Java tutorial
/* * ============================================================= * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Edgenius ( * ============================================================= * License Information: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * * **************************************************************** */ package; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import com.edgenius.core.Constants.REGISTER_METHOD; import com.edgenius.core.Constants.SUPPRESS; import com.edgenius.core.Global; import com.edgenius.core.GlobalSetting; import com.edgenius.core.Server; import com.edgenius.core.model.User; import com.edgenius.core.repository.FileNode; import com.edgenius.core.repository.RepositoryService; import com.edgenius.core.service.impl.JavaMailSenderImpl; import com.edgenius.core.util.WebUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Dapeng.Ni */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class GeneralAdminAction extends BaseAction { private static final long MB = 1024 * 1024; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // parameters // private String host; private String systemTitle; private String baseURL; private String notifyEmail; private String receiverEmail; private boolean ccSysAdmins = false; private int spaceQuota; private boolean allSpacesQuota; private int removeDelay; private int syncFeq; private boolean allowPublic = false; private boolean signupNeedApproval = false; private boolean detectLocale = false; private String sysLang; private boolean allowSE = false; //Mail Server(0), JNDI (1) private int mailType; private String smtpHost; private String smtpPort; private boolean smtpAuth = false; private String mailUsername; private String mailPassword; //none(0) TLS(1) SSL(2) private int smtpConnectType; //JNDI name private String smtpJNDI; private boolean versionCheck = false; private File file; private String fileContentType; private String fileFileName; private boolean soap; private boolean rest; private boolean shell; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // service private SettingService settingService; private ThemeService themeService; private RepositoryService repositoryService; private VersionCheckJobInvoker versionCheckJobInvoker; private JavaMailSenderImpl mailSender; private WidgetService widgetService; private AnalyzerProvider analyzerProvider; //******************************************************************** // function methods //******************************************************************** public String execute() { //load from Global, Server setting GlobalSetting global = settingService.getGlobalSetting(); baseURL = WebUtil.getHostAppURL(); spaceQuota = (int) (global.getSpaceQuota() / MB); removeDelay = global.getDelayRemoveSpaceHours(); syncFeq = global.getDelayOfflineSyncMinutes(); allowPublic = !global.hasSuppress(; signupNeedApproval =; detectLocale = global.isDetectLocaleFromRequest(); sysLang = (global.getDefaultLanguage() + "_" + global.getDefaultCountry()).toLowerCase(); allowSE = global.isPublicSearchEngineAllow(); notifyEmail = global.getDefaultNotifyMail(); receiverEmail = global.getDefaultReceiverMailAddress(); ccSysAdmins = global.isCcToSystemAdmin(); systemTitle = global.getSystemTitle(); versionCheck = global.isVersionCheck(); soap = Global.isEnabled(global.getWebservice()); rest = Global.isEnabled(global.getRestservice()); shell = Shell.enabled; Server server = settingService.getServerSetting(); //default values smtpHost = ""; smtpPort = ""; mailUsername = ""; mailPassword = ""; smtpAuth = false; smtpConnectType = 0; smtpJNDI = ""; if (StringUtils.isBlank(server.getMailHost()) && !StringUtils.isBlank(server.getMailJndi())) { //JNDI mode smtpJNDI = server.getMailJndi(); mailType = 1; } else { mailType = 0; //SMTP host mode - could also if user doesn't setup any email options smtpHost = server.getMailHost(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(smtpHost)) { mailType = -1; } else { smtpPort = server.getMailHostPort(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(server.getMailUsername())) { smtpAuth = false; } else { smtpAuth = true; mailUsername = server.getMailUsername(); mailPassword = server.getMailPassword(); String prop = server.getMailProperties(); if (prop.indexOf("") > 0) smtpConnectType = 2; //SSL else if (prop.indexOf("mail.smtp.starttls.enable:true") > 0) smtpConnectType = 1; //TSL else smtpConnectType = 0; //None } } } return SUCCESS; } public String update() { try { GlobalSetting global = settingService.getGlobalSetting(); //this just for confirm Global and GlobalSetting has consistent value Global.syncFrom(global); Global.resetURLInfo(baseURL); //copy back base URL information to global setting. Global.syncTo(global); //other global setting global.setDefaultNotifyMail(notifyEmail); global.setDefaultReceiverMailAddress(receiverEmail); global.setCcToSystemAdmin(ccSysAdmins); global.setDelayRemoveSpaceHours(removeDelay); global.setSpaceQuota(spaceQuota * MB); if (allowPublic) global.removeSuppress(; else global.addSuppress(; global.setRegisterMethod( signupNeedApproval ? :; global.setDelayOfflineSyncMinutes(syncFeq); global.setPublicSearchEngineAllow(allowSE); global.setDetectLocaleFromRequest(detectLocale); String[] cl = sysLang.split("_"); if (cl.length == 2) { if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(global.getDefaultLanguage(), cl[0])) { //language changed, so try to reload analyzer for different language. Global.DefaultLanguage = cl[0]; analyzerProvider.loadAnalyzer(); themeService.cleanThemeCache(); } global.setDefaultLanguage(cl[0]); global.setDefaultCountry(cl[1].toUpperCase()); } //for display - only accept lower case sysLang = sysLang.toLowerCase(); //Widget load title and desc from i18n file, here reset widget, then it will reload i18n again before next render. widgetService.resetWidgets(); global.setSystemTitle(systemTitle); boolean oldVc = global.isVersionCheck(); global.setVersionCheck(versionCheck); global.setWebservice(Global.enable(soap)); global.setRestservice(Global.enable(rest)); settingService.saveOrUpdateGlobalSetting(global); if (oldVc != versionCheck) { try { if (versionCheck) versionCheckJobInvoker.invokeJob(); else versionCheckJobInvoker.cancelJob(); } catch (QuartzException e) { getRequest().setAttribute("error", "Unable to reset version check job status."); log.error("Unable to reset version check job status", e); } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Shell Shell.enabled = shell; if (!Shell.enabled) { Shell.key = null; } else { //acquire shell key now if (!Shell.requestInstanceShellKey()) { Shell.enabled = false; shell = false; getRequest().setAttribute("error", "Failed to connect Shell website " + Shell.rootUrl + ". Please ensure Shell website is running and try again."); } }; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Mail SMTP Server server = settingService.getServerSetting(); //reset SMTP host values server.setMailHost(""); server.setMailHostPort("-1"); server.setMailUsername(""); server.setMailPassword(""); server.setMailProperties(""); server.setMailJndi(""); if (mailType == 0) { //Smtp host mode smtpHost = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(smtpHost); //parse smtpHost - remove protocol prefix and slip port and host if (smtpHost.indexOf("://") > 0) { //remove stmp:// smtpHost = smtpHost.substring(smtpHost.indexOf("://") + 3); } server.setMailHost(smtpHost); server.setMailHostPort(smtpPort); if (smtpAuth) { server.setMailUsername(mailUsername); server.setMailPassword(mailPassword); if (smtpConnectType == 2) { //SSL server.setMailProperties( "mail.smtp.auth:true;;"); } else if (smtpConnectType == 1) { //TLS server.setMailProperties("mail.smtp.auth:true;;mail.smtp.starttls.enable:true"); } else { server.setMailProperties("mail.smtp.auth:true"); } } //reload mail session try { mailSender.setHost(smtpHost); mailSender.setPort(NumberUtils.toInt(smtpPort)); mailSender.setUsername(mailUsername); mailSender.setPassword(mailPassword); mailSender.setMailProperties(server.getMailProperties()); mailSender.resetMailSessionByProperties(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Reset mail by properties with error", e); getRequest().setAttribute("error", "Reset mail by properties with error: " + e.getMessage()); } } else if (mailType == 1) { if (!StringUtils.equals(server.getMailJndi(), smtpJNDI)) { //reload mail session bean try { mailSender.resetMailSessionByJNDI(smtpJNDI); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Reset mail JNDI with error", e); getRequest().setAttribute("error", "Reset mail JNDI with error: " + e.getMessage()); } } //JNDI mode server.setMailJndi(smtpJNDI); } //not set settingService.saveOrUpdateServerSetting(server); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Space Quota if (allSpacesQuota) { int update = repositoryService.updateExistWorkspacesQuota(spaceQuota * MB); + " workspaces update quota to " + spaceQuota + "MB"); } } catch (SettingServiceException e) { log.error("Update failed", e); } return SUCCESS; } public String upload() { try { User user = WikiUtil.getUser(); FileNode att = new FileNode(); att.setShared(false); att.setFile(new FileInputStream(file)); att.setFilename(fileFileName); att.setContentType(fileContentType); att.setType(RepositoryService.TYPE_INSTNACE); att.setIdentifier(user.getUsername()); att.setCreateor(user.getFullname()); att.setStatus(PageType.NONE_DRAFT.value()); att.setSize(0); themeService.uploadSystemLogo(att); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed upload logo", e); } return "uploadDone"; } public String getBaseURL() { return baseURL; } public void setBaseURL(String baseURL) { this.baseURL = baseURL; } //******************************************************************** // set /get //******************************************************************** public void setSettingService(SettingService settingService) { this.settingService = settingService; } public void setSmtpHost(String smtpHost) { this.smtpHost = smtpHost; } public void setSmtpAuth(boolean smtpAuth) { this.smtpAuth = smtpAuth; } public void setMailUsername(String mailUsername) { this.mailUsername = mailUsername; } public void setMailPassword(String mailPassword) { this.mailPassword = mailPassword; } public void setSpaceQuota(int attachSize) { this.spaceQuota = attachSize; } public void setRemoveDelay(int removeDelay) { this.removeDelay = removeDelay; } public void setSyncFeq(int syncFeq) { this.syncFeq = syncFeq; } public void setAllowPublic(boolean allowPublic) { this.allowPublic = allowPublic; } public String getSmtpHost() { return smtpHost; } public String getSmtpPort() { return smtpPort; } public void setSmtpPort(String smtpPort) { this.smtpPort = smtpPort; } public boolean isSmtpAuth() { return smtpAuth; } public String getMailUsername() { return mailUsername; } public String getMailPassword() { return mailPassword; } public int getSpaceQuota() { return spaceQuota; } public int getRemoveDelay() { return removeDelay; } public int getSyncFeq() { return syncFeq; } public boolean isAllowPublic() { return allowPublic; } public boolean isAllowSE() { return allowSE; } public int getMailType() { return mailType; } public void setMailType(int mailType) { this.mailType = mailType; } public int getSmtpConnectType() { return smtpConnectType; } public void setSmtpConnectType(int smtpConnectType) { this.smtpConnectType = smtpConnectType; } /** * @param analyzerProvider the analyzerProvider to set */ public void setAnalyzerProvider(AnalyzerProvider analyzerProvider) { this.analyzerProvider = analyzerProvider; } public String getSmtpJNDI() { return smtpJNDI; } public void setSmtpJNDI(String smtpJNDI) { this.smtpJNDI = smtpJNDI; } public void setMailSender(JavaMailSenderImpl mailSender) { this.mailSender = mailSender; } public void setAllowSE(boolean allowSE) { this.allowSE = allowSE; } public boolean isVersionCheck() { return versionCheck; } public void setVersionCheck(boolean versionCheck) { this.versionCheck = versionCheck; } public String getNotifyEmail() { return notifyEmail; } public void setNotifyEmail(String notifyEmail) { this.notifyEmail = notifyEmail; } public String getReceiverEmail() { return receiverEmail; } public void setReceiverEmail(String receiverEmail) { this.receiverEmail = receiverEmail; } public String getSystemTitle() { return systemTitle; } public void setSystemTitle(String systemTitle) { this.systemTitle = systemTitle; } public String getFileContentType() { return fileContentType; } public void setVersionCheckJobInvoker(VersionCheckJobInvoker versionCheckJobInvoker) { this.versionCheckJobInvoker = versionCheckJobInvoker; } public void setFileContentType(String fileContentType) { this.fileContentType = fileContentType; } public String getFileFileName() { return fileFileName; } public void setFileFileName(String fileFileName) { this.fileFileName = fileFileName; } public void setThemeService(ThemeService themeService) { this.themeService = themeService; } /** * @param repositoryService the repositoryService to set */ public void setRepositoryService(RepositoryService repositoryService) { this.repositoryService = repositoryService; } public void setFile(File file) { this.file = file; } public boolean isCcSysAdmins() { return ccSysAdmins; } public void setCcSysAdmins(boolean ccToSysAdmins) { this.ccSysAdmins = ccToSysAdmins; } public boolean isAllSpacesQuota() { return allSpacesQuota; } public void setAllSpacesQuota(boolean allSpacesQuota) { this.allSpacesQuota = allSpacesQuota; } public boolean isDetectLocale() { return detectLocale; } public void setDetectLocale(boolean detectLocale) { this.detectLocale = detectLocale; } public String getSysLang() { return sysLang; } public void setSysLang(String sysLang) { this.sysLang = sysLang; } public void setWidgetService(WidgetService widgetService) { this.widgetService = widgetService; } public boolean isSoap() { return soap; } public void setSoap(boolean soap) { this.soap = soap; } public boolean isRest() { return rest; } public void setRest(boolean rest) { = rest; } public boolean isShell() { return shell; } public void setShell(boolean shell) { = shell; } public boolean isSignupNeedApproval() { return signupNeedApproval; } public void setSignupNeedApproval(boolean signupNeedApproval) { this.signupNeedApproval = signupNeedApproval; } }