Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Effektif GmbH. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.effektif.mongo; import com.effektif.workflow.impl.DefaultConfiguration; import com.effektif.workflow.impl.util.Lists; import com.mongodb.*; import com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * @see <a href="">MongoDB workflow engine</a> */ public class MongoConfiguration extends DefaultConfiguration { public static List<ServerAddress> DEFAULT_SERVER_ADDRESSES = Lists.of(createServerAddress("localhost", null)); protected List<ServerAddress> serverAddresses; protected String databaseName = "effektif"; protected String fileDatabaseName = "effektif-files"; protected List<MongoCredential> credentials; protected String workflowsCollectionName = "workflows"; protected String workflowInstancesCollectionName = "workflowInstances"; protected String jobsCollectionName = "jobs"; protected String jobsArchivedCollectionName = "jobsArchived"; protected String typeCollectionName = "types"; protected boolean isPretty; protected MongoClientOptions.Builder optionBuilder = new MongoClientOptions.Builder(); protected boolean storeWorkflowIdsAsStrings = false; public MongoConfiguration() { brewery.ingredient(this); brewery.supplier(new MongoClientSupplier(), MongoClient.class); brewery.supplier(new MongoDbSupplier(), DB.class); brewery.supplier(new MongoGridFSSupplier(), GridFS.class); brewery.supplier(new MongoObjectMapperSupplier(), MongoObjectMapper.class); brewery.ingredient(new MongoDb()); brewery.ingredient(new MongoWorkflowStore()); brewery.ingredient(new MongoWorkflowInstanceStore()); brewery.ingredient(new MongoJobStore()); brewery.ingredient(new MongoObjectMappingsBuilder()); } public MongoConfiguration db(DB db) { brewery.ingredient(db); return this; } public MongoConfiguration mongoClient(MongoClient mongoClient) { brewery.ingredient(mongoClient); return this; } public MongoConfiguration server(String host) { if (serverAddresses == null) { serverAddresses = new ArrayList<>(); } serverAddresses.add(createServerAddress(host, null)); return this; } public MongoConfiguration server(String host, int port) { if (serverAddresses == null) { serverAddresses = new ArrayList<>(); } serverAddresses.add(createServerAddress(host, port)); return this; } protected static ServerAddress createServerAddress(String host, Integer port) { try { if (port != null) { return new ServerAddress(host, port); } return new ServerAddress(host); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | MongoException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public List<ServerAddress> getServerAddresses() { return serverAddresses != null ? serverAddresses : DEFAULT_SERVER_ADDRESSES; } public MongoConfiguration authentication(String username, String password, String database) { if (credentials == null) { credentials = new ArrayList<>(); } credentials.add(MongoCredential.createCredential(username, database, password.toCharArray())); return this; } public MongoConfiguration workflowInstancesCollectionName(String processInstancesCollectionName) { this.workflowInstancesCollectionName = processInstancesCollectionName; return this; } public MongoConfiguration workflowsCollectionName(String workflowsCollectionName) { this.workflowsCollectionName = workflowsCollectionName; return this; } public MongoConfiguration jobsCollectionName(String jobsCollectionName) { this.jobsCollectionName = jobsCollectionName; return this; } public MongoConfiguration prettyPrint() { this.isPretty = true; return this; } public MongoConfiguration storeWorkflowIdsAsStrings() { this.storeWorkflowIdsAsStrings = true; return this; } public MongoConfiguration jobsArchivedCollectionName(String jobsArchivedCollectionName) { this.jobsArchivedCollectionName = jobsArchivedCollectionName; return this; } @Override public MongoConfiguration synchronous() { super.synchronous(); return this; } public MongoConfiguration databaseName(String databaseName) { this.databaseName = databaseName; return this; } // getters and setters ////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void setServerAddresses(List<ServerAddress> serverAddresses) { this.serverAddresses = serverAddresses; } public String getDatabaseName() { return databaseName; } public void setDatabaseName(String databaseName) { this.databaseName = databaseName; } public List<MongoCredential> getCredentials() { return credentials; } public void setCredentials(List<MongoCredential> credentials) { this.credentials = credentials; } public String getWorkflowInstancesCollectionName() { return workflowInstancesCollectionName; } public void setWorkflowInstancesCollectionName(String workflowInstancesCollectionName) { this.workflowInstancesCollectionName = workflowInstancesCollectionName; } public String getWorkflowsCollectionName() { return workflowsCollectionName; } public void setWorkflowsCollectionName(String workflowsCollectionName) { this.workflowsCollectionName = workflowsCollectionName; } public String getJobsCollectionName() { return jobsCollectionName; } public void setJobsCollectionName(String jobsCollectionName) { this.jobsCollectionName = jobsCollectionName; } public String getJobsArchivedCollectionName() { return this.jobsArchivedCollectionName; } public void setJobsArchivedCollectionName(String jobsArchivedCollectionName) { this.jobsArchivedCollectionName = jobsArchivedCollectionName; } public String getTypeCollectionName() { return typeCollectionName; } public void setTypeCollectionName(String typeCollectionName) { this.typeCollectionName = typeCollectionName; } public boolean isPretty() { return isPretty; } public void setPretty(boolean isPretty) { this.isPretty = isPretty; } public boolean getStoreWorkflowIdsAsString() { return this.storeWorkflowIdsAsStrings; } public void setStoreWorkflowIdsAsString(boolean storeWorkflowIdsAsStrings) { this.storeWorkflowIdsAsStrings = storeWorkflowIdsAsStrings; } public void setOptionBuilder(MongoClientOptions.Builder optionBuilder) { this.optionBuilder = optionBuilder; } public String getFileDatabaseName() { return fileDatabaseName; } public void setFileDatabaseName(String fileDatabaseName) { this.fileDatabaseName = fileDatabaseName; } public MongoClientOptions.Builder getOptionBuilder() { return optionBuilder; } @Override public MongoConfiguration ingredient(Object ingredient) { super.ingredient(ingredient); return this; } }