Java tutorial
/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016 EPAM Systems * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package; import static com.epam.catgenome.component.MessageHelper.getMessage; import static com.epam.catgenome.constant.MessagesConstants.ERROR_REFERENCE_READING; import static com.epam.catgenome.entity.nucleotid.NibByteFormat.LOW_TO_HIGH_NIB_CODE_SHIFT; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import com.epam.catgenome.constant.Constants; import com.epam.catgenome.constant.MessagesConstants; import com.epam.catgenome.controller.JsonMapper; import com.epam.catgenome.controller.vo.ga4gh.ReferenceBasesGA4GH; import com.epam.catgenome.entity.nucleotid.FormatCoder; import com.epam.catgenome.entity.nucleotid.NibByteFormat; import com.epam.catgenome.entity.nucleotid.Signature; import com.epam.catgenome.entity.reference.Sequence; import com.epam.catgenome.exception.ExternalDbUnavailableException; import com.epam.catgenome.exception.Ga4ghResourceUnavailableException; import com.epam.catgenome.exception.ReferenceReadingException; import com.epam.catgenome.manager.externaldb.HttpDataManager; import com.epam.catgenome.manager.externaldb.ParameterNameValue; import com.epam.catgenome.util.BlockCompressedDataInputStream; /** * {@code NibDataReader} provides service for loading reference data from the registered in the * system files and GA4GH services in the Nib file format */ @Service public class NibDataReader { private JsonMapper objectMapper = new JsonMapper(); @Autowired private HttpDataManager httpDataManager; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NibDataWriter.class); public NibDataReader() { // no=op } /** * Loads sequence string from the input stream in the Nib format * @param startPosition {@code int} start position at chromosome * @param endPosition {@code int} end position at chromosome * @param nibStream {@code InputStream} InputStream from nib-format file * @return {@code String} return String of nucleotides, at nibStream started at startPosition * and length sequenceLength */ public String getStringFromNibFile(final int startPosition, final int endPosition, BlockCompressedDataInputStream nibStream, DataInputStream indexStream) throws IOException { final int newStartPosition = startPosition - 1; final int sequenceLength = endPosition - newStartPosition; Assert.notNull(nibStream, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_NO_SUCH_FILE)); Assert.isTrue(sequenceLength >= 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_LENGTH_ABOVE_ZERO)); Assert.isTrue(newStartPosition >= 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_START_POSITION_ABOVE_ZERO)); long seekPosition = (long) ((double) newStartPosition / 2); final int positionFactor = newStartPosition % 2; final int realLengthFactor = sequenceLength % 2; // 2 nib-format at byte final int realLength = sequenceLength / 2 + Math.max(positionFactor, realLengthFactor); byte[] buffer = new byte[realLength]; buffer = readFromNib(nibStream, indexStream, newStartPosition, sequenceLength, seekPosition, buffer); return nibByteArrayToString(positionFactor, sequenceLength, buffer); } /** * Loads a byte array with nucleotides byte values from the input stream in the Nib format * @param startPosition {@code int} start position at chromosome * @param endPosition {@code int} end position at chromosome * @param nibStream {@code InputStream} InputStream from nib-format file * @return {@code String} byte array with of nucleotides, at nibStream started at startPosition * and length sequenceLength */ public byte[] getByteNucleotidesFromNibFile(final int startPosition, final int endPosition, BlockCompressedDataInputStream nibStream, DataInputStream indexStream) throws IOException { final int newStartPosition = startPosition - 1; final int sequenceLength = endPosition - newStartPosition; Assert.notNull(nibStream, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_NO_SUCH_FILE)); Assert.isTrue(sequenceLength >= 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_LENGTH_ABOVE_ZERO)); Assert.isTrue(newStartPosition >= 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_START_POSITION_ABOVE_ZERO)); long seekPosition = (long) ((double) newStartPosition / 2); final int positionFactor = newStartPosition % 2; final int realLengthFactor = sequenceLength % 2; // 2 nib-format at byte final int realLength = sequenceLength / 2 + Math.max(positionFactor, realLengthFactor); byte[] buffer = new byte[realLength]; buffer = readFromNib(nibStream, indexStream, newStartPosition, sequenceLength, seekPosition, buffer); return nibByteArrayToNucleotideBytes(positionFactor, sequenceLength, buffer); } /** * Loads a {@code List} of reference sequences from the stream (file) in a Nib format * @param startPosition {@code int} start position at chromosome * @param endPosition {@code int} end position at chromosome * @param nibStream {@code InputStream} InputStream from nib-format file * @return {@code List} return List of nucleotides sequences, at nibStream started at startPosition * and length sequenceLength */ public List<Sequence> getNucleotidesFromNibFile(final int startPosition, final int endPosition, final BlockCompressedDataInputStream nibStream, final DataInputStream indexStream) throws IOException { //arrays started at zero position, but chromosome started ad first position final int newStartPosition = startPosition - 1; //sequenceLength it (endPosition) - (old startPosition) + 1 or (endPosition) - (new startPosition) final int sequenceLength = endPosition - newStartPosition; Assert.notNull(nibStream, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_NO_SUCH_FILE)); Assert.isTrue(sequenceLength >= 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_LENGTH_ABOVE_ZERO)); Assert.isTrue(newStartPosition >= 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_START_POSITION_ABOVE_ZERO)); long seekPosition = newStartPosition / 2; final int positionFactor = newStartPosition % 2; final int realLengthFactor = sequenceLength % 2; // 2 nib-format at byte final int realLength = sequenceLength / 2 + Math.max(positionFactor, realLengthFactor); byte[] buffer = new byte[realLength]; buffer = readFromNib(nibStream, indexStream, newStartPosition, sequenceLength, seekPosition, buffer); return NibByteFormat.nibByteArrayToNucleotidesList(newStartPosition, positionFactor, sequenceLength, buffer); } /** * Loads a {@code List} of reference sequences from the GA4GH service * @param startPosition {@code int} start position at chromosome * @param endPosition {@code int} end position at chromosome * @param referenceId to load * @return {@code List} return List of nucleotides sequences, started at startPosition * and length sequenceLength * @throws Ga4ghResourceUnavailableException */ public List<Sequence> getNucleotidesFromNibGA4GH(int startPosition, final int endPosition, final String referenceId) throws Ga4ghResourceUnavailableException { ReferenceBasesGA4GH referenceGA4GH; try { referenceGA4GH = fetchReferenceBaseEntry(referenceId, startPosition, endPosition); } catch (ReferenceReadingException e) { throw new Ga4ghResourceUnavailableException(referenceId, e); } List<Sequence> result = new ArrayList<>(); final int sequenceLength = endPosition - startPosition; for (int i = 0; i < sequenceLength; i++) { // i + absolutePosition + 1 - because at chromosome started at first index but ib array started from zero String sequenceText = String.valueOf(referenceGA4GH.getSequence().charAt(i)); result.add(new Sequence(i + startPosition + 1, sequenceText)); } Assert.isTrue(sequenceLength >= 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_LENGTH_ABOVE_ZERO)); Assert.isTrue(startPosition >= 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_START_POSITION_ABOVE_ZERO)); return result; } /** * Fills a GC-content data from a reference sequence file in the Nib format * @param startPosition {@code int} start position at chromosome * @param endPosition {@code int} end position at chromosome * @param scaleFactor track scale in the client * @param nibStream {@code InputStream} InputStream from nib-format file * @param indexStream {@code DataInputStream} InputStream from the reference index file * @return {@code List} of sequences filled with GC-content data */ public List<Sequence> fillSequenceOfGCFromNibFile(final int startPosition, final int endPosition, final double scaleFactor, final BlockCompressedDataInputStream nibStream, final DataInputStream indexStream) throws IOException { Assert.notNull(nibStream, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_NO_SUCH_FILE)); List<Sequence> template = createGCList(startPosition, endPosition, scaleFactor); //because index in array started at 0 final int realStartPosition = startPosition; final int newStartPosition = startPosition - 1; //sequenceLength it (endPosition) - (old startPosition) + 1 or (endPosition) - (new startPosition) final int sequenceLength = endPosition - newStartPosition; Assert.isTrue(sequenceLength >= 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_LENGTH_ABOVE_ZERO)); long seekPosition = newStartPosition / 2; final int positionFactor = newStartPosition % 2; final int reallengthFactor = sequenceLength % 2; // 2 nib-format at byte final int realLength = sequenceLength / 2 + Math.max(positionFactor, reallengthFactor); byte[] buffer = new byte[realLength]; int nibCode; buffer = readFromNib(nibStream, indexStream, newStartPosition, sequenceLength, seekPosition, buffer); //index for gcContentArray for (Sequence sequence : template) { double gcCount = 0; for (int j = sequence.getStartIndex(); j <= sequence.getEndIndex(); j++) { int index = positionFactor + j - realStartPosition; if (index % 2 == 0) { nibCode = buffer[index / 2] & Constants.MASK_HIGH_BYTE; nibCode = nibCode >> LOW_TO_HIGH_NIB_CODE_SHIFT; } else { nibCode = buffer[index / 2] & Constants.MASK_LOW_BYTE; } if (isGCNibCode((byte) nibCode)) { gcCount++; } } sequence.setContentGC((float) (gcCount / (sequence.getEndIndex() - sequence.getStartIndex() + 1))); } return template; } /** * Fills a GC-content data from a GC file * @param startPosition {@code int} start position at chromosome * @param endPosition {@code int} end position at chromosome * @param scaleFactor track scale in the client * @param gcContentStream {@code InputStream} InputStream from GC-format file * @param indexStream {@code DataInputStream} InputStream from the reference index file * @return {@code List} of sequences filled with GC-content data */ public List<Sequence> fillSequenceOfGCFromGCFile(final int startPosition, final int endPosition, final double scaleFactor, final BlockCompressedDataInputStream gcContentStream, final DataInputStream indexStream) throws IOException { //step in file very important ReadGC stepGCInArray = new ReadGC(); stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep = 0; final int sequenceLength = endPosition - startPosition; Assert.isTrue(scaleFactor <= 1.0 / Constants.GC_CONTENT_STEP, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_INVALID_PARAM)); Assert.notNull(gcContentStream, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_NO_SUCH_FILE)); Assert.isTrue(sequenceLength >= 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_LENGTH_ABOVE_ZERO)); Assert.isTrue(startPosition >= 1, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_START_POSITION_ABOVE_ZERO)); List<Sequence> template = createGCList(startPosition, endPosition, scaleFactor); //because index in array started at 0 final int newStartPosition = startPosition - 1; final byte[] gcContentArray = getGCContentArray(newStartPosition, endPosition, scaleFactor, gcContentStream, indexStream, stepGCInArray); //fill template Iterator<Sequence> iterator = template.iterator(); //index for gcContentArray int i = 0; int helpStartIndexInArray = (newStartPosition / stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep) * stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Sequence sequence =; //because index in array started at 0 int helpStartPosition = sequence.getStartIndex() - 1; if (helpStartIndexInArray + stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep >= helpStartPosition && helpStartIndexInArray > helpStartPosition) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_START_POSITION)); } float gcContent = 0; final int helpEndIndex = sequence.getEndIndex() - 1; while (helpStartPosition < helpEndIndex && i < gcContentArray.length) { //end position in array + 1 (it's not difficult to understand, why we don't subtract 1) helpStartIndexInArray += stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep; /** * increasing results of gc-content by component *(gcContentArray[i] - Byte.MIN_VALUE) / (Byte.MAX_VALUE - Byte.MIN_VALUE) - encoding * component gc-content at array * (helpStartIndexInArray - helpStartPosition) - number of databases that are included in computing * (helpEndIndex - sequence.getStartIndex() + 1) - the total number of bases * * helpEndIndex included in the sequence so we need plus 1 * helpStartIndexInArray not included in the sequence so we not need plus 1 * **/ final double gcContentInArray = encodingGCContent((float) gcContentArray[i]); if (helpStartIndexInArray - 1 > helpEndIndex) { gcContent += (gcContentInArray) * (helpEndIndex - helpStartPosition + 1) / (helpEndIndex - sequence.getStartIndex() + 2); helpStartPosition = helpStartIndexInArray; helpStartIndexInArray -= stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep; } else { gcContent += (gcContentInArray) * (helpStartIndexInArray - helpStartPosition) / (helpEndIndex - sequence.getStartIndex() + 2); i++; helpStartPosition = helpStartIndexInArray; } } sequence.setContentGC(gcContent); } return template; } /** * Fills a GC-content data from a GA4GH service * @param startPosition {@code int} start position at chromosome * @param endPosition {@code int} end position at chromosome * @param scaleFactor track scale in the client * @param referenceId to load data * @return {@code List} of sequences filled with GC-content data */ public List<Sequence> fillSequenceOfGCForGA4GH(final Integer startPosition, final Integer endPosition, final Double scaleFactor, final String referenceId) throws IOException { List<Sequence> template = createGCList(startPosition, endPosition, scaleFactor); final int sequenceLength = endPosition - startPosition; Assert.isTrue(sequenceLength >= 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_LENGTH_ABOVE_ZERO)); String sequenceText = null; try { sequenceText = fetchReferenceBaseEntry(referenceId, startPosition, endPosition).getSequence(); } catch (ReferenceReadingException e) {"Failed to load reference entry for reference %s.", referenceId), e); } setContentGc(startPosition, endPosition, template, sequenceText); return template; } public List<Sequence> fillSequenceOfGCFromFasta(final Integer startPosition, final Integer endPosition, final Double scaleFactor, final String sequence) throws IOException { List<Sequence> template = createGCList(startPosition, endPosition, scaleFactor); final int sequenceLength = endPosition - startPosition; Assert.isTrue(sequenceLength >= 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_LENGTH_ABOVE_ZERO)); setContentGc(startPosition, endPosition, template, sequence); return template; } private void setContentGc(Integer startPosition, Integer endPosition, List<Sequence> template, String sequenceText) { int index = 0; for (Sequence sequence : template) { double gcCount = 0; for (int j = sequence.getStartIndex(); j <= sequence.getEndIndex(); j++) { if (index < endPosition - startPosition - 1) { index++; } char ch = sequenceText.charAt(index); if (ch == NibByteFormat.NUCLEOTIDE_LOWERCASE_C.getCharCode() || ch == NibByteFormat.NUCLEOTIDE_LOWERCASE_G.getCharCode() || ch == NibByteFormat.NUCLEOTIDE_UPPERCASE_C.getCharCode() || ch == NibByteFormat.NUCLEOTIDE_UPPERCASE_G.getCharCode()) { gcCount++; } } sequence.setContentGC((float) (gcCount / (sequence.getEndIndex() - sequence.getStartIndex() + 1))); } } private byte[] readFromNib(final BlockCompressedDataInputStream nibStream, final DataInputStream indexStream, final int startPosition, final int sequenceLength, long seekPosition, byte[] buffer) throws IOException { int signature = nibStream.readInt(); int lengthNibSequence = nibStream.readInt(); Assert.isTrue(signature == Signature.NIB_SIGNATURE.getSignature(), getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_WRONG_SIGNATURE)); Assert.isTrue(lengthNibSequence >= startPosition + sequenceLength, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_LOGIC_LENGTH)); seekBCDISWithIndexFile(nibStream, indexStream, seekPosition); readInBuff(buffer, nibStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(nibStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(indexStream); return buffer; } private void seekBCDISWithIndexFile(final BlockCompressedDataInputStream stream, final DataInputStream index, final long positon) throws IOException { //correct seek in file long seekPosition = positon + stream.getPosition(); long filePosition = index.readLong(); long seekPos = index.readLong(); long helpSeekPosition = seekPosition - seekPos; while (helpSeekPosition >= 0) { seekPosition = helpSeekPosition; filePosition = index.readLong(); seekPos = index.readLong(); helpSeekPosition = seekPosition - seekPos; } + seekPosition); } private void readInBuff(final byte[] buffer, final BlockCompressedDataInputStream dataInputStream) throws IOException { int realReadLength = 0; while (dataInputStream.available() > 0 && realReadLength < buffer.length) { realReadLength +=, realReadLength, buffer.length - realReadLength); } Assert.isTrue(buffer.length == realReadLength, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_READ_FILE)); } private boolean isGCNibCode(final byte nibCode) { return nibCode == NibByteFormat.NUCLEOTIDE_UPPERCASE_G.getByteCode() || nibCode == NibByteFormat.NUCLEOTIDE_UPPERCASE_C.getByteCode() || nibCode == NibByteFormat.NUCLEOTIDE_LOWERCASE_G.getByteCode() || nibCode == NibByteFormat.NUCLEOTIDE_LOWERCASE_C.getByteCode(); } private String nibByteArrayToString(final int startPosition, final int sequenceLength, final byte[] nibArray) { Assert.notNull(nibArray, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_NO_SUCH_FILE)); Assert.isTrue(sequenceLength <= nibArray.length * 2, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_ARRAY_SO_SMALL)); int nibCode; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < sequenceLength; i++) { if ((startPosition + i) % 2 == 0) { nibCode = nibArray[(startPosition + i) >>> 1] & Constants.MASK_HIGH_BYTE; nibCode = nibCode >> LOW_TO_HIGH_NIB_CODE_SHIFT; } else { nibCode = nibArray[(startPosition + i) >>> 1] & Constants.MASK_LOW_BYTE; } // i + absolutePosition + 1 - because at chromosome started at first index but ib array started from zero result.append(FormatCoder.nibByteToString(nibCode)); } return result.toString(); } private byte[] nibByteArrayToNucleotideBytes(final int startPosition, final int sequenceLength, final byte[] nibArray) { Assert.notNull(nibArray, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_NO_SUCH_FILE)); Assert.isTrue(sequenceLength <= nibArray.length * 2, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_ARRAY_SO_SMALL)); int nibCode; byte[] nucleotides = new byte[sequenceLength]; for (int i = 0; i < sequenceLength; i++) { if ((startPosition + i) % 2 == 0) { nibCode = nibArray[(startPosition + i) >>> 1] & Constants.MASK_HIGH_BYTE; nibCode = nibCode >> LOW_TO_HIGH_NIB_CODE_SHIFT; } else { nibCode = nibArray[(startPosition + i) >>> 1] & Constants.MASK_LOW_BYTE; } // i + absolutePosition + 1 - because at chromosome started at first index but ib array started from zero nucleotides[i] = NibByteFormat.nibCodeToByteNucleotide(nibCode); } return nucleotides; } public List<Sequence> createGCList(int startPosition, final int endPosition, final double scaleFactor) { List<Sequence> result = new ArrayList<>(); final double step = 1 / scaleFactor; final int sizeTrack = (int) Math.ceil((endPosition - startPosition + 1) / step); int startPositionHelper = startPosition; //added a block and calculation start position and end position for each for (int i = 1; i < sizeTrack; i++) { final int help = startPosition + (int) Math.round(step * i) - 1; Sequence sequence = new Sequence(startPositionHelper, help, 0F); startPositionHelper = help + 1; result.add(sequence); } //last block at sequence Sequence sequence = new Sequence(startPositionHelper, endPosition, 0F); result.add(sequence); return result; } private byte[] getGCContentArray(final int startPosition, final int endPosition, final double scaleFactor, final BlockCompressedDataInputStream gcContentStream, final DataInputStream indexStream, ReadGC stepGCInArray) throws IOException { byte[] gcContentArray; final int signatureGC = gcContentStream.readInt(); Assert.isTrue(signatureGC == Signature.GC_CONTENT_SIGNATURE.getSignature(), getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_WRONG_SIGNATURE)); final int sizeGCContent = gcContentStream.readInt(); Assert.isTrue(sizeGCContent >= endPosition, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_LOGIC_LENGTH)); final int stepInFile = gcContentStream.readInt(); Assert.isTrue(stepInFile > 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_LOGIC_LENGTH)); final int gcLvlCount = gcContentStream.readInt(); Assert.isTrue(gcLvlCount > 0, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_LOGIC_LENGTH)); final int[] gcLvlSize = new int[gcLvlCount]; for (int i = 0; i < gcLvlSize.length; i++) { gcLvlSize[i] = gcContentStream.readInt(); } final long stepInQuery = Math.round(1 / scaleFactor); stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep = stepInFile * stepInFile; Assert.isTrue(stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep >= 1, getMessage(MessagesConstants.ERROR_INVALID_PARAM)); //shows what lvl to take int whatLvlWeNeed = 0; while (stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep <= stepInQuery) { whatLvlWeNeed++; stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep *= stepInFile; } stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep = stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep / stepInFile; if (whatLvlWeNeed >= gcLvlCount) { whatLvlWeNeed = gcLvlCount - 1; stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep = stepInFile * (int) Math.round(Math.pow(stepInFile, whatLvlWeNeed)); } int seekPosition = startPosition / stepGCInArray.gcArrayStep; for (int i = 0; i < whatLvlWeNeed; i++) { seekPosition += gcLvlSize[i]; } seekBCDISWithIndexFile(gcContentStream, indexStream, seekPosition); final int queryLength = (int) Math.ceil((endPosition - startPosition) / (Math.pow((double) stepInFile, (double) whatLvlWeNeed + (double) 1))); gcContentArray = new byte[queryLength]; readInBuff(gcContentArray, gcContentStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(indexStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(gcContentStream); return gcContentArray; } private ReferenceBasesGA4GH fetchReferenceBaseEntry(final String referenceId, final Integer start, final Integer end) throws ReferenceReadingException { try { ParameterNameValue[] params = new ParameterNameValue[] {}; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder().append(Constants.URL_GOOGLE_GENOMIC_API) .append(Constants.URL_REFERENCE).append(referenceId).append(Constants.URL_REFERENCE_BASES) .append(Constants.GOOGLE_API_KEY).append(Constants.URL_REFERENCE_START).append(start) .append(Constants.URL_REFERENCE_END).append(end); String locationReference = builder.toString(); String geneData = httpDataManager.fetchData(locationReference, params); return objectMapper.readValue(geneData, ReferenceBasesGA4GH.class); } catch (IOException | ExternalDbUnavailableException e) { LOG.error(getMessage(ERROR_REFERENCE_READING), e); throw new ReferenceReadingException(referenceId, e); } } private double encodingGCContent(final double gcCode) { return (gcCode - Byte.MIN_VALUE) / (Byte.MAX_VALUE - Byte.MIN_VALUE); } private static class ReadGC { private int gcArrayStep = 0; } }