Java tutorial
/* * ============================================================= * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Edgenius ( * ============================================================= * License Information: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * * **************************************************************** */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import com.edgenius.core.Constants; import com.edgenius.core.model.User; import com.edgenius.core.repository.FileNode; import com.edgenius.core.repository.RepositoryService; import com.edgenius.core.util.FileUtil; import com.edgenius.core.util.ScaleImage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Space admin on Space admin page * @author Dapeng.Ni */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class SpaceAction extends BaseAction { protected static final int QUOTA_RESET_COUNT = 1000; private static final String RET_SHELL = "shell"; private String spaceUname; private File file; private String fileContentType; private String fileFileName; private int widgetStyle; private boolean showPortrait; private int[] commentNTo; private int commentNTtype; private int commentMaxPerDay; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // service private SettingService settingService; private PageService pageService; private SpaceService spaceService; private ThemeService themeService; private SecurityDummy securityDummy; private RSSService rssService; public String setting() { securityDummy.checkSpaceAdmin(spaceUname); Space space = spaceService.getSpaceByUname(spaceUname); if (space == null) return ERROR; SpaceSetting setting = space.getSetting(); widgetStyle = setting.getWidgetStyle(); showPortrait = !setting.isHidePortrait(); int nt = setting.getCommentNotifyType(); resetCommentNTo(nt); if ((nt & SpaceSetting.COMMENT_NOTIFY_FEQ_DAILY) > 0) { commentNTtype = SpaceSetting.COMMENT_NOTIFY_FEQ_DAILY; } if ((nt & SpaceSetting.COMMENT_NOTIFY_FEQ_EVERY_POST) > 0) { commentNTtype = SpaceSetting.COMMENT_NOTIFY_FEQ_EVERY_POST; } commentMaxPerDay = setting.getCommentNotifyMaxPerDay(); return "setting"; } public String updateSetting() { Space space = spaceService.getSpaceByUname(spaceUname); if (space == null) return ERROR; SpaceSetting setting = space.getSetting(); int nTo = 0; if (commentNTo != null && commentNTo.length > 0) { for (int to : commentNTo) { nTo |= to; } setting.setCommentNotifyType(nTo | commentNTtype); } else { setting.setCommentNotifyType(0); } resetCommentNTo(nTo); if ((commentNTtype & SpaceSetting.COMMENT_NOTIFY_FEQ_EVERY_POST) > 0) { setting.setCommentNotifyMaxPerDay(commentMaxPerDay); } else { //although disable but show value on spaceSetting commentMaxPerDay = setting.getCommentNotifyMaxPerDay(); } setting.setHidePortrait(!showPortrait); int origStyle = setting.getWidgetStyle(); setting.setWidgetStyle(widgetStyle); // setting.setRssItemsCount(rssItemsCount) // setting.setRssContentLen(rssContentLen) // setting.setForbidReaderViewHistory(forbidReaderViewHistory) try { settingService.saveOrUpdateSpaceSetting(space, setting); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable save space setting " + spaceUname, e); getRequest().setAttribute("message", "Save failed, please try again"); return "setting"; } try { //Check widget style if it is only for sort order change, if so, need rebuild space RSS feed to reflect change if (origStyle != widgetStyle && (origStyle == SpaceSetting.WIDGET_STYLE_ITEM_SHORT_BY_CREATE_DATE || origStyle == SpaceSetting.WIDGET_STYLE_ITEM_SHORT_BY_MODIFIED_DATE) && (widgetStyle == SpaceSetting.WIDGET_STYLE_ITEM_SHORT_BY_CREATE_DATE || widgetStyle == SpaceSetting.WIDGET_STYLE_ITEM_SHORT_BY_MODIFIED_DATE)) { rssService.createFeed(spaceUname); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Rebuild space RSS feed failed, however ignore this error." + spaceUname, e); } getRequest().setAttribute("message", "Save success"); return "setting"; } /** * Upload Logo * @return */ public String doLogo() { if (StringUtils.isBlank(spaceUname)) { try { getResponse().getWriter().write(SharedConstants.FORM_RET_HEADER + SharedConstants.FORM_RET_ERROR); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("IO Error ", e); } return null; } //TODO: need to file is image checking. try { Space space = spaceService.getSpaceByUname(spaceUname); //So far, the file is temporary file, it has ".tmp" extension, so don't use it. File smallOut = ScaleImage.scale(file, FileUtil.getFileExtension(fileFileName), WikiConstants.LOGO_SMALL_WIDTH); //don't cut original logo File largeout = file; //give different file name, so that it won't be version file, FileNode largeLogo = getFileNode(largeout, ""); FileNode smallLogo = getFileNode(smallOut, "small"); spaceService.uploadLogo(space, smallLogo, largeLogo); String smallUrl = SpaceUtil.getSpaceLogoUrl(space, themeService, space.getLogoSmall(), false); String largeUrl = SpaceUtil.getSpaceLogoUrl(space, themeService, space.getLogoLarge(), true); getResponse().getWriter().write(smallUrl + SharedConstants.LOGO_SEP + largeUrl); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { sendAjaxFormRedir(SharedConstants.FORM_RET_AUTH_EXP); return null; } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { sendAjaxFormRedir(SharedConstants.FORM_RET_ACCESS_DENIED_EXP); return null; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.toString(), e); //any error, maybe user upload incorrect format image try { getResponse().getWriter().write(SharedConstants.FORM_RET_HEADER + SharedConstants.FORM_RET_ERROR); } catch (IOException e1) { log.error("Unable to response", e); } } return null; } //******************************************************************** // Shell functions //******************************************************************** /** * Shell admin page - display shell name, image etc. * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public String shell() { if (!Shell.enabled) { getRequest().setAttribute("shellServiceEnabled", false); getRequest().setAttribute("warning", "Shell service doesn't enabled, please contact your system adminitrator."); return RET_SHELL; } Space space = spaceService.getSpaceByUname(spaceUname); if (space == null) { getRequest().setAttribute("shellServiceEnabled", false); getRequest().setAttribute("error", "Space doesn't exist."); return RET_SHELL; } if (space.isPrivate()) { getRequest().setAttribute("shellServiceEnabled", false); getRequest().setAttribute("warning", "Private space can not be pushed to publich Shell service."); return RET_SHELL; } try { getRequest().setAttribute("shellServiceEnabled", true); Map<String, String> shellNames = space.getSetting().getShellNames(); String shellTheme = null; if (shellNames != null) shellTheme = shellNames.get(spaceUname); if (shellTheme == null) shellTheme = "simple"; //default name ShellTheme theme = new ShellTheme(); theme.setName(shellTheme); theme.setUrl(Shell.url + "page/" + URLEncoder.encode(spaceUname, Constants.UTF8)); theme.setImageUrl(Shell.rootUrl + "themes/" + theme.getName() + "/preview.png"); theme.setImageSmallUrl(Shell.rootUrl + "themes/" + theme.getName() + "/preview-small.png"); theme.setEnabled(!space.containExtLinkType(Space.EXT_LINK_SHELL_DISABLED) && !space.isPrivate()); getRequest().setAttribute("theme", theme); } catch (Exception e) { getRequest().setAttribute("error", "Failed to get space shell information."); log.error("Get theme failed on space " + spaceUname, e); } return RET_SHELL; } public String shellEnable() { Space space = spaceService.getSpaceByUname(spaceUname); if (space == null) { getRequest().setAttribute("error", "Space doesn't exist."); return RET_SHELL; } if (space.isPrivate()) { getRequest().setAttribute("error", "Private space can not be deploy to shell."); return RET_SHELL; } if (space.containExtLinkType(Space.EXT_LINK_SHELL_DISABLED)) { space.removeExtLinkType(Space.EXT_LINK_SHELL_DISABLED); spaceService.updateSpace(space, false); } getRequest().setAttribute("message", "Space shell service is enabled, please choose redeploy to push your space to shell."); return shell(); } public String shellDisable() { //disable and delete Space space = spaceService.getSpaceByUname(spaceUname); if (space == null) { getRequest().setAttribute("error", "Space doesn't exist."); return RET_SHELL; } if (!space.containExtLinkType(Space.EXT_LINK_SHELL_DISABLED)) { space.addExtLinkType(Space.EXT_LINK_SHELL_DISABLED); spaceService.updateSpace(space, false); //must after set space extLink type to shell_disabled as ShellValidatorServlet will verify against this value Shell.notifySpaceRemove(spaceUname); } getRequest().setAttribute("message", "Space shell service is disabled."); return RET_SHELL; } /** * Redeploy shell - request spaceUname as input parameter * @return */ public String shellDeploy() { securityDummy.checkSpaceAdmin(spaceUname); Space space = spaceService.getSpaceByUname(spaceUname); if (space.isPrivate() || space.containExtLinkType(Space.EXT_LINK_SHELL_DISABLED) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(SharedConstants.SYSTEM_SPACEUNAME, space.getUnixName())) { getRequest().setAttribute("error", "Deploy failed: Space is private or shell service is disabled."); return RET_SHELL; } User anonymous = userReadingService.getUserByName(null); final LinkedBlockingDeque<String[]> pageQ = new LinkedBlockingDeque<String[]>(); //This will make GW request Shell.key again - so if Shell site cleans the data, re-deploy still can work out. //If shell data is still there, it will return same key as GW instanceID and address won't changed. Shell.key = null; new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { int pageCount = 0; //in shell side, page request also verify if space exists or not, if not, it will do space request //however, if space already exist, it won't refresh space - if space has menu, it won't refresh again. //so, we also refresh space Shell.notifySpaceCreate(spaceUname); do { try { String[] str = pageQ.take(); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(SharedConstants.SYSTEM_SPACEUNAME, str[0])) break; Shell.notifyPageCreate(str[0], str[1], true); pageCount++; //don't explode the too many concurrent request to Shell! Thread.sleep(1000); if ((pageCount % QUOTA_RESET_COUNT) == 0) { log.warn( "Maximumn page shell request count arrived {}, sleep another 24 hours on space {}.", QUOTA_RESET_COUNT, spaceUname); //google app engine has quota limitation. Here will sleep 24 hours to wait next quota reset. Thread.sleep(24 * 3600 * 1000); log.warn( "Maximumn page shell request sleep is end, restart page request process on space{}.", spaceUname); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Thread interrupted for shell request", e); } } while (true);"Shell page request is done for {} pages on space {}.", pageCount, spaceUname); } }).start(); int pageCount = 0; long start = System.currentTimeMillis();"Shell on space {} redeploy request starting...", spaceUname); List<String> pages = pageService.getPagesUuidInSpace(spaceUname, anonymous); if (pages != null) { for (String puuid : pages) { try { pageQ.put(new String[] { spaceUname, puuid }); pageCount++; } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Thread interrupted for shell Page Queue on space " + spaceUname, e); } } }"All shell on space {} request put into queue. Pages{}; Takes {}s", new Object[] { spaceUname, pageCount, (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000 }); try { pageQ.put(new String[] { SharedConstants.SYSTEM_SPACEUNAME, "" }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Thread interrupted for shell Page Queue - end sign", e); } getRequest().setAttribute("message", "Shell is redeploying, this may take a couple of minutes to complete."); return shell(); } //******************************************************************** // private methods //******************************************************************** /** * @param nt */ private void resetCommentNTo(int nt) { commentNTo = new int[3]; if ((nt & SpaceSetting.COMMENT_NOTIFY_TO_AUTHOR) > 0) { commentNTo[0] = 1; } if ((nt & SpaceSetting.COMMENT_NOTIFY_TO_ALL_CONTRIBUTOR) > 0) { commentNTo[1] = 1; } if ((nt & SpaceSetting.COMMENT_NOTIFY_TO_SPACE_OWNEER) > 0) { commentNTo[2] = 1; } } /** * @param largeout * @return * @throws FileNotFoundException */ private FileNode getFileNode(File largeout, String namePrefix) throws FileNotFoundException { FileNode largeAtt = new FileNode(); largeAtt.setShared(false); largeAtt.setFile(new FileInputStream(largeout)); largeAtt.setFilename(namePrefix + fileFileName); largeAtt.setContentType(fileContentType); largeAtt.setType(RepositoryService.TYPE_SPACE); largeAtt.setIdentifier(spaceUname); largeAtt.setCreateor(WikiUtil.getUserName()); largeAtt.setStatus(PageType.NONE_DRAFT.value()); largeAtt.setSize(0); return largeAtt; } //******************************************************************** // set / get methods //******************************************************************** public String getSpaceUname() { return spaceUname; } public void setSpaceUname(String spaceUname) { this.spaceUname = spaceUname; } public void setFile(File file) { this.file = file; } public void setFileContentType(String fileContentType) { this.fileContentType = fileContentType; } public void setFileFileName(String fileFileName) { this.fileFileName = fileFileName; } public int[] getCommentNTo() { return commentNTo; } public void setCommentNTo(int[] commentNTo) { this.commentNTo = commentNTo; } public int getCommentNTtype() { return commentNTtype; } public void setCommentNTtype(int commentNTtype) { this.commentNTtype = commentNTtype; } public boolean isShowPortrait() { return showPortrait; } public void setShowPortrait(boolean showPortrait) { this.showPortrait = showPortrait; } public int getWidgetStyle() { return widgetStyle; } public void setWidgetStyle(int widgetStyle) { this.widgetStyle = widgetStyle; } public int getCommentMaxPerDay() { return commentMaxPerDay; } public void setCommentMaxPerDay(int commentMaxPerDay) { this.commentMaxPerDay = commentMaxPerDay; } public void setSpaceService(SpaceService spaceService) { this.spaceService = spaceService; } public void setThemeService(ThemeService themeService) { this.themeService = themeService; } public void setSettingService(SettingService settingService) { this.settingService = settingService; } public void setRssService(RSSService rssService) { this.rssService = rssService; } public void setPageService(PageService pageService) { this.pageService = pageService; } public void setSecurityDummy(SecurityDummy securityDummy) { this.securityDummy = securityDummy; } }