Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2000-2011 Enonic AS * */ package com.enonic.vertical.engine.handlers; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.enonic.esl.sql.model.Column; import com.enonic.esl.xml.XMLTool; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.SectionCriteria; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalCopyException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalCreateException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalEngineLogger; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalKeyException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalRemoveException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalSecurityException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalUpdateException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.XDG; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.dbmodel.ContentMinimalView; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.dbmodel.ContentView; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.dbmodel.SectionView; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.processors.AttributeElementProcessor; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.processors.ElementProcessor; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.processors.ProcessElementException; import com.enonic.vertical.event.ContentHandlerListener; import com.enonic.cms.framework.util.TIntArrayList; import com.enonic.cms.framework.xml.XMLDocument; import com.enonic.cms.framework.xml.XMLDocumentFactory; import com.enonic.cms.domain.SiteKey; import; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.MenuItemEntity; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.MenuItemKey; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.section.SectionContentKey; public class SectionHandler extends BaseHandler implements ContentHandlerListener { private class FilteredAttributeElementProcessor extends AttributeElementProcessor { private int[] sectionKeys; private FilteredAttributeElementProcessor(String attributeName, String attributeValue, int[] sectionKeys) { super(attributeName, attributeValue); this.sectionKeys = sectionKeys; Arrays.sort(this.sectionKeys); } public void process(Element elem) { // sections in the array are processes by the AttributeElementProcessor if (sectionKeys.length > 0) { int sectionKey = Integer.parseInt(elem.getAttribute("key")); if (Arrays.binarySearch(sectionKeys, sectionKey) >= 0) { super.process(elem); } } } } private class SectionProcessor implements ElementProcessor { public void process(Element elem) { int key = Integer.parseInt(elem.getAttribute("key")); Document contentTypesDoc = getContentTypesDocumentForSection(key); XMLTool.mergeDocuments(elem, contentTypesDoc, true); } } public Document getContentTypesDocumentForSection(int menuItemSectionKey) { int[] contentTypeKeys = getContentTypesForSection(menuItemSectionKey); return getContentHandler().getContentTypesDocument(contentTypeKeys); } private class CollectionProcessor implements ElementProcessor { private Map<String, Element> elemMap; private List<Element> elemList; private Element lastElem; public CollectionProcessor(Map<String, Element> elemMap, List<Element> elemList) { this.elemMap = elemMap; this.elemList = elemList; } public void process(Element elem) { if (elemMap != null) { elemMap.put(elem.getTagName() + "_" + elem.getAttribute("key"), elem); } if (elemList != null) { elemList.add(elem); } lastElem = elem; } } private class ChildCountProcessor implements ElementProcessor { public void process(Element elem) { SectionView sectionView = SectionView.getInstance(); int key = Integer.parseInt(elem.getAttribute("key")); StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(sectionView, sectionView.mei_lKey.getCountColumn(), false, sectionView.mei_lParent); int childCount = getCommonHandler().getInt(sql.toString(), key); elem.setAttribute("childcount", Integer.toString(childCount)); } } public void updateSection(int sectionKey, boolean ordered, int[] contentTypes) throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException { int orderedInt = ordered ? 1 : 0; StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_bOrderedSection, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey); getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new int[] { orderedInt, sectionKey }); setContentTypesForSection(sectionKey, contentTypes); } public void createSection(int menuItemKey, boolean ordered, int[] contentTypes) throws VerticalCreateException { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem, new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_bSection, db.tMenuItem.mei_bOrderedSection }, new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey }, null); getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new int[] { 1, ordered ? 1 : 0, menuItemKey }); setContentTypesForSection(menuItemKey, contentTypes); } public int createSection(Document doc) throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException { Element sectionElem = doc.getDocumentElement(); int menuKey = Integer.parseInt(sectionElem.getAttribute("menukey")); if (menuKey < 0) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 10, "No menukey specified.", null); } // Call general create method in BaseHandler CommonHandler commonHandler = getCommonHandler(); int sectionKey = -1; try { sectionKey = (Integer) commonHandler.createEntities(null, doc, null)[0]; } catch (ProcessElementException pee) { // should not be thrown when no processors asigned VerticalEngineLogger.fatalEngine(this.getClass(), 0, "Ignored exception!", pee); } // Set content types for this section Element contentTypesElem = XMLTool.getElement(sectionElem, "contenttypes"); Element[] contentTypes = XMLTool.getElements(contentTypesElem, "contenttype"); TIntArrayList contentTypeKeys = new TIntArrayList(); for (Element contentType : contentTypes) { contentTypeKeys.add(Integer.parseInt(contentType.getAttribute("key"))); } setContentTypesForSection(sectionKey, contentTypeKeys.toArray()); // set section access rights SecurityHandler securityHandler = getSecurityHandler(); Element accessrightsElem = XMLTool.getElement(doc.getDocumentElement(), "accessrights"); if (accessrightsElem != null) { accessrightsElem.setAttribute("key", Integer.toString(sectionKey)); securityHandler.createAccessRights(accessrightsElem); } return sectionKey; } public void updateSection(User user, Document doc) throws VerticalUpdateException, VerticalSecurityException { Element elem = doc.getDocumentElement(); int sectionKey = Integer.parseInt(elem.getAttribute("key")); boolean ordered = isSectionOrdered(sectionKey); CommonHandler commonHandler = getCommonHandler(); try { commonHandler.updateEntities(doc, null); } catch (ProcessElementException pee) { // NOTE!! Ignored exception. Never thrown. VerticalEngineLogger.fatalEngine(this.getClass(), 0, "Ignored exception: %t", pee); } Element sectionElem = null; try { // Remove old content types for this section removeContentTypesForSection(sectionKey); sectionElem = doc.getDocumentElement(); Element contentTypesElem = XMLTool.getElement(sectionElem, "contenttypes"); Element[] contentTypes = XMLTool.getElements(contentTypesElem, "contenttype"); TIntArrayList contentTypeKeys = new TIntArrayList(); for (Element contentType : contentTypes) { contentTypeKeys.add(Integer.parseInt(contentType.getAttribute("key"))); } // Set the new ones setContentTypesForSection(sectionKey, contentTypeKeys.toArray()); // Apply the filter applySectionFilter(sectionKey); // set section content order if section is ordered if (!ordered && "true".equals(sectionElem.getAttribute("ordered"))) { int[] contentKeys = getContentKeysBySection(sectionKey); for (int i = 0; i < contentKeys.length; i++) { updateSectionContent(user, sectionKey, contentKeys[i], i + 1, true, null); } } else if (ordered && "false".equals(sectionElem.getAttribute("ordered"))) { int[] contentKeys = getContentKeysBySection(sectionKey); for (int contentKey : contentKeys) { updateSectionContent(user, sectionKey, contentKey, 0, true, null); } } } catch (VerticalCreateException vce) { String message = "Failed to create section contenttype filter: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 1, message, vce); } catch (VerticalRemoveException vre) { String message = "Failed to create section contenttype filter: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 1, message, vre); } // set section access rights SecurityHandler securityHandler = getSecurityHandler(); Element accessrightsElem = XMLTool.getElement(elem, "accessrights"); if (accessrightsElem != null) { accessrightsElem.setAttribute("key", sectionElem.getAttribute("key")); Document tempDoc = XMLTool.createDocument(); tempDoc.appendChild(tempDoc.importNode(accessrightsElem, true)); securityHandler.updateAccessRights(user, tempDoc); } } private int[] getContentKeysBySection(int sectionKey) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tSectionContent2, new Column[] { db.tSectionContent2.sco_con_lKey }, false, new Column[] { db.tSectionContent2.sco_mei_lKey, db.tSectionContent2.sco_bApproved }); return getCommonHandler().getIntArray(sql.toString(), new Object[] { sectionKey, Boolean.TRUE }); } public boolean removeSection(int sectionKey) throws VerticalRemoveException, VerticalSecurityException { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_bSection, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey); return (getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new int[] { 0, sectionKey }) > 0); } public void removeSection(int sectionKey, boolean recursive) throws VerticalRemoveException, VerticalSecurityException { if (recursive) { removeSectionRecursive(sectionKey); } else { removeSection(sectionKey); } } private boolean removeSectionRecursive(int sectionKey) throws VerticalRemoveException, VerticalSecurityException { boolean success = true; int[] keys = getSectionKeysBySuperSection(sectionKey, false); for (int key : keys) { success = success && removeSectionRecursive(key); } return success && removeSection(sectionKey); } private void applySectionFilter(int sectionKey) throws VerticalUpdateException { TIntArrayList contentTypes = new TIntArrayList(); contentTypes.add(getContentTypesForSection(sectionKey)); if (contentTypes.size() == 0) { // This section has no filter return; } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet; try { con = getConnection(); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT sco_con_lKey, cat_cty_lKey FROM tSectionContent2"); sql.append(" JOIN tContent ON sco_con_lkey = con_lKey"); sql.append(" JOIN tCategory ON con_cat_lkey = cat_lKey"); sql.append(" WHERE sco_mei_lKey = ?"); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); preparedStmt.setInt(1, sectionKey); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); TIntArrayList removeContentKeys = new TIntArrayList(); while ( { int contentKey = resultSet.getInt(1); int contentTypeKey = resultSet.getInt(2); if (!contentTypes.contains(contentTypeKey)) { removeContentKeys.add(contentKey); } } // Remove all contents in this section that does not have right content types if (removeContentKeys.size() > 0) { sql = XDG.generateRemoveSQL(db.tSectionContent2, db.tSectionContent2.sco_con_lKey, removeContentKeys.size()); sql.append(" AND sco_mei_lKey = ?"); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < removeContentKeys.size(); i++) { preparedStmt.setInt(i + 1, removeContentKeys.get(i)); } preparedStmt.setInt(removeContentKeys.size() + 1, sectionKey); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to apply section filter %0: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 1, message, sectionKey, sqle); } finally { close(preparedStmt); close(con); } } private int[] getContentTypesForSection(int menuItemSectionKey) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tSecConTypeFilter2, db.tSecConTypeFilter2.sctf_cty_lKey, false, db.tSecConTypeFilter2.sctf_mei_lKey); return getCommonHandler().getIntArray(sql.toString(), new Object[] { menuItemSectionKey }); } public void setContentTypesForSection(int sectionKey, int[] contentTypeKeys) throws VerticalCreateException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; try { removeContentTypesForSection(sectionKey); con = getConnection(); StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateInsertSQL(db.tSecConTypeFilter2); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); preparedStmt.setInt(3, sectionKey); for (int contentTypeKey : contentTypeKeys) { int sectionFilterKey = getCommonHandler().getNextKey(db.tSecConTypeFilter2.getName()); preparedStmt.setInt(1, sectionFilterKey); preparedStmt.setInt(2, contentTypeKey); int result = preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); if (result == 0) { String message = "Failed to create section contenttype filter."; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 0, message, null); } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to create section contenttype filter: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 1, message, sqle); } catch (VerticalRemoveException vre) { String message = "Failed to create section contenttype filter: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 1, message, vre); } finally { close(preparedStmt); close(con); } } private void removeContentTypesForSection(int sectionKey) throws VerticalRemoveException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; try { con = getConnection(); StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateRemoveSQL(db.tSecConTypeFilter2, db.tSecConTypeFilter2.sctf_mei_lKey); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); preparedStmt.setInt(1, sectionKey); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to remove section contenttype filter: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorRemove(this.getClass(), 1, message, sqle); } finally { close(preparedStmt); close(con); } } public Document getSuperSectionNames(int sectionKey, boolean includeSection) { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("sectionnames"); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); try { SectionView sectionView = SectionView.getInstance(); con = getConnection(); StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(sectionView, null, false, sectionView.mei_lKey); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); preparedStmt.setInt(1, sectionKey); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); boolean firstTime = true; Element lastElem = null; // Loop as long as supersections are found while ( { sectionKey = resultSet.getInt("mei_lKey"); String name = resultSet.getString("mei_sName"); int parentKey = resultSet.getInt("mei_lParent"); boolean lastTime = resultSet.wasNull(); if (!firstTime || includeSection) { Element sectionName; if (lastElem == null) { sectionName = XMLTool.createElement(doc, root, "sectionname", name); } else { sectionName = XMLTool.createElementBeforeChild(root, lastElem, "sectionname", name); } sectionName.setAttribute("key", Integer.toString(sectionKey)); if (!lastTime) { sectionName.setAttribute("supersectionkey", Integer.toString(parentKey)); } lastElem = sectionName; } firstTime = false; if (!lastTime) { preparedStmt.setInt(1, parentKey); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to get sections: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 1, message, sqle); } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return doc; } public int getMenuKeyBySection(int sectionKey) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_men_lKey, false, new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey, db.tMenuItem.mei_bSection }); return getCommonHandler().getInt(sql.toString(), new Object[] { sectionKey, 1 }); } public MenuItemKey getMenuItemKeyBySection(int sectionKey) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey, false, new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey, db.tMenuItem.mei_bSection }); return new MenuItemKey(getCommonHandler().getInt(sql.toString(), new Object[] { sectionKey, 1 })); } public MenuItemKey getSectionKeyByMenuItem(MenuItemKey menuItemKey) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey, false, new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey, db.tMenuItem.mei_bSection }); if (getCommonHandler().hasRows(sql.toString(), new int[] { menuItemKey.toInt(), 1 })) { return menuItemKey; } else { return null; } } private void addSectionContent(User user, int sectionKey, int contentKey, int order, boolean approved) throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException { SecurityHandler securyHandler = getSecurityHandler(); if (!securyHandler.validateContentAddToSection(user, sectionKey)) { String message = "User is not allowed to add content to this section: %0"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0, message, sectionKey, null); } // First, check for contenttype filters TIntArrayList contentTypes = new TIntArrayList(); contentTypes.add(getContentTypesForSection(sectionKey)); if (contentTypes.size() > 0) { int contentTypeKey = getContentHandler().getContentTypeKey(contentKey); if (!contentTypes.contains(contentTypeKey)) { String message = "Section does not allow this content type: %0"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 0, message, contentTypeKey, null); } } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; try { con = getConnection(); StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateInsertSQL(db.tSectionContent2); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); int scoPrimaryKey = getCommonHandler().getNextKey(db.tSectionContent2.getName()); preparedStmt.setInt(1, scoPrimaryKey); preparedStmt.setInt(2, contentKey); preparedStmt.setInt(3, sectionKey); preparedStmt.setInt(4, order); preparedStmt.setBoolean(5, approved); int result = preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); if (result == 0) { String message = "Failed to add content to section."; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 0, message, null); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to add content to section: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 1, message, sqle); } finally { close(preparedStmt); close(con); } } public void updateSectionContent(User user, int sectionKey, int contentKey, int order, boolean approved, SectionContentKey scKey) { updateSectionContent(user, sectionKey, contentKey, order, approved, scKey, true); } public void updateSectionContent(User user, int sectionKey, int contentKey, int order, boolean approved, SectionContentKey scKey, boolean checkAccess) throws VerticalUpdateException, VerticalSecurityException { if (checkAccess) { checkSectionApproveAccess(user, sectionKey); } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; if (scKey == null) { scKey = getSectionContentKey(sectionKey, contentKey); } try { con = getConnection(); StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tSectionContent2); // UPDATE tSectionContent2 // SET sco_con_lKey = ?, sco_mei_lKey = ?, sco_lOrder = ?, sco_bApproved = ?, sco_dteTimestamp = @currentTimestamp@ // WHERE sco_lkey = ? preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); preparedStmt.setInt(1, contentKey); preparedStmt.setInt(2, sectionKey); preparedStmt.setInt(3, order); preparedStmt.setBoolean(4, approved); preparedStmt.setInt(5, scKey.toInt()); int result = preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); if (result == 0) { String message = "Failed to add content to section."; VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 0, message, null); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to update content section: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 1, message, sqle); } finally { close(preparedStmt); close(con); } } private void checkSectionApproveAccess(User user, int sectionKey) { SecurityHandler securyHandler = getSecurityHandler(); if (!securyHandler.validateSectionApprove(user, sectionKey)) { String message = "User is not allowed to update content in this section: %0"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0, message, sectionKey, null); } } public void updateSectionContentIncreasePosition(final User user, final int sectionKey, int fromOrder) { checkSectionApproveAccess(user, sectionKey); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; try { con = getConnection(); final StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("update ").append(db.tSectionContent2).append(" set "); sql.append(db.tSectionContent2.sco_lOrder).append(" = ").append(db.tSectionContent2.sco_lOrder) .append(" + 1"); sql.append(" where "); sql.append(db.tSectionContent2.sco_lOrder).append(" >= ").append(fromOrder); sql.append(" and "); sql.append(db.tSectionContent2.sco_mei_lKey).append(" = ").append(sectionKey); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (final SQLException sqle) { final String message = "Failed to update content section: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 1, message, sqle); } finally { close(preparedStmt); close(con); } } public void setSectionContentsApproved(User user, int sectionKey, int[] contentKeys, boolean approved) throws VerticalUpdateException, VerticalSecurityException { SecurityHandler securyHandler = getSecurityHandler(); if (!securyHandler.validateSectionApprove(user, sectionKey)) { String message = "User is not allowed to update content in this section: %0"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0, message, sectionKey, null); } StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tSectionContent2, db.tSectionContent2.sco_bApproved, db.tSectionContent2.sco_mei_lKey); XDG.appendWhereInSQL(sql, db.tSectionContent2.sco_con_lKey, contentKeys); getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new int[] { approved ? 1 : 0, sectionKey }); } public void addContentToSections(User user, Document doc) throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException { Element sectionsElem = doc.getDocumentElement(); int newContentKey = Integer.parseInt(sectionsElem.getAttribute("contentkey")); Connection con = null; try { con = getConnection(); Element[] sectionElems = XMLTool.getElements(sectionsElem); for (final Element sectionElem : sectionElems) { final int sectionKey = Integer.parseInt(sectionElem.getAttribute("key")); final boolean approved = Boolean.valueOf(sectionElem.getAttribute("approved")); final boolean ordered = isSectionOrdered(sectionElem, sectionKey); final boolean manuallyOrdered = isManuallyOrdered(sectionElem); if (approved && ordered) { /* Approved && ordered */ if (manuallyOrdered) { /* Manually ordered - order might have been changed - update all */ boolean checkAccess = true; final Element contentsElem = XMLTool.getElement(sectionElem, "contents"); final Element[] contentElems = XMLTool.getElements(contentsElem); for (int j = 0; j < contentElems.length; j++) { final int keyOfExistingContent = Integer.parseInt(contentElems[j].getAttribute("key")); final SectionContentKey sectionContentKey = getSectionContentKey(sectionKey, keyOfExistingContent); if (keyOfExistingContent != newContentKey || sectionContentKey != null) { /* This is not the content we're handling, or the one we're handling already exist, either way, update */ updateSectionContent(user, sectionKey, keyOfExistingContent, j + 1, true, sectionContentKey, checkAccess); checkAccess = false; // Only check access once for each section } else { /* This is the content we're handling - and it doesn't exist - add */ addSectionContent(user, sectionKey, keyOfExistingContent, j + 1, true); } } } else { /* Manually order skipped */ final SectionContentKey sectionContentKey = getSectionContentKey(sectionKey, newContentKey); if (sectionContentKey == null) { /* Content doesn't exist - move the rest one position down - insert first */ updateSectionContentIncreasePosition(user, sectionKey, 1); addSectionContent(user, sectionKey, newContentKey, 1, approved); } else { /* Content exist - do nothing, move on */ } } } else { /* Not approved or not ordered */ final SectionContentKey sectionContentKey = getSectionContentKey(sectionKey, newContentKey); if (sectionContentKey == null) { /* Content doesn't exist - add with pos 0 */ addSectionContent(user, sectionKey, newContentKey, 0, approved); } else { /* Content exist - update with pos 0 */ updateSectionContent(user, sectionKey, newContentKey, 0, approved, sectionContentKey); } } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to get connection: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle); } catch (VerticalUpdateException vue) { String message = "%t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 0, message, vue); } finally { close(con); } } private boolean isSectionOrdered(final Element sectionEl, final int sectionKey) { final String orderedStr = sectionEl.getAttribute("ordered"); final boolean ordered; if (StringUtils.isBlank(orderedStr)) { ordered = isSectionOrdered(sectionKey); } else { ordered = Boolean.valueOf(orderedStr); } return ordered; } private boolean isManuallyOrdered(final Element sectionEl) { final String manuallyOrderedStr = sectionEl.getAttribute("manuallyOrder"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(manuallyOrderedStr)) { return Boolean.valueOf(manuallyOrderedStr); } return true; } public SectionContentKey getSectionContentKey(int sectionKey, int contentKey) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tSectionContent2, db.tSectionContent2.sco_lkey, false, (Column) null); XDG.appendWhereSQL(sql, db.tSectionContent2.sco_mei_lKey, XDG.OPERATOR_EQUAL, sectionKey); XDG.appendWhereSQL(sql, db.tSectionContent2.sco_con_lKey, XDG.OPERATOR_EQUAL, contentKey); int sectionContentKey = getCommonHandler().getInt(sql.toString(), (int[]) null); if (sectionContentKey < 0) { return null; } else { return new SectionContentKey(sectionContentKey); } } public Document getSectionByMenuItem(int menuItemKey) { MenuItemEntity entity = menuItemDao.findByKey(menuItemKey); Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("section"); if (entity != null && entity.isSection()) { Element elem = doc.getDocumentElement(); elem.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(entity.getKey())); elem.setAttribute("menukey", String.valueOf(entity.getSite().getKey())); elem.setAttribute("menuitemkey", String.valueOf(entity.getKey())); elem.setAttribute("ordered", String.valueOf(entity.isOrderedSection())); } Document contentTypesDoc = getContentTypesDocumentForSection(menuItemKey); XMLTool.mergeDocuments(doc.getDocumentElement(), contentTypesDoc, true); return doc; } public Document getSections(User user, SectionCriteria criteria) { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; Document doc = null; SectionView sectionView = SectionView.getInstance(); try { con = getConnection(); StringBuffer sql; SiteKey[] siteKeys = criteria.getSiteKeys(); MenuItemKey[] menuItemKeys = criteria.getMenuItemKeys(); int sectionKey = criteria.getSectionKey(); int superSectionKey = criteria.getSuperSectionKey(); boolean includeSection = criteria.isIncludeSection(); int level = criteria.getLevel(); int[] sectionKeys = criteria.getSectionKeys(); int contentKey = criteria.getContentKey(); int contentKeyExcludeFilter = criteria.getContentKeyExcludeFilter(); int contentTypeKeyFilter = criteria.getContentTypeKeyFilter(); boolean treeStructure = criteria.isTreeStructure(); boolean markContentFilteredSections = criteria.isMarkContentFilteredSections(); boolean includeAll = criteria.isIncludeAll(); // Generate SQL if (siteKeys != null) { if (siteKeys.length == 0) { return XMLTool.createDocument("sections"); } sql = XDG.generateSelectWhereInSQL(sectionView, (Column[]) null, false, sectionView.mei_men_lKey, siteKeys.length); } else if (menuItemKeys != null) { if (menuItemKeys.length == 0) { return XMLTool.createDocument("sections"); } sql = XDG.generateSelectWhereInSQL(sectionView, (Column[]) null, false, sectionView.mei_lKey, menuItemKeys.length); } else if (sectionKey != -1) { sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(sectionView, sectionView.mei_lKey); } else if (sectionKeys != null) { if (sectionKeys.length == 0) { return XMLTool.createDocument("sections"); } sql = XDG.generateSelectWhereInSQL(sectionView, (Column[]) null, false, sectionView.mei_lKey, sectionKeys.length); } else if (superSectionKey != -1) { if (includeSection) { sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(sectionView, sectionView.mei_lKey); if (level > 0) { level += 1; } } else { sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(sectionView, sectionView.mei_lParent); } } else if (contentKey != -1) { sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(sectionView); sql.append(" WHERE mei_lKey IN (SELECT sco_mei_lKey FROM tSectionContent2 WHERE sco_con_lKey = ?)"); } else { sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(sectionView); } if (contentKeyExcludeFilter > -1 && !markContentFilteredSections) { if (sql.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("where") < 0) { sql.append(" WHERE"); } else { sql.append(" AND"); } sql.append(" mei_lKey NOT IN (SELECT sco_mei_lKey FROM tSectionContent2 WHERE sco_con_lKey = ?)"); } if (contentTypeKeyFilter > -1) { if (sql.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("where") < 0) { sql.append(" WHERE"); } else { sql.append(" AND"); } sql.append(" ("); sql.append(" mei_lKey IN (SELECT sctf_mei_lKey FROM tSecConTypeFilter2 WHERE sctf_cty_lkey = ?)"); if (criteria.isIncludeSectionsWithoutContentTypeEvenWhenFilterIsSet()) { sql.append( " OR NOT EXISTS (SELECT sctf_mei_lKey FROM tSecConTypeFilter2 WHERE sctf_mei_lkey = mei_lKey)"); } sql.append(" )"); } SecurityHandler securityHandler = getSecurityHandler(); if (!includeAll) { securityHandler.appendSectionSQL(user, sql, criteria); } sql.append(" ORDER BY mei_sName"); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); int index = 1; // Set parameters if (siteKeys != null) { for (SiteKey siteKey : siteKeys) { preparedStmt.setInt(index++, siteKey.toInt()); } } else if (menuItemKeys != null) { for (MenuItemKey menuItemKey : menuItemKeys) { preparedStmt.setInt(index++, menuItemKey.toInt()); } } else if (sectionKey != -1) { preparedStmt.setInt(index++, sectionKey); } else if (sectionKeys != null) { for (int loopSectionKey : sectionKeys) { preparedStmt.setInt(index++, loopSectionKey); } } else if (superSectionKey != -1) { preparedStmt.setInt(index++, superSectionKey); } else if (contentKey != -1) { preparedStmt.setInt(index++, contentKey); } if (contentKeyExcludeFilter > -1 && !markContentFilteredSections) { preparedStmt.setInt(index++, contentKeyExcludeFilter); } if (contentTypeKeyFilter > -1) { preparedStmt.setInt(index, contentTypeKeyFilter); } resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); ElementProcessor childCountProcessor = null; if (criteria.getIncludeChildCount()) { childCountProcessor = new ChildCountProcessor(); } Map<String, Element> elemMap = new HashMap<String, Element>(); CollectionProcessor collectionProcessor = new CollectionProcessor(elemMap, null); ElementProcessor[] processors; ElementProcessor aep = null; if (contentKeyExcludeFilter >= 0) { if (markContentFilteredSections) { int[] keys = getSectionKeysByContent(contentKeyExcludeFilter, -1); aep = new FilteredAttributeElementProcessor("filtered", "true", keys); } } if (contentKey >= 0 && markContentFilteredSections) { int[] keys = getSectionKeysByContent(contentKey, -1); aep = new FilteredAttributeElementProcessor("filtered", "true", keys); } SectionProcessor sectionProcessorThatIncludesContentTypes = null; if (criteria.isIncludeSectionContentTypesInfo()) { sectionProcessorThatIncludesContentTypes = new SectionProcessor(); } processors = new ElementProcessor[] { aep, // mark content in original query new AttributeElementProcessor("marked", "true"), sectionProcessorThatIncludesContentTypes, collectionProcessor, childCountProcessor }; doc = XDG.resultSetToXML(sectionView, resultSet, null, processors, null, -1); close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); // If treeStructure is true, all parents of the retrieved section // are retrieved: if (treeStructure) { sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(sectionView, sectionView.mei_lKey); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); Element sectionsRootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); List<Element> sectionsElementList = XMLTool.getElementsAsList(sectionsRootElement); collectionProcessor.elemList = sectionsElementList; // remove marking of sections ("filtered"(0) and "marked"(1) attributes) processors[0] = null; processors[1] = null; for (int i = 0; i < sectionsElementList.size(); i++) { Element sectionElement = sectionsElementList.get(i); String superKey = sectionElement.getAttribute("supersectionkey"); if (superKey != null && superKey.length() > 0) { sectionsRootElement.removeChild(sectionElement); // find parent element and append current element Element parentElem = elemMap.get("section_" + superKey); if (parentElem == null) { int key = Integer.parseInt(superKey); preparedStmt.setInt(1, key); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); XDG.resultSetToXML(sectionView, resultSet, doc.getDocumentElement(), processors, "name", -1); close(resultSet); parentElem = collectionProcessor.lastElem; } Element elem = XMLTool.createElementIfNotPresent(doc, parentElem, "sections"); elem.appendChild(sectionElement); } } } // If specified, get sections recursivly, i.e. retrieve all sections below the // the retrieved sections: else if (criteria.getSectionsRecursivly()) { if (level > 1 || level == 0) { Element sectionsElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); Element[] sections = XMLTool.getElements(sectionsElement, "section"); for (Element section : sections) { int currentSectionKey = Integer.parseInt(section.getAttribute("key")); int[] subSectionKeys = getSectionKeysBySuperSection(currentSectionKey, false); if (subSectionKeys.length > 0) { criteria.setSectionKey(-1); criteria.setSectionKeys(subSectionKeys); criteria.setLevel((level > 1 ? level - 1 : 0)); Document subSectionsDoc = getSections(user, criteria); section.appendChild(doc.importNode(subSectionsDoc.getDocumentElement(), true)); } } } } if (criteria.appendAccessRights()) { securityHandler.appendAccessRights(user, doc, true, true); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to get sections: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 1, message, sqle); doc = XMLTool.createDocument("sections"); } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return doc; } public int[] getSectionKeysByContent(int contentKey, int menuKey) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tSectionContent2, db.tSectionContent2.sco_mei_lKey, false, (Column) null); if (menuKey != -1) { XDG.appendJoinSQL(sql, db.tSectionContent2.sco_mei_lKey); XDG.appendJoinSQL(sql, db.tMenuItem.mei_men_lKey); XDG.appendWhereSQL(sql, db.tMenu.men_lKey, XDG.OPERATOR_EQUAL, menuKey); } XDG.appendWhereSQL(sql, db.tSectionContent2.sco_con_lKey, XDG.OPERATOR_EQUAL, contentKey); return getCommonHandler().getIntArray(sql.toString()); } private int[] getSectionKeysBySuperSection(int superSectionKey, boolean recursive) { return getSectionKeysBySuperSections(new int[] { superSectionKey }, recursive); } private int[] getSectionKeysBySuperSections(int[] superSectionKeys, boolean recursive) { SectionView sectionView = SectionView.getInstance(); int[] sectionKeys; StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(sectionView, sectionView.mei_lKey, false, (Column[]) null); sql.append(" WHERE mei_lParent IN ("); for (int i = 0; i < superSectionKeys.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sql.append(","); } sql.append(superSectionKeys[i]); } sql.append(")"); sectionKeys = getCommonHandler().getIntArray(sql.toString(), (int[]) null); if (recursive && sectionKeys.length > 0) { TIntArrayList keys = new TIntArrayList(); keys.add(sectionKeys); keys.add(getSectionKeysBySuperSections(sectionKeys, recursive)); } return sectionKeys; } public void appendSectionNames(int contentKey, Element contentElem) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("SELECT ").append("sec.").append(db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey).append(", ").append("sec.") .append(db.tMenuItem.mei_men_lKey).append(", ").append("sec.").append(db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey) .append(", ").append("sec.").append(db.tMenuItem.mei_sName).append(", ").append("sec.") .append(db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent).append(", ").append(db.tSectionContent2.sco_bApproved) .append(", ").append(db.tContentHome.cho_mei_lKey).append(", ").append("secparent.") .append(db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey); sql.append(" FROM ").append(db.tMenuItem).append(" sec"); sql.append(" JOIN ").append(db.tSectionContent2).append(" ON ").append("sec.").append(db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey) .append(" = ").append(db.tSectionContent2.sco_mei_lKey); sql.append(" LEFT JOIN ").append(db.tContentHome).append(" ON ").append(db.tContentHome.cho_con_lKey) .append(" = ").append(db.tSectionContent2.sco_con_lKey).append(" AND ") .append(db.tContentHome.cho_men_lKey).append(" = ").append(db.tMenuItem.mei_men_lKey); sql.append(" LEFT JOIN ").append(db.tMenuItem).append(" secparent").append(" ON ").append("secparent.") .append(db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey).append(" = sec.").append(db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent); XDG.appendWhereSQL(sql, db.tSectionContent2.sco_con_lKey, XDG.OPERATOR_EQUAL); sql.append("?"); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; Document doc = contentElem.getOwnerDocument(); Element root = XMLTool.createElement(doc, contentElem, "sectionnames"); try { con = getConnection(); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); preparedStmt.setInt(1, contentKey); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); while ( { int sectionKey = resultSet.getInt(1); int menuKey = resultSet.getInt(2); int menuItemKey = resultSet.getInt(3); String name = resultSet.getString(4); // int parentKey = resultSet.getInt(5); boolean approved = resultSet.getBoolean(6); Integer homeMenuItemKey = resultSet.getInt(7); if (resultSet.wasNull()) { homeMenuItemKey = null; } Integer parentSectionKey = resultSet.getInt(8); if (resultSet.wasNull()) { parentSectionKey = null; } Element sectionName = XMLTool.createElement(doc, root, "sectionname", name); sectionName.setAttribute("key", Integer.toString(sectionKey)); sectionName.setAttribute("menukey", Integer.toString(menuKey)); sectionName.setAttribute("menuitemkey", Integer.toString(menuItemKey)); boolean home = homeMenuItemKey != null && homeMenuItemKey == menuItemKey; if (home) { sectionName.setAttribute("home", "true"); } if (parentSectionKey != null) { sectionName.setAttribute("supersectionkey", Integer.toString(parentSectionKey)); } sectionName.setAttribute("approved", String.valueOf(approved)); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to append section names to content: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 1, message, sqle); } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } } public long getSectionContentTimestamp(int sectionKey) { long timestamp = 0; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { con = getConnection(); StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tSectionContent2, db.tSectionContent2.sco_dteTimestamp, false, db.tSectionContent2.sco_mei_lKey); sql.append(" ORDER BY sco_dteTimestamp DESC"); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); preparedStmt.setInt(1, sectionKey); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); if ( { Timestamp time = resultSet.getTimestamp("sco_dteTimestamp"); timestamp = time.getTime(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to get section content timestamp: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 1, message, sqle); } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return timestamp; } public boolean isSectionOrdered(int sectionKey) { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; boolean ordered = false; try { con = getConnection(); StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_bOrderedSection, false, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); preparedStmt.setInt(1, sectionKey); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); if ( { ordered = resultSet.getBoolean(1); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to append section names to content: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 1, message, sqle); } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return ordered; } public XMLDocument getContentTitlesBySection(int sectionKey, String orderBy, int fromIndex, int count, boolean includeTotalCount, boolean approvedOnly) { ContentView contentView = ContentView.getInstance(); StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(this.db.tSectionContent2, new Column[] { this.db.tSectionContent2.sco_con_lKey, this.db.tSectionContent2.sco_bApproved }, false, null); sql.append(" LEFT JOIN ").append(ContentMinimalView.getInstance().getReplacementSql()).append(" ON "); sql.append(this.db.tSectionContent2.sco_con_lKey.getName()).append(" = "); sql.append(contentView.con_lKey.getName()); sql = XDG.generateWhereSQL(sql, new Column[] { this.db.tSectionContent2.sco_mei_lKey }); if (approvedOnly) { sql.append(" AND "); sql.append(this.db.tSectionContent2.sco_bApproved.getName()); sql.append(" = 1"); } String orderDirection = " ASC "; if (orderBy == null) { orderBy = contentView.cov_dteTimestamp.getName(); orderDirection = " DESC "; } sql.append(" ORDER BY "); if (!approvedOnly) { sql.append(this.db.tSectionContent2.sco_bApproved.getName()); sql.append(", "); } if (isSectionOrdered(sectionKey)) { sql.append(this.db.tSectionContent2.sco_lOrder.getName()); sql.append(" ASC, "); } sql.append(orderBy); sql.append(orderDirection); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; TIntArrayList contentKeys; int totalCount = 0; if (count > 20) { contentKeys = new TIntArrayList(); } else { contentKeys = new TIntArrayList(); } HashMap<String, String> contentApprovedMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { con = getConnection(); prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); prepStmt.setInt(1, sectionKey); resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery(); boolean moreResults =; int i = fromIndex; // Skip rows: try { if (fromIndex > 0) { resultSet.relative(fromIndex); } } catch (SQLException e) { // ResultSet is not scrollable i = 0; } totalCount = fromIndex; for (; ((includeTotalCount || i < fromIndex + count) && moreResults); i++) { if (i < fromIndex) { moreResults =; continue; } if (i < fromIndex + count) { int contentKey = resultSet.getInt(1); boolean approved = resultSet.getBoolean(2); contentKeys.add(contentKey); contentApprovedMap.put(Integer.toString(contentKey), Boolean.toString(approved)); } totalCount++; moreResults =; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to get content keys for content in sections: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle); } finally { close(resultSet); close(prepStmt); close(con); } if (contentKeys.size() == 0) { org.jdom.Element contentsEl = new org.jdom.Element("contenttitles"); if (includeTotalCount) { contentsEl.setAttribute("totalcount", "0"); } return XMLDocumentFactory.create(new org.jdom.Document(contentsEl)); } ContentHandler contentHandler = getContentHandler(); MenuItemEntity section = menuItemDao.findByKey(sectionKey); XMLDocument doc = contentHandler.getContentTitles(contentKeys.toArray(), true, section); if (includeTotalCount) { org.jdom.Document jdomDoc = doc.getAsJDOMDocument(); jdomDoc.getRootElement().setAttribute("totalcount", Integer.toString(totalCount)); } return doc; } public void copySection(int sectionKey) throws VerticalCopyException, VerticalSecurityException { copySections(null, new int[] { sectionKey }); } private void copySections(CopyContext copyContext, int[] sectionKeys) throws VerticalCopyException, VerticalSecurityException { SectionView sectionView = SectionView.getInstance(); String sql = XDG .generateSelectSQL(sectionView, new Column[] { sectionView.mei_men_lKey, sectionView.mei_lParent }, false, new Column[] { sectionView.mei_lKey }) .toString(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet result = null; try { conn = getConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); for (int sectionKey : sectionKeys) { stmt.setInt(1, sectionKey); result = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { MenuItemKey superKey = new MenuItemKey(result.getInt(2)); if (result.wasNull()) { superKey = null; } copySectionAtSameLevel(copyContext, sectionKey, superKey); } } } catch (SQLException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, "Failed to find section: %t", e); } finally { close(result); close(stmt); close(conn); } } public int[] getSectionKeysByMenu(int menuKey) { SectionView view = SectionView.getInstance(); Column selectColumn = view.mei_lKey; Column[] whereColumns = { view.mei_men_lKey, view.mei_lParent.getNullColumn() }; StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(view, selectColumn, false, whereColumns); CommonHandler commonHandler = getCommonHandler(); return commonHandler.getIntArray(sql.toString(), menuKey); } private void copySectionAtSameLevel(CopyContext copyContext, int sectionKey, MenuItemKey superKey) throws VerticalCopyException, VerticalSecurityException { try { copySection(copyContext, sectionKey, superKey); } catch (VerticalKeyException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorCopy(this.getClass(), 1, "Failed to generate section key: %t", e); } catch (SQLException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorCopy(this.getClass(), 1, "Failed to copy section: %t", e); } } private void copySection(CopyContext copyContext, int sourceKey, MenuItemKey superKey) throws SQLException, VerticalKeyException { if (copyContext != null) { copyContext.putSectionKey(sourceKey, superKey.toInt()); } // Copy content copySectionData(sourceKey, superKey); copySectionContent(sourceKey, superKey); copySecConTypeFilter(sourceKey, superKey); // Copy children int[] subKeys = getSectionKeysBySuperSection(sourceKey, false); for (int subKey : subKeys) { copySection(copyContext, subKey, superKey); } } private void copySectionData(int sourceKey, MenuItemKey superKey) throws SQLException { String sql1 = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_bOrderedSection, false, new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey, db.tMenuItem.mei_bSection }).toString(); int ordered = getCommonHandler().getInt(sql1, new int[] { sourceKey, 1 }); if (ordered < 0) { ordered = 0; } String sql2 = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem, new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_bSection, db.tMenuItem.mei_bOrderedSection }, new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey }, null).toString(); getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql2, new int[] { 1, ordered, superKey.toInt() }); } private void copySectionContent(int sourceKey, MenuItemKey targetKey) throws SQLException { String sql1 = XDG.generateSelectSQL(this.db.tSectionContent2, this.db.tSectionContent2.sco_mei_lKey) .toString(); String sql2 = XDG.generateInsertSQL(this.db.tSectionContent2).toString(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement stmt1 = null; PreparedStatement stmt2 = null; ResultSet result = null; try { con = getConnection(); stmt1 = con.prepareStatement(sql1); stmt2 = con.prepareStatement(sql2); stmt1.setInt(1, sourceKey); result = stmt1.executeQuery(); while ( { stmt2.clearParameters(); int newSectionContentPK = getCommonHandler().getNextKey(db.tSectionContent2); stmt2.setInt(1, newSectionContentPK); stmt2.setInt(2, result.getInt(2)); stmt2.setInt(3, targetKey.toInt()); stmt2.setInt(4, result.getInt(4)); stmt2.setInt(5, result.getInt(5)); // No.6 = Timestamp! stmt2.executeUpdate(); } } finally { close(result); close(stmt2); close(stmt1); close(con); } } private void copySecConTypeFilter(int sourceKey, MenuItemKey targetKey) throws SQLException { String sql1 = XDG.generateSelectSQL(this.db.tSecConTypeFilter2, this.db.tSecConTypeFilter2.sctf_mei_lKey) .toString(); String sql2 = XDG.generateInsertSQL(this.db.tSecConTypeFilter2).toString(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement stmt1 = null; PreparedStatement stmt2 = null; ResultSet result = null; try { con = getConnection(); stmt1 = con.prepareStatement(sql1); stmt2 = con.prepareStatement(sql2); stmt1.setInt(1, sourceKey); result = stmt1.executeQuery(); while ( { stmt2.clearParameters(); int sectionFilterKey = getCommonHandler().getNextKey(db.tSecConTypeFilter2.getName()); stmt2.setInt(1, sectionFilterKey); stmt2.setInt(2, targetKey.toInt()); stmt2.setInt(3, result.getInt(2)); stmt2.executeUpdate(); } } finally { close(result); close(stmt2); close(stmt1); close(con); } } }