Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2017, EPAM SYSTEMS INC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.epam.dlab.backendapi.dao; import com.epam.dlab.dto.UserInstanceStatus; import com.epam.dlab.dto.base.DataEngineType; import; import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.ToString; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.bson.Document; import java.util.*; import static com.epam.dlab.backendapi.dao.ComputationalDAO.COMPUTATIONAL_ID; import static com.epam.dlab.backendapi.dao.ExploratoryDAO.COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCES; import static com.epam.dlab.backendapi.dao.ExploratoryDAO.EXPLORATORY_ID; import static com.epam.dlab.backendapi.dao.MongoCollections.USER_INSTANCES; import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.*; @Slf4j public abstract class BillingDAO extends BaseDAO { public static final String SHAPE = "shape"; public static final String SERVICE_BASE_NAME = "service_base_name"; public static final String ITEMS = "lines"; public static final String COST_TOTAL = "cost_total"; public static final String FULL_REPORT = "full_report"; private static final String MASTER_NODE_SHAPE = "master_node_shape"; private static final String SLAVE_NODE_SHAPE = "slave_node_shape"; private static final String TOTAL_INSTANCE_NUMBER = "total_instance_number"; private static final String DATAENGINE_SHAPE = "dataengine_instance_shape"; private static final String DATAENGINE_INSTANCE_COUNT = "dataengine_instance_count"; private static final String DATAENGINE_DOCKER_IMAGE = "image"; @Inject protected SettingsDAO settings; protected Map<String, BillingDAO.ShapeInfo> getShapes(List<String> shapeNames) { FindIterable<Document> userInstances = getUserInstances(); final Map<String, BillingDAO.ShapeInfo> shapes = new HashMap<>(); for (Document d : userInstances) { getExploratoryShape(shapeNames, d) .ifPresent(shapeInfo -> shapes.put(d.getString(EXPLORATORY_ID), shapeInfo)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Document> comp = (List<Document>) d.get(COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCES); comp.forEach(computational -> getComputationalShape(shapeNames, computational) .ifPresent(shapeInfo -> shapes.put(computational.getString(COMPUTATIONAL_ID), shapeInfo))); } appendSsnAndEdgeNodeType(shapeNames, shapes); log.trace("Loaded shapes is {}", shapes); return shapes; } private Optional<ShapeInfo> getComputationalShape(List<String> shapeNames, Document c) { return isDataEngine(c.getString(DATAENGINE_DOCKER_IMAGE)) ? getDataEngineShape(shapeNames, c) : getDataEngineServiceShape(shapeNames, c); } private FindIterable<Document> getUserInstances() { return getCollection(USER_INSTANCES).find().projection(fields(excludeId(), include(SHAPE, EXPLORATORY_ID, STATUS, COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCES + "." + COMPUTATIONAL_ID, COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCES + "." + MASTER_NODE_SHAPE, COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCES + "." + SLAVE_NODE_SHAPE, COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCES + "." + TOTAL_INSTANCE_NUMBER, COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCES + "." + DATAENGINE_SHAPE, COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCES + "." + DATAENGINE_INSTANCE_COUNT, COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCES + "." + DATAENGINE_DOCKER_IMAGE, COMPUTATIONAL_RESOURCES + "." + STATUS))); } private Optional<ShapeInfo> getExploratoryShape(List<String> shapeNames, Document d) { final String shape = d.getString(SHAPE); if (isShapeAcceptable(shapeNames, shape)) { return Optional.of(new ShapeInfo(shape, UserInstanceStatus.of(d.getString(STATUS)))); } return Optional.empty(); } private boolean isDataEngine(String dockerImage) { return DataEngineType.fromDockerImageName(dockerImage) == DataEngineType.SPARK_STANDALONE; } private Optional<ShapeInfo> getDataEngineServiceShape(List<String> shapeNames, Document c) { final String desMasterShape = c.getString(MASTER_NODE_SHAPE); final String desSlaveShape = c.getString(SLAVE_NODE_SHAPE); if (isShapeAcceptable(shapeNames, desMasterShape, desSlaveShape)) { return Optional.of(new ShapeInfo(desMasterShape, desSlaveShape, c.getString(TOTAL_INSTANCE_NUMBER), UserInstanceStatus.of(c.getString(STATUS)))); } return Optional.empty(); } private Optional<ShapeInfo> getDataEngineShape(List<String> shapeNames, Document c) { final String dataEngineShape = c.getString(DATAENGINE_SHAPE); if ((isShapeAcceptable(shapeNames, dataEngineShape)) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(c.getString(COMPUTATIONAL_ID))) { return Optional.of(new ShapeInfo(dataEngineShape, c.getString(DATAENGINE_INSTANCE_COUNT), UserInstanceStatus.of(c.getString(STATUS)))); } return Optional.empty(); } private boolean isShapeAcceptable(List<String> shapeNames, String... shapes) { return shapeNames == null || shapeNames.isEmpty() ||; } protected abstract void appendSsnAndEdgeNodeType(List<String> shapeNames, Map<String, BillingDAO.ShapeInfo> shapes); protected String generateShapeName(ShapeInfo shape) { return Optional.ofNullable(shape).map(ShapeInfo::getName).orElse(StringUtils.EMPTY); } /** * Store shape info */ @Getter @ToString protected class ShapeInfo { private static final String DES_NAME_FORMAT = "Master: %s%sSlave: %d x %s"; private static final String DE_NAME_FORMAT = "%d x %s"; private final boolean isDataEngine; private final String shape; private final String slaveShape; private final String slaveCount; private final boolean isExploratory; private final UserInstanceStatus status; private ShapeInfo(boolean isDataEngine, String shape, String slaveShape, String slaveCount, boolean isExploratory, UserInstanceStatus status) { this.isDataEngine = isDataEngine; this.shape = shape; this.slaveShape = slaveShape; this.slaveCount = slaveCount; this.isExploratory = isExploratory; this.status = status; } public ShapeInfo(String shape, UserInstanceStatus status) { this(false, shape, null, null, true, status); } ShapeInfo(String shape, String slaveShape, String slaveCount, UserInstanceStatus status) { this(false, shape, slaveShape, slaveCount, false, status); } ShapeInfo(String shape, String slaveCount, UserInstanceStatus status) { this(true, shape, null, slaveCount, false, status); } public String getName() { if (isExploratory) { return shape; } else { return clusterName(); } } private String clusterName() { try { final Integer count = Integer.valueOf(slaveCount); return isDataEngine ? String.format(DE_NAME_FORMAT, count, shape) : String.format(DES_NAME_FORMAT, shape, System.lineSeparator(), count - 1, slaveShape); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("Cannot parse string {} to integer", slaveCount); return StringUtils.EMPTY; } } } }