Java tutorial
package com.elecnor.ecosystem.serviceimpl; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import com.elecnor.ecosystem.bean.DomainDetail; import com.elecnor.ecosystem.bean.LicenseDirectory; import com.elecnor.ecosystem.bean.UserDetail; import com.elecnor.ecosystem.dao.LicenseDirectoryDAO; import com.elecnor.ecosystem.helper.LocalLicenseHelper; import com.elecnor.ecosystem.helper.StateLicenseHelper; import com.elecnor.ecosystem.service.LicenseDirectoryService; import com.elecnor.ecosystem.util.ConstantUtil; import com.elecnor.ecosystem.util.ExcelErrorDetails; import com.elecnor.ecosystem.util.PropertyFileReader; import com.elecnor.ecosystem.util.UploadFileUtility; import com.elecnor.ecosystem.util.Utility; @Service public class LicenseDirectoryServiceImpl implements LicenseDirectoryService { @Autowired LicenseDirectoryDAO sLicenseDirectory; @Override public String addUpdateLocalLicenseService(LicenseDirectory lLicenseDirectory, DomainDetail domainDetail, String action) throws Exception { String result = ""; try { lLicenseDirectory.setDomainDetail(domainDetail); lLicenseDirectory.setType("LOCAL"); lLicenseDirectory.setStatus("ACTIVE"); if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("save") || action.equalsIgnoreCase("saveandcontinue")) { result = sLicenseDirectory.addLicenseRecord(lLicenseDirectory); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("Update")) { result = sLicenseDirectory.updateLicenseRecord(lLicenseDirectory); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } return result; } @Override public String addLicenseRecord(LicenseDirectory licenseDirectory, int states) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String result = null; try { licenseDirectory.setState(states); licenseDirectory.setType("STATE"); licenseDirectory.setStatus("ACTIVE"); licenseDirectory.setLicenseSubmittedBy(null); licenseDirectory.setLicenseUpdatedBy(null); result = sLicenseDirectory.addLicenseRecord(licenseDirectory); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HashMap<String, Object> uploadStateLicFile(MultipartFile fileUploaded, HttpSession session, int confirmStateLicUploadId) throws Exception { HashMap<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails> stateLicErrorList = new ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails>(); ArrayList<LicenseDirectory> stateLicenseList = new ArrayList<LicenseDirectory>(); UploadFileUtility upUltil = new UploadFileUtility(); StateLicenseHelper stateLicenseHelper = new StateLicenseHelper(); boolean hasErrorOccured = false; boolean isValidSchema; int i; Utility util = new Utility(); UserDetail userDetail = (UserDetail) session.getAttribute("selectedUser"); try { if (!fileUploaded.isEmpty()) { Workbook workBook = upUltil.readExcelFileFromMultipart(fileUploaded); if (workBook == null) { return upUltil.getErrorMessage(ConstantUtil.ERROR_FILE_READING_ERROR); } if (confirmStateLicUploadId != 1) { isValidSchema = upUltil.isSchemaValid(workBook, ConstantUtil.STATE_LICENSE_SHEETNUM, ConstantUtil.STATE_LICENSE_HEADER_ROWNUM, ConstantUtil.STATE_LICENSE_EXCEL_FORMAT); if (!isValidSchema) { return upUltil.getErrorMessage(ConstantUtil.ERROR_HEADER_VALIDATION_ERROR); } } Sheet sheet = null; try { sheet = workBook.getSheetAt(ConstantUtil.STATE_LICENSE_SHEETNUM); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (i = 1; i <= sheet.getLastRowNum(); i++) { System.out.println(i); Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null) { continue; } Map<String, Object> rowValidationResult = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //if (confirmUploadId != 1) { rowValidationResult = stateLicenseHelper.validateRowDataAndFetchBean(row, userDetail); if (rowValidationResult.get("licenseDirectoryBean") == null) { stateLicErrorList.addAll( (Collection<? extends ExcelErrorDetails>) rowValidationResult.get("errorList")); hasErrorOccured = true; } else { stateLicenseList.add((LicenseDirectory) rowValidationResult.get("licenseDirectoryBean")); } } if ((confirmStateLicUploadId == 1) || (confirmStateLicUploadId != 1 && !hasErrorOccured)) { stateLicErrorList = saveStateLicenseList(stateLicenseList); if (stateLicErrorList.isEmpty()) { stateLicErrorList = null; } return util.responseBuilder(stateLicErrorList); } else { return util.responseBuilder(stateLicErrorList); } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } return resultMap; // try { // workBook = new XSSFWorkbook(fileUploaded.getInputStream()); // } catch (Exception e) { // try { // workBook = new HSSFWorkbook(fileUploaded.getInputStream()); // } catch (IOException e1) { // } // } // if (workBook == null) { // stateLicErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(0, 0, "Wrong File Type")); // resultMap.put("ajaxResult", "error"); // resultMap.put("reason", stateLicErrorList); // return resultMap; // } // // Schema Validation - Checks Whether Row header name is same as we // // specified. // isValidSchema = getSchemaValidation(workBook); // if (isValidSchema != 1) { // hasErrorOccured = true; // stateLicErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(0, 0, "Header Validation Failed")); // resultMap.put("ajaxResult", "error"); // resultMap.put("reason", stateLicErrorList); // return resultMap; // } // // // Schema Validation Ends // // // Data Validation Starts // sheetStart = readFromHeader(null, stringSheetStart); // Sheet sheet = workBook.getSheetAt(sheetStart); // for (i = 1; i <= sheet.getLastRowNum(); i++) { // Row row = sheet.getRow(i); // if (row == null) { // continue; // } // if (confirmStateLicUploadId != 1) { // ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails> rowErrorDetailList = new ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails>(); // rowErrorDetailList = validateRowData(row); // if (rowErrorDetailList != null) { // stateLicErrorList.addAll(rowErrorDetailList); // hasErrorOccured = true; // } // } // if ((confirmStateLicUploadId != 1 && !hasErrorOccured) || confirmStateLicUploadId == 1) { // stateLicenseList.add(getStateLicenseDetails(row, domainDetail, userDetail)); // } // } // if ((confirmStateLicUploadId == 1) || (confirmStateLicUploadId != 1 && !hasErrorOccured)) { // stateLicErrorList = saveStateLicenseList(stateLicenseList); // if (stateLicErrorList.isEmpty()) { // resultMap.put("ajaxResult", "success"); // resultMap.put("reason", null); // } else { // resultMap.put("ajaxResult", "error"); // resultMap.put("reason", stateLicErrorList); // } // } else { // resultMap.put("ajaxResult", "error"); // resultMap.put("reason", stateLicErrorList); // // } // // } else { // resultMap.put("ajaxResult", "error"); // resultMap // .put("reason", // "Cannot Find the excel file. Please refresh the page and try again. If this problem persists report it to Dev. Team."); // // } // return resultMap; } private Integer getSchemaValidation(Workbook workBook) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> excelHeader = new ArrayList<String>(); int j = 0; // Strings for reading from property file String sheetNumberString = "STATE_LICENSE_SHEETNUM"; int sheetNumber = readFromHeader(null, sheetNumberString); // Values obtained from property file String headerRowStringForProp = "STATE_LICENSE_HEADER_ROWNUM"; Sheet sheet = workBook.getSheetAt(sheetNumber); int headerRowNum = readFromHeader(null, headerRowStringForProp); Row rowHeader = sheet.getRow(headerRowNum); while (rowHeader.getCell(j) != null) { String headerVal = rowHeader.getCell(j).getStringCellValue(); excelHeader.add(headerVal); j++; } return readFromHeader(excelHeader, null); } public ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails> validateRowData(Row row) { int rowNumber = row.getRowNum(); ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails> rowErrorList = new ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails>(); String stringToCheck = ""; int colNum; String fieldToCheck = ""; boolean valueNotValid = false; // validation for License Number fieldToCheck = "STATE_LICENSE_DATA_LICENSE_NO"; colNum = readFromHeader(null, fieldToCheck); try { stringToCheck = String .valueOf((long) (row.getCell(colNum, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getNumericCellValue())); } catch (IllegalStateException illegalStateException) { rowErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(rowNumber, colNum, "License No. should not have characters")); valueNotValid = true; } if (!valueNotValid) { if (stringToCheck.equals("0")) { rowErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(rowNumber, colNum, "License Number cannot be null")); } } valueNotValid = false; // validation for State fieldToCheck = "STATE_LICENSE_DATA_STATE"; colNum = readFromHeader(null, fieldToCheck); try { stringToCheck = String .valueOf((int) (row.getCell(colNum, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getNumericCellValue())); } catch (IllegalStateException illegalStateException) { rowErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(rowNumber, colNum, "Choose state from the given options")); valueNotValid = true; } valueNotValid = false; // validation for Expiry Date fieldToCheck = "STATE_LICENSE_DATA_EXPIRY_DATE"; colNum = readFromHeader(null, fieldToCheck); try { stringToCheck = row.getCell(colNum, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getStringCellValue(); } catch (IllegalStateException illegalStateException) { rowErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(rowNumber, colNum, "Expiry date should be in proper format and with '-' or '.' as separators")); valueNotValid = true; } if (!valueNotValid) { if (stringToCheck == null) { rowErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(rowNumber, colNum, "Expiry Date cannot be null")); } if (!stringToCheck.matches("^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)[0-9]{2}$")) { rowErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(rowNumber, colNum, "Wrong Date Format")); } } valueNotValid = false; if (!rowErrorList.isEmpty()) { return rowErrorList; } else return null; } public LicenseDirectory getStateLicenseDetails(Row row, DomainDetail domainDetail, UserDetail userDetail) { LicenseDirectory stateLicDirectory = new LicenseDirectory(); String inputDateInString = ""; Date inputDate = null; DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy"); String checkValue; stateLicDirectory.setLicenseSubmittedBy(userDetail); stateLicDirectory.setDomainDetail(domainDetail); stateLicDirectory.setType("STATE"); stateLicDirectory.setStatus("ACTIVE"); try { int stateId = getStateId(row.getCell(1, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getStringCellValue().trim()); if (stateId == -1) { stateLicDirectory.setState(null); } else { stateLicDirectory.setState(stateId); } } catch (Exception e1) { stateLicDirectory.setState(null); } try { checkValue = String.valueOf((long) (row.getCell(0, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getNumericCellValue())); if (checkValue.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { stateLicDirectory.setLicenseNumber(null); } else { stateLicDirectory.setLicenseNumber(checkValue); } } catch (Exception e1) { stateLicDirectory.setLicenseNumber(null); } try { inputDateInString = row.getCell(2, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getStringCellValue().trim(); inputDate = dateFormat.parse(inputDateInString); stateLicDirectory.setExpiryDate(inputDate); } catch (Exception e1) { stateLicDirectory.setExpiryDate(null); } try { stateLicDirectory .setPrimaryPerson(row.getCell(3, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getStringCellValue().trim()); } catch (Exception e) { stateLicDirectory.setPrimaryPerson(""); } try { stateLicDirectory .setLicenseDescription(row.getCell(4, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getStringCellValue().trim()); } catch (Exception e) { stateLicDirectory.setLicenseDescription(""); } return stateLicDirectory; } public int getStateId(String stateName) { if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { return 0; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Alabama")) { return 1; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Alaska")) { return 3; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Arizona")) { return 4; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Arkansas")) { return 5; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("California")) { return 6; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Colorado")) { return 7; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Connecticut")) { return 8; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Delaware")) { return 9; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Delaware")) { return 10; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Florida")) { return 11; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Georgia")) { return 12; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Hawaii")) { return 13; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Idaho")) { return 14; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Illinois")) { return 15; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Iowa")) { return 16; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Kansas")) { return 17; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Kentucky")) { return 18; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Louisiana")) { return 19; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Maine")) { return 20; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Maryland")) { return 21; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Massachusetts")) { return 22; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Minnesota")) { return 23; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Mississippi")) { return 24; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Missouri")) { return 25; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Montana")) { return 26; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Nebraska")) { return 27; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Nevada")) { return 28; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("New Hampshire")) { return 29; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("New Jersey")) { return 30; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("New Mexico")) { return 31; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("New York")) { return 32; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("North Carolina")) { return 33; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("North Dakota")) { return 35; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Ohio")) { return 34; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Oklahoma")) { return 35; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Oregon")) { return 36; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Pennsylvania")) { return 37; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Rhode Island")) { return 38; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("South Carolina")) { return 39; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("South Dakota")) { return 40; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Tennessee")) { return 41; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Texas")) { return 42; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Utah")) { return 43; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Vermont")) { return 44; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Virginia")) { return 45; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Washington")) { return 46; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("West Virginia")) { return 47; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Wisconsin")) { return 48; } else if (stateName.equalsIgnoreCase("Wyoming")) { return 49; } else return -1; } public ExcelErrorDetails getExcelErrorDetails(int rowNum, int colNum, String msg) { ExcelErrorDetails e = new ExcelErrorDetails(); e.setRowNumber(rowNum); e.setColNumber(colNum); e.setErrorMessage(msg); if (colNum != -1) { e.setExcelCell(ConstantUtil.columnMapping[colNum] + rowNum); } return e; } public ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails> saveStateLicenseList(List<LicenseDirectory> stateLicenseList) { String sLicenseDAOResult = ""; int i = 1; UploadFileUtility upUltil = new UploadFileUtility(); ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails> sLicDAOErrorList = new ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails>(); for (LicenseDirectory stateLicObject : stateLicenseList) { sLicenseDAOResult = ""; try { sLicenseDAOResult = sLicenseDirectory.addLicenseRecord(stateLicObject); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (sLicenseDAOResult != null) { sLicDAOErrorList.add(upUltil.getExcelErrorDetails(i, -1, "Error in saving to database")); } i++; } return sLicDAOErrorList; } public Integer readFromHeader(ArrayList<String> excelHeader, String valToCheck) { int result = 0; try { ClassLoader cl = PropertyFileReader.class.getClassLoader(); InputStream in = cl.getResourceAsStream(""); Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.load(in); if (valToCheck == null) { String excelUploadedHeader = excelHeader.toString().substring(1, excelHeader.toString().indexOf("]")); if (excelUploadedHeader .equalsIgnoreCase(prop.getProperty(ConstantUtil.STATE_LICENSE_EXCEL_FORMAT))) { result = 1; } else { result = 0; } } else { return Integer.valueOf(prop.getProperty(valToCheck)); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public HashMap<String, Object> uploadLocalLicFile(MultipartFile fileUploaded, HttpSession session, int confirmLocalLicUploadId) throws Exception { HashMap<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Utility util = new Utility(); ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails> errorList = new ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails>(); ArrayList<LicenseDirectory> localLicenseList = new ArrayList<LicenseDirectory>(); UploadFileUtility upUltil = new UploadFileUtility(); LocalLicenseHelper LocalLicenseDirectoryHelper = new LocalLicenseHelper(); boolean hasErrorOccured = false; boolean isValidSchema; int i; UserDetail userDetail = (UserDetail) session.getAttribute("selectedUser"); if (!fileUploaded.isEmpty()) { Workbook workBook = upUltil.readExcelFileFromMultipart(fileUploaded); if (workBook == null) { return upUltil.getErrorMessage(ConstantUtil.ERROR_FILE_READING_ERROR); } if (confirmLocalLicUploadId != 1) { isValidSchema = upUltil.isSchemaValid(workBook, ConstantUtil.LOCAL_LICENSE_SHEETNUM, ConstantUtil.LOCAL_LICENSE_HEADER_ROWNUM, ConstantUtil.LOCAL_LICENSE_EXCEL_FORMAT); if (!isValidSchema) { return upUltil.getErrorMessage(ConstantUtil.ERROR_HEADER_VALIDATION_ERROR); } } Sheet sheet = workBook.getSheetAt(ConstantUtil.LOCAL_LICENSE_SHEETNUM); for (i = 1; i <= sheet.getLastRowNum(); i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null) { continue; } Map<String, Object> rowValidationResult = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //if (confirmUploadId != 1) { rowValidationResult = LocalLicenseDirectoryHelper.validateRowDataAndFetchBean(row, userDetail); if (rowValidationResult.get("licenseDirectoryBean") == null) { errorList .addAll((Collection<? extends ExcelErrorDetails>) rowValidationResult.get("errorList")); hasErrorOccured = true; } else { localLicenseList.add((LicenseDirectory) rowValidationResult.get("licenseDirectoryBean")); } //} } if ((confirmLocalLicUploadId == 1) || (confirmLocalLicUploadId != 1 && !hasErrorOccured)) { errorList = saveLocalLicenseList(localLicenseList); if (errorList.isEmpty()) { errorList = null; } return util.responseBuilder(errorList); } else { return util.responseBuilder(errorList); } } // Workbook workBook = null; // try { // workBook = new XSSFWorkbook(fileUploaded.getInputStream()); // } catch (Exception e) { // try { // workBook = new HSSFWorkbook(fileUploaded.getInputStream()); // } catch (IOException e1) { // } // } // if (workBook == null) { // localLicErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(0, 0, "Wrong File Type")); // resultMap.put("ajaxResult", "error"); // resultMap.put("reason", localLicErrorList); // return resultMap; // } // // Schema Validation - Checks Whether Row header name is same as we // // specified. // isValidSchema = getLocalSchemaValidation(workBook); // if (isValidSchema != 1) { // hasErrorOccured = true; // localLicErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(0, 0, "Header Validation Failed")); // resultMap.put("ajaxResult", "error"); // resultMap.put("reason", localLicErrorList); // return resultMap; // } // // Schema Validation Ends // // // Data Validation Starts // sheetStart = readFromLocalHeader(null, stringSheetStart); // Sheet sheet = workBook.getSheetAt(sheetStart); // for (i = 1; i <= sheet.getLastRowNum(); i++) { // Row row = sheet.getRow(i); // if (row == null) { // continue; // } // if (confirmLocalLicUploadId != 1) { // ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails> rowErrorDetailList = new ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails>(); // rowErrorDetailList = validateLocalRowData(row); // if (rowErrorDetailList != null) { // localLicErrorList.addAll(rowErrorDetailList); // hasErrorOccured = true; // } // } // if ((confirmLocalLicUploadId != 1 && !hasErrorOccured) || confirmLocalLicUploadId == 1) { // localLicenseList.add(getLocalLicenseDetails(row, domainDetail, userDetail)); // } // } // if ((confirmLocalLicUploadId == 1) || (confirmLocalLicUploadId != 1 && !hasErrorOccured)) { // localLicErrorList = saveLocalLicenseList(localLicenseList); // if (localLicErrorList.isEmpty()) { // resultMap.put("ajaxResult", "success"); // resultMap.put("reason", null); // } else { // resultMap.put("ajaxResult", "error"); // resultMap.put("reason", localLicErrorList); // } // } else { // resultMap.put("ajaxResult", "error"); // resultMap.put("reason", localLicErrorList); // // } // // } else { // resultMap.put("ajaxResult", "error"); // resultMap // .put("reason", // "Cannot Find the excel file. Please refresh the page and try again. If this problem persists report it to Dev. Team."); // // } return resultMap; } private Integer getLocalSchemaValidation(Workbook workBook) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> excelHeader = new ArrayList<String>(); int j = 0; // Strings for reading from property file String sheetNumberString = "LOCAL_LICENSE_SHEETNUM"; int sheetNumber = readFromLocalHeader(null, sheetNumberString); // Values obtained from property file String headerRowStringForProp = "LOCAL_LICENSE_HEADER_ROWNUM"; Sheet sheet = workBook.getSheetAt(sheetNumber); int headerRowNum = readFromLocalHeader(null, headerRowStringForProp); Row rowHeader = sheet.getRow(headerRowNum); while (rowHeader.getCell(j) != null) { String headerVal = rowHeader.getCell(j).getStringCellValue(); excelHeader.add(headerVal); j++; } return readFromLocalHeader(excelHeader, null); } public ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails> validateLocalRowData(Row row) { int rowNumber = row.getRowNum(); ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails> rowErrorList = new ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails>(); String stringToCheck = ""; int colNum; String fieldToCheck = ""; boolean valueNotValid = false; // validation for License Number fieldToCheck = "LOCAL_LICENSE_DATA_LICENSE_NO"; colNum = readFromLocalHeader(null, fieldToCheck); try { stringToCheck = String .valueOf((int) (row.getCell(colNum, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getNumericCellValue())); } catch (IllegalStateException illegalStateException) { rowErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(rowNumber, colNum, "License No. should not have characters")); valueNotValid = true; } if (!valueNotValid) { if (stringToCheck.equals("0")) { rowErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(rowNumber, colNum, "License Number cannot be null")); } } // validation for Local Jurisdiction fieldToCheck = "LOCAL_LICENSE_DATA_LOCAL_JURISDICTION"; colNum = readFromLocalHeader(null, fieldToCheck); try { stringToCheck = row.getCell(colNum, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getStringCellValue().trim(); } catch (IllegalStateException illegalStateException) { rowErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(rowNumber, colNum, "Local Jurisdiction should have characters")); valueNotValid = true; } if (!valueNotValid) { if (stringToCheck.equals("")) { rowErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(rowNumber, colNum, "Local Jurisdiction cannot be null")); } } // validation for Expiry Date fieldToCheck = "LOCAL_LICENSE_DATA_EXPIRY_DATE"; colNum = readFromHeader(null, fieldToCheck); try { stringToCheck = row.getCell(colNum, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getStringCellValue(); } catch (IllegalStateException illegalStateException) { rowErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(rowNumber, colNum, "Expiry date should be in proper format and with '-' or '.' as separators")); valueNotValid = true; } if (!valueNotValid) { if (stringToCheck == null) { rowErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(rowNumber, colNum, "Expiry Date cannot be null")); } if (!stringToCheck.matches("^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)[0-9]{2}$")) { rowErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(rowNumber, colNum, "Wrong Date Format")); } } if (!rowErrorList.isEmpty()) { return rowErrorList; } else return null; } public LicenseDirectory getLocalLicenseDetails(Row row, DomainDetail domainDetail, UserDetail userDetail) { LicenseDirectory localLicDirectory = new LicenseDirectory(); String inputDateInString = ""; Date inputDate = null; DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy"); String checkValue; localLicDirectory.setLicenseSubmittedBy(userDetail); localLicDirectory.setDomainDetail(domainDetail); localLicDirectory.setType("LOCAL"); localLicDirectory.setStatus("ACTIVE"); try { checkValue = String.valueOf((int) (row.getCell(0, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getNumericCellValue())); if (checkValue.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { localLicDirectory.setLicenseNumber(""); } else { localLicDirectory.setLicenseNumber(checkValue); } } catch (Exception e1) { localLicDirectory.setLicenseNumber(""); } try { localLicDirectory .setLocalJurisdiction(row.getCell(1, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getStringCellValue().trim()); } catch (Exception e1) { localLicDirectory.setLocalJurisdiction(""); } try { localLicDirectory .setPrimaryPerson(row.getCell(3, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getStringCellValue().trim()); } catch (Exception e1) { localLicDirectory.setPrimaryPerson(""); } try { inputDateInString = row.getCell(2, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK).getStringCellValue().trim(); inputDate = dateFormat.parse(inputDateInString); localLicDirectory.setExpiryDate(inputDate); } catch (Exception e1) { localLicDirectory.setExpiryDate(null); } return localLicDirectory; } public ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails> saveLocalLicenseList(List<LicenseDirectory> localLicenseList) { String lLicenseDAOResult = ""; int i = 1; ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails> lLicDAOErrorList = new ArrayList<ExcelErrorDetails>(); for (LicenseDirectory localLicObject : localLicenseList) { lLicenseDAOResult = ""; try { lLicenseDAOResult = sLicenseDirectory.addLicenseRecord(localLicObject); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (lLicenseDAOResult != null) { lLicDAOErrorList.add(getExcelErrorDetails(i, -1, "Error in saving to database")); } i++; } return lLicDAOErrorList; } public Integer readFromLocalHeader(ArrayList<String> excelHeader, String valToCheck) { int result = 0; try { ClassLoader cl = PropertyFileReader.class.getClassLoader(); InputStream in = cl.getResourceAsStream(""); Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.load(in); if (valToCheck == null) { String excelUploadedHeader = excelHeader.toString().substring(1, excelHeader.toString().indexOf("]")); if (excelUploadedHeader .equalsIgnoreCase(prop.getProperty(ConstantUtil.LOCAL_LICENSE_EXCEL_FORMAT))) { result = 1; } else { result = 0; } } else { return Integer.valueOf(prop.getProperty(valToCheck)); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } }