Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2000-2011 Enonic AS
package com.enonic.vertical.engine.handlers;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;

import com.enonic.esl.sql.JDBCUtil;
import com.enonic.esl.sql.model.Column;
import com.enonic.esl.util.StringUtil;
import com.enonic.esl.xml.XMLTool;
import com.enonic.vertical.adminweb.VerticalAdminLogger;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.AccessRight;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.MenuAccessRight;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.MenuGetterSettings;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.MenuItemAccessRight;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalCopyException;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalCreateException;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalEngineException;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalEngineLogger;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalKeyException;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalRemoveException;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalSecurityException;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalUpdateException;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.XDG;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.criteria.MenuCriteria;
import com.enonic.vertical.engine.criteria.MenuItemCriteria;
import com.enonic.vertical.event.MenuHandlerEvent;
import com.enonic.vertical.event.MenuHandlerListener;
import com.enonic.vertical.event.VerticalEventMulticaster;

import com.enonic.cms.framework.util.TIntArrayList;

import com.enonic.cms.domain.CalendarUtil;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.SiteKey;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.portal.PrettyPathNameCreator;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.resource.ResourceKey;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.RunAsType;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.SiteData;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.SiteEntity;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.MenuItemEntity;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.MenuItemKey;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.MenuItemSpecification;
import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.MenuItemType;

public final class MenuHandler extends BaseHandler {
     * Menu and menu item access rights.
    private final static int AC_READ = 0x01;

    private final static int AC_ANONREAD = 0x02;

    private final static int AC_CREATE = 0x04;

    private final static int AC_UPDATE = 0x08;

    private final static int AC_ADD = 0x10;

    private final static int AC_PUBLISH = 0x20;

    private final static int AC_DELETE = 0x40;

    private final static int AC_ADMIN = 0x80;

    private VerticalEventMulticaster multicaster = new VerticalEventMulticaster();

    public static final String ELEMENT_NAME_MENU_NAME = "menu-name";

    public static final String ELEMENT_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME = "displayname";

    private static final String COLUMN_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME = "mei_sDisplayName";

    private static final String COLUMN_NAME_ALTERNATIVE_NAME = "mei_sSubTitle";

    private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_MENUITEM_NAME = "name";

    public synchronized void addListener(MenuHandlerListener mhl) {

    public Document getMenuItem(User user, int key, boolean withParents, boolean complete,
            boolean includePageConfig) {
        return getMenuItem(user, key, withParents, complete, includePageConfig, false);

    final static private String MENU_TABLE = "tMenu";

    final static private String MENU_ITEM_TABLE = "tMenuItem";


    final static private String MENU_SELECT = "SELECT " + MENU_COLS + " FROM " + MENU_TABLE + " JOIN tLanguage ON "
            + MENU_TABLE + ".men_lan_lKey = tLanguage.lan_lKey " + "LEFT JOIN tUser ON " + MENU_TABLE
            + ".men_usr_hRunAs = tUser.usr_hKey";

    final static private String MENU_SELECT_BY_KEY = "SELECT " + MENU_COLS + " FROM " + MENU_TABLE
            + " JOIN tLanguage ON tMenu.men_lan_lKey = tLanguage.lan_lKey " + "LEFT JOIN tUser ON " + MENU_TABLE
            + ".men_usr_hRunAs = tUser.usr_hKey" + " WHERE men_lKey = ?";

    final static private String MENU_SELECT_NAME = "SELECT men_sName FROM " + MENU_TABLE + " WHERE men_lKey = ?";

    final static private String MENU_DELETE_WITH_KEY = "DELETE FROM " + MENU_TABLE + " WHERE men_lKey = ?";

    final static private String MENU_PREPARE_DELETE = "UPDATE  " + MENU_TABLE + " SET men_mei_firstPage = NULL,"
            + " men_mei_loginPage = NULL," + " men_mei_errorPage = NULL," + " men_pat_lKey = NULL"
            + " WHERE men_lKey = ?";

    final static private String MENU_INSERT = "INSERT INTO " + MENU_TABLE
            + " (men_lKey, men_dteTimestamp, men_mei_firstPage, men_mei_loginPage, men_mei_errorPage, men_pat_lKey, "
            + "men_sName, men_xmlData, men_lan_lKey, men_sStatisticsURL, " + "men_usr_hRunAs)"
            + " VALUES (?, @currentTimestamp@, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

    final static private String MENUDATA_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + MENU_TABLE + " SET men_sName = ?, men_xmlData = ?,"
            + " men_dteTimestamp = @currentTimestamp@," + " men_lan_lKey = ?," + " men_sStatisticsURL = ?,"
            + " men_usr_hRunAs = ? WHERE men_lKey = ?";

    final static private String MENU_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + MENU_TABLE
            + " SET men_mei_firstPage = ? , men_mei_loginPage = ? , men_mei_errorPage = ? ,"
            + " men_pat_lKey = ?  ," + " men_dteTimestamp = @currentTimestamp@ ," + " men_xmlData = ? ,"
            + " men_lan_lKey = ? ," + " men_sStatisticsURL = ?,  " + " men_usr_hRunAs = ? WHERE men_lKey = ?";

    final static private String MENU_ITEM_COLS = "mei_lKey, mei_bHidden, mei_mid_lKey, mei_usr_hOwner, mei_usr_hModifier, mei_lOrder, mei_men_lkey, mei_lParent, mei_sName, mei_sDescription, "
            + "mei_sKeywords, " + COLUMN_NAME_ALTERNATIVE_NAME
            + ", mei_xmlData, mei_pag_lKey, mei_sURL, mei_burlopennewwin, lan_lKey, lan_sCode, "
            + "lan_sDescription, mei_dteTimestamp, mei_lRunAs, " + COLUMN_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME;

    final static private String MENU_SELECT_ITEMS = "SELECT " + MENU_ITEM_COLS + " FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE
            + " LEFT JOIN " + MENU_TABLE + " ON " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + ".mei_men_lKey = " + MENU_TABLE + ".men_lKey "
            + " LEFT JOIN tLanguage ON " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + ".mei_lan_lKey = tLanguage.lan_lKey ";

    final static private String MENU_SELECT_ITEMS_BY_PARENT = MENU_SELECT_ITEMS + "WHERE mei_lParent = ? ";

    final static private String MENU_SELECT_ITEM_KEYS_BY_PARENT = "SELECT mei_lKey FROM tMenuItem WHERE mei_lParent = ? ";

            + "WHERE mei_men_lKey = ? AND mei_lParent IS NULL ";

    final static private String ORDER_BY = " ORDER BY mei_lOrder ";

    final static private String MENU_SELECT_KEYS_BY_MENU_KEY_WO_PARENT = "SELECT mei_lKey FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE
            + " WHERE mei_men_lKey = ? AND mei_lParent IS NULL";

    final static private String MENU_SELECT_KEYS_BY_MENU_KEY_AND_PARENT = "SELECT mei_lKey FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE
            + " WHERE mei_men_lKey = ? AND mei_lParent = ?";

    final static private String MENU_ITEM_DELETE_WITH_KEY = "DELETE FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE
            + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?";

    final static private String MENU_ITEM_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " SET mei_sName = ?,"
            + " mei_lParent = ?," + " mei_lOrder = ?," + " mei_dteTimestamp = " + "@currentTimestamp@" + ", "
            + COLUMN_NAME_ALTERNATIVE_NAME + " = ?," + " mei_bHidden = ?," + " mei_sDescription = ?,"
            + " mei_sKeywords = ?," + " mei_lan_lKey = ?," + " mei_usr_hOwner = ?," + " mei_usr_hModifier = ?,"
            + " mei_lRunAs = ?," + COLUMN_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME + " = ?," + " mei_xmlData = " + "?"
            + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?";

    final static private String MENU_ITEM_UPDATE_NO_DATA = "UPDATE " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " SET mei_sName = ?,"
            + " mei_lParent = ?," + " mei_lOrder = ?," + " mei_dteTimestamp = " + "@currentTimestamp@" + ", "
            + COLUMN_NAME_ALTERNATIVE_NAME + " = ?," + " mei_bHidden = ?," + " mei_sDescription = ?,"
            + " mei_sKeywords = ?," + " mei_lan_lKey = ?," + " mei_usr_hOwner = ?,"
            + " mei_usr_hModifier = ?, mei_lRunAs = ?" + ", " + COLUMN_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME + " = ? "
            + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?";

    final static private String MENU_ITEM_INSERT = "INSERT INTO " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE
            + " (mei_lKey, mei_sName, mei_men_lKey, mei_mid_lKey, " + " mei_lParent, mei_lOrder, mei_dteTimestamp,"
            + " " + COLUMN_NAME_ALTERNATIVE_NAME + ", mei_bHidden, mei_sDescription, mei_usr_hOwner,"
            + " mei_usr_hModifier, mei_xmlData, mei_sKeywords, mei_lan_lKey, mei_bSection, mei_lRunAs, "
            + COLUMN_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME + ") " + " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + "@currentTimestamp@"
            + ", ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + "?" + ", ?, ?, 0, ?, ?)";

    final static private String MENU_ITEM_SELECT = "SELECT " + MENU_ITEM_COLS + " FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE
            + " LEFT JOIN tMenu ON tMenu.men_lKey = " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + ".mei_men_lKey "
            + " LEFT JOIN tLanguage ON " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + ".mei_lan_lKey = tLanguage.lan_lKey";

    final static private String MENU_ITEM_SELECT_BY_KEY = "SELECT " + MENU_ITEM_COLS + " FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE
            + " LEFT JOIN tMenu ON tMenu.men_lKey = " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + ".mei_men_lKey "
            + " LEFT JOIN tLanguage ON " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + ".mei_lan_lKey = tLanguage.lan_lKey"
            + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?";

    //   final static private String MENU_ITEM_SELECT_NAME_BY_KEY =
    //      "SELECT mei_sName FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?";

    final static private String MENU_ITEM_URL_UPDATE = "UPDATE " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE
            + " SET mei_sURL = ?, mei_burlopennewwin = ? WHERE mei_lKey = ?";

    final static private String MENU_ITEMS_BY_CONTENTOBJECT = "SELECT mei_lKey, mei_pag_lKey FROM tMenuItem WHERE mei_pag_lKey in "
            + "(SELECT pco_pag_lKey FROM tPageConObj WHERE pco_cob_lKey = ?)";

    final static private String MENU_ITEMS_BY_PAGETEMPLATES = "SELECT mei_lKey, mei_pag_lKey FROM tMenuItem WHERE mei_pag_lKey in "
            + "(SELECT pag_lKey FROM tPage WHERE pag_pat_lKey IN (";

    final static private String MENU_ITEM_PAGE_UPDATE_KEY = "UPDATE " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE
            + " SET mei_pag_lKey = ?, mei_mid_lKey = ? WHERE mei_lKey = ?";

            + " WHERE mei_lParent = ?";

    final static private String MENU_GET_KEY_BY_MENU_ITEM = "SELECT mei_men_lKey FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE
            + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?";

    static private Hashtable<String, Integer> menuItemTypes;

    private void buildDocumentTypeXML(Element menuitemElem, Element documentElem) {

        if (documentElem != null) {
            if (verticalProperties.isStoreXHTMLOn()) {
                Node n = documentElem.getFirstChild();
                if (n != null && n.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
                    int menuItemKey = Integer.parseInt(menuitemElem.getAttribute("key"));
                    String menuItemName = XMLTool.getElementText(XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "name"));
                    Document doc = menuitemElem.getOwnerDocument();
                    String docString = XMLTool.getElementText(documentElem);
                    XMLTool.createXHTMLNodes(doc, documentElem, docString, true);
                    String menuKey = menuitemElem.getAttribute("menukey");
                    VerticalAdminLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0,
                            "Received invalid XML from database, menukey=" + menuKey + ", menuitem key="
                                    + menuItemKey + ", name=" + menuItemName + ". Running Tidy..",
                documentElem.setAttribute("mode", "xhtml");
            } else {
                Node n = documentElem.getFirstChild();
                if (n == null) {
                    Document doc = menuitemElem.getOwnerDocument();
                    XMLTool.createCDATASection(doc, menuitemElem, "Scratch document.");
                } else if (n.getNodeType() != Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
                    Document doc = menuitemElem.getOwnerDocument();
                    String docString = XMLTool.serialize(documentElem);
                    XMLTool.createCDATASection(doc, documentElem, docString);
                    VerticalEngineLogger.debug(this.getClass(), 0, "Expected CDATA, found XML. Serialized it.",

    private boolean buildMenuItemsXML(User user, ResultSet result, Document doc, Element menuItemsElement,
            int levels, int tagItem, boolean complete, boolean includePageConfig, boolean includeHidden,
            boolean includeTypeSpecificXML, boolean tagItems) throws SQLException {
        ArrayList<Element> menuItems = new ArrayList<Element>();
        while ( {
            Element tmpElem = buildMenuItemXML(doc, menuItemsElement, result, tagItem, complete, includePageConfig,
                    includeHidden, includeTypeSpecificXML, tagItems, levels);
            if (tmpElem != null) {

        // ok.. that was one more level.
        // decrement the counter.

        if (menuItems.size() == 0) {
            return false;

        //// build xml for children:
        Iterator<Element> iter = menuItems.iterator();
        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;

        try {
            //// build sql statement
            String sql = getSecurityHandler().appendMenuItemSQL(user, MENU_SELECT_ITEMS_BY_PARENT, null) + ORDER_BY;
            con = getConnection();
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);

            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                Element menuItemElement =;

                // create menuitems element
                menuItemsElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "menuitems");
                menuItemsElement.setAttribute("istop", "no");

                String tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("key");
                int parentKey = Integer.parseInt(tmp);

                //// execute sql statement
                preparedStmt.setInt(1, parentKey);
                resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery();

                buildMenuItemsXML(user, resultSet, doc, menuItemsElement, levels, tagItem, complete,
                        includePageConfig, includeHidden, includeTypeSpecificXML, tagItems);
        } finally {

        return true;

    private boolean hasChild(int parentKey, int key, boolean recursive) throws SQLException {
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;
        TIntArrayList keyArray = new TIntArrayList();
        Connection con = null;

        try {
            con = getConnection();
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_SELECT_ITEM_KEYS_BY_PARENT);
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, parentKey);
            resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                int currentKey = resultSet.getInt(1);
                if (currentKey == key) {
                    return true;
                } else {

            int arraySize = keyArray.size();
            if (arraySize == 0) {
                return false;

            if (recursive) {
                for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i) {
                    if (hasChild(keyArray.get(i), key, recursive)) {
                        return true;
        } finally {

        return false;

    private void tagParents(Element menuItemsElement) {
        Node tmpNode = menuItemsElement.getParentNode();
        while (tmpNode != null && tmpNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
                && !((Element) tmpNode).getTagName().equals("menu")) {
            ((Element) tmpNode).setAttribute("path", "true");
            tmpNode = tmpNode.getParentNode().getParentNode();

    private Element buildMenuItemXML(Document doc, Element menuItemsElement, ResultSet result, int tagItem,
            boolean complete, boolean includePageConfig, boolean includeHidden, boolean includeTypeSpecificXML,
            boolean tagItems, int levels) throws SQLException {

        int key = result.getInt("mei_lKey");

        // check if menuitem is hidden:
        int hiddenInt = result.getInt("mei_bHidden");
        boolean hidden = result.wasNull() || hiddenInt == 1;

        // propagate upwards in the XML and tag parents:
        if (key == tagItem) {

        // simply return null if we don't want to include
        // hidden menuitems:
        if ((!includeHidden && hidden) || levels == 0) {
            // special case: if includeHidden is false, we must
            // check to see if the menuitem that is to be tagged
            // is a child of this menuitem
            if (tagItems) {
                if (tagItem != -1 && tagItem != key) {
                    if (hasChild(key, tagItem, true)) {

                        if (hidden) {
                            Node n = menuItemsElement.getParentNode();
                            if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                ((Element) n).setAttribute("active", "true");
                } else if (tagItem == key) {
                    Node n = menuItemsElement.getParentNode();
                    if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        ((Element) n).setAttribute("active", "true");
            return null;

        ////// + build xml for menu item
        Element menuItemElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemsElement, "menuitem");
        menuItemElement.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(key));

        // tag the menuitem?
        if (tagItem == key && !hidden) {
            menuItemElement.setAttribute("path", "true");
            menuItemElement.setAttribute("active", "true");

        // attribute: owner
        menuItemElement.setAttribute("owner", result.getString("mei_usr_hOwner"));

        // attribute: modifier
        menuItemElement.setAttribute("modifier", result.getString("mei_usr_hModifier"));

        // attribute: order
        menuItemElement.setAttribute("order", result.getString("mei_lOrder"));

        // Add timestamp attribute

        // attribute: language
        int lanKey = result.getInt("lan_lKey");
        String lanCode = result.getString("lan_sCode");
        String lanDesc = result.getString("lan_sDescription");
        if (lanDesc != null) {
            menuItemElement.setAttribute("languagekey", String.valueOf(lanKey));
            menuItemElement.setAttribute("languagecode", lanCode);
            menuItemElement.setAttribute("language", lanDesc);

        // attribute menykey:
        int menuKey = result.getInt("mei_men_lkey");
        if (!result.wasNull()) {
            menuItemElement.setAttribute("menukey", String.valueOf(menuKey));

        // attribute parent:
        int parentKey = result.getInt("mei_lParent");
        if (!result.wasNull()) {
            menuItemElement.setAttribute("parent", String.valueOf(parentKey));

        // element: name
        XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "name", result.getString("mei_sName"));

        // display-name
        XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME,

        // short-name:
        String tmp = result.getString(COLUMN_NAME_ALTERNATIVE_NAME);
        if (!result.wasNull() && tmp.length() > 0) {
            XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_MENU_NAME, tmp);

        menuItemElement.setAttribute("runAs", RunAsType.get(result.getInt("mei_lRunAs")).toString());

        // description:
        String desc = result.getString("mei_sDescription");
        if (!result.wasNull()) {
            XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "description", desc);
        } else {
            XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "description");

        // keywords:
        String keywords = result.getString("mei_sKeywords");
        if (!result.wasNull()) {
            XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "keywords", keywords);
        } else {
            XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "keywords");

        // visibility:
        if (!hidden) {
            menuItemElement.setAttribute("visible", "yes");
        } else {
            menuItemElement.setAttribute("visible", "no");

        // contentkey
        int contentKey = getMenuItemContentKey(key);
        if (contentKey != -1) {
            menuItemElement.setAttribute("contentkey", String.valueOf(contentKey));

        // element menuitemdata:
        InputStream is = result.getBinaryStream("mei_xmlData");
        Element documentElem;
        if (result.wasNull()) {
            XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "parameters");
            documentElem = XMLTool.createElement(doc, "document");
            if (complete) {
                XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "data");
        } else {
            Document dataDoc = XMLTool.domparse(is);
            Element dataElem = (Element) doc.importNode(dataDoc.getDocumentElement(), true);
            Element parametersElem = XMLTool.getElement(dataElem, "parameters");
            if (complete) {
                documentElem = XMLTool.getElement(dataElem, "document");
                if (documentElem != null) {
            } else {
                documentElem = XMLTool.createElement(doc, "document");

        // attribute: menu item type
        MenuItemType menuItemType = MenuItemType.get(result.getInt("mei_mid_lKey"));
        menuItemElement.setAttribute("type", menuItemType.getName());

        if (includeTypeSpecificXML) {
            // build type-specific XML:
            switch (menuItemType) {
            case PAGE:
                buildPageTypeXML(result, doc, menuItemElement, complete && includePageConfig);

            case URL:
                buildURLTypeXML(result, doc, menuItemElement);

            case CONTENT:
                MenuItemKey sectionKey = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeyByMenuItem(new MenuItemKey(key));
                if (sectionKey != null) {
                    buildSectionTypeXML(key, menuItemElement);
                buildDocumentTypeXML(menuItemElement, documentElem);
                buildPageTypeXML(result, doc, menuItemElement, complete && includePageConfig);

            case LABEL:
            case SECTION:
                buildSectionTypeXML(key, menuItemElement);
            case SHORTCUT:
                buildShortcutTypeXML(key, menuItemElement);

        return menuItemElement;

    private void buildPageTypeXML(ResultSet result, Document doc, Element menuItemElement,
            boolean includePageConfig) throws SQLException {

        int pKey = result.getInt("mei_pag_lKey");

        if (includePageConfig) {
            Document pageDoc = getPageHandler().getPage(pKey, includePageConfig).getAsDOMDocument();
            Element rootElem = pageDoc.getDocumentElement();
            Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(rootElem, "page");
            menuItemElement.appendChild(menuItemElement.getOwnerDocument().importNode(pageElem, true));
        } else {
            Element pageElem = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "page");
            pageElem.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(pKey));

            // extract pagetemplate key
            PageTemplateKey ptKey = getPageHandler().getPageTemplateKey(pKey);
            pageElem.setAttribute("pagetemplatekey", ptKey.toString());
            PageTemplateType pageTemplateType = getPageTemplateHandler().getPageTemplateType(ptKey);
            pageElem.setAttribute("pagetemplatetype", String.valueOf(pageTemplateType.getKey()));

    protected void buildSectionTypeXML(int menuItemKey, Element menuItemElement) {
        Document sectionDoc = getSectionHandler().getSectionByMenuItem(menuItemKey);
        XMLTool.mergeDocuments(menuItemElement, sectionDoc, true);

    protected void buildShortcutTypeXML(int menuItemKey, Element menuItemElement) {
        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey);
        Object[] columnValues = getCommonHandler().getObjects(sql.toString(), menuItemKey);
        if (columnValues.length > 0) {
            Element shortcutElem = XMLTool.createElement(menuItemElement.getOwnerDocument(), menuItemElement,
            Integer shortcut = (Integer) columnValues[19];
            final String shortcutKey = (shortcut == null) ? "" : String.valueOf(shortcut);
            shortcutElem.setAttribute("key", shortcutKey);
            final String menuItemName = (shortcut == null) ? "" : getMenuItemName(shortcut);
            shortcutElem.setAttribute("name", menuItemName);
            Integer forward = (Integer) columnValues[20];
            if (forward == 0) {
                shortcutElem.setAttribute("forward", "false");
            } else {
                shortcutElem.setAttribute("forward", "true");


    protected void buildURLTypeXML(ResultSet result, Document doc, Element menuItemElement) {

        try {
            String url = result.getString("mei_sURL");
            Element urlElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItemElement, "url", url);

            // attribute: newWindow
            int newWindow = result.getInt("mei_burlopennewwin");
            String attrValue;
            if (newWindow == 0) {
                attrValue = "no";
            } else {
                attrValue = "yes";
            urlElement.setAttribute("newwindow", attrValue);

        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            System.err.println("[MenuHandler_DB2Impl:Error] SQL exception.");

    public int createMenu(User user, String xmlData) throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException {
        Document doc = XMLTool.domparse(xmlData, "menu");
        return createMenu(user, null, doc, true).toInt();

    private SiteKey createMenu(User user, CopyContext copyContext, Document doc, boolean useOldKey)
            throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException {

        Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement();

        // Get site key:
        String tmp;

        // Prepare insertion into the database
        SiteKey siteKey = null;
        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();

            tmp = rootElement.getAttribute("key");
            if (!useOldKey || tmp == null || tmp.length() == 0) {
                // generate key:
                siteKey = new SiteKey(getNextKey(MENU_TABLE));
            } else {
                siteKey = new SiteKey(tmp);

            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_INSERT);

            if (copyContext != null) {
                copyContext.putMenuKey(Integer.parseInt(tmp), siteKey.toInt());
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, siteKey.toInt());

            // name:
            Element tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "name");
            String name = null;
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                name = XMLTool.getElementText(tmpElement);
            if (name != null) {
                preparedStmt.setString(6, name);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(6, Types.VARCHAR);

            // firstpage:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "firstpage");
            tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
            if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
                preparedStmt.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(tmp));
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER);

            // loginpage:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "loginpage");
            tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
            if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
                preparedStmt.setInt(3, Integer.parseInt(tmp));
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER);

            // errorpage:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "errorpage");
            tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
            if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
                preparedStmt.setInt(4, Integer.parseInt(tmp));
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(4, Types.INTEGER);

            // default pagetemplate:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "defaultpagetemplate");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("pagetemplatekey");
                if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
                    preparedStmt.setInt(5, Integer.parseInt(tmp));
                } else {
                    preparedStmt.setNull(5, Types.INTEGER);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(5, Types.INTEGER);

            SiteData siteData = new SiteData();

            // DeviceClassResolver:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "deviceclassresolver");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                String deviceClassResolverUrl = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(deviceClassResolverUrl)) {
                    siteData.setDeviceClassResolver(new ResourceKey(deviceClassResolverUrl));

            // Default localization resource:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "defaultlocalizationresource");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                String defaultLocalizationResource = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(defaultLocalizationResource)) {
                    siteData.setDefaultLocalizationResource(new ResourceKey(defaultLocalizationResource));

            // locale resolver
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "localeresolver");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                String localeResolver = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(localeResolver)) {
                    siteData.setLocaleResolver(new ResourceKey(localeResolver));

            // Path to public home:
            String pathToPublicHome = rootElement.getAttribute("path-to-public-home-resources");
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToPublicHome)) {
                siteData.setPathToPublicResources(new ResourceKey(pathToPublicHome));

            // Path to home:
            String pathToHome = rootElement.getAttribute("path-to-home-resources");
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToHome)) {
                siteData.setPathToResources(new ResourceKey(pathToHome));

            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "menudata");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                parseAndAddMenudataToSiteData(tmpElement, siteData);

            final byte[] xmldata = siteData.getAsBytes();
            preparedStmt.setBinaryStream(7, new ByteArrayInputStream(xmldata), xmldata.length);

            // language key:
            preparedStmt.setInt(8, Integer.parseInt(rootElement.getAttribute("languagekey")));

            Element detailsElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "details");

            // Statistics URL:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(detailsElement, "statistics");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                String statisticsURL = XMLTool.getElementText(tmpElement);
                if (statisticsURL != null) {
                    preparedStmt.setString(9, statisticsURL);
                } else {
                    preparedStmt.setNull(9, Types.VARCHAR);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(9, Types.VARCHAR);

            // Run As User:
            String runAsUserKey = rootElement.getAttribute("runas");
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(runAsUserKey)) {
                preparedStmt.setString(10, runAsUserKey);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(10, Types.VARCHAR);

            // insert the data:

            // create default menu access rights
            GroupHandler groupHandler = getGroupHandler();
            String groupKey = groupHandler.getAdminGroupKey();

            Document tmpDoc = XMLTool.createDocument("accessrights");
            Element root = tmpDoc.getDocumentElement();
            root.setAttribute("type", String.valueOf(AccessRight.MENUITEM_DEFAULT));
            root.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(siteKey));

            Element accessrightElem = XMLTool.createElement(tmpDoc, root, "accessright");
            accessrightElem.setAttribute("groupkey", groupKey);
            accessrightElem.setAttribute("grouptype", GroupType.ADMINS.toInteger().toString());

            accessrightElem.setAttribute("read", "true");
            accessrightElem.setAttribute("create", "true");
            accessrightElem.setAttribute("update", "true");
            accessrightElem.setAttribute("delete", "true");
            accessrightElem.setAttribute("publish", "true");
            accessrightElem.setAttribute("add", "true");
            accessrightElem.setAttribute("administrate", "true");

            getSecurityHandler().updateAccessRights(user, tmpDoc);

            //////// Create menuitems:
            Element itemsElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "menuitems");
            if (itemsElement != null) {
                Element[] itemElems = XMLTool.getElements(itemsElement);

                for (int i = 0; i < itemElems.length; i++) {
                    createMenuItem(user, copyContext, itemElems[i], siteKey, i, null, useOldKey);
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            String msg = "Failed to create menu: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 0, msg, sqle);
        } catch (VerticalKeyException gke) {
            String msg = "Unable to generate key for table %0.";
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 0, msg, MENU_TABLE, gke);
        } catch (VerticalUpdateException e) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 10, "Error creating default access rights: %t", e);
        } finally {

        return siteKey;

    public int createMenuItem(User user, String xmlData) throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException {

        Document doc = XMLTool.domparse(xmlData);
        Element menuItemsElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
        Element menuItemElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemsElement, "menuitem");

        // get parent key
        MenuItemKey parentKey = null;
        String tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("parent");
        if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
            parentKey = new MenuItemKey(tmp);

        SiteKey siteKey = null;
        tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("menukey");
        if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
            siteKey = new SiteKey(tmp);

        int order;
        tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("order");
        if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
            order = Integer.parseInt(tmp);
        } else {
            order = getNextOrder(siteKey == null ? -1 : siteKey.toInt(),
                    parentKey == null ? -1 : parentKey.toInt());

        return createMenuItem(user, null, menuItemElement, siteKey, order, parentKey, false);

    public int getNextOrder(int menuKey, int parentKey) {
        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lOrder, false,
        if (parentKey != -1) {
            XDG.appendWhereSQL(sql, db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent, XDG.OPERATOR_EQUAL, parentKey);

        XDG.appendOrderBySQL(sql, db.tMenuItem.mei_lOrder, false);

        int highestOrder = getCommonHandler().getInt(sql.toString(), menuKey);

        if (highestOrder == -1) {
            return 0;
        } else if (highestOrder < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            return highestOrder + 1;
        } else {
            return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    private int createMenuItem(User user, CopyContext copyContext, Element menuItemElement, SiteKey siteKey,
            int order, MenuItemKey parentKey, boolean useOldKey)
            throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException {

        // security check:
        if (!getSecurityHandler().validateMenuItemCreate(user, siteKey.toInt(),
                parentKey == null ? -1 : parentKey.toInt())) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 10,
                    "Not allowed to create menuitem in this position.", null);

        String menuItemName = XMLTool
                .getElementText(XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_MENUITEM_NAME));

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(menuItemName)) {
            menuItemName = generateMenuItemName(menuItemElement);

        menuItemName = ensureUniqueMenuItemName(siteKey, parentKey, menuItemName, null);

        // check whether name is unique for this parent
        if (menuItemNameExists(siteKey, parentKey, menuItemName, null)) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 20, "Menu item name already exists on this level: %0",
                    new Object[] { menuItemName }, null);

        Element tmp_element;
        Hashtable<String, Integer> menuItemTypes = getMenuItemTypesAsHashtable();

        // Get menuitem type:
        String miType = menuItemElement.getAttribute("type");
        Integer type = menuItemTypes.get(miType);
        if (type == null) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 20, "Invalid menu item type %0.",
                    new Object[] { type }, null);

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        MenuItemKey menuItemKey = null;

        try {
            con = getConnection();

            // key
            String keyStr = menuItemElement.getAttribute("key");
            if (!useOldKey || keyStr == null || keyStr.length() == 0) {
                try {
                    menuItemKey = new MenuItemKey(getNextKey(MENU_ITEM_TABLE));
                } catch (VerticalKeyException e) {
                    VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 30, "Error generating key for tMenuItem.", e);
            } else {
                menuItemKey = new MenuItemKey(keyStr);
            if (copyContext != null) {
                copyContext.putMenuItemKey(Integer.parseInt(keyStr), menuItemKey.toInt());

            String tmp;

            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_INSERT);

            preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuItemKey.toInt());

            // element: name
            preparedStmt.setString(2, menuItemName);

            // menu key:
            preparedStmt.setInt(3, siteKey.toInt());

            // attribute: menu item type
            preparedStmt.setInt(4, type);

            // parent
            if (parentKey == null) {
                preparedStmt.setNull(5, Types.INTEGER);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setInt(5, parentKey.toInt());

            // order:
            preparedStmt.setInt(6, order);

            // pre-fetch data element
            Element dataElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "data");

            // element: parameters
            tmp_element = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "parameters");
            if (tmp_element != null) {

            // alternative name:
            tmp_element = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_MENU_NAME);
            if (tmp_element != null) {
                tmp = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_element);
                preparedStmt.setString(7, tmp);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(7, Types.VARCHAR);

            // visibility:
            tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("visible");
            if ("no".equals(tmp)) {
                preparedStmt.setInt(8, 1);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setInt(8, 0);

            // description:
            tmp_element = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "description");
            String data = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_element);
            if (data != null) {
                StringReader reader = new StringReader(data);
                preparedStmt.setCharacterStream(9, reader, data.length());
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(9, Types.VARCHAR);

            if (type == 4) {
                Element docElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "document");

                if (docElem != null) {

            // attribute: owner/modifier
            String ownerKey = menuItemElement.getAttribute("owner");
            preparedStmt.setString(10, ownerKey);
            preparedStmt.setString(11, ownerKey);

            // data
            if (dataElem != null) {
                Document dataDoc = XMLTool.createDocument();
                dataDoc.appendChild(dataDoc.importNode(dataElem, true));

                byte[] bytes = XMLTool.documentToBytes(dataDoc, "UTF-8");
                preparedStmt.setBinaryStream(12, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), bytes.length);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(12, Types.BLOB);

            // keywords
            tmp_element = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "keywords");
            String keywords = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_element);
            if (keywords == null || keywords.length() == 0) {
                preparedStmt.setNull(13, Types.VARCHAR);
            } else {
                StringReader keywordReader = new StringReader(keywords);
                preparedStmt.setCharacterStream(13, keywordReader, keywords.length());

            // language
            String lanKey = menuItemElement.getAttribute("languagekey");
            if ((lanKey != null) && (lanKey.length() > 0)) {
                preparedStmt.setInt(14, Integer.parseInt(lanKey));
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(14, Types.INTEGER);

            RunAsType runAs = RunAsType.INHERIT;
            String runAsStr = menuItemElement.getAttribute("runAs");
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(runAsStr)) {
                runAs = RunAsType.valueOf(runAsStr);
            preparedStmt.setInt(15, runAs.getKey());

            // Display-name
            String displayName = getElementValue(menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME);
            preparedStmt.setString(16, displayName);

            // execute statement:

            // Create type specific data.
            switch (type) {
            case 1:
                // page
                createPage(con, menuItemElement, type, menuItemKey);

            case 2:
                // URL
                createOrUpdateURL(con, menuItemElement, menuItemKey);

            case 4:
                // document: nothing
                // page
                Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "page");
                PageTemplateKey pageTemplateKey = new PageTemplateKey(pageElem.getAttribute("pagetemplatekey"));
                PageTemplateType pageTemplateType = getPageTemplateHandler().getPageTemplateType(pageTemplateKey);
                if (pageTemplateType == PageTemplateType.SECTIONPAGE
                        || pageTemplateType == PageTemplateType.NEWSLETTER) {
                    createSection(menuItemElement, menuItemKey);
                createPage(con, menuItemElement, type, menuItemKey);

            case 5:
                // label

            case 6:
                // section
                createSection(menuItemElement, menuItemKey);

            case 7:
                // shortcut
                createOrOverrideShortcut(menuItemElement, menuItemKey);

                VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 70, "Unknown menuitem type: %0",
                        new Object[] { type }, null);

            // set contentkey if present
            String contentKeyStr = menuItemElement.getAttribute("contentkey");
            if (contentKeyStr.length() == 0) {
                contentKeyStr = "-1";
            setMenuItemContentKey(menuItemKey, Integer.parseInt(contentKeyStr));

            // fire event
            if (multicaster.hasListeners() && copyContext == null) {
                MenuHandlerEvent e = new MenuHandlerEvent(user, siteKey.toInt(), menuItemKey.toInt(), menuItemName,

            UserSpecification userSpecification = new UserSpecification();
            userSpecification.setKey(new UserKey(ownerKey));
            UserEntity owner = userDao.findSingleBySpecification(userSpecification);
            String ownerGroupKey = null;
            if (owner.getUserGroup() != null) {
                ownerGroupKey = owner.getUserGroup().getGroupKey().toString();

                    parentKey == null ? -1 : parentKey.toInt(), menuItemKey.toInt(), ownerGroupKey);

            // Create other
            Element menuItemsElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, "menuitems");
            if (menuItemsElement != null) {
                Element[] elems = XMLTool.getElements(menuItemsElement);
                for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
                    createMenuItem(user, copyContext, elems[i], siteKey, i, menuItemKey, useOldKey);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 40, "A database error occurred: %t", e);
        } finally {

        return menuItemKey.toInt();

    private String generateMenuItemName(Element menuItemElement) {
        String menuItemName;

        String suggestedName = getElementValue(menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_MENU_NAME);

        if (StringUtils.isBlank(suggestedName)) {
            suggestedName = getElementValue(menuItemElement, ELEMENT_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME);

        menuItemName = PrettyPathNameCreator.generatePrettyPathName(suggestedName);

        return menuItemName;

    private String ensureUniqueMenuItemName(SiteKey siteKey, MenuItemKey parentKey, String menuItemName,
            MenuItemKey existingKey) {
        int i = 0;

        String baseName = menuItemName;

        while (true) {
            if (!menuItemNameExists(siteKey, parentKey, menuItemName, existingKey)) {
                return menuItemName;
            } else {
                menuItemName = baseName + "(" + i + ")";

            Assert.isTrue(i < 100, "Not able to generate menuitem-name within 100 attempts to create unique");

    private String getElementValue(Element menuItemElement, String elementName) {
        Element tmp_element;
        String tmp;
        tmp_element = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElement, elementName);
        tmp = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_element);
        return tmp;

    public void createOrUpdateURL(Connection con, Element elem, MenuItemKey menuItemKey)
            throws VerticalCreateException {

        Element urlElement = XMLTool.getElement(elem, "url");
        String tmp = urlElement.getAttribute("newwindow");
        int bNewWindow = -1;
        if ("yes".equals(tmp)) {
            bNewWindow = 1;
        } else if ("no".equals(tmp)) {
            bNewWindow = 0;
        } else {
            String msg = "Please specify 'yes' or 'no' in 'newwindow' attribute.";
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 10, msg, null);

        String url = XMLTool.getElementText(urlElement);

        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        try {
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_URL_UPDATE);

            preparedStmt.setString(1, url);
            preparedStmt.setInt(2, bNewWindow);
            preparedStmt.setInt(3, menuItemKey.toInt());

        } catch (VerticalKeyException e) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 30, "Error generating key: %t", e);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 40, "A database error occurred: %t", e);
        } finally {

    public void updateSection(Element menuItemElem, int sectionKey)
            throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException {
        Element sectionElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "section");
        boolean ordered = "true".equals(sectionElem.getAttribute("ordered"));

        Element[] contentTypeElems = XMLTool.selectElements(sectionElem, "contenttypes/contenttype");
        int[] contentTypes = new int[contentTypeElems.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < contentTypeElems.length; i++) {
            contentTypes[i] = Integer.parseInt(contentTypeElems[i].getAttribute("key"));

        getSectionHandler().updateSection(sectionKey, ordered, contentTypes);

    public void setMenuItemContentTypes(int menuItemKey, int[] contentTypeKeys) {
        try {
            MenuItemKey sectionKey = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeyByMenuItem(new MenuItemKey(menuItemKey));
            if (sectionKey != null) {
                getSectionHandler().setContentTypesForSection(sectionKey.toInt(), contentTypeKeys);
        } catch (VerticalCreateException vce) {
            String message = "Failed to create section contenttype filter: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 1, message, null);

    private void createSection(Element menuItemElem, MenuItemKey menuItemKey)
            throws VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException {
        Element sectionElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "section");
        boolean ordered = "true".equals(sectionElem.getAttribute("ordered"));

        Element[] contentTypeElems = XMLTool.selectElements(sectionElem, "contenttypes/contenttype");
        int[] contentTypes = new int[contentTypeElems.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < contentTypeElems.length; i++) {
            contentTypes[i] = Integer.parseInt(contentTypeElems[i].getAttribute("key"));

        getSectionHandler().createSection(menuItemKey.toInt(), ordered, contentTypes);

    private void createOrOverrideShortcut(Element shortcutDestinationMenuItem, MenuItemKey shortcutMenuItem)
            throws VerticalCreateException {
        Element shortcutElem = XMLTool.getElement(shortcutDestinationMenuItem, "shortcut");
        int shortcut = Integer.parseInt(shortcutElem.getAttribute("key"));
        boolean forward = Boolean.valueOf(shortcutElem.getAttribute("forward"));
        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem,
                new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_mei_lShortcut, db.tMenuItem.mei_bShortcutForward },
                new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey }, null);
        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement prepStmt = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();
            prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString());
            prepStmt.setInt(1, shortcut);
            prepStmt.setBoolean(2, forward);
            prepStmt.setInt(3, shortcutMenuItem.toInt());
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            String message = "Failed to create menu item shortcut: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle);
        } finally {

    private void removeShortcut(int menuItemKey) throws VerticalRemoveException {
        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem,
                new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_mei_lShortcut, db.tMenuItem.mei_bShortcutForward },
                new Column[] { db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey }, null);
        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement prepStmt = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();
            prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString());
            prepStmt.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER);
            prepStmt.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER);
            prepStmt.setInt(3, menuItemKey);
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            String message = "Failed to create menu item shortcut: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle);
        } finally {

    public void createPage(Connection con, Element elem, int type, MenuItemKey menuItemKey)
            throws VerticalCreateException {

        Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(elem, "page");
        int pKey;

        Document pageDoc = XMLTool.createDocument();
        pageDoc.appendChild(pageDoc.importNode(pageElem, true));
        pKey = getPageHandler().createPage(XMLTool.documentToString(pageDoc));

        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        try {
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_PAGE_UPDATE_KEY);
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, pKey);
            preparedStmt.setInt(2, type);
            preparedStmt.setInt(3, menuItemKey.toInt());
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 10, "A database error occurred: %t", e);
        } finally {

    public int getErrorPage(int key) {
        SiteEntity entity = siteDao.findByKey(key);
        if ((entity == null) || (entity.getErrorPage() == null)) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return entity.getErrorPage().getKey();

    public int getLoginPage(int key) {
        SiteEntity entity = siteDao.findByKey(key);
        if ((entity == null) || (entity.getLoginPage() == null)) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return entity.getLoginPage().getKey();

    private Document getMenu(User user, int menuKey, int levels, int tagItem, boolean complete,
            boolean includePageConfig, boolean includeHidden) {

        Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menus");

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        ResultSet result = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();

            Element menuElement = getMenuData(doc.getDocumentElement(), menuKey);

            sql = getSecurityHandler().appendMenuItemSQL(user, sql);
            sql += ORDER_BY;

            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuKey);

            result = preparedStmt.executeQuery();

            Element menuItemsElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "menuitems");
            menuItemsElement.setAttribute("istop", "yes");

            // Make sure levels is set correct:
            if (levels == 0) {
                levels = -1;

            // Build menu items
            buildMenuItemsXML(user, result, doc, menuItemsElement, levels, tagItem, complete, includePageConfig,
                    includeHidden, true, true);
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            String message = "SQL error: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle);
        } finally {

        return doc;

    public Document getMenu(User user, int menuKey, boolean complete, boolean includePageConfig) {
        return getMenu(user, menuKey, -1, -1, complete, includePageConfig, true);

    public String getMenuName(int menuKey) {

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;
        String name;

        try {
            con = getConnection();
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_SELECT_NAME);
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuKey);
            resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery();

            if ( {
                name = resultSet.getString("men_sName");
            } else {
                name = null;

        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            String message = "Failed to get menu name: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle);
            name = null;
        } finally {

        return name;

    private Element getMenuData(Element rootElement, int menuId) {
        Document doc = rootElement.getOwnerDocument();
        Element menuElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, rootElement, "menu");

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        ResultSet result = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();

            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_SELECT_BY_KEY);
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuId);
            result = preparedStmt.executeQuery();
            if ( {
                int languageKey = result.getInt("men_lan_lKey");

                menuElement.setAttribute("key", String.valueOf(menuId));
                menuElement.setAttribute("languagekey", String.valueOf(languageKey));
                menuElement.setAttribute("languagecode", result.getString("lan_sCode"));
                menuElement.setAttribute("language", result.getString("lan_sDescription"));
                menuElement.setAttribute("runas", result.getString("men_usr_hRunAs"));

                String name = result.getString("men_sName");
                if (!result.wasNull()) {
                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "name", name);
                } else {
                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "name");

                // firstpage:
                int frontpageKey = result.getInt("men_mei_firstPage");
                if (!result.wasNull()) {
                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "firstpage").setAttribute("key",
                } else {
                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "firstpage");

                // loginpage:
                int loginpageKey = result.getInt("men_mei_loginPage");
                if (!result.wasNull()) {
                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "loginpage").setAttribute("key",
                } else {
                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "loginpage");

                // errorpage:
                int errorpageKey = result.getInt("men_mei_errorPage");
                if (!result.wasNull()) {
                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "errorpage").setAttribute("key",
                } else {
                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "errorpage");

                // Page template:
                int defaultPagetemplate = result.getInt("men_pat_lKey");
                if (!result.wasNull()) {
                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "defaultpagetemplate").setAttribute("pagetemplatekey",

                // XML data:
                InputStream is = result.getBinaryStream("men_xmlData");
                if (!result.wasNull()) {
                    Document tmpDoc = XMLTool.domparse(is);
                    menuElement.appendChild(doc.importNode(tmpDoc.getDocumentElement(), true));

                // Menu details.
                Element detailsElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuElement, "details");

                //Statistics URL:
                String statisticsURL = result.getString(db.tMenu.men_sStatisticsURL.getName());
                if (!result.wasNull()) {
                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, detailsElement, db.tMenu.men_sStatisticsURL.getXPath())
                } else {
                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, detailsElement, db.tMenu.men_sStatisticsURL.getXPath());

                /* Missing fields. New fields are only implemented in SiteXmlCreator. */
            } else {
                String message = "No menu found for menu ID: %0";
                VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 10, message, menuId, null);
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 20, "A database error occurred: %t", sqle);
        } finally {

        return menuElement;

    public Document getMenuItem(User user, int key, boolean withParents) {
        return getMenuItem(user, key, withParents, false, false);

    public int getMenuKeyByMenuItem(int menuItemKey) {
        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement prepStmt = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;
        int menuKey = -1;

        try {
            con = getConnection();
            prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_GET_KEY_BY_MENU_ITEM);
            prepStmt.setInt(1, menuItemKey);
            resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery();
            if ( {
                menuKey = resultSet.getInt(1);
        } catch (SQLException ignored) {
        } finally {

        return menuKey;

    protected Document getMenuItem(User user, int key, boolean withParents, boolean complete,
            boolean includePageConfig, boolean withChildren) {

        Document doc;
        Element rootElement;
        doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menuitems");
        rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement();

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();

            preparedStmt = con
                    .prepareStatement(getSecurityHandler().appendMenuItemSQL(user, MENU_ITEM_SELECT_BY_KEY));
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, key);
            resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery();

            if (!withChildren) {
                if ( {
                    buildMenuItemXML(doc, rootElement, resultSet, -1, complete, includePageConfig, true, true, true,

                // include parents?
                if (withParents) {
                    // yep. call getMenuItemDOM recursivly.
                    Element menuItemElement = (Element) doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild();
                    if (menuItemElement.hasAttribute("parent")) {
                        int parentKey = Integer.valueOf(menuItemElement.getAttribute("parent"));
                        while (parentKey >= 0) {
                            // get the parent:
                            doc = getMenuItem(user, parentKey, false, false, false);

                            // move the child inside the parent:
                            rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
                            Element parentElement = (Element) rootElement.getFirstChild();
                            if (parentElement != null) {
                                Element menuItemsElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, parentElement, "menuitems");
                                menuItemsElement.appendChild(doc.importNode(menuItemElement, true));
                                menuItemElement = parentElement;

                                if (menuItemElement.hasAttribute("parent")) {
                                    parentKey = Integer.valueOf(menuItemElement.getAttribute("parent"));
                                } else {
                                    parentKey = -1;
                            } else {
                                parentKey = -1;
            } else {
                buildMenuItemsXML(user, resultSet, doc, rootElement, -1, -1, complete, includePageConfig, true,
                        true, true);
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 30, "SQL error.", sqle);
        } finally {

        return doc;


    protected Document getMenuItem(User user, int key, int tagItem, boolean withParents, boolean complete,
            boolean includePageConfig, boolean withChildren, boolean includeHidden, boolean includeTypeSpecificXML,
            boolean tagItems, int levels) {

        Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menuitems");
        Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement();

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();

            String sql = getSecurityHandler().appendMenuItemSQL(user, MENU_ITEM_SELECT_BY_KEY, null);
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);

            preparedStmt.setInt(1, key);
            resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery();

            if (!withChildren) {
                if ( {
                    buildMenuItemXML(doc, rootElement, resultSet, tagItem, complete, includePageConfig,
                            includeHidden, includeTypeSpecificXML, tagItems, levels);

                // include parents?
                if (withParents) {
                    // yep. call getMenuItemDOM recursivly.
                    Element menuItemElement = (Element) doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild();
                    String tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("parent");

                    while (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
                        // get the parent:
                        doc = getMenuItem(user, Integer.parseInt(tmp), false, false, false);

                        // move the child inside the parent:
                        rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
                        Element parentElement = (Element) rootElement.getFirstChild();
                        Element menuItemsElement = XMLTool.createElement(doc, parentElement, "menuitems");
                        menuItemsElement.appendChild(doc.importNode(menuItemElement, true));
                        menuItemElement = parentElement;

                        tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("parent");
            } else {
                buildMenuItemsXML(user, resultSet, doc, rootElement, levels, tagItem, complete, includePageConfig,
                        includeHidden, includeTypeSpecificXML, tagItems);
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 30, "SQL error.", sqle);
        } finally {

        return doc;


    protected ArrayList<Integer> getMenuItemKeys(int menuKey, int parent) {
        ArrayList<Integer> keys = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        ResultSet result = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();
            if (parent == -1) {
                preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_SELECT_KEYS_BY_MENU_KEY_WO_PARENT);
                preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuKey);
            } else {
                preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_SELECT_KEYS_BY_MENU_KEY_AND_PARENT);
                preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuKey);
                preparedStmt.setInt(2, parent);

            result = preparedStmt.executeQuery();
            while ( {
                int key = result.getInt("mei_lKey");

        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            System.err.println("[MenuHandler_DB2Impl:Error] sql exception.");
        } finally {

        return keys;

    public int getParentMenuItemKey(int menuItemKey) {
        CommonHandler commonHandler = getCommonHandler();
        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent, false,
        return commonHandler.getInt(sql.toString(), menuItemKey);

    public String getMenuItemName(int menuItemKey) {
        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_sName, false,
        return getCommonHandler().getString(sql.toString(), menuItemKey);

    private Hashtable<String, Integer> getMenuItemTypesAsHashtable() {
        if (menuItemTypes == null) {
            menuItemTypes = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
            for (MenuItemType menuItemType : MenuItemType.values()) {
                menuItemTypes.put(menuItemType.getName(), menuItemType.getKey());
        return menuItemTypes;


    public void removeMenu(User user, int key)
            throws com.enonic.vertical.engine.VerticalRemoveException, VerticalSecurityException {

        // remove the darn thing
        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();

            // remove sections
            int[] sectionKeys = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeysByMenu(key);
            for (int sectionKey : sectionKeys) {
                getSectionHandler().removeSection(sectionKey, true);

            getCommonHandler().cascadeDelete(db.tMenu, key);

            // remove accessrights:
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM tDefaultMenuAR WHERE dma_men_lkey = ?");
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, key);

            // remove the menu (prepare delete):
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_PREPARE_DELETE);
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, key);

            int[] pageKeys = getPageHandler().getPageKeysByMenu(con, key);

            // remove the menuitems:
            ArrayList<Integer> menuItemKeys = getMenuItemKeys(key, -1);
            if (menuItemKeys != null && menuItemKeys.size() > 0) {
                for (Integer menuItemKey : menuItemKeys) {
                    removeMenuItem(user, menuItemKey);

            getPageHandler().removePages(con, pageKeys);
            getContentObjectHandler().removeContentObjectsByMenu(con, key);

            // remove the menu:
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_DELETE_WITH_KEY);
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, key);
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            String message = "SQL error: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorRemove(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle);
        } catch (VerticalRemoveException vre) {
            String message = "Failed to remove menu: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorRemove(this.getClass(), 0, message, vre);
        } finally {

    private MenuItemType getMenuItemType(int menuItemKey) {
        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_mid_lkey, false, (Column[]) null);
        XDG.appendWhereSQL(sql, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey, XDG.OPERATOR_EQUAL, menuItemKey);
        int menuItemTypeKey = getCommonHandler().getInt(sql.toString(), (Object[]) null);
        return MenuItemType.get(menuItemTypeKey);

    public void removeMenuItem(User user, int menuItemKey)
            throws VerticalRemoveException, VerticalSecurityException {

        MenuItemEntity menuItemToRemove = menuItemDao.findByKey(menuItemKey);

        List<MenuItemEntity> shortcuttingMenuItems = getShortcuttingMenuItems(menuItemToRemove);

        if (!shortcuttingMenuItems.isEmpty()) {
            throw new VerticalRemoveException("Could not remove menuItem since its referred to by shortcut");

        if (isFrontPage(menuItemToRemove)) {
            throw new VerticalRemoveException("This menu item can not be removed, it is the site front page.");
        if (isLoginPage(menuItemToRemove)) {
            throw new VerticalRemoveException("This menu item can not be removed, it is the site login page.");
        if (isErrorPage(menuItemToRemove)) {
            throw new VerticalRemoveException("This menu item can not be removed, it is the site error page.");

        MenuItemType type = getMenuItemType(menuItemKey);

        // security check:
        SecurityHandler securityHandler = getSecurityHandler();
        if (!securityHandler.validateMenuItemRemove(user, menuItemKey)) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 10, "Not allowed to remove menuitem: %0",
                    new Object[] { menuItemKey }, null);

        getCommonHandler().cascadeDelete(db.tMenuItem, menuItemKey);

        Connection con = null;

        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();

            // get menu item name and menu key (used by event handling)
            String name = getMenuItemName(menuItemKey);
            int menuKey = getMenuKeyByMenuItem(menuItemKey);

            // recursivly remove children
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_SELECT_CHILDREN);
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuItemKey);
            resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery();
            List<Integer> menuItemsChildList = new LinkedList<Integer>();
            while ( {
            resultSet = null;
            preparedStmt = null;

            for (Integer childKey : menuItemsChildList) {
                //String childType = (String) menuItemsMap.get(childKey);
                removeMenuItem(user, childKey);

            securityHandler.removeAccessRights(con, menuItemKey, AccessRight.MENUITEM);
            if (type == MenuItemType.PAGE) {
                removePageFromMenuItem(con, menuItemKey);
            } else if (type == MenuItemType.CONTENT) {
                removePageFromMenuItem(con, menuItemKey);

            // remove any sections
            MenuItemKey sectionKey = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeyByMenuItem(new MenuItemKey(menuItemKey));
            if (sectionKey != null) {

            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_DELETE_WITH_KEY);
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, menuItemKey);

            if (multicaster.hasListeners()) {
                MenuHandlerEvent e = new MenuHandlerEvent(user, menuKey, menuItemKey, name, this);
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            String MESSAGE_00 = "A database error occurred while removing menuitem: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorRemove(this.getClass(), 20, MESSAGE_00, sqle);
        } finally {

    private boolean isErrorPage(MenuItemEntity menuItem) {
        SiteEntity site = menuItem.getSite();
        return menuItem.equals(site.getErrorPage());

    private boolean isLoginPage(MenuItemEntity menuItem) {
        SiteEntity site = menuItem.getSite();
        return menuItem.equals(site.getLoginPage());

    private boolean isFrontPage(MenuItemEntity menuItem) {
        SiteEntity site = menuItem.getSite();
        return menuItem.equals(site.getFrontPage());

    private List<MenuItemEntity> getShortcuttingMenuItems(MenuItemEntity menuItem) {

        MenuItemSpecification shortcutsToMenuItemsSpec = new MenuItemSpecification();

        return menuItemDao.findBySpecification(shortcutsToMenuItemsSpec);

    protected void removePageFromMenuItem(Connection con, int key) throws SQLException, VerticalRemoveException {

        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;
        int pagKey = -1;

        try {
            // Get the page key:
            preparedStmt = con
                    .prepareStatement("SELECT mei_pag_lKey FROM " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " WHERE mei_lKey = ?");
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, key);
            resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery();
            if ( {
                pagKey = resultSet.getInt(1);
        } finally {

        try {
            // Remove the coupling between the menuitem and the page:
            preparedStmt = con
                    .prepareStatement("UPDATE " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " SET mei_pag_lKey = ? WHERE mei_lKey = ?");
            preparedStmt.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER);
            preparedStmt.setInt(2, key);
        } finally {

        // Remove the page from the page table:
        if (pagKey != -1) {

    protected void setURLToNull(Connection con, MenuItemKey mikey) throws SQLException {
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;

        try {
            preparedStmt = con
                    .prepareStatement("UPDATE " + MENU_ITEM_TABLE + " SET mei_sURL = ? WHERE mei_lKey = ?");
            preparedStmt.setNull(1, Types.VARCHAR);
            preparedStmt.setInt(2, mikey.toInt());
        } finally {

    private void updateMenu(User user, CopyContext copyContext, Document doc, boolean useOldKeys)
            throws VerticalUpdateException, VerticalSecurityException {
        Element root_elem = doc.getDocumentElement();

        // get menu key:
        String tmp = root_elem.getAttribute("key");
        SiteKey menuKey = new SiteKey(tmp);

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();

            // Update the main menu table:
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_UPDATE);

            // firstpage:
            Element tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "firstpage");
            tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
            if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
                preparedStmt.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(tmp));
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER);

            // loginpage:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "loginpage");
            tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
            if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
                preparedStmt.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(tmp));
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER);

            // errorpage:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "errorpage");
            tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
            if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
                preparedStmt.setInt(3, Integer.parseInt(tmp));
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER);

            // default pagetemplate:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "defaultpagetemplate");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                tmp = tmpElement.getAttribute("pagetemplatekey");
                preparedStmt.setInt(4, Integer.parseInt(tmp));
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(4, Types.INTEGER);

            SiteData siteData = new SiteData();

            // DeviceClassResolver:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "deviceclassresolver");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                String deviceClassResolverUrl = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(deviceClassResolverUrl)) {
                    siteData.setDeviceClassResolver(new ResourceKey(deviceClassResolverUrl));

            // default localization resource:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "defaultlocalizationresource");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                String defaultLocalizationResource = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(defaultLocalizationResource)) {
                    siteData.setDefaultLocalizationResource(new ResourceKey(defaultLocalizationResource));

            // locale resolver:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "localeresolver");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                String localeResolver = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(localeResolver)) {
                    siteData.setLocaleResolver(new ResourceKey(localeResolver));

            // Path to public home:
            String pathToPublicHome = root_elem.getAttribute("pathtopublichome");
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToPublicHome)) {
                siteData.setPathToPublicResources(new ResourceKey(pathToPublicHome));

            // Path to home:
            String pathToHome = root_elem.getAttribute("pathtohome");
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToHome)) {
                siteData.setPathToResources(new ResourceKey(pathToHome));

            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "menudata");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                parseAndAddMenudataToSiteData(tmpElement, siteData);

            final byte[] xmldata = siteData.getAsBytes();
            preparedStmt.setBinaryStream(5, new ByteArrayInputStream(xmldata), xmldata.length);

            // language key:
            preparedStmt.setInt(6, Integer.parseInt(root_elem.getAttribute("languagekey")));

            Element detailsElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "details");

            // Statistics URL:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(detailsElement, "statistics");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                String name = XMLTool.getElementText(tmpElement);
                if (name != null) {
                    preparedStmt.setString(7, name);
                } else {
                    preparedStmt.setNull(7, Types.VARCHAR);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(7, Types.VARCHAR);

            // Run As User:
            String runAsUserKey = root_elem.getAttribute("runas");
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(runAsUserKey)) {
                preparedStmt.setString(8, runAsUserKey);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(8, Types.VARCHAR);

            // menu key:
            preparedStmt.setInt(9, menuKey.toInt());
            preparedStmt = null;

            // Update the individual menuitems (recursivly):
            try {
                Element[] elems = XMLTool.getElements(XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "menuitems"));
                for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
                    String curDeleted = elems[i].getAttribute("deleted");
                    if (!"deleted".equals(curDeleted)) {
                        String curKey = elems[i].getAttribute("key");
                        if (curKey == null || curKey.length() == 0 || !useOldKeys) {
                            createMenuItem(user, copyContext, elems[i], menuKey, i, null, useOldKeys);
                        } else {
                            updateMenuItem(user, elems[i], menuKey, i, null, true);
            } catch (VerticalCreateException vce) {
                VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 2, "Failed to create new menuitem: %t", vce);

            // get all deleted menuitems:
            String xpath = "//menuitem[@deleted = 'deleted']";

            try {
                // Search for the xpath:
                NodeList list = XMLTool.selectNodes(doc.getDocumentElement(), xpath);

                // Loop through the results.
                for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
                    Element n = (Element) list.item(i);
                    tmp = n.getAttribute("key");
                    removeMenuItem(user, Integer.parseInt(tmp));

            } catch (VerticalRemoveException vre) {
                VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 3, "Failed to remove menuitem: %t", vre);
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 5, "A database error occurred: %t", sqle);
        } finally {

    private void parseAndAddMenudataToSiteData(Element menuDataElement, SiteData siteData) {
        Element pageTypesEl = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, "pagetypes");
        Element[] allowElements = XMLTool.getElements(pageTypesEl, "allow");
        for (Element allowEl : allowElements) {
            final String pageType = allowEl.getAttribute("type");

        Element defaultCss = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, SiteData.DEFAULT_CSS_ELEMENT_NAME);
        if (defaultCss != null) {
            String defaultCssKey = defaultCss.getAttribute("key");

            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(defaultCssKey)) {
                siteData.setDefaultCssKey(new ResourceKey(defaultCssKey));

        // DeviceClassResolver:
        Element tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, SiteData.DEVICE_CLASS_RESOLVER_ELEMENT_NAME);
        if (tmpElement != null) {
            String deviceClassResolverUrl = tmpElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getTextContent();
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(deviceClassResolverUrl)) {
                siteData.setDeviceClassResolver(new ResourceKey(deviceClassResolverUrl));

        // Default localization resource:
        tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, SiteData.DEFAULT_LOCALIZATION_RESOURCE_ELMENT_NAME);
        if (tmpElement != null) {
            String defaultLocalizationResource = tmpElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getTextContent();
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(defaultLocalizationResource)) {
                siteData.setDefaultLocalizationResource(new ResourceKey(defaultLocalizationResource));

        // locale resolver
        tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, SiteData.LOCALE_RESOLVER_ELEMENT_NAME);
        if (tmpElement != null) {
            String localeResolver = tmpElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getTextContent();
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(localeResolver)) {
                siteData.setLocaleResolver(new ResourceKey(localeResolver));

        // Path to public home:
        tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, SiteData.PATH_TO_PUBLIC_HOME_RESOURCES_ELEMENT_NAME);
        if (tmpElement != null) {
            String pathToPublicHome = tmpElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getTextContent();
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToPublicHome)) {
                siteData.setPathToPublicResources(new ResourceKey(pathToPublicHome));

        // Path to home:
        tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataElement, SiteData.PATH_TO_HOME_RESOURCES_ELEMENT_NAME);
        if (tmpElement != null) {
            String pathToHome = tmpElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getTextContent();
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToHome)) {
                siteData.setPathToResources(new ResourceKey(pathToHome));

    private UserKey getUserKeyFromGroupKey(String groupKey) {
        UserSpecification userSpec = new UserSpecification();
        userSpec.setUserGroupKey(new GroupKey(groupKey));
        UserEntity userEntity = userDao.findSingleBySpecification(userSpec);

        if (userEntity == null) {
            return null;

        return userEntity.getKey();

    public void updateMenuData(Document doc) throws VerticalUpdateException, VerticalSecurityException {
        Element root_elem = doc.getDocumentElement();

        // get menu key:
        String tmp = root_elem.getAttribute("key");
        int menuKey = Integer.parseInt(tmp);

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();

            // Update the main menu table:
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENUDATA_UPDATE);

            // name:
            Element tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "name");
            String name = null;
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                name = XMLTool.getElementText(tmpElement);
            if (name != null && name.length() > 0) {
                StringReader sreader = new StringReader(name);
                preparedStmt.setCharacterStream(1, sreader, name.length());
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(1, Types.VARCHAR);

            // language:
            preparedStmt.setInt(3, Integer.parseInt(root_elem.getAttribute("languagekey")));

            Element detailsElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "details");

            // Statistics URL:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(detailsElement, "statistics");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                String statisticsURL = XMLTool.getElementText(tmpElement);
                if (statisticsURL != null) {
                    preparedStmt.setString(4, statisticsURL);
                } else {
                    preparedStmt.setNull(4, Types.VARCHAR);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(4, Types.VARCHAR);

            SiteData siteData = new SiteData();

            // DeviceClassResolver:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "deviceclassresolver");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                String deviceClassResolverUrl = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
                if (deviceClassResolverUrl != null) {
                    siteData.setDeviceClassResolver(new ResourceKey(deviceClassResolverUrl));

            // Localization default resource:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "defaultlocalizationresource");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                String defaultLocalizationResourceUrl = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
                if (defaultLocalizationResourceUrl != null) {
                    siteData.setDefaultLocalizationResource(new ResourceKey(defaultLocalizationResourceUrl));

            // Locale resolver
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "localeresolver");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                String localeResolver = tmpElement.getAttribute("key");
                if (localeResolver != null) {
                    siteData.setLocaleResolver(new ResourceKey(localeResolver));

            // Path to public home:
            String pathToPublicHome = root_elem.getAttribute("pathtopublichome");
            if (pathToPublicHome != null && pathToPublicHome.length() > 0) {
                siteData.setPathToPublicResources(new ResourceKey(pathToPublicHome));

            // Path to home:
            String pathToHome = root_elem.getAttribute("pathtohome");
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pathToHome)) {
                siteData.setPathToResources(new ResourceKey(pathToHome));

            // menu data:
            tmpElement = XMLTool.getElement(root_elem, "menudata");
            if (tmpElement != null) {
                parseAndAddMenudataToSiteData(tmpElement, siteData);

            final byte[] xmldata = siteData.getAsBytes();
            preparedStmt.setBinaryStream(2, new ByteArrayInputStream(xmldata), xmldata.length);

            // Run As User:
            String runAsUserGroupKey = root_elem.getAttribute("runas");
            if (runAsUserGroupKey != null && runAsUserGroupKey.length() > 0) {
                UserKey userKey = getUserKeyFromGroupKey(runAsUserGroupKey);
                preparedStmt.setString(5, userKey != null ? userKey.toString() : null);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(5, Types.VARCHAR);

            // menu key:
            preparedStmt.setInt(6, menuKey);
            preparedStmt = null;
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            String message = "SQL error: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle);
        } finally {

    public void updateMenuItem(User user, String xmlData)
            throws VerticalUpdateException, VerticalSecurityException {

        Document doc = XMLTool.domparse(xmlData);
        Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
        Element menuItemElement = XMLTool.getElement(rootElement, "menuitem");

        SiteKey siteKey = null;
        String tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("menukey");
        if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
            siteKey = new SiteKey(tmp);

        int order = 0;
        tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("order");
        if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
            order = Integer.parseInt(tmp);

        MenuItemKey parent = null;
        tmp = menuItemElement.getAttribute("parent");
        if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
            parent = new MenuItemKey(tmp);

        try {
            updateMenuItem(user, menuItemElement, siteKey, order, parent, false);
        } catch (VerticalCreateException e) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 10, "Wrapped exception: %t", e);

    private void updateMenuItem(User user, Element menuitem_elem, SiteKey siteKey, int order, MenuItemKey parent,
            boolean skipNameCheck)
            throws VerticalUpdateException, VerticalCreateException, VerticalSecurityException {

        MenuItemKey key = new MenuItemKey(menuitem_elem.getAttribute("key"));

        Element menuItemNameElement = XMLTool.getElement(menuitem_elem, ELEMENT_NAME_MENUITEM_NAME);

        String menuItemName = XMLTool.getElementText(menuItemNameElement);

        // If no menuItemName given, it should be generated. This is already done in the MenuHandlerServlet, but enshure this for other ways in aswell
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(menuItemName)) {
            menuItemName = generateMenuItemName(menuitem_elem);

        String uniqueMenuItemName = ensureUniqueMenuItemName(siteKey, parent, menuItemName, key);

        if (!uniqueMenuItemName.equals(menuItemName)) {
            menuItemName = uniqueMenuItemName;

        if (!skipNameCheck && menuItemNameExists(siteKey, parent, menuItemName, key)) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 20, "Menu item name already exists on this level: %0",
                    new Object[] { menuItemName }, null);

        Connection con = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();

            // menu item types:
            Hashtable<String, Integer> itemTypes = getMenuItemTypesAsHashtable();

            // security check:
            if (!getSecurityHandler().validateMenuItemUpdate(user, key.toInt())) {
                VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 10, "Not allowed to update menuitem: %0.",
                        new Object[] { key }, null);

            // get type:
            String str_type = menuitem_elem.getAttribute("type");
            int type = itemTypes.get(str_type);

            // has it changed type?
            boolean typeChanged = false;
            String str_typeChanged = menuitem_elem.getAttribute("typechanged");
            if (str_typeChanged != null && str_typeChanged.length() != 0) {
                typeChanged = true;

                // the type has changed. delete it and re-create it with the same key.
                int old_type = itemTypes.get(str_typeChanged);

                try {
                    switch (old_type) {
                    case 1:
                        // page
                        removePageFromMenuItem(con, key.toInt());
                    case 2:
                        // URL
                        setURLToNull(con, key);
                    case 4:
                        // page
                        removePageFromMenuItem(con, key.toInt());
                    case 7:
                        // page
                        if (type != 7) {
                } catch (VerticalRemoveException e) {
                    VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 30, "Error removing page: %t", e);
                setMenuItemType(key.toInt(), type);

            // create the new menu item type or update existing:
            boolean modified = "modified".equals(menuitem_elem.getAttribute("modified"));
            if (modified) {
                PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;

                boolean hasSection = false;

                try {
                    switch (type) {
                    case 1:
                        Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitem_elem, "page");
                        String str_pageKey = pageElem.getAttribute("key");
                        if (str_pageKey != null && str_pageKey.length() > 0 && !typeChanged) {
                            updatePage(con, menuitem_elem, type, key);
                        } else {
                            createPage(con, menuitem_elem, type, key);

                    case 2: // create a new URL-thingie
                        createOrUpdateURL(con, menuitem_elem, key);

                    case 4: // document
                        // does it have a section?
                        Element sectionElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitem_elem, "section");
                        if (sectionElem != null) {
                            hasSection = true;
                            MenuItemKey sectionKey = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeyByMenuItem(key);
                            if (sectionKey != null) {
                                updateSection(menuitem_elem, sectionKey.toInt());
                            } else {
                                createSection(menuitem_elem, key);

                        // page
                        pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitem_elem, "page");
                        str_pageKey = pageElem.getAttribute("key");
                        if (str_pageKey != null && str_pageKey.length() > 0 && !typeChanged) {
                            updatePage(con, menuitem_elem, type, key);
                        } else {
                            createPage(con, menuitem_elem, type, key);

                    case 5: // Label:

                    case 6: // section
                        hasSection = true;
                        MenuItemKey sectionKey = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeyByMenuItem(key);
                        if (sectionKey != null) {
                            updateSection(menuitem_elem, sectionKey.toInt());
                        } else {
                            createSection(menuitem_elem, key);

                    case 7: // Shortcut:
                        createOrOverrideShortcut(menuitem_elem, key);
                } finally {

                // remove section if necessary
                MenuItemKey sectionKey = getSectionHandler().getSectionKeyByMenuItem(key);
                if (sectionKey != null && !hasSection) {
                    try {
                    } catch (VerticalRemoveException vre) {
                        VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 50, "Failed to remove section: %t", vre);

                updateMenuItemData(user, menuitem_elem, type, parent, order);
            } else {
                updateMenuItemData(user, menuitem_elem, type, parent, order);

            // set contentkey if present
            String contentKeyStr = menuitem_elem.getAttribute("contentkey");
            if (contentKeyStr.length() == 0) {
                contentKeyStr = "-1";
            setMenuItemContentKey(key, Integer.parseInt(contentKeyStr));

            Element menuitems = XMLTool.getElement(menuitem_elem, "menuitems");
            if (menuitems != null) {
                Node[] items = XMLTool.filterNodes(menuitems.getChildNodes(), Node.ELEMENT_NODE);
                for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                    Element curElement = (Element) items[i];
                    String deleted = curElement.getAttribute("deleted");
                    if (!"deleted".equals(deleted)) {
                        String curKey = curElement.getAttribute("key");
                        if (curKey == null || curKey.length() == 0) {
                            createMenuItem(user, null, curElement, siteKey, i, key, false);
                        } else {
                            updateMenuItem(user, curElement, siteKey, i, key, true);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 50, "A database error occurred: %t", e);
        } finally {

    public void setMenuItemContentKey(MenuItemKey menuItemKey, int contentKey) {
        // first delete the contentkey for this menu item
        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateRemoveSQL(db.tMenuItemContent, db.tMenuItemContent.mic_mei_lKey);
        getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), menuItemKey.toInt());

        // now insert the new value
        if (contentKey != -1) {
            sql = XDG.generateInsertSQL(db.tMenuItemContent);
            getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new int[] { menuItemKey.toInt(), contentKey });

    public int getMenuItemContentKey(int menuItemKey) {
        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL(db.tMenuItemContent, db.tMenuItemContent.mic_con_lKey, false,
        return getCommonHandler().getInt(sql.toString(), menuItemKey);

    private void updateMenuItemData(User user, Element menuItemElem, int type, MenuItemKey parent, int order)
            throws VerticalUpdateException {

        String tmp;
        boolean modified = "modified".equals(menuItemElem.getAttribute("modified"));

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();

            // update the main table:
            int psCounter = 1;
            if (modified) {
                preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_UPDATE);
            } else {
                preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_UPDATE_NO_DATA);

            // name
            Element tmp_elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, ELEMENT_NAME_MENUITEM_NAME);
            String name = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_elem);


            StringReader sreader = new StringReader(name);
            preparedStmt.setCharacterStream(psCounter++, sreader, name.length());

            if (parent != null) {
                preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter++, parent.toInt());
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(psCounter++, Types.INTEGER);

            // order
            preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter++, order);

            Element dataElem;
            if (modified) {
                dataElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "data");

                // parameters
                tmp_elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "parameters");
                if (tmp_elem != null) {
            } else {
                dataElem = null;

            // alternative name:
            tmp_elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, ELEMENT_NAME_MENU_NAME);
            if (tmp_elem != null) {
                tmp = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_elem);
                preparedStmt.setString(psCounter++, tmp);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(psCounter++, Types.VARCHAR);

            // visibility:
            tmp = menuItemElem.getAttribute("visible");
            if ("no".equals(tmp)) {
                preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter++, 1);
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter++, 0);

            // description:
            tmp_elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "description");
            String data = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_elem);
            if (data == null) {
                data = "";
            StringReader reader = new StringReader(data);
            preparedStmt.setCharacterStream(psCounter++, reader, data.length());

            // keywords
            tmp_elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "keywords");
            String keywords = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_elem);
            if (keywords == null || keywords.length() == 0) {
                preparedStmt.setNull(psCounter++, Types.VARCHAR);
            } else {
                StringReader keywordReader = new StringReader(keywords);
                preparedStmt.setCharacterStream(psCounter++, keywordReader, keywords.length());

            // language
            String lanKey = menuItemElem.getAttribute("languagekey");
            if ((lanKey != null) && (lanKey.length() > 0)) {
                preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter++, Integer.parseInt(lanKey));
            } else {
                preparedStmt.setNull(psCounter++, Types.INTEGER);

            // get menuitem key:
            tmp = menuItemElem.getAttribute("key");
            int key = Integer.parseInt(tmp);

            // owner
            String ownerKey = menuItemElem.getAttribute("owner");

            // modifier
            String modifierKey = menuItemElem.getAttribute("modifier");

            if (modified && type == 4) {
                //byte[] document = null;
                Element docElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, "document");
            preparedStmt.setString(psCounter++, ownerKey);
            preparedStmt.setString(psCounter++, modifierKey);

            RunAsType runAs = RunAsType.INHERIT;
            String runAsStr = menuItemElem.getAttribute("runAs");
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(runAsStr)) {
                runAs = RunAsType.valueOf(runAsStr);
            preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter++, runAs.getKey());

            // displayname:
            tmp_elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuItemElem, ELEMENT_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME);

            if (tmp_elem == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Displayname must be set");
            } else {
                tmp = XMLTool.getElementText(tmp_elem);
                preparedStmt.setString(psCounter++, tmp);

            // data
            if (modified) {
                Document dataDoc = XMLTool.createDocument();
                dataDoc.appendChild(dataDoc.importNode(dataElem, true));

                byte[] bytes = XMLTool.documentToBytes(dataDoc, "UTF-8");
                preparedStmt.setBinaryStream(psCounter++, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), bytes.length);

            preparedStmt.setInt(psCounter, key);


            if (multicaster.hasListeners()) {
                int menuKey = getMenuKeyByMenuItem(key);
                MenuHandlerEvent e = new MenuHandlerEvent(user, menuKey, key, name, this);
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 20, "SQL error while updating menuitem data.", sqle);
        } finally {

    private void validateMenuItemName(String name) {
        if (name == null || name.trim().length() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name must be set: '" + name + "'");
        if (name.endsWith(" ")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot end with a space: '" + name + "'");
        if (name.startsWith(" ")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot start with a space: '" + name + "'");
        if (name.indexOf("  ") >= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot contain double spaces: '" + name + "'");

    public void moveMenuItem(User user, Element[] menuItemElems, int menuItemKey, int fromMenuKey,
            int fromParentKey, int toMenuKey, int toParentKey) {
        try {
            // Sjekk om brukeren har rettighet til  flytte..
            // Brukeren m ha administrate rettighet dit han skal flytte til
            boolean isEA = user.isEnterpriseAdmin();

            if (fromParentKey == -1) {
                MenuAccessRight fromParentUserright = getSecurityHandler().getMenuAccessRight(user, fromMenuKey);
                if (!fromParentUserright.getAdministrate() && !isEA) {
                    VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0,
                            "Not allowed to move menuitem[key=%0] from parent[key=%1] to parent[key=%2]. You need administrate rights on the parent to the menuitem you are moving.",
                            new Object[] { menuItemKey, fromParentKey, toParentKey }, null);
            } else {
                MenuItemAccessRight fromParentUserright = getSecurityHandler().getMenuItemAccessRight(user,
                        new MenuItemKey(fromParentKey));
                if (!fromParentUserright.getAdministrate() && !isEA) {
                    VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0,
                            "Not allowed to move menuitem[key=%0] from parent[key=%1] to parent[key=%2]. You need administrate rights on the parent to the menuitem you are moving.",
                            new Object[] { menuItemKey, fromParentKey, toParentKey }, null);
            if (toParentKey == -1) {
                MenuAccessRight toParentUserright = getSecurityHandler().getMenuAccessRight(user, toMenuKey);
                if (!toParentUserright.getAdministrate() && !isEA) {
                    VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0,
                            "Not allowed to move menuitem[key=%0] from parent[key=%1] to parent[key=%2]. You need administrative rights on the menuitems you are moving into.",
                            new Object[] { menuItemKey, fromParentKey, toParentKey }, null);
            } else {
                MenuItemAccessRight toParentUserright = getSecurityHandler().getMenuItemAccessRight(user,
                        new MenuItemKey(toParentKey));
                if (!toParentUserright.getAdministrate() && !isEA) {
                    VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0,
                            "Not allowed to move menuitem[key=%0] from parent[key=%1] to parent[key=%2]. You need administrative rights on the menuitems you are moving into.",
                            new Object[] { menuItemKey, fromParentKey, toParentKey }, null);

            // check whether name is unique for this parent
            String name = getMenuItemName(menuItemKey);
            if (menuItemNameExists(new SiteKey(toMenuKey), toParentKey == -1 ? null : new MenuItemKey(toParentKey),
                    name, null)) {
                VerticalEngineLogger.errorCreate(this.getClass(), 20,
                        "Menu item name already exists on this level: %0", new Object[] { name }, null);

            setMenuItemParent(menuItemKey, toParentKey);
            shiftMenuItems(user, menuItemElems, toMenuKey, toParentKey);
        } catch (VerticalSecurityException e) {
            String message = "Failed to move menuitem: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, message, e);

    public void shiftMenuItems(User user, Element[] menuItemElems, int menuKey, int parentMenuItemKey) {

        try {

            // Sjekk om brukeren har rettighet til  flytte..
            // Brukeren m ha administrate rettighet dit han skal flytte til
            boolean hasEAPowers = memberOfResolver.hasEnterpriseAdminPowers(user.getKey());

            if (parentMenuItemKey == -1) {
                MenuAccessRight fromParentUserright = getSecurityHandler().getMenuAccessRight(user, menuKey);
                if (!fromParentUserright.getAdministrate() && !(hasEAPowers)) {
                    VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0,
                            "Not allowed to shift menuitems at root in menu[key=%1]. You need administrate rights on the parent to the menuitem you are moving.",
                            new Object[] { menuKey }, null);
            } else {
                MenuItemAccessRight fromParentUserright = getSecurityHandler().getMenuItemAccessRight(user,
                        new MenuItemKey(parentMenuItemKey));
                if (!fromParentUserright.getAdministrate() && !(hasEAPowers)) {
                    VerticalEngineLogger.errorSecurity(this.getClass(), 0,
                            "Not allowed to shift menuitems under parent[key=%0]. You need administrate rights on the parent to the menuitem you are moving.",
                            new Object[] { parentMenuItemKey }, null);

            for (int i = 0; i < menuItemElems.length; i++) {
                int menuItemKey = Integer.parseInt(menuItemElems[i].getAttribute("key"));
                setMenuItemOrder(menuItemKey, i);
        } catch (VerticalSecurityException e) {
            String message = "Failed to shift menuitems: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, message, e);

    public void updatePage(Connection con, Element elem, int type, MenuItemKey key) throws VerticalUpdateException {

        Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(elem, "page");
        int pKey = -1;

        Document pageDoc = XMLTool.createDocument();
        pageDoc.appendChild(pageDoc.importNode(pageElem, true));

        String tmp = pageElem.getAttribute("key");
        if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) {
            pKey = Integer.parseInt(tmp);
            try {
            } catch (VerticalUpdateException vue) {
                VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 10, "A database error occurred: %t", vue);
        } else {
            String MESSAGE_10 = "No page key found in XML.";
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 20, MESSAGE_10, null);

        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        try {
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEM_PAGE_UPDATE_KEY);
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, pKey);
            preparedStmt.setInt(2, type);
            preparedStmt.setInt(3, key.toInt());
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorUpdate(this.getClass(), 30, "A database error occurred: %t", e);
        } finally {

    private void copyMenu(CopyContext copyContext, Element menuElem) throws VerticalCopyException,
            VerticalCreateException, VerticalUpdateException, VerticalSecurityException {

        if (menuElem != null) {
            User user = copyContext.getUser();
            int oldMenuKey = Integer.parseInt(menuElem.getAttribute("key"));

            //if (copyContext.getOldSiteKey() != copyContext.getNewSiteKey())
            //  menuElem.setAttribute("sitekey", String.valueOf(copyContext.getNewSiteKey()));
            //else {
            Element nameElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuElem, "name");
            Text text = (Text) nameElem.getFirstChild();
            Map translationMap = languageMap.getTranslationMap(user.getSelectedLanguageCode());
            text.setData(text.getData() + " (" + translationMap.get("%txtCopy%") + ")");

            Element elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuElem, "firstpage");
            String oldFirstPageKey = elem.getAttribute("key");

            elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuElem, "loginpage");
            String oldLoginPageKey = elem.getAttribute("key");

            elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuElem, "errorpage");
            String oldErrorPageKey = elem.getAttribute("key");

            String oldDefaultPageTemplateKey = null;
            elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuElem, "defaultpagetemplate");
            if (elem != null) {
                oldDefaultPageTemplateKey = elem.getAttribute("pagetemplatekey");

            Document newDoc = XMLTool.createDocument();
            Element newMenuElem = (Element) newDoc.importNode(menuElem, true);
            Element menuitemsElem = XMLTool.getElement(newMenuElem, "menuitems");
            SiteKey menuKey = createMenu(user, copyContext, newDoc, false);

            // copy content objects and page templates
            ContentObjectHandler contentObjectHandler = getContentObjectHandler();
            contentObjectHandler.copyContentObjects(oldMenuKey, copyContext);
            PageTemplateHandler pageTemplateHandler = getPageTemplateHandler();
            pageTemplateHandler.copyPageTemplates(oldMenuKey, copyContext);

            Document doc = getMenu(user, menuKey.toInt(), true, true);
            Element docElem = doc.getDocumentElement();
            newMenuElem = (Element) docElem.getFirstChild();
            doc.replaceChild(newMenuElem, docElem);
            Element newMenuitemsElem = (Element) doc.importNode(menuitemsElem, true);
            menuitemsElem = XMLTool.getElement(newMenuElem, "menuitems");
            newMenuElem.replaceChild(newMenuitemsElem, menuitemsElem);

            // prepare copy of menu items
            prepareCopy(newMenuitemsElem, copyContext);
            updateMenu(user, copyContext, doc, false);

            if (oldFirstPageKey != null && oldFirstPageKey.length() > 0) {
                elem = XMLTool.createElementIfNotPresent(doc, newMenuElem, "firstpage");

            if (oldLoginPageKey != null && oldLoginPageKey.length() > 0) {
                elem = XMLTool.createElementIfNotPresent(doc, newMenuElem, "loginpage");

            if (oldErrorPageKey != null && oldErrorPageKey.length() > 0) {
                elem = XMLTool.createElementIfNotPresent(doc, newMenuElem, "errorpage");

            if (oldDefaultPageTemplateKey != null && oldDefaultPageTemplateKey.length() > 0) {
                elem = XMLTool.createElement(doc, newMenuElem, "defaultpagetemplate");
                elem.setAttribute("pagetemplatekey", String

            if (copyContext.isIncludeContents()) {
                menuitemsElem = XMLTool.getElement(newMenuElem, "menuitems");

            // update default css
            Element menudataElem = XMLTool.getElement(newMenuElem, "menudata");
            Element defaultcssElem = XMLTool.getElement(menudataElem, "defaultcss");
            if (defaultcssElem != null) {
                String cssKey = defaultcssElem.getAttribute("key");
                if (cssKey != null && cssKey.length() > 0) {
                    defaultcssElem.setAttribute("key", cssKey);

            updateMenu(user, copyContext, doc, true);

            // post-process content objects and page templates
            contentObjectHandler.copyContentObjectsPostOp(oldMenuKey, copyContext);
            pageTemplateHandler.copyPageTemplatesPostOp(oldMenuKey, copyContext);

    public void copyMenu(User user, int menuKey, boolean includeContents) throws VerticalCopyException {

        try {
            Document doc = getMenu(user, menuKey, true, true);
            Element menuElem = XMLTool.getFirstElement(doc.getDocumentElement());
            if (menuElem != null) {
                //int siteKey = Integer.parseInt(menuElem.getAttribute("sitekey"));

                CopyContext copyContext = new CopyContext();

                copyMenu(copyContext, menuElem);
        } catch (VerticalEngineException vee) {
            String MESSAGE_00 = "Failed to copy pages: %0";
            Object[] msgData = new Object[] { vee.getMessage() };
            VerticalEngineLogger.errorCopy(this.getClass(), 10, MESSAGE_00, msgData, vee);

    private void prepareCopy(Element menuitemsElem, CopyContext copyContext) {

        //int newSiteKey = copyContext.getNewSiteKey();
        boolean includeContents = copyContext.isIncludeContents();

        Element[] menuitemElems = XMLTool.getElements(menuitemsElem);
        for (Element menuitemElem : menuitemElems) {

            String type = menuitemElem.getAttribute("type");
            // content is document
            if ("content".equals(type)) {

                Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "page");
                //pageElem.setAttribute("sitekey", Integer.toString(newSiteKey));
                String oldPageTemplateKey = pageElem.getAttribute("pagetemplatekey");

                Element contentobjectsElem = XMLTool.getElement(pageElem, "contentobjects");
                Element[] contentobjectElems = XMLTool.getElements(contentobjectsElem);
                for (Element contentobjectElem : contentobjectElems) {
                    String oldContentObjectKey = contentobjectElem.getAttribute("conobjkey");

                Element documentElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "document");
                if (!includeContents) {
                    XMLTool.removeChildNodes(documentElem, false);
                    XMLTool.createCDATASection(documentElem.getOwnerDocument(), documentElem, "Scratch document");
            } else if ("page".equals(type)) {

                Element pageElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "page");
                //pageElem.setAttribute("sitekey", Integer.toString(newSiteKey));
                String oldPageTemplateKey = pageElem.getAttribute("pagetemplatekey");

                Element contentobjectsElem = XMLTool.getElement(pageElem, "contentobjects");
                Element[] contentobjectElems = XMLTool.getElements(contentobjectsElem);
                for (Element contentobjectElem : contentobjectElems) {
                    String oldContentObjectKey = contentobjectElem.getAttribute("conobjkey");

            Element elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "menuitems");
            prepareCopy(elem, copyContext);

    private void prepareUpdate(Element menuitemsElem) {

        Element[] menuitemElems = XMLTool.getElements(menuitemsElem);
        for (Element menuitemElem : menuitemElems) {

            String type = menuitemElem.getAttribute("type");
            // content is document
            if ("content".equals(type)) {
                XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "document");

            Element elem = XMLTool.getElement(menuitemElem, "menuitems");

    public Document getMenuItemsByContentObject(User user, int cobKey) {

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;

        Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menuitems");

        try {
            con = getConnection();
            preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(MENU_ITEMS_BY_CONTENTOBJECT);
            preparedStmt.setInt(1, cobKey);
            resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery();

            Element rootElem = doc.getDocumentElement();
            while ( {
                int meiKey = resultSet.getInt("mei_lKey");
                Document menuItemDoc = getMenuItem(user, meiKey, -1, false, false, false, false, true, false, false,
                Element tmpElem = (Element) menuItemDoc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild();
                if (tmpElem != null) { // Fix for nullpointerexception discovered on BergHansen, user did not have access to menuitem
                    rootElem.appendChild(doc.importNode(tmpElem, true));
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.warn(this.getClass(), 10, "A database error occurred. XML may be incomplete.", e);
        } finally {

        return doc;

    public Document getMenuItemsByPageTemplates(User user, int[] pageTemplateKeys) {

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement preparedStmt = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;

        Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menuitems");

        if (pageTemplateKeys != null && pageTemplateKeys.length > 0) {
            try {
                StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(MENU_ITEMS_BY_PAGETEMPLATES);
                for (int i = 0; i < pageTemplateKeys.length; i++) {
                    if (i > 0) {

                con = getConnection();
                preparedStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString());
                resultSet = preparedStmt.executeQuery();

                Element rootElem = doc.getDocumentElement();
                while ( {
                    int meiKey = resultSet.getInt("mei_lKey");

                    Document menuItemDoc = getMenuItem(user, meiKey, -1, false, false, false, false, true, false,
                            false, 1);

                    Element tmpElem = (Element) menuItemDoc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild();
                    if (tmpElem != null) {
                        rootElem.appendChild(doc.importNode(tmpElem, true));
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                VerticalEngineLogger.warn(this.getClass(), 10, "A database error occurred. XML may be incomplete.",
            } finally {

        return doc;

     * Builds a menu tree, typically used to present the menu in the menu ;)
     * @param user           The current user
     * @param getterSettings If given - build tree from these settings
     * @return A DOM document containing the menu tree
    public Document getMenusForAdmin(User user, MenuGetterSettings getterSettings) {

        List<Integer> paramValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(2);
        StringBuffer sqlMenus = new StringBuffer(MENU_SELECT);

        if (getterSettings.hasMenuKeys()) {
            int[] menuKeys = getterSettings.getMenuKeys();
            sqlMenus.append(" WHERE ");
            sqlMenus.append("men_lKey IN (");
            for (int i = 0; i < menuKeys.length; i++) {
                if (i > 0) {

        // Selekterer bare menyer som brukeren har create eller administrate p
        if (user != null) {
            MenuCriteria criteria = getterSettings.getMenuCriteria();
            getSecurityHandler().appendMenuSQL(user, sqlMenus, criteria);

        Hashtable<String, Element> hashtable_menus = new Hashtable<String, Element>();

        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;

        Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menus");
        try {
            con = getConnection();

            statement = con.prepareStatement(sqlMenus.toString());
            JDBCUtil.addValuesToPreparedStatement(statement, paramValues);

            try {

                // Frst selekterer vi ut menus...
                resultSet = statement.executeQuery();

                while ( {

                    int curMenuKey = resultSet.getInt("men_lKey");

                    Element element_Menu = getMenuData(doc.getDocumentElement(), curMenuKey);
                    Element accessRights = XMLTool.createElement(doc, element_Menu, "accessrights");
                    getSecurityHandler().appendAccessRightsOnDefaultMenuItem(user, curMenuKey, accessRights, true);

                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, element_Menu, "menuitems");
                    // Lagrer referansen til kategori-elementet for raskt oppslag til senere bruk
                    hashtable_menus.put(String.valueOf(curMenuKey), element_Menu);
            } finally {
                resultSet = null;
                statement = null;

            MenuItemCriteria menuItemCriteria = getterSettings.getMenuItemCriteria();
            if (!menuItemCriteria.getDisableMenuItemLoadingForUnspecified() || menuItemCriteria.getMenuKey() >= 0) {
                // Legger s til menuitems til menyene
                Hashtable<String, Element> hashtable_MenuItems = appendMenuItemsBySettings(user, doc,
                        hashtable_menus, getterSettings);

                // Hvis brukeren bare vil ha et fullt tree fra gitte menuItemKey,
                // s m vi fjerne alle ssken-noder til foreldre-nodene
                if (getterSettings.hasOnlyChildrenFromThisMenuItemKey()) {
                    Element curMenuItem = hashtable_MenuItems

                    while (curMenuItem != null) {


                        // Move to first parent node (menuitems)
                        curMenuItem = (Element) curMenuItem.getParentNode();
                        // Exit loop if we have reached the top
                        if ("menus".equals(curMenuItem.getNodeName())) {

                        // Move to next parent node (menuitem/menu)
                        if (curMenuItem != null) {
                            curMenuItem = (Element) curMenuItem.getParentNode();

                if (getterSettings.hasTagParentsOfThisMenuItem()) {

                    Element menuItem = hashtable_MenuItems
                    Node parent = menuItem.getParentNode();
                    String tagName = getterSettings.getTagParentsOfThisMenuItemTagName();
                    String tagValue = getterSettings.getTagParentsOfThisMenuItemTagValue();
                    while (parent != null) {
                        if (parent instanceof Element) {
                            ((Element) parent).setAttribute(tagName, tagValue);
                        parent = parent.getParentNode();

            if (!getterSettings.hasMenuKeys()) {
                String sqlMenuItems;
                sqlMenuItems = "SELECT DISTINCT mei_men_lKey FROM tMenuItem JOIN tMenu on tMenuItem.mei_men_lKey = tMenu.men_lKey ";
                sqlMenuItems = getSecurityHandler().appendMenuItemSQL(user, sqlMenuItems, menuItemCriteria);

                statement = con.prepareStatement(sqlMenuItems);
                resultSet = statement.executeQuery();
                while ( {
                    String menuKey = resultSet.getString("mei_men_lKey");
                    if (!hashtable_menus.containsKey(menuKey)) {
                        Element menuElement = getMenuData(doc.getDocumentElement(), Integer.parseInt(menuKey));

                        hashtable_menus.put(menuKey, menuElement);
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            String message = "Failed to get the menus: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle);
            doc = XMLTool.createDocument("categories");
        } finally {

        return doc;

    private Hashtable<String, Element> appendMenuItemsBySettings(User user, Document doc,
            Hashtable<String, Element> hashtable_menus, MenuGetterSettings getterSettings) {

        Hashtable<String, Element> hashtable_MenuItems = new Hashtable<String, Element>();

        List<Integer> paramValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(2);
        StringBuffer sqlMenuItems = new StringBuffer(MENU_ITEM_SELECT);

        // menuKey
        MenuItemCriteria criteria = getterSettings.getMenuItemCriteria();
        if (getterSettings.hasMenuKeys() || criteria.hasMenuKey()) {
            if (getterSettings.hasMenuKeys()) {
                int[] menuKeys = getterSettings.getMenuKeys();
                sqlMenuItems.append(" AND men_lKey IN (");
                for (int i = 0; i < menuKeys.length; i++) {
                    if (i > 0) {

            } else {
                sqlMenuItems.append(" AND mei_men_lKey = ?");
        // only root menuitems
        if (getterSettings.getOnlyRootMenuItems()) {
            sqlMenuItems.append(" AND mei_lParent IS NULL");

        if (user != null) {
            getSecurityHandler().appendMenuItemSQL(user, sqlMenuItems, criteria);


        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;

        Element element_AdminReadMenuItems = doc.getDocumentElement();
        try {
            con = getConnection();

            statement = con.prepareStatement(sqlMenuItems.toString());

            int i = 1;
            for (Iterator<Integer> iter = paramValues.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) {
                Object paramValue =;
                statement.setObject(i, paramValue);

            try {
                // Hender ut menuitems
                resultSet = statement.executeQuery();
                while ( {

                    int curMenuItemKey = resultSet.getInt("mei_lKey");

                    Element menuItem = buildMenuItemXML(doc, element_AdminReadMenuItems, resultSet, -1, false,
                            false, true, true, false, 1);
                    Element accessRights = XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItem, "accessrights");
                    getSecurityHandler().appendAccessRightsOnMenuItem(user, curMenuItemKey, accessRights, true);

                    XMLTool.createElement(doc, menuItem, "menuitems");
                    // Lagrer referansen til kategori-elementet for raskt oppslag til senere bruk
                    hashtable_MenuItems.put(String.valueOf(curMenuItemKey), menuItem);
            } finally {
                resultSet = null;
                statement = null;

            // Gr igjennom menuitems og bygger opp trestrukturen
            Element curAdminReadMenuItem = (Element) element_AdminReadMenuItems.getFirstChild();
            while (curAdminReadMenuItem != null) {

                String parentKey = curAdminReadMenuItem.getAttribute("parent");

                Element nextElement = (Element) curAdminReadMenuItem.getNextSibling();

                // Forelder node finnes ikke fra fr
                if ("menuitem".equals(curAdminReadMenuItem.getNodeName())) {
                    insertParentMenuItem(user, MENU_ITEM_SELECT_BY_KEY, doc, element_AdminReadMenuItems,
                            hashtable_menus, hashtable_MenuItems, curAdminReadMenuItem, parentKey);

                curAdminReadMenuItem = nextElement;

        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            String message = "Failed to get menuitems: %t";
            VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, message, sqle);
        } finally {

        return hashtable_MenuItems;

    private void insertParentMenuItem(User user, String sqlSelectByKey, Document doc, Element element_MenuItems,
            Hashtable<String, Element> hash_Menus, Hashtable<String, Element> hash_MenuItems, Element childMenuItem,
            String parentMenuItemKey) throws SQLException {

        // Sjekker om vi har ndd root-niv
        if (parentMenuItemKey.trim().length() == 0) {

            // Vi m finne menu og legge menuitemen inn i den
            String menuKey = childMenuItem.getAttribute("menukey");
            Element element_Menu = (hash_Menus != null ? hash_Menus.get(menuKey) : null);
            Element menuitems;
            if (element_Menu == null) {
                element_Menu = getMenuData(doc.getDocumentElement(), Integer.parseInt(menuKey));
                Element accessRights = XMLTool.createElement(doc, element_Menu, "accessrights");
                getSecurityHandler().appendAccessRightsOnDefaultMenuItem(user, Integer.parseInt(menuKey),
                        accessRights, true);
                menuitems = XMLTool.createElement(doc, element_Menu, "menuitems");
                menuitems.setAttribute("istop", "yes");
                if (hash_Menus != null) {
                    hash_Menus.put(menuKey, element_Menu);
            } else {
                menuitems = XMLTool.getElement(element_Menu, "menuitems");

            XMLTool.moveNode(childMenuItem, element_MenuItems, menuitems);


        // Henter referanse til foreldernode (blir null hvis ikke finnes)
        Element parentMenuItem = (hash_MenuItems != null ? hash_MenuItems.get(parentMenuItemKey) : null);

        // Vi har lastet foreldernode fra fr, bare legge barnet under denne
        if (parentMenuItem != null) {
            Element menuitems = XMLTool.getElement(parentMenuItem, "menuitems");
            XMLTool.moveNode(childMenuItem, element_MenuItems, menuitems);

        // Vi har ikke lastet foreldrenode fra fr, last foreldrenode fra databasen
        parentMenuItem = buildMenuItem(user, sqlSelectByKey, Integer.parseInt(parentMenuItemKey),

        Element menuItems = XMLTool.createElement(doc, parentMenuItem, "menuitems");
        XMLTool.moveNode(childMenuItem, element_MenuItems, menuItems);
        // Lagrer referansen til menuitem-elementet for raskt oppslag til senere bruk
        if (hash_MenuItems != null) {
            hash_MenuItems.put(parentMenuItemKey, parentMenuItem);

        String parent = parentMenuItem.getAttribute("parent");
        insertParentMenuItem(user, sqlSelectByKey, doc, element_MenuItems, hash_Menus, hash_MenuItems,
                parentMenuItem, parent);

     * Builds and appends the xml for a given menuitem into a given menuitems element.
     * @param user           The current user
     * @param sqlSelectByKey The sql string (that selects the one menuitem)
     * @param menuItemKey    The key to the menuitem to build
     * @param menuItems      The element to append the menuitem Element into
     * @return The menuitem element
     * @throws SQLException When the menu item cannot be found or a more serious database error happens.
    private Element buildMenuItem(User user, String sqlSelectByKey, int menuItemKey, Element menuItems)
            throws SQLException {

        PreparedStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;
        Connection con = null;
        try {
            con = getConnection();
            statement = con.prepareStatement(sqlSelectByKey);
            statement.setInt(1, menuItemKey);
            resultSet = statement.executeQuery();

            Document document = menuItems.getOwnerDocument();
            Element menuItem = buildMenuItemXML(document, menuItems, resultSet, -1, false, false, true, true, true,
            Element accessRights = XMLTool.createElement(document, menuItem, "accessrights");
            getSecurityHandler().appendAccessRightsOnMenuItem(user, menuItemKey, accessRights, true);

            return menuItem;
        } finally {

    public StringBuffer getPathString(int menuItemKey, boolean includeMenu, boolean includeSpace) {
        CommonHandler commonHandler = getCommonHandler();
        StringBuffer path = commonHandler.getPathString(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey,
                db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent, db.tMenuItem.mei_sName, menuItemKey, null, includeSpace);
        if (includeMenu) {
            if (includeSpace) {
                path.insert(0, " / ");
            } else {
                path.insert(0, "/");
            path.insert(0, getMenuName(getMenuKeyByMenuItem(menuItemKey)));
        return path;

    public ResourceKey getDefaultCSSByMenu(int menuKey) {
        Document menuDoc = getCommonHandler().getDocument(db.tMenu, menuKey);
        if (menuDoc == null) {
            return null;

        Element defaultCSSElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuDoc.getDocumentElement(), "defaultcss");
        if (defaultCSSElem == null) {
            return null;

        final String keyStr = defaultCSSElem.getAttribute("key");
        if (keyStr == null || keyStr.length() == 0) {
            return null;
        return new ResourceKey(keyStr);

    //    public int getMenuItemLevel( int menuItemKey )
    //    {
    //        int level = 0;
    //        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateSelectSQL( db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent, false, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey );
    //        int parentKey = getCommonHandler().getInt( sql.toString(), menuItemKey );
    //        while ( parentKey != -1 )
    //        {
    //            level++;
    //            parentKey = getCommonHandler().getInt( sql.toString(), parentKey );
    //        }
    //        return level;
    //    }

    public void setMenuItemOrder(int menuItemKey, int order) {
        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lOrder, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey);
        getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new int[] { order, menuItemKey });

    public void setMenuItemType(int menuItemKey, int type) {
        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_mid_lkey, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey);
        getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new int[] { type, menuItemKey });

    public void setMenuItemParent(int menuItemKey, int parentKey) {
        Integer parentKeyInt = parentKey;
        if (parentKey == -1) {
            parentKeyInt = null;

        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(db.tMenuItem, db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent, db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey);
        getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new Integer[] { parentKeyInt, menuItemKey });

    public Document getAdminMenu(User user, int[] menuKeys, String[] menuItemTypes,
            boolean includeReadOnlyAccessRight) {
        Connection conn = null;
        Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("menus");

        if (menuKeys == null) {
            menuKeys = new int[0];

        User anonUser = getUserHandler().getAnonymousUser();
        if (user == null) {
            user = anonUser;

        String anonGroupKey = anonUser.getUserGroupKey().toString();
        boolean adminRights = getSecurityHandler().isEnterpriseAdmin(user);
        String[] groupKeys = getGroupHandler().getAllGroupMembershipsForUser(user);

        try {
            conn = getConnection();
            HashMap<Integer, Element> menuMap = findAdminMenuElements(doc, conn, groupKeys, anonGroupKey,
                    adminRights, includeReadOnlyAccessRight);
            HashMap<Integer, List<Element>> menuItemMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Element>>();

            for (int menuKey : menuKeys) {
                        findAdminMenuItemElements(doc, conn, menuKey, groupKeys, anonGroupKey, adminRights));

            composeAdminMenu(doc, menuMap, menuItemMap, menuItemTypes, includeReadOnlyAccessRight);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            VerticalEngineLogger.error(this.getClass(), 0, "Failed to get admin menu", e);
        } finally {

        return doc;

    private void composeAdminMenu(Document doc, HashMap<Integer, Element> menuMap,
            HashMap<Integer, List<Element>> menuItemMap, String[] menuItemTypes,
            boolean includeReadOnlyAccessRight) {
        // Add menu elements
        Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
        for (Element element : menuMap.values()) {

        // Add menu item elements
        for (Object o : menuItemMap.entrySet()) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o;
            Integer menuKey = (Integer) entry.getKey();
            List menuItems = (List) entry.getValue();

            Element currentMenu = menuMap.get(menuKey);
            if (currentMenu != null) {
                for (Object menuItem : menuItems) {
                    currentMenu.appendChild((Element) menuItem);

        // Filter the menus
        Element[] menuElements = XMLTool.getElements(root);
        for (Element menuElement : menuElements) {
            filterAdminMenuItemElements(menuElement, menuItemTypes, includeReadOnlyAccessRight);

    private void filterAdminMenuItemElements(Element root, String[] menuItemTypes,
            boolean includeReadOnlyAccessRight) {
        boolean adminAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("useradministrate"));
        Element[] children = XMLTool.getElements(root);
        for (Element aChildren : children) {
            if (!showAdminMenuItemElement(aChildren, adminAccess, menuItemTypes, includeReadOnlyAccessRight)) {
            } else {
                filterAdminMenuItemElements(aChildren, menuItemTypes, includeReadOnlyAccessRight);

    private boolean showAdminMenuItemElement(Element root, boolean parentAdmin, String[] menuItemTypes,
            boolean includeReadOnlyAccessRight) {
        boolean typeFiltered;
        if (menuItemTypes != null && menuItemTypes.length > 0) {
            String type = root.getAttribute("type");
            typeFiltered = Arrays.binarySearch(menuItemTypes, type) >= 0;
        } else {
            typeFiltered = true;

        boolean addAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("useradd"));
        boolean publishAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("userpublish"));
        boolean createAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("usercreate"));
        boolean updateAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("userupdate"));
        boolean adminAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("useradministrate"));

        boolean hasAnyReadAccess = "true".equals(root.getAttribute("anonread"))
                || "true".equals(root.getAttribute("userread"));
        boolean readAccess = includeReadOnlyAccessRight && hasAnyReadAccess;

        boolean hasAccess = parentAdmin || adminAccess || createAccess || updateAccess || publishAccess || addAccess
                || readAccess;

        if (hasAccess && typeFiltered) {
            return true;
        } else if (hasAccess && !typeFiltered) {
            Element[] children = XMLTool.getElements(root);
            for (Element aChildren : children) {
                if (showAdminMenuItemElement(aChildren, true, menuItemTypes, includeReadOnlyAccessRight)) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        } else {
            // hasAccess == false
            Element[] children = XMLTool.getElements(root);
            for (Element aChildren : children) {
                if (showAdminMenuItemElement(aChildren, parentAdmin, menuItemTypes, includeReadOnlyAccessRight)) {
                    return true;
            return false;

    private HashMap<Integer, Element> findAdminMenuElements(Document doc, Connection conn, String[] groupKeys,
            String anonGroupKey, boolean adminRights, boolean includeReadOnlyAccessRight) throws SQLException {
        // Find access rights
        HashMap<Integer, Integer> accessRights = findAdminMenuAccessRights(conn, groupKeys, anonGroupKey,

        // Composte the sql
        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenu.men_lKey.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenu.men_sName.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tLanguage.lan_sCode.getName()).append(", ");

        sql.append(this.db.tMenu.men_mei_firstPage.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenu.men_mei_loginPage.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenu.men_mei_errorPage.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenu.men_pat_lKey.getName()).append(", ");

        sql.append(" FROM ").append(this.db.tMenu.getName());
        sql.append(" LEFT JOIN ").append(this.db.tLanguage.getName());
        sql.append(" ON ").append(this.db.tMenu.men_lan_lKey.getName()).append(" = ")

        if (!adminRights) {
            sql.append(" WHERE (");

            StringBuffer grpSql = new StringBuffer();
            grpSql.append(" IN (");
            for (int i = 0; i < groupKeys.length; i++) {
                if (i > 0) {
                    grpSql.append(", ");


            sql.append("EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ").append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.getName());
            sql.append(" WHERE ").append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_men_lKey.getName());
            sql.append(" = ").append(this.db.tMenu.men_lKey.getName()).append(" AND ");
            sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_grp_hKey.getName()).append(grpSql).append(" AND (");
            sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bAdd.getName()).append(" = 1 OR ");
            sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bAdministrate.getName()).append(" = 1 OR ");
            sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bCreate.getName()).append(" = 1 OR ");
            sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bUpdate.getName()).append(" = 1 OR ");

            if (includeReadOnlyAccessRight) {
                sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bRead.getName()).append(" = 1 OR ");

            sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bDelete.getName()).append(" = 1)) OR ");

            sql.append("EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ").append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.getName());
            sql.append(" WHERE ").append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_mei_lKey.getName()).append(" IN (");
            sql.append("SELECT ").append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey.getName()).append(" FROM ");
            sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.getName()).append(" WHERE ");
            sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_men_lKey.getName()).append(" = ")
            sql.append(") AND ").append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_grp_hKey.getName()).append(grpSql).append(" AND (");
            sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bAdd.getName()).append(" = 1 OR ");
            sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bAdministrate.getName()).append(" = 1 OR ");
            sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bCreate.getName()).append(" = 1 OR ");
            sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bUpdate.getName()).append(" = 1 OR ");

            if (includeReadOnlyAccessRight) {
                sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bRead.getName()).append(" = 1 OR ");

            sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bDelete.getName()).append(" = 1))");


        // Execute the sql
        HashMap<Integer, Element> elements = new HashMap<Integer, Element>();
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        ResultSet result = null;

        try {
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString());
            result = stmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                Integer menKey = result.getInt(1);
                String name = result.getString(2);
                String languageCode = result.getString(3);
                Element elem = doc.createElement("menu");
                elem.setAttribute("key", menKey.toString());
                elem.setAttribute("name", name);
                appendMenuAccessRights(elem, accessRights.get(menKey));
                elem.setAttribute("language", languageCode);

                int firstPage = result.getInt(db.tMenu.men_mei_firstPage.getName());
                if (!result.wasNull()) {
                    elem.setAttribute("firstpage", String.valueOf(firstPage));
                int loginPage = result.getInt(db.tMenu.men_mei_loginPage.getName());
                if (!result.wasNull()) {
                    elem.setAttribute("loginpage", String.valueOf(loginPage));
                int errorPage = result.getInt(db.tMenu.men_mei_errorPage.getName());
                if (!result.wasNull()) {
                    elem.setAttribute("errorpage", String.valueOf(errorPage));

                int defaultPageTemplate = result.getInt(db.tMenu.men_pat_lKey.getName());
                if (!result.wasNull()) {
                    elem.setAttribute("defaultpagetemplate", String.valueOf(defaultPageTemplate));

                InputStream is = result.getBinaryStream("men_xmlData");
                if (!result.wasNull()) {
                    Document menuDataDoc = XMLTool.domparse(is);

                    boolean allowUrl = XMLTool.selectNode(menuDataDoc.getDocumentElement(),
                            "pagetypes/allow[@type = 'url']") != null;
                    boolean allowLabel = XMLTool.selectNode(menuDataDoc.getDocumentElement(),
                            "pagetypes/allow[@type = 'label']") != null;
                    boolean allowSection = XMLTool.selectNode(menuDataDoc.getDocumentElement(),
                            "pagetypes/allow[@type = 'section']") != null;
                    elem.setAttribute("allowurl", String.valueOf(allowUrl));
                    elem.setAttribute("allowlabel", String.valueOf(allowLabel));
                    elem.setAttribute("allowsection", String.valueOf(allowSection));

                    Element defaultCSSElem = XMLTool.getElement(menuDataDoc.getDocumentElement(), "defaultcss");
                    if (defaultCSSElem != null) {
                        String defaultCssKey = defaultCSSElem.getAttribute("key");
                        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(defaultCssKey)) {
                            ResourceKey resourceKey = new ResourceKey(defaultCSSElem.getAttribute("key"));
                            elem.setAttribute("defaultcss", resourceKey.toString());
                                    resourceDao.getResourceFile(resourceKey) != null ? "true" : "false");

                elements.put(menKey, elem);
        } finally {

        return elements;

    private void appendMenuAccessRights(Element elem, Integer accessFlag) {
        int flag = accessFlag != null ? accessFlag : 0;
        elem.setAttribute("anonread", String.valueOf((flag & AC_ANONREAD) == AC_ANONREAD));
        elem.setAttribute("userread", String.valueOf((flag & AC_READ) == AC_READ));
        elem.setAttribute("useradd", String.valueOf((flag & AC_ADD) == AC_ADD));
        elem.setAttribute("userpublish", String.valueOf((flag & AC_PUBLISH) == AC_PUBLISH));
        elem.setAttribute("usercreate", String.valueOf((flag & AC_CREATE) == AC_CREATE));
        elem.setAttribute("userupdate", String.valueOf((flag & AC_UPDATE) == AC_UPDATE));
        elem.setAttribute("userdelete", String.valueOf((flag & AC_DELETE) == AC_DELETE));
        elem.setAttribute("useradministrate", String.valueOf((flag & AC_ADMIN) == AC_ADMIN));

    private List<Element> findAdminMenuItemElements(Document doc, Connection conn, int menuKey, String[] groupKeys,
            String anonGroupKey, boolean adminRights) throws SQLException {
        // Find access rights
        HashMap<Integer, Integer> accessRights = findAdminMenuItemAccessRights(conn, menuKey, groupKeys,
                anonGroupKey, adminRights);

        // Composte the sql
        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_lParent.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_sName.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_sSubTitle.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_bHidden.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_lOrder.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_mid_lkey.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tPageTemplate.pat_lType.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tPageTemplate.pat_sName.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(" FROM ").append(this.db.tMenuItem.getName());
        sql.append(" LEFT JOIN ").append(this.db.tPage.getName());
        sql.append(" ON ").append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_pag_lKey.getName()).append(" = ")
        sql.append(" LEFT JOIN ").append(this.db.tPageTemplate.getName());
        sql.append(" ON ").append(this.db.tPage.pag_pat_lKey.getName()).append(" = ")
        sql.append(" WHERE ").append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_men_lKey.getName());
        sql.append(" = ").append(String.valueOf(menuKey));

        // Execute the sql
        ArrayList<Element> list = new ArrayList<Element>();
        HashMap<Integer, Element> elements = new HashMap<Integer, Element>();
        HashMap<Integer, Integer> keyParentMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        ResultSet result = null;

        try {
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString());
            result = stmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                Integer itemKey = result.getInt(1);
                Number parentKey = (Number) result.getObject(2);
                String name = result.getString(3);
                String alternativeName = result.getString(db.tMenuItem.mei_sSubTitle.getName());
                boolean hidden = (result.getInt(5) == 1 || result.wasNull());
                int order = result.getInt(6);
                MenuItemType menuItemType = MenuItemType.get(result.getInt(7));
                Number value = (Number) result.getObject(8);
                PageTemplateType pageTemplateType = value != null ? PageTemplateType.get(value.intValue()) : null;
                String pageTemplateName = result.getString(db.tPageTemplate.pat_sName.getName());
                String displayName = result.getString(db.tMenuItem.mei_sDisplayName.getName());

                Element elem = doc.createElement("menuitem");
                elem.setAttribute("key", itemKey.toString());
                elem.setAttribute("name", StringUtil.getXMLSafeString(name));
                if (alternativeName != null && alternativeName.length() > 0) {
                    elem.setAttribute("alternativename", StringUtil.getXMLSafeString(alternativeName));
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(displayName)) {
                    elem.setAttribute("displayname", StringUtil.getXMLSafeString(displayName));
                elem.setAttribute("order", String.valueOf(order));
                elem.setAttribute("visible", String.valueOf(!hidden));
                if (pageTemplateName != null) {
                    elem.setAttribute("pagetemplatename", pageTemplateName);
                appendMenuAccessRights(elem, accessRights.get(itemKey));

                elem.setAttribute("path", getMenuItemPath(itemKey));

                String type = null;

                if (pageTemplateType != null) {
                    type = pageTemplateType.getName();
                } else {
                    if (menuItemType == MenuItemType.URL) {
                        type = "url";
                    } else if (menuItemType == MenuItemType.CONTENT) {
                        type = "content";
                    } else if (menuItemType == MenuItemType.LABEL) {
                        type = "label";
                    } else if (menuItemType == MenuItemType.SECTION) {
                        type = "section";
                    } else if (menuItemType == MenuItemType.SHORTCUT) {
                        type = "shortcut";

                elem.setAttribute("type", type);
                elements.put(itemKey, elem);

                if (parentKey != null) {
                    keyParentMap.put(itemKey, parentKey.intValue());
                } else {
        } finally {

        // Nest the elements
        for (Object o : keyParentMap.entrySet()) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o;
            Integer itemKey = (Integer) entry.getKey();
            Integer parentKey = (Integer) entry.getValue();

            Element parentElem = elements.get(parentKey);
            Element itemElem = elements.get(itemKey);

            if ((parentElem != null) && (itemElem != null)) {

        return list;

    private HashMap<Integer, Integer> findAdminMenuAccessRights(Connection conn, String[] groupKeys,
            String anonGroupKey, boolean adminRights) throws SQLException {
        // Composte the sql
        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT ");
        sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_grp_hKey.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_men_lKey.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bRead.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bAdd.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bCreate.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bUpdate.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bPublish.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_bDelete.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(" FROM ").append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.getName());
        sql.append(" WHERE ").append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_men_lKey.getName());
        sql.append(" IN (SELECT ").append(this.db.tMenu.men_lKey.getName());
        sql.append(" FROM ").append(this.db.tMenu.getName()).append(")");

        if (!adminRights) {
            sql.append(" AND ").append(this.db.tDefaultMenuAR.dma_grp_hKey.getName()).append(" IN (");
            for (int i = 0; i < groupKeys.length; i++) {
                if (i > 0) {
                    sql.append(", ");


        // Execute the sql
        return queryAdminMenuAccessRights(conn, sql.toString(), anonGroupKey, adminRights);

    private HashMap<Integer, Integer> findAdminMenuItemAccessRights(Connection conn, int menuKey,
            String[] groupKeys, String anonGroupKey, boolean adminRights) throws SQLException {
        // Composte the sql
        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_grp_hKey.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_mei_lKey.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bRead.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bAdd.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bPublish.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bCreate.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bUpdate.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_bDelete.getName()).append(", ");
        sql.append(" FROM ").append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.getName());
        sql.append(" WHERE ").append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_mei_lKey.getName());
        sql.append(" IN (SELECT ").append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_lKey.getName());
        sql.append(" FROM ").append(this.db.tMenuItem.getName()).append(" WHERE ");
        sql.append(this.db.tMenuItem.mei_men_lKey.getName()).append(" = ").append(String.valueOf(menuKey))

        if (!adminRights) {
            sql.append(" AND ").append(this.db.tMenuItemAR.mia_grp_hKey.getName()).append(" IN (");
            for (int i = 0; i < groupKeys.length; i++) {
                if (i > 0) {
                    sql.append(", ");


        // Execute the sql
        return queryAdminMenuAccessRights(conn, sql.toString(), anonGroupKey, adminRights);

    private HashMap<Integer, Integer> queryAdminMenuAccessRights(Connection conn, String sql, String anonGroupKey,
            boolean adminRights) throws SQLException {
        HashMap<Integer, Integer> rightsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        ResultSet result = null;

        try {
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
            result = stmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                String grpKey = result.getString(1);
                Integer menKey = result.getInt(2);
                boolean readAccess = result.getInt(3) == 1;
                boolean addAccess = result.getInt(4) == 1;
                boolean publishAccess = result.getInt(5) == 1;
                boolean createAccess = result.getInt(6) == 1;
                boolean updateAccess = result.getInt(7) == 1;
                boolean deleteAccess = result.getInt(8) == 1;
                boolean adminAccess = result.getInt(9) == 1;
                int accessFlag = 0;

                if (rightsMap.containsKey(menKey)) {
                    accessFlag = rightsMap.get(menKey);

                if (grpKey.equals(anonGroupKey) && readAccess) {
                    accessFlag |= AC_ANONREAD;

                if (readAccess || adminRights) {
                    accessFlag |= AC_READ;

                if (addAccess || adminRights) {
                    accessFlag |= AC_ADD;

                if (publishAccess || adminRights) {
                    accessFlag |= AC_PUBLISH;

                if (createAccess || adminRights) {
                    accessFlag |= AC_CREATE;

                if (updateAccess || adminRights) {
                    accessFlag |= AC_UPDATE;

                if (deleteAccess || adminRights) {
                    accessFlag |= AC_DELETE;

                if (adminAccess || adminRights) {
                    accessFlag |= AC_ADMIN;

                rightsMap.put(menKey, accessFlag);
        } finally {

        return rightsMap;

    public String getMenuItemPath(int menuItemKey) {
        final MenuItemEntity entity = menuItemDao.findByKey(menuItemKey);
        return entity != null ? entity.getPathAsString() : null;

    public void updateMenuDetails(int menuKey, int frontPageKey, int loginPageKey, int errorPageKey,
            int defaultPageTemplateKey) {
        Integer frontPageKeyInt = frontPageKey != -1 ? frontPageKey : null;
        Integer loginPageKeyInt = loginPageKey != -1 ? loginPageKey : null;
        Integer errorPageKeyInt = errorPageKey != -1 ? errorPageKey : null;
        Integer defaultPageTemplateKeyInt = defaultPageTemplateKey != -1 ? defaultPageTemplateKey : null;

        StringBuffer sql = XDG.generateUpdateSQL(
                db.tMenu, new Column[] { db.tMenu.men_mei_firstPage, db.tMenu.men_mei_loginPage,
                        db.tMenu.men_mei_errorPage, db.tMenu.men_pat_lKey },
                new Column[] { db.tMenu.men_lKey }, null);
        getCommonHandler().executeSQL(sql.toString(), new Integer[] { frontPageKeyInt, loginPageKeyInt,
                errorPageKeyInt, defaultPageTemplateKeyInt, menuKey });

    public boolean menuItemNameExists(SiteKey siteKey, MenuItemKey parentKey, String newNameOfMenuItem,
            MenuItemKey excludeKey) {
        if (parentKey != null) {
            MenuItemEntity parent = menuItemDao.findByKey(parentKey);
            final MenuItemEntity childByName = parent.getChildByName(newNameOfMenuItem);
            if (childByName == null) {
                return false;
            } else {
                if (childByName.getMenuItemKey().equals(excludeKey)) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return true;
        } else {
            SiteEntity site = siteDao.findByKey(siteKey);
            final MenuItemEntity childByName = site.getChild(newNameOfMenuItem);
            if (childByName == null) {
                return false;
            } else {
                if (childByName.getMenuItemKey().equals(excludeKey)) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return true;

     * Return a map of top level menus with name.
     * @return A map with the keys of the top level menus as keys, and their names as the corresponding value.
     * @throws SQLException If a database error occurs.
    public Map<Integer, String> getMenuMap() throws SQLException {
        HashMap<Integer, String> menuMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
        Connection conn = null;
        ResultSet result = null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        String sql = "SELECT " + this.db.tMenu.men_lKey.getName() + ", " + this.db.tMenu.men_sName + " FROM "
                + this.db.tMenu.getName();

        try {
            conn = getConnection();
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
            result = stmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                menuMap.put(result.getInt(1), result.getString(2));
        } finally {

        return menuMap;