Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.elastica.webelements; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException; import org.openqa.selenium.UnhandledAlertException; import org.openqa.selenium.UnsupportedCommandException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import org.openqa.selenium.internal.seleniumemulation.Windows; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException; import org.testng.Assert; import com.elastica.driver.ScreenShot; import com.elastica.driver.ScreenshotUtil; import com.elastica.driver.WebUIDriver; import com.elastica.driver.WebUtility; import com.elastica.helper.WaitHelper; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.ElementNotFoundException; import com.elastica.core.CustomAssertion; import com.elastica.core.SeleniumTestsContextManager; import com.elastica.core.SeleniumTestsPageListener; import com.elastica.core.TestLogging; import com.elastica.customexception.CustomSeleniumTestsException; import com.elastica.customexception.NotCurrentPageException; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Wait; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Wait.WaitTimedOutException; //import com.thoughtworks.selenium.webdriven.Windows; import net.jsourcerer.webdriver.jserrorcollector.JavaScriptError; public class PageObject extends BasePage implements IPage { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PageObject.class); private static final int MAX_WAIT_TIME_FOR_REDIRECTION = 3; private boolean popupFlag = false; private boolean frameFlag = false; private HtmlElement pageIdentifierElement = null; private String popupWindowName = null; private String windowHandle = null; private String title = null; private String url = null; private String bodyText = null; private String htmlSource = null; private String htmlSavedToPath = null; private String suiteName = null; private String outputDirectory = null; private String htmlFilePath = null; private String imageFilePath = null; /** * Constructor for non-entry point page. * * @throws Exception */ public PageObject() throws Exception { this(false, null, null, null, true, false); } public PageObject(final boolean isPopup, final String popUpWindowName) throws Exception { this(isPopup, popUpWindowName, null, null, true, false); } /** * Base Constructor. * * @param url * @param convert * * @throws Exception */ private PageObject(final boolean isPopup, final String popupWindowName, final HtmlElement pageIdentifierElement, final String url, final boolean convert, final boolean waitForRedirection) throws Exception { Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance(); start.setTime(new Date()); if (SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext() != null && SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext().getTestNGContext() != null) { suiteName = SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext().getTestNGContext().getSuite().getName(); outputDirectory = SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext().getTestNGContext() .getOutputDirectory(); } this.pageIdentifierElement = pageIdentifierElement; this.popupFlag = isPopup; this.popupWindowName = popupWindowName; driver = WebUIDriver.getWebDriver(); if (!popupFlag) { if (url != null) { open(url); } waitForPageToLoad(); } else { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "wait for popup to load.", false); waitForPopup(popupWindowName); Windows windows = new Windows(driver); windows.selectWindow(driver, "name=" + popupWindowName); // populate page info populateAndCapturePageSnapshot(); } try { this.windowHandle = driver.getWindowHandle(); } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore for OperaDriver } SeleniumTestsPageListener.informPageLoad(this); Calendar end = Calendar.getInstance(); start.setTime(new Date()); long startTime = start.getTimeInMillis(); long endTime = end.getTimeInMillis(); if ((endTime - startTime) / 1000 > 0) { TestLogging.log("Open web page in :" + (endTime - startTime) / 1000 + "seconds"); } } private PageObject(final boolean isPopup, final String popupWindowName, final String url, final boolean convert, final boolean waitForRedirection) throws Exception { Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance(); start.setTime(new Date()); if (SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext() != null && SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext().getTestNGContext() != null) { suiteName = SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext().getTestNGContext().getSuite().getName(); outputDirectory = SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext().getTestNGContext() .getOutputDirectory(); System.out.println("SuiteName: " + suiteName); System.out.println("outputDir: " + outputDirectory); } // this.pageIdentifierElement = pageIdentifierElement; this.popupFlag = isPopup; this.popupWindowName = popupWindowName; driver = WebUIDriver.getWebDriver(); if (!popupFlag) { if (url != null) { open(url); } waitForPageToLoad(); } else { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "wait for popup to load.", false); waitForPopup(popupWindowName); Windows windows = new Windows(driver); windows.selectWindow(driver, "name=" + popupWindowName); // populate page info populateAndCapturePageSnapshot(); } try { this.windowHandle = driver.getWindowHandle(); } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore for OperaDriver } SeleniumTestsPageListener.informPageLoad(this); Calendar end = Calendar.getInstance(); end.setTime(new Date()); long startTime = start.getTimeInMillis(); long endTime = end.getTimeInMillis(); if ((endTime - startTime) / 1000 > 0) { System.out.println("Open web page in :" + (endTime - startTime) / 1000 + "seconds"); TestLogging.log("Open web page in :" + (endTime - startTime) / 1000 + "seconds"); } } /** * Constructor for non-entry point page. * * @param pageIdentifierElement * * @throws Exception */ public PageObject(final HtmlElement pageIdentifierElement) throws Exception { this(false, null, pageIdentifierElement, null, true, false); } /** * Constructor for non-entry point page after redirection. * * @param pageIdentifierElement * @param waitForRedirection * * @throws Exception */ public PageObject(final HtmlElement pageIdentifierElement, final boolean waitForRedirection) throws Exception { this(false, null, pageIdentifierElement, null, true, waitForRedirection); } /** * Constructor for Pop-up Pages. * * @param pageIdentifierElement * @param isPopup * @param popupWindowName * * @throws Exception */ public PageObject(final HtmlElement pageIdentifierElement, final boolean isPopup, final String popupWindowName) throws Exception { this(isPopup, popupWindowName, pageIdentifierElement, null, true, false); } /** * Constructor for Entry point page. URLs will be converted based on feature pool. * * @param pageIdentifierElement * @param url * * @throws Exception */ public PageObject(final HtmlElement pageIdentifierElement, final String url) throws Exception { this(false, null, pageIdentifierElement, url, true, false); } /** * Constructor for entry point page after redirection. * * @param pageIdentifierElement * @param url * @param waitForRedirection * * @throws Exception */ public PageObject(final String url, final boolean waitForRedirection) throws Exception { this(false, null, url, false, waitForRedirection); } public void assertCookiePresent(final String name) { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "assert cookie " + name + " is present.", false); assertHTML(getCookieByName(name) != null, "Cookie: {" + name + "} not found."); } @Override protected void assertCurrentPage(final boolean log) throws NotCurrentPageException { if (pageIdentifierElement == null) { } else if (this.isElementPresent(pageIdentifierElement.getBy())) { } else { try { if (!SeleniumTestsContextManager.getThreadContext().getCaptureSnapshot()) { new ScreenshotUtil(driver).capturePageSnapshotOnException(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore all exceptions e.printStackTrace(); } throw new NotCurrentPageException( getClass().getCanonicalName() + " is not the current page.\nPageIdentifierElement " + pageIdentifierElement.toString() + " is not found."); } if (log) { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "assert \"" + getClass().getSimpleName() + "\" is the current page" + (pageIdentifierElement != null ? " (assert PageIdentifierElement " + pageIdentifierElement.toHTML() + " is present)." : "."), false); } } public void assertHtmlSource(final String text) { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "assert text \"" + text + "\" is present in page source.", false); assertHTML(getHtmlSource().contains(text), "Text: {" + text + "} not found on page source."); } public void assertKeywordNotPresent(final String text) { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "assert text \"" + text + "\" is present in page source.", false); Assert.assertFalse(getHtmlSource().contains(text), "Text: {" + text + "} not found on page source."); } public void assertLocation(final String urlPattern) { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "assert location \"" + urlPattern + "\".", false); assertHTML(getLocation().contains(urlPattern), "Pattern: {" + urlPattern + "} not found on page location."); } public void assertPageSectionPresent(final WebPageSection pageSection) { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "assert pagesection \"" + pageSection.getName() + "\" is present.", false); assertElementPresent(new HtmlElement(pageSection.getName(), pageSection.getBy())); } public void assertTitle(final String text) { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "assert text \"" + text + "\" is present on title.", false); assertHTML(getTitle().contains(text), "Text: {" + text + "} not found on page title."); } public void capturePageSnapshot() { ScreenShot screenShot = new ScreenshotUtil(driver).captureWebPageSnapshot(); this.title = screenShot.getTitle(); if (screenShot.getHtmlSourcePath() != null) { htmlFilePath = screenShot.getHtmlSourcePath().replace(suiteName, outputDirectory); htmlSavedToPath = screenShot.getHtmlSourcePath(); } if (screenShot.getImagePath() != null) { imageFilePath = screenShot.getImagePath().replace(suiteName, outputDirectory); } TestLogging.logWebOutput(url, title + " (" + TestLogging.buildScreenshotLog(screenShot) + ")", false); } public final void close() throws NotCurrentPageException { if (WebUIDriver.getWebDriver() == null) { return; } SeleniumTestsPageListener.informPageUnload(this); TestLogging.log("close web page"); boolean isMultipleWindow = false; if (driver.getWindowHandles().size() > 1) { isMultipleWindow = true; } try { driver.close(); } catch (WebDriverException ignore) { } if (WebUIDriver.getWebUXDriver().getMode().equalsIgnoreCase("LOCAL")) { try { Thread.sleep(1000 * 2); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } try { if (isMultipleWindow) { this.selectWindow(); } else { WebUIDriver.setWebDriver(null); } } catch (UnreachableBrowserException ex) { WebUIDriver.setWebDriver(null); } } /** * Drags an element a certain distance and then drops it. * * @param element to dragAndDrop * @param offsetX in pixels from the current location to which the element should be moved, e.g., 70 * @param offsetY in pixels from the current location to which the element should be moved, e.g., -300 */ public void dragAndDrop(final HtmlElement element, final int offsetX, final int offsetY) { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "dragAndDrop " + element.toHTML() + " to offset(x,y): (" + offsetX + "," + offsetY + ")", false); element.captureSnapshot("before draging"); new Actions(driver).dragAndDropBy((WebElement) element.getElement(), offsetX, offsetY).perform(); element.captureSnapshot("after dropping"); } public String getBodyText() { return bodyText; } public final String getCookieByName(final String name) { if (driver.manage().getCookieNamed(name) == null) { return null; } return driver.manage().getCookieNamed(name).getValue(); } public final int getElementCount(final HtmlElement element) throws CustomSeleniumTestsException { return driver.findElements(element.getBy()).size(); } public String getEval(final String expression) { CustomAssertion.assertTrue(false, "focus not implemented yet"); return null; } public String getHtmlFilePath() { return htmlFilePath; } public String getHtmlSavedToPath() { return htmlSavedToPath; } public String getHtmlSource() { return htmlSource; } public String getImageFilePath() { return imageFilePath; } /** * Get JS Error by JSErrorCollector which only supports Firefox browser. * * @return jsErrors in format "line number, errorLogger message, source name; " */ public String getJSErrors() { if (WebUIDriver.getWebUXDriver().isAddJSErrorCollectorExtension()) { List<JavaScriptError> jsErrorList = JavaScriptError.readErrors(driver); if (!jsErrorList.isEmpty()) { String jsErrors = ""; for (int i = 0; i < jsErrorList.size(); i++) { jsErrors += jsErrorList.get(i).getLineNumber() + ", " + jsErrorList.get(i).getErrorMessage() + ", " + jsErrorList.get(i).getSourceName() + "; "; } return jsErrors; } } return null; } public String getLocation() { return driver.getCurrentUrl(); } public String getPopupWindowName() { return popupWindowName; } public int getTimeout() { return SeleniumTestsContextManager.getThreadContext().getWebSessionTimeout(); } public String getTitle() { return driver.getTitle(); } public String getUrl() { return url; } public String getWindowHandle() { return windowHandle; }; public final void goBack() { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "goBack", false); driver.navigate().back(); frameFlag = false; } public final void goForward() { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "goForward", false); driver.navigate().forward(); frameFlag = false; } public final boolean isCookiePresent(final String name) { return getCookieByName(name) != null; } public boolean isFrame() { return frameFlag; } public final void maximizeWindow() { new WebUtility(driver).maximizeWindow(); } private void open(final String url) throws Exception { if (this.getDriver() == null) { TestLogging.logWebStep(url, "Launch browser", false); driver = webUXDriver.createWebDriver(); } setUrl(url); TestLogging.logWebStep(url, "Launch application URL: <a href='" + url + "'>" + url + "</a>", false); try { driver.navigate().to(url); } catch (UnreachableBrowserException e) { // handle if the last window is closed TestLogging.logWebStep(url, "Launch browser", false); driver = webUXDriver.createWebDriver(); maximizeWindow(); driver.navigate().to(url); } catch (UnsupportedCommandException e) { TestLogging.log("get UnsupportedCommandException, retry"); driver = webUXDriver.createWebDriver(); maximizeWindow(); driver.navigate().to(url); } catch (org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException ex) { TestLogging.log("got time out when loading " + url + ", ignored"); } catch (org.openqa.selenium.UnhandledAlertException ex) { TestLogging.log("got UnhandledAlertException, retry"); driver.navigate().to(url); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CustomSeleniumTestsException(e); } //switchToDefaultContent(); } private void populateAndCapturePageSnapshot() { try { setTitle(driver.getTitle()); /* * IE driver will get timeout frequently when calling getText Logs: * Line 10943: INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/06/30 17:57:56 | 17:57:56.514 * INFO - Executing: [find element: By.tagName: body] at URL: * /session/2c3f9f68-d782-4162-9297-c628f31a50d2/element) Line * 10944: INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/06/30 17:57:56 | 17:57:56.561 INFO - * Done: /session/2c3f9f68-d782-4162-9297-c628f31a50d2/element Line * 10945: INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/06/30 17:57:56 | 17:57:56.561 INFO - * Executing: [get text: 6 * EventFiringWebDriver$EventFiringWebElement@96812584] at URL: * /session/2c3f9f68-d782-4162-9297-c628f31a50d2/element/6/text) * Line 12020: INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/06/30 18:02:12 | 18:02:12.105 * WARN - Session 2c3f9f68-d782-4162-9297-c628f31a50d2 deleted due * to in-browser timeout. Terminating driver with DeleteSession * since it does not support Killable, the driver in question does * not support selenium-server timeouts fully * * so use htmlsource to replace gettext. */ htmlSource = driver.getPageSource(); try { bodyText = driver.findElement(By.tagName("body")).getText(); } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ignore) { logger.warn("StaleElementReferenceException got in populateAndCapturePageSnapshot"); bodyText = driver.findElement(By.tagName("body")).getText(); } } catch (UnreachableBrowserException e) { // throw // UnreachableBrowserException throw new WebDriverException(e); } catch (WebDriverException e) { throw e; } capturePageSnapshot(); } public final void refresh() throws NotCurrentPageException { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "refresh", false); try { driver.navigate().refresh(); } catch (org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException ex) { TestLogging.log("got time out customexception, ignore"); } } public final void resizeTo(final int width, final int height) { new WebUtility(driver).resizeWindow(width, height); } public final void selectFrame(final int index) { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "select frame using index" + index, false); driver.switchTo().frame(index); frameFlag = true; } public final void selectFrame(final By by) { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "select frame, locator={\"" + by.toString() + "\"}", false); driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElement(by)); frameFlag = true; } public final void selectFrame(final String locator) { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "select frame, locator={\"" + locator + "\"}", false); driver.switchTo().frame(locator); frameFlag = true; } public final void selectWindow() throws NotCurrentPageException { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "select window, locator={\"" + getPopupWindowName() + "\"}", false); // selectWindow(getPopupWindowName()); driver.switchTo().window((String) driver.getWindowHandles().toArray()[0]); waitForSeconds(1); // Check whether it's the expected page. assertCurrentPage(true); } public final void selectWindow(final int index) throws NotCurrentPageException { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "select window, locator={\"" + index + "\"}", false); driver.switchTo().window((String) driver.getWindowHandles().toArray()[index]); } public final void selectNewWindow() throws NotCurrentPageException { TestLogging.logWebStep(null, "select new window", false); driver.switchTo().window((String) driver.getWindowHandles().toArray()[1]); waitForSeconds(1); } protected void setHtmlSavedToPath(final String htmlSavedToPath) { this.htmlSavedToPath = htmlSavedToPath; } protected void setTitle(final String title) { this.title = title; } protected void setUrl(final String openUrl) { this.url = openUrl; } public void switchToDefaultContent() { try { driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); } catch (UnhandledAlertException e) { } } private void waitForPageToLoad() throws Exception { try { new Wait() { @Override public boolean until() { try { driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); return true; } catch (UnhandledAlertException ex) { WaitHelper.waitForSeconds(2); } catch (WebDriverException e) { } return false; } }.wait(String.format("Timed out waiting for page to load"), WebUIDriver.getWebUXDriver().getWebSessionTimeout()); } catch (WaitTimedOutException ex) { } // populate page info try { populateAndCapturePageSnapshot(); } catch (Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); throw ex; } } public WebElement getElement(final By by, final String elementName) { WebElement element = null; try { element = driver.findElement(by); } catch (ElementNotFoundException e) { TestLogging.errorLogger(elementName + " is not found with locator - " + by.toString()); throw e; } return element; } public String getElementUrl(final By by, final String name) { return getElement(by, name).getAttribute("href"); } public String getElementText(final By by, final String name) { return getElement(by, name).getText(); } public String getElementSrc(final By by, final String name) { return getElement(by, name).getAttribute("src"); } }