Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************* * Ephesoft is a Intelligent Document Capture and Mailroom Automation program * developed by Ephesoft, Inc. Copyright (C) 2015 Ephesoft Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY EPHESOFT, EPHESOFT DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Ephesoft, Inc. headquarters at 111 Academy Way, * Irvine, CA 92617, USA. or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Ephesoft" logo. * If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by Ephesoft". ********************************************************************************/ package com.ephesoft.dcma.tablefinder.share; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Column; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Coordinates; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.DataTable; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.DataTable.Rows; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.HocrPages.HocrPage.Spans.Span; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.HeaderRow; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Row; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Row.Columns; import com.ephesoft.dcma.common.HocrUtil; import com.ephesoft.dcma.common.LineDataCarrier; import com.ephesoft.dcma.common.PatternMatcherUtil; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.CurrencyCode; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.TableColumnVO; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.TableExtractionTechnique; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.constants.CommonConstants; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.exception.DCMAApplicationException; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.TableColumnExtractionRule; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.TableColumnsInfo; import com.ephesoft.dcma.tablefinder.constants.TableExtractionConstants; import; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.CollectionUtil; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.EphesoftStringUtil; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.logger.EphesoftLogger; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.logger.EphesoftLoggerFactory; /** * This class serves for basic functions of data table extraction algorithm. * * @author Ephesoft * * <b>created on</b> Apr 8, 2014 <br/> * @version $LastChangedDate:$ <br/> * $LastChangedRevision:$ <br/> */ public class DataTableService { /** * LOGGER to print the logging information. */ private static final EphesoftLogger LOGGER = EphesoftLoggerFactory.getLogger(DataTableService.class); /** * Sorts extracted row columns as per UI display or table columns and reverting back the original order of table column infos if * were changed by sorting of column header or column coordinate. * * @param tableColumnsInfoList {@link List}<{@link TableColumnsInfo}> * @param rowList {@link List}<{@link Row}> */ public void sortTableRowsInUiOrder(final List<TableColumnsInfo> tableColumnsInfoList, final List<Row> rowList) { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(tableColumnsInfoList) && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(rowList)) { for (Row row : rowList) { if (null != row) { List<Column> listOfColumns = row.getColumns().getColumn(); if (null != listOfColumns) { List<Column> newColumnList = setRowColumnData(tableColumnsInfoList, listOfColumns); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(newColumnList)) { listOfColumns.clear(); listOfColumns.addAll(newColumnList); newColumnList.clear(); } } } } } } /** * Sets UI display based ordered column data for a row. * * @param tableColumnsInfoList {@link List}<{@link TableColumnsInfo}> * @param listOfColumns {@link List}<{@link Column}> * @return {@link List}<{@link Column}> */ private List<Column> setRowColumnData(final List<TableColumnsInfo> tableColumnsInfoList, final List<Column> listOfColumns) { List<Column> newListOfColumns = null; if (!CollectionUtil.isEmpty(tableColumnsInfoList) && !CollectionUtil.isEmpty(listOfColumns)) { newListOfColumns = new ArrayList<Column>(tableColumnsInfoList.size()); for (final TableColumnsInfo tableColumnInfo : tableColumnsInfoList) { if (null != tableColumnInfo) { String tableColumnName = tableColumnInfo.getColumnName(); if (null != tableColumnName) { for (Column column : listOfColumns) { if (null != column && tableColumnName.equals(column.getName())) { newListOfColumns.add(column); } } } } } } return newListOfColumns; } /** * Initializes header row of the data table. * * @param dataTable {@link DataTable} */ public void initializeHeaderRow(final DataTable dataTable) { if (null != dataTable) { HeaderRow headerRow = dataTable.getHeaderRow(); if (null == headerRow) { headerRow = new HeaderRow(); dataTable.setHeaderRow(headerRow); } HeaderRow.Columns columnsHeader = headerRow.getColumns(); if (null == columnsHeader) { columnsHeader = new HeaderRow.Columns(); headerRow.setColumns(columnsHeader); } } } /** * Initializes data rows of the data table. * * @param dataTable {@link DataTable} */ public void initializeDataTableRows(final DataTable dataTable) { if (null != dataTable) { Rows rows = dataTable.getRows(); if (null == rows) { rows = new Rows(); dataTable.setRows(rows); } } } /** * Adds best table extraction rule's resultant row sin the data table rows. * * @param dataTable {@link DataTable} * @param allTableRowsList {@link List}<{@link TableExtractionResult}> */ public void addBestRuleRows(final DataTable dataTable, final List<TableExtractionResult> allTableRowsList) { if (null != dataTable) { TableExtractionResult bestTableExtractionResult = findTableWithMaxConfidence(allTableRowsList); if (bestTableExtractionResult != null && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(bestTableExtractionResult.getRowList())) { Rows rows = dataTable.getRows(); List<Row> dataTableRowList = rows.getRow(); dataTableRowList.addAll(bestTableExtractionResult.getRowList()); dataTable.setRuleName(bestTableExtractionResult.getRuleName()); } } } /** * Selects a table with maximum valid extracted column values out of list of all tables extraction via multiple table extraction * APIs. * * @param allTableAPIResultRows {@link List}<{@link TableExtractionResult}> * @return {@link TableExtractionResult} */ private TableExtractionResult findTableWithMaxConfidence( final List<TableExtractionResult> allTableAPIResultRows) { TableExtractionResult mostConfidentTableExtractionRuleRows = null; List<Row> extractedRow = null; if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(allTableAPIResultRows)) { // Bug id #11927: Added to handle boundary case where all table extraction API results have all columns invalid. mostConfidentTableExtractionRuleRows = allTableAPIResultRows.get(TableExtractionConstants.START_INDEX); float maxResultTableConfidence = TableExtractionConstants.MINIMUM_VALID_VALUES_COUNT; for (TableExtractionResult extractionResult : allTableAPIResultRows) { // calculator loop if (extractionResult != null && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(extractionResult.getRowList())) { extractedRow = extractionResult.getRowList(); float confidence = getTableResultConfidence(extractedRow, extractionResult); if (confidence > maxResultTableConfidence) { maxResultTableConfidence = confidence; mostConfidentTableExtractionRuleRows = extractionResult; } } }"Most confident table extraction rule is: ", mostConfidentTableExtractionRuleRows.getRuleName()); } return mostConfidentTableExtractionRuleRows; } /** * Gets the confidence for the extracted table result rows. * * @param extractedRow {@link List<{@link Row}> * @param extractionResult {@link TableExtractionResult} * @return float Confidence of the table extraction results. */ private float getTableResultConfidence(final List<Row> extractedRow, final TableExtractionResult extractionResult) { float confidence; if (null == extractionResult) { confidence = 0; } else { int resultTableValidColumnCount = TableExtractionConstants.MINIMUM_VALID_VALUES_COUNT; int resultTableNumberOfColumns = TableExtractionConstants.MINIMUM_VALID_VALUES_COUNT; if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(extractedRow)) { for (Row row : extractedRow) { if (null != row) { Columns rowColumns = row.getColumns(); if (null != rowColumns) { List<Column> columnList = rowColumns.getColumn(); if (row.isIsRuleValid()) { for (Column column : columnList) { if (column.isValid()) { resultTableValidColumnCount++; } resultTableNumberOfColumns++; } } else { resultTableNumberOfColumns += columnList.size(); } } } } } confidence = resultTableNumberOfColumns == 0 ? 0 : (resultTableValidColumnCount * CommonConstants.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CONFIDENCE / resultTableNumberOfColumns); LOGGER.debug("Confidence of rule: ", extractionResult.getRuleName(), "is: ", confidence); } return confidence; } /** * Gets currency map for all table columns. * * @param tableCurrencyCode {@link CurrencyCode} * @param columnCurrencyMap {@link Map}<{@link String}, {@link CurrencyCode}> * @param noOfTableColumns int * @param tableColumnExtractionRuleList {@link List}<{@link TableColumnExtractionRule}> * @return {@link Map}<{@link String}, {@link CurrencyCode}> */ public Map<String, CurrencyCode> getColumnCurrencyMap(final CurrencyCode tableCurrencyCode, Map<String, CurrencyCode> columnCurrencyMap, final int noOfTableColumns, final List<TableColumnExtractionRule> tableColumnExtractionRuleList) { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(tableColumnExtractionRuleList)) { // Moved Table Validation rules out of addDataTableValues method. if (null == columnCurrencyMap) { columnCurrencyMap = new HashMap<String, CurrencyCode>(noOfTableColumns); } // JIRA-11725 String tableColumnName = null; for (TableColumnExtractionRule tableColumnExtractionRule : tableColumnExtractionRuleList) { if (null != tableColumnExtractionRule && tableColumnExtractionRule.isCurrency()) { tableColumnName = tableColumnExtractionRule.getColumnName(); columnCurrencyMap.put(tableColumnName, tableCurrencyCode); } } } return columnCurrencyMap; } /** * Sorts table columns in order of occurrence in the page in processing. * * @param colHeaderInfoMap {@link Map}<{@link String}, {@link DataCarrier}> * @param tableColumnVOList {@link List}<{@link TableColumnVO}> * @param colHeaderValidationRequired boolean * @param colCoordValidationRequired boolean * @return boolean True if table column list is dirty, else false. * @throws DCMAApplicationException */ public boolean sortTableColumnsInOrderOfOccurance(final Map<String, DataCarrier> colHeaderInfoMap, final List<TableColumnVO> tableColumnVOList, final boolean colHeaderValidationRequired, final boolean colCoordValidationRequired) throws DCMAApplicationException { boolean isTableColumnListDirty; if (colHeaderValidationRequired) { sortTableColumns(tableColumnVOList, colHeaderInfoMap);"Table columns are sorted by the order of column headers."); isTableColumnListDirty = true; } else if (colCoordValidationRequired) { sortTableColumns(tableColumnVOList);"Table columns are sorted by the order of column coordinates."); isTableColumnListDirty = true; } else {"Table columns are in their default User display order."); isTableColumnListDirty = false; } return isTableColumnListDirty; } /** * Gets map of table columns with their column header regex patterns. * * @param colHeaderInfoMap {@link Map}<{@link String}, {@link DataCarrier}> * @param tableColumnVOList {@link List}<{@link TableColumnVO}> * @return {@link Map}<{@link String}, {@link DataCarrier}> */ public Map<String, DataCarrier> getColumnHeaderMap(Map<String, DataCarrier> colHeaderInfoMap, final List<TableColumnVO> tableColumnVOList) { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(tableColumnVOList)) { // Fill map at first encounter with a rule using column header validation. if (null == colHeaderInfoMap) { colHeaderInfoMap = new HashMap<String, DataCarrier>(tableColumnVOList.size()); } for (final TableColumnVO tableColumnVO : tableColumnVOList) { if (null != tableColumnVO) { final String colHeaderRegex = tableColumnVO.getColumnHeaderPattern(); colHeaderInfoMap.put(tableColumnVO.getColumnName(), new DataCarrier(null, 0, colHeaderRegex, null)); } } } return colHeaderInfoMap; } /** * Sorts table columns list on the basis of their column header start coordinates. * * @param tableColumnList {@link List}<{@link TableColumnVO}> * @param colHeaderInfoMap {@link List}<{@link String}, {@link DataCarrier}> */ private void sortTableColumns(final List<TableColumnVO> tableColumnList, final Map<String, DataCarrier> colHeaderInfoMap) {"Sorting table columns based on their table headers."); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(tableColumnList) && null != colHeaderInfoMap && !colHeaderInfoMap.isEmpty()) { Collections.sort(tableColumnList, new Comparator<TableColumnVO>() { @Override public int compare(final TableColumnVO object1, final TableColumnVO object2) { int comparison; if (null == object1 || null == object2) { comparison = TableExtractionConstants.EQUAL_COMPARISON; } else { final String headerMapColumnNameForObject1 = object1.getColumnName(); final String headerMapColumnNameForObject2 = object2.getColumnName(); final DataCarrier colHeaderInfoObject1 = colHeaderInfoMap .get(headerMapColumnNameForObject1); final DataCarrier colHeaderInfoObject2 = colHeaderInfoMap .get(headerMapColumnNameForObject2); if (null == colHeaderInfoObject1 || null == colHeaderInfoObject2) { comparison = TableExtractionConstants.EQUAL_COMPARISON; } else { // Getting coordinates of spans of two table columns. final Coordinates object1SpanHeaderCoordinates = colHeaderInfoObject1.getCoordinates(); final Coordinates object2SpanHeaderCoordinates = colHeaderInfoObject2.getCoordinates(); if (null == object1SpanHeaderCoordinates || null == object2SpanHeaderCoordinates) { comparison = TableExtractionConstants.EQUAL_COMPARISON; } else { // Comparing start coordinates of headers of two input table columns. final BigInteger startCoordinateHeader1 = object1SpanHeaderCoordinates.getX0(); final BigInteger startCoordinateHeader2 = object2SpanHeaderCoordinates.getX0(); if (null == startCoordinateHeader1 && null == startCoordinateHeader2) { comparison = TableExtractionConstants.EQUAL_COMPARISON; } else if (null == startCoordinateHeader1) { comparison = TableExtractionConstants.LESS_COMPARISON; } else if (null == startCoordinateHeader2) { comparison = TableExtractionConstants.GREATER_COMPARISON; } else { comparison = startCoordinateHeader1.compareTo(startCoordinateHeader2); } } } } return comparison; } }); } } /** * Sorts table columns list on the basis of their column start coordinates. * * @param tableColumnList {@link List}<{@link TableColumnVO}> */ private void sortTableColumns(final List<TableColumnVO> tableColumnList) {"Sorting table columns based on their start end coordinates."); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(tableColumnList)) { Collections.sort(tableColumnList, new Comparator<TableColumnVO>() { @Override public int compare(final TableColumnVO object1, final TableColumnVO object2) { int comparison; if (null == object1 || null == object2) { comparison = TableExtractionConstants.EQUAL_COMPARISON; } else { String startCoordinate = object1.getColumnStartCoordinate(); String endCoordinate = object2.getColumnEndCoordinate(); Integer startCoordinateObject1 = null; Integer startCoordinateObject2 = null; if (NumberUtils.isDigits(startCoordinate) && NumberUtils.isDigits(endCoordinate)) { startCoordinateObject1 = Integer.parseInt(startCoordinate); startCoordinateObject2 = Integer.parseInt(endCoordinate); } // Comparing start coordinates of column coordinates of two input table columns. if (null == startCoordinateObject1 && null == startCoordinateObject2) { comparison = TableExtractionConstants.EQUAL_COMPARISON; } else if (null == startCoordinateObject1) { comparison = TableExtractionConstants.LESS_COMPARISON; } else if (null == startCoordinateObject2) { comparison = TableExtractionConstants.GREATER_COMPARISON; } else { comparison = startCoordinateObject1.compareTo(startCoordinateObject2); } } return comparison; } }); } } /** * Gets table extraction API object for the selected list of APIs for the table. * * @param tableExtractionAPIString {@link String} * @return {@link TableExtractionAPI} */ public TableExtractionAPI getTableExtractionAPI(final String tableExtractionAPIString) { LOGGER.trace("Entering method to read the table extraction aPI for the table"); TableExtractionAPI tableExtractionAPI = new TableExtractionAPI(); if (EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(tableExtractionAPIString)) { tableExtractionAPI.setTableExtractionAPI(; "No validation method specified by admin. Using regex validation for table extraction. Table columns are in their default User display order."); tableExtractionAPI.setRegexValidationRequired(true); } else { tableExtractionAPI.setTableExtractionAPI(tableExtractionAPIString); String tableExtractionAPIInUpperCase = tableExtractionAPIString.toUpperCase(); boolean regexValidationRequired = tableExtractionAPIInUpperCase .contains(; boolean colHeaderValidationRequired = tableExtractionAPIInUpperCase .contains(; boolean colCoordValidationRequired = tableExtractionAPIInUpperCase .contains(; LOGGER.debug("Regex validation used?: ", regexValidationRequired, "Column coordinate validation used?: ", colCoordValidationRequired, "Column header validation used?: ", colHeaderValidationRequired); tableExtractionAPI.setColCoordValidationRequired(colCoordValidationRequired); tableExtractionAPI.setColHeaderValidationRequired(colHeaderValidationRequired); tableExtractionAPI.setRegexValidationRequired(regexValidationRequired); } return tableExtractionAPI; } /** * Gets consolidated form of table column for extraction. * * @param tableColumnsInfoList {@link List}<{TableColumnsInfo}> * @param tableColumnVOList {@link List}<{TableColumnVO}> * @param noOfTableColumns int * @param tableColumnExtractionRuleList {@link List}<{TableColumnExtractionRule}> * @return {@link List}<{TableColumnVO}> */ public List<TableColumnVO> getTableColumnData(final List<TableColumnsInfo> tableColumnsInfoList, List<TableColumnVO> tableColumnVOList, final int noOfTableColumns, final List<TableColumnExtractionRule> tableColumnExtractionRuleList) { for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < noOfTableColumns; columnIndex++) { if (null == tableColumnVOList) { tableColumnVOList = new ArrayList<TableColumnVO>(noOfTableColumns); } // create list of extraction and info details of all table columns in a common object. final TableColumnVO tableColumnVO = createTableColumnVO(tableColumnsInfoList.get(columnIndex), tableColumnExtractionRuleList.get(columnIndex)); if (null != tableColumnVO) { tableColumnVOList.add(tableColumnVO); } } return tableColumnVOList; } /** * Creates headers for columns of table data. * * @param columnHeaderList {@link List}<{@link Column}> * @param tableColumnsInfoList {@link List}<{@link TableColumnsInfo}> */ public void createColumnHeaders(final List<Column> columnHeaderList, final List<TableColumnsInfo> tableColumnsInfoList) { if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(tableColumnsInfoList)) { LOGGER.warn("Table column info is null/empty. Column header list would be empty."); } else { for (final TableColumnsInfo tableColumnsInfo : tableColumnsInfoList) { if (null != tableColumnsInfo) { final String nameOfColumn = tableColumnsInfo.getColumnName(); // Create the table header first and then all the columns for the header. final Column column = new Column(); column.setValid(false); column.setValidationRequired(false); column.setName(nameOfColumn); columnHeaderList.add(column); } } } } /** * Creates an object of table column virtual class that contains all extraction relevant data. * * @param tableColumnsInfo {@link TableColumnsInfo} * @param tableColumnExtractionRule {@link TableColumnExtractionRule} * @return {@link TableColumnVO} */ private TableColumnVO createTableColumnVO(final TableColumnsInfo tableColumnsInfo, final TableColumnExtractionRule tableColumnExtractionRule) { "Combining data from table column and table column extraction rule into a virtual object for processing of table extraction."); TableColumnVO tableColumnVO = null; if (null != tableColumnExtractionRule && null != tableColumnsInfo) { tableColumnVO = new TableColumnVO(); tableColumnVO.setColumnName(tableColumnsInfo.getColumnName()); tableColumnVO.setValidationPattern(tableColumnsInfo.getValidationPattern()); tableColumnVO.setColumnPattern(tableColumnExtractionRule.getColumnPattern()); tableColumnVO.setColumnHeaderPattern(tableColumnExtractionRule.getColumnHeaderPattern()); tableColumnVO.setBetweenLeft(tableColumnExtractionRule.getBetweenLeft()); tableColumnVO.setBetweenRight(tableColumnExtractionRule.getBetweenRight()); tableColumnVO.setRequired(tableColumnExtractionRule.isRequired()); tableColumnVO.setMultilineAnchor(tableColumnExtractionRule.isMandatory()); Integer endCoordinate = tableColumnExtractionRule.getColumnEndCoordinate(); if (null == endCoordinate) { tableColumnVO.setColumnEndCoordinate(TableExtractionConstants.EMPTY); } else { tableColumnVO.setColumnEndCoordinate(endCoordinate.toString()); } Integer startCoordinate = tableColumnExtractionRule.getColumnStartCoordinate(); if (null == startCoordinate) { tableColumnVO.setColumnStartCoordinate(TableExtractionConstants.EMPTY); } else { tableColumnVO.setColumnStartCoordinate(startCoordinate.toString()); } tableColumnVO.setCurrency(tableColumnExtractionRule.isCurrency()); tableColumnVO.setExtractedDataColumnName(tableColumnExtractionRule.getExtractedDataColumnName()); } return tableColumnVO; } /** * Extracts and stores the column header information in map. * * @param lineDataCarrierList {@link List}<{@link LineDataCarrier}> * @param colHeaderInfoMap {@link Map}<{@link String}, {@link DataCarrier}> * @param tableColumnList {@link List}<{@link TableColumnVO}> * @param colHeaderValidationRequired boolean * @param fuzzyMatchThresholdValue float * @throws DCMAApplicationException {@link DCMAApplicationException} */ public void setColumnHeaderInfo(final List<LineDataCarrier> lineDataCarrierList, final Map<String, DataCarrier> colHeaderInfoMap, final List<TableColumnVO> tableColumnList, final float fuzzyMatchThresholdValue) throws DCMAApplicationException { if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(lineDataCarrierList) && !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(tableColumnList)) { for (final TableColumnVO tableColumn : tableColumnList) { if (null != tableColumn && null != colHeaderInfoMap) { String columnName = tableColumn.getColumnName(); final DataCarrier colHeaderInfo = colHeaderInfoMap.get(columnName); // At this point colHeaderInfo.getValue() contains the regex pattern for column header. if (null != colHeaderInfo) { String columnHeaderPattern = colHeaderInfo.getValue(); if (null != columnHeaderPattern) { for (final LineDataCarrier lineDataCarrier : lineDataCarrierList) { if (null != lineDataCarrier) { String rowData = lineDataCarrier.getLineRowData(); LOGGER.debug("Line Row Data = ", rowData); List<Span> spans = lineDataCarrier.getSpanList(); DataCarrier headerDataCarrier = PatternMatcherUtil.findFuzzyPattern(rowData, columnHeaderPattern, fuzzyMatchThresholdValue, spans); if (null == headerDataCarrier) { headerDataCarrier = setColumnHeaderSpan(rowData, columnHeaderPattern, spans); } colHeaderInfo.setSpans(headerDataCarrier.getSpans()); colHeaderInfo.setValue(headerDataCarrier.getValue()); colHeaderInfo.setConfidence(headerDataCarrier.getConfidence()); colHeaderInfo.setCoordinates(headerDataCarrier.getCoordinates()); // At this point colHeaderInfo.getValue() contains the matched value for column header. // Added check with respect to ticket #5019: Failure in table extraction using column header validation. if (null != colHeaderInfo.getSpans()) { LOGGER.debug("Header span found for column : ", columnName, "; Span : ", headerDataCarrier.getValue()); break; } } } } } } } } } /** * Sets column header span for a column. * * @param inputData {@link String} * @param columnHeaderPattern {@link String} * @param spanList {@link List}<{@link Span}> * @throws DCMAApplicationException {@link DCMAApplicationException} */ private final DataCarrier setColumnHeaderSpan(final String inputData, final String columnHeaderPattern, final List<Span> spanList) throws DCMAApplicationException { List<Span> bestMatchSpans = null; String value = null; float bestConfidence = 0; Coordinates bestMatchSpanCoordinates = null; if (EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(inputData)) { LOGGER.warn("Invalid input character sequence of line."); } else { if (EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(columnHeaderPattern)) { LOGGER.warn("Invalid input pattern sequence."); } else { // Compile and use regular expression final CharSequence inputStr = inputData; final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(columnHeaderPattern); final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(inputStr); float previousConfidence = 0; final List<Coordinates> coordinatesList = new ArrayList<Coordinates>(); while (matcher.find()) { // Get all groups for this match for (int i = 0; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) { final String groupString =; if (groupString != null) { final int startIndex = matcher.start(); final int endIndex = startIndex + groupString.trim().length(); List<Span> matchedSpans = PatternMatcherUtil.getMatchedSpans(spanList, startIndex, endIndex); String headerValue = PatternMatcherUtil.getMatchedSpansValue(matchedSpans); if (!EphesoftStringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(headerValue)) { final float confidence = (groupString.length() * CommonConstants.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CONFIDENCE) / headerValue.length();"Matched Value : ", groupString, " ,Confidence : ", confidence); if (confidence > previousConfidence) { bestMatchSpans = matchedSpans; bestConfidence = confidence; value = headerValue; previousConfidence = confidence; coordinatesList.clear(); for (Span span : matchedSpans) { coordinatesList.add(span.getCoordinates()); } bestMatchSpanCoordinates = HocrUtil.getRectangleCoordinates(coordinatesList); }; } } } } } } DataCarrier dataCarrier = new DataCarrier(bestMatchSpans, bestConfidence, value, bestMatchSpanCoordinates); return dataCarrier; } }