Java tutorial
/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016 EPAM Systems * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package com.epam.catgenome.manager.wig; import static com.epam.catgenome.component.MessageHelper.getMessage; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import; import com.epam.catgenome.manager.BiologicalDataItemManager; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import com.epam.catgenome.component.MessageCode; import com.epam.catgenome.constant.MessagesConstants; import com.epam.catgenome.controller.vo.registration.FileRegistrationRequest; import com.epam.catgenome.entity.BaseEntity; import com.epam.catgenome.entity.BiologicalDataItemFormat; import com.epam.catgenome.entity.BiologicalDataItemResourceType; import com.epam.catgenome.entity.reference.Chromosome; import com.epam.catgenome.entity.reference.Reference; import com.epam.catgenome.entity.track.Track; import com.epam.catgenome.entity.track.TrackType; import com.epam.catgenome.entity.wig.Wig; import com.epam.catgenome.entity.wig.WigFile; import com.epam.catgenome.exception.RegistrationException; import com.epam.catgenome.manager.DownloadFileManager; import com.epam.catgenome.manager.FileManager; import com.epam.catgenome.manager.TrackHelper; import com.epam.catgenome.manager.reference.ReferenceGenomeManager; import com.epam.catgenome.util.AuthUtils; import com.epam.catgenome.util.Utils; import gnu.trove.list.TFloatList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TFloatArrayList; import kotlin.Pair; /** * Source: * Created: 1/21/2016 * Project: CATGenome Browser * Make: IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.4, JDK 1.8 * {@code WigManager} represents a service class designed to encapsulate all business * logic operations required to manage {@code WigFile} and corresponded tracks, e.g. to process * variants uploads, position-based and/or zoom queries etc. */ @Service public class WigManager { private static final Set<String> WIG_EXTENSIONS = new HashSet<>(); static { WIG_EXTENSIONS.add(".bw"); WIG_EXTENSIONS.add(".bigwig"); } @Autowired private TrackHelper trackHelper; @Autowired private WigFileManager wigFileManager; @Autowired private ReferenceGenomeManager referenceGenomeManager; @Autowired private BiologicalDataItemManager biologicalDataItemManager; @Autowired private FileManager fileManager; @Autowired private DownloadFileManager downloadFileManager; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WigManager.class); private static final int WIG_DOWNSAMPLING_WINDOW = 100_000; private static final int WIG_MIN_DOWNSAMPLING_CHROMOSOME_SIZE = 10_000_000; private static final float WIG_DOWNSAMPLING_SCALE_FACTOR = 0.00005F; /** * Loads the wig data for a track * @param track to load data * @return track filled with data * @throws IOException */ public Track<Wig> getWigTrack(Track<Wig> track) throws IOException { track.setType(TrackType.WIG); final Chromosome chromosome = trackHelper.validateTrackWithBlockCount(track); return getWigFromFile(track, chromosome); } /** * Saves a {@code WigFile} on the server. File metadata is saved in the database * @param request * @return */ public WigFile registerWigFile(final FileRegistrationRequest request) { Assert.notNull(request, MessagesConstants.ERROR_NULL_PARAM); final String requestPath = request.getPath(); Assert.notNull(requestPath, getMessage(MessagesConstants.WRONG_WIG_FILE)); Assert.notNull(request.getReferenceId(), getMessage(MessageCode.NO_SUCH_REFERENCE)); WigFile wigFile = null; try { Assert.isTrue(parseWig(requestPath), getMessage(MessagesConstants.WRONG_WIG_FILE)); if (request.getType() == null) { request.setType(BiologicalDataItemResourceType.FILE); } switch (request.getType()) { case FILE: wigFile = fillWigFile(requestPath, request.getName(), request.getPrettyName(), request.getReferenceId()); break; case DOWNLOAD: final File newFile = downloadFileManager.downloadFromURL(requestPath); request.setName( request.getName() != null ? request.getName() : FilenameUtils.getBaseName(requestPath)); wigFile = fillWigFile(newFile.getPath(), request.getName(), request.getPrettyName(), request.getReferenceId()); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_INVALID_PARAM)); } long id = wigFileManager.createWigFileId(); biologicalDataItemManager.createBiologicalDataItem(wigFile); wigFile.setBioDataItemId(wigFile.getId()); wigFile.setId(id); fileManager.makeWigDir(wigFile.getId(), AuthUtils.getCurrentUserId()); splitWigFile(wigFile);; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RegistrationException(getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_REGISTER_FILE, request.getName()), e); } finally { if (wigFile != null && wigFile.getId() != null && wigFileManager.loadWigFile(wigFile.getId()) == null) { biologicalDataItemManager.deleteBiologicalDataItem(wigFile.getBioDataItemId()); try { fileManager.deleteFeatureFileDirectory(wigFile); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to delete directory for " + wigFile.getName(), e); } } } return wigFile; } /** * Removes wig file metadata from the system, deleting all additional files that were created * * @param wigFileId {@code long} a wig fiel ID * @return deleted {@code WigFile} entity * @throws IOException */ public WigFile unregisterWigFile(final long wigFileId) throws IOException { WigFile fileToDelete = wigFileManager.loadWigFile(wigFileId); Assert.notNull(fileToDelete, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); wigFileManager.deleteWigFile(fileToDelete); return fileToDelete; } private Track<Wig> getWigFromFile(final Track<Wig> track, final Chromosome chromosome) throws IOException { final WigFile wigFile = wigFileManager.loadWigFile(track.getId()); Assert.notNull(wigFile, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); TrackHelper.fillBlocks(track, indexes -> new Wig(indexes.getLeft(), indexes.getRight())); String downsamplePath = fileManager.getWigFilePath(wigFile, chromosome); if (track.getScaleFactor() > WIG_DOWNSAMPLING_SCALE_FACTOR || chromosome.getSize() < WIG_MIN_DOWNSAMPLING_CHROMOSOME_SIZE) { fillBlocksFromFile(wigFile.getPath(), track, chromosome.getName()); } else { if (downsamplePath == null) { LOGGER.debug("Downsampled WIG for file {}:{} not found, using original", wigFile.getId(), wigFile.getPath()); fillBlocksFromFile(wigFile.getPath(), track, chromosome.getName()); } else { fillBlocksFromFile(downsamplePath, track, chromosome.getName()); } } return track; } private WigFile fillWigFile(final String wigFilePath, final String alternativeName, String prettyName, final long referenceId) { final WigFile wigFile = new WigFile(); wigFile.setName(parseName(new File(wigFilePath).getName(), alternativeName)); wigFile.setPrettyName(prettyName); wigFile.setType(BiologicalDataItemResourceType.FILE); wigFile.setFormat(BiologicalDataItemFormat.WIG); wigFile.setCreatedBy(AuthUtils.getCurrentUserId()); wigFile.setReferenceId(referenceId); wigFile.setCreatedDate(new Date()); wigFile.setPath(wigFilePath); return wigFile; } protected String parseName(final String fileName, final String alternativeName) { boolean supported = false; for (final String ext : WIG_EXTENSIONS) { if (fileName.endsWith(ext)) { supported = true; break; } } if (!supported) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( getMessage("error.illegal.file.type", StringUtils.join(WIG_EXTENSIONS, ", "))); } return StringUtils.defaultString(StringUtils.trimToNull(alternativeName), fileName); } private boolean parseWig(final String wigFilePath) throws IOException { Assert.isTrue(new File(wigFilePath).exists(), getMessage(MessageCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND)); Path path = Paths.get(wigFilePath); BigWigFile wigFile =; wigFile.close(); return true; } private void splitWigFile(final WigFile wigFile) throws IOException { final Reference reference = referenceGenomeManager.loadReferenceGenome(wigFile.getReferenceId()); final Map<String, Chromosome> chromosomeMap = reference.getChromosomes().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(BaseEntity::getName, chromosome -> chromosome)); try (BigWigFile bigWigFile = File(wigFile.getPath()).toPath())) { readFromFile(bigWigFile, chromosomeMap, wigFile); } } private void readFromFile(final BigWigFile bigWigFile, final Map<String, Chromosome> chromosomeMap, final WigFile wigFile) throws IOException { for (Object o : bigWigFile.getChromosomes().values()) { String chr = (String) o; if (chromosomeMap.containsKey(chr) || chromosomeMap.containsKey(Utils.changeChromosomeName(chr))) { String realChrName = chr; if (chromosomeMap.containsKey(Utils.changeChromosomeName(chr))) { realChrName = Utils.changeChromosomeName(chr); } Chromosome chromosome = chromosomeMap.get(realChrName); if (chromosome.getSize() < WIG_MIN_DOWNSAMPLING_CHROMOSOME_SIZE) { continue; } int start = 0; int stop = chromosomeMap.get(realChrName).getSize(); LOGGER.debug("Processing chromosome " + chr); int bp = start; List<WigSection> sectionList = new ArrayList<>(); List<Pair<String, Integer>> chrSizes = Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(chr, stop - start)); while (bp < stop) { int chunkStart = bp; int chunkStop = Math.min(bp + WIG_DOWNSAMPLING_WINDOW - 1, stop); List<BigSummary> summaries = bigWigFile.summarize(chr, chunkStart, chunkStop, 1, true); TFloatList values = new TFloatArrayList(); BigSummary bigSummary = summaries.get(0); values.add((float) bigSummary.getMaxValue()); WigSection wigSection = new FixedStepSection(chr, chunkStart, chunkStop, 1, values); sectionList.add(wigSection); bp = chunkStop + 1; } fileManager.writeToBigWigFile(wigFile, sectionList, chrSizes, realChrName); } } } private void fillBlocksFromFile(final String filePath, final Track<Wig> track, final String chromosomeName) throws IOException { final Path wigPath = Paths.get(filePath); LOGGER.debug(getMessage(MessagesConstants.DEBUG_FILE_READING, filePath)); double time1 = Utils.getSystemTimeMilliseconds(); try (BigWigFile bigWigFile = { fillBlocksNew(track, chromosomeName, bigWigFile); } double time2 = Utils.getSystemTimeMilliseconds(); LOGGER.debug("Reading from WIG file {}, took {} ms", filePath, time2 - time1); } private void fillBlocksNew(final Track<Wig> track, final String chromosomeName, final BigWigFile bigWigFile) { String realName = null; for (Object o : bigWigFile.getChromosomes().values()) { String chr = (String) o; if (chromosomeName.equals(chr)) { realName = chr; break; } else if (Utils.changeChromosomeName(chromosomeName).equals(chr)) { realName = chr; break; } } if (realName == null) {"Chromosome not found in big wig file"); } for (Wig wigElement : track.getBlocks()) { double score = getNewArrays(bigWigFile, realName, wigElement.getStartIndex() - 1, wigElement.getEndIndex()); wigElement.setValue((float) score); } } private double getNewArrays(final BigWigFile bigWigFile, final String chrName, final int start, final int end) { try { double res = 0.0; res += queryWig(bigWigFile, chrName, start, end); return res; } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e); return 0; } } private double queryWig(BigWigFile bigWigFile, String chrName, int start, int end) throws IOException { List<BigSummary> summarize; try { summarize = bigWigFile.summarize(chrName, start, end, 1, true); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {, e); return 0; } double res = 0.0; for (BigSummary summary : summarize) { if (!Double.isNaN(summary.getMaxValue()) && !Double.isInfinite(summary.getMaxValue())) { res += summary.getMaxValue(); } } return res; } }