Java tutorial
/* * Ejisto, a powerful developer assistant * * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Celestino Bellone * * Ejisto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Ejisto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.ejisto.modules.vertx.handler; import com.ejisto.constants.StringConstants; import com.ejisto.modules.dao.entities.MockedField; import com.ejisto.modules.web.util.JSONUtil; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: celestino * Date: 3/21/14 * Time: 5:05 PM */ public final class Boilerplate { public static final TypeReference<List<MockedField>> MF_LIST_TYPE_REFERENCE = new TypeReference<List<MockedField>>() { }; private static final Boilerplate INSTANCE = new Boilerplate(); private static final String ROOT = "/"; private static final ResourcePathSupplier DEV_SUPPLIER = relativePath -> Paths .get(System.getProperty("user.dir")).resolve(Paths.get("..", "src", "main", "webapp")) .resolve(relativePath); private static final ResourcePathSupplier DEFAULT_SUPPLIER = relativePath -> Paths .get(getResourceURI(relativePath)); private static boolean DEV_MODE = Boolean.getBoolean(StringConstants.DEV_MODE.getValue()); private Boilerplate() { } public static void writeError(HttpServerRequest req, Throwable e) { req.response().setStatusCode(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.code()) .setStatusMessage(StringUtils.defaultString(e.getMessage(), "exception")).end(); } public static void writeError(HttpServerRequest req, int statusCode, String message) { req.response().setStatusCode(statusCode).setStatusMessage(message).end(); } public static <T> void writeOutputAsJSON(T output, HttpServerResponse response) { writeOutput(JSONUtil.encode(output), response); } public static void writeOutput(String output, HttpServerResponse response) { response.putHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(output.length())) .putHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json").write(output).end(); } static void serveTemplate(HttpServerResponse response, String relativePath) { serveResource(response, relativePath, "text/html"); } static void serveResource(HttpServerResponse response, final String relativePath, String contentType) { internalServeResource(response, DEV_MODE ? DEV_SUPPLIER.get(relativePath) : DEFAULT_SUPPLIER.get(relativePath), contentType); } private static URI getResourceURI(String relativePath) { try { return INSTANCE.getClass().getResource(ROOT + relativePath).toURI(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(relativePath, e); } } private static void internalServeResource(HttpServerResponse response, Path resourcePath, String contentType) { try { Objects.requireNonNull(resourcePath); final byte[] resourceBytes = Files.readAllBytes(resourcePath); Buffer b = new Buffer(resourceBytes); response.putHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType) .putHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(resourceBytes.length)).write(b).end(); } catch (IOException e) { response.setStatusCode(HttpResponseStatus.NOT_FOUND.code()); response.setStatusMessage(e.getMessage()); } } static void addResourcesMatcher(RouteMatcher m) { -> m.getWithRegEx(t.regex, req -> serveResource(req.response(), extractResourceFileName(req, t), t.contentType))); } static void sendRedirect(HttpServerResponse response, String target) { response.setStatusCode(HttpResponseStatus.FOUND.code()).putHeader("Location", target).end(); } private static String extractResourceFileName(HttpServerRequest request, ResourceType resourceType) { final Matcher matcher = resourceType.pattern.matcher(request.path()); if (matcher.matches()) { final String resource =; Objects.requireNonNull(resource); return resourceType.addBaseDir(resource); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid URL"); } @FunctionalInterface private interface ResourcePathSupplier { Path get(String relativePath); } private enum ResourceType { JS("^/resources/js/(.*?\\.js)(\\?.*?)?$", "application/javascript") { @Override String addBaseDir(String path) { return "resources/js/" + path; } }, CSS("^/resources/css/(.*?\\.css)(\\?.*?)?$", "text/css") { @Override String addBaseDir(String path) { return "resources/css/" + path; } }, EOT("^/resources/css/fonts/(.*?\\.eot)(\\?.*?)?$", "application/") { @Override String addBaseDir(String path) { return "resources/css/fonts/" + path; } }, TTF("^/resources/css/fonts/(.*?\\.ttf)(\\?.*?)?$", "application/x-font-truetype") { @Override String addBaseDir(String path) { return "resources/css/fonts/" + path; } }, SVG("^/resources/css/fonts/(.*?\\.svg)(\\?.*?)?$", "image/svg+xml") { @Override String addBaseDir(String path) { return "resources/css/fonts/" + path; } }, OTF("^/resources/css/fonts/(.*?\\.otf)(\\?.*?)?$", "application/x-font-opentype") { @Override String addBaseDir(String path) { return "resources/css/fonts/" + path; } }, WOFF("^/resources/css/fonts/(.*?\\.woff)(\\?.*?)?$", "application/font-woff") { @Override String addBaseDir(String path) { return "resources/css/fonts/" + path; } }, PNG("^/resources/images/(.*?\\.png)(\\?.*?)?$", "image/png") { @Override String addBaseDir(String path) { return "resources/images/" + path; } }, GIF("^/resources/images/(.*?\\.gif)(\\?.*?)?$", "image/gif") { @Override String addBaseDir(String path) { return "resources/images/" + path; } }, HTML("^/resources/templates/(.*?\\.html)(\\?.*?)?$", "text/html") { @Override String addBaseDir(String path) { return "resources/templates/" + path; } }; private final String regex; private final Pattern pattern; private final String contentType; ResourceType(String regex, String contentType) { this.regex = regex; this.pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); this.contentType = contentType; } abstract String addBaseDir(String path); } }