Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.eho.dynamodb; import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.ExtensionDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.BaseResource; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.IdDt; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt; import com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Resource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONObject; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.validation.InstanceValidator; /** * * @author borna.jafarpour */ public class DynamoDBConnection { public static FhirContext fCtx = FhirContext.forDstu2Hl7Org(); public static final String PATIENT_TABLE = "eConsult"; public static final String PRIMARY_KEY = "dynamodb-id"; public static final String PRIMARY_KEY_URL = ""; public static final String JSON_TEXT_URL = ""; public static final String PROXY_IP = ""; public static final int PROXY_PORT = 8080; private static final AmazonDynamoDBClient dynamoDBClient; static { ClientConfiguration cc = new ClientConfiguration(); cc.setProxyHost(DynamoDBConnection.PROXY_IP); cc.setProxyPort(DynamoDBConnection.PROXY_PORT); dynamoDBClient = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(cc); } public static AmazonDynamoDBClient getDynamoDBClient() { return dynamoDBClient; } public static Item get_item_by_ID(String id) { DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(dynamoDBClient); Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(PATIENT_TABLE); Item retreived_item = table.getItem(PRIMARY_KEY, id); return retreived_item; } public static PutItemOutcome upload_resource_old(String resource) throws Exception { String id; JSONObject json_resource = new JSONObject(resource); //does the resource have a primary key? if (json_resource.has(PRIMARY_KEY))//if it does not have a primary key, create one using uuid id = json_resource.getString(PRIMARY_KEY); else id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(dynamoDBClient); Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(PATIENT_TABLE); //lets retreive based on the key. if key invalid (not assigned yet) nullis returned. Item retreived_item = table.getItem(PRIMARY_KEY, id); if (retreived_item == null)//if null instantiate it { retreived_item = new Item(); retreived_item.withPrimaryKey(PRIMARY_KEY, id); } Integer new_version = retreived_item.getInt("version") + 1; retreived_item.withInt("version", new_version); Item item_to_upload = Item.fromJSON(retreived_item.toJSONPretty()).withJSON("Document", resource); PutItemSpec putItemSpec = new PutItemSpec().withItem(item_to_upload).withReturnValues(ReturnValue.NONE); return table.putItem(putItemSpec); } private static String add_uuid(BaseResource resource)//returns existing primary key is it already exists { return add_primary_as_extension(resource, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } private static String add_primary_as_extension(BaseResource resource, String uuid)//returns existing primary key is it already exists { ExtensionDt ext = new ExtensionDt(); ext.setModifier(false); ext.setUrl(DynamoDBConnection.PRIMARY_KEY_URL); ext.setValue(new StringDt(uuid)); resource.addUndeclaredExtension(ext); return uuid; } private static void add_string_as_extension(BaseResource resource, String text)//returns existing primary key is it already exists { ExtensionDt ext = new ExtensionDt(); ext.setModifier(false); ext.setUrl(JSON_TEXT_URL); ext.setValue(new IdDt(text)); resource.addUndeclaredExtension(ext); } public static String upload_resource(BaseResource resource) throws Exception { String primary_key = add_uuid(resource); return upload_resource(resource, primary_key); } public static String upload_resource(BaseResource resource, String primary_key /* if no primary key in case of post, send null*/ ) throws Exception { String id = add_primary_as_extension(resource, primary_key); String resource_string = DynamoDBConnection.fCtx.newJsonParser().setPrettyPrint(true) .encodeResourceToString(resource); ; DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(dynamoDBClient); Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(PATIENT_TABLE); //lets retreive based on the key. if key invalid (not assigned yet) nullis returned. Item retreived_item = table.getItem(PRIMARY_KEY, id); if (retreived_item == null)//if null instantiate it { retreived_item = new Item(); retreived_item.withPrimaryKey(PRIMARY_KEY, id); retreived_item.withInt("version", -1); } Integer new_version = retreived_item.getInt("version") + 1; retreived_item.withInt("version", new_version); Item item_to_upload = retreived_item//Item.fromJSON(retreived_item.toJSONPretty()) .withString("text" + new_version.toString(), resource_string) .withMap("json-document", new ObjectMapper().readValue(resource_string, LinkedHashMap.class)); PutItemSpec putItemSpec = new PutItemSpec().withItem(item_to_upload); table.putItem(putItemSpec); return id; } public static ItemCollection<QueryOutcome> query_dynamodb(QuerySpec spec) { DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(dynamoDBClient); Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(PATIENT_TABLE); ItemCollection<QueryOutcome> items = table.query(spec); return items; } public static ScanResult scan_dynamodb(Map<String, String> strings, Map<String, String> numbers) { Map<String, AttributeValue> expression_values = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> expression_names = new HashMap<>(); if (strings.keySet().contains("#jsondocument.#name[0].given[0]") | strings.keySet().contains("#jsondocument.#name[0].#family[0]")) expression_names.put("#name", "name"); if (strings.keySet().contains("#jsondocument.#name[0].#family[0]")) expression_names.put("#family", "family"); expression_names.put("#jsondocument", "json-document"); ScanRequest scanRequest = new ScanRequest().withTableName(DynamoDBConnection.PATIENT_TABLE); int i = 0; String filter_expression = ""; for (String path : strings.keySet()) { String thisVal = strings.get(path); expression_values.put(":stringval" + i, new AttributeValue().withS(thisVal)); if (filter_expression.equals("")) filter_expression += "(" + path + " = :stringval" + i++ + ")"; else filter_expression += " AND (" + path + " = :stringval" + i++ + ")"; } scanRequest.withExpressionAttributeNames(expression_names).withExpressionAttributeValues(expression_values) .withFilterExpression(filter_expression); return dynamoDBClient.scan(scanRequest); } public static UpdateItemOutcome update_resource(String resource) throws Exception { String id; JSONObject json_resource = new JSONObject(resource); //does the resource have a primary key? if (json_resource.has(PRIMARY_KEY))//if it does not have a primary key, create one using uuid id = json_resource.getString(PRIMARY_KEY); else id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(dynamoDBClient); Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(PATIENT_TABLE); //lets retreive based on the key. if key invalid (not assigned yet) nullis returned. Item retreived_item = table.getItem(PRIMARY_KEY, id); if (retreived_item == null)//if null instantiate it { retreived_item = new Item(); retreived_item.withPrimaryKey(PRIMARY_KEY, id); } Integer new_version = retreived_item.getInt("version") + 1; retreived_item.withInt("version", new_version); String new_version_str = new_version.toString(); UpdateItemSpec updateItemSpec = new UpdateItemSpec().withPrimaryKey(PRIMARY_KEY, id) .withUpdateExpression("SET " + new_version_str + "= :newval") .withValueMap(new ValueMap().withString(":newval", resource)).withReturnValues(ReturnValue.ALL_NEW); return table.updateItem(updateItemSpec); } private static int create_new_version_numbe_old(Item item) throws Exception { JSONObject json_resource = new JSONObject(item.toJSONPretty()); Iterator<String> itr = json_resource.keys(); int max_version = Integer.MIN_VALUE; while (itr.hasNext()) { String nextString =; if (nextString.matches("[0-9]+"))//if a ltter does not exist in the key.this means it is a version of the rseource { int thisValue = Integer.valueOf(nextString); if (thisValue > max_version) max_version = thisValue; } } if (max_version == Integer.MIN_VALUE) return 0; else return ++max_version; } public static String get_extension(BaseResource br, String url) { List<ExtensionDt> resourceExts = br.getUndeclaredExtensionsByUrl(url); if (!resourceExts.isEmpty()) return resourceExts.get(0).getValue().toString(); else return null; } }