Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2000-2011 Enonic AS * */ package com.enonic.cms.domain.content; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import; import; import; import com.enonic.cms.domain.LanguageEntity; import com.enonic.cms.domain.SiteKey; import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.category.CategoryEntity; import com.enonic.cms.domain.content.contenttype.ContentTypeEntity; import; import; import; import; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.ContentHomeEntity; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.ContentHomeKey; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.MenuItemComparatorByHierarchy; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.MenuItemEntity; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.MenuItemKey; import com.enonic.cms.domain.structure.menuitem.section.SectionContentEntity; public class ContentEntity implements Serializable { private ContentKey key; private Date createdAt; private Date timestamp; private Integer deleted; private String name; private Integer priority; private Date availableFrom; private Date availableTo; private UserEntity owner; private UserEntity assignee; private UserEntity assigner; private Date assignmentDueDate; private String assignmentDescription; private CategoryEntity category; private LanguageEntity language; private ContentEntity source; @SuppressWarnings({ "JpaModelErrorInspection" }) private ContentVersionEntity mainVersion; private ContentVersionEntity draftVersion; private SortedMap<Integer, ContentHomeEntity> contentHomes = new TreeMap<Integer, ContentHomeEntity>(); private List<ContentVersionEntity> versions = new ArrayList<ContentVersionEntity>(); private Set<ContentVersionEntity> relatedParents = new HashSet<ContentVersionEntity>(); private Set<SectionContentEntity> sectionContents = new HashSet<SectionContentEntity>(); private SortedSet<MenuItemEntity> directMenuItemPlacements = new TreeSet<MenuItemEntity>( new MenuItemComparatorByHierarchy()); public ContentEntity() { // Default constructor used by Hibernate. } /** * Constructor that creates a new instance as a copy of the given content. */ public ContentEntity(ContentEntity source) { this(); this.key = source.getKey(); this.createdAt = source.getCreatedAt(); this.timestamp = source.getTimestamp(); this.deleted = source.getDeleted(); = source.getName(); this.priority = source.getPriority(); this.availableFrom = source.getAvailableFrom(); this.availableTo = source.getAvailableTo(); this.owner = source.getOwner(); this.assignee = source.getAssignee(); this.assigner = source.getAssigner(); this.assignmentDueDate = source.getAssignmentDueDate(); this.assignmentDescription = source.getAssignmentDescription(); this.category = source.getCategory(); this.language = source.getLanguage(); this.source = source.getSource(); this.mainVersion = source.getMainVersion(); this.draftVersion = source.getDraftVersion(); this.contentHomes = source.getContentHomesAsMap() != null ? Maps.newTreeMap(source.getContentHomesAsMap()) : null; this.versions = source.getVersions() != null ? Lists.newArrayList(source.getVersions()) : null; this.relatedParents = source.getRelatedParentContentVersions() != null ? Sets.newHashSet(source.getRelatedParentContentVersions()) : null; this.sectionContents = source.getSectionContents() != null ? Sets.newHashSet(source.getSectionContents()) : null; this.directMenuItemPlacements = source.getDirectMenuItemPlacements() != null ? new TreeSet<MenuItemEntity>(source.getDirectMenuItemPlacements()) : null; } /** * Key is groupKey */ private SortedMap<GroupKey, ContentAccessEntity> contentAccessRights = new TreeMap<GroupKey, ContentAccessEntity>( new GroupKeyComparator()); public ContentKey getKey() { return key; } public boolean isDeleted() { return deleted != null && deleted != 0; } public Integer getDeleted() { return deleted; } public Integer getPriority() { return priority; } public Date getCreatedAt() { return createdAt; } public UserEntity getOwner() { return owner; } public Date getAvailableFrom() { return availableFrom; } public Date getAvailableTo() { return availableTo; } public UserEntity getAssignee() { return assignee; } public UserEntity getAssigner() { return assigner; } public Date getAssignmentDueDate() { return assignmentDueDate; } public boolean isAssignmentOverdue() { if (assignmentDueDate == null) { return false; } DateTime dueDate = new DateTime(assignmentDueDate); return dueDate.isBeforeNow(); } public String getAssignmentDescription() { return assignmentDescription; } public CategoryEntity getCategory() { return category; } public ContentTypeEntity getContentType() { return category.getContentType(); } public LanguageEntity getLanguage() { return language; } public ContentEntity getSource() { return source; } public ContentVersionEntity getMainVersion() { return mainVersion; } public boolean isAssigned() { return assignee != null; } public ContentVersionEntity getAssignedVersion() { if (assignee == null) { return null; } if (draftVersion != null) { return draftVersion; } return mainVersion; } public SortedMap<Integer, ContentHomeEntity> getContentHomesAsMap() { return contentHomes; } public Collection<ContentHomeEntity> getContentHomes() { return contentHomes.values(); } public List<ContentVersionEntity> getVersions() { return versions; } public ContentVersionEntity getVersion(ContentVersionKey contentVersionKey) { for (ContentVersionEntity version : versions) { if (version.getKey().equals(contentVersionKey)) { return version; } } return null; } public int getVersionCount() { return versions.size(); } public void addVersion(ContentVersionEntity version) { version.setContent(this); versions.add(version); } public void removeVersion(ContentVersionEntity version) { versions.remove(version); } public Set<ContentVersionEntity> getRelatedParentContentVersions() { return relatedParents; } public List<ContentEntity> getRelatedParents(boolean includeDeleted) { List<ContentEntity> parents = new ArrayList<ContentEntity>(); final Set<ContentKey> usedKeys = new HashSet<ContentKey>(); for (final ContentVersionEntity relContentVersion : getRelatedParentContentVersions()) { final ContentEntity relatedParentContent = relContentVersion.getContent(); final ContentKey relatedKey = relatedParentContent.getKey(); if (!usedKeys.contains(relatedKey) && (includeDeleted || !relatedParentContent.isDeleted())) { usedKeys.add(relatedKey); parents.add(relatedParentContent); } } return parents; } public SortedSet<MenuItemEntity> getDirectMenuItemPlacements() { return directMenuItemPlacements; } public void setKey(ContentKey key) { this.key = key; } public void setDeleted(boolean deleted) { if (deleted) { this.deleted = 1; } else { this.deleted = 0; } } public void setPriority(Integer priority) { this.priority = priority; } public void setCreatedAt(Date created) { this.createdAt = created; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public boolean setAvailableFrom(Date value) { if (availableFrom == null && value == null) { return false; } long otherTime = value != null ? value.getTime() : -1; long thisTime = availableFrom != null ? availableFrom.getTime() : -1; if (thisTime == otherTime) { return false; } this.availableFrom = value; return true; } public boolean setAvailableTo(Date value) { if (availableTo == null && value == null) { return false; } long otherTime = value != null ? value.getTime() : -1; long thisTime = availableTo != null ? availableTo.getTime() : -1; if (thisTime == otherTime) { return false; } this.availableTo = value; return true; } public void setAssigner(UserEntity assigner) { this.assigner = assigner; } public void setAssignee(UserEntity assignee) { this.assignee = assignee; } public boolean setAssignmentDueDate(Date value) { if (assignmentDueDate == null && value == null) { return false; } long otherTime = value != null ? value.getTime() : -1; long thisTime = assignmentDueDate != null ? assignmentDueDate.getTime() : -1; if (thisTime == otherTime) { return false; } this.assignmentDueDate = value; return true; } public void setAssignmentDescription(String assignmentDescription) { this.assignmentDescription = assignmentDescription; } public void setOwner(UserEntity owner) { this.owner = owner; } public void setCategory(CategoryEntity category) { this.category = category; } public void setLanguage(LanguageEntity language) { this.language = language; } public void setSource(ContentEntity source) { this.source = source; } public void setMainVersion(ContentVersionEntity value) { this.mainVersion = value; } public void addContentHome(ContentHomeEntity contentHome) { Assert.notNull(contentHome); Assert.notNull(contentHome.getSite()); final SiteKey siteKey = contentHome.getSite().getKey(); contentHome.setKey(new ContentHomeKey(siteKey, this.getKey())); contentHome.setContent(this); contentHomes.put(siteKey.toInt(), contentHome); } public void addRelatedParent(ContentVersionEntity relatedParent) { this.relatedParents.add(relatedParent); } public void addSectionContent(SectionContentEntity sectionContent) { sectionContent.setContent(this); this.sectionContents.add(sectionContent); } public Set<SectionContentEntity> getSectionContents() { return sectionContents; } public void addContentAccessRights(Collection<ContentAccessEntity> values) { for (ContentAccessEntity contentAccess : values) { contentAccess.setContent(this); contentAccessRights.put(contentAccess.getGroup().getGroupKey(), contentAccess); } } public void addContentAccessRight(ContentAccessEntity contentAccess) { contentAccess.setContent(this); contentAccessRights.put(contentAccess.getGroup().getGroupKey(), contentAccess); } public boolean removeContentAccessRightByGroup(GroupKey groupKey) { Object removedObject = contentAccessRights.remove(groupKey); return removedObject != null; } public void removeAllContentAccessRights() { contentAccessRights.clear(); } public ContentAccessEntity getContentAccessRight(GroupKey groupKey) { return contentAccessRights.get(groupKey); } public Collection<ContentAccessEntity> getContentAccessRights() { return contentAccessRights.values(); } public void setContentHomes(SortedMap<Integer, ContentHomeEntity> contentHomes) { this.contentHomes = contentHomes; } public void setSectionContents(Set<SectionContentEntity> sectionContents) { this.sectionContents = sectionContents; } public void setDirectMenuItemPlacements(SortedSet<MenuItemEntity> directMenuItemPlacements) { this.directMenuItemPlacements = directMenuItemPlacements; } public void addDirectMenuItemPlacement(MenuItemEntity menuItem) { directMenuItemPlacements.add(menuItem); } public boolean hasDirectMenuItemPlacements() { return !directMenuItemPlacements.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasDraft() { return draftVersion != null; } public ContentVersionEntity getDraftVersion() { return draftVersion; } public void setDraftVersion(ContentVersionEntity draftVersion) { this.draftVersion = draftVersion; } public MenuItemEntity getFirstDirectPlacementOnMenuItem(SiteKey siteKey) { for (MenuItemEntity menuItem : directMenuItemPlacements) { if (menuItem.getSite().getKey().equals(siteKey)) { return menuItem; } } return null; } public boolean isOnline(DateTime date) { return isOnline(date.toDate()); } public boolean isOnline(Date date) { return !isDeleted() && isAvailableByDateTime(date) && getMainVersion().isApproved(); } private boolean isAvailableByDateTime(Date date) { if (availableFrom == null) { return false; } if (availableFrom.after(date)) { return false; } if (availableTo != null) { if (date.after(availableTo) || date.equals(availableTo)) { return false; } } return true; } public ContentHomeEntity getContentHome(SiteKey siteKey) { return contentHomes.get(siteKey.toInt()); } public boolean hasAccessRightSet(final GroupEntity group, final ContentAccessType type) { if (group == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given group cannot be null"); } ContentAccessEntity access = contentAccessRights.get(group.getGroupKey()); if (access == null) { return false; } switch (type) { case READ: return access.isReadAccess(); case UPDATE: return access.isUpdateAccess(); case DELETE: return access.isDeleteAccess(); default: return false; } } public void accumulateAccess(ContentAccessRightsAccumulated accumulated, GroupEntity group) { ContentAccessEntity access = contentAccessRights.get(group.getGroupKey()); if (access != null) { accumulated.accumulate(access); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof ContentEntity)) { return false; } ContentEntity that = (ContentEntity) o; if (key != null ? !key.equals(that.getKey()) : that.getKey() != null) { return false; } return true; } public int hashCode() { final int initialNonZeroOddNumber = 97; final int multiplierNonZeroOddNumber = 71; return new HashCodeBuilder(initialNonZeroOddNumber, multiplierNonZeroOddNumber).append(key).toHashCode(); } public String toString() { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); s.append("key = ").append(key); return s.toString(); } public boolean isActiviatedInSection(MenuItemEntity menuItem) { for (SectionContentEntity sectionContent : getSectionContents()) { if (menuItem.equals(sectionContent.getMenuItem()) && sectionContent.isApproved()) { return true; } } return false; } public ContentLocations getLocations(final ContentLocationSpecification spec) { ContentLocations contentLocations = new ContentLocations(this); for (MenuItemEntity menuItem : directMenuItemPlacements) { final boolean siteResrictionOK = spec.getSiteKey() == null || menuItem.getSite().getKey().equals(spec.getSiteKey()); if (siteResrictionOK) { contentLocations.addDirectMenuItemLocation(menuItem); } } for (SectionContentEntity sectionContent : sectionContents) { final MenuItemEntity menuItem = sectionContent.getMenuItem(); final boolean siteRestrictionOK = spec.getSiteKey() == null || menuItem.getSite().getKey().equals(spec.getSiteKey()); final boolean activeInSectionRestrictionOK = sectionContent.isApproved() || spec.includeInactiveLocationsInSection(); if (siteRestrictionOK && activeInSectionRestrictionOK) { contentLocations.addSectionMenuItemLocation(sectionContent); } } for (ContentHomeEntity contentHome : contentHomes.values()) { final MenuItemEntity contentHomeMenuItem = contentHome.getMenuItem(); if (contentHomeMenuItem == null) { continue; } final boolean siteRestrictionOK = spec.getSiteKey() == null || spec.getSiteKey().equals(contentHomeMenuItem.getSite().getKey()); if (siteRestrictionOK) { contentLocations.addSectionHomeLocation(contentHome); } } contentLocations.resolveHomes(); return contentLocations; } /** * @return the path (from archive top level) of this content. */ public String getPathAsString() { String categoryPath = getCategory().getPathAsString(); if (categoryPath == null) { return null; } return categoryPath + "/" + getName(); } public void addOwnerAccessRight() { if (getOwner().isAnonymous() || getOwner().isRoot()) { return; } ContentAccessEntity contentAccess = new ContentAccessEntity(); contentAccess.setGroup(getOwner().getUserGroup()); contentAccess.setReadAccess(true); contentAccess.setUpdateAccess(true); contentAccess.setDeleteAccess(true); addContentAccessRight(contentAccess); } public Date getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } public void setTimestamp(Date timestamp) { this.timestamp = timestamp; } public void setTimestamp() { this.timestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); } public SectionContentEntity removeSectionContent(MenuItemKey sectionKey) { SectionContentEntity sectionContentToRemove = null; if (sectionContents != null && sectionContents.size() > 0) { for (SectionContentEntity sectionContent : sectionContents) { if (sectionContent.getMenuItem().getKey() == sectionKey.toInt()) { sectionContentToRemove = sectionContent; break; } } if (sectionContentToRemove == null) { return null; } else { sectionContents.remove(sectionContentToRemove); return sectionContentToRemove; } } return null; } }