Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************* * Ephesoft is a Intelligent Document Capture and Mailroom Automation program * developed by Ephesoft, Inc. Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Ephesoft Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY EPHESOFT, EPHESOFT DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Ephesoft, Inc. headquarters at 111 Academy Way, * Irvine, CA 92617, USA. or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Ephesoft" logo. * If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by Ephesoft". ********************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.transform.Result; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Batch; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.DocField; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Document; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.schema.Document.DocumentLevelFields; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.BatchSchemaService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.EphesoftContext; import com.ephesoft.dcma.batch.service.PluginPropertiesService; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.component.ICommonConstants; import com.ephesoft.dcma.core.exception.DCMAApplicationException; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.domain.BatchInstance; import com.ephesoft.dcma.da.service.BatchInstanceService; import; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.FileUtils; import com.ephesoft.dcma.util.XMLUtil; /** * This Class is used to export the XML , DAT and CTL file in IBM content management accepted format. * * @author Ephesoft * @version 1.0 * @see */ @Component public class IBMCMExporter implements ICommonConstants { /** * Instance of Logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IBMCMExporter.class); /** * Instance of BatchSchemaService. **/ @Autowired private BatchSchemaService batchSchemaService; /** * Instance of BatchInstanceService. **/ @Autowired private BatchInstanceService batchInstanceService; /** * Instance of PluginPropertiesService. **/ @Autowired @Qualifier("batchInstancePluginPropertiesService") private PluginPropertiesService pluginPropertiesService; /** * ClassPath Resource to xsl file. */ private ClassPathResource xslResource; /** * @return the batchSchemaService */ public BatchSchemaService getBatchSchemaService() { return batchSchemaService; } /** * @return the pluginPropertiesService */ public PluginPropertiesService getPluginPropertiesService() { return pluginPropertiesService; } /** * @return the xslResource */ public ClassPathResource getXslResource() { return xslResource; } /** * @param xslResource the xslResource to set */ public void setXslResource(final ClassPathResource xslResource) { this.xslResource = xslResource; } /** * Variable for cmodAppGroup. */ private String cmodAppGroup; /** * Variable for cmodApp. */ private String cmodApp; /** * Variable for userName. */ private String userName; /** * Variable for email. */ private String email; /** * Varibale for supplyingSystem. */ private String supplyingSystem; /** * Getter for supplyingSystem. * * @return {@link String} */ public final String getSupplyingSystem() { return supplyingSystem; } /** * Setter for supplyingSystem. * * @param supplyingSystem */ public final void setSupplyingSystem(final String supplyingSystem) { this.supplyingSystem = supplyingSystem; } /** * @param cmodAppGroup the cmodAppGroup to set */ public void setCmodAppGroup(final String cmodAppGroup) { this.cmodAppGroup = cmodAppGroup; } /** * @param cmodApp the cmodApp to set */ public void setCmodApp(final String cmodApp) { this.cmodApp = cmodApp; } /** * @param userName the userName to set */ public void setUserName(final String userName) { this.userName = userName; } /** * @param email the email to set */ public void setEmail(final String email) { = email; } private void updateBatch(final String batchInstanceID) {"Update document size of each document in batch.xml"); Batch batch = batchSchemaService.getBatch(batchInstanceID); if (batch != null && batch.getDocuments() != null) { List<Document> documents = batch.getDocuments().getDocument(); for (Document document : documents) { if (document != null) { // fetching file and update document size"Updated document size for document :" + document.getIdentifier()); updateDocumentSize(batchInstanceID, batch, document); } } batchSchemaService.updateBatch(batch);"Updated document size in batch.xml"); } } private void updateDocumentSize(final String batchInstanceID, final Batch batch, final Document document) {"Retrieving document size for each document"); String multipagePdf = document.getMultiPagePdfFile(); if (multipagePdf != null && !multipagePdf.isEmpty()) { StringBuffer multipagePdfPath = new StringBuffer(batch.getBatchLocalPath()); multipagePdfPath.append(File.separator); multipagePdfPath.append(batchInstanceID); multipagePdfPath.append(File.separator); multipagePdfPath.append(multipagePdf); File file = new File(multipagePdfPath.toString());"Retrieving file is :" + multipagePdf); if (file.exists()) { long length = file.length(); document.setSize(String.valueOf(length));"Updated file size for document" + multipagePdf + "is :" + length); } else { LOGGER.error("File does not exits... " + multipagePdf); } } } private int getTotalDocumentSize(final String batchInstanceID) {"Retrieving total size of document"); int totalDocSize = 0; Batch batch = batchSchemaService.getBatch(batchInstanceID); if (batch != null && batch.getDocuments() != null) { List<Document> documentList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument(); for (Document document : documentList) { if (document != null && document.getSize() != null) { try { totalDocSize += Integer.valueOf(document.getSize());"Updated total size for document in bytes :" + totalDocSize); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { LOGGER.error("Exception in converting string to integer :" + document.getSize()); } } } } return totalDocSize; } /** * This method transforms the batch.xml to another XML acceptable by IBM Content Management. * * @param batchInstanceID {@link String} * @throws JAXBException root exception class for all JAXB exceptions * @throws DCMAApplicationException if any exception occurs. */ public void exportFiles(final String batchInstanceID) throws JAXBException, DCMAApplicationException {"IBM Content Management plugin.");"Initializing properties..."); String ibmCMSwitch = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchInstanceID, IBMCMConstant.IBM_CM_PLUGIN.getId(), IBMCMProperties.IBM_CM_SWITCH); if (IBMCMConstant.ON_STRING.equalsIgnoreCase(ibmCMSwitch)) { updateBatch(batchInstanceID); String exportFolder = pluginPropertiesService.getPropertyValue(batchInstanceID, IBMCMConstant.IBM_CM_PLUGIN.getId(), IBMCMProperties.IBM_CM_EXPORT_FOLDER); int totalDocSize = getTotalDocumentSize(batchInstanceID); if (null == exportFolder || "".equalsIgnoreCase(exportFolder)) { validateExportFolder(); }"Properties Initialized Successfully"); boolean isZipSwitchOn = batchSchemaService.isZipSwitchOn();"Zipped Batch XML switch is:" + isZipSwitchOn); String exportToFolder = batchInstanceService.getSystemFolderForBatchInstanceId(batchInstanceID); String baseDocsFolder = exportToFolder + File.separator + batchInstanceID; boolean isExportFolderCreated = folderCreation(exportFolder); String batchXmlName = batchInstanceID + ICommonConstants.UNDERSCORE_BATCH_XML; String sourceXMLPath = baseDocsFolder + File.separator + batchInstanceID + ICommonConstants.UNDERSCORE_BATCH_XML; Batch batch = batchSchemaService.getBatch(batchInstanceID); String targetXmlPath = null; String batchName = ""; Map<String, String> subPoenaLoanMap = getSubPoenaLoanNumber(batch.getDocuments().getDocument()); if (subPoenaLoanMap.size() == 2) { batchName = validateSubPoenaLoanMap(subPoenaLoanMap); } if ((batch != null && batch.getBatchName() != null && !batch.getBatchName().isEmpty()) || (batchName != null && !batchName.isEmpty())) { targetXmlPath = getTargetFilePath(batchInstanceID, exportFolder, batch, IBMCMConstant.XML_EXTENSION.getId(), batchName); } InputStream xslStream = null; try { xslStream = xslResource.getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DCMAApplicationException("Could not find xsl file in the classpath resource", e); } InputStream inputStream = null; tracingLogs(isExportFolderCreated, sourceXMLPath, targetXmlPath, xslStream); if (targetXmlPath == null) { validateTargetXmlPath(exportFolder); } if (xslStream == null) { validateXslStream(); } if (!isExportFolderCreated) { throw new DCMAApplicationException( "Unable to create directory in " + exportFolder + ". Please verify the permission"); } try { TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = null; try { transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xslStream)); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(xslStream); } if (transformer != null) { String prefixSubpoenaValue = ""; prefixSubpoenaValue = getPrefixSubpoenaValue(prefixSubpoenaValue, batch); String cmodAppGroupLocal = ""; String cmodAppLocal = ""; if (prefixSubpoenaValue.equalsIgnoreCase("FRE")) { cmodAppLocal = "FreddieMac_Loans_PDF"; cmodAppGroupLocal = "FreddieMac_Loans"; } else if (prefixSubpoenaValue.equalsIgnoreCase("FNM")) { cmodAppLocal = "FannieMae_Loans_PDF"; cmodAppGroupLocal = "FannieMae_Loans"; } else { cmodAppGroupLocal = this.cmodAppGroup; cmodAppLocal = this.cmodApp; } parsingParamterToXML(batchInstanceID, transformer, cmodAppGroupLocal, cmodAppLocal); transformer.setParameter(IBMCMConstant.TOTAL_DOCUMENT_SIZE.getId(), totalDocSize); String datFile = getTargetFilePath(batchInstanceID, exportFolder, batch, IBMCMConstant.DAT_EXTENSION.getId(), batchName); transformer.setParameter(IBMCMConstant.DAT_FILE_NAME.getId(), new File(datFile).getName()); transformer.setParameter(IBMCMConstant.SUPLLYING_SYSTEM.getId(), this.getSupplyingSystem()); inputStream = transformIntoXML(isZipSwitchOn, batchXmlName, sourceXMLPath, targetXmlPath, inputStream, transformer); updateDocumentOffsetValue(batchInstanceID, targetXmlPath); } else { LOGGER.error("Transformer is null due to Invalid xsl file."); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new DCMAApplicationException( "Error in creating output xml file :" + targetXmlPath + " " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (TransformerException e1) { throw new DCMAApplicationException( "Could not transform ibmCMTransform.xsl file : " + e1.getMessage(), e1); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new DCMAApplicationException( "Could not transform ibmCMTransform.xsl file : " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputStream); } generateDATFile(batchInstanceID, exportFolder, batch); generateCTLFile(batchInstanceID, exportFolder, batch); } else {"IBM Content Management Exporter is switched off or null"); } } private void tracingLogs(boolean isExportFolderCreated, String sourceXMLPath, String targetXmlPath, InputStream xslStream) {"Transforming XML " + sourceXMLPath + " to " + targetXmlPath);"targetXMLPath value is :" + targetXmlPath);"xslStream value is :" + xslStream);"isExportFolderCreated value is :" + isExportFolderCreated); } private InputStream transformIntoXML(boolean isZipSwitchOn, String batchXmlName, String sourceXMLPath, String targetXmlPath, InputStream inputStream, Transformer transformer) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, TransformerException { InputStream localInputStream = inputStream; if (isZipSwitchOn) { if (FileUtils.isZipFileExists(sourceXMLPath)) { localInputStream = FileUtils.getInputStreamFromZip(sourceXMLPath, batchXmlName); transformer.transform(new StreamSource(localInputStream), new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream(targetXmlPath))); } else { transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new File(sourceXMLPath)), new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream(targetXmlPath))); } } else { File srcXML = new File(sourceXMLPath); if (srcXML.exists()) { transformer.transform(new StreamSource(srcXML), new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream(targetXmlPath))); } else { localInputStream = FileUtils.getInputStreamFromZip(sourceXMLPath, batchXmlName); transformer.transform(new StreamSource(localInputStream), new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream(targetXmlPath))); } } return localInputStream; } private String getPrefixSubpoenaValue(String prefixSubpoenaValue, Batch batch) { String localPrefixSubpoenaValue = prefixSubpoenaValue; List<Document> listDocuments = batch.getDocuments().getDocument(); outer: for (Document doc : listDocuments) { DocumentLevelFields documentLevelFields = doc.getDocumentLevelFields(); if (null == documentLevelFields) {"DocumentLevelFields is null."); } else { List<DocField> documentLevelField = documentLevelFields.getDocumentLevelField(); for (DocField docField : documentLevelField) { String name = docField.getName(); if (null != name && name.equalsIgnoreCase("DRCi_Instance")) { localPrefixSubpoenaValue = docField.getValue(); break outer; } } } } return localPrefixSubpoenaValue; } private void validateXslStream() throws DCMAApplicationException { LOGGER.error("xslStream is null. Unable to generate xsl stream from " + xslResource.toString()); throw new DCMAApplicationException( "xslStream is null. Unable to generate xsl stream from " + xslResource.toString()); } private void validateTargetXmlPath(String exportFolder) throws DCMAApplicationException { LOGGER.error("targetXMLPath is null. Unable to create directory in " + exportFolder + ". Please verify permission"); throw new DCMAApplicationException("targetXMLPath is null. Unable to create directory in " + exportFolder + ". Please verify the permission"); } private String validateSubPoenaLoanMap(Map<String, String> subPoenaLoanMap) { String batchName; batchName = subPoenaLoanMap.get(IBMCMConstant.SUBPOENA.getId()) + IBMCMConstant.UNDERSCORE.getId() + subPoenaLoanMap.get(IBMCMConstant.LOAN_NUMBER.getId()); return batchName; } private void validateExportFolder() throws DCMAApplicationException { LOGGER.error("Export folder is null or empty"); throw new DCMAApplicationException( "IBM Content Management Export Folder value is null/empty from the database. Invalid initializing of properties."); } private void parsingParamterToXML(final String batchInstanceID, final Transformer transformer, final String cmodAppGroupLocal, final String cmodAppLocal) {"Parsing infomation to transformer"); BatchInstance batchInstance = batchInstanceService.getBatchInstanceByIdentifier(batchInstanceID); if (batchInstance != null && batchInstance.getCreationDate() != null) { String datepattern = IBMCMConstant.DATE_FORMAT.getId(); SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(datepattern, Locale.getDefault()); String batchCreationDate = simpleDateFormat.format(batchInstance.getCreationDate()); // Setting parameter for batch creation dates for updating its value in xml"Date parsing to transfomer is :" + batchCreationDate); transformer.setParameter(IBMCMConstant.BATCH_CREATION_DATE.getId(), batchCreationDate); String timepattern = IBMCMConstant.TIME_FORMAT.getId(); SimpleDateFormat simpleTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(timepattern, Locale.getDefault()); String batchCreationTime = simpleTimeFormat.format(batchInstance.getCreationDate()); // Setting parameter batch creation time for updating its value in xml"Time parsing to transfomer is :" + batchCreationTime); transformer.setParameter(IBMCMConstant.BATCH_CREATION_TIME.getId(), batchCreationTime); // Setting parameter cmod app group for updating its value in XML. transformer.setParameter(IBMCMConstant.CMOD_APP_GROUP.getId(), cmodAppGroupLocal); // Setting parameter cmod app for updating its value in XML. transformer.setParameter(IBMCMConstant.CMOD_APP.getId(), cmodAppLocal); // Setting parameter user name for updating its value in XML. transformer.setParameter(IBMCMConstant.USER_NAME.getId(), this.userName); // Setting parameter email for updating its value in XML. transformer.setParameter(IBMCMConstant.EMAIL.getId(),; // Setting parameter batch creation station id for updating its value in XML. String batchCreationStationID = batchInstance.getServerIP(); if (batchCreationStationID == null) { transformer.setParameter(IBMCMConstant.BATCH_CREATION_STATION_ID.getId(), ""); } else { transformer.setParameter(IBMCMConstant.BATCH_CREATION_STATION_ID.getId(), batchCreationStationID); } // Setting parameter station id for updating its value in XML. transformer.setParameter(IBMCMConstant.STATION_ID.getId(), EphesoftContext.getHostServerRegistry().getIpAddress()); } } private boolean folderCreation(final String exportFolder) {"Checking the export folder is exist or not"); File exportFolderFile = new File(exportFolder); boolean isExportFolderCreated = false; if (!exportFolderFile.exists()) { isExportFolderCreated = exportFolderFile.mkdirs(); } else { isExportFolderCreated = true; } return isExportFolderCreated; } private String getTargetFilePath(final String batchInstanceID, final String exportFolder, final Batch batch, final String fileExtension, String batchName) {"Generating file path to be exported"); String targetFilePath = null; String filePath = ""; String newBatchName = batchName; if (newBatchName == null || newBatchName.isEmpty()) { newBatchName = batch.getBatchName(); } if (newBatchName.length() > IBMCMConstant.CONSTANT_3) { String subpoenaPrefix = newBatchName.substring(0, IBMCMConstant.CONSTANT_3); filePath = exportFolder + File.separator + subpoenaPrefix + File.separator + batchInstanceID; } else { filePath = exportFolder + File.separator + batchInstanceID; } boolean isFolderCreated = false; File file = new File(filePath); if (!file.exists()) { isFolderCreated = file.mkdirs(); } else { isFolderCreated = true; } if (isFolderCreated) { targetFilePath = filePath + File.separator + newBatchName + IBMCMConstant.UNDERSCORE.getId() + batchInstanceID + fileExtension.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault());"File path to be exported is :" + targetFilePath); } return targetFilePath; } private List<String> getDocumentFileList(final String batchInstanceID) throws DCMAApplicationException {"Retrieving file list of multipage document"); List<String> multiPageDocument = new ArrayList<String>(); Batch batch = batchSchemaService.getBatch(batchInstanceID); if (batch != null && batch.getDocuments() != null) { StringBuffer multipagePdfPath = new StringBuffer(batch.getBatchLocalPath()); multipagePdfPath.append(File.separator); multipagePdfPath.append(batchInstanceID); multipagePdfPath.append(File.separator); List<Document> documentList = batch.getDocuments().getDocument(); for (Document document : documentList) { String multiPagePdfFile = document.getMultiPagePdfFile(); if (multiPagePdfFile == null) { throw new DCMAApplicationException( "Multi Page PDF file name is null for " + document.getIdentifier()); } multiPageDocument.add(multipagePdfPath.toString() + File.separator + multiPagePdfFile); } } return multiPageDocument; } private void generateDATFile(final String batchInstanceID, final String exportFolder, final Batch batch) throws DCMAApplicationException {"Generating DAT file"); List<String> documentFileList = getDocumentFileList(batchInstanceID); String batchName = ""; Map<String, String> subPoenaLoanMap = getSubPoenaLoanNumber(batch.getDocuments().getDocument()); if (subPoenaLoanMap.size() == 2) { batchName = validateSubPoenaLoanMap(subPoenaLoanMap); } // Output DAT file path String outputFilePath = getTargetFilePath(batchInstanceID, exportFolder, batch, IBMCMConstant.DAT_EXTENSION.getId(), batchName); if (null == outputFilePath || outputFilePath.isEmpty()) { String msg = "Unable to create batch instance folder inside exportFolder. outputFilePath is null or empty."; LOGGER.error(msg); throw new DCMAApplicationException(msg); } boolean isDeleted = true; File file = new File(outputFilePath); if (file.exists()) { isDeleted = file.delete(); if (isDeleted) { + " is deleted successfully."); } else { LOGGER.error(outputFilePath + " is unable delete."); isDeleted = file.delete(); if (isDeleted) { + " is deleted successfully."); } else { LOGGER.error(outputFilePath + " is unable delete."); } } } else {; } if (isDeleted) {"Output DAT file path :" + outputFilePath); try { FileUtils.mergeFilesIntoSingleFile(documentFileList, outputFilePath); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error in merging file" + e.getMessage(), e); throw new DCMAApplicationException("Error in merging file" + e.getMessage(), e); }"Successfully generated DAT file"); } } private void generateCTLFile(final String batchInstanceID, final String exportFolder, final Batch batch) throws DCMAApplicationException {"Generating CTL file"); String batchName = ""; Map<String, String> subPoenaLoanMap = getSubPoenaLoanNumber(batch.getDocuments().getDocument()); if (subPoenaLoanMap.size() == 2) { batchName = validateSubPoenaLoanMap(subPoenaLoanMap); } // Output CTL file path String outputCTLFilePath = getTargetFilePath(batchInstanceID, exportFolder, batch, IBMCMConstant.CTL_EXTENSION.getId(), batchName); File file = new File(outputCTLFilePath); boolean isFileCreated = false; try { isFileCreated = file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Exception in creating file" + e.getMessage(), e); } if (isFileCreated) {"Successfully generated CTL file"); } } private void updateDocumentOffsetValue(final String batchInstanceID, final String filePath) throws DCMAApplicationException { try { org.w3c.dom.Document document = XMLUtil.createDocumentFrom(new File(filePath)); NodeList documentList = document.getElementsByTagName(IBMCMConstant.DOCUMENT); for (int documentIndex = 0; documentIndex < documentList.getLength(); documentIndex++) { Element documentTag = (Element) documentList.item(documentIndex); Element docTag = (Element) documentTag.getElementsByTagName(IBMCMConstant.DOC_ID).item(0); Element offset = (Element) documentTag.getElementsByTagName(IBMCMConstant.OFFSET).item(0); String docIdentifier = docTag.getTextContent(); if (docIdentifier != null & !docIdentifier.isEmpty()) { offset.setTextContent(String.valueOf(getOffsetValue(batchInstanceID, docIdentifier))); } } Source source = new DOMSource(document); File batchXmlFile = new File(filePath); OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(batchXmlFile); Result result = new StreamResult(outputStream); Transformer xformer = null; try { xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) { String msg = "Exception in transforming configuration file"; LOGGER.error(msg + e.getMessage(), e); throw new DCMAApplicationException(msg + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (TransformerFactoryConfigurationError e) { String msg = "Exception in transforming factory file"; LOGGER.error(msg + e.getMessage(), e); throw new DCMAApplicationException(msg + e.getMessage(), e); } try { xformer.transform(source, result); } catch (TransformerException e) { String msg = "Exception in transforming file"; LOGGER.error(msg + e.getMessage(), e); throw new DCMAApplicationException(msg + e.getMessage(), e); } } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Exception in updating offset into file"; LOGGER.error(msg + e.getMessage(), e); throw new DCMAApplicationException(msg + e.getMessage(), e); } } private int getOffsetValue(final String batchInstanceID, final String docID) throws DCMAApplicationException { int offset = 0; Batch batch = batchSchemaService.getBatch(batchInstanceID); List<Document> documents = batch.getDocuments().getDocument(); try { for (Document document : documents) { if (document.getIdentifier().equals(docID)) { break; } else { offset = offset + Integer.valueOf(document.getSize()); } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { String msg = "Error in converting offset value into integer"; LOGGER.error(msg + e.getMessage(), e); throw new DCMAApplicationException(msg + e.getMessage(), e); } return offset; } private Map<String, String> getSubPoenaLoanNumber(List<Document> documentList) { Map<String, String> resultMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Document document : documentList) { if (resultMap.size() == 2) { break; } DocumentLevelFields docFields = document.getDocumentLevelFields(); if (docFields == null) { continue; } List<DocField> docFieldList = docFields.getDocumentLevelField(); for (DocField docField : docFieldList) { if ((docField.getName().equals(IBMCMConstant.SUBPOENA.getId())) || (docField.getName().equals(IBMCMConstant.LOAN_NUMBER.getId()))) { String value = docField.getValue(); if (null != value && !value.isEmpty()) { resultMap.put(docField.getName(), value); } } } } return resultMap; } }