileNames = file.list(new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.PNG.getExtensionWithDot())); } else {"Picking up the tif file for processing."); fileNames = file.list( new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot(), FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())); }"Number of file is:" + fileNames.length); if (fileNames != null && fileNames.length > 0) { for (final String fileName : fileNames) {"File processing for recostar is :" + fileName); documents = recostarExtractionService .extractDocLevelFieldsForRspFile(projectFile, workingDir, colorSwitch, fileName, workingDir); } } else { if (colorSwitch.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.ON_STRING)) { respStr = "Image file of png type is not found for processing"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else { respStr = "Image file of tif type is not found for processing"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } if (respStr.isEmpty() && documents != null) { StreamResult result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller() .marshal(documents, result); } } } } } catch (final DCMAException e) { respStr = "Error occuring while creating OCR file using recostar. Please try later. " + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = "Improper input to server. Returning without processing the results." + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } catch (Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * To restart all Batch Instance. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} * @return {@link String} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/restartAllBatchInstance", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public String restartAllBatchInstance(final HttpServletResponse resp, final HttpServletRequest req) { StringBuffer isSuccess = new StringBuffer(WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING); StringBuffer isFailure = new StringBuffer(WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING); Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); List<BatchInstanceStatus> batchStatusList = new ArrayList<BatchInstanceStatus>(); batchStatusList.add(BatchInstanceStatus.READY_FOR_REVIEW); batchStatusList.add(BatchInstanceStatus.READY_FOR_VALIDATION); boolean isSuperAdmin = isSuperAdmin(req); List<BatchInstance> batchInstanceList = null; if (isSuperAdmin) { batchInstanceList = biService.getBatchInstanceByStatusList(batchStatusList); } else { batchInstanceList = biService.getBatchInstancesForStatusPriority(batchStatusList, null, loggedInUserRole); } boolean successFlag = true; final boolean isZipSwitchOn = bsService.isZipSwitchOn(); if (batchInstanceList != null && batchInstanceList.size() > 0) { for (BatchInstance batchInstance : batchInstanceList) { String batchInstanceIdentifier = batchInstance.getIdentifier();"Restarting batch instance : " + batchInstanceIdentifier); String activityName = workflowService.getActiveModule(batchInstance); if (activityName != null) { int indexOf = activityName.indexOf('.'); indexOf = indexOf == -1 ? activityName.length() : indexOf; String moduleName = activityName.substring(0, indexOf); try { String batchClassIdentifier = biService.getBatchClassIdentifier(batchInstanceIdentifier); isSuccess.append(processRestartingBatchInternal(batchInstanceIdentifier, moduleName, isSuccess.toString(), batchInstance, batchClassIdentifier, isZipSwitchOn, activityName)); if (isSuccess.toString().isEmpty()) { isSuccess.append("Successfully restarted batch instance identifiers are: "); } else { isSuccess.append(", "); } isSuccess.append(batchInstanceIdentifier); } catch (Exception e) { successFlag = false; if (isFailure.toString().isEmpty()) { isFailure.append("Error in restarting following batch instance identifiers: "); } else { isFailure.append(", "); } isFailure.append(batchInstanceIdentifier); LOGGER.error("Error while restarting batch instance: " + batchInstanceIdentifier); } } else { successFlag = false; if (isFailure.toString().isEmpty()) { isFailure.append("Error in restarting batch instance identifiers are : "); } else { isFailure.append(", "); } isFailure.append(batchInstanceIdentifier); } } } else { isSuccess = new StringBuffer("No batch instance found for restarting."); } isSuccess.append('\n'); isSuccess.append(isFailure); if (!successFlag) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, isSuccess.toString()); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } return isSuccess.toString(); } /** * To extract Fuzzy DB. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/extractFuzzyDB", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void extractFuzzyDB(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) { processFuzzyDbExtraction(req, resp); } private void processFuzzyDbExtraction(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for extract fuzzy DB for given HOCR file"); String respStr = ""; String workingDir = ""; Documents documents = null; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multiPartRequest = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multiPartRequest.getMultiFileMap(); String htmlFile = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; if (fileMap.size() == 1) { for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { try { if (fileName.endsWith(FileType.HTML.getExtensionWithDot())) { htmlFile = fileName; } else { respStr = "Invalid file. Please passed the valid html file"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); break; } final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multiPartRequest.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } } else { respStr = "Invalid number of files. We are supposed only one file"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } String batchClassIdentifier = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String documentType = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String hocrFileName = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final Enumeration<String> params = multiPartRequest.getParameterNames(); params .hasMoreElements();) { final String paramName = params.nextElement(); if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase("documentType")) { documentType = multiPartRequest.getParameter(paramName);"Value for documentType parameter is : " + documentType); continue; } if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase("batchClassIdentifier")) { batchClassIdentifier = multiPartRequest.getParameter(paramName);"Value for batchClassIdentifier parameter is : " + batchClassIdentifier); continue; } if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase("hocrFile")) { hocrFileName = multiPartRequest.getParameter(paramName);"Value for hocrFile parameter is : " + hocrFileName); continue; } } if (!hocrFileName.equalsIgnoreCase(htmlFile)) { respStr = "Please pass the valid hocr File."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { respStr = WebServiceUtil.validateExtractFuzzyDBAPI(workingDir, hocrFileName, batchClassIdentifier, documentType); if (respStr.isEmpty()) { BatchClass batchClass = bcService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(batchClassIdentifier); if (batchClass == null) { respStr = "Please enter valid batch class identifier"; } else { Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); if (!isBatchClassViewableToUser(batchClassIdentifier, loggedInUserRole, isSuperAdmin(req))) { respStr = USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_VIEW_THE_BATCH_CLASS + batchClassIdentifier; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else { BatchPlugin fuzzyDBPlugin = batchClassPPService .getPluginProperties(batchClassIdentifier, "FUZZYDB"); if (fuzzyDBPlugin == null || fuzzyDBPlugin.getPropertiesSize() == 0) { respStr = "Fuzzy DB plugin is not configured for batch class : " + batchClassIdentifier + " . Please select proper batch class"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else if (fuzzyDBPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(FuzzyDBProperties.FUZZYDB_STOP_WORDS) == null || fuzzyDBPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( FuzzyDBProperties.FUZZYDB_MIN_TERM_FREQ) == null || fuzzyDBPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( FuzzyDBProperties.FUZZYDB_MIN_WORD_LENGTH) == null || fuzzyDBPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( FuzzyDBProperties.FUZZYDB_MAX_QUERY_TERMS) == null || fuzzyDBPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( FuzzyDBProperties.FUZZYDB_NO_OF_PAGES) == null || fuzzyDBPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( FuzzyDBProperties.FUZZYDB_DB_DRIVER) == null || fuzzyDBPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( FuzzyDBProperties.FUZZYDB_CONNECTION_URL) == null || fuzzyDBPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( FuzzyDBProperties.FUZZYDB_DB_USER_NAME) == null || fuzzyDBPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( FuzzyDBProperties.FUZZYDB_DB_PASSWORD) == null || fuzzyDBPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( FuzzyDBProperties.FUZZYDB_THRESHOLD_VALUE) == null) { respStr = "Incomplete properties of the Fuzzy DB plugin for the specified batch class id: " + batchClassIdentifier; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { List<com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.FieldType> allFdTypes = fieldTypeService .getFdTypeByDocTypeNameForBatchClass(documentType, batchClassIdentifier); if (allFdTypes == null || allFdTypes.size() == 0) { respStr = "Document Level Fields doesn't exist for document type: " + documentType; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { try { HocrPages hocrPages = new HocrPages(); List<HocrPage> hocrPageList = hocrPages.getHocrPage(); HocrPage hocrPage = new HocrPage(); String pageID = WebServiceUtil.PG0; hocrPage.setPageID(pageID); hocrPageList.add(hocrPage); bsService.hocrGenerationAPI(workingDir, pageID, workingDir + File.separator + hocrFileName, hocrPage); documents = fuzzyDBSearchService.extractDataBaseFields(batchClassIdentifier, documentType, hocrPages); if (documents != null) { StreamResult result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller().marshal(documents, result); } } catch (final DCMAException e) { respStr = "Exception while extracting field using fuzzy db" + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } } } catch (final XmlMappingException xmle) { respStr = ERROR_IN_MAPPING_INPUT + xmle; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * To convert Tiff to Pdf. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/convertTiffToPdf", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void convertTiffToPdf(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for extract fuzzy DB for given HOCR file"); String respStr = ""; String workingDir = ""; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final String outputDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceOutputDir(workingDir); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multiPartRequest = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multiPartRequest.getMultiFileMap(); if (!fileMap.keySet().isEmpty()) { for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { try { if (!fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .endsWith(FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot()) && !fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) .endsWith(FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())) { respStr = "Invalid file. Please pass the valid Tif/Tiff file"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); break; } final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multiPartRequest.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } } else { respStr = "Please passed the input files for processing"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { String inputParams = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String outputParams = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String pdfGeneratorEngine = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final Enumeration<String> params = multiPartRequest.getParameterNames(); params .hasMoreElements();) { final String paramName = params.nextElement(); if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.INPUT_PARAMS)) { inputParams = multiPartRequest.getParameter(paramName);"Value for batchClassIdentifier parameter is " + inputParams); continue; } if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.OUTPUT_PARAMS)) { outputParams = multiPartRequest.getParameter(paramName);"Value for hocrFile parameter is " + outputParams); continue; } if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.PDF_GENERATOR_ENGINE)) { pdfGeneratorEngine = multiPartRequest.getParameter(paramName);"Value for hocrFile parameter is " + pdfGeneratorEngine); continue; } } respStr = WebServiceUtil.validateConvertTiffToPdfAPI(pdfGeneratorEngine, inputParams, outputParams); if (respStr.isEmpty()) { Set<String> outputFileList = new HashSet<String>(); File file = new File(workingDir); String[] fileList = file.list(new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot(), FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())); BatchInstanceThread batchInstanceThread = new BatchInstanceThread(workingDir); for (String inputFile : fileList) { String[] fileArray = new String[2]; String outputFile = inputFile.substring(0, inputFile.lastIndexOf(WebServiceUtil.DOT)) + FileType.PDF.getExtensionWithDot(); fileArray[0] = workingDir + File.separator + inputFile; fileArray[1] = workingDir + File.separator + outputFile; outputFileList.add(outputFile); imService.createTifToPDF(pdfGeneratorEngine, fileArray, batchInstanceThread, inputParams, outputParams); } batchInstanceThread.execute(); for (String outputFile : outputFileList) { FileUtils.copyFile(new File(workingDir + File.separator + outputFile), new File(outputDir + File.separator + outputFile)); } ServletOutputStream out = null; ZipOutputStream zout = null; final String zipFileName = WebServiceUtil.SERVEROUTPUTFOLDERNAME; resp.setContentType(WebServiceUtil.APPLICATION_X_ZIP); resp.setHeader(WebServiceUtil.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, WebServiceUtil.ATTACHMENT_FILENAME + zipFileName + FileType.ZIP.getExtensionWithDot() + NEXT_LINE_STRING); try { out = resp.getOutputStream(); zout = new ZipOutputStream(out); FileUtils.zipDirectory(outputDir, zout, zipFileName); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } catch (final IOException e) { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Error in creating output zip file.Please try again." + e.getMessage()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(zout); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } } catch (final XmlMappingException xmle) { respStr = ERROR_IN_MAPPING_INPUT + xmle; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final DCMAException dcmae) { respStr = ERROR_PROCESSING_REQUEST + dcmae; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER; } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } private Boolean isSuperAdmin(HttpServletRequest req) { Boolean isSuperAdmin = Boolean.FALSE; Set<String> allSuperAdminGroups = userConnectivityService.getAllSuperAdminGroups(); for (String superAdminGroup : allSuperAdminGroups) { if (req.isUserInRole(superAdminGroup)) { isSuperAdmin = Boolean.TRUE; break; } } return isSuperAdmin; } private Set<String> getUserRoles(HttpServletRequest req) {"========Getting the user roles========="); Set<String> userGroups = null; Set<String> allGroups = userConnectivityService.getAllGroups(); if (null == allGroups || allGroups.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.error("No groups fetched from Authenticated User.....All groups is empty.Returning null"); } else { userGroups = new HashSet<String>(); for (String group : allGroups) { if (null != group && !group.isEmpty() && req.isUserInRole(group)) {"Added group is: " + group); userGroups.add(group); } }"List of fetched user roles:"); for (String userRole : userGroups) { + ","); } if (userGroups.isEmpty()) { String userName = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; if (req.getUserPrincipal() != null) { userName = req.getUserPrincipal().getName(); } LOGGER.error("No roles found in Authenticated User for " + userName); userGroups = null; } } return userGroups; } /** * To extract barcode. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/barcodeExtraction", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void barcodeExtraction(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) { processBarcodeExtarction(req, resp); } private void processBarcodeExtarction(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for barcode extraction"); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multiPartRequest = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multiPartRequest.getMultiFileMap(); if (fileMap.size() != 2) { respStr = "Invalid number of files. Expected input should be 1 tif file and 1 xml file."; } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { String xmlFileName = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { if (fileName.endsWith(FileType.XML.getExtensionWithDot())) { xmlFileName = fileName; } final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multiPartRequest.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } } if (!xmlFileName.isEmpty()) { WebServiceParams webServiceParams = null; final File xmlFile = new File(workingDir + File.separator + xmlFileName); if (xmlFile.exists()) { final FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); Source source = XMLUtil.createSourceFromStream(inputStream); webServiceParams = (WebServiceParams) batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template() .getJaxb2Marshaller().unmarshal(source); } if (webServiceParams != null) { List<Param> paramList = webServiceParams.getParams().getParam(); if (paramList == null || paramList.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); respStr = IMPROPER_XML_PARAMETER; } else { String batchClassIdentifier = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String imageName = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String docType = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final Param param : paramList) { LOGGER.error("Parameter: " + param.getName() + " Value: " + param.getValue()); if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.BATCH_CLASS_IDENTIFIER)) { batchClassIdentifier = param.getValue(); continue; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.IMAGE_NAME)) { imageName = param.getValue(); continue; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.DOC_TYPE)) { docType = param.getValue(); continue; } } String results = WebServiceUtil.validateBarcodeExtractionInput(batchClassIdentifier, imageName, docType); if (!results.isEmpty()) { respStr = results; } else { Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); if (loggedInUserRole == null || loggedInUserRole.isEmpty()) { respStr = "User not authorized to view this API."; } else { boolean isBatchClassViewableToUser = isBatchClassViewableToUser( batchClassIdentifier, loggedInUserRole, isSuperAdmin(req)); if (isBatchClassViewableToUser) { BatchClass batchClass = bcService .getBatchClassByIdentifier(batchClassIdentifier); if (batchClass != null) { List<DocField> updtDocFdTyList = new ArrayList<DocField>(); updtDocFdTyList = barcodeExtractionService.extractPageBarCodeAPI( batchClassIdentifier, workingDir, imageName, docType); "Generating document level fields for the output result"); final DocumentLevelFields dlfs = new DocumentLevelFields(); dlfs.getDocumentLevelField().addAll(updtDocFdTyList); Documents docs = new Documents(); Document doc = new Document(); docs.getDocument().add(doc); doc.setDocumentLevelFields(dlfs); StreamResult result; try { result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller() .marshal(docs, result); } catch (final IOException e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e.getMessage(); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } else { respStr = "User not authorized to view this batch class id:" + batchClassIdentifier; } } } } } } else { respStr = "Invalid format specified in the input. Expected XML found " + xmlFileName; } } } catch (final XmlMappingException xmle) { respStr = ERROR_IN_MAPPING_INPUT + xmle; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final DCMAException dcmae) { respStr = ERROR_PROCESSING_REQUEST + dcmae; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } } /** * To extract Fields using Regex. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/extractFieldsUsingRegex", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void extractFieldsUsingRegex(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) { processRegularRegexExtraction(req, resp); } private void processRegularRegexExtraction(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for extracting fields using regex..."); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multiPartRequest = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multiPartRequest.getMultiFileMap(); if (respStr.isEmpty()) { String xmlFileName = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; if (fileMap.size() == 2) { Set<String> fileNameSet = fileMap.keySet(); for (final String fileName : fileNameSet) { try { if (fileName.endsWith(FileType.XML.getExtensionWithDot())) { xmlFileName = fileName; } if (!xmlFileName.isEmpty()) { final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multiPartRequest.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } break; } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } WebServiceParams webServiceParams = null; final File xmlFile = new File(workingDir + File.separator + xmlFileName); if (xmlFileName == null) { respStr = "No xml file passed..."; } else if (xmlFile.exists()) { FileInputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); Source source = XMLUtil.createSourceFromStream(inputStream); webServiceParams = (WebServiceParams) batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template() .getJaxb2Marshaller().unmarshal(source); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputStream); } List<Param> paramList = webServiceParams.getParams().getParam(); if (paramList == null || paramList.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); respStr = IMPROPER_XML_PARAMETER; } else { String batchClassIdentifier = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String documentType = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String hocrFileName = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final Param param : paramList) { if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.DOCUMENT_TYPE)) { documentType = param.getValue();"Value for documentType parameter is " + documentType); continue; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.BATCH_CLASS_IDENTIFIER)) { batchClassIdentifier = param.getValue();"Value for batchClassIdentifier parameter is " + batchClassIdentifier); continue; } if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.HOCR_FILE)) { hocrFileName = param.getValue();"Value for hocrFile parameter is " + hocrFileName); continue; } } respStr = WebServiceUtil.validateExtractRegexFieldsAPI(workingDir, batchClassIdentifier, documentType, hocrFileName); if (respStr.isEmpty()) { respStr = validateInputAndPerformExtraction(req, resp, respStr, workingDir, multiPartRequest, fileNameSet, batchClassIdentifier, documentType, hocrFileName); } } } } else { respStr = "Invalid number of files. We are supposed only 2 files each of type: XML and html file."; } } } catch (final XmlMappingException xmle) { respStr = ERROR_IN_MAPPING_INPUT + xmle; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final DCMAException dcmae) { respStr = ERROR_PROCESSING_REQUEST + dcmae; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { + ioe, ioe); } } } private String validateInputAndPerformExtraction(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp, final String respStr, final String workingDir, final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multiPartRequest, final Set<String> fileNameSet, final String batchClassIdentifier, final String documentType, final String hocrFileName) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, DCMAException { InputStream instream; OutputStream outStream; String respStrLocal = respStr; try { BatchClass batchClass = bcService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(batchClassIdentifier); if (batchClass == null) { respStrLocal = "Please enter valid batch class identifier"; } else { Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); if (!isBatchClassViewableToUser(batchClassIdentifier, loggedInUserRole, isSuperAdmin(req))) { respStrLocal = USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_VIEW_THE_BATCH_CLASS + batchClassIdentifier; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } else { BatchPlugin regularRegexPlugin = batchClassPPService.getPluginProperties(batchClassIdentifier, "REGULAR_REGEX_EXTRACTION"); if (regularRegexPlugin == null || regularRegexPlugin.getPropertiesSize() == 0) { respStrLocal = "Fuzzy DB plugin is not configured for batch class : " + batchClassIdentifier + " . Please select proper batch class"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } for (final String fileName : fileNameSet) { if (fileName.equalsIgnoreCase(hocrFileName)) {"hocr file name found : " + hocrFileName); final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multiPartRequest.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } break; } } final File hocrFile = new File(workingDir + File.separator + hocrFileName); if (hocrFile.exists()) { respStrLocal = performRegexExtraction(resp, workingDir, hocrFile.getAbsolutePath(), batchClassIdentifier, documentType); } } } } catch (Exception exception) { LOGGER.error("Error occurred while extracting fields using regular regex extarction."); throw new DCMAException(exception.getMessage(), exception); } return respStrLocal; } private String performRegexExtraction(final HttpServletResponse resp, final String workingDir, final String hocrFilePath, final String batchClassId, final String docTypeName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, DCMAException { final HocrPages hocrPages = new HocrPages(); final List<HocrPage> hocrPageList = hocrPages.getHocrPage(); final HocrPage hocrPage = new HocrPage(); final String pageID = WebServiceUtil.PG0; hocrPage.setPageID(pageID); String respStrLocal = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; hocrPageList.add(hocrPage); try { bsService.hocrGenerationAPI(workingDir, WebServiceUtil.PG0, hocrFilePath, hocrPage);"Successfully generated hocr from html file."); final List<DocField> updtDocList = extractionService.extractDocumentFieldsFromHOCR(batchClassId, docTypeName, hocrPages); if (updtDocList == null || updtDocList.isEmpty()) { respStrLocal = "No dlf found for batch class : " + batchClassId + " , document type name : " + docTypeName;; } else {"Generating document level fields for the output result"); final DocumentLevelFields dlfs = new DocumentLevelFields(); dlfs.getDocumentLevelField().addAll(updtDocList); Documents docs = new Documents(); Document doc = new Document(); docs.getDocument().add(doc); doc.setDocumentLevelFields(dlfs); StreamResult result; try { result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller().marshal(docs, result); } catch (final IOException e) { respStrLocal = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e.getMessage(); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStrLocal); } } } catch (Exception exception) { LOGGER.error("Error occurred while extracting fields using regular regex extarction."); throw new DCMAException(exception.getMessage(), exception); } return respStrLocal; } /** * To extract Fields. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/extractFields", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void extractFields(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for extracting fields ..."); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String extractionAPI = req.getHeader(WebServiceUtil.EXTRACTION_API); if (extractionAPI != null && !extractionAPI.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.debug("Extraction api to be used : " + extractionAPI); switch (FieldExtractionTechnique.valueOf(extractionAPI)) { case BARCODE_EXTARCTION: processBarcodeExtarction(req, resp); break; case RECOSTAR_EXTARCTION: processFixedFormExtraction(req, resp); break; case REGULAR_REGEX_EXTRACTION: processRegularRegexExtraction(req, resp); break; case KV_EXTRACTION: processKVExtraction(req, resp); break; case FUZZY_DB: processFuzzyDbExtraction(req, resp); break; default: respStr = "Invalid extraction api passed. Allowed API's are BARCODE_EXTARCTION, RECOSTAR_EXTARCTION, REGULAR_REGEX_EXTRACTION, KV_EXTRACTION, FUZZY_DB"; break; } } else { respStr = "No extraction api passed. Allowed API's are BARCODE_EXTARCTION, RECOSTAR_EXTARCTION, REGULAR_REGEX_EXTRACTION, KV_EXTRACTION, FUZZY_DB"; } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { "Exception in sending the response to client. Logged the exception for debugging:" + ioe, ioe); } } } /** * To extract From Image. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/extractFromImage", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void extractFromImage(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for performExtractionForImage.."); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final String outputDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceOutputDir(workingDir); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multiPartRequest = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; final BatchInstanceThread batchInstanceThread = new BatchInstanceThread(); final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multiPartRequest.getMultiFileMap(); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multipartReq = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; String batchClassId = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String ocrEngine = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String colorSwitch = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String projectFile = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String cmdLanguage = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String documentType = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String tifFileName = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final Enumeration<String> params = multipartReq.getParameterNames(); params .hasMoreElements();) { final String paramName = params.nextElement(); if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.BATCH_CLASS_IDENTIFIER)) { batchClassId = multipartReq.getParameter(paramName); continue; } if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.OCR_ENGINE)) { ocrEngine = multipartReq.getParameter(paramName); continue; } if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.COLOR_SWITCH)) { colorSwitch = multipartReq.getParameter(paramName); continue; } if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.PROJECT_FILE)) { projectFile = multipartReq.getParameter(paramName); continue; } if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.CMD_LANGUAGE)) { cmdLanguage = multipartReq.getParameter(paramName); continue; } if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.DOCUMENT_TYPE)) { documentType = multipartReq.getParameter(paramName); continue; } }"Parameters for the web service are: "); LOGGER.debug(WebServiceUtil.BATCH_CLASS_IDENTIFIER + " :" + batchClassId); LOGGER.debug(WebServiceUtil.OCR_ENGINE + " :" + ocrEngine); LOGGER.debug(WebServiceUtil.COLOR_SWITCH + " :" + colorSwitch); LOGGER.debug(WebServiceUtil.PROJECT_FILE + " :" + projectFile); // logger.debug("" + tesseractVersion); LOGGER.debug(WebServiceUtil.CMD_LANGUAGE + " :" + cmdLanguage); LOGGER.debug(WebServiceUtil.DOCUMENT_TYPE + " :" + documentType); final int attachedFileSize = fileMap.size(); if (attachedFileSize != 1) { respStr = "Invalid number of files. Expected number of file(s): 1 of type: tif/tiff/png file. Recieved: " + attachedFileSize + " file(s)"; } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { try { final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multiPartRequest.getFile(fileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + fileName); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } if (fileName.endsWith(FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot()) || fileName.endsWith(FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())) { tifFileName = fileName; LOGGER.debug("Image Name :" + tifFileName); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } final StringBuilder projectFileBuffer = new StringBuilder(); projectFileBuffer.append(bsService.getBaseFolderLocation()); projectFileBuffer.append(File.separator); projectFileBuffer.append(batchClassId); projectFileBuffer.append(File.separator); projectFileBuffer.append(RECOSTAR_EXTRACTION); projectFileBuffer.append(File.separator); projectFileBuffer.append(projectFile); final String projectFilePath = projectFileBuffer.toString(); final String results = WebServiceUtil.validateExtractFromImageAPI(workingDir, ocrEngine, colorSwitch, projectFilePath, cmdLanguage, tifFileName); if (!results.isEmpty()) { respStr = results; } else { String[] fileNames = null; final File file = new File(workingDir); fileNames = splitImagesAndCreatePNG(workingDir, colorSwitch, file);"Number of file is:" + fileNames.length);"OcrEngine used for generating ocr is :" + ocrEngine); if (ocrEngine.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.RECOSTAR)) { respStr = createHOCRViaRecostar(workingDir, outputDir, batchInstanceThread, colorSwitch, projectFilePath, fileNames); } else if (ocrEngine.contains(WebServiceUtil.TESSERACT)) { respStr = createHOCRViaTesseract(workingDir, outputDir, batchInstanceThread, colorSwitch, ocrEngine, cmdLanguage, fileNames); } else { respStr = "Please select valid tool for generating OCR file."; } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { respStr = executeBatchInstanceThread(workingDir, outputDir, batchInstanceThread, ocrEngine, fileNames); } } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { final String hocrFilePath = outputDir + File.separator + tifFileName.substring(0, tifFileName.lastIndexOf(CONSTANT_DOT) + 1) + FileType.HTML.getExtension(); LOGGER.debug("Generated HOCR file located at " + hocrFilePath); final Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); if (!isBatchClassViewableToUser(batchClassId, loggedInUserRole, isSuperAdmin(req))) { respStr = "User is not authorized to view the batch class for given identifier:" + batchClassId; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); }"Performing Extraction using KV mechanism."); respStr = extractKVFromHOCR(resp, respStr, outputDir, batchClassId, hocrFilePath, documentType); } } catch (final DCMAException dcmae) { respStr = "Error in processing request. Detailed exception is " + dcmae; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) {"Clearing the temporary files."); FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { "Exception in sending the error code to client. Logged the exception for debugging:" + ioe, ioe); } } } private String createHOCRViaTesseract(final String workingDir, final String outputDir, final BatchInstanceThread batchInstanceThread, final String colorSwitch, final String tesseractVersion, final String cmdLanguage, final String[] fileNames) { String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; if (fileNames != null && fileNames.length > 0) { for (final String fileName : fileNames) { try {"File processing for ocr with tesseract is :" + fileName); tesseractService.createOCR(workingDir, colorSwitch, fileName, batchInstanceThread, outputDir, cmdLanguage, tesseractVersion); } catch (final DCMAException e) { respStr = "Error occuring while creating OCR file using tesseract. Please try again." + e; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); break; } } } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. No tiff/png files provided."; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } return respStr; } private String createHOCRViaRecostar(final String workingDir, final String outputDir, final BatchInstanceThread batchInstanceThread, final String colorSwitch, final String projectFile, final String[] fileNames) { String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; if (fileNames != null && fileNames.length > 0) { for (final String fileName : fileNames) { try {"File processing for recostar is :" + fileName); recostarService.createOCRForProjectFile(projectFile, workingDir, colorSwitch, fileName, batchInstanceThread, outputDir); } catch (final DCMAException e) { respStr = "Error occuring while creating OCR file using recostar. Please try again." + e; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); break; } } } else { if (colorSwitch.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.OFF_STRING)) { respStr = "Improper input to server. No tiff files provided."; } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. No tiff/png files provided."; } } return respStr; } private String[] splitImagesAndCreatePNG(final String workingDir, final String colorSwitch, final File file) throws DCMAException { String[] fileNames; if (colorSwitch.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.ON_STRING)) { final String[] tifFileNames = file.list(new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot(), FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())); // generate png file for each tiff/tif file for (final String tifFile : tifFileNames) { imService.generatePNGForImage(new File(workingDir + File.separator + tifFile)); }"Picking up the png file for processing."); fileNames = file.list(new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.PNG.getExtensionWithDot())); } else {"Picking up the tif file for processing."); fileNames = file.list(new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot(), FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot())); } return fileNames; } private String executeBatchInstanceThread(final String workingDir, final String outputDir, final BatchInstanceThread batchInstanceThread, final String ocrEngine, final String[] fileNames) { String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; try { batchInstanceThread.execute(); if (ocrEngine.equalsIgnoreCase(WebServiceUtil.RECOSTAR)) { for (final String fileName : fileNames) { final String recostarXMLFileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(WebServiceUtil.DOT)) + FileType.XML.getExtensionWithDot(); try { FileUtils.copyFile(new File(workingDir + File.separator + recostarXMLFileName), new File(outputDir + File.separator + recostarXMLFileName)); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = "Error while generating copying result file." + e; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); break; } } } } catch (final DCMAApplicationException e) { respStr = "Exception while generating ocr using threadpool" + e; } return respStr; } private String extractKVFromHOCR(final HttpServletResponse resp, final String respStr, final String workingDir, final String batchClassIdentifier, final String filePath, final String documentType) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, DCMAException { // extract the hocr content from hocr files // generate hocr from html file String respStrLocal = respStr; final HocrPages hocrPages = new HocrPages(); final List<HocrPage> hocrPageList = hocrPages.getHocrPage(); final HocrPage hocrPage = new HocrPage(); final String pageID = WebServiceUtil.PG0; hocrPage.setPageID(pageID); hocrPageList.add(hocrPage); try { bsService.hocrGenerationAPI(workingDir, WebServiceUtil.PG0, filePath, hocrPage); } catch (final Exception e) { respStrLocal = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + "Error generating HOCR for the file: " + filePath; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); }"Successfully generated hocr from html file."); final List<DocField> updtDocList = new ArrayList<DocField>(); final boolean isSuccess = kvService.extractKVFromHOCRForBatchClass(updtDocList, hocrPages, batchClassIdentifier, documentType); if (!isSuccess) { respStrLocal = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } else {"Generating document level fields for the output result"); final DocumentLevelFields dlfs = new DocumentLevelFields(); dlfs.getDocumentLevelField().addAll(updtDocList); final Documents docs = new Documents(); final Document doc = new Document(); docs.getDocument().add(doc); doc.setDocumentLevelFields(dlfs); StreamResult result; try { result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller().marshal(docs, result); } catch (final IOException e) { respStrLocal = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e.getMessage(); LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStrLocal); } } return respStrLocal; } /** * To classify Multi Page Hocr. * @param req {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param resp {@link HttpServletResponse} */ @RequestMapping(value = "/classifyMultiPageHocr", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void classifyMultiPageHocr(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for classifyHocr."); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multipartReq = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; String batchClassId = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; for (final Enumeration<String> params = multipartReq.getParameterNames(); params .hasMoreElements();) { final String paramName = params.nextElement(); if (paramName.equalsIgnoreCase("batchClassId")) { batchClassId = multipartReq.getParameter(paramName); break; } } Map<LuceneProperties, String> batchClassConfigMap = new HashMap<LuceneProperties, String>(); if (batchClassId == null || batchClassId.isEmpty()) { respStr = "Batch Class identifier not specified."; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } else { BatchClass bc = bcService.getBatchClassByIdentifier(batchClassId); if (bc == null) { respStr = "Batch class with the specified identifier : " + batchClassId + " does not exist."; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } else { Set<String> loggedInUserRole = getUserRoles(req); if (!isBatchClassViewableToUser(batchClassId, loggedInUserRole, isSuperAdmin(req))) { respStr = "User is not authorized to view the batch class for given identifier:" + batchClassId; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } else { BatchPlugin searchClassPlugin = batchClassPPService.getPluginProperties(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN); BatchPlugin docAssemblyPlugin = batchClassPPService.getPluginProperties(batchClassId, DocumentAssemblerConstants.DOCUMENT_ASSEMBLER_PLUGIN); if (searchClassPlugin == null || docAssemblyPlugin == null) { respStr = "Either Search Classification plugin or document assembly plugin does not exist for the specified batch class id: " + batchClassId; } else if (docAssemblyPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_FP_MP_LP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_FP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_MP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_LP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_FP_LP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_FP_MP) == null || docAssemblyPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( DocumentAssemblerProperties.DA_RULE_MP_LP) == null) { respStr = "Incomplete properties of the Document assembler plugin for the specified batch class id :" + batchClassId; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } else if (searchClassPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_VALID_EXTNS) == null || searchClassPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_INDEX_FIELDS) == null || searchClassPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_STOP_WORDS) == null || searchClassPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_TERM_FREQ) == null || searchClassPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_DOC_FREQ) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_WORD_LENGTH) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MAX_QUERY_TERMS) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD) == null || searchClassPlugin .getPluginConfigurations(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_NO_OF_PAGES) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MAX_RESULT_COUNT) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_FIRST_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIDDLE_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE) == null || searchClassPlugin.getPluginConfigurations( LuceneProperties.LUCENE_LAST_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE) == null) { respStr = "Incomplete properties of the Search Classification plugin for the specified batch class id :" + batchClassId; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } } } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_VALID_EXTNS, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_VALID_EXTNS)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_INDEX_FIELDS, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_INDEX_FIELDS)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_STOP_WORDS, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_STOP_WORDS)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_TERM_FREQ, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_TERM_FREQ)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_DOC_FREQ, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_DOC_FREQ)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_WORD_LENGTH, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIN_WORD_LENGTH)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MAX_QUERY_TERMS, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MAX_QUERY_TERMS)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_NO_OF_PAGES, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_NO_OF_PAGES)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MAX_RESULT_COUNT, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MAX_RESULT_COUNT)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_FIRST_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_FIRST_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIDDLE_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_MIDDLE_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE)); batchClassConfigMap.put(LuceneProperties.LUCENE_LAST_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE, batchClassPPService.getPropertyValue(batchClassId, ICommonConstants.SEARCH_CLASSIFICATION_PLUGIN, LuceneProperties.LUCENE_LAST_PAGE_CONF_WEIGHTAGE)); final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multipartReq.getMultiFileMap(); if (fileMap.size() == 1) { String path = ""; for (final String fileName : fileMap.keySet()) { // only single zip file is expected as input containing multiple HTML files. try { boolean isZipContent = multipartReq.getFile(fileName).getContentType().toLowerCase() .contains(APPLICATION_ZIP); if (fileName.toLowerCase() .indexOf(FileType.ZIP.getExtension()) > -WebserviceConstants.ONE || isZipContent) { // only HTML file is expected final MultipartFile f = multipartReq.getFile(fileName); instream = f.getInputStream(); path = workingDir + File.separator + fileName; if (isZipContent && !fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileType.ZIP.getExtension())) { path = workingDir + File.separator + fileName + FileType.ZIP.getExtensionWithDot(); } final File file = new File(path); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte buf[] = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len; while ((len = > WebserviceConstants.ZERO) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); } break; } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. Expected only one zip file. Returning without processing the results."; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { zipService.unzipFiles(new File(path), workingDir); CustomFileFilter filter = new CustomFileFilter(false, FileType.HTML.getExtension()); String htmlFileList[] = new File(workingDir).list(filter); if (htmlFileList != null && htmlFileList.length > WebserviceConstants.ZERO) { ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory(); List<Document> xmlDocuments = new ArrayList<Document>(); HocrPages hocrPages = new HocrPages(); Pages pages = new Pages(); List<Page> listOfPages = pages.getPage(); Document doc = objectFactory.createDocument(); xmlDocuments.add(doc); doc.setPages(pages); for (int index = 0; index < htmlFileList.length; index++) { // generate hocr file from html file. String htmlFile = htmlFileList[index]; String htmlFilePath = workingDir + File.separator + htmlFile; HocrPage hocrPage = new HocrPage(); List<HocrPage> hocrPageList = hocrPages.getHocrPage(); String pageID = PG_IDENTIFIER + index; hocrPage.setPageID(pageID); hocrPageList.add(hocrPage); bsService.hocrGenerationAPI(workingDir, pageID, htmlFilePath, hocrPage); Page pageType = objectFactory.createPage(); pageType.setIdentifier(EphesoftProperty.PAGE.getProperty() + index); pageType.setHocrFileName(htmlFile); listOfPages.add(pageType); } scService.generateConfidenceScoreAPI(xmlDocuments, hocrPages, workingDir, batchClassConfigMap, batchClassId); try { // invoke the document assembler plugin xmlDocuments = docAssembler.createDocumentAPI( DocumentClassificationFactory.SEARCHCLASSIFICATION, batchClassId, listOfPages); Documents docs = new Documents(); docs.getDocument().addAll(xmlDocuments); StreamResult result; try { result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream()); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); batchSchemaDao.getJAXB2Template().getJaxb2Marshaller().marshal(docs, result); } catch (final IOException e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } } catch (final DCMAApplicationException e) { respStr = "Error while executing plugin. Detailed exception is " + e; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. Expected HTML file inside zip file."; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } } } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. Expected only one zip file. Returning without processing the results."; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } } } catch (final XmlMappingException xmle) { respStr = "Error in mapping input XML in the desired format. Please send it in the specified format. Detailed exception is " + xmle; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } catch (final DCMAException dcmae) { respStr = "Error in processing request. Detailed exception is " + dcmae; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } else { respStr = "Improper input to server. Expected multipart request. Returing without processing the results."; LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error("Error response at server:" + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { "Exception in sending the error code to client. Logged the exception for debugging:" + ioe, ioe); } } } @RequestMapping(value = "/uploadBatch/{batchClassIdentifier}/{batchInstanceName}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void uploadBatch(@PathVariable(BATCH_CLASS_IDENTIFIER) final String batchClassIdentifier, @PathVariable("batchInstanceName") final String batchInstanceName, final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) {"Start processing web service for uploadBatch."); String respStr = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; String workingDir = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; InputStream instream = null; OutputStream outStream = null; respStr = WebServiceUtil.validateUploadBatchParameters(batchClassIdentifier, batchInstanceName); if (respStr.isEmpty()) { try { if (req instanceof DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) { try { final String webServiceFolderPath = bsService.getWebServicesFolderPath(); workingDir = WebServiceUtil.createWebServiceWorkingDir(webServiceFolderPath); final DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest multiPartRequest = (DefaultMultipartHttpServletRequest) req; final MultiValueMap<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multiPartRequest.getMultiFileMap(); String uncFolderPath = WebServiceUtil.EMPTY_STRING; List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<File>(); try { Set<String> roles = getUserRoles(req); if (roles != null) { BatchClass batchClass = bcService.getBatchClassByUserRoles(roles, batchClassIdentifier); if (batchClass == null) { respStr = "The user does not have the authentication to run the batch in the requested batch class with id: " + batchClassIdentifier; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } else { uncFolderPath = batchClass.getUncFolder(); } } else { respStr = "There are no user roles for authenticated user."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { for (String srcFileName : fileMap.keySet()) { try { if (srcFileName.endsWith(FileType.TIF.getExtensionWithDot()) || srcFileName.endsWith(FileType.TIFF.getExtensionWithDot()) || srcFileName.endsWith(FileType.PDF.getExtensionWithDot())) { final File file = new File(workingDir + File.separator + srcFileName); fileList.add(file); final MultipartFile multiPartFile = multiPartRequest.getFile(srcFileName); instream = multiPartFile.getInputStream(); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final byte[] buf = new byte[WebServiceUtil.bufferSize]; int len =; while (len > 0) { outStream.write(buf, 0, len); len =; } } else { respStr = "Expected only tif, tiff and pdf files."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } } if (respStr.isEmpty()) { String filePath = workingDir + File.separator + batchInstanceName; File file = new File(filePath); if (file.mkdir()) { for (File srcFileName : fileList) { File destFile = new File(filePath + File.separator + srcFileName.getName()); try { FileUtils.copyFile(srcFileName, destFile); } catch (IOException e) { respStr = "Unable to copy the files to working directory"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); break; } } File destFile = new File(uncFolderPath + File.separator + batchInstanceName); try { if (!destFile.exists()) { FileUtils.copyDirectoryWithContents(file, destFile); } else { respStr = "The batch name already exists. Please change the name of the batch."; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } catch (IOException e) { respStr = "Unable to copy the files to the unc folder"; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(instream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(outStream); } } else { respStr = IMPROPER_INPUT_TO_SERVER; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } } catch (final XmlMappingException xmle) { respStr = "Error in mapping input XML in the desired format. Please send it in the specified format. Detailed exception is " + xmle; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final Exception e) { respStr = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR + e; LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } } } else { LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } if (!workingDir.isEmpty()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryAndContentsRecursive(new File(workingDir).getParentFile()); } if (!respStr.isEmpty()) { try { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, respStr); LOGGER.error(SERVER_ERROR_MSG + respStr); } catch (final IOException ioe) { "Exception in sending the error code to client. Logged the exception for debugging:" + ioe, ioe); } } } }