Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************* * Ephesoft is a Intelligent Document Capture and Mailroom Automation program * developed by Ephesoft, Inc. Copyright (C) 2015 Ephesoft Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY EPHESOFT, EPHESOFT DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Ephesoft, Inc. headquarters at 111 Academy Way, * Irvine, CA 92617, USA. or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Ephesoft" logo. * If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by Ephesoft". ********************************************************************************/ package com.ephesoft.dcma.tabbed; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Batch; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Batch.Documents; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.DocField; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Document; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Document.DocumentLevelFields; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Document.Pages; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Page; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.BatchSchemaService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.PluginPropertiesService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.common.FileType; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.component.ICommonConstants; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.exception.DCMAApplicationException; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.threadpool.BatchInstanceThread; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchClass; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.DocumentType; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.BatchClassService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.tabbed.constant.TabbedPdfConstant; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.FileUtils; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.OSUtil; @Component public class TabbedPdfExporter implements ICommonConstants { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TabbedPdfExporter.class); private String ghostScriptCommand; private String unixGhostScriptCommand; public String getGhostScriptCommand() { return ghostScriptCommand; } public void setGhostScriptCommand(String ghostScriptCommand) { this.ghostScriptCommand = ghostScriptCommand; } public String getUnixGhostScriptCommand() { return unixGhostScriptCommand; } public void setUnixGhostScriptCommand(String unixGhostScriptCommand) { this.unixGhostScriptCommand = unixGhostScriptCommand; } /** * Instance of BatchSchemaService. **/ @Autowired private BatchSchemaService batchSchemaService; @Autowired private BatchClassService batchClassService; /** * Instance of PluginPropertiesService. **/ @Autowired @Qualifier("batchInstancePluginPropertiesService") private PluginPropertiesService pluginPropertiesService; /** * @return the batchSchemaService */ public BatchSchemaService getBatchSchemaService() { return batchSchemaService; } /** * @return the pluginPropertiesService */ public PluginPropertiesService getPluginPropertiesService() { return pluginPropertiesService; } /** * This will create the tabbed pdf for the given batchInstance * * @param batchInstanceIdentifier(@link String) * @throws DCMAApplicationException */ public void createTabbedPDF(String batchInstanceIdentifier) throws DCMAApplicationException { String tabbedPDFSwitch = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchInstanceIdentifier, TabbedPdfConstant.TABBED_PDF_PLUGIN, TabbedPdfProperties.TABBED_PDF_SWITCH); if (TabbedPdfConstant.ON.equalsIgnoreCase(tabbedPDFSwitch)) { String sFolderToBeExported = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchInstanceIdentifier, TabbedPdfConstant.TABBED_PDF_PLUGIN, TabbedPdfProperties.TABBED_PDF_EXPORT_FOLDER); String placeHolder = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchInstanceIdentifier, TabbedPdfConstant.TABBED_PDF_PLUGIN, TabbedPdfProperties.TABBED_PDF_PLACEHOLDER); String pdfCreationParam = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchInstanceIdentifier, TabbedPdfConstant.TABBED_PDF_PLUGIN, TabbedPdfProperties.TABBED_PDF_CREATION_PARAMETERS); String pdfOptimizationParam = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchInstanceIdentifier, TabbedPdfConstant.TABBED_PDF_PLUGIN, TabbedPdfProperties.TABBED_PDF_OPTIMIZATION_PARAMETERS); String propertyFile = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchInstanceIdentifier, TabbedPdfConstant.TABBED_PDF_PLUGIN, TabbedPdfProperties.TABBED_PDF_PROPERTY_FILE); String pdfOptimizationSwitch = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchInstanceIdentifier, TabbedPdfConstant.TABBED_PDF_PLUGIN, TabbedPdfProperties.TABBED_PDF_OPTIMIZATION_SWITCH); Batch batch = batchSchemaService.getBatch(batchInstanceIdentifier); boolean exportFolderExists = checkForExportFolderAndCreateIfNotExists(sFolderToBeExported); File fFolderToBeExported = new File(sFolderToBeExported); if (!exportFolderExists) { throw new DCMAApplicationException(fFolderToBeExported.toString() + " is not a Directory."); } // checkForUnknownDocument(batch); LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> documentPDFMap; try { if (TabbedPdfConstant.YES.equalsIgnoreCase(placeHolder)) { documentPDFMap = createBatchClassDocumentPDFMap(batch, batchInstanceIdentifier, propertyFile); } else { documentPDFMap = createDocumentPDFMap(batch, batchInstanceIdentifier); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DCMAApplicationException("Error in writing pdfMarks file." + e.getMessage(), e); } String envVariable = System.getenv(TabbedPdfConstant.GHOSTSCRIPT_HOME); if (envVariable == null || envVariable.isEmpty()) { throw new DCMAApplicationException("Enviornment Variable GHOSTSCRIPT_HOME not set."); } try { writePDFMarksFile(sFolderToBeExported, pdfCreationParam, batchInstanceIdentifier, pdfOptimizationParam, pdfOptimizationSwitch, documentPDFMap); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error in writing pdfMarks file" + e.getMessage(), e); throw new DCMAApplicationException("Error in writing pdfMarks file." + e.getMessage(), e); }"Processing complete at " + new Date()); } else {"Skipping tabbed pdf plugin. Switch set as OFF"); } } /** * * This will create the PDFMarks file * * @param sFolderToBeExported * @param pdfCreationParam * @param pdfOptimizationParam * @param pdfOptimizationSwitch * @param batchInstanceIdentifier * @param documentPDFMap * @throws DCMAApplicationException * */ private void writePDFMarksFile(String sFolderToBeExported, String pdfCreationParam, String batchInstanceIdentifier, String pdfOptimizationParam, String pdfOptimizationSwitch, LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> documentPDFMap) throws IOException, DCMAApplicationException { String gsCommand = getGSCommand(); if (gsCommand == null) {"No ghostcript command specified in properties file. ghostcript command = " + gsCommand); throw new DCMAApplicationException( "No ghostcript command specified in properties file. ghostcript command = " + gsCommand); } Set<String> documentNames; documentNames = documentPDFMap.keySet(); Iterator<String> iterator = documentNames.iterator(); List<String> documentPDFPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); String documentId; Batch batch = batchSchemaService.getBatch(batchInstanceIdentifier); String pdfMarkTemplatePath = batchSchemaService.getAbsolutePath(batch.getBatchClassIdentifier(), batchSchemaService.getScriptConfigFolderName(), true); File pdfMarksSample = new File( pdfMarkTemplatePath + File.separator + TabbedPdfConstant.PDF_MARKS_FILE_NAME); if (!pdfMarksSample.exists()) { throw new DCMAApplicationException("Sample PdfMarks file not provided."); } File localPdfMarksSample = new File(batchSchemaService.getLocalFolderLocation() + File.separator + batchInstanceIdentifier + File.separator + pdfMarksSample.getName()); try { FileUtils.copyFile(pdfMarksSample, localPdfMarksSample); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DCMAApplicationException("Exception in copying the file \"" + localPdfMarksSample.getAbsolutePath() + "\" to \"" + pdfMarksSample.getAbsolutePath() + "\"", e); } String pdfBookMarkTemplate = TabbedPdfConstant.PDF_MARKS_TEMPLATE; FileWriter fileWriter = null; try { fileWriter = new FileWriter(localPdfMarksSample, true); String pdfBookMarkText = ""; while (iterator.hasNext()) { documentId =; List<String> docDetails = documentPDFMap.get(documentId); pdfBookMarkText = pdfBookMarkTemplate.replace(TabbedPdfConstant.BOOKMARK_TITLE_PLACEHOLDER, docDetails.get(0));// page // bookmark pdfBookMarkText = pdfBookMarkText.replace(TabbedPdfConstant.BOOKMARK_PAGE_NUMBER_PLACEHOLDER, docDetails.get(1));// page // title fileWriter.write(pdfBookMarkText + System.getProperty(TabbedPdfConstant.LINE_SEPARATOR)); documentPDFPaths.add(docDetails.get(2)); } } catch (IOException ioException) { throw new DCMAApplicationException("Exception in getting the FileWriter.", ioException); } finally { try { if (fileWriter != null) { fileWriter.close(); } } catch (IOException e) {"Unable to close the file stream for file:\"" + localPdfMarksSample.getAbsolutePath() + "\""); } } BatchInstanceThread batchInstanceThread = new BatchInstanceThread(batchInstanceIdentifier); List<TabbedPDFExecutor> tabbedPDFExecutors = new ArrayList<TabbedPDFExecutor>(); String batchName = ""; Map<String, String> subPoenaLoanMap = getTabbedPdfName(batch.getDocuments().getDocument()); if (null != subPoenaLoanMap && subPoenaLoanMap.size() == TabbedPdfConstant.MAX_NAME_FIELDS) { batchName = subPoenaLoanMap.get(TabbedPdfConstant.SUBPOENA) + TabbedPdfConstant.UNDERSCORE + subPoenaLoanMap.get(TabbedPdfConstant.LOAN_NUMBER); } if (batchName == null || batchName.isEmpty()) { batchName = batch.getBatchName(); } String tabbedPDFName = batchName + "_" + batchInstanceIdentifier + FileType.PDF.getExtensionWithDot(); String tabbedPDFTempFolder = batchSchemaService.getLocalFolderLocation() + File.separator + batchInstanceIdentifier; String tabbedPDFLocalPath = tabbedPDFTempFolder + File.separator + tabbedPDFName; if (pdfOptimizationSwitch != null && pdfOptimizationSwitch.equalsIgnoreCase(TabbedPdfConstant.ON)) { tabbedPDFExecutors.add(new TabbedPDFExecutor(tabbedPDFName, tabbedPDFTempFolder, documentPDFPaths, localPdfMarksSample.getAbsolutePath(), batchInstanceThread, pdfCreationParam, gsCommand)); } else { tabbedPDFExecutors.add(new TabbedPDFExecutor(tabbedPDFName, sFolderToBeExported, documentPDFPaths, localPdfMarksSample.getAbsolutePath(), batchInstanceThread, pdfCreationParam, gsCommand)); } try {"Executing commands for creation of tabbed pdf using thread pool."); batchInstanceThread.execute();"Tabbed pdf creation ends."); } catch (DCMAApplicationException dcmae) { LOGGER.error("Error in executing command for tabbed pdf using thread pool" + dcmae.getMessage(), dcmae); batchInstanceThread.remove(); // Throw the exception to set the batch status to Error by Application aspect throw new DCMAApplicationException(dcmae.getMessage(), dcmae); } checkForPdfOptimizationSwitch(sFolderToBeExported, batchInstanceIdentifier, pdfOptimizationParam, pdfOptimizationSwitch, tabbedPDFName, tabbedPDFTempFolder); copyMultipagePdfInEphesoftSystemFolder(sFolderToBeExported, tabbedPDFName, tabbedPDFLocalPath); mergeBatchXmlDocs(batchSchemaService, batch, documentNames, documentPDFMap, tabbedPDFName); } /** * It will copy the multipage pdf file in ephesoft system folder * * @param sFolderToBeExported{@link String} * @param tabbedPDFName{@link String} * @param tabbedPDFLocalPath{@link String} * @throws DCMAApplicationException */ private void copyMultipagePdfInEphesoftSystemFolder(String sFolderToBeExported, String tabbedPDFName, String tabbedPDFLocalPath) throws DCMAApplicationException { File destFile = new File(tabbedPDFLocalPath); if (destFile.exists()) { destFile.delete(); } // copying file to ephesoft system folder"Started copying multipage pdf file in ephesoft system folder."); File srcFile = new File(sFolderToBeExported + File.separator + tabbedPDFName); destFile = new File(tabbedPDFLocalPath); try { FileUtils.copyFile(srcFile, destFile); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DCMAApplicationException("Exception in copying the file " + destFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + srcFile.getAbsolutePath(), e); }"Completed copying multipage pdf file in ephesoft system folder."); } /** * This will check for the Pdf optimization switch and if set to "ON" ,adds the new object of TabbedPdfOptimizer to the Arraylist * tabbedPdfOptimier * * @param sFolderToBeExported{@link String} * @param batchInstanceIdentifier{@link String} * @param pdfOptimizationParam{@link String} * @param pdfOptimizationSwitch{@link String} * @param tabbedPDFName{@link String} * @param tabbedPDFTempFolder{@link String} * @throws DCMAApplicationException */ private void checkForPdfOptimizationSwitch(String sFolderToBeExported, String batchInstanceIdentifier, String pdfOptimizationParam, String pdfOptimizationSwitch, String tabbedPDFName, String tabbedPDFTempFolder) throws DCMAApplicationException { String gsCommand = getGSCommand(); if (gsCommand == null) {"No ghostcript command specified in properties file. ghostcript command = " + gsCommand); throw new DCMAApplicationException( "No ghostcript command specified in properties file. ghostcript command = " + gsCommand); } BatchInstanceThread batchInstanceThread; if (pdfOptimizationSwitch != null && pdfOptimizationSwitch.equalsIgnoreCase(TabbedPdfConstant.ON)) { batchInstanceThread = new BatchInstanceThread(batchInstanceIdentifier); List<TabbedPdfOptimizer> tabbedPdfOptimier = new ArrayList<TabbedPdfOptimizer>(); tabbedPdfOptimier.add(new TabbedPdfOptimizer(sFolderToBeExported, tabbedPDFTempFolder, batchInstanceThread, tabbedPDFName, pdfOptimizationParam, gsCommand)); try {"Executing commands for optimizing tabbed pdf using thread pool."); batchInstanceThread.execute();"Tabbed pdf creation ends."); } catch (DCMAApplicationException dcmae) { LOGGER.error("Error in executing command for optimizing tabbed pdf using thread pool" + dcmae.getMessage(), dcmae); batchInstanceThread.remove(); // Throw the exception to set the batch status to Error by Application aspect throw new DCMAApplicationException(dcmae.getMessage(), dcmae); } } } /** * This will return the ghost script command for window or linux environment. * * @return {@link String} */ private String getGSCommand() { String gsCommand = null; if (OSUtil.isWindows() && ghostScriptCommand != null) { gsCommand = ghostScriptCommand; } else if (OSUtil.isUnix() && unixGhostScriptCommand != null) { gsCommand = unixGhostScriptCommand; } return gsCommand; } /** * This API merges all the documents as per priority list into first document. Also, updates the multi page pdf file name to tabbed * pdf file name. * * @param batchSchemaService{@link BatchSchemaService} * @param batch{@link Batch} * @param documentNames {@link Set<String>} * @param documentPDFMap {@link LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>} * @param tabbedPDFName {@link String} */ private void mergeBatchXmlDocs(BatchSchemaService batchSchemaService, Batch batch, Set<String> documentNames, LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> documentPDFMap, String tabbedPDFName) { boolean isFirstDocInXML = true; String documentIdInt; Documents documents = new Documents(); List<Document> docList = new ArrayList<Document>(); Iterator<String> iterator = documentNames.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { documentIdInt =; List<String> docDetails = documentPDFMap.get(documentIdInt); String documentTypeAfterSorting = docDetails.get(0); // fetch the document from batch xml and merge with first document as per priority. documents = batch.getDocuments(); docList = documents.getDocument(); Iterator<Document> docListIter = docList.iterator(); while (docListIter.hasNext()) { Document document = (Document); String docTypeFromXML = document.getType(); if (docTypeFromXML.equalsIgnoreCase(documentTypeAfterSorting)) { if (isFirstDocInXML) { // put this document as first document docList.add(0, document); isFirstDocInXML = false; } else { // merge the document with first document Pages docPages = document.getPages(); docList.get(0).getPages().getPage().addAll(docPages.getPage()); } docList.remove(document); break; } } } // update the multipage pdf file name docList.get(0).setMultiPagePdfFile(tabbedPDFName); batchSchemaService.updateBatch(batch); } /** * This API created the export folder if it not exists else it will created the export folder. * * @param exportFolder {@link String} * @return isExportFolderCreated {@link boolean} */ private boolean checkForExportFolderAndCreateIfNotExists(final String exportFolder) {"Checking the export folder is already created or not"); File exportFolderFile = new File(exportFolder); boolean isExportFolderCreated = false; if (!exportFolderFile.exists()) { isExportFolderCreated = exportFolderFile.mkdir(); } else { isExportFolderCreated = true; }"Value of variable \"isExportFolderCreated:\"" + isExportFolderCreated);"Checking the export folder is already created or not"); return isExportFolderCreated; } /** * This will create the document pdf map for * * @param parsedXMLFile{@link Batch} * @param batchInstanceID{@link String} * @return documentPDFMap{@link LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>} * @throws DCMAApplicationException */ private LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> createDocumentPDFMap(final Batch parsedXMLFile, String batchInstanceID) throws DCMAApplicationException { List<Document> xmlDocuments = parsedXMLFile.getDocuments().getDocument(); LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> documentPDFMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); int startPageNumber = 1; for (Document document : xmlDocuments) { List<String> detailsList = new LinkedList<String>(); String documentId = document.getIdentifier();"Document documentid =" + documentId + " contains the following info:"); int numberOfPages = document.getPages().getPage().size(); // adding details to the document addDetailsToDocTypeWithoutPlaceHolder(document, startPageNumber, detailsList, batchInstanceID); startPageNumber = startPageNumber + numberOfPages; documentPDFMap.put(documentId, detailsList); } return documentPDFMap; } /** * This will create the document map on the basis of order and load the error pdf if the document is not present. * * @param parsedXMLFile {@link Batch} * @param batchInstanceID{@link String} * @param propertyFile{@link String} * @return documentPDFMap {@link LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>} * @throws Exception */ private LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> createBatchClassDocumentPDFMap(final Batch parsedXMLFile, String batchInstanceID, String propertyFile) throws Exception { String errorPDFPath = batchSchemaService.getAbsolutePath(parsedXMLFile.getBatchClassIdentifier(), batchSchemaService.getScriptConfigFolderName(), true); List<String> batchDocumentTypeNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); String batchClassId = parsedXMLFile.getBatchClassIdentifier(); BatchClass batchClass = batchClassService.getBatchClassByIdentifierIncludingDeleted(batchClassId); List<DocumentType> batchDocumentList = batchClass.getDocumentTypes(); for (DocumentType docType : batchDocumentList) { if (!docType.isHidden()) { batchDocumentTypeNameList.add(docType.getName()); } } List<String> sortedDocumentList = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, Integer> propMap = fetchDocNameMapping(propertyFile); List<String> mapKeys = new ArrayList<String>(propMap.keySet()); List<Integer> mapValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(propMap.values()); TreeSet<Integer> sortedSet = new TreeSet<Integer>(mapValues); if (sortedSet.size() != propMap.size()) { LOGGER.error("Same priority is defined for more than one document type. Invalid scenario."); throw new DCMAApplicationException("Property file for documents not valid"); } else { Object[] sortedArray = sortedSet.toArray(); int size = sortedArray.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String documentType = (String) mapKeys.get(mapValues.indexOf(sortedArray[i])); for (int documentIndex = 0; documentIndex < batchDocumentTypeNameList.size(); documentIndex++) { if (documentType.equals(batchDocumentTypeNameList.get(documentIndex))) { sortedDocumentList.add(batchDocumentTypeNameList.get(documentIndex)); } } } List<Document> xmlDocuments = parsedXMLFile.getDocuments().getDocument(); // check if any document in batch xml is not present in export props then send the batch to error. checkIfAnyXmlDocIsNotInProps(sortedDocumentList, xmlDocuments); LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> documentPDFMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); int startPageNumber = 1; int docIdentifier = 1; int batchDocumentIndex = 0; for (String document : sortedDocumentList) { List<String> detailsList = new LinkedList<String>(); String documentId = TabbedPdfConstant.DOCUMENT_IDENTIFIER + docIdentifier; int numberOfPages; String documentType; String pdfFile = null; if (batchDocumentIndex + 1 <= xmlDocuments.size()) { Document xmlDocument = xmlDocuments.get(batchDocumentIndex); if (document.equals(xmlDocument.getType())) { List<Page> listOfPages = xmlDocuments.get(batchDocumentIndex).getPages().getPage();"Document documentid =" + documentId + " contains the following info:"); numberOfPages = listOfPages.size(); documentType = xmlDocument.getType(); pdfFile = xmlDocument.getMultiPagePdfFile(); detailsList.add(documentType); detailsList.add(String.valueOf(startPageNumber)); if (pdfFile != null && !pdfFile.isEmpty()) { File fPDFFile = batchSchemaService.getFile(batchInstanceID, pdfFile); if (fPDFFile.exists()) {"PDF File Name:" + fPDFFile); detailsList.add(fPDFFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { throw new DCMAApplicationException("File does not exist. File Name=" + fPDFFile); } docIdentifier++; startPageNumber = startPageNumber + numberOfPages; documentPDFMap.put(documentId, detailsList); } else { throw new DCMAApplicationException("MultiPagePDF file does not exist in batch xml."); } batchDocumentIndex++; } else { startPageNumber = appendPlaceholder(errorPDFPath, xmlDocuments, documentPDFMap, startPageNumber, docIdentifier, document, detailsList, documentId); docIdentifier++; } } else { startPageNumber = appendPlaceholder(errorPDFPath, xmlDocuments, documentPDFMap, startPageNumber, docIdentifier, document, detailsList, documentId); docIdentifier++; } } return documentPDFMap; } } /** * It checks if any document in batch xml is not present in export props then send the batch to error. * * @param sortedDocumentList * @param xmlDocuments * @throws DCMAApplicationException */ private void checkIfAnyXmlDocIsNotInProps(List<String> sortedDocumentList, List<Document> xmlDocuments) throws DCMAApplicationException { boolean ifAnyXmlDocIsNotInProps = false; String docTypeNotPresent = null; for (Document doc : xmlDocuments) { if (!sortedDocumentList.contains(doc.getType())) { ifAnyXmlDocIsNotInProps = true; docTypeNotPresent = doc.getType(); break; } } if (ifAnyXmlDocIsNotInProps) { throw new DCMAApplicationException( "Document Type:" + docTypeNotPresent + " is not present in Export Properties."); } } /** * This method appends placeholder PDF in case placeholder switch is "ON" * * @param errorPDFPath{@link String} * @param xmlDocuments{@link List<Document>} * @param documentPDFMap{@link LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>} * @param startPageNumber{@link int} * @param docIdentifier{@link int} * @param document{@link String} * @param detailsList{@link List<String>} * @param documentId{@link documentId} * @return startPageNumber{@link int} * @throws DCMAApplicationException */ private int appendPlaceholder(String errorPDFPath, List<Document> xmlDocuments, LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> documentPDFMap, int startPageNumber, int docIdentifier, String document, List<String> detailsList, String documentId) throws DCMAApplicationException { int numberOfPages; String documentType; String pdfFile; String xmlDoc = ""; boolean isDocExistInXML = false; for (Document doc : xmlDocuments) { if (doc.getType().equals(document)) { xmlDoc = document; isDocExistInXML = true; break; } } if (isDocExistInXML) { throw new DCMAApplicationException("Document type " + xmlDoc + " is not present in batch xml at the specified order in properties file. Throwing workflow into error."); } else { // append error.pdf documentType = document; numberOfPages = 1; pdfFile = TabbedPdfConstant.SAMPLE_PDF_FILE_NAME; detailsList.add(documentType); detailsList.add(String.valueOf(startPageNumber)); if (pdfFile != null && !pdfFile.isEmpty()) { File fPDFFile = new File(errorPDFPath + File.separator + TabbedPdfConstant.SAMPLE_PDF_FILE_NAME); if (fPDFFile.exists()) {"PDF File Name:" + fPDFFile); detailsList.add(fPDFFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { throw new DCMAApplicationException("File does not exist. File Name=" + fPDFFile); } docIdentifier++; startPageNumber = startPageNumber + numberOfPages; documentPDFMap.put(documentId, detailsList); } else { throw new DCMAApplicationException("MultiPagePDF file does not exist in batch xml."); } } return startPageNumber; } /** * This will add the details to the given document when the place-holder property is not present * * @param document {@link Document} * @param startPageNumber {@link int} * @param detailsList {@link List<String>} * @param batchInstanceID {@link String} * @throws DCMAApplicationException */ void addDetailsToDocTypeWithoutPlaceHolder(Document document, int startPageNumber, List<String> detailsList, String batchInstanceID) throws DCMAApplicationException { String documentType = document.getType(); String pdfFile = document.getMultiPagePdfFile(); detailsList.add(documentType); detailsList.add(String.valueOf(startPageNumber)); if (pdfFile != null && !pdfFile.isEmpty()) { File fPDFFile = batchSchemaService.getFile(batchInstanceID, pdfFile); if (fPDFFile.exists()) {"PDF File Name:" + fPDFFile); detailsList.add(fPDFFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { throw new DCMAApplicationException("File does not exist. File Name=" + fPDFFile); } } else { throw new DCMAApplicationException("MultiPagePDF file does not exist in batch xml."); } } /** * This will check for unknown document. * * @param parsedXMLFile */ /* * private void checkForUnknownDocument(Batch pasrsedXMLFile) { Documents documents = pasrsedXMLFile.getDocuments(); if (documents * != null) { List<Document> listOfDocuments = documents.getDocument(); if (listOfDocuments == null) { return; } for (Document * document : listOfDocuments) { * * if (document == null) { return; } if (document.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(EphesoftProperty.UNKNOWN.getProperty())) { Pages pages * = document.getPages(); if (pages == null) { return; } List<Page> listOfPages = pages.getPage(); if (listOfPages == null) { * return; } if (listOfPages.isEmpty()) { return; } throw new * DCMABusinessException("Final xml document contains unknown documents.Cannot be exported."); } } * * } * * } */ /** * This will fetch the document from the property file. * * @param propertyFilePath{@link String} * @return * @throws DCMAApplicationException */ private Map<String, Integer> fetchDocNameMapping(String propertyFilePath) throws DCMAApplicationException { final String filePath = propertyFilePath; HashMap<String, Integer> propertyMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); FileInputStream fileInputStream = null; BufferedReader bufferReader = null; try { fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(filePath); bufferReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fileInputStream)); String eachLine = bufferReader.readLine(); while (eachLine != null) { if (eachLine.length() > 0) { final String[] keyValue = eachLine.split(TabbedPdfConstant.MAPPING_SEPERATOR); if (keyValue != null && keyValue.length == 2) { propertyMap.put(keyValue[0], Integer.parseInt(keyValue[1])); } } eachLine = bufferReader.readLine(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new DCMAApplicationException("Property file not provided.Cannot be exported."); } finally { try { if (bufferReader != null) { bufferReader.close(); } if (fileInputStream != null) { fileInputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) {"Unable to close the fileInputStream or bufferReader for the file:" + filePath); } } return propertyMap; } /** * This will fetch the custom dlf's values. * * @param documentList{@link List<Document>} * @return {@link Map}<{@link String}, {@link String}> */ private Map<String, String> getTabbedPdfName(final List<Document> documentList) { Map<String, String> resultMap = null; if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(documentList)) { for (Document document : documentList) { if (null != resultMap && resultMap.size() == TabbedPdfConstant.MAX_NAME_FIELDS) { break; } if (null != document) { DocumentLevelFields docFields = document.getDocumentLevelFields(); if (null != docFields) { List<DocField> docFieldList = docFields.getDocumentLevelField(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(docFieldList)) { resultMap = getDLFNames(docFieldList); } } } } } return resultMap; } /** * Gets matched dlf names for a document's document level fields. * * @param docFieldList {@link List}<{@link DocField}> * @return {@link Map}<{@link String}, {@link String}> */ private Map<String, String> getDLFNames(final List<DocField> docFieldList) { Map<String, String> resultMap = null; for (DocField docField : docFieldList) { if (null != docField) { String docFieldName = docField.getName(); if (TabbedPdfConstant.SUBPOENA.equals(docFieldName) || TabbedPdfConstant.LOAN_NUMBER.equals(docFieldName)) { if (null == resultMap) { resultMap = new HashMap<String, String>(TabbedPdfConstant.MAX_NAME_FIELDS); } resultMap.put(docFieldName, docField.getValue()); } } } return resultMap; } }