Java tutorial
/****************************************************************************** * @File name : * * @Package : com.envision.envservice.service * * @Author : * * @Date : 2015-10-20 ?4:34:41 * * @Description : * * @Copyright Notice: * Copyright (c) 2015 Envision, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * This software is published under the terms of the Envision Software * License version 1.0, a copy of which has been included with this * distribution in the LICENSE.txt file. * * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Date Who Version Comments * 2015-10-20 ?4:34:41 1.0 Initial Version *****************************************************************************/ package com.envision.envservice.service; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import com.envision.envservice.common.Code; import com.envision.envservice.common.enums.LevelRelation; import com.envision.envservice.common.util.UserUtil; import com.envision.envservice.dao.SAPEmpJobDao; import; import; import com.envision.envservice.service.exception.ServiceException; /** * @ClassName OrgStructureService * @author * @date 2015-10-20 */ @Service public class OrgStructureService { @Autowired private UserService userService; @Autowired private SAPUserService sapUserService; @Autowired private SAPEmpJobDao sapEmpJobDao; /** * */ public static final String MARK_HIGHER_LEVEL = "higher_level"; /** * */ public static final String MARK_EQUAL_LEVEL = "equal_level"; /** * */ public static final String MARK_LOWER_LEVEL = "lower_level"; private static final String MARK_NO_MANAGER = "NO_MANAGER"; /** * (?,,) * * @Title: queryOrgStructure * @param id * @throws Exception * @Date 2015-10-20 */ public JSONObject queryOrgStructure(String userId) throws Exception { Objects.requireNonNull(userId); return assemblyJson(userId, null); } /** * () * * @Title: queryOrgStructure * @param id * @param level * @throws Exception * @Date 2015-10-20 */ public JSONObject queryOrgStructure(String userId, String level) throws Exception { Objects.requireNonNull(userId); checkLevel(level, true); return assemblyJson(userId, level); } /** * ? */ public List<JSONObject> querySameDepUsers(String userId) throws Exception { checkExist(userId); List<UserBo> sameDepUsers = userService.queryUsersByDep(sapUserService.queryDepCode(userId)); sameDepUsers.removeAll(buildUsers(queryEqualLevel(userId))); sameDepUsers.removeAll(buildUsers(queryHigherLevel(userId))); sameDepUsers.removeAll(buildUsers(queryLowerLevel(userId))); sameDepUsers.remove(userService.queryUser(userId)); UserUtil.sortByName(sameDepUsers); return toBos(sameDepUsers, false); } /** * * ?: ?? */ public LevelRelation levelrRelation(String userId, String targetUserId) throws Exception { LevelRelation lr = null; if (isHigherLevel(userId, targetUserId)) { lr = LevelRelation.HL; } else if (isLowerLevel(userId, targetUserId)) { lr = LevelRelation.LL; } else if (isEqualLevel(userId, targetUserId)) { lr = LevelRelation.EL; } else { lr = LevelRelation.NO; } return lr; } /** * ? */ public boolean isHigherLevel(String userId, String thinkManagerId) throws Exception { return queryHigherLevel(userId).contains(thinkManagerId); } /** * ? */ public boolean isLowerLevel(String userId, String thinkUnderlingId) throws Exception { return queryLowerLevel(userId).contains(thinkUnderlingId); } /** * ? */ public boolean isEqualLevel(String userId, String thinkUnderlingId) throws Exception { return queryEqualLevel(userId).contains(thinkUnderlingId); } /** * ?(...) */ public boolean isLinearSuperiors(String userId, String userIdTarget) throws Exception { if (isHigherLevel(userId, userIdTarget)) { return true; } else { Set<String> higherLevels = queryHigherLevel(userId); for (String higherLevelId : higherLevels) { if (MARK_NO_MANAGER.equals(higherLevelId)) { continue; } return isLinearSuperiors(higherLevelId, userIdTarget); } return false; } } /** * Assembly result json. */ private JSONObject assemblyJson(String userId, String levelFilter) throws Exception { JSONObject resultJson = new JSONObject(); if (levelFilter != null) { Set<String> userIds = null; if (levelFilter.equals(MARK_HIGHER_LEVEL)) { userIds = queryHigherLevel(userId); } else if (levelFilter.equals(MARK_EQUAL_LEVEL)) { userIds = queryEqualLevel(userId); } else if (levelFilter.equals(MARK_LOWER_LEVEL)) { userIds = queryLowerLevel(userId); } resultJson.put(levelFilter, assemblyBos(queryUsers(userIds), userIds)); } else { Set<String> hlUserIds = queryHigherLevel(userId); Set<String> elUserIds = queryEqualLevel(userId); Set<String> llUserIds = queryLowerLevel(userId); Set<String> userIds = new HashSet<String>(); userIds.addAll(hlUserIds); userIds.addAll(elUserIds); userIds.addAll(llUserIds); Map<String, UserBo> usersMap = queryUsers(userIds); resultJson.put(MARK_HIGHER_LEVEL, assemblyBos(usersMap, hlUserIds)); resultJson.put(MARK_EQUAL_LEVEL, assemblyBos(usersMap, elUserIds)); resultJson.put(MARK_LOWER_LEVEL, assemblyBos(usersMap, llUserIds)); } return resultJson; } /** * Assembly bos. */ private List<JSONObject> assemblyBos(Map<String, UserBo> usersMap, Set<String> userIds) throws Exception { List<JSONObject> bos = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); for (String userId : userIds) { UserBo user = usersMap.get(userId); JSONObject bo = null; if (user != null) { bo = toBo(user, true); } else { bo = constructFailBo(userId); } bos.add(bo); } sort(bos); return bos; } private void sort(List<JSONObject> bos) { Collections.sort(bos, new Comparator<JSONObject>() { @Override public int compare(JSONObject u1, JSONObject u2) { String u1Name = u1.getString("username_en"); String u2Name = u2.getString("username_en"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(u1Name)) { return 1; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(u2Name)) { return -1; } if (u1Name.contains(" ")) { String[] names = u1Name.split(" "); u1Name = names[1] + names[0]; } if (u2Name.contains(" ")) { String[] names = u2Name.split(" "); u2Name = names[1] + names[0]; } return u1Name.compareTo(u2Name); } }); } /** * User */ private Map<String, UserBo> queryUsers(Set<String> userIds) throws Exception { Map<String, UserBo> users = new HashMap<String, UserBo>(); int idSize = userIds.size(); if (idSize > 0) { users = userService.queryUsers(userIds.toArray(new String[idSize])); } return users; } /** * ?ID */ public Set<String> queryHigherLevel(String userId) throws Exception { Set<String> managers = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); List<SAPEmpJob> lstSAPEmpJob = queryByUserId(userId); for (SAPEmpJob sapEmpJob : lstSAPEmpJob) { managers.add(sapEmpJob.getManagerId()); } managers.remove(MARK_NO_MANAGER); return managers; } /** * ?ID */ public Set<String> queryLowerLevel(String managerId) throws Exception { Set<String> userIds = new HashSet<String>(); List<SAPEmpJob> lstSAPEmpJob = queryByManagerId(managerId); for (SAPEmpJob sapEmpJob : lstSAPEmpJob) { userIds.add(sapEmpJob.getUserId()); } return userIds; } /** * ?ID * ?ID * ?ID * ? * * */ public Set<String> queryEqualLevel(String userId) throws Exception { Set<String> userIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (String higherLevelId : queryHigherLevel(userId)) { Set<String> lowerLevelIds = queryLowerLevel(higherLevelId); lowerLevelIds.remove(userId); userIds.addAll(lowerLevelIds); } return userIds; } /** * Query by userId */ private List<SAPEmpJob> queryByUserId(String userId) { SAPEmpJob match = new SAPEmpJob(); match.setUserId(userId); return sapEmpJobDao.queryMatch(match); } /** * Query by managerId */ private List<SAPEmpJob> queryByManagerId(String managerId) { SAPEmpJob match = new SAPEmpJob(); match.setManagerId(managerId); return sapEmpJobDao.queryMatch(match); } /** * TO BO */ private JSONObject toBo(UserBo user, boolean deplayAddValue) throws Exception { JSONObject bo = new JSONObject(); bo.put("user_id", user.getUser_id()); bo.put("username_cn", user.getCn_name()); bo.put("username_en", user.getEn_name()); bo.put("photo", user.getPhoto()); if (deplayAddValue) { bo.put("is_leader", !queryLowerLevel(user.getUser_id()).isEmpty()); } // TODO ???, ? bo.put("name", user.getCn_name()); return bo; } private List<JSONObject> toBos(List<UserBo> users, boolean deplayAddValue) throws Exception { List<JSONObject> bos = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(users.size()); for (UserBo userBo : users) { bos.add(toBo(userBo, deplayAddValue)); } return bos; } /** * Construct FailBo */ private JSONObject constructFailBo(String userId) { JSONObject bo = new JSONObject(); bo.put("user_id", userId); bo.put("username_cn", "None"); bo.put("username_en", "None"); bo.put("photo", "None"); // TODO ???, ? bo.put("name", "None"); return bo; } private Collection<UserBo> buildUsers(Collection<String> userIds) { Collection<UserBo> users = new ArrayList<UserBo>(userIds.size()); for (String userId : userIds) { UserBo user = new UserBo(); user.setUser_id(userId); users.add(user); } return users; } /** * Level? * * @Title: checkLevel * @param level * @param isThrow * @Date 2015-10-26 */ public boolean checkLevel(String level, boolean isThrow) { boolean flag = true; if (!(MARK_HIGHER_LEVEL.equals(level) || MARK_EQUAL_LEVEL.equals(level) || MARK_LOWER_LEVEL.equals(level))) { if (isThrow) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Param level wrong: " + level); } flag = false; } return flag; } private void checkExist(String id) throws Exception { if (!userService.checkExist(id)) { throw new ServiceException(Code.USER_NOT_FOUND, ",id" + id); } } }