Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2008, Endless Loop Software, Inc.
 * This file is part of EgoNet.
 * EgoNet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * EgoNet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package com.endlessloopsoftware.ego.client.graph;

import com.endlessloopsoftware.ego.client.graph.GraphSettingsEntry.GraphSettingType;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;

import javax.swing.*;

import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer;
import org.egonet.util.listbuilder.Selection;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.endlessloopsoftware.ego.client.EgoClient;
import com.endlessloopsoftware.ego.client.statistics.Statistics;
import com.endlessloopsoftware.egonet.Interview;
import com.endlessloopsoftware.egonet.Question;
import com.endlessloopsoftware.egonet.Shared;
import com.endlessloopsoftware.egonet.Shared.QuestionType;

import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.FRLayout;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.Layout;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.UndirectedSparseGraph;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Context;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Pair;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.VisualizationViewer;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control.CrossoverScalingControl;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control.DefaultModalGraphMouse;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control.ScalingControl;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.DefaultVisualizationModel;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.GraphZoomScrollPane;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.RenderContext;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.VisualizationModel;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.decorators.AbstractEdgeShapeTransformer;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.decorators.EdgeShape;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.picking.ShapePickSupport;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.renderers.Renderer.VertexLabel.Position;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.util.VertexShapeFactory;

public class GraphRenderer /*implements
                           Transformer<Vertex,Shape>, Transformer<Vertex,Paint>, Transformer<Edge,Shape>,
                           Transformer<Edge,Paint>, Transformer<Edge,String>, Transformer<Vertex,String>, Transformer<Edge,Stroke>,
                           ToolTipFunction */ {

    final private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GraphRenderer.class);

    public static GraphSettings graphSettings;

    private static VisualizationViewer<Vertex, Edge> visualizationViewer;

    private GraphZoomScrollPane visualizationViewerScrollPane;

    private DefaultModalGraphMouse graphMouse;

    private VisualizationModel<Vertex, Edge> visualizationModel;

    private final String[] alterList;

    private static Graph<Vertex, Edge> graph;

    public static boolean showEdgeWeights = false;

    private boolean showNodeLabels = true;

    private EgoClient egoClient;

    public GraphRenderer(EgoClient egoClient) {
        this.egoClient = egoClient;
        graph = new UndirectedSparseGraph<Vertex, Edge>();

        Interview interview = egoClient.getInterview();

        Statistics stats = interview.getStats();
        if (stats == null)
                    "No statistics were computed for this interview. This is likely going to cause problems later.");
        else if (stats.alterList == null || stats.alterList.length == 0)
            logger.error("Statistics alter list is null or empty. This is likely going to cause problems later.");

        alterList = stats != null ? stats.alterList : new String[0];

        for (String alter : alterList) {
            graph.addVertex(new Vertex(alter));

        graphSettings = new GraphSettings(egoClient, this);

    class EmptyEdgeStringer implements Transformer<Edge, String> {
        public String transform(Edge e) {
            return "";

     * Redraws the graph with the provided layout
     * @param Class Layout
    public void changeLayout(Class<?> layout) throws Exception {
        Constructor<?> constructor = layout.getConstructor(new Class<?>[] { Graph.class });
        Object o = constructor.newInstance(graph);
        Layout l = (Layout) o;

        if (l instanceof FRLayout) {
            FRLayout frLayout = (FRLayout) l;

        //visualizationViewer.setGraphLayout(l, false);


     * Changes the size of the layout (canvas size) then redraws the graph 
     * to fit the nodes to the new layout size
     * @param int x -- width
     * @param int y -- height
    public void changeLayoutSize(int x, int y) {
        try {
            Dimension dim = visualizationViewer.getGraphLayout().getSize();
            Layout layout = visualizationViewer.getGraphLayout();

            if (dim.width + x < 5 || dim.height + y < 5) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, new String("Layout Size Out of Bounds"), "Error",
      "Less than 5");
            } else {
                Dimension d = new Dimension(dim.width + x, dim.height + y);
                visualizationViewer.getModel().setGraphLayout(layout, d);
        } catch (Exception ex) {


     * Redraws the graph without changing the layout or layout size
    public void reiterate() {
        Dimension dim = visualizationViewer.getGraphLayout().getSize();
        Layout layout = visualizationViewer.getGraphLayout();



     * create the main viewable Graph by for display on a panel use the JUNG
     * classes
     * @return
    public JComponent createGraph() {
        // setVertexStringer(undirectedLabeler);
        graphMouse = new DefaultModalGraphMouse();

        // create the model that drives layouts and view updates
        visualizationModel = new DefaultVisualizationModel<Vertex, Edge>(new ELSFRLayout2<Vertex, Edge>(graph));

        // create the regular viewer and scroller
        visualizationViewer = new VisualizationViewer<Vertex, Edge>(visualizationModel);

        visualizationViewer.setPickSupport(new ShapePickSupport<Vertex, Edge>(visualizationViewer));
        visualizationViewer.setVertexToolTipTransformer(new VertexTooltipTransformer());


        RenderContext<Vertex, Edge> ctx = visualizationViewer.getRenderContext();

        ctx.setVertexShapeTransformer(new VertexShapeTransformer());

        ctx.setVertexFillPaintTransformer(new VertexPaintTransformer());

        ctx.setEdgeShapeTransformer(new EdgeShapeTransformer());

        ctx.setEdgeDrawPaintTransformer(new EdgePaintTransformer());

        ctx.setEdgeStrokeTransformer(new EdgeStrokeTransformer());

        ctx.setEdgeLabelTransformer(new EmptyEdgeStringer());

        ctx.setVertexLabelTransformer(new VertexLabelTransformer());

        visualizationViewerScrollPane = new GraphZoomScrollPane(visualizationViewer);
        final ScalingControl scaler = new CrossoverScalingControl();

        JButton plus = new JButton("+");
        plus.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                scaler.scale(visualizationViewer, 1.1f, visualizationViewer.getCenter());
        // plus.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(20,20));
        JButton minus = new JButton("-");
        minus.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                scaler.scale(visualizationViewer, 1 / 1.1f, visualizationViewer.getCenter());

        return visualizationViewerScrollPane;

     * creates the nodes for every alter creates edges for entries in adjacency
     * matrix
    public void updateEdges() {
        Iterator<Edge> edgeIterator = graphSettings.getEdgeIterator();
        while (edgeIterator.hasNext()) {
            Edge edge =;
            if (graphSettings.isEdgeVisible(edge)) {
                        Arrays.asList(new Vertex(edge.pair.getFirst()), new Vertex(edge.pair.getSecond())));

    private void removeAllEdges(Graph<Vertex, Edge> g) {
        while (g.getEdgeCount() > 0) {
            for (Edge e : new ArrayList<Edge>(g.getEdges())) {

    class VertexLabelTransformer implements Transformer<Vertex, String> {
        public String transform(Vertex v) {
            return graphSettings.getNodeLabel(v);

     * Displays the edges of graph used to draw the edge
    public void drawEdgeLabels() {
        visualizationViewer.getRenderContext().setEdgeLabelTransformer(new EdgeLabelTransformer());

        // ??? not ported!
        //this.setEdgePaintFunction(new PickableEdgePaintTransformer(this,, Color.cyan));


     * Displays the labels of nodes
    public void drawNodeLabels() {
        visualizationViewer.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelTransformer(new VertexLabelTransformer());

     * Implemented for VertexPaintFunction Returns the color of the outline of
     * the vertex Draw paint color is defaulted BLACK

    class VertexPaintTransformer implements Transformer<Vertex, Paint> {
        public Paint transform(Vertex v) {
            Color fillColor = graphSettings.getNodeColor(v);
            //ConstantVertexPaintFunction cvpf = new ConstantVertexPaintFunction(Color.BLACK, fillColor);

            return fillColor;

    /*class VertexPaintTransformer implements Transformer<Vertex,Paint> {
       public Paint transform(Vertex v) {
     Color fillColor = graphSettings.getNodeColor(v);
     return fillColor;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.decorators.EdgePaintFunction#getFillPaint(edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Edge)
     * @see edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.decorators.EdgePaintFunction#getDrawPaint(edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Edge)

    class EdgePaintTransformer implements Transformer<Edge, Paint> {
        public Paint transform(Edge e) {
            Color edgeColor = graphSettings.getEdgeColor(e);
            return edgeColor;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.decorators.EdgeStrokeFunction#getStroke(edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Edge)
    public Stroke getStroke(Edge e) {
       ConstantEdgeStrokeFunction edgeStrokeFunction = new ConstantEdgeStrokeFunction(
        (float) graphSettings.getEdgeSize(e));
       return edgeStrokeFunction.getStroke(e);

    public static Graph<Vertex, Edge> getGraph() {
        return graph;

    public DefaultModalGraphMouse getGraphMouse() {
        return graphMouse;

    public JComponent getGzsp() {
        return visualizationViewerScrollPane;

     * Implementes for EdgeStringer Retruns the edgeLabel for a given edge

    class EdgeLabelTransformer implements Transformer<Edge, String> {
        public String transform(Edge e) {
            return graphSettings.getEdgeLabel((Edge) e);

     * Implemented for VertexShapeFunction Returns shape of vertex by looking
     * for an entry in map
    class VertexShapeTransformer implements Transformer<Vertex, Shape> {

        VertexShapeFactory<Vertex> v;

        public Shape transform(Vertex v) {
            NodeProperty.NodeShape shape = graphSettings.getNodeShape(v);
            int size = graphSettings.getNodeSize(v);

            EllipseVertexShapeFunction basicCircle = new EllipseVertexShapeFunction();
            Shape returnShape = basicCircle.getShape(v, 10 + (5 * size));
            switch (shape) {
            case Circle:
                EllipseVertexShapeFunction circle = new EllipseVertexShapeFunction();
                returnShape = circle.getShape(v, 10 + (5 * size));
            case Square:
                PolygonVertexShapeFunction square = new PolygonVertexShapeFunction();
                returnShape = square.getShape(v, 10 + (5 * size), 4);
            case Pentagon:
                PolygonVertexShapeFunction pentagon = new PolygonVertexShapeFunction();
                returnShape = pentagon.getShape(v, 10 + (5 * size), 5);
            case Hexagon:
                PolygonVertexShapeFunction hexagon = new PolygonVertexShapeFunction();
                returnShape = hexagon.getShape(v, 10 + (5 * size), 6);
            case Triangle:
                PolygonVertexShapeFunction triangle = new PolygonVertexShapeFunction();
                returnShape = triangle.getShape(v, 10 + (5 * size), 3);
            case Star:
                EllipseVertexShapeFunction star = new EllipseVertexShapeFunction();
                returnShape = star.getShape(v, NodeProperty.NodeShape.Star, 10 + (5 * size));
            case RoundedRectangle:
                EllipseVertexShapeFunction roundRect = new EllipseVertexShapeFunction();
                returnShape = roundRect.getShape(v, NodeProperty.NodeShape.RoundedRectangle, 10 + (5 * size));
            return returnShape;


    public VisualizationModel getVisualizationModel() {
        return visualizationModel;

    public static VisualizationViewer<Vertex, Edge> getVv() {
        return visualizationViewer;

     * Hides edge labels
    public void hideEdgeLabels() {
        Transformer<Edge, String> edgeStringer = new Transformer<Edge, String>() {
            public String transform(Edge e) {
                return null;

     * Hides the labels of nodes
    public void hideNodeLabels() {
        Transformer<Vertex, String> vertexStringer = new Transformer<Vertex, String>() {
            public String transform(Vertex v) {
                return null;

    class EdgeShapeTransformer implements Transformer<Context<Graph<Vertex, Edge>, Edge>, Shape> {
        public Shape transform(Context<Graph<Vertex, Edge>, Edge> edge) {
            Edge e = edge.element;

            AbstractEdgeShapeTransformer<Vertex, Edge> edgeShapeFunction;
            switch (graphSettings.getEdgeShape(e)) {
            case QuadCurve:
                edgeShapeFunction = new EdgeShape.QuadCurve();
            case CubicCurve:
                edgeShapeFunction = new EdgeShape.CubicCurve();
                edgeShapeFunction = new EdgeShape.Line();

            return edgeShapeFunction.transform(edge);
            // edgeShapeFunction = new EdgeShape.Line();
            // returnShape = edgeShapeFunction.getShape(e);
            // return returnShape;

    class EdgeStrokeTransformer implements Transformer<Edge, Stroke> {
        BasicStroke stroke;

        public EdgeStrokeTransformer() {
            this.stroke = new BasicStroke();

        public EdgeStrokeTransformer(float weight) {
            this.stroke = new BasicStroke(weight);

        public Stroke transform(Edge arg0) {
            return stroke;


    public void reSizeEdges(float strokeWeight) {
        visualizationViewer.getRenderContext().setEdgeStrokeTransformer(new EdgeStrokeTransformer(strokeWeight));


    public void updateGraphSettings() {
        Iterator iterator = graphSettings.getQAsettingsIterator();
        // graphSettings.emptyEdgeSettingsMap();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            GraphSettingsEntry entry = (GraphSettingsEntry);
            GraphQuestionSelectionPair graphQuestion = entry.getGraphQuestion();
            if ((graphQuestion.getCategory() == Shared.QuestionType.ALTER)
                    && (entry.getType() == GraphSettingType.Node)) {
                NodeProperty nodeProperty = (NodeProperty) entry.getProperty();
                NodeProperty.NodePropertyType prop = nodeProperty.getProperty();
                Question question = graphQuestion.getQuestion();
                Selection selection = graphQuestion.getSelection();
                GraphData graphData = new GraphData(egoClient);
                List<Integer> myAlterList = graphData.getAlterNumbers(question, selection);

                switch (prop) {
                case Color:
                    for (int alter : myAlterList) {
                        graphSettings.setNodeColor(new Vertex(alterList[alter]), nodeProperty.getColor());
                case Shape:
                    for (int alter : myAlterList) {
                        graphSettings.setNodeShape(new Vertex(alterList[alter]), nodeProperty.getShape());
                case Size:
                    for (int alter : myAlterList) {
                        graphSettings.setNodeSize(new Vertex(alterList[alter]), nodeProperty.getSize());
                case Label:
                    for (int alter : myAlterList) {
                        graphSettings.setNodeLabel(new Vertex(alterList[alter]), nodeProperty.getLabel());
            } else if (graphQuestion.getCategory() == QuestionType.STUDY_CONFIG) // structural
            // measure
                NodeProperty nodeProperty = (NodeProperty) entry.getProperty();
                NodeProperty.NodePropertyType prop = nodeProperty.getProperty();
                if (graphQuestion.getSelection().getString() == "DegreeCentrality") {
                    switch (prop) {
                    case Color:
                    case Size:
                } else { // Degree centrality
                    switch (prop) {
                    case Color:
                    case Size:
            // Edge property manipulation
            else if ((graphQuestion.getCategory() == Shared.QuestionType.ALTER_PAIR)
                    && (entry.getType() == GraphSettingType.Edge)) {
                EdgeProperty edgeProperty = (EdgeProperty) entry.getProperty();
                EdgeProperty.EdgePropertyType prop = edgeProperty.getProperty();
                //"prop value is " +prop.toString());

                GraphData graphData = new GraphData(egoClient);
                List<Pair<Integer>> vPair = graphData.getAlterPairs(graphQuestion);
                //"Property to be updated:" + prop
                //      + " GraphQuestion:" + graphQuestion.toString());
                switch (prop) {
                case Color:
                    for (Pair pair : vPair) {
                        Iterator edgeIterator = graphSettings.getEdgeIterator();
                        boolean edgeUpdated = false;
                        while (edgeIterator.hasNext()) {
                            Edge edge = (Edge);
                            //"Edge:" + edge.toString());
                            if ((edge.getEndpoints().getFirst().equals(alterList[(Integer) pair.getFirst()]))
                                    && (edge.getEndpoints().getSecond()
                                            .equals(alterList[(Integer) pair.getSecond()]))) {

                                //"EDGE color is " +edgeProperty.getColor());
                                graphSettings.setEdgeColor(edge, edgeProperty.getColor());
                                graphSettings.setEdgeVisible(edge, edgeProperty.isVisible());
                                edgeUpdated = true;
                        if (edgeUpdated == false) {
                            Edge newEdge = new Edge(new Vertex(alterList[(Integer) pair.getFirst()]),
                                    new Vertex(alterList[(Integer) pair.getSecond()]));
                            // + " created with chosen color");
                            graphSettings.setEdgeColor(newEdge, edgeProperty.getColor());
                            graphSettings.setEdgeVisible(newEdge, edgeProperty.isVisible());

                case Shape:
                    for (Pair pair : vPair) {
                        Iterator edgeIterator = graphSettings.getEdgeIterator();
                        boolean edgeUpdated = false;
                        while (edgeIterator.hasNext()) {
                            Edge edge = (Edge);
                            if ((edge.getEndpoints().getFirst().equals(alterList[(Integer) pair.getFirst()]))
                                    && (edge.getEndpoints().getSecond()
                                            .equals(alterList[(Integer) pair.getSecond()]))) {
                                graphSettings.setEdgeShape(edge, edgeProperty.getShape());
                                graphSettings.setEdgeVisible(edge, edgeProperty.isVisible());
                                edgeUpdated = true;
                        if (edgeUpdated == false) {
                            Edge newEdge = new Edge(alterList[(Integer) pair.getFirst()],
                                    alterList[(Integer) pair.getSecond()]);
                            graphSettings.setEdgeShape(newEdge, edgeProperty.getShape());
                            graphSettings.setEdgeVisible(newEdge, edgeProperty.isVisible());
                case Size:
                    for (Pair pair : vPair) {
                        Iterator edgeIterator = graphSettings.getEdgeIterator();
                        boolean edgeUpdated = false;
                        while (edgeIterator.hasNext()) {
                            Edge edge = (Edge);
                            if ((edge.pair.getFirst().equals(alterList[(Integer) pair.getFirst()]))
                                    && (edge.pair.getSecond().equals(alterList[(Integer) pair.getSecond()]))) {
                                graphSettings.setEdgeSize(edge, edgeProperty.getSize());
                                graphSettings.setEdgeVisible(edge, edgeProperty.isVisible());
                                edgeUpdated = true;
                        if (edgeUpdated == false) {
                            Edge newEdge = new Edge(alterList[(Integer) pair.getFirst()],
                                    alterList[(Integer) pair.getSecond()]);
                            graphSettings.setEdgeSize(newEdge, edgeProperty.getSize());
                            graphSettings.setEdgeVisible(newEdge, edgeProperty.isVisible());

    private float max(float[] array) {
        float max = array[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
            if (array[i] > max) {
                max = array[i];
        return max;

    private void applyDegreeCentrality(NodeProperty.NodePropertyType property) {

        float[] degreeCentrality = new float[egoClient.getInterview().getNumberAlters()];
        float[] scaledDegreeCentrality = new float[egoClient.getInterview().getNumberAlters()];
        for (int i = 0; i < egoClient.getInterview().getNumberAlters(); i++) {
            degreeCentrality[i] = new Float(egoClient.getInterview().getStats().degreeArray[i]
                    / ((float) (egoClient.getInterview().getStats().proximityMatrix.length - 1)));
        // scale the values
        float maximum = max(degreeCentrality);
        for (int i = 0; i < degreeCentrality.length; i++) {
            scaledDegreeCentrality[i] = (1 / maximum) * degreeCentrality[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < scaledDegreeCentrality.length; i++) {
            float grayPercentage = 1 - scaledDegreeCentrality[i];
            if (property == NodeProperty.NodePropertyType.Color) {
                Color nodeColor = new Color(grayPercentage, grayPercentage, grayPercentage);
                graphSettings.setNodeColor(new Vertex(alterList[i]), nodeColor);
            } else if (property == NodeProperty.NodePropertyType.Size) {
                int size = Math.round(1 + 2 * scaledDegreeCentrality[i]);
                graphSettings.setNodeSize(new Vertex(alterList[i]), size);

    private void applyBetweennessCentrality(NodeProperty.NodePropertyType property) {

        float[] betweennessCentrality = new float[egoClient.getInterview().getNumberAlters()];
        float[] scaledBetweennessCentrality = new float[egoClient.getInterview().getNumberAlters()];
        for (int i = 0; i < egoClient.getInterview().getNumberAlters(); i++) {
            double big = egoClient.getInterview().getStats().proximityMatrix.length - 1;
            big *= big;
            betweennessCentrality[i] = new Float(egoClient.getInterview().getStats().betweennessArray[i] / big);
        // scale the values
        float maximum = max(betweennessCentrality);
        for (int i = 0; i < betweennessCentrality.length; i++) {
            scaledBetweennessCentrality[i] = (1 / maximum) * betweennessCentrality[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < scaledBetweennessCentrality.length; i++) {
            float grayPercentage = 1 - scaledBetweennessCentrality[i];
            if (property == NodeProperty.NodePropertyType.Color) {
                Color nodeColor = new Color(grayPercentage, grayPercentage, grayPercentage);
                graphSettings.setNodeColor(new Vertex(alterList[i]), nodeColor);
            } else if (property == NodeProperty.NodePropertyType.Size) {
                int size = Math.round(1 + 2 * scaledBetweennessCentrality[i]);
                graphSettings.setNodeSize(new Vertex(alterList[i]), size);

    public void updateGraphSettings(Object updateValue, int nodeIndex, int updateParam) {
        // update param
        // 1: Label
        // 2: Color
        // 3: Shape
        // 4: Size
        switch (updateParam) {
        case 1:
            graphSettings.setNodeLabel(new Vertex(alterList[nodeIndex]), (String) updateValue);
        case 2:
            graphSettings.setNodeColor(new Vertex(alterList[nodeIndex]), (Color) updateValue);
        case 3:
            graphSettings.setNodeShape(new Vertex(alterList[nodeIndex]), (NodeProperty.NodeShape) updateValue);
        case 4:
            graphSettings.setNodeSize(new Vertex(alterList[nodeIndex]), Integer.parseInt((String) updateValue));


    public void addQAsettings(GraphQuestionSelectionPair graphQuestion, NodeProperty nodeProperty) {
        graphSettings.addQAsetting(graphQuestion, nodeProperty);

    public void addQAsettings(GraphQuestionSelectionPair graphQuestion, EdgeProperty edgeProperty) {
        graphSettings.addQAsetting(graphQuestion, edgeProperty);

    class VertexTooltipTransformer implements Transformer<Vertex, String> {
        public String transform(Vertex v) {
            String text = graphSettings.getNodeToolTipText(v);
            return text;

    public String getToolTipText(Edge e) {
        return e.toString();

    public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent event) {
        return ((JComponent) event.getSource()).getToolTipText();

    public Iterator getSettingsIterator() {
        return graphSettings.getQAsettingsIterator();

    public static GraphSettings getGraphSettings() {
        return graphSettings;

    public static void setGraphSettings(GraphSettings gs) {

        graphSettings = gs;

    public static VisualizationViewer getVisualizationViewer() {
        return visualizationViewer;

    public boolean getShowNodeLabels() {
        return showNodeLabels;

    public void setShowNodeLabels(boolean showNodeLabels) {
        this.showNodeLabels = showNodeLabels;

    public String[] getAlterList() {
        return alterList;