Java tutorial
package com.epam.jdi.uitests.web.selenium.elements.complex.table; /* * Copyright 2004-2016 EPAM Systems * * This file is part of JDI project. * * JDI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * JDI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with JDI. If not, see <>. */ import; import com.epam.commons.pairs.Pair; import com.epam.jdi.uitests.core.interfaces.base.ISelect; import com.epam.jdi.uitests.core.interfaces.base.ISetup; import com.epam.jdi.uitests.core.interfaces.complex.tables.interfaces.*; import com.epam.jdi.uitests.web.selenium.elements.apiInteract.GetElementModule; import com.epam.jdi.uitests.web.selenium.elements.common.Text; import com.epam.jdi.uitests.web.selenium.elements.pageobjects.annotations.objects.JTable; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import static com.epam.commons.EnumUtils.getAllEnumNames; import static com.epam.commons.EnumUtils.getEnumValue; import static com.epam.commons.LinqUtils.*; import static com.epam.commons.PrintUtils.print; import static com.epam.commons.Timer.waitCondition; import static com.epam.jdi.uitests.core.settings.JDISettings.*; import static com.epam.jdi.uitests.web.selenium.elements.pageobjects.annotations.WebAnnotationsUtil.findByToBy; import static com.epam.jdi.uitests.web.selenium.elements.pageobjects.annotations.objects.FillFromAnnotationRules.fieldHasAnnotation; import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; /** * Created by Roman_Iovlev on 6/2/2015. */ public class Table extends Text implements ITable, Cloneable, ISetup { public boolean cache = true; protected List<String> footer; protected By cellLocatorTemplate; protected List<ICell> allCells = new ArrayList<>(); protected Columns columns = new Columns(); protected Rows rows = new Rows(); protected By footerLocator = By.xpath(".//tfoot/tr/th"); // ------------------------------------------ // public Table() { this(By.tagName("table")); //GetFooterFunc = t => t.FindElements(By.xpath("//tfoot/tr/td")).Select(el => el.Text).ToArray(); } public Table(By tableLocator) { super(tableLocator); columns.table = this; rows.table = this; } public Table(By columnHeader, By row, By column) { this(); if (column != null) columns.lineTemplate = column; if (columnHeader != null) columns.headersLocator = columnHeader; if (row != null) rows.lineTemplate = row; } public Table(By rowHeader, By columnHeader, By row, By column, int rowStartIndex, int columnStartIndex) { this(); if (column != null) columns.lineTemplate = column; if (columnHeader != null) columns.headersLocator = columnHeader; if (row != null) rows.lineTemplate = row; if (rowHeader != null) rows.headersLocator = rowHeader; if (columnStartIndex > -1) columns.startIndex = columnStartIndex; if (rowStartIndex > -1) rows.startIndex = rowStartIndex; } public Table(By tableLocator, By cellLocatorTemplate) { this(tableLocator); this.cellLocatorTemplate = cellLocatorTemplate; } public Table(By columnHeader, By rowHeader, By row, By column, By footer, int columnStartIndex, int rowStartIndex) { this(); columns.lineTemplate = column; if (columnHeader != null) columns.headersLocator = columnHeader; rows.lineTemplate = row; if (rowHeader != null) rows.headersLocator = rowHeader; footerLocator = footer; columns.startIndex = columnStartIndex; rows.startIndex = rowStartIndex; } public Table copy() { return clone(); } public Table clone() { Table newTable = new Table(); newTable.rows = ((Rows) rows()).clone(new Rows(), newTable); newTable.columns = ((Columns) columns()).clone(new Columns(), newTable); newTable.avatar = new GetElementModule(getLocator(), newTable); return newTable; } public List<ICell> getCells() { List<ICell> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (String columnName : columns().headers()) //it was so // columns().headers().forEach(rowName-> result.add(cell(columnName, rowName))) rows().headers().forEach(rowName -> result.add(cell(columnName, rowName))); if (cache) allCells = result; return result; } public void setup(Field field) { if (!fieldHasAnnotation(field, JTable.class, ITable.class)) return; JTable jTable = field.getAnnotation(JTable.class); By root = findByToBy(jTable.root()); if (root == null) root = findByToBy(jTable.jRoot()); setAvatar(root); By headers = findByToBy(jTable.headers()); By rowNames = findByToBy(jTable.rowNames()); cellLocatorTemplate = findByToBy(jTable.cell()); columns.lineTemplate = findByToBy(jTable.column()); rows.lineTemplate = findByToBy(jTable.row()); footerLocator = findByToBy(jTable.footer()); columns.startIndex = jTable.colStartIndex(); rows.startIndex = jTable.rowStartIndex(); if (headers == null) headers = findByToBy(jTable.jHeaders()); if (rowNames == null) rowNames = findByToBy(jTable.jRowNames()); if (cellLocatorTemplate == null) cellLocatorTemplate = findByToBy(jTable.jCell()); if (columns.lineTemplate == null) columns.lineTemplate = findByToBy(jTable.jColumn()); if (rows.lineTemplate == null) rows.lineTemplate = findByToBy(jTable.jRow()); if (footerLocator == null) footerLocator = findByToBy(jTable.jFooter()); if (headers != null) columns.headersLocator = headers; if (rowNames != null) rows.headersLocator = rowNames; if (jTable.header().length > 0) hasColumnHeaders(asList(jTable.header())); if (jTable.rowsHeader().length > 0) hasRowHeaders(asList(jTable.rowsHeader())); if (jTable.height() > 0) setColumnsCount(jTable.height()); if (jTable.width() > 0) setRowsCount(jTable.width()); if (!jTable.size().equals("")) { String[] split = jTable.size().split("x"); if (split.length == 1) split = jTable.size().split("X"); if (split.length != 2) throw exception("Can't setup Table from attribute. Bad size: " + jTable.size()); setColumnsCount(parseInt(split[0])); setRowsCount(parseInt(split[1])); } switch (jTable.headerType()) { case COLUMNS_HEADERS: hasOnlyColumnHeaders(); break; case ROWS_HEADERS: hasOnlyRowHeaders(); break; case ALL_HEADERS: hasAllHeaders(); break; case NO_HEADERS: hasNoHeaders(); break; } useCache(jTable.useCache()); } public ITable useCache(boolean value) { cache = value; return this; } public void clean() { allCells = new ArrayList<>(); columns().clean(); rows().clean(); } public void clear() { clean(); } public IColumn columns() { return columns; } public MapArray<String, ICell> column(int colNum) { return columns().getColumn(colNum); } public MapArray<String, ICell> column(String colName) { return columns().getColumn(colName); } private MapArray<String, ICell> column(Column column) { return column.get(this::column, this::column); } public List<String> columnValue(int colNum) { return columns().getColumnValue(colNum); } public List<String> columnValue(String colName) { return columns().getColumnValue(colName); } public void setColumns(Columns value) { columns.update(value); } public IRow rows() { return rows; } public MapArray<String, ICell> row(int rowNum) { return rows().getRow(rowNum); } public MapArray<String, ICell> row(String rowName) { return rows().getRow(rowName); } private MapArray<String, ICell> row(Row row) { return row.get(this::row, this::row); } public List<String> rowValue(int rowNum) { return rows().getRowValue(rowNum); } public List<String> rowValue(String rowName) { return rows().getRowValue(rowName); } public void setRows(Rows value) { rows.update(value); } public ITable hasAllHeaders() { ((Columns) columns()).hasHeader = true; ((Rows) rows()).hasHeader = true; return this; } public ITable hasNoHeaders() { ((Columns) columns()).hasHeader = false; ((Rows) rows()).hasHeader = false; return this; } public ITable hasOnlyColumnHeaders() { ((Columns) columns()).hasHeader = true; ((Rows) rows()).hasHeader = false; return this; } public ITable hasOnlyRowHeaders() { ((Columns) columns()).hasHeader = false; ((Rows) rows()).hasHeader = true; return this; } public ITable hasColumnHeaders(List<String> value) { ((Columns) columns()).hasHeader = true; ((Columns) columns()).headers = new ArrayList<>(value); return this; } public <THeaders extends Enum> ITable hasColumnHeaders(Class<THeaders> headers) { return hasColumnHeaders(getAllEnumNames(headers)); } public ITable hasRowHeaders(List<String> value) { ((Rows) rows()).hasHeader = true; ((Rows) rows()).headers = new ArrayList<>(value); return this; } public <THeaders extends Enum> ITable hasRowHeaders(Class<THeaders> headers) { return hasRowHeaders(getAllEnumNames(headers)); } public ITable setColumnsCount(int value) { columns().setCount(value); return this; } public ITable setRowsCount(int value) { rows().setCount(value); return this; } protected List<String> getFooterAction() { return select(getWebElement().findElements(footerLocator), WebElement::getText); } private List<String> getFooter() { return new ArrayList<>(footer); } public void setFooter(List<String> value) { footer = new ArrayList<>(value); } public final MapArray<String, ISelect> header() { return columns().header(); } public final ISelect header(String name) { return columns().header(name); } public final <TEnum extends Enum> ISelect header(TEnum enumName) { return columns().header(getEnumValue(enumName)); } public List<String> headers() { return columns().headers(); } public List<String> footer() { if (footer != null) return getFooter(); footer = invoker.doJActionResult("Get Footer", this::getFooterAction); if (footer == null || footer.size() == 0) return new ArrayList<>(); columns().setCount(footer.size()); return getFooter(); } public ICell cell(Column column, Row row) { int colIndex = column.get(this::getColumnIndex, num -> num + columns().getStartIndex() - 1); int rowIndex = row.get(this::getRowIndex, num -> num + rows().getStartIndex() - 1); return addCell(colIndex, rowIndex, column.get(name -> columns().headers().indexOf(name) + 1, num -> num), row.get(name -> rows().headers().indexOf(name) + 1, num -> num), column.get(name -> name, num -> ""), row.get(name -> name, num -> "")); } public ICell cell(WebElement webElement, Column column, Row row) { return addCell(webElement, column.get(name -> columns().headers().indexOf(name) + 1, num -> num), row.get(name -> rows().headers().indexOf(name) + 1, num -> num), column.get(name -> name, num -> ""), row.get(name -> name, num -> "")); } private List<ICell> contains(Collection<ICell> list, String value) { return new ArrayList<>(where(list, cell -> cell.getValue().contains(value))); } private List<ICell> matches(Collection<ICell> list, String regex) { return new ArrayList<>(where(list, cell -> cell.getValue().matches(regex))); } public List<ICell> cells(String value) { return new ArrayList<>(where(getCells(), cell -> cell.getValue().equals(value))); } public List<ICell> cellsContains(String value) { return contains(getCells(), value); } public List<ICell> cellsMatch(String regex) { return matches(getCells(), regex); } public ICell cell(String value) { ICell result; for (Pair<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> row : rows().get()) { result = row.value.first((cName, cValue) -> cValue.getText().equals(value)); if (result != null) return result; } return null; } public ICell cellMatch(String regex) { ICell result; for (Pair<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> row : rows().get()) { result = row.value.first((cName, cValue) -> cValue.getText().matches(regex)); if (result != null) return result; } return null; } public MapArray<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> rows(String value, Column column) { return rows().withValue(value, column); } public MapArray<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> rowsContains(String value, Column column) { return rows().containsValue(value, column); } public MapArray<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> rowsMatches(String regEx, Column column) { return rows().matchesRegEx(regEx, column); } public MapArray<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> rows(String... colNameValues) { if (colNameValues.length == 0) return rows().get(); List<TableFilter> filters = new ArrayList<>(); for (String colNameValue : colNameValues) filters.add(new TableFilter(colNameValue)); boolean matches = false; MapArray<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> result = new MapArray<>(); for (Pair<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> row : rows().get()) { for (TableFilter filter : filters) { ICell cell = row.value.get(; if (cell == null) throw exception(format("Search rows for '%s' failed. Can't get cell for column named %s", print(colNameValues),; switch (filter.type) { case EQUAL: matches = cell.getValue().equals(filter.value); break; case CONTAINS: matches = cell.getValue().contains(filter.value); break; case MATCH: matches = cell.getValue().matches(filter.value); break; } if (!matches) break; } if (matches) result.add(row); } return result; } public MapArray<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> columns(String value, Row row) { return columns().withValue(value, row); } public MapArray<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> columnsContains(String value, Row row) { return columns().containsValue(value, row); } public MapArray<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> columnsMatches(String regEx, Row row) { return columns().matchesRegEx(regEx, row); } public MapArray<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> columns(String... rowNameValues) { if (rowNameValues.length == 0) return columns().get(); MapArray<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> result = new MapArray<>(); for (Pair<String, MapArray<String, ICell>> column : columns().get()) { boolean matches = true; for (String rowNameValue : rowNameValues) { if (!rowNameValue.matches("[^=]+=[^=]*")) throw exception("Wrong searchCritaria for Cells: " + rowNameValue); String[] splitted = rowNameValue.split("="); String rowName = splitted[0]; String rowValue = splitted[1]; ICell cell = column.value.get(rowName); if (cell == null || !cell.getValue().equals(rowValue)) { matches = false; break; } } if (matches) result.add(column); } return result; } public boolean waitValue(String value, Row row) { return timer().wait(() -> column(value, row) != null); } public boolean waitValue(String value, Column column) { return waitCondition(() -> row(value, column) != null); } public boolean isEmpty() { getDriver().manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(0, MILLISECONDS); int rowsCount = rows().count(true); getDriver().manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(timeouts.getCurrentTimeoutSec(), SECONDS); return rowsCount == 0; } public boolean waitHaveRows() { return waitRows(1); } public boolean waitRows(int count) { return waitCondition(() -> rows().count() >= count); } public ICell cell(String value, Row row) { int rowNum = row.hasName() ? rows().headers().indexOf(row.getName()) + 1 : row.getNum(); return rows().getRow(rowNum).first((name, cell) -> cell.getValue().equals(value)); } public ICell cellContains(String value, Row row) { int rowNum = row.hasName() ? rows().headers().indexOf(row.getName()) + 1 : row.getNum(); return rows().getRow(rowNum).first((name, cell) -> cell.getValue().contains(value)); } public ICell cellMatch(String regex, Row row) { MapArray<String, ICell> rowLine = row(row); List<ICell> cells = matches(rowLine.values(), regex); if (cells.size() == 0) {"Can't find any cells in row %s that matches regEx: %s", row, regex)); return null; } return cells.get(0); } public ICell cell(String value, Column column) { int colIndex = column.get( name -> select(columns().headers(), String::toLowerCase).indexOf(name.toLowerCase()) + 1, num -> num); return columns().getColumn(colIndex).first((name, cell) -> cell.getValue().equals(value)); } public ICell cellContains(String value, Column column) { int colIndex = column.get( name -> select(columns().headers(), String::toLowerCase).indexOf(name.toLowerCase()) + 1, num -> num); return columns().getColumn(colIndex).first((name, cell) -> cell.getValue().contains(value)); } public ICell cellMatch(String regex, Column column) { MapArray<String, ICell> columnLine = column(column); List<ICell> cells = matches(columnLine.values(), regex); if (cells.size() == 0) {"Can't find any cells in column %s that matches regEx: %s", column, regex)); return null; } return cells.get(0); } public List<ICell> cellsMatch(String regex, Column column) { MapArray<String, ICell> columnLine = column(column); return matches(columnLine.values(), regex); } public List<ICell> cellsMatch(String regex, Row row) { MapArray<String, ICell> rowLine = row(row); return matches(rowLine.values(), regex); } public MapArray<String, ICell> column(String value, Row row) { ICell columnCell = cell(value, row); if (columnCell == null) {"Can't find any cells in row %s with value %s", row, value)); return null; } return columns().getColumn(columnCell.columnNum()); } public MapArray<String, ICell> columnContains(String value, Row row) { ICell columnCell = cellContains(value, row); if (columnCell == null) {"Can't find any cells in row %s that contains value %s", row, value)); return null; } return columns().getColumn(columnCell.columnNum()); } public MapArray<String, ICell> columnMatch(String regEx, Row row) { ICell columnCell = cellMatch(regEx, row); if (columnCell == null) {"Can't find any cells in row %s that matches regex %s", row, regEx)); return null; } return columns().getColumn(columnCell.columnNum()); } public MapArray<String, ICell> row(String value, Column column) { ICell rowCell = cell(value, column); if (rowCell == null) {"Can't find any cells in column %s with value %s", column, value)); return null; } return rows().getRow(rowCell.rowNum()); } public MapArray<String, ICell> rowContains(String value, Column column) { ICell rowCell = cellContains(value, column); if (rowCell == null) {"Can't find any cells in column %s that contains value %s", column, value)); return null; } return rows().getRow(rowCell.rowNum()); } public MapArray<String, ICell> rowMatch(String regEx, Column column) { ICell rowCell = cellMatch(regEx, column); if (rowCell == null) {"Can't find any cells in column %s that matches regEx: %s", column, regEx)); return null; } return rows().getRow(rowCell.rowNum()); } private int getColumnIndex(String name) { int nameIndex; List<String> headers = select(columns().headers(), String::toLowerCase); String lName = name.toLowerCase(); if (headers != null && headers.contains(lName)) nameIndex = headers.indexOf(lName); else throw exception("Can't Get Column: '" + name + "'. " + ((headers == null) ? "ColumnHeaders is Null" : ("Available ColumnHeaders: " + print(headers, ", ", "'%s'") + ")"))); return nameIndex + columns().getStartIndex(); } private int getRowIndex(String name) { int nameIndex; List<String> headers = select(rows().headers(), String::toLowerCase); String lName = name.toLowerCase(); if (headers != null && headers.contains(lName)) nameIndex = headers.indexOf(lName); else throw exception("Can't Get Row: '%s'. Available RowHeaders: (%s)", name, print(headers, ", ", "'%s'")); return nameIndex + rows().getStartIndex(); } @Override protected String getTextAction() { return "||X||" + print(columns().headers(), "|") + "||\n" + print( select(rows().headers(), rowName -> "||" + rowName + "||" + print(rowValue(rowName), "|") + "||"), "\n"); } private Cell addCell(int colIndex, int rowIndex, int colNum, int rowNum, String colName, String rowName) { Cell cell = (allCells.size() != 0) ? (Cell) first(allCells, c -> c.columnNum() == colNum && c.rowNum() == rowNum) : null; if (cell != null) return cell.updateData(colName, rowName); cell = new Cell(colIndex, rowIndex, colNum, rowNum, colName, rowName, cellLocatorTemplate, this); cell.setParent(this); if (cache) allCells.add(cell); return cell; } private Cell addCell(WebElement webElement, int colNum, int rowNum, String colName, String rowName) { Cell cell = (Cell) first(allCells, c -> c.columnNum() == colNum && c.rowNum() == rowNum); if (cell != null) { cell.setWebElement(webElement); return cell.updateData(colName, rowName); } cell = new Cell(webElement, colNum, rowNum, colName, rowName, cellLocatorTemplate, this); if (cache) allCells.add(cell); return cell; } }