Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2000-2013 Enonic AS * */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.enonic.cms.api.plugin.ext.userstore.UserField; import com.enonic.cms.api.plugin.ext.userstore.UserFieldType; import com.enonic.cms.api.plugin.ext.userstore.UserFields; import com.enonic.cms.core.user.field.UserFieldTransformer; public class UserEntity implements User, Serializable { private UserKey key; private String name; private String displayName; private Integer deleted; private UserType type; private DateTime timestamp; private String syncValue; private String email; private UserStoreEntity userStore; private GroupEntity userGroup; private byte[] photo; private String password; private Map<String, String> fieldMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private transient UserFields userFields = null; private transient QualifiedUsername qualifiedName; private transient List<GroupKey> allMembershipsGroupKeys; public UserEntity() { // Default constructor used by Hibernate. } public UserEntity(UserEntity source) { this(); this.key = source.getKey(); = source.getName(); this.displayName = source.getDisplayName(); = source.getEmail(); this.deleted = source.getDeleted(); this.type = source.getType(); this.timestamp = source.getTimestamp(); this.syncValue = source.getSync(); = source.getEmail(); this.userStore = source.getUserStore() != null ? new UserStoreEntity(source.getUserStore()) : null; this.userGroup = source.getUserGroup(); = source.getPhoto(); this.password = source.getPassword(); this.fieldMap = source.getFieldMap() != null ? Maps.newHashMap(source.getFieldMap()) : null; } public UserKey getKey() { return key; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; } public String getEmail() { return; } public Integer getDeleted() { return deleted; } public boolean isDeleted() { return deleted != 0; } public UserType getType() { return type; } public boolean isAnonymous() { return getType().isAnonymous(); } /** * @return true if user is the hard coded admin super user. */ public boolean isRoot() { return getName().equals(ROOT_UID); } public boolean isEnterpriseAdmin() { if (isRoot()) { return true; } if (isAnonymous()) { return false; } if (getUserGroup() == null) { return false; } return getUserGroup().isOfType(GroupType.ENTERPRISE_ADMINS, true); } public static boolean isBuiltInUser(String uid) { return uid.equalsIgnoreCase(ROOT_UID) || uid.equalsIgnoreCase(ANONYMOUS_UID); } public boolean isBuiltIn() { if (getType().isBuiltIn()) { return true; } return getUserGroup() != null && getUserGroup().isBuiltIn(); } public DateTime getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } public String getSync() { return syncValue; } public UserStoreEntity getUserStore() { return userStore; } public UserStoreKey getUserStoreKey() { return getUserStore() != null ? getUserStore().getKey() : null; } public void setKey(UserKey key) { this.key = key; } public void setName(String value) { = value; // invalidate qualifiedName = null; } public void setDisplayName(final String value) { displayName = value; } public void setDeleted(int deleted) { this.deleted = deleted; } public void setDeleted(boolean value) { this.deleted = value ? 1 : 0; } public void setType(UserType value) { type = value; } public void setTimestamp(DateTime value) { this.timestamp = value; } public void setSyncValue(String value) { this.syncValue = value; } public void setEmail(String value) { = value; } public void setUserStore(UserStoreEntity value) { this.userStore = value; // invalidate qualifiedName = null; } public void setUserGroup(GroupEntity value) { this.userGroup = value; } public GroupKey getUserGroupKey() { return getUserGroup() != null ? getUserGroup().getGroupKey() : null; } public GroupEntity getUserGroup() { return userGroup; } public QualifiedUsername getQualifiedName() { if (qualifiedName == null) { String uid = getName(); if ("anonymous".equals(uid) || "admin".equals(uid)) { qualifiedName = new QualifiedUsername(uid); } else if (userStore != null) { qualifiedName = new QualifiedUsername(userStore.getName(), uid); } } return qualifiedName; } /** * @return The distinct set of all group keys (recursively) of this users memberships, including the user group key. */ public List<GroupKey> getAllMembershipsGroupKeys() { if (allMembershipsGroupKeys == null) { allMembershipsGroupKeys = new ArrayList<GroupKey>(); GroupEntity userGroup = getUserGroup(); allMembershipsGroupKeys.add(userGroup.getGroupKey()); allMembershipsGroupKeys.addAll(userGroup.getAllMembershipsGroupKeys()); } return allMembershipsGroupKeys; } /** * @return The distinct set of all groups, including recursively fetched subgroups of this users memberships. */ public Set<GroupEntity> getAllMembershipsGroups() { if (getUserGroup() != null) { return getUserGroup().getAllMemberships(); } else { return new HashSet<GroupEntity>(); } } public boolean isMemberOf(GroupEntity group, boolean recursively) { final GroupEntity userGroup = getUserGroup(); if (userGroup == null) { return false; } return group.equals(userGroup) || userGroup.isMemberOf(group, recursively); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof UserEntity)) { return false; } UserEntity that = (UserEntity) o; return getKey().equals(that.getKey()); } public int hashCode() { final int initialNonZeroOddNumber = 273; final int multiplierNonZeroOddNumber = 637; return new HashCodeBuilder(initialNonZeroOddNumber, multiplierNonZeroOddNumber).append(getKey()) .toHashCode(); } public String getPassword() { return this.password; } public void encodePassword(String password) { if (password != null) { this.password = DigestUtils.shaHex(password); } else { this.password = null; } } public boolean verifyPassword(String password) { if (password == null) { return this.password == null; } return DigestUtils.shaHex(password).equals(this.password); } public String getSelectedLanguageCode() { return null; } public void setSelectedLanguageCode(String languageCode) { } public boolean hasUserGroup() { return getUserGroup() != null; } public Set<GroupEntity> getAllMemberships() { return getAllMembershipsGroups(); } public Set<GroupEntity> getDirectMemberships() { if (!hasUserGroup()) { return new HashSet<GroupEntity>(); } return getUserGroup().getMemberships(false); } void setFieldMap(Map<String, String> fieldMap) { this.fieldMap = fieldMap; } public Map<String, String> getFieldMap() { return fieldMap; } public UserFields getUserFields() { return doGetUserFields(); } private UserFields doGetUserFields() { if (this.userFields == null) { final UserFieldTransformer fieldTransformer = new UserFieldTransformer(); userFields = fieldTransformer.fromStoreableMap(this.fieldMap); fieldTransformer.updatePhoto(userFields,; } return this.userFields; } /** * @return true if changes where made. */ public boolean overwriteUserFields(final UserFields userFields) { final Map<String, String> newFieldMap = new UserFieldTransformer().toStoreableMap(userFields); removeFieldsWithNullValueWhenFieldDoesNotExist(newFieldMap); final Map<String, String> oldFieldMap = Maps.newHashMap(this.fieldMap); this.fieldMap.putAll(newFieldMap); final UserField photoField = userFields.getField(UserFieldType.PHOTO); = photoField != null ? (byte[]) photoField.getValue() : null; // invalidate this.userFields = null; return !oldFieldMap.equals(fieldMap); } /** * Replaces user fiels with given and returns true if it changed from previous user fields. */ public boolean setUserFields(final UserFields userFields) { final Map<String, String> newFieldMap = new UserFieldTransformer().toStoreableMap(userFields); removeFieldsWithNullValueWhenFieldDoesNotExist(newFieldMap); final Map<String, String> oldFieldMap = Maps.newHashMap(this.fieldMap); this.fieldMap.clear(); fieldMap.putAll(newFieldMap); final UserField photoField = userFields.getField(UserFieldType.PHOTO); = photoField != null ? (byte[]) photoField.getValue() : null; // invalidate this.userFields = null; return !oldFieldMap.equals(fieldMap); } public boolean isInRemoteUserStore() { return !isBuiltIn() && getUserStore() != null && getUserStore().isRemote(); } public byte[] getPhoto() { return photo; } public boolean hasPhoto() { return photo != null; } public void setPhoto(byte[] photo) { = photo; } private void removeFieldsWithNullValueWhenFieldDoesNotExist(final Map<String, String> mapToRemoveFrom) { final List<String> fieldsToRemove = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entryToPossibleRemoveIfValueIsNull : mapToRemoveFrom.entrySet()) { if (entryToPossibleRemoveIfValueIsNull.getValue() == null && !this.fieldMap.containsKey(entryToPossibleRemoveIfValueIsNull.getKey())) { fieldsToRemove.add(entryToPossibleRemoveIfValueIsNull.getKey()); } } for (String fieldToRemove : fieldsToRemove) { mapToRemoveFrom.remove(fieldToRemove); } } }