Java tutorial
package com.epam.gepard.selenium.browsers; /*========================================================================== Copyright 2004-2015 EPAM Systems This file is part of Gepard. Gepard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Gepard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Gepard. If not, see <>. ===========================================================================*/ import com.epam.gepard.exception.SimpleGepardException; import com.epam.gepard.generic.GepardTestClass; import com.epam.gepard.selenium.helper.EnvironmentHelper; import com.epam.gepard.util.FileUtil; import com.epam.gepard.util.Util; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.webdriven.WebDriverBackedSelenium; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType; import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.Augmenter; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; /** * Utility functions for Selenium. * * @author Tamas_Kohegyi */ public class WebDriverUtil { public static final String SELENIUM_PORT = "gepard.selenium.port"; public static final String SELENIUM_HOST = ""; public static final String DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = "30000"; public static final String SELENIUM_BROWSER_FIREFOX = "gepard.selenium.browserString.FF"; public static final String SELENIUM_BROWSER_INTERNET_EXPLORER = "gepard.selenium.browserString.IE"; public static final String SELENIUM_BROWSER_GOOGLE_CHROME = "gepard.selenium.browserString.GoogleChrome"; public static final String SELENIUM_BROWSER_SAFARI = "gepard.selenium.browserString.Safari"; private static final long WEB_DRIVER_SHUTDOWN_DELAY = 5000; private static int dumpFileCount; private GepardTestClass tc; /** * WebDriver main object. */ private WebDriver webDriver; /** * Selenium main object. */ private Selenium selenium; /** * Environment extender. */ private EnvironmentHelper environmentHelper; private String browserString; /** * Main WebDriver util class for Gepard. * * @param clazz is the parent class that uses this class. */ public WebDriverUtil(final GepardTestClass clazz) { tc = clazz; environmentHelper = new EnvironmentHelper(tc.getTestClassExecutionData().getEnvironment()); setBrowserString(environmentHelper.getTestEnvironmentBrowser()); } /** * By using the default URL, creates a WebDriver object and Selenium object as well. * * @param baseUrl is the default URL for the browser, must not be null! * @return withthe new WebDriver object */ public WebDriver buildWebDriverInstance(final String baseUrl) { if (browserString == null) { throw new SimpleGepardException("No browser to be used was specified."); } DesiredCapabilities capabilities = detectCapabilities(); try { webDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(buildWebDriverUrl(), capabilities); selenium = new WebDriverBackedSelenium(webDriver, baseUrl); selenium.setTimeout(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); //set the default timeout } catch (WebDriverException | SeleniumException e) { throw new SimpleGepardException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } // hide all open windows on Mac, it is necessary to hide 'always on top' windows, otherwise useless screenshots will be created from desktop if (getBrowserType() == BrowserEnum.Safari) { selenium.keyPressNative(String.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_F11)); } return webDriver; } /** * Destroys the WebDriver object of this util class, as necessary. */ public void destroyWebDriverInstance() { if (webDriver != null) { webDriver.close(); try { Thread.sleep(WEB_DRIVER_SHUTDOWN_DELAY); webDriver.quit(); //close all opened browser window } catch (Exception e) { if (!(e instanceof WebDriverException)) { throw new SimpleGepardException("Issue occurred meanwhile waiting for WebDriver Quit.", e); } } webDriver = null; } selenium = null; } private URL buildWebDriverUrl() { URL retVal; try { retVal = new URIBuilder().setScheme(getWebDriverScheme()).setHost(getSeleniumHost()) .setPort(getSeleniumPort()).setPath(getWebDriverPath()).build().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException | URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to build RemoteWebDriver's url!"); } return retVal; } private String getWebDriverScheme() { return "http"; } private String getSeleniumHost() { return environmentHelper.getProperty(SELENIUM_HOST, "localhost"); } private int getSeleniumPort() { return Integer.valueOf(environmentHelper.getProperty(SELENIUM_PORT, "4444")); } private String getWebDriverPath() { return "/wd/hub"; } private DesiredCapabilities detectCapabilities() { DesiredCapabilities capabilities = null; try { if (browserString.compareTo(environmentHelper.getProperty(SELENIUM_BROWSER_GOOGLE_CHROME)) == 0) { capabilities =; capabilities.setBrowserName("chrome"); } if (browserString.compareTo(environmentHelper.getProperty(SELENIUM_BROWSER_FIREFOX)) == 0) { capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); capabilities.setBrowserName("firefox"); capabilities.setVersion("ANY"); } if (browserString.compareTo(environmentHelper.getProperty(SELENIUM_BROWSER_INTERNET_EXPLORER)) == 0) { capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer(); capabilities.setBrowserName("internetExplorer"); } if (browserString.compareTo(environmentHelper.getProperty(SELENIUM_BROWSER_SAFARI)) == 0) { capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.safari(); capabilities.setBrowserName("safari"); } if (capabilities == null) { throw new SimpleGepardException("Specified browser:'" + browserString + "' is not supported."); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { throw new SimpleGepardException("Gepard property values for Selenium Browsers are not available."); } return capabilities; } /** * Sets the actually used browser. * * @param browserString is the string that identified the browser. * @return with the browser string (like: *chrome). */ public String setBrowserString(String browserString) { this.browserString = browserString; return this.browserString; } public Selenium getSelenium() { return selenium; } public WebDriver getWebDriver() { return webDriver; } public GepardTestClass getGepardTestClass() { return tc; } /** * Identify whether the current browser is a firefox instance. * * @param browserString is the string used to identify the browser * @return true, if the current browser is a firefox browser. */ public boolean isFireFox(final String browserString) { return browserString.endsWith("*chrome") || browserString.endsWith("*firefox") || browserString.endsWith("*firefoxproxy"); } /** * Identify whether the current browser is a safari instance. * * @param browserString is the string used to identify the browser * @return true, if the current browser is a safari browser. */ public boolean isSafari(final String browserString) { return browserString.endsWith("*safari"); } /** * Identify whether the current browser is an Internet Explorer instance. * * @param browserString is the string used to identify the browser * @return true, if the current browser is an Internet Explorer browser. */ public boolean isInternetExplorer(final String browserString) { return browserString.endsWith("*iexplore") || browserString.endsWith("*iehta") || browserString.endsWith("*iexploreproxy"); } /** * Identify whether the current browser is a Google Chrome instance. * * @param browserString is the string used to identify the browser * @return true, if the current browser is a Google Chrome browser. */ public boolean isGoogleChrome(final String browserString) { return browserString.endsWith("*googlechrome"); } /** * Detect the actual browser type. * * @return with the (enumerated) browser type. */ public BrowserEnum getBrowserType() { return getBrowserType(browserString); } /** * Detect the actual browser type. * * @param browserString is the used browser string in the test class * @return with the (enumerated) browser type. */ public BrowserEnum getBrowserType(final String browserString) { BrowserEnum type = BrowserEnum.Unknown; if (isFireFox(browserString)) { type = BrowserEnum.FireFox; } if (isSafari(browserString)) { type = BrowserEnum.Safari; } if (isInternetExplorer(browserString)) { type = BrowserEnum.InternetExplorer; } if (isGoogleChrome(browserString)) { type = BrowserEnum.GoogleChrome; } return type; } /** * Create the BrowserHandlerBase according to the browser type. * * @param tc The test case class. * @return with the BrowserUtil. */ public BrowserHandlerBase getBrowserUtil(final GepardTestClass tc) { BrowserEnum browser = getBrowserType(); BrowserHandlerBase retVal; switch (browser) { case FireFox: retVal = new FirefoxBrowserHandler(tc, this); break; case InternetExplorer: retVal = new InternetExplorerBrowserHandler(tc, this); break; case Safari: retVal = new SafariBrowserHandler(tc, this); break; case GoogleChrome: retVal = new ChromeBrowserHandler(tc, this); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException( "Unknown browser type [" + browser + "], handler class could not be created."); } return retVal; } /** * Opens to a specific URL. * Uses timeout of fix 30 seconds. * * @param url is the URL the browser should go. */ public void gotoUrl(final String url) { tc.logComment("Open URL: " + url); webDriver.get(url); logEvent("Page loaded", true); } /** * Click on a specific button on the page. * * @param tc is the caller Test Case * @param path is the path to the button */ public void clickOnElement(final GepardTestClass tc, final String path) { tc.logComment("Click on: " + path); WebElement e = webDriver.findElement(By.xpath(path));; logEvent("Page updated.", true); } /** * Write an event message to the log. * * @param text Event message * @param makeDump if true, page source dump will be created. */ public void logEvent(final String text, final boolean makeDump) { String addStr = ""; if (!text.startsWith("<font")) { tc.getTestClassExecutionData().addSysOut(text); } if (tc.getTestClassExecutionData().getHtmlRunReporter().getTestMethodHtmlLog() != null) { if (makeDump) { try { String dumpFileName = dumpSource(true); File dumpFile = new File(dumpFileName); String screenshotFileName = dumpFileName + ".png"; if (selenium != null) { selenium.windowMaximize(); WebDriver augmentedDriver = new Augmenter().augment(webDriver); File screenShot = ((TakesScreenshot) augmentedDriver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); FileUtil fileUtil = new FileUtil(); File screenShotFile = new File(screenshotFileName); fileUtil.copy(screenShot, screenShotFile); } String dumpFileName2 = dumpSource(false); File dumpFile2 = new File(dumpFileName2); addStr = " <small>[<a href=\"" + dumpFile.getName() + "\" target=\"_new\">source</a>]" + " [<a href=\"" + dumpFile2.getName() + "\" target=\"_new\">view</a>]" + " [<a href=\"" + dumpFile.getName() + ".png\" target=\"_new\">screenshot</a>]</small>"; } catch (Exception e) { addStr = " <small>[Dump failed]</small>"; } } tc.getTestClassExecutionData().getHtmlRunReporter().getTestMethodHtmlLog() .insertText("<tr><td> </td><td bgcolor=\"#F0F0F0\">" + text + addStr + "</td></tr>\n"); } } /** * Write current HTML response data to a file in the current test case's log directory. * * @param escapeHTML HTML output will be escaped if true * @return Path of the created file * @throws FileNotFoundException when problem occurred. */ public String dumpSource(boolean escapeHTML) throws FileNotFoundException { String newFilePath; String logPath = tc.getTestClassExecutionData().getHtmlRunReporter().getTestMethodHtmlLog().getLogPath(); String logPathCanonical = logPath.replace('\\', '/'); int pos = logPathCanonical.lastIndexOf('/'); int fileCount = dumpFileCount++; if (pos == -1) { newFilePath = "dump" + Integer.toString(fileCount) + ".html"; } else { newFilePath = logPath.substring(0, pos) + "/dump" + Integer.toString(fileCount) + ".html"; } dumpSource(newFilePath, escapeHTML); return newFilePath; } /** * Write current HTML response data to file. This is not the XML representation, therefore * may be used only after explicit page load. * * @param fileName Target file path * @param escapeHTML HTML output will be escaped if true * @throws FileNotFoundException when file is not available. */ public void dumpSource(final String fileName, final boolean escapeHTML) throws FileNotFoundException { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName)); out.println("<!-- Dumped on " + (new SimpleDateFormat()).format(new Date()) + ", URL: " + selenium.getLocation() + " -->"); String source = selenium.getHtmlSource(); if (escapeHTML) { Util util = new Util(); source = util.escapeHTML(source); out.println("<html><body><pre>"); out.println(source); out.println("</pre></body></html>"); } else { out.print(source); } out.flush(); } }