Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2000-2011 Enonic AS * */ package com.enonic.vertical.engine.handlers; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.Text; import com.enonic.esl.sql.JDBCUtil; import com.enonic.esl.sql.model.Column; import com.enonic.esl.util.StringUtil; import com.enonic.esl.xml.XMLTool; import com.enonic.vertical.adminweb.VerticalAdminLogger; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.AccessRight; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.MenuAccessRight; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.MenuGetterSettings; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.MenuItemAccessRight; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalCopyException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalCreateException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalEngineException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalEngineLogger; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalKeyException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalRemoveException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalSecurityException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalUpdateException; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.XDG; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.criteria.MenuCriteria; import com.enonic.vertical.engine.criteria.MenuItemCriteria; import com.enonic.vertical.event.MenuHandlerEvent; import com.enonic.vertical.event.MenuHandlerListener; import com.enonic.vertical.event.VerticalEventMulticaster; import com.enonic.cms.framework.util.TIntArrayList; import com.enonic.cms.domain.CalendarUtil; import com.enonic.cms.domain.SiteKey; import com.enonic.cms.domain.portal.PrettyPathNameCreator; import com.enonic.cms.domain.resource.ResourceKey; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.RunAsType; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.SiteData; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.SiteEntity; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.MenuItemEntity; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.MenuItemKey; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.MenuItemSpecification; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.MenuItemType; import; import; public final class MenuHandler extends BaseHandler { /** * Menu and menu item access rights. */ private final static int AC_READ = 0x01; private final static int AC_ANONREAD = 0x02; private final static int AC_CREATE = 0x04; private final static int AC_UPDATE = 0x08; private final static int AC_ADD = 0x10; private final static int AC_PUBLISH = 0x20; private final static int AC_DELETE = 0x40; private final static int AC_ADMIN = 0x80; private VerticalEventMulticaster multicaster = new VerticalEventMulticaster(); public static final String ELEMENT_NAME_MENU_NAME = "menu-name"; public static final String ELEMENT_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME = "displayname"; private static final String COLUMN_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME = "mei_sDisplayName"; private static final String COLUMN_NAME_ALTERNATIVE_NAME = "mei_sSubTitle"; private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_MENUITEM_NAME = "name"; public synchronized void addListener(MenuHandlerListener mhl) { multicaster.add(mhl); } public Document getMenuItem(User user, int key, boolean withParents, boolean complete, boolean includePageConfig) { return getMenuItem(user, key, withParents, complete, includePageConfig, false); } final static private String MENU_TABLE = "tMenu"; final static private String MENU_ITEM_TABLE = "tMenuItem"; final static private String MENU_COLS = "MEN_LKEY, MEN_DTETIMESTAMP, MEN_MEI_FIRSTPAGE, MEN_MEI_LOGINPAGE, MEN_MEI_ERRORPAGE, MEN_PAT_LKEY, MEN_SNAME, " + "MEN_XMLDATA, MEN_LAN_LKEY, LAN_SDESCRIPTION, LAN_SCODE, MEN_SSTATISTICSURL, " + "MEN_USR_HRUNAS, " + "USR_SFULLNAME AS USR_SRUNASNAME, USR_SUID AS USR_SRUNASUID, USR_BISDELETED AS USR_BRUNASDELETED"; final static private String MENU_SELECT = "SELECT " + MENU_COLS + " FROM " + MENU_TABLE + " JOIN tLanguage ON " + MENU_TABLE + ".men_lan_lKey = tLanguage.lan_lKey " + "LEFT JOIN tUser ON " + MENU_TABLE + ".men_usr_hRunAs = tUser.usr_hKey"; final static private String MENU_SELECT_BY_KEY = "SELECT " + MENU_COLS + " FROM " + MENU_TABLE + " JOIN tLanguage ON tMenu.men_lan_lKey = tLanguage.lan_lKey " + "LEFT JOIN tUser ON " + MENU_TABLE + ".men_usr_hRunAs = tUser.usr_hKey" + " WHERE men_lKey = ?"; final static private String MENU_SELECT_NAME = "SELECT men_sName FROM " + MENU_TABLE + " WHERE men_lKey = ?"; final static private String MENU_DELETE_WITH_KEY = "DELETE FROM " + MENU_TABLE + " WHERE men_lKey = ?"; final static private String MENU_PREPARE_DELETE = "UPDATE " + MENU_TABLE + " SET men_mei_firstPage = NULL," + " men_mei_loginPage = NULL," + " men_mei_errorPage = NULL," + " men_pat_lKey = NULL" + " WHERE men_lKey = ?"; final static private String MENU_INSERT = "INSERT INTO " + MENU_TABLE + " (men_lKey, men_dteTimestamp, men_mei_firstPage, men_mei_loginPage, men_mei_errorPage, men_pat_lKey, " + "men_sName, men_xmlData, men_lan_lKey, men_sStatisticsURL, " + "men_usr_hRunAs)" + " VALUES (?, @currentTimestamp@, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; final static private String MENUDATA_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + MENU_TABLE + " SET men_sName = ?, men_xmlData = ?," + " men_dteTimestamp = @currentTimestamp@," + " men_lan_lKey = ?," + " men_sStatisticsURL = ?," + " men_usr_hRunAs = ? WHERE men_lKey = ?"; final static private String MENU_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + MENU_TABLE + " SET men_mei_firstPage = ? , men_mei_loginPage = ? , men_mei_errorPage = ? ," + " men_pat_lKey = ? ," + " men_dteTimestamp = @currentTimestamp@ ," + " men_xmlData = ? ," + " men_lan_lKey = ? ," + " men_sStatisticsURL = ?, " + " men_usr_hRunAs = ? WHERE men_lKey = ?"; final static private String MENU_ITEM_COLS = "mei_lKey, mei_bHidden, mei_mid_lKey, mei_usr_hOwner, mei_usr_hModifier, mei_lOrder, mei_men_lkey, mei_lParent, mei_sName, mei_sDescription, " + "mei_sKeywords, " + COLUMN_NAME_ALTERNATIVE_NAME + ", mei_xmlData, mei_pag_lKey, mei_sURL, mei_burlopennewwin, lan_lKey, lan_sCode, " + "lan_sDescription, mei_dteTimestamp, mei_lRunAs, " + COLUMN_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME; final static private String MENU_SELECT_ITEMS = "SELECT " + MENU_ITEM_COLS + " FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " LEFT JOIN " + MENU_TABLE + " ON " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + ".mei_men_lKey = " + MENU_TABLE + ".men_lKey " + " LEFT JOIN tLanguage ON " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + ".mei_lan_lKey = tLanguage.lan_lKey "; final static private String MENU_SELECT_ITEMS_BY_PARENT = MENU_SELECT_ITEMS + "WHERE mei_lParent = ? "; final static private String MENU_SELECT_ITEM_KEYS_BY_PARENT = "SELECT mei_lKey FROM tMenuItem WHERE mei_lParent = ? "; final static private String MENU_SELECT_ITEMS_BY_MENU_KEY_WO_PARENT = MENU_SELECT_ITEMS + "WHERE mei_men_lKey = ? AND mei_lParent IS NULL "; final static private String ORDER_BY = " ORDER BY mei_lOrder "; final static private String MENU_SELECT_KEYS_BY_MENU_KEY_WO_PARENT = "SELECT mei_lKey FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " WHERE mei_men_lKey = ? AND mei_lParent IS NULL"; final static private String MENU_SELECT_KEYS_BY_MENU_KEY_AND_PARENT = "SELECT mei_lKey FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " WHERE mei_men_lKey = ? AND mei_lParent = ?"; final static private String MENU_ITEM_DELETE_WITH_KEY = "DELETE FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?"; final static private String MENU_ITEM_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " SET mei_sName = ?," + " mei_lParent = ?," + " mei_lOrder = ?," + " mei_dteTimestamp = " + "@currentTimestamp@" + ", " + COLUMN_NAME_ALTERNATIVE_NAME + " = ?," + " mei_bHidden = ?," + " mei_sDescription = ?," + " mei_sKeywords = ?," + " mei_lan_lKey = ?," + " mei_usr_hOwner = ?," + " mei_usr_hModifier = ?," + " mei_lRunAs = ?," + COLUMN_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME + " = ?," + " mei_xmlData = " + "?" + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?"; final static private String MENU_ITEM_UPDATE_NO_DATA = "UPDATE " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " SET mei_sName = ?," + " mei_lParent = ?," + " mei_lOrder = ?," + " mei_dteTimestamp = " + "@currentTimestamp@" + ", " + COLUMN_NAME_ALTERNATIVE_NAME + " = ?," + " mei_bHidden = ?," + " mei_sDescription = ?," + " mei_sKeywords = ?," + " mei_lan_lKey = ?," + " mei_usr_hOwner = ?," + " mei_usr_hModifier = ?, mei_lRunAs = ?" + ", " + COLUMN_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME + " = ? " + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?"; final static private String MENU_ITEM_INSERT = "INSERT INTO " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " (mei_lKey, mei_sName, mei_men_lKey, mei_mid_lKey, " + " mei_lParent, mei_lOrder, mei_dteTimestamp," + " " + COLUMN_NAME_ALTERNATIVE_NAME + ", mei_bHidden, mei_sDescription, mei_usr_hOwner," + " mei_usr_hModifier, mei_xmlData, mei_sKeywords, mei_lan_lKey, mei_bSection, mei_lRunAs, " + COLUMN_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME + ") " + " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + "@currentTimestamp@" + ", ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + "?" + ", ?, ?, 0, ?, ?)"; final static private String MENU_ITEM_SELECT = "SELECT " + MENU_ITEM_COLS + " FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " LEFT JOIN tMenu ON tMenu.men_lKey = " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + ".mei_men_lKey " + " LEFT JOIN tLanguage ON " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + ".mei_lan_lKey = tLanguage.lan_lKey"; final static private String MENU_ITEM_SELECT_BY_KEY = "SELECT " + MENU_ITEM_COLS + " FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " LEFT JOIN tMenu ON tMenu.men_lKey = " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + ".mei_men_lKey " + " LEFT JOIN tLanguage ON " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + ".mei_lan_lKey = tLanguage.lan_lKey" + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?"; // final static private String MENU_ITEM_SELECT_NAME_BY_KEY = // "SELECT mei_sName FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?"; final static private String MENU_ITEM_URL_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " SET mei_sURL = ?, mei_burlopennewwin = ? WHERE mei_lKey = ?"; final static private String MENU_ITEMS_BY_CONTENTOBJECT = "SELECT mei_lKey, mei_pag_lKey FROM tMenuItem WHERE mei_pag_lKey in " + "(SELECT pco_pag_lKey FROM tPageConObj WHERE pco_cob_lKey = ?)"; final static private String MENU_ITEMS_BY_PAGETEMPLATES = "SELECT mei_lKey, mei_pag_lKey FROM tMenuItem WHERE mei_pag_lKey in " + "(SELECT pag_lKey FROM tPage WHERE pag_pat_lKey IN ("; final static private String MENU_ITEM_PAGE_UPDATE_KEY = "UPDATE " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " SET mei_pag_lKey = ?, mei_mid_lKey = ? WHERE mei_lKey = ?"; final static String MENU_ITEM_SELECT_CHILDREN = "SELECT mei_lKey FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " WHERE mei_lParent = ?"; final static private String MENU_GET_KEY_BY_MENU_ITEM = "SELECT mei_men_lKey FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?"; static private Hashtable<String, Integer> menuItemTypes; private void buildDocumentTypeXML(Element menuitemElem, Element documentElem) { if (documentElem != null) { if (verticalProperties.isStoreXHTMLOn()) { Node n = documentElem.getFirstChild(); if (n != null && n.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) { int menuItemKey = Integer.parseInt(menuitemElem.getAttribute("key")); String menuItemName = XMLTool.getElementText(XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "name")); Document doc = menuitemElem.getOwnerDocument(); String docString = XMLTool.getElementText(documentElem); documentElem.removeChild(n); XMLTool.createXHTMLNodes(doc, documentElem, docString, true); String menuKey = menuitemElem.getAttribute("menukey"); VerticalAdminLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, "Received invalid XML from database, menukey=" + menuKey + ", menuitem key=" + menuItemKey + ", name=" + menuItemName + ". Running Tidy..", null); } documentElem.setAttribute("mode", "xhtml"); } else { Node n = documentElem.getFirstChild(); if (n == null) { Document doc = menuitemElem.getOwnerDocument(); XMLTool.createCDATASection(doc, menuitemElem, "Scratch document."); } else if (n.getNodeType() != Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) { Document doc = menuitemElem.getOwnerDocument(); String docString = XMLTool.serialize(documentElem); XMLTool.createCDATASection(doc, documentElem, docString); VerticalEngineLogger.debug(this.getClass(), 0, "Expected CDATA, found XML. Serialized it.", null); } } } } private boolean buildMenuItemsXML(User user, ResultSet result, Document doc, Element menuItemsElement, int levels, int tagItem, boolean complete, boolean includePageConfig, boolean includeHidden, boolean includeTypeSpecificXML, boolean tagItems) throws SQLException { ArrayList<Element> menuItems = new ArrayList<Element>(); while ( { Element tmpElem = buildMenuItemXML(doc, menuItemsElement, result, tagItem, complete, includePageConfig, includeHidden, includeTypeSpecificXML, tagItems, levels); if (tmpElem != null) { menuItems.add(tmpElem); } } // ok.. that was one more level. // decrement the counter. --levels; if (menuItems.size() == 0) { return false; } //// build xml for children: Iterator<Element> iter = menuItems.iterator(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { //// build sql statement String sql = getSecurityHandler().appendMenuItemSQL(user, MENU_SELECT_ITEMS_BY_PARENT, null) + ORDER_BY; con = getConnection(); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); while (iter.hasNext()) { Element menuItemElement =; // create menuitems element menuItemsElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "menuitems"); menuItemsElement.setAttribute("istop", "no"); String tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("key"); int parentKey = Integer.parseInt(tmp); //// execute sql statement preparedStmt.setInt(1, parentKey); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); buildMenuItemsXML(user, resultSet, doc, menuItemsElement, levels, tagItem, complete, includePageConfig, includeHidden, includeTypeSpecificXML, tagItems); } } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return true; } private boolean hasChild(int parentKey, int key, boolean recursive) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; TIntArrayList keyArray = new TIntArrayList(); Connection con = null; try { con = getConnection(); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_SELECT_ITEM_KEYS_BY_PARENT); preparedStmt.setInt(1, parentKey); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); while ( { int currentKey = resultSet.getInt(1); if (currentKey == key) { return true; } else { keyArray.add(currentKey); } } int arraySize = keyArray.size(); if (arraySize == 0) { return false; } if (recursive) { for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i) { if (hasChild(keyArray.get(i), key, recursive)) { return true; } } } } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return false; } private void tagParents(Element menuItemsElement) { Node tmpNode = menuItemsElement.getParentNode(); while (tmpNode != null && tmpNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && !((Element) tmpNode).getTagName().equals("menu")) { ((Element) tmpNode).setAttribute("path", "true"); tmpNode = tmpNode.getParentNode().getParentNode(); } } private Element buildMenuItemXML(Document doc, Element menuItemsElement, ResultSet result, int tagItem, boolean complete, boolean includePageConfig, boolean includeHidden, boolean includeTypeSpecificXML, boolean tagItems, int levels) throws SQLException { int key = result.getInt("mei_lKey"); // check if menuitem is hidden: int hiddenInt = result.getInt("mei_bHidden"); boolean hidden = result.wasNull() || hiddenInt == 1; // propagate upwards in the XML and tag parents: if (key == tagItem) { tagParents(menuItemsElement); } // simply return null if we don't want to include // hidden menuitems: if ((!includeHidden && hidden) || levels == 0) { // special case: if includeHidden is false, we must // check to see if the menuitem that is to be tagged // is a child of this menuitem if (tagItems) { if (tagItem != -1 && tagItem != key) { if (hasChild(key, tagItem, true)) { tagParents(menuItemsElement); if (hidden) { Node n = menuItemsElement.getParentNode(); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { ((Element) n).setAttribute("active", "true"); } } } } else if (tagItem == key) { Node n = menuItemsElement.getParentNode(); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { ((Element) n).setAttribute("active", "true"); } } } return null; } ////// + build xml for menu item Element menuItemElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemsElement, "menuitem"); menuItemElement.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(key)); // tag the menuitem? if (tagItem == key && !hidden) { menuItemElement.setAttribute("path", "true"); menuItemElement.setAttribute("active", "true"); } // attribute: owner menuItemElement.setAttribute("owner", result.getString("mei_usr_hOwner")); // attribute: modifier menuItemElement.setAttribute("modifier", result.getString("mei_usr_hModifier")); // attribute: order menuItemElement.setAttribute("order", result.getString("mei_lOrder")); // Add timestamp attribute menuItemElement.setAttribute("timestamp", CalendarUtil.formatTimestamp(result.getTimestamp("mei_dteTimestamp"))); // attribute: language int lanKey = result.getInt("lan_lKey"); String lanCode = result.getString("lan_sCode"); String lanDesc = result.getString("lan_sDescription"); if (lanDesc != null) { menuItemElement.setAttribute("languagekey", String.valueOf(lanKey)); menuItemElement.setAttribute("languagecode", lanCode); menuItemElement.setAttribute("language", lanDesc); } // attribute menykey: int menuKey = result.getInt("mei_men_lkey"); if (!result.wasNull()) { menuItemElement.setAttribute("menukey", String.valueOf(menuKey)); } // attribute parent: int parentKey = result.getInt("mei_lParent"); if (!result.wasNull()) { menuItemElement.setAttribute("parent", String.valueOf(parentKey)); } // element: name XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "name", result.getString("mei_sName")); // display-name XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME, result.getString(COLUMN_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME)); // short-name: String tmp = result.getString(COLUMN_NAME_ALTERNATIVE_NAME); if (!result.wasNull() && tmp.length() > 0) { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_MENU_NAME, tmp); } menuItemElement.setAttribute("runAs", RunAsType.get(result.getInt("mei_lRunAs")).toString()); // description: String desc = result.getString("mei_sDescription"); if (!result.wasNull()) { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "description", desc); } else { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "description"); } // keywords: String keywords = result.getString("mei_sKeywords"); if (!result.wasNull()) { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "keywords", keywords); } else { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "keywords"); } // visibility: if (!hidden) { menuItemElement.setAttribute("visible", "yes"); } else { menuItemElement.setAttribute("visible", "no"); } // contentkey int contentKey = getMenuItemContentKey(key); if (contentKey != -1) { menuItemElement.setAttribute("contentkey", String.valueOf(contentKey)); } // element menuitemdata: InputStream is = result.getBinaryStream("mei_xmlData"); Element documentElem; if (result.wasNull()) { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "parameters"); documentElem = XMLTool.createElement(doc, "document"); if (complete) { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "data"); } } else { Document dataDoc = XMLTool.domparse(is); Element dataElem = (Element) doc.importNode(dataDoc.getDocumentElement(), true); Element parametersElem = XMLTool.getElement(dataElem, "parameters"); dataElem.removeChild(parametersElem); menuItemElement.appendChild(parametersElem); if (complete) { documentElem = XMLTool.getElement(dataElem, "document"); if (documentElem != null) { dataElem.removeChild(documentElem); menuItemElement.appendChild(documentElem); } menuItemElement.appendChild(dataElem); } else { documentElem = XMLTool.createElement(doc, "document"); } } // attribute: menu item type MenuItemType menuItemType = MenuItemType.get(result.getInt("mei_mid_lKey")); menuItemElement.setAttribute("type", menuItemType.getName()); if (includeTypeSpecificXML) { // build type-specific XML: switch (menuItemType) { case PAGE: buildPageTypeXML(result, doc, menuItemElement, complete && includePageConfig); break; case URL: buildURLTypeXML(result, doc, menuItemElement); break; case CONTENT: MenuItemKey sectionKey = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeyByMenuItem(new MenuItemKey(key)); if (sectionKey != null) { buildSectionTypeXML(key, menuItemElement); } buildDocumentTypeXML(menuItemElement, documentElem); buildPageTypeXML(result, doc, menuItemElement, complete && includePageConfig); break; case LABEL: break; case SECTION: buildSectionTypeXML(key, menuItemElement); break; case SHORTCUT: buildShortcutTypeXML(key, menuItemElement); break; } } return menuItemElement; } private void buildPageTypeXML(ResultSet result, Document doc, Element menuItemElement, boolean includePageConfig) throws SQLException { int pKey = result.getInt("mei_pag_lKey"); if (includePageConfig) { Document pageDoc = getPageHandler().getPage(pKey, includePageConfig).getAsDOMDocument(); Element rootElem = pageDoc.getDocumentElement(); Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(rootElem, "page"); menuItemElement.appendChild(menuItemElement.getOwnerDocument().importNode(pageElem, true)); } else { Element pageElem = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "page"); pageElem.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(pKey)); // extract pagetemplate key PageTemplateKey ptKey = getPageHandler().getPageTemplateKey(pKey); pageElem.setAttribute("pagetemplatekey", ptKey.toString()); PageTemplateType pageTemplateType = getPageTemplateHandler().getPageTemplateType(ptKey); pageElem.setAttribute("pagetemplatetype", String.valueOf(pageTemplateType.getKey())); } } protected void buildSectionTypeXML(int menuItemKey, Element menuItemElement) { Document sectionDoc = getSectionHandler().getSectionByMenuItem(menuItemKey); XMLTool.mergeDocuments(menuItemElement, sectionDoc, true); } protected void buildShortcutTypeXML(int menuItemKey, Element menuItemElement) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey); Object[] columnValues = getCommonHandler().getObjects(sql.toString(), menuItemKey); if (columnValues.length > 0) { Element shortcutElem = XMLTool.createElement(menuItemElement.getOwnerDocument(), menuItemElement, "shortcut"); Integer shortcut = (Integer) columnValues[19]; final String shortcutKey = (shortcut == null) ? "" : String.valueOf(shortcut); shortcutElem.setAttribute("key", shortcutKey); final String menuItemName = (shortcut == null) ? "" : getMenuItemName(shortcut); shortcutElem.setAttribute("name", menuItemName); Integer forward = (Integer) columnValues[20]; if (forward == 0) { shortcutElem.setAttribute("forward", "false"); } else { shortcutElem.setAttribute("forward", "true"); } } } protected void buildURLTypeXML(ResultSet result, Document doc, Element menuItemElement) { try { String url = result.getString("mei_sURL"); Element urlElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "url", url); // attribute: newWindow int newWindow = result.getInt("mei_burlopennewwin"); String attrValue; if (newWindow == 0) { attrValue = "no"; } else { attrValue = "yes"; } urlElement.setAttribute("newwindow", attrValue); } catch (SQLException sqle) { System.err.println("[MenuHandler_DB2Impl:Error] SQL exception."); } } public int createMenu(User user, String xmlData) throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException { Document doc = XMLTool.domparse(xmlData, "menu"); return createMenu(user, null, doc, true).toInt(); } private SiteKey createMenu(User user, CopyContext copyContext, Document doc, boolean useOldKey) throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException { Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // Get site key: String tmp; // Prepare insertion into the database SiteKey siteKey = null; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; try { con = getConnection(); tmp = rootElement.getAttribute("key"); if (!useOldKey || tmp == null || tmp.length() == 0) { // generate key: siteKey = new SiteKey(getNextKey(MENU_TABLE)); } else { siteKey = new SiteKey(tmp); } preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_INSERT); if (copyContext != null) { copyContext.putMenuKey(Integer.parseInt(tmp), siteKey.toInt()); } preparedStmt.setInt(1, siteKey.toInt()); // name: Element tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "name"); String name = null; if (tmpElement != null) { name = XMLTool.getElementText(tmpElement); } if (name != null) { preparedStmt.setString(6, name); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(6, Types.VARCHAR); } // firstpage: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "firstpage"); tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { preparedStmt.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(tmp)); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER); } // loginpage: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "loginpage"); tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { preparedStmt.setInt(3, Integer.parseInt(tmp)); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER); } // errorpage: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "errorpage"); tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { preparedStmt.setInt(4, Integer.parseInt(tmp)); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(4, Types.INTEGER); } // default pagetemplate: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "defaultpagetemplate"); if (tmpElement != null) { tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("pagetemplatekey"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { preparedStmt.setInt(5, Integer.parseInt(tmp)); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(5, Types.INTEGER); } } else { preparedStmt.setNull(5, Types.INTEGER); } SiteData siteData = new SiteData(); // DeviceClassResolver: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "deviceclassresolver"); if (tmpElement != null) { String deviceClassResolverUrl = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(deviceClassResolverUrl)) { siteData.setDeviceClassResolver(new ResourceKey(deviceClassResolverUrl)); } } // Default localization resource: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "defaultlocalizationresource"); if (tmpElement != null) { String defaultLocalizationResource = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(defaultLocalizationResource)) { siteData.setDefaultLocalizationResource(new ResourceKey(defaultLocalizationResource)); } } // locale resolver tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "localeresolver"); if (tmpElement != null) { String localeResolver = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(localeResolver)) { siteData.setLocaleResolver(new ResourceKey(localeResolver)); } } // Path to public home: String pathToPublicHome = rootElement.getAttribute("path-to-public-home-resources"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToPublicHome)) { siteData.setPathToPublicResources(new ResourceKey(pathToPublicHome)); } // Path to home: String pathToHome = rootElement.getAttribute("path-to-home-resources"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToHome)) { siteData.setPathToResources(new ResourceKey(pathToHome)); } tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "menudata"); if (tmpElement != null) { parseAndAddMenudataToSiteData(tmpElement, siteData); } final byte[] xmldata = siteData.getAsBytes(); preparedStmt.setBinaryStream(7, new ByteArrayInputStream(xmldata), xmldata.length); // language key: preparedStmt.setInt(8, Integer.parseInt(rootElement.getAttribute("languagekey"))); Element detailsElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "details"); // Statistics URL: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(detailsElement, "statistics"); if (tmpElement != null) { String statisticsURL = XMLTool.getElementText(tmpElement); if (statisticsURL != null) { preparedStmt.setString(9, statisticsURL); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(9, Types.VARCHAR); } } else { preparedStmt.setNull(9, Types.VARCHAR); } // Run As User: String runAsUserKey = rootElement.getAttribute("runas"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(runAsUserKey)) { preparedStmt.setString(10, runAsUserKey); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(10, Types.VARCHAR); } // insert the data: preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); // create default menu access rights GroupHandler groupHandler = getGroupHandler(); String groupKey = groupHandler.getAdminGroupKey(); Document tmpDoc = XMLTool.createDocument("accessrights"); Element root = tmpDoc.getDocumentElement(); root.setAttribute("type", String.valueOf(AccessRight.MENUITEM_DEFAULT)); root.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(siteKey)); Element accessrightElem = XMLTool.createElement(tmpDoc, root, "accessright"); accessrightElem.setAttribute("groupkey", groupKey); accessrightElem.setAttribute("grouptype", GroupType.ADMINS.toInteger().toString()); accessrightElem.setAttribute("read", "true"); accessrightElem.setAttribute("create", "true"); accessrightElem.setAttribute("update", "true"); accessrightElem.setAttribute("delete", "true"); accessrightElem.setAttribute("publish", "true"); accessrightElem.setAttribute("add", "true"); accessrightElem.setAttribute("administrate", "true"); getSecurityHandler().updateAccessRights(user, tmpDoc); //////// Create menuitems: Element itemsElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "menuitems"); if (itemsElement != null) { Element[] itemElems = XMLTool.getElements(itemsElement); for (int i = 0; i < itemElems.length; i++) { createMenuItem(user, copyContext, itemElems[i], siteKey, i, null, useOldKey); } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String msg = "Failed to create menu: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 0, msg, sqle); } catch (VerticalKeyException gke) { String msg = "Unable to generate key for table %0."; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 0, msg, MENU_TABLE, gke); } catch (VerticalUpdateException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 10, "Error creating default access rights: %t", e); } finally { close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return siteKey; } public int createMenuItem(User user, String xmlData) throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException { Document doc = XMLTool.domparse(xmlData); Element menuItemsElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); Element menuItemElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemsElement, "menuitem"); // get parent key MenuItemKey parentKey = null; String tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("parent"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { parentKey = new MenuItemKey(tmp); } SiteKey siteKey = null; tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("menukey"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { siteKey = new SiteKey(tmp); } int order; tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("order"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { order = Integer.parseInt(tmp); } else { order = getNextOrder(siteKey == null ? -1 : siteKey.toInt(), parentKey == null ? -1 : parentKey.toInt()); } return createMenuItem(user, null, menuItemElement, siteKey, order, parentKey, false); } public int getNextOrder(int menuKey, int parentKey) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lOrder, false, db.tMenuItem.mei_men_lKey); if (parentKey != -1) { XDG.appendWhereSQL(sql, db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent, XDG.OPERATOR_EQUAL, parentKey); } XDG.appendOrderBySQL(sql, db.tMenuItem.mei_lOrder, false); int highestOrder = getCommonHandler().getInt(sql.toString(), menuKey); if (highestOrder == -1) { return 0; } else if (highestOrder < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return highestOrder + 1; } else { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } private int createMenuItem(User user, CopyContext copyContext, Element menuItemElement, SiteKey siteKey, int order, MenuItemKey parentKey, boolean useOldKey) throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException { // security check: if (!getSecurityHandler().validateMenuItemCreate(user, siteKey.toInt(), parentKey == null ? -1 : parentKey.toInt())) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 10, "Not allowed to create menuitem in this position.", null); } String menuItemName = XMLTool .getElementText(XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_MENUITEM_NAME)); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(menuItemName)) { menuItemName = generateMenuItemName(menuItemElement); } menuItemName = ensureUniqueMenuItemName(siteKey, parentKey, menuItemName, null); // check whether name is unique for this parent if (menuItemNameExists(siteKey, parentKey, menuItemName, null)) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 20, "Menu item name already exists on this level: %0", new Object[] { menuItemName }, null); } Element tmp_element; Hashtable<String, Integer> menuItemTypes = getMenuItemTypesAsHashtable(); // Get menuitem type: String miType = menuItemElement.getAttribute("type"); Integer type = menuItemTypes.get(miType); if (type == null) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 20, "Invalid menu item type %0.", new Object[] { type }, null); } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; MenuItemKey menuItemKey = null; try { con = getConnection(); // key String keyStr = menuItemElement.getAttribute("key"); if (!useOldKey || keyStr == null || keyStr.length() == 0) { try { menuItemKey = new MenuItemKey(getNextKey(MENU_ITEM_TABLE)); } catch (VerticalKeyException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 30, "Error generating key for tMenuItem.", e); } } else { menuItemKey = new MenuItemKey(keyStr); } if (copyContext != null) { copyContext.putMenuItemKey(Integer.parseInt(keyStr), menuItemKey.toInt()); } String tmp; preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_INSERT); preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuItemKey.toInt()); // element: name validateMenuItemName(menuItemName); preparedStmt.setString(2, menuItemName); // menu key: preparedStmt.setInt(3, siteKey.toInt()); // attribute: menu item type preparedStmt.setInt(4, type); // parent if (parentKey == null) { preparedStmt.setNull(5, Types.INTEGER); } else { preparedStmt.setInt(5, parentKey.toInt()); } // order: preparedStmt.setInt(6, order); // pre-fetch data element Element dataElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "data"); // element: parameters tmp_element = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "parameters"); if (tmp_element != null) { dataElem.appendChild(tmp_element); } // alternative name: tmp_element = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_MENU_NAME); if (tmp_element != null) { tmp = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_element); preparedStmt.setString(7, tmp); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(7, Types.VARCHAR); } // visibility: tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("visible"); if ("no".equals(tmp)) { preparedStmt.setInt(8, 1); } else { preparedStmt.setInt(8, 0); } // description: tmp_element = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "description"); String data = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_element); if (data != null) { StringReader reader = new StringReader(data); preparedStmt.setCharacterStream(9, reader, data.length()); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(9, Types.VARCHAR); } if (type == 4) { Element docElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "document"); if (docElem != null) { dataElem.appendChild(docElem); } } // attribute: owner/modifier String ownerKey = menuItemElement.getAttribute("owner"); preparedStmt.setString(10, ownerKey); preparedStmt.setString(11, ownerKey); // data if (dataElem != null) { Document dataDoc = XMLTool.createDocument(); dataDoc.appendChild(dataDoc.importNode(dataElem, true)); byte[] bytes = XMLTool.documentToBytes(dataDoc, "UTF-8"); preparedStmt.setBinaryStream(12, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), bytes.length); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(12, Types.BLOB); } // keywords tmp_element = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "keywords"); String keywords = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_element); if (keywords == null || keywords.length() == 0) { preparedStmt.setNull(13, Types.VARCHAR); } else { StringReader keywordReader = new StringReader(keywords); preparedStmt.setCharacterStream(13, keywordReader, keywords.length()); } // language String lanKey = menuItemElement.getAttribute("languagekey"); if ((lanKey != null) && (lanKey.length() > 0)) { preparedStmt.setInt(14, Integer.parseInt(lanKey)); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(14, Types.INTEGER); } RunAsType runAs = RunAsType.INHERIT; String runAsStr = menuItemElement.getAttribute("runAs"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(runAsStr)) { runAs = RunAsType.valueOf(runAsStr); } preparedStmt.setInt(15, runAs.getKey()); // Display-name String displayName = getElementValue(menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME); preparedStmt.setString(16, displayName); // execute statement: preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); // Create type specific data. switch (type) { case 1: // page createPage(con, menuItemElement, type, menuItemKey); break; case 2: // URL createOrUpdateURL(con, menuItemElement, menuItemKey); break; case 4: // document: nothing // page Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "page"); PageTemplateKey pageTemplateKey = new PageTemplateKey(pageElem.getAttribute("pagetemplatekey")); PageTemplateType pageTemplateType = getPageTemplateHandler().getPageTemplateType(pageTemplateKey); if (pageTemplateType == PageTemplateType.SECTIONPAGE || pageTemplateType == PageTemplateType.NEWSLETTER) { createSection(menuItemElement, menuItemKey); } createPage(con, menuItemElement, type, menuItemKey); break; case 5: // label break; case 6: // section createSection(menuItemElement, menuItemKey); break; case 7: // shortcut createOrOverrideShortcut(menuItemElement, menuItemKey); break; default: VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 70, "Unknown menuitem type: %0", new Object[] { type }, null); } // set contentkey if present String contentKeyStr = menuItemElement.getAttribute("contentkey"); if (contentKeyStr.length() == 0) { contentKeyStr = "-1"; } setMenuItemContentKey(menuItemKey, Integer.parseInt(contentKeyStr)); // fire event if (multicaster.hasListeners() && copyContext == null) { MenuHandlerEvent e = new MenuHandlerEvent(user, siteKey.toInt(), menuItemKey.toInt(), menuItemName, this); multicaster.createdMenuItem(e); } UserSpecification userSpecification = new UserSpecification(); userSpecification.setDeletedState(UserSpecification.DeletedState.ANY); userSpecification.setKey(new UserKey(ownerKey)); UserEntity owner = userDao.findSingleBySpecification(userSpecification); String ownerGroupKey = null; if (owner.getUserGroup() != null) { ownerGroupKey = owner.getUserGroup().getGroupKey().toString(); } getSecurityHandler().inheritMenuItemAccessRights(siteKey.toInt(), parentKey == null ? -1 : parentKey.toInt(), menuItemKey.toInt(), ownerGroupKey); // Create other Element menuItemsElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "menuitems"); if (menuItemsElement != null) { Element[] elems = XMLTool.getElements(menuItemsElement); for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { createMenuItem(user, copyContext, elems[i], siteKey, i, menuItemKey, useOldKey); } } } catch (SQLException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 40, "A database error occurred: %t", e); } finally { close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return menuItemKey.toInt(); } private String generateMenuItemName(Element menuItemElement) { String menuItemName; String suggestedName = getElementValue(menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_MENU_NAME); if (StringUtils.isBlank(suggestedName)) { suggestedName = getElementValue(menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME); } menuItemName = PrettyPathNameCreator.generatePrettyPathName(suggestedName); return menuItemName; } private String ensureUniqueMenuItemName(SiteKey siteKey, MenuItemKey parentKey, String menuItemName, MenuItemKey existingKey) { int i = 0; String baseName = menuItemName; while (true) { if (!menuItemNameExists(siteKey, parentKey, menuItemName, existingKey)) { return menuItemName; } else { i++; menuItemName = baseName + "(" + i + ")"; } Assert.isTrue(i < 100, "Not able to generate menuitem-name within 100 attempts to create unique"); } } private String getElementValue(Element menuItemElement, String elementName) { Element tmp_element; String tmp; tmp_element = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, elementName); tmp = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_element); return tmp; } public void createOrUpdateURL(Connection con, Element elem, MenuItemKey menuItemKey) throws VerticalCreateException { Element urlElement = XMLTool.getElement(elem, "url"); String tmp = urlElement.getAttribute("newwindow"); int bNewWindow = -1; if ("yes".equals(tmp)) { bNewWindow = 1; } else if ("no".equals(tmp)) { bNewWindow = 0; } else { String msg = "Please specify 'yes' or 'no' in 'newwindow' attribute."; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 10, msg, null); } String url = XMLTool.getElementText(urlElement); PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; try { preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_URL_UPDATE); preparedStmt.setString(1, url); preparedStmt.setInt(2, bNewWindow); preparedStmt.setInt(3, menuItemKey.toInt()); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (VerticalKeyException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 30, "Error generating key: %t", e); } catch (SQLException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 40, "A database error occurred: %t", e); } finally { close(preparedStmt); } } public void updateSection(Element menuItemElem, int sectionKey) throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException { Element sectionElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "section"); boolean ordered = "true".equals(sectionElem.getAttribute("ordered")); Element[] contentTypeElems = XMLTool.selectElements(sectionElem, "contenttypes/contenttype"); int[] contentTypes = new int[contentTypeElems.length]; for (int i = 0; i < contentTypeElems.length; i++) { contentTypes[i] = Integer.parseInt(contentTypeElems[i].getAttribute("key")); } getSectionHandler().updateSection(sectionKey, ordered, contentTypes); } public void setMenuItemContentTypes(int menuItemKey, int[] contentTypeKeys) { try { MenuItemKey sectionKey = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeyByMenuItem(new MenuItemKey(menuItemKey)); if (sectionKey != null) { getSectionHandler().setContentTypesForSection(sectionKey.toInt(), contentTypeKeys); } } catch (VerticalCreateException vce) { String message = "Failed to create section contenttype filter: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 1, message, null); } } private void createSection(Element menuItemElem, MenuItemKey menuItemKey) throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException { Element sectionElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "section"); boolean ordered = "true".equals(sectionElem.getAttribute("ordered")); Element[] contentTypeElems = XMLTool.selectElements(sectionElem, "contenttypes/contenttype"); int[] contentTypes = new int[contentTypeElems.length]; for (int i = 0; i < contentTypeElems.length; i++) { contentTypes[i] = Integer.parseInt(contentTypeElems[i].getAttribute("key")); } getSectionHandler().createSection(menuItemKey.toInt(), ordered, contentTypes); } private void createOrOverrideShortcut(Element shortcutDestinationMenuItem, MenuItemKey shortcutMenuItem) throws VerticalCreateException { Element shortcutElem = XMLTool.getElement(shortcutDestinationMenuItem, "shortcut"); int shortcut = Integer.parseInt(shortcutElem.getAttribute("key")); boolean forward = Boolean.valueOf(shortcutElem.getAttribute("forward")); StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem, new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_mei_lShortcut, db.tMenuItem.mei_bShortcutForward }, new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey }, null); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; try { con = getConnection(); prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); prepStmt.setInt(1, shortcut); prepStmt.setBoolean(2, forward); prepStmt.setInt(3, shortcutMenuItem.toInt()); prepStmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to create menu item shortcut: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle); } finally { close(con); close(prepStmt); } } private void removeShortcut(int menuItemKey) throws VerticalRemoveException { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem, new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_mei_lShortcut, db.tMenuItem.mei_bShortcutForward }, new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey }, null); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; try { con = getConnection(); prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); prepStmt.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER); prepStmt.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER); prepStmt.setInt(3, menuItemKey); prepStmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to create menu item shortcut: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle); } finally { close(con); close(prepStmt); } } public void createPage(Connection con, Element elem, int type, MenuItemKey menuItemKey) throws VerticalCreateException { Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(elem, "page"); int pKey; Document pageDoc = XMLTool.createDocument(); pageDoc.appendChild(pageDoc.importNode(pageElem, true)); pKey = getPageHandler().createPage(XMLTool.documentToString(pageDoc)); PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; try { preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_PAGE_UPDATE_KEY); preparedStmt.setInt(1, pKey); preparedStmt.setInt(2, type); preparedStmt.setInt(3, menuItemKey.toInt()); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 10, "A database error occurred: %t", e); } finally { close(preparedStmt); } } public int getErrorPage(int key) { SiteEntity entity = siteDao.findByKey(key); if ((entity == null) || (entity.getErrorPage() == null)) { return -1; } else { return entity.getErrorPage().getKey(); } } public int getLoginPage(int key) { SiteEntity entity = siteDao.findByKey(key); if ((entity == null) || (entity.getLoginPage() == null)) { return -1; } else { return entity.getLoginPage().getKey(); } } private Document getMenu(User user, int menuKey, int levels, int tagItem, boolean complete, boolean includePageConfig, boolean includeHidden) { Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menus"); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet result = null; try { con = getConnection(); Element menuElement = getMenuData(doc.getDocumentElement(), menuKey); String sql = MENU_SELECT_ITEMS_BY_MENU_KEY_WO_PARENT; sql = getSecurityHandler().appendMenuItemSQL(user, sql); sql += ORDER_BY; preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuKey); result = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); Element menuItemsElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "menuitems"); menuItemsElement.setAttribute("istop", "yes"); // Make sure levels is set correct: if (levels == 0) { levels = -1; } // Build menu items buildMenuItemsXML(user, result, doc, menuItemsElement, levels, tagItem, complete, includePageConfig, includeHidden, true, true); } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "SQL error: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle); } finally { close(result); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return doc; } public Document getMenu(User user, int menuKey, boolean complete, boolean includePageConfig) { return getMenu(user, menuKey, -1, -1, complete, includePageConfig, true); } public String getMenuName(int menuKey) { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; String name; try { con = getConnection(); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_SELECT_NAME); preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuKey); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); if ( { name = resultSet.getString("men_sName"); } else { name = null; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to get menu name: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle); name = null; } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return name; } private Element getMenuData(Element rootElement, int menuId) { Document doc = rootElement.getOwnerDocument(); Element menuElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, rootElement, "menu"); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet result = null; try { con = getConnection(); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_SELECT_BY_KEY); preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuId); result = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); if ( { int languageKey = result.getInt("men_lan_lKey"); menuElement.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(menuId)); menuElement.setAttribute("languagekey", String.valueOf(languageKey)); menuElement.setAttribute("languagecode", result.getString("lan_sCode")); menuElement.setAttribute("language", result.getString("lan_sDescription")); menuElement.setAttribute("runas", result.getString("men_usr_hRunAs")); String name = result.getString("men_sName"); if (!result.wasNull()) { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "name", name); } else { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "name"); } // firstpage: int frontpageKey = result.getInt("men_mei_firstPage"); if (!result.wasNull()) { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "firstpage").setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(frontpageKey)); } else { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "firstpage"); } // loginpage: int loginpageKey = result.getInt("men_mei_loginPage"); if (!result.wasNull()) { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "loginpage").setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(loginpageKey)); } else { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "loginpage"); } // errorpage: int errorpageKey = result.getInt("men_mei_errorPage"); if (!result.wasNull()) { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "errorpage").setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(errorpageKey)); } else { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "errorpage"); } // Page template: int defaultPagetemplate = result.getInt("men_pat_lKey"); if (!result.wasNull()) { XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "defaultpagetemplate").setAttribute("pagetemplatekey", String.valueOf(defaultPagetemplate)); } // XML data: InputStream is = result.getBinaryStream("men_xmlData"); if (!result.wasNull()) { Document tmpDoc = XMLTool.domparse(is); menuElement.appendChild(doc.importNode(tmpDoc.getDocumentElement(), true)); } // Menu details. Element detailsElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "details"); //Statistics URL: String statisticsURL = result.getString(db.tMenu.men_sStatisticsURL.getName()); if (!result.wasNull()) { XMLTool.createElement(doc, detailsElement, db.tMenu.men_sStatisticsURL.getXPath()) .setTextContent(statisticsURL); } else { XMLTool.createElement(doc, detailsElement, db.tMenu.men_sStatisticsURL.getXPath()); } /* Missing fields. New fields are only implemented in SiteXmlCreator. */ } else { String message = "No menu found for menu ID: %0"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 10, message, menuId, null); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 20, "A database error occurred: %t", sqle); } finally { close(result); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return menuElement; } public Document getMenuItem(User user, int key, boolean withParents) { return getMenuItem(user, key, withParents, false, false); } public int getMenuKeyByMenuItem(int menuItemKey) { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; int menuKey = -1; try { con = getConnection(); prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_GET_KEY_BY_MENU_ITEM); prepStmt.setInt(1, menuItemKey); resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery(); if ( { menuKey = resultSet.getInt(1); } } catch (SQLException ignored) { } finally { close(resultSet); close(prepStmt); close(con); } return menuKey; } protected Document getMenuItem(User user, int key, boolean withParents, boolean complete, boolean includePageConfig, boolean withChildren) { Document doc; Element rootElement; doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menuitems"); rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { con = getConnection(); preparedStmt = con .prepareStatement(getSecurityHandler().appendMenuItemSQL(user, MENU_ITEM_SELECT_BY_KEY)); preparedStmt.setInt(1, key); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); if (!withChildren) { if ( { buildMenuItemXML(doc, rootElement, resultSet, -1, complete, includePageConfig, true, true, true, -1); } // include parents? if (withParents) { // yep. call getMenuItemDOM recursivly. Element menuItemElement = (Element) doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild(); if (menuItemElement.hasAttribute("parent")) { int parentKey = Integer.valueOf(menuItemElement.getAttribute("parent")); while (parentKey >= 0) { // get the parent: doc = getMenuItem(user, parentKey, false, false, false); // move the child inside the parent: rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); Element parentElement = (Element) rootElement.getFirstChild(); if (parentElement != null) { Element menuItemsElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, parentElement, "menuitems"); menuItemsElement.appendChild(doc.importNode(menuItemElement, true)); menuItemElement = parentElement; if (menuItemElement.hasAttribute("parent")) { parentKey = Integer.valueOf(menuItemElement.getAttribute("parent")); } else { parentKey = -1; } } else { parentKey = -1; } } } } } else { buildMenuItemsXML(user, resultSet, doc, rootElement, -1, -1, complete, includePageConfig, true, true, true); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 30, "SQL error.", sqle); } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return doc; } protected Document getMenuItem(User user, int key, int tagItem, boolean withParents, boolean complete, boolean includePageConfig, boolean withChildren, boolean includeHidden, boolean includeTypeSpecificXML, boolean tagItems, int levels) { Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menuitems"); Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { con = getConnection(); String sql = getSecurityHandler().appendMenuItemSQL(user, MENU_ITEM_SELECT_BY_KEY, null); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); preparedStmt.setInt(1, key); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); if (!withChildren) { if ( { buildMenuItemXML(doc, rootElement, resultSet, tagItem, complete, includePageConfig, includeHidden, includeTypeSpecificXML, tagItems, levels); } // include parents? if (withParents) { // yep. call getMenuItemDOM recursivly. Element menuItemElement = (Element) doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild(); String tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("parent"); while (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { // get the parent: doc = getMenuItem(user, Integer.parseInt(tmp), false, false, false); // move the child inside the parent: rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); Element parentElement = (Element) rootElement.getFirstChild(); Element menuItemsElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, parentElement, "menuitems"); menuItemsElement.appendChild(doc.importNode(menuItemElement, true)); menuItemElement = parentElement; tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("parent"); } } } else { buildMenuItemsXML(user, resultSet, doc, rootElement, levels, tagItem, complete, includePageConfig, includeHidden, includeTypeSpecificXML, tagItems); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 30, "SQL error.", sqle); } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return doc; } protected ArrayList<Integer> getMenuItemKeys(int menuKey, int parent) { ArrayList<Integer> keys = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet result = null; try { con = getConnection(); if (parent == -1) { preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_SELECT_KEYS_BY_MENU_KEY_WO_PARENT); preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuKey); } else { preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_SELECT_KEYS_BY_MENU_KEY_AND_PARENT); preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuKey); preparedStmt.setInt(2, parent); } result = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); while ( { int key = result.getInt("mei_lKey"); keys.add(key); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { System.err.println("[MenuHandler_DB2Impl:Error] sql exception."); } finally { close(result); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return keys; } public int getParentMenuItemKey(int menuItemKey) { CommonHandler commonHandler = getCommonHandler(); StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent, false, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey); return commonHandler.getInt(sql.toString(), menuItemKey); } public String getMenuItemName(int menuItemKey) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_sName, false, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey); return getCommonHandler().getString(sql.toString(), menuItemKey); } private Hashtable<String, Integer> getMenuItemTypesAsHashtable() { if (menuItemTypes == null) { menuItemTypes = new Hashtable<String, Integer>(); for (MenuItemType menuItemType : MenuItemType.values()) { menuItemTypes.put(menuItemType.getName(), menuItemType.getKey()); } } return menuItemTypes; } public void removeMenu(User user, int key) throws com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalRemoveException, VerticalSecurityException { // remove the darn thing Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; try { con = getConnection(); // remove sections int[] sectionKeys = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeysByMenu(key); for (int sectionKey : sectionKeys) { getSectionHandler().removeSection(sectionKey, true); } getCommonHandler().cascadeDelete(db.tMenu, key); // remove accessrights: preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM tDefaultMenuAR WHERE dma_men_lkey = ?"); preparedStmt.setInt(1, key); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); preparedStmt.close(); // remove the menu (prepare delete): preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_PREPARE_DELETE); preparedStmt.setInt(1, key); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); preparedStmt.close(); int[] pageKeys = getPageHandler().getPageKeysByMenu(con, key); // remove the menuitems: ArrayList<Integer> menuItemKeys = getMenuItemKeys(key, -1); if (menuItemKeys != null && menuItemKeys.size() > 0) { for (Integer menuItemKey : menuItemKeys) { removeMenuItem(user, menuItemKey); } } getPageHandler().removePages(con, pageKeys); getPageTemplateHandler().removePageTemplatesByMenu(key); getContentObjectHandler().removeContentObjectsByMenu(con, key); // remove the menu: preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_DELETE_WITH_KEY); preparedStmt.setInt(1, key); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "SQL error: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorRemove(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle); } catch (VerticalRemoveException vre) { String message = "Failed to remove menu: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorRemove(this.getClass(), 0, message, vre); } finally { close(preparedStmt); close(con); } } private MenuItemType getMenuItemType(int menuItemKey) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_mid_lkey, false, (Column[]) null); XDG.appendWhereSQL(sql, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey, XDG.OPERATOR_EQUAL, menuItemKey); int menuItemTypeKey = getCommonHandler().getInt(sql.toString(), (Object[]) null); return MenuItemType.get(menuItemTypeKey); } public void removeMenuItem(User user, int menuItemKey) throws VerticalRemoveException, VerticalSecurityException { MenuItemEntity menuItemToRemove = menuItemDao.findByKey(menuItemKey); List<MenuItemEntity> shortcuttingMenuItems = getShortcuttingMenuItems(menuItemToRemove); if (!shortcuttingMenuItems.isEmpty()) { throw new VerticalRemoveException("Could not remove menuItem since its referred to by shortcut"); } if (isFrontPage(menuItemToRemove)) { throw new VerticalRemoveException("This menu item can not be removed, it is the site front page."); } if (isLoginPage(menuItemToRemove)) { throw new VerticalRemoveException("This menu item can not be removed, it is the site login page."); } if (isErrorPage(menuItemToRemove)) { throw new VerticalRemoveException("This menu item can not be removed, it is the site error page."); } MenuItemType type = getMenuItemType(menuItemKey); // security check: SecurityHandler securityHandler = getSecurityHandler(); if (!securityHandler.validateMenuItemRemove(user, menuItemKey)) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 10, "Not allowed to remove menuitem: %0", new Object[] { menuItemKey }, null); } getCommonHandler().cascadeDelete(db.tMenuItem, menuItemKey); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { con = getConnection(); // get menu item name and menu key (used by event handling) String name = getMenuItemName(menuItemKey); int menuKey = getMenuKeyByMenuItem(menuItemKey); // recursivly remove children preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_SELECT_CHILDREN); preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuItemKey); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); List<Integer> menuItemsChildList = new LinkedList<Integer>(); while ( { menuItemsChildList.add(resultSet.getInt(1)); } resultSet.close(); resultSet = null; preparedStmt.close(); preparedStmt = null; for (Integer childKey : menuItemsChildList) { //String childType = (String) menuItemsMap.get(childKey); removeMenuItem(user, childKey); } securityHandler.removeAccessRights(con, menuItemKey, AccessRight.MENUITEM); if (type == MenuItemType.PAGE) { removePageFromMenuItem(con, menuItemKey); } else if (type == MenuItemType.CONTENT) { removePageFromMenuItem(con, menuItemKey); } // remove any sections MenuItemKey sectionKey = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeyByMenuItem(new MenuItemKey(menuItemKey)); if (sectionKey != null) { getSectionHandler().removeSection(sectionKey.toInt()); } preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_DELETE_WITH_KEY); preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuItemKey); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); if (multicaster.hasListeners()) { MenuHandlerEvent e = new MenuHandlerEvent(user, menuKey, menuItemKey, name, this); multicaster.removedMenuItem(e); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String MESSAGE_00 = "A database error occurred while removing menuitem: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorRemove(this.getClass(), 20, MESSAGE_00, sqle); } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } } private boolean isErrorPage(MenuItemEntity menuItem) { SiteEntity site = menuItem.getSite(); return menuItem.equals(site.getErrorPage()); } private boolean isLoginPage(MenuItemEntity menuItem) { SiteEntity site = menuItem.getSite(); return menuItem.equals(site.getLoginPage()); } private boolean isFrontPage(MenuItemEntity menuItem) { SiteEntity site = menuItem.getSite(); return menuItem.equals(site.getFrontPage()); } private List<MenuItemEntity> getShortcuttingMenuItems(MenuItemEntity menuItem) { MenuItemSpecification shortcutsToMenuItemsSpec = new MenuItemSpecification(); shortcutsToMenuItemsSpec.setMenuItemShortcut(menuItem); return menuItemDao.findBySpecification(shortcutsToMenuItemsSpec); } protected void removePageFromMenuItem(Connection con, int key) throws SQLException, VerticalRemoveException { PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; int pagKey = -1; try { // Get the page key: preparedStmt = con .prepareStatement("SELECT mei_pag_lKey FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?"); preparedStmt.setInt(1, key); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); if ( { pagKey = resultSet.getInt(1); } } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); } try { // Remove the coupling between the menuitem and the page: preparedStmt = con .prepareStatement("UPDATE " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " SET mei_pag_lKey = ? WHERE mei_lKey = ?"); preparedStmt.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER); preparedStmt.setInt(2, key); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(preparedStmt); } // Remove the page from the page table: if (pagKey != -1) { getPageHandler().removePage(pagKey); } } protected void setURLToNull(Connection con, MenuItemKey mikey) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; try { preparedStmt = con .prepareStatement("UPDATE " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " SET mei_sURL = ? WHERE mei_lKey = ?"); preparedStmt.setNull(1, Types.VARCHAR); preparedStmt.setInt(2, mikey.toInt()); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); preparedStmt.close(); } finally { close(preparedStmt); } } private void updateMenu(User user, CopyContext copyContext, Document doc, boolean useOldKeys) throws VerticalUpdateException, VerticalSecurityException { Element root_elem = doc.getDocumentElement(); // get menu key: String tmp = root_elem.getAttribute("key"); SiteKey menuKey = new SiteKey(tmp); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; try { con = getConnection(); // Update the main menu table: preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_UPDATE); // firstpage: Element tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "firstpage"); tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { preparedStmt.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(tmp)); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER); } // loginpage: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "loginpage"); tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { preparedStmt.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(tmp)); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER); } // errorpage: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "errorpage"); tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { preparedStmt.setInt(3, Integer.parseInt(tmp)); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER); } // default pagetemplate: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "defaultpagetemplate"); if (tmpElement != null) { tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("pagetemplatekey"); preparedStmt.setInt(4, Integer.parseInt(tmp)); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(4, Types.INTEGER); } SiteData siteData = new SiteData(); // DeviceClassResolver: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "deviceclassresolver"); if (tmpElement != null) { String deviceClassResolverUrl = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(deviceClassResolverUrl)) { siteData.setDeviceClassResolver(new ResourceKey(deviceClassResolverUrl)); } } // default localization resource: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "defaultlocalizationresource"); if (tmpElement != null) { String defaultLocalizationResource = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(defaultLocalizationResource)) { siteData.setDefaultLocalizationResource(new ResourceKey(defaultLocalizationResource)); } } // locale resolver: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "localeresolver"); if (tmpElement != null) { String localeResolver = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(localeResolver)) { siteData.setLocaleResolver(new ResourceKey(localeResolver)); } } // Path to public home: String pathToPublicHome = root_elem.getAttribute("pathtopublichome"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToPublicHome)) { siteData.setPathToPublicResources(new ResourceKey(pathToPublicHome)); } // Path to home: String pathToHome = root_elem.getAttribute("pathtohome"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToHome)) { siteData.setPathToResources(new ResourceKey(pathToHome)); } tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "menudata"); if (tmpElement != null) { parseAndAddMenudataToSiteData(tmpElement, siteData); } final byte[] xmldata = siteData.getAsBytes(); preparedStmt.setBinaryStream(5, new ByteArrayInputStream(xmldata), xmldata.length); // language key: preparedStmt.setInt(6, Integer.parseInt(root_elem.getAttribute("languagekey"))); Element detailsElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "details"); // Statistics URL: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(detailsElement, "statistics"); if (tmpElement != null) { String name = XMLTool.getElementText(tmpElement); if (name != null) { preparedStmt.setString(7, name); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(7, Types.VARCHAR); } } else { preparedStmt.setNull(7, Types.VARCHAR); } // Run As User: String runAsUserKey = root_elem.getAttribute("runas"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(runAsUserKey)) { preparedStmt.setString(8, runAsUserKey); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(8, Types.VARCHAR); } // menu key: preparedStmt.setInt(9, menuKey.toInt()); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); preparedStmt.close(); preparedStmt = null; // Update the individual menuitems (recursivly): try { Element[] elems = XMLTool.getElements(XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "menuitems")); for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { String curDeleted = elems[i].getAttribute("deleted"); if (!"deleted".equals(curDeleted)) { String curKey = elems[i].getAttribute("key"); if (curKey == null || curKey.length() == 0 || !useOldKeys) { createMenuItem(user, copyContext, elems[i], menuKey, i, null, useOldKeys); } else { updateMenuItem(user, elems[i], menuKey, i, null, true); } } } } catch (VerticalCreateException vce) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 2, "Failed to create new menuitem: %t", vce); } // get all deleted menuitems: String xpath = "//menuitem[@deleted = 'deleted']"; try { // Search for the xpath: NodeList list = XMLTool.selectNodes(doc.getDocumentElement(), xpath); // Loop through the results. for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { Element n = (Element) list.item(i); tmp = n.getAttribute("key"); removeMenuItem(user, Integer.parseInt(tmp)); } } catch (VerticalRemoveException vre) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 3, "Failed to remove menuitem: %t", vre); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 5, "A database error occurred: %t", sqle); } finally { close(preparedStmt); close(con); } } private void parseAndAddMenudataToSiteData(Element menuDataElement, SiteData siteData) { Element pageTypesEl = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, "pagetypes"); Element[] allowElements = XMLTool.getElements(pageTypesEl, "allow"); for (Element allowEl : allowElements) { final String pageType = allowEl.getAttribute("type"); siteData.addPageType(pageType); } Element defaultCss = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, SiteData.DEFAULT_CSS_ELEMENT_NAME); if (defaultCss != null) { String defaultCssKey = defaultCss.getAttribute("key"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(defaultCssKey)) { siteData.setDefaultCssKey(new ResourceKey(defaultCssKey)); } } // DeviceClassResolver: Element tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, SiteData.DEVICE_CLASS_RESOLVER_ELEMENT_NAME); if (tmpElement != null) { String deviceClassResolverUrl = tmpElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getTextContent(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(deviceClassResolverUrl)) { siteData.setDeviceClassResolver(new ResourceKey(deviceClassResolverUrl)); } } // Default localization resource: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, SiteData.DEFAULT_LOCALIZATION_RESOURCE_ELMENT_NAME); if (tmpElement != null) { String defaultLocalizationResource = tmpElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getTextContent(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(defaultLocalizationResource)) { siteData.setDefaultLocalizationResource(new ResourceKey(defaultLocalizationResource)); } } // locale resolver tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, SiteData.LOCALE_RESOLVER_ELEMENT_NAME); if (tmpElement != null) { String localeResolver = tmpElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getTextContent(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(localeResolver)) { siteData.setLocaleResolver(new ResourceKey(localeResolver)); } } // Path to public home: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, SiteData.PATH_TO_PUBLIC_HOME_RESOURCES_ELEMENT_NAME); if (tmpElement != null) { String pathToPublicHome = tmpElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getTextContent(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToPublicHome)) { siteData.setPathToPublicResources(new ResourceKey(pathToPublicHome)); } } // Path to home: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, SiteData.PATH_TO_HOME_RESOURCES_ELEMENT_NAME); if (tmpElement != null) { String pathToHome = tmpElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getTextContent(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToHome)) { siteData.setPathToResources(new ResourceKey(pathToHome)); } } } private UserKey getUserKeyFromGroupKey(String groupKey) { UserSpecification userSpec = new UserSpecification(); userSpec.setDeletedState(UserSpecification.DeletedState.ANY); userSpec.setUserGroupKey(new GroupKey(groupKey)); UserEntity userEntity = userDao.findSingleBySpecification(userSpec); if (userEntity == null) { return null; } return userEntity.getKey(); } public void updateMenuData(Document doc) throws VerticalUpdateException, VerticalSecurityException { Element root_elem = doc.getDocumentElement(); // get menu key: String tmp = root_elem.getAttribute("key"); int menuKey = Integer.parseInt(tmp); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; try { con = getConnection(); // Update the main menu table: preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENUDATA_UPDATE); // name: Element tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "name"); String name = null; if (tmpElement != null) { name = XMLTool.getElementText(tmpElement); } if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { StringReader sreader = new StringReader(name); preparedStmt.setCharacterStream(1, sreader, name.length()); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(1, Types.VARCHAR); } // language: preparedStmt.setInt(3, Integer.parseInt(root_elem.getAttribute("languagekey"))); Element detailsElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "details"); // Statistics URL: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(detailsElement, "statistics"); if (tmpElement != null) { String statisticsURL = XMLTool.getElementText(tmpElement); if (statisticsURL != null) { preparedStmt.setString(4, statisticsURL); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(4, Types.VARCHAR); } } else { preparedStmt.setNull(4, Types.VARCHAR); } SiteData siteData = new SiteData(); // DeviceClassResolver: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "deviceclassresolver"); if (tmpElement != null) { String deviceClassResolverUrl = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (deviceClassResolverUrl != null) { siteData.setDeviceClassResolver(new ResourceKey(deviceClassResolverUrl)); } } // Localization default resource: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "defaultlocalizationresource"); if (tmpElement != null) { String defaultLocalizationResourceUrl = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (defaultLocalizationResourceUrl != null) { siteData.setDefaultLocalizationResource(new ResourceKey(defaultLocalizationResourceUrl)); } } // Locale resolver tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "localeresolver"); if (tmpElement != null) { String localeResolver = tmpElement.getAttribute("key"); if (localeResolver != null) { siteData.setLocaleResolver(new ResourceKey(localeResolver)); } } // Path to public home: String pathToPublicHome = root_elem.getAttribute("pathtopublichome"); if (pathToPublicHome != null && pathToPublicHome.length() > 0) { siteData.setPathToPublicResources(new ResourceKey(pathToPublicHome)); } // Path to home: String pathToHome = root_elem.getAttribute("pathtohome"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToHome)) { siteData.setPathToResources(new ResourceKey(pathToHome)); } // menu data: tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "menudata"); if (tmpElement != null) { parseAndAddMenudataToSiteData(tmpElement, siteData); } final byte[] xmldata = siteData.getAsBytes(); preparedStmt.setBinaryStream(2, new ByteArrayInputStream(xmldata), xmldata.length); // Run As User: String runAsUserGroupKey = root_elem.getAttribute("runas"); if (runAsUserGroupKey != null && runAsUserGroupKey.length() > 0) { UserKey userKey = getUserKeyFromGroupKey(runAsUserGroupKey); preparedStmt.setString(5, userKey != null ? userKey.toString() : null); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(5, Types.VARCHAR); } // menu key: preparedStmt.setInt(6, menuKey); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); preparedStmt.close(); preparedStmt = null; } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "SQL error: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle); } finally { close(preparedStmt); close(con); } } public void updateMenuItem(User user, String xmlData) throws VerticalUpdateException, VerticalSecurityException { Document doc = XMLTool.domparse(xmlData); Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); Element menuItemElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "menuitem"); SiteKey siteKey = null; String tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("menukey"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { siteKey = new SiteKey(tmp); } int order = 0; tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("order"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { order = Integer.parseInt(tmp); } MenuItemKey parent = null; tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("parent"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { parent = new MenuItemKey(tmp); } try { updateMenuItem(user, menuItemElement, siteKey, order, parent, false); } catch (VerticalCreateException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 10, "Wrapped exception: %t", e); } } private void updateMenuItem(User user, Element menuitem_elem, SiteKey siteKey, int order, MenuItemKey parent, boolean skipNameCheck) throws VerticalUpdateException, VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException { MenuItemKey key = new MenuItemKey(menuitem_elem.getAttribute("key")); Element menuItemNameElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuitem_elem, ELEMENT_NAME_MENUITEM_NAME); String menuItemName = XMLTool.getElementText(menuItemNameElement); // If no menuItemName given, it should be generated. This is already done in the MenuHandlerServlet, but enshure this for other ways in aswell if (StringUtils.isEmpty(menuItemName)) { menuItemName = generateMenuItemName(menuitem_elem); menuItemNameElement.setTextContent(menuItemName); } String uniqueMenuItemName = ensureUniqueMenuItemName(siteKey, parent, menuItemName, key); if (!uniqueMenuItemName.equals(menuItemName)) { menuItemName = uniqueMenuItemName; menuItemNameElement.setTextContent(menuItemName); } if (!skipNameCheck && menuItemNameExists(siteKey, parent, menuItemName, key)) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 20, "Menu item name already exists on this level: %0", new Object[] { menuItemName }, null); } Connection con = null; try { con = getConnection(); // menu item types: Hashtable<String, Integer> itemTypes = getMenuItemTypesAsHashtable(); // security check: if (!getSecurityHandler().validateMenuItemUpdate(user, key.toInt())) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 10, "Not allowed to update menuitem: %0.", new Object[] { key }, null); } // get type: String str_type = menuitem_elem.getAttribute("type"); int type = itemTypes.get(str_type); // has it changed type? boolean typeChanged = false; String str_typeChanged = menuitem_elem.getAttribute("typechanged"); if (str_typeChanged != null && str_typeChanged.length() != 0) { typeChanged = true; // the type has changed. delete it and re-create it with the same key. int old_type = itemTypes.get(str_typeChanged); try { switch (old_type) { case 1: // page removePageFromMenuItem(con, key.toInt()); break; case 2: // URL setURLToNull(con, key); break; case 4: // page removePageFromMenuItem(con, key.toInt()); break; case 7: // page if (type != 7) { removeShortcut(key.toInt()); } break; } } catch (VerticalRemoveException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 30, "Error removing page: %t", e); } setMenuItemType(key.toInt(), type); } // create the new menu item type or update existing: boolean modified = "modified".equals(menuitem_elem.getAttribute("modified")); if (modified) { PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; boolean hasSection = false; try { switch (type) { case 1: Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitem_elem, "page"); String str_pageKey = pageElem.getAttribute("key"); if (str_pageKey != null && str_pageKey.length() > 0 && !typeChanged) { updatePage(con, menuitem_elem, type, key); } else { createPage(con, menuitem_elem, type, key); } break; case 2: // create a new URL-thingie createOrUpdateURL(con, menuitem_elem, key); break; case 4: // document // does it have a section? Element sectionElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitem_elem, "section"); if (sectionElem != null) { hasSection = true; MenuItemKey sectionKey = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeyByMenuItem(key); if (sectionKey != null) { updateSection(menuitem_elem, sectionKey.toInt()); } else { createSection(menuitem_elem, key); } } // page pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitem_elem, "page"); str_pageKey = pageElem.getAttribute("key"); if (str_pageKey != null && str_pageKey.length() > 0 && !typeChanged) { updatePage(con, menuitem_elem, type, key); } else { createPage(con, menuitem_elem, type, key); } break; case 5: // Label: break; case 6: // section hasSection = true; MenuItemKey sectionKey = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeyByMenuItem(key); if (sectionKey != null) { updateSection(menuitem_elem, sectionKey.toInt()); } else { createSection(menuitem_elem, key); } break; case 7: // Shortcut: createOrOverrideShortcut(menuitem_elem, key); break; } } finally { close(preparedStmt); } // remove section if necessary MenuItemKey sectionKey = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeyByMenuItem(key); if (sectionKey != null && !hasSection) { try { getSectionHandler().removeSection(sectionKey.toInt()); } catch (VerticalRemoveException vre) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 50, "Failed to remove section: %t", vre); } } updateMenuItemData(user, menuitem_elem, type, parent, order); } else { updateMenuItemData(user, menuitem_elem, type, parent, order); } // set contentkey if present String contentKeyStr = menuitem_elem.getAttribute("contentkey"); if (contentKeyStr.length() == 0) { contentKeyStr = "-1"; } setMenuItemContentKey(key, Integer.parseInt(contentKeyStr)); Element menuitems = XMLTool.getElement(menuitem_elem, "menuitems"); if (menuitems != null) { Node[] items = XMLTool.filterNodes(menuitems.getChildNodes(), Node.ELEMENT_NODE); for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { Element curElement = (Element) items[i]; String deleted = curElement.getAttribute("deleted"); if (!"deleted".equals(deleted)) { String curKey = curElement.getAttribute("key"); if (curKey == null || curKey.length() == 0) { createMenuItem(user, null, curElement, siteKey, i, key, false); } else { updateMenuItem(user, curElement, siteKey, i, key, true); } } } } } catch (SQLException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 50, "A database error occurred: %t", e); } finally { close(con); } } public void setMenuItemContentKey(MenuItemKey menuItemKey, int contentKey) { // first delete the contentkey for this menu item StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateRemoveSQL(db.tMenuItemContent, db.tMenuItemContent.mic_mei_lKey); getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), menuItemKey.toInt()); // now insert the new value if (contentKey != -1) { sql = XDG.generateInsertSQL(db.tMenuItemContent); getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new int[] { menuItemKey.toInt(), contentKey }); } } public int getMenuItemContentKey(int menuItemKey) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItemContent, db.tMenuItemContent.mic_con_lKey, false, db.tMenuItemContent.mic_mei_lKey); return getCommonHandler().getInt(sql.toString(), menuItemKey); } private void updateMenuItemData(User user, Element menuItemElem, int type, MenuItemKey parent, int order) throws VerticalUpdateException { String tmp; boolean modified = "modified".equals(menuItemElem.getAttribute("modified")); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; try { con = getConnection(); // update the main table: int psCounter = 1; if (modified) { preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_UPDATE); } else { preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_UPDATE_NO_DATA); } //} // name Element tmp_elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, ELEMENT_NAME_MENUITEM_NAME); String name = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_elem); validateMenuItemName(name); StringReader sreader = new StringReader(name); preparedStmt.setCharacterStream(psCounter++, sreader, name.length()); if (parent != null) { preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter++, parent.toInt()); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(psCounter++, Types.INTEGER); } // order preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter++, order); Element dataElem; if (modified) { dataElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "data"); // parameters tmp_elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "parameters"); if (tmp_elem != null) { dataElem.appendChild(tmp_elem); } } else { dataElem = null; } // alternative name: tmp_elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, ELEMENT_NAME_MENU_NAME); if (tmp_elem != null) { tmp = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_elem); preparedStmt.setString(psCounter++, tmp); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(psCounter++, Types.VARCHAR); } // visibility: tmp = menuItemElem.getAttribute("visible"); if ("no".equals(tmp)) { preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter++, 1); } else { preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter++, 0); } // description: tmp_elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "description"); String data = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_elem); if (data == null) { data = ""; } StringReader reader = new StringReader(data); preparedStmt.setCharacterStream(psCounter++, reader, data.length()); // keywords tmp_elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "keywords"); String keywords = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_elem); if (keywords == null || keywords.length() == 0) { preparedStmt.setNull(psCounter++, Types.VARCHAR); } else { StringReader keywordReader = new StringReader(keywords); preparedStmt.setCharacterStream(psCounter++, keywordReader, keywords.length()); } // language String lanKey = menuItemElem.getAttribute("languagekey"); if ((lanKey != null) && (lanKey.length() > 0)) { preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter++, Integer.parseInt(lanKey)); } else { preparedStmt.setNull(psCounter++, Types.INTEGER); } // get menuitem key: tmp = menuItemElem.getAttribute("key"); int key = Integer.parseInt(tmp); // owner String ownerKey = menuItemElem.getAttribute("owner"); // modifier String modifierKey = menuItemElem.getAttribute("modifier"); if (modified && type == 4) { //byte[] document = null; Element docElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "document"); dataElem.appendChild(docElem); } preparedStmt.setString(psCounter++, ownerKey); preparedStmt.setString(psCounter++, modifierKey); RunAsType runAs = RunAsType.INHERIT; String runAsStr = menuItemElem.getAttribute("runAs"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(runAsStr)) { runAs = RunAsType.valueOf(runAsStr); } preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter++, runAs.getKey()); // displayname: tmp_elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, ELEMENT_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME); if (tmp_elem == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Displayname must be set"); } else { tmp = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_elem); preparedStmt.setString(psCounter++, tmp); } // data if (modified) { Document dataDoc = XMLTool.createDocument(); dataDoc.appendChild(dataDoc.importNode(dataElem, true)); byte[] bytes = XMLTool.documentToBytes(dataDoc, "UTF-8"); preparedStmt.setBinaryStream(psCounter++, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), bytes.length); } preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter, key); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); if (multicaster.hasListeners()) { int menuKey = getMenuKeyByMenuItem(key); MenuHandlerEvent e = new MenuHandlerEvent(user, menuKey, key, name, this); multicaster.updatedMenuItem(e); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 20, "SQL error while updating menuitem data.", sqle); } finally { close(preparedStmt); close(con); } } private void validateMenuItemName(String name) { if (name == null || name.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name must be set: '" + name + "'"); } if (name.endsWith(" ")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot end with a space: '" + name + "'"); } if (name.startsWith(" ")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot start with a space: '" + name + "'"); } if (name.indexOf(" ") >= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot contain double spaces: '" + name + "'"); } } public void moveMenuItem(User user, Element[] menuItemElems, int menuItemKey, int fromMenuKey, int fromParentKey, int toMenuKey, int toParentKey) { try { // Sjekk om brukeren har rettighet til flytte.. // Brukeren m ha administrate rettighet dit han skal flytte til boolean isEA = user.isEnterpriseAdmin(); if (fromParentKey == -1) { MenuAccessRight fromParentUserright = getSecurityHandler().getMenuAccessRight(user, fromMenuKey); if (!fromParentUserright.getAdministrate() && !isEA) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0, "Not allowed to move menuitem[key=%0] from parent[key=%1] to parent[key=%2]. You need administrate rights on the parent to the menuitem you are moving.", new Object[] { menuItemKey, fromParentKey, toParentKey }, null); } } else { MenuItemAccessRight fromParentUserright = getSecurityHandler().getMenuItemAccessRight(user, new MenuItemKey(fromParentKey)); if (!fromParentUserright.getAdministrate() && !isEA) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0, "Not allowed to move menuitem[key=%0] from parent[key=%1] to parent[key=%2]. You need administrate rights on the parent to the menuitem you are moving.", new Object[] { menuItemKey, fromParentKey, toParentKey }, null); } } if (toParentKey == -1) { MenuAccessRight toParentUserright = getSecurityHandler().getMenuAccessRight(user, toMenuKey); if (!toParentUserright.getAdministrate() && !isEA) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0, "Not allowed to move menuitem[key=%0] from parent[key=%1] to parent[key=%2]. You need administrative rights on the menuitems you are moving into.", new Object[] { menuItemKey, fromParentKey, toParentKey }, null); } } else { MenuItemAccessRight toParentUserright = getSecurityHandler().getMenuItemAccessRight(user, new MenuItemKey(toParentKey)); if (!toParentUserright.getAdministrate() && !isEA) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0, "Not allowed to move menuitem[key=%0] from parent[key=%1] to parent[key=%2]. You need administrative rights on the menuitems you are moving into.", new Object[] { menuItemKey, fromParentKey, toParentKey }, null); } } // check whether name is unique for this parent String name = getMenuItemName(menuItemKey); if (menuItemNameExists(new SiteKey(toMenuKey), toParentKey == -1 ? null : new MenuItemKey(toParentKey), name, null)) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 20, "Menu item name already exists on this level: %0", new Object[] { name }, null); } setMenuItemParent(menuItemKey, toParentKey); shiftMenuItems(user, menuItemElems, toMenuKey, toParentKey); } catch (VerticalSecurityException e) { String message = "Failed to move menuitem: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, message, e); } } public void shiftMenuItems(User user, Element[] menuItemElems, int menuKey, int parentMenuItemKey) { try { // Sjekk om brukeren har rettighet til flytte.. // Brukeren m ha administrate rettighet dit han skal flytte til boolean hasEAPowers = memberOfResolver.hasEnterpriseAdminPowers(user.getKey()); if (parentMenuItemKey == -1) { MenuAccessRight fromParentUserright = getSecurityHandler().getMenuAccessRight(user, menuKey); if (!fromParentUserright.getAdministrate() && !(hasEAPowers)) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0, "Not allowed to shift menuitems at root in menu[key=%1]. You need administrate rights on the parent to the menuitem you are moving.", new Object[] { menuKey }, null); } } else { MenuItemAccessRight fromParentUserright = getSecurityHandler().getMenuItemAccessRight(user, new MenuItemKey(parentMenuItemKey)); if (!fromParentUserright.getAdministrate() && !(hasEAPowers)) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0, "Not allowed to shift menuitems under parent[key=%0]. You need administrate rights on the parent to the menuitem you are moving.", new Object[] { parentMenuItemKey }, null); } } for (int i = 0; i < menuItemElems.length; i++) { int menuItemKey = Integer.parseInt(menuItemElems[i].getAttribute("key")); setMenuItemOrder(menuItemKey, i); } } catch (VerticalSecurityException e) { String message = "Failed to shift menuitems: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, message, e); } } public void updatePage(Connection con, Element elem, int type, MenuItemKey key) throws VerticalUpdateException { Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(elem, "page"); int pKey = -1; Document pageDoc = XMLTool.createDocument(); pageDoc.appendChild(pageDoc.importNode(pageElem, true)); String tmp = pageElem.getAttribute("key"); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { pKey = Integer.parseInt(tmp); try { getPageHandler().updatePage(XMLTool.documentToString(pageDoc)); } catch (VerticalUpdateException vue) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 10, "A database error occurred: %t", vue); } } else { String MESSAGE_10 = "No page key found in XML."; VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 20, MESSAGE_10, null); } PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; try { preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_PAGE_UPDATE_KEY); preparedStmt.setInt(1, pKey); preparedStmt.setInt(2, type); preparedStmt.setInt(3, key.toInt()); preparedStmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 30, "A database error occurred: %t", e); } finally { close(preparedStmt); } } private void copyMenu(CopyContext copyContext, Element menuElem) throws VerticalCopyException, VerticalCreateException, VerticalUpdateException, VerticalSecurityException { if (menuElem != null) { User user = copyContext.getUser(); int oldMenuKey = Integer.parseInt(menuElem.getAttribute("key")); //if (copyContext.getOldSiteKey() != copyContext.getNewSiteKey()) // menuElem.setAttribute("sitekey", String.valueOf(copyContext.getNewSiteKey())); //else { Element nameElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuElem, "name"); Text text = (Text) nameElem.getFirstChild(); Map translationMap = languageMap.getTranslationMap(user.getSelectedLanguageCode()); text.setData(text.getData() + " (" + translationMap.get("%txtCopy%") + ")"); //} Element elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuElem, "firstpage"); String oldFirstPageKey = elem.getAttribute("key"); elem.removeAttribute("key"); elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuElem, "loginpage"); String oldLoginPageKey = elem.getAttribute("key"); elem.removeAttribute("key"); elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuElem, "errorpage"); String oldErrorPageKey = elem.getAttribute("key"); elem.removeAttribute("key"); String oldDefaultPageTemplateKey = null; elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuElem, "defaultpagetemplate"); if (elem != null) { oldDefaultPageTemplateKey = elem.getAttribute("pagetemplatekey"); elem.removeAttribute("pagetemplatekey"); } Document newDoc = XMLTool.createDocument(); Element newMenuElem = (Element) newDoc.importNode(menuElem, true); newDoc.appendChild(newMenuElem); Element menuitemsElem = XMLTool.getElement(newMenuElem, "menuitems"); newMenuElem.removeChild(menuitemsElem); SiteKey menuKey = createMenu(user, copyContext, newDoc, false); // copy content objects and page templates ContentObjectHandler contentObjectHandler = getContentObjectHandler(); contentObjectHandler.copyContentObjects(oldMenuKey, copyContext); PageTemplateHandler pageTemplateHandler = getPageTemplateHandler(); pageTemplateHandler.copyPageTemplates(oldMenuKey, copyContext); Document doc = getMenu(user, menuKey.toInt(), true, true); Element docElem = doc.getDocumentElement(); newMenuElem = (Element) docElem.getFirstChild(); doc.replaceChild(newMenuElem, docElem); Element newMenuitemsElem = (Element) doc.importNode(menuitemsElem, true); menuitemsElem = XMLTool.getElement(newMenuElem, "menuitems"); newMenuElem.replaceChild(newMenuitemsElem, menuitemsElem); // prepare copy of menu items prepareCopy(newMenuitemsElem, copyContext); updateMenu(user, copyContext, doc, false); if (oldFirstPageKey != null && oldFirstPageKey.length() > 0) { elem = XMLTool.createElementIfNotPresent(doc, newMenuElem, "firstpage"); elem.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(copyContext.getMenuItemKey(Integer.parseInt(oldFirstPageKey)))); } if (oldLoginPageKey != null && oldLoginPageKey.length() > 0) { elem = XMLTool.createElementIfNotPresent(doc, newMenuElem, "loginpage"); elem.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(copyContext.getMenuItemKey(Integer.parseInt(oldLoginPageKey)))); } if (oldErrorPageKey != null && oldErrorPageKey.length() > 0) { elem = XMLTool.createElementIfNotPresent(doc, newMenuElem, "errorpage"); elem.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(copyContext.getMenuItemKey(Integer.parseInt(oldErrorPageKey)))); } if (oldDefaultPageTemplateKey != null && oldDefaultPageTemplateKey.length() > 0) { elem = XMLTool.createElement(doc, newMenuElem, "defaultpagetemplate"); elem.setAttribute("pagetemplatekey", String .valueOf(copyContext.getPageTemplateKey(Integer.parseInt(oldDefaultPageTemplateKey)))); } if (copyContext.isIncludeContents()) { menuitemsElem = XMLTool.getElement(newMenuElem, "menuitems"); prepareUpdate(menuitemsElem); } // update default css Element menudataElem = XMLTool.getElement(newMenuElem, "menudata"); Element defaultcssElem = XMLTool.getElement(menudataElem, "defaultcss"); if (defaultcssElem != null) { String cssKey = defaultcssElem.getAttribute("key"); if (cssKey != null && cssKey.length() > 0) { defaultcssElem.setAttribute("key", cssKey); } } updateMenu(user, copyContext, doc, true); // post-process content objects and page templates contentObjectHandler.copyContentObjectsPostOp(oldMenuKey, copyContext); pageTemplateHandler.copyPageTemplatesPostOp(oldMenuKey, copyContext); } } public void copyMenu(User user, int menuKey, boolean includeContents) throws VerticalCopyException { try { Document doc = getMenu(user, menuKey, true, true); Element menuElem = XMLTool.getFirstElement(doc.getDocumentElement()); if (menuElem != null) { //int siteKey = Integer.parseInt(menuElem.getAttribute("sitekey")); CopyContext copyContext = new CopyContext(); copyContext.setUser(user); //copyContext.setOldSiteKey(siteKey); //copyContext.setNewSiteKey(siteKey); copyContext.setIncludeContents(includeContents); copyMenu(copyContext, menuElem); } } catch (VerticalEngineException vee) { String MESSAGE_00 = "Failed to copy pages: %0"; Object[] msgData = new Object[] { vee.getMessage() }; VerticalEngineLogger.errorCopy(this.getClass(), 10, MESSAGE_00, msgData, vee); } } private void prepareCopy(Element menuitemsElem, CopyContext copyContext) { //int newSiteKey = copyContext.getNewSiteKey(); boolean includeContents = copyContext.isIncludeContents(); Element[] menuitemElems = XMLTool.getElements(menuitemsElem); for (Element menuitemElem : menuitemElems) { String type = menuitemElem.getAttribute("type"); // content is document if ("content".equals(type)) { Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "page"); pageElem.removeAttribute("key"); //pageElem.setAttribute("sitekey", Integer.toString(newSiteKey)); String oldPageTemplateKey = pageElem.getAttribute("pagetemplatekey"); pageElem.setAttribute("pagetemplatekey", String.valueOf(copyContext.getPageTemplateKey(Integer.parseInt(oldPageTemplateKey)))); Element contentobjectsElem = XMLTool.getElement(pageElem, "contentobjects"); Element[] contentobjectElems = XMLTool.getElements(contentobjectsElem); for (Element contentobjectElem : contentobjectElems) { String oldContentObjectKey = contentobjectElem.getAttribute("conobjkey"); contentobjectElem.setAttribute("conobjkey", String.valueOf(copyContext.getContentObjectKey(Integer.parseInt(oldContentObjectKey)))); } Element documentElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "document"); if (!includeContents) { XMLTool.removeChildNodes(documentElem, false); XMLTool.createCDATASection(documentElem.getOwnerDocument(), documentElem, "Scratch document"); } } else if ("page".equals(type)) { Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "page"); pageElem.removeAttribute("key"); //pageElem.setAttribute("sitekey", Integer.toString(newSiteKey)); String oldPageTemplateKey = pageElem.getAttribute("pagetemplatekey"); pageElem.setAttribute("pagetemplatekey", String.valueOf(copyContext.getPageTemplateKey(Integer.parseInt(oldPageTemplateKey)))); Element contentobjectsElem = XMLTool.getElement(pageElem, "contentobjects"); Element[] contentobjectElems = XMLTool.getElements(contentobjectsElem); for (Element contentobjectElem : contentobjectElems) { String oldContentObjectKey = contentobjectElem.getAttribute("conobjkey"); contentobjectElem.setAttribute("conobjkey", String.valueOf(copyContext.getContentObjectKey(Integer.parseInt(oldContentObjectKey)))); } } Element elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "menuitems"); prepareCopy(elem, copyContext); } } private void prepareUpdate(Element menuitemsElem) { Element[] menuitemElems = XMLTool.getElements(menuitemsElem); for (Element menuitemElem : menuitemElems) { String type = menuitemElem.getAttribute("type"); // content is document if ("content".equals(type)) { XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "document"); } Element elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "menuitems"); prepareUpdate(elem); } } public Document getMenuItemsByContentObject(User user, int cobKey) { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menuitems"); try { con = getConnection(); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEMS_BY_CONTENTOBJECT); preparedStmt.setInt(1, cobKey); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); Element rootElem = doc.getDocumentElement(); while ( { int meiKey = resultSet.getInt("mei_lKey"); Document menuItemDoc = getMenuItem(user, meiKey, -1, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, 1); Element tmpElem = (Element) menuItemDoc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild(); if (tmpElem != null) { // Fix for nullpointerexception discovered on BergHansen, user did not have access to menuitem rootElem.appendChild(doc.importNode(tmpElem, true)); } } } catch (SQLException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.warn(this.getClass(), 10, "A database error occurred. XML may be incomplete.", e); } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } return doc; } public Document getMenuItemsByPageTemplates(User user, int[] pageTemplateKeys) { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menuitems"); if (pageTemplateKeys != null && pageTemplateKeys.length > 0) { try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(MENU_ITEMS_BY_PAGETEMPLATES); for (int i = 0; i < pageTemplateKeys.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sql.append(','); } sql.append(pageTemplateKeys[i]); } sql.append("))"); con = getConnection(); preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery(); Element rootElem = doc.getDocumentElement(); while ( { int meiKey = resultSet.getInt("mei_lKey"); Document menuItemDoc = getMenuItem(user, meiKey, -1, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, 1); Element tmpElem = (Element) menuItemDoc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild(); if (tmpElem != null) { rootElem.appendChild(doc.importNode(tmpElem, true)); } } } catch (SQLException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.warn(this.getClass(), 10, "A database error occurred. XML may be incomplete.", e); } finally { close(resultSet); close(preparedStmt); close(con); } } return doc; } /** * Builds a menu tree, typically used to present the menu in the menu ;) * * @param user The current user * @param getterSettings If given - build tree from these settings * @return A DOM document containing the menu tree */ public Document getMenusForAdmin(User user, MenuGetterSettings getterSettings) { List<Integer> paramValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(2); StringBuffer sqlMenus = new StringBuffer(MENU_SELECT); if (getterSettings.hasMenuKeys()) { int[] menuKeys = getterSettings.getMenuKeys(); sqlMenus.append(" WHERE "); sqlMenus.append("men_lKey IN ("); for (int i = 0; i < menuKeys.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sqlMenus.append(','); } sqlMenus.append(menuKeys[i]); } sqlMenus.append(')'); } // Selekterer bare menyer som brukeren har create eller administrate p if (user != null) { MenuCriteria criteria = getterSettings.getMenuCriteria(); getSecurityHandler().appendMenuSQL(user, sqlMenus, criteria); } Hashtable<String, Element> hashtable_menus = new Hashtable<String, Element>(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menus"); try { con = getConnection(); statement = con.prepareStatement(sqlMenus.toString()); JDBCUtil.addValuesToPreparedStatement(statement, paramValues); try { // Frst selekterer vi ut menus... resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { int curMenuKey = resultSet.getInt("men_lKey"); Element element_Menu = getMenuData(doc.getDocumentElement(), curMenuKey); Element accessRights = XMLTool.createElement(doc, element_Menu, "accessrights"); getSecurityHandler().appendAccessRightsOnDefaultMenuItem(user, curMenuKey, accessRights, true); XMLTool.createElement(doc, element_Menu, "menuitems"); // Lagrer referansen til kategori-elementet for raskt oppslag til senere bruk hashtable_menus.put(String.valueOf(curMenuKey), element_Menu); } } finally { close(resultSet); resultSet = null; close(statement); statement = null; } MenuItemCriteria menuItemCriteria = getterSettings.getMenuItemCriteria(); if (!menuItemCriteria.getDisableMenuItemLoadingForUnspecified() || menuItemCriteria.getMenuKey() >= 0) { // Legger s til menuitems til menyene Hashtable<String, Element> hashtable_MenuItems = appendMenuItemsBySettings(user, doc, hashtable_menus, getterSettings); // Hvis brukeren bare vil ha et fullt tree fra gitte menuItemKey, // s m vi fjerne alle ssken-noder til foreldre-nodene if (getterSettings.hasOnlyChildrenFromThisMenuItemKey()) { Element curMenuItem = hashtable_MenuItems .get(getterSettings.getMenuItemKeyAsInteger().toString()); while (curMenuItem != null) { XMLTool.removeAllSiblings(curMenuItem); // Move to first parent node (menuitems) curMenuItem = (Element) curMenuItem.getParentNode(); // Exit loop if we have reached the top if ("menus".equals(curMenuItem.getNodeName())) { break; } // Move to next parent node (menuitem/menu) if (curMenuItem != null) { curMenuItem = (Element) curMenuItem.getParentNode(); } } } if (getterSettings.hasTagParentsOfThisMenuItem()) { Element menuItem = hashtable_MenuItems .get(getterSettings.getTagParentsOfThisMenuItemKeyAsInteger().toString()); Node parent = menuItem.getParentNode(); String tagName = getterSettings.getTagParentsOfThisMenuItemTagName(); String tagValue = getterSettings.getTagParentsOfThisMenuItemTagValue(); while (parent != null) { if (parent instanceof Element) { ((Element) parent).setAttribute(tagName, tagValue); } parent = parent.getParentNode(); } } } if (!getterSettings.hasMenuKeys()) { String sqlMenuItems; sqlMenuItems = "SELECT DISTINCT mei_men_lKey FROM tMenuItem JOIN tMenu on tMenuItem.mei_men_lKey = tMenu.men_lKey "; sqlMenuItems = getSecurityHandler().appendMenuItemSQL(user, sqlMenuItems, menuItemCriteria); statement = con.prepareStatement(sqlMenuItems); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { String menuKey = resultSet.getString("mei_men_lKey"); if (!hashtable_menus.containsKey(menuKey)) { Element menuElement = getMenuData(doc.getDocumentElement(), Integer.parseInt(menuKey)); hashtable_menus.put(menuKey, menuElement); } } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to get the menus: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle); doc = XMLTool.createDocument("categories"); } finally { close(resultSet); close(statement); close(con); } return doc; } private Hashtable<String, Element> appendMenuItemsBySettings(User user, Document doc, Hashtable<String, Element> hashtable_menus, MenuGetterSettings getterSettings) { Hashtable<String, Element> hashtable_MenuItems = new Hashtable<String, Element>(); List<Integer> paramValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(2); StringBuffer sqlMenuItems = new StringBuffer(MENU_ITEM_SELECT); // menuKey MenuItemCriteria criteria = getterSettings.getMenuItemCriteria(); if (getterSettings.hasMenuKeys() || criteria.hasMenuKey()) { if (getterSettings.hasMenuKeys()) { int[] menuKeys = getterSettings.getMenuKeys(); sqlMenuItems.append(" AND men_lKey IN ("); for (int i = 0; i < menuKeys.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sqlMenuItems.append(','); } sqlMenuItems.append(menuKeys[i]); } sqlMenuItems.append(')'); } else { sqlMenuItems.append(" AND mei_men_lKey = ?"); paramValues.add(criteria.getMenuKeyAsInteger()); } } // only root menuitems if (getterSettings.getOnlyRootMenuItems()) { sqlMenuItems.append(" AND mei_lParent IS NULL"); } if (user != null) { getSecurityHandler().appendMenuItemSQL(user, sqlMenuItems, criteria); } sqlMenuItems.append(ORDER_BY); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; Element element_AdminReadMenuItems = doc.getDocumentElement(); try { con = getConnection(); statement = con.prepareStatement(sqlMenuItems.toString()); int i = 1; for (Iterator<Integer> iter = paramValues.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) { Object paramValue =; statement.setObject(i, paramValue); } try { // Hender ut menuitems resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { int curMenuItemKey = resultSet.getInt("mei_lKey"); Element menuItem = buildMenuItemXML(doc, element_AdminReadMenuItems, resultSet, -1, false, false, true, true, false, 1); Element accessRights = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItem, "accessrights"); getSecurityHandler().appendAccessRightsOnMenuItem(user, curMenuItemKey, accessRights, true); XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItem, "menuitems"); // Lagrer referansen til kategori-elementet for raskt oppslag til senere bruk hashtable_MenuItems.put(String.valueOf(curMenuItemKey), menuItem); } } finally { close(resultSet); resultSet = null; close(statement); statement = null; } // Gr igjennom menuitems og bygger opp trestrukturen Element curAdminReadMenuItem = (Element) element_AdminReadMenuItems.getFirstChild(); while (curAdminReadMenuItem != null) { String parentKey = curAdminReadMenuItem.getAttribute("parent"); Element nextElement = (Element) curAdminReadMenuItem.getNextSibling(); // Forelder node finnes ikke fra fr if ("menuitem".equals(curAdminReadMenuItem.getNodeName())) { insertParentMenuItem(user, MENU_ITEM_SELECT_BY_KEY, doc, element_AdminReadMenuItems, hashtable_menus, hashtable_MenuItems, curAdminReadMenuItem, parentKey); } curAdminReadMenuItem = nextElement; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Failed to get menuitems: %t"; VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle); } finally { close(resultSet); close(statement); close(con); } return hashtable_MenuItems; } private void insertParentMenuItem(User user, String sqlSelectByKey, Document doc, Element element_MenuItems, Hashtable<String, Element> hash_Menus, Hashtable<String, Element> hash_MenuItems, Element childMenuItem, String parentMenuItemKey) throws SQLException { // Sjekker om vi har ndd root-niv if (parentMenuItemKey.trim().length() == 0) { // Vi m finne menu og legge menuitemen inn i den String menuKey = childMenuItem.getAttribute("menukey"); Element element_Menu = (hash_Menus != null ? hash_Menus.get(menuKey) : null); Element menuitems; if (element_Menu == null) { element_Menu = getMenuData(doc.getDocumentElement(), Integer.parseInt(menuKey)); Element accessRights = XMLTool.createElement(doc, element_Menu, "accessrights"); getSecurityHandler().appendAccessRightsOnDefaultMenuItem(user, Integer.parseInt(menuKey), accessRights, true); menuitems = XMLTool.createElement(doc, element_Menu, "menuitems"); menuitems.setAttribute("istop", "yes"); if (hash_Menus != null) { hash_Menus.put(menuKey, element_Menu); } } else { menuitems = XMLTool.getElement(element_Menu, "menuitems"); } XMLTool.moveNode(childMenuItem, element_MenuItems, menuitems); return; } // Henter referanse til foreldernode (blir null hvis ikke finnes) Element parentMenuItem = (hash_MenuItems != null ? hash_MenuItems.get(parentMenuItemKey) : null); // Vi har lastet foreldernode fra fr, bare legge barnet under denne if (parentMenuItem != null) { Element menuitems = XMLTool.getElement(parentMenuItem, "menuitems"); XMLTool.moveNode(childMenuItem, element_MenuItems, menuitems); return; } // Vi har ikke lastet foreldrenode fra fr, last foreldrenode fra databasen parentMenuItem = buildMenuItem(user, sqlSelectByKey, Integer.parseInt(parentMenuItemKey), element_MenuItems); Element menuItems = XMLTool.createElement(doc, parentMenuItem, "menuitems"); XMLTool.moveNode(childMenuItem, element_MenuItems, menuItems); // // Lagrer referansen til menuitem-elementet for raskt oppslag til senere bruk if (hash_MenuItems != null) { hash_MenuItems.put(parentMenuItemKey, parentMenuItem); } String parent = parentMenuItem.getAttribute("parent"); insertParentMenuItem(user, sqlSelectByKey, doc, element_MenuItems, hash_Menus, hash_MenuItems, parentMenuItem, parent); } /** * Builds and appends the xml for a given menuitem into a given menuitems element. * * @param user The current user * @param sqlSelectByKey The sql string (that selects the one menuitem) * @param menuItemKey The key to the menuitem to build * @param menuItems The element to append the menuitem Element into * @return The menuitem element * @throws SQLException When the menu item cannot be found or a more serious database error happens. */ private Element buildMenuItem(User user, String sqlSelectByKey, int menuItemKey, Element menuItems) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; Connection con = null; try { con = getConnection(); statement = con.prepareStatement(sqlSelectByKey); statement.setInt(1, menuItemKey); resultSet = statement.executeQuery();; Document document = menuItems.getOwnerDocument(); Element menuItem = buildMenuItemXML(document, menuItems, resultSet, -1, false, false, true, true, true, 1); Element accessRights = XMLTool.createElement(document, menuItem, "accessrights"); getSecurityHandler().appendAccessRightsOnMenuItem(user, menuItemKey, accessRights, true); return menuItem; } finally { close(resultSet); close(statement); close(con); } } public StringBuffer getPathString(int menuItemKey, boolean includeMenu, boolean includeSpace) { CommonHandler commonHandler = getCommonHandler(); StringBuffer path = commonHandler.getPathString(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey, db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent, db.tMenuItem.mei_sName, menuItemKey, null, includeSpace); if (includeMenu) { if (includeSpace) { path.insert(0, " / "); } else { path.insert(0, "/"); } path.insert(0, getMenuName(getMenuKeyByMenuItem(menuItemKey))); } return path; } public ResourceKey getDefaultCSSByMenu(int menuKey) { Document menuDoc = getCommonHandler().getDocument(db.tMenu, menuKey); if (menuDoc == null) { return null; } Element defaultCSSElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuDoc.getDocumentElement(), "defaultcss"); if (defaultCSSElem == null) { return null; } final String keyStr = defaultCSSElem.getAttribute("key"); if (keyStr == null || keyStr.length() == 0) { return null; } return new ResourceKey(keyStr); } // public int getMenuItemLevel( int menuItemKey ) // { // int level = 0; // StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL( db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent, false, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey ); // int parentKey = getCommonHandler().getInt( sql.toString(), menuItemKey ); // while ( parentKey != -1 ) // { // level++; // parentKey = getCommonHandler().getInt( sql.toString(), parentKey ); // } // return level; // } public void setMenuItemOrder(int menuItemKey, int order) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lOrder, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey); getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new int[] { order, menuItemKey }); } public void setMenuItemType(int menuItemKey, int type) { StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_mid_lkey, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey); getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new int[] { type, menuItemKey }); } public void setMenuItemParent(int menuItemKey, int parentKey) { Integer parentKeyInt = parentKey; if (parentKey == -1) { parentKeyInt = null; } StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey); getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new Integer[] { parentKeyInt, menuItemKey }); } public Document getAdminMenu(User user, int[] menuKeys, String[] menuItemTypes, boolean includeReadOnlyAccessRight) { Connection conn = null; Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menus"); if (menuKeys == null) { menuKeys = new int[0]; } User anonUser = getUserHandler().getAnonymousUser(); if (user == null) { user = anonUser; } String anonGroupKey = anonUser.getUserGroupKey().toString(); boolean adminRights = getSecurityHandler().isEnterpriseAdmin(user); String[] groupKeys = getGroupHandler().getAllGroupMembershipsForUser(user); try { conn = getConnection(); HashMap<Integer, Element> menuMap = findAdminMenuElements(doc, conn, groupKeys, anonGroupKey, adminRights, includeReadOnlyAccessRight); HashMap<Integer, List<Element>> menuItemMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Element>>(); for (int menuKey : menuKeys) { menuItemMap.put(menuKey, findAdminMenuItemElements(doc, conn, menuKey, groupKeys, anonGroupKey, adminRights)); } composeAdminMenu(doc, menuMap, menuItemMap, menuItemTypes, includeReadOnlyAccessRight); } catch (SQLException e) { VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, "Failed to get admin menu", e); } finally { close(conn); } return doc; } private void composeAdminMenu(Document doc, HashMap<Integer, Element> menuMap, HashMap<Integer, List<Element>> menuItemMap, String[] menuItemTypes, boolean includeReadOnlyAccessRight) { // Add menu elements Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); for (Element element : menuMap.values()) { root.appendChild(element); } // Add menu item elements for (Object o : menuItemMap.entrySet()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o; Integer menuKey = (Integer) entry.getKey(); List menuItems = (List) entry.getValue(); Element currentMenu = menuMap.get(menuKey); if (currentMenu != null) { for (Object menuItem : menuItems) { currentMenu.appendChild((Element) menuItem); } } } // Filter the menus Element[] menuElements = XMLTool.getElements(root); for (Element menuElement : menuElements) { filterAdminMenuItemElements(menuElement, menuItemTypes, includeReadOnlyAccessRight); } } private void filterAdminMenuItemElements(Element root, String[] menuItemTypes, boolean includeReadOnlyAccessRight) { boolean adminAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("useradministrate")); Element[] children = XMLTool.getElements(root); for (Element aChildren : children) { if (!showAdminMenuItemElement(aChildren, adminAccess, menuItemTypes, includeReadOnlyAccessRight)) { root.removeChild(aChildren); } else { filterAdminMenuItemElements(aChildren, menuItemTypes, includeReadOnlyAccessRight); } } } private boolean showAdminMenuItemElement(Element root, boolean parentAdmin, String[] menuItemTypes, boolean includeReadOnlyAccessRight) { boolean typeFiltered; if (menuItemTypes != null && menuItemTypes.length > 0) { String type = root.getAttribute("type"); typeFiltered = Arrays.binarySearch(menuItemTypes, type) >= 0; } else { typeFiltered = true; } boolean addAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("useradd")); boolean publishAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("userpublish")); boolean createAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("usercreate")); boolean updateAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("userupdate")); boolean adminAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("useradministrate")); boolean hasAnyReadAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("anonread")) || "true".equals(root.getAttribute("userread")); boolean readAccess = includeReadOnlyAccessRight && hasAnyReadAccess; boolean hasAccess = parentAdmin || adminAccess || createAccess || updateAccess || publishAccess || addAccess || readAccess; if (hasAccess && typeFiltered) { return true; } else if (hasAccess && !typeFiltered) { Element[] children = XMLTool.getElements(root); for (Element aChildren : children) { if (showAdminMenuItemElement(aChildren, true, menuItemTypes, includeReadOnlyAccessRight)) { return true; } } return false; } else { // hasAccess == false Element[] children = XMLTool.getElements(root); for (Element aChildren : children) { if (showAdminMenuItemElement(aChildren, parentAdmin, menuItemTypes, includeReadOnlyAccessRight)) { return true; } } return false; } } private HashMap<Integer, Element> findAdminMenuElements(Document doc, Connection conn, String[] groupKeys, String anonGroupKey, boolean adminRights, boolean includeReadOnlyAccessRight) throws SQLException { // Find access rights HashMap<Integer, Integer> accessRights = findAdminMenuAccessRights(conn, groupKeys, anonGroupKey, adminRights); // Composte the sql StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sql.append(this.db.tMenu.men_lKey.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenu.men_sName.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tLanguage.lan_sCode.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenu.men_mei_firstPage.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenu.men_mei_loginPage.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenu.men_mei_errorPage.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenu.men_pat_lKey.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenu.men_xmlData.getName()); sql.append(" FROM ").append(this.db.tMenu.getName()); sql.append(" LEFT JOIN ").append(this.db.tLanguage.getName()); sql.append(" ON ").append(this.db.tMenu.men_lan_lKey.getName()).append(" = ") .append(this.db.tLanguage.lan_lKey.getName()); if (!adminRights) { sql.append(" WHERE ("); StringBuffer grpSql = new StringBuffer(); grpSql.append(" IN ("); for (int i = 0; i < groupKeys.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { grpSql.append(", "); } grpSql.append("'").append(groupKeys[i]).append("'"); } grpSql.append(")"); sql.append("EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ").append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.getName()); sql.append(" WHERE ").append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_men_lKey.getName()); sql.append(" = ").append(this.db.tMenu.men_lKey.getName()).append(" AND "); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_grp_hKey.getName()).append(grpSql).append(" AND ("); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bAdd.getName()).append(" = 1 OR "); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bAdministrate.getName()).append(" = 1 OR "); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bCreate.getName()).append(" = 1 OR "); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bUpdate.getName()).append(" = 1 OR "); if (includeReadOnlyAccessRight) { sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bRead.getName()).append(" = 1 OR "); } sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bDelete.getName()).append(" = 1)) OR "); sql.append("EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ").append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.getName()); sql.append(" WHERE ").append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_mei_lKey.getName()).append(" IN ("); sql.append("SELECT ").append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey.getName()).append(" FROM "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.getName()).append(" WHERE "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_men_lKey.getName()).append(" = ") .append(this.db.tMenu.men_lKey.getName()); sql.append(") AND ").append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_grp_hKey.getName()).append(grpSql).append(" AND ("); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bAdd.getName()).append(" = 1 OR "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bAdministrate.getName()).append(" = 1 OR "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bCreate.getName()).append(" = 1 OR "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bUpdate.getName()).append(" = 1 OR "); if (includeReadOnlyAccessRight) { sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bRead.getName()).append(" = 1 OR "); } sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bDelete.getName()).append(" = 1))"); sql.append(")"); } // Execute the sql HashMap<Integer, Element> elements = new HashMap<Integer, Element>(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet result = null; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); result = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Integer menKey = result.getInt(1); String name = result.getString(2); String languageCode = result.getString(3); Element elem = doc.createElement("menu"); elem.setAttribute("key", menKey.toString()); elem.setAttribute("name", name); appendMenuAccessRights(elem, accessRights.get(menKey)); elem.setAttribute("language", languageCode); int firstPage = result.getInt(db.tMenu.men_mei_firstPage.getName()); if (!result.wasNull()) { elem.setAttribute("firstpage", String.valueOf(firstPage)); } int loginPage = result.getInt(db.tMenu.men_mei_loginPage.getName()); if (!result.wasNull()) { elem.setAttribute("loginpage", String.valueOf(loginPage)); } int errorPage = result.getInt(db.tMenu.men_mei_errorPage.getName()); if (!result.wasNull()) { elem.setAttribute("errorpage", String.valueOf(errorPage)); } int defaultPageTemplate = result.getInt(db.tMenu.men_pat_lKey.getName()); if (!result.wasNull()) { elem.setAttribute("defaultpagetemplate", String.valueOf(defaultPageTemplate)); } InputStream is = result.getBinaryStream("men_xmlData"); if (!result.wasNull()) { Document menuDataDoc = XMLTool.domparse(is); boolean allowUrl = XMLTool.selectNode(menuDataDoc.getDocumentElement(), "pagetypes/allow[@type = 'url']") != null; boolean allowLabel = XMLTool.selectNode(menuDataDoc.getDocumentElement(), "pagetypes/allow[@type = 'label']") != null; boolean allowSection = XMLTool.selectNode(menuDataDoc.getDocumentElement(), "pagetypes/allow[@type = 'section']") != null; elem.setAttribute("allowurl", String.valueOf(allowUrl)); elem.setAttribute("allowlabel", String.valueOf(allowLabel)); elem.setAttribute("allowsection", String.valueOf(allowSection)); Element defaultCSSElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataDoc.getDocumentElement(), "defaultcss"); if (defaultCSSElem != null) { String defaultCssKey = defaultCSSElem.getAttribute("key"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(defaultCssKey)) { ResourceKey resourceKey = new ResourceKey(defaultCSSElem.getAttribute("key")); elem.setAttribute("defaultcss", resourceKey.toString()); elem.setAttribute("defaultcssexists", resourceDao.getResourceFile(resourceKey) != null ? "true" : "false"); } } } elements.put(menKey, elem); } } finally { close(result); close(stmt); } return elements; } private void appendMenuAccessRights(Element elem, Integer accessFlag) { int flag = accessFlag != null ? accessFlag : 0; elem.setAttribute("anonread", String.valueOf((flag & AC_ANONREAD) == AC_ANONREAD)); elem.setAttribute("userread", String.valueOf((flag & AC_READ) == AC_READ)); elem.setAttribute("useradd", String.valueOf((flag & AC_ADD) == AC_ADD)); elem.setAttribute("userpublish", String.valueOf((flag & AC_PUBLISH) == AC_PUBLISH)); elem.setAttribute("usercreate", String.valueOf((flag & AC_CREATE) == AC_CREATE)); elem.setAttribute("userupdate", String.valueOf((flag & AC_UPDATE) == AC_UPDATE)); elem.setAttribute("userdelete", String.valueOf((flag & AC_DELETE) == AC_DELETE)); elem.setAttribute("useradministrate", String.valueOf((flag & AC_ADMIN) == AC_ADMIN)); } private List<Element> findAdminMenuItemElements(Document doc, Connection conn, int menuKey, String[] groupKeys, String anonGroupKey, boolean adminRights) throws SQLException { // Find access rights HashMap<Integer, Integer> accessRights = findAdminMenuItemAccessRights(conn, menuKey, groupKeys, anonGroupKey, adminRights); // Composte the sql StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_sName.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_sSubTitle.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_bHidden.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_lOrder.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_mid_lkey.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tPageTemplate.pat_lType.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tPageTemplate.pat_sName.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_sDisplayName.getName()); sql.append(" FROM ").append(this.db.tMenuItem.getName()); sql.append(" LEFT JOIN ").append(this.db.tPage.getName()); sql.append(" ON ").append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_pag_lKey.getName()).append(" = ") .append(this.db.tPage.pag_lKey.getName()); sql.append(" LEFT JOIN ").append(this.db.tPageTemplate.getName()); sql.append(" ON ").append(this.db.tPage.pag_pat_lKey.getName()).append(" = ") .append(this.db.tPageTemplate.pat_lKey.getName()); sql.append(" WHERE ").append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_men_lKey.getName()); sql.append(" = ").append(String.valueOf(menuKey)); // Execute the sql ArrayList<Element> list = new ArrayList<Element>(); HashMap<Integer, Element> elements = new HashMap<Integer, Element>(); HashMap<Integer, Integer> keyParentMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet result = null; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); result = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Integer itemKey = result.getInt(1); Number parentKey = (Number) result.getObject(2); String name = result.getString(3); String alternativeName = result.getString(db.tMenuItem.mei_sSubTitle.getName()); boolean hidden = (result.getInt(5) == 1 || result.wasNull()); int order = result.getInt(6); MenuItemType menuItemType = MenuItemType.get(result.getInt(7)); Number value = (Number) result.getObject(8); PageTemplateType pageTemplateType = value != null ? PageTemplateType.get(value.intValue()) : null; String pageTemplateName = result.getString(db.tPageTemplate.pat_sName.getName()); String displayName = result.getString(db.tMenuItem.mei_sDisplayName.getName()); Element elem = doc.createElement("menuitem"); elem.setAttribute("key", itemKey.toString()); elem.setAttribute("name", StringUtil.getXMLSafeString(name)); if (alternativeName != null && alternativeName.length() > 0) { elem.setAttribute("alternativename", StringUtil.getXMLSafeString(alternativeName)); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(displayName)) { elem.setAttribute("displayname", StringUtil.getXMLSafeString(displayName)); } elem.setAttribute("order", String.valueOf(order)); elem.setAttribute("visible", String.valueOf(!hidden)); if (pageTemplateName != null) { elem.setAttribute("pagetemplatename", pageTemplateName); } appendMenuAccessRights(elem, accessRights.get(itemKey)); elem.setAttribute("path", getMenuItemPath(itemKey)); String type = null; if (pageTemplateType != null) { type = pageTemplateType.getName(); } else { if (menuItemType == MenuItemType.URL) { type = "url"; } else if (menuItemType == MenuItemType.CONTENT) { type = "content"; } else if (menuItemType == MenuItemType.LABEL) { type = "label"; } else if (menuItemType == MenuItemType.SECTION) { type = "section"; } else if (menuItemType == MenuItemType.SHORTCUT) { type = "shortcut"; } } elem.setAttribute("type", type); elements.put(itemKey, elem); if (parentKey != null) { keyParentMap.put(itemKey, parentKey.intValue()); } else { list.add(elem); } } } finally { close(result); close(stmt); } // Nest the elements for (Object o : keyParentMap.entrySet()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o; Integer itemKey = (Integer) entry.getKey(); Integer parentKey = (Integer) entry.getValue(); Element parentElem = elements.get(parentKey); Element itemElem = elements.get(itemKey); if ((parentElem != null) && (itemElem != null)) { parentElem.appendChild(itemElem); } } return list; } private HashMap<Integer, Integer> findAdminMenuAccessRights(Connection conn, String[] groupKeys, String anonGroupKey, boolean adminRights) throws SQLException { // Composte the sql StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_grp_hKey.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_men_lKey.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bRead.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bAdd.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bCreate.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bUpdate.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bPublish.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bDelete.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bAdministrate.getName()); sql.append(" FROM ").append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.getName()); sql.append(" WHERE ").append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_men_lKey.getName()); sql.append(" IN (SELECT ").append(this.db.tMenu.men_lKey.getName()); sql.append(" FROM ").append(this.db.tMenu.getName()).append(")"); if (!adminRights) { sql.append(" AND ").append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_grp_hKey.getName()).append(" IN ("); for (int i = 0; i < groupKeys.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sql.append(", "); } sql.append("'").append(groupKeys[i]).append("'"); } sql.append(")"); } // Execute the sql return queryAdminMenuAccessRights(conn, sql.toString(), anonGroupKey, adminRights); } private HashMap<Integer, Integer> findAdminMenuItemAccessRights(Connection conn, int menuKey, String[] groupKeys, String anonGroupKey, boolean adminRights) throws SQLException { // Composte the sql StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_grp_hKey.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_mei_lKey.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bRead.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bAdd.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bPublish.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bCreate.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bUpdate.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bDelete.getName()).append(", "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bAdministrate.getName()); sql.append(" FROM ").append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.getName()); sql.append(" WHERE ").append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_mei_lKey.getName()); sql.append(" IN (SELECT ").append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey.getName()); sql.append(" FROM ").append(this.db.tMenuItem.getName()).append(" WHERE "); sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_men_lKey.getName()).append(" = ").append(String.valueOf(menuKey)) .append(")"); if (!adminRights) { sql.append(" AND ").append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_grp_hKey.getName()).append(" IN ("); for (int i = 0; i < groupKeys.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sql.append(", "); } sql.append("'").append(groupKeys[i]).append("'"); } sql.append(")"); } // Execute the sql return queryAdminMenuAccessRights(conn, sql.toString(), anonGroupKey, adminRights); } private HashMap<Integer, Integer> queryAdminMenuAccessRights(Connection conn, String sql, String anonGroupKey, boolean adminRights) throws SQLException { HashMap<Integer, Integer> rightsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet result = null; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); result = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { String grpKey = result.getString(1); Integer menKey = result.getInt(2); boolean readAccess = result.getInt(3) == 1; boolean addAccess = result.getInt(4) == 1; boolean publishAccess = result.getInt(5) == 1; boolean createAccess = result.getInt(6) == 1; boolean updateAccess = result.getInt(7) == 1; boolean deleteAccess = result.getInt(8) == 1; boolean adminAccess = result.getInt(9) == 1; int accessFlag = 0; if (rightsMap.containsKey(menKey)) { accessFlag = rightsMap.get(menKey); } if (grpKey.equals(anonGroupKey) && readAccess) { accessFlag |= AC_ANONREAD; } if (readAccess || adminRights) { accessFlag |= AC_READ; } if (addAccess || adminRights) { accessFlag |= AC_ADD; } if (publishAccess || adminRights) { accessFlag |= AC_PUBLISH; } if (createAccess || adminRights) { accessFlag |= AC_CREATE; } if (updateAccess || adminRights) { accessFlag |= AC_UPDATE; } if (deleteAccess || adminRights) { accessFlag |= AC_DELETE; } if (adminAccess || adminRights) { accessFlag |= AC_ADMIN; } rightsMap.put(menKey, accessFlag); } } finally { close(result); close(stmt); } return rightsMap; } public String getMenuItemPath(int menuItemKey) { final MenuItemEntity entity = menuItemDao.findByKey(menuItemKey); return entity != null ? entity.getPathAsString() : null; } public void updateMenuDetails(int menuKey, int frontPageKey, int loginPageKey, int errorPageKey, int defaultPageTemplateKey) { Integer frontPageKeyInt = frontPageKey != -1 ? frontPageKey : null; Integer loginPageKeyInt = loginPageKey != -1 ? loginPageKey : null; Integer errorPageKeyInt = errorPageKey != -1 ? errorPageKey : null; Integer defaultPageTemplateKeyInt = defaultPageTemplateKey != -1 ? defaultPageTemplateKey : null; StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL( db.tMenu, new Column[] { db.tMenu.men_mei_firstPage, db.tMenu.men_mei_loginPage, db.tMenu.men_mei_errorPage, db.tMenu.men_pat_lKey }, new Column[] { db.tMenu.men_lKey }, null); getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new Integer[] { frontPageKeyInt, loginPageKeyInt, errorPageKeyInt, defaultPageTemplateKeyInt, menuKey }); } public boolean menuItemNameExists(SiteKey siteKey, MenuItemKey parentKey, String newNameOfMenuItem, MenuItemKey excludeKey) { if (parentKey != null) { MenuItemEntity parent = menuItemDao.findByKey(parentKey); final MenuItemEntity childByName = parent.getChildByName(newNameOfMenuItem); if (childByName == null) { return false; } else { if (childByName.getMenuItemKey().equals(excludeKey)) { return false; } else { return true; } } } else { SiteEntity site = siteDao.findByKey(siteKey); final MenuItemEntity childByName = site.getChild(newNameOfMenuItem); if (childByName == null) { return false; } else { if (childByName.getMenuItemKey().equals(excludeKey)) { return false; } else { return true; } } } } /** * Return a map of top level menus with name. * * @return A map with the keys of the top level menus as keys, and their names as the corresponding value. * @throws SQLException If a database error occurs. */ public Map<Integer, String> getMenuMap() throws SQLException { HashMap<Integer, String> menuMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); Connection conn = null; ResultSet result = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; String sql = "SELECT " + this.db.tMenu.men_lKey.getName() + ", " + this.db.tMenu.men_sName + " FROM " + this.db.tMenu.getName(); try { conn = getConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); result = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { menuMap.put(result.getInt(1), result.getString(2)); } } finally { close(result); close(stmt); close(conn); } return menuMap; } }