Java tutorial
/* * ============================================================= * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Edgenius ( * ============================================================= * License Information: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * * **************************************************************** */ package; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.hibernate.collection.internal.PersistentBag; import org.hibernate.collection.internal.PersistentList; import org.hibernate.collection.internal.PersistentMap; import org.hibernate.collection.internal.PersistentSet; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanInitializationException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory; import com.edgenius.core.Constants; import com.edgenius.core.Global; import com.edgenius.core.Installation; import com.edgenius.core.Server; import com.edgenius.core.Version; import com.edgenius.core.dao.ConfigurationDAO; import com.edgenius.core.dao.CrFileNodeDAO; import com.edgenius.core.dao.CrWorkspaceDAO; import com.edgenius.core.dao.PermissionDAO; import com.edgenius.core.dao.ResourceDAO; import com.edgenius.core.dao.RoleDAO; import com.edgenius.core.dao.UserDAO; import com.edgenius.core.dao.hibernate.HibernateUtil; import com.edgenius.core.model.Configuration; import com.edgenius.core.model.CrFileNode; import com.edgenius.core.model.CrWorkspace; import com.edgenius.core.model.Permission; import com.edgenius.core.model.Role; import com.edgenius.core.model.User; import com.edgenius.core.util.AuditLogger; import com.edgenius.core.util.FileUtil; import com.edgenius.core.util.FileUtilException; import com.edgenius.core.util.ZipFileUtil; import com.edgenius.license.InvalidLicenseException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.MarshallingContext; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.UnmarshallingContext; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter; import; import; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.Mapper; /** * @author Dapeng.Ni */ public class BackupServiceImpl implements InitializingBean, BackupService { public static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BackupServiceImpl.class); private static final String BACKUP_PREFIX = "geniuswiki-backup-"; private static final String BACKUP_SUFFIX = ".zip"; private static final String OBJS_BINDER_NAME = "binder.xml"; private static final String TMP_BACKUP = "_backup"; private static final String TMP_RESTORE = "_restore"; private static final String COMMENT_FILE_NAME = "README"; private Resource rootLocation; private Resource backupLocation; private Resource restoreLocation; private Resource rssLocation; private Resource indexLocation; private Resource repositoryLocation; private Resource themeLocation; private Resource skinLocation; private HibernateUtil hibernateUtil; private RoleDAO roleDAO; private UserDAO userDAO; private UpgradeService upgradeService; private ConfigurationDAO configurationDAO; private CrWorkspaceDAO crWorkspaceDAO; private CrFileNodeDAO crFileNodeDAO; private FriendDAO friendDAO; private InvitationDAO invitationDAO; private NotificationDAO notificationDAO; private TemplateDAO templateDAO; private WidgetDAO widgetDAO; private SpaceDAO spaceDAO; //page comment, page link, page progress, private PageDAO pageDAO; private HistoryDAO historyDAO; private DraftDAO draftDAO; private PageLinkDAO pageLinkDAO; private PageProgressDAO pageProgressDAO; private CommentDAO commentDAO; private SpaceTagDAO spaceTagDAO; private PageTagDAO pageTagDAO; private UserPageDAO userPageDAO; private PermissionDAO permissionDAO; private ResourceDAO resourceDAO; @Autowired private ActivityLogDAO activityLogDAO; private JDBCTemplateDAO jdbcTemplateDAO; //quartz job private ExportableJob removeSpaceJobInvoker; private ExportableJob backupJobInvoker; private PluginService pluginService; //JDK1.6 @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public String backup(int options, String comment) throws BackupException { try {"Backup starting.... on options {}", options); String dir = FileUtil.createTempDirectory(TMP_BACKUP); String zipFileName = getBackupFilename(); ZipFileUtil.createZipFile(zipFileName, getSources(dir, options, comment), true); ; //clean temp directory - not critical task try { FileUtil.deleteDir(dir); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Backup tempoaraily directory can not deleted: " + dir); }"Backup success complete"); return zipFileName; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Backup exception", e); throw new BackupException(e); } finally { //!! This method must be executed after XML exported -- lazy loading is done. //exportData() method has side-effect on Hibernate session objects as it changes values of PO. This causes Hibernate query after //this method may return wrong value. For example, getUser() may return a user with Null permission. //Here will clean hibernate session to clean all POs. hibernateUtil.clearSession(); } } public String getFileComment(File zipFile) { String comment = ""; ZipFile zip = null; try { zip = new ZipFile(zipFile); ZipEntry entry = zip.getEntry(COMMENT_FILE_NAME); if (entry != null) { comment = IOUtils.toString(zip.getInputStream(entry)); } } catch (Exception e) {"backup/restore file comment not available:" + zipFile.getAbsolutePath()); } finally { if (zip != null) try { zip.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } return comment; } //JDK1.6 @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public void restore(File file) throws BackupException, InvalidLicenseException {"Restore starting...."); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); FileInputStream zipis = null; try { //unzip to temporary directory first String dir = FileUtil.createTempDirectory(TMP_RESTORE); zipis = new FileInputStream(file); ZipFileUtil.expandZipToFolder(zipis, dir);"Restore file unzipped to {}. Took {}s", dir, (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000); //get databinder, to check options File binderFile = new File(FileUtil.getFullPath(dir, OBJS_BINDER_NAME)); //version check - it may has different fields name etc to cause need do migrate int binderVersion = versionCheck(binderFile);"Data binder version is {}", binderVersion); time = System.currentTimeMillis(); FileInputStream bis = new FileInputStream(binderFile); InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(bis, Constants.UTF8); XStream xstream = createXStreamInstance(); DataBinder binder = (DataBinder) xstream.fromXML(reader); reader.close(); bis.close();"Parse binder XML took {}s", (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000); int leftUserCount = licenseCheck(binder); //As HL Robert's export, Page has list has duplicated: such as page id=93 is enclosed DataObject normally, //but, unexpected, same page appear again in page list, this time it is as a referenece object, but this cause same page //has duplicate ojbect in return list //< reference="93"/> //Here is just temporary fix only for HL. But the fix is Hibernate.loadAll() see BaseDAOHibernate.getAll() List<Page> pages = (List<Page>) binder.get(Page.class.getName()); Set<Integer> dup = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (Iterator<Page> iter = pages.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Integer uid =; if (dup.contains(uid)) { log.error("There are duplciated pages while import data, UID:" + uid); iter.remove(); continue; } dup.add(uid); } Map<Integer, String> spaceMap = null; if (binderVersion <= 2180) { //a bug fix - for older 2.18 version as customized theme use spaceUid as key, which changed after import... //Since 2.19, customized theme XML is removed, this problem doesn't exist any more. I found this bug when 2.19:( List<Space> spaces = (List<Space>) binder.get(Space.class.getName()); //save old version spaceUname and spaceUid into a map spaceMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (Iterator<Space> iter = spaces.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Space space =; spaceMap.put(space.getUid(), space.getUnixName()); } } int options = binder.getOptions(); if ((options & BACKUP_DATA) > 0) { time = System.currentTimeMillis(); importData(binder, dir, binderVersion);"Restore database table took {}s", (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000); //delete binder file after import success if (!binderFile.delete()) binderFile.deleteOnExit(); } time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((options & BACKUP_ATTACHMENT) > 0) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(repositoryLocation.getFile()); FileUtils.moveDirectory(new File(FileUtil.getFullPath(dir, binder.getDir(BACKUP_ATTACHMENT))), repositoryLocation.getFile()); } if ((options & BACKUP_RSS) > 0) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(rssLocation.getFile()); FileUtils.moveDirectory(new File(FileUtil.getFullPath(dir, binder.getDir(BACKUP_RSS))), rssLocation.getFile()); } if ((options & BACKUP_INDEX) > 0) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(indexLocation.getFile()); FileUtils.moveDirectory(new File(FileUtil.getFullPath(dir, binder.getDir(BACKUP_INDEX))), indexLocation.getFile()); } if ((options & BACKUP_SKIN) > 0) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(skinLocation.getFile()); FileUtils.moveDirectory(new File(FileUtil.getFullPath(dir, binder.getDir(BACKUP_SKIN))), skinLocation.getFile()); } if ((options & BACKUP_THEME) > 0) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(themeLocation.getFile()); FileUtils.moveDirectory(new File(FileUtil.getFullPath(dir, binder.getDir(BACKUP_THEME))), themeLocation.getFile()); if (binderVersion <= 2180) { //rename customized theme to new spaceUid File customizedDir = new File(themeLocation.getFile(), "customized"); File customizedSubDir = new File(themeLocation.getFile(), "customizedTemp"); String[] files = customizedDir.list(FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(".xml")); if (files.length > 0) { customizedSubDir.mkdirs(); } for (String name : files) { int uid = NumberUtils.toInt(name.substring(0, name.length() - 4), -1); if (uid == -1) {"Unable to get correct space UID from theme file name {}", name); continue; } String uname = spaceMap.get(uid); if (uname == null) { log.warn("Unable to get old spaceUname by UID {}", uid); continue; } Space space = spaceDAO.getByUname(uname); if (space == null) { log.warn("Unable to get space by Uname {}", uname); continue; } uid = space.getUid(); FileUtils.moveFile(new File(customizedDir, name), new File(customizedSubDir, uid + ".xml")); } if (customizedSubDir.exists()) { //replace old by renamed themes FileUtils.deleteDirectory(customizedDir); FileUtils.moveDirectory(customizedSubDir, customizedDir); } } } //upgrade data file under DataRoot -- Here assume theme, index, rss etc. All use default name from DataRoot!!! try { upgradeService.doBackupPackageUpgardeForDataFiles(String.valueOf((float) binderVersion / 1000)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unexpected erorr while upgrade backup export package from " + binderVersion + " to " + Version.VERSION, e); }"Restore data root files tooks {}s", (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000); try { FileUtil.deleteDir(dir); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Unable to delete restore temp directory " + dir); } Version.LEFT_USERS = leftUserCount;"Restore success complete. Database transaction will submit."); } catch (InvalidLicenseException e) { log.error("Restore failed", e); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Restore failed", e); throw new BackupException(e); } finally { if (zipis != null) { try { zipis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //JDK1.6 @Override public List<File> getBackupFileList() { try { //TODO: need order by modified data? Collection list = FileUtils.listFiles(backupLocation.getFile(), FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(".zip"), null); if (list != null) { List<File> sList = new ArrayList<File>(list); Collections.sort(sList, new Comparator<File>() { public int compare(File o1, File o2) { return (o2.lastModified() - o1.lastModified()) > 0 ? 1 : -1; } }); return sList; } else //just avoid nullpoint return new ArrayList<File>(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed retrieve backup directory", e); return new ArrayList<File>(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //JDK1.6 @Override public List<File> getRestoreFileList() { try { Collection list = FileUtils.listFiles(restoreLocation.getFile(), FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(".zip"), null); if (list != null) { List<File> sList = new ArrayList<File>(list); Collections.sort(sList, new Comparator<File>() { public int compare(File o1, File o2) { return (o2.lastModified() - o1.lastModified()) > 0 ? 1 : -1; } }); return sList; } else //just avoid nullpoint return new ArrayList<File>(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed retrieve restore directory", e); return new ArrayList<File>(); } } public void moveBackupFileToRestoreList(File srcFile) { try { FileUtils.moveToDirectory(srcFile, restoreLocation.getFile(), false); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed move backup file to restore directory", e); } } public void addFileToRestoreList(File restoreFile, String filename) { try { FileUtils.copyFile(restoreFile, new File(restoreLocation.getFile(), filename));"Copy file " + restoreFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to restore directory"); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Unable to put file " + restoreFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to restore directory", e); } } //JDK1.6 @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { if (backupLocation == null) throw new BeanInitializationException("Must declare backup location property."); if (backupLocation.exists() && !backupLocation.getFile().isDirectory()) throw new BeanInitializationException("Backup location must be directory."); if (!backupLocation.exists() && !backupLocation.getFile().mkdirs()) { throw new BeanInitializationException("Failed creating backup location."); } if (restoreLocation == null) throw new BeanInitializationException("Must declare restore location property."); if (restoreLocation.exists() && !restoreLocation.getFile().isDirectory()) throw new BeanInitializationException("Restore location must be directory."); if (!restoreLocation.exists() && !restoreLocation.getFile().mkdirs()) { throw new BeanInitializationException("Failed creating restore location."); } if (rootLocation == null) throw new BeanInitializationException("Must declare data root location property."); } //******************************************************************** // private //******************************************************************** /** * @param binderFile */ private int versionCheck(File binderFile) { //it does not worth to use any XML technique to get version number... String verStr = null; LineIterator iter = null; try { for (iter = FileUtils.lineIterator(binderFile); iter.hasNext();) { String line = iter.nextLine(); if (verStr != null) { int eIdx = line.indexOf("</version>"); if (eIdx != -1) { verStr += line.substring(0, eIdx); break; } else { AuditLogger.error("Version in binder can not find close tag in next line, failed~"); } //I don't bear version tag in more than 2 lines! break; } int sIdx = line.indexOf("<version>"); if (sIdx != -1) { int eIdx = line.indexOf("</version>"); if (eIdx != -1) { verStr = line.substring(sIdx + "<version>".length(), eIdx); break; } else { verStr = line.substring(sIdx + "<version>".length()); AuditLogger.error("Version in binder even not insdie same line!?"); } } } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Unable to read binder file to get version ", e); } finally { if (iter != null) iter.close(); } if (verStr == null || NumberUtils.toFloat(verStr.trim(), -1f) == -1f) { log.error("version parse failed."); return 0; } //upgrade binder file try { upgradeService.doBackupPackageUpgardeForBinder(verStr.trim(), binderFile); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unexpected erorr while upgrade backup binder file from " + verStr.trim() + " to " + Version.VERSION, e); } return (int) (NumberUtils.toFloat(verStr.trim(), 0) * 1000); } /** * @return */ private XStream createXStreamInstance() { XStream xstream = new XStream(); xstream.registerConverter(new HibernatePersistentSetConverter(xstream.getMapper())); xstream.registerConverter(new HibernatePersistentMapConverter(xstream.getMapper())); xstream.registerConverter(new HibernatePersistentListConverter(xstream.getMapper())); xstream.registerConverter(new HibernatePersistentBagConverter(xstream.getMapper())); xstream.setMode(XStream.ID_REFERENCES); return xstream; } /** * @return * @throws IOException */ private String getBackupFilename() throws IOException { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); String stamp = format.format(new Date()); String mid = stamp; int failRetry = 500, retry = 0; String name = null; do { name = FileUtil.getFullPath(backupLocation.getFile().getCanonicalPath(), BACKUP_PREFIX + mid + BACKUP_SUFFIX); retry++; mid = stamp + "-" + retry; } while (new File(name).exists() && retry < failRetry); return new File(name).getCanonicalPath(); } private Map<File, String> getSources(String dir, int options, String comment) throws IOException, FileUtilException, ParserConfigurationException, XmlPullParserException { String binderName = FileUtil.getFullPath(dir, OBJS_BINDER_NAME); DataBinder binder = new DataBinder(); binder.setVersion(Version.VERSION); binder.setOptions(options); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // backup database Map<File, String> list = new HashMap<File, String>(); if ((options & BACKUP_DATA) > 0) { exportData(binder, list); }"Backup successfully export data from database in {}ms", (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // backup data directory String root = rootLocation.getFile().getCanonicalPath(); if (!root.endsWith(File.separator)) root += File.separator; int rootLen = root.length(); if ((options & BACKUP_ATTACHMENT) > 0) { String path = repositoryLocation.getFile().getCanonicalPath(); if (path.length() > rootLen) { list.put(repositoryLocation.getFile(), root); binder.addDir(BACKUP_ATTACHMENT, createRelativeDir(path, root)); } else { AuditLogger.warn("Repository location is not inside root:" + path + "; Root is " + root); } } if ((options & BACKUP_SKIN) > 0) { String path = skinLocation.getFile().getCanonicalPath(); if (path.length() > rootLen) { list.put(skinLocation.getFile(), root); binder.addDir(BACKUP_SKIN, createRelativeDir(path, root)); } else { AuditLogger.warn("Skin location is not inside root:" + path + "; Root is " + root); } } if ((options & BACKUP_THEME) > 0) { String path = themeLocation.getFile().getCanonicalPath(); if (path.length() > rootLen) { list.put(themeLocation.getFile(), root); binder.addDir(BACKUP_THEME, createRelativeDir(path, root)); } else { AuditLogger.warn("Theme location is not inside root:" + path + "; Root is " + root); } } if ((options & BACKUP_INDEX) > 0) { String path = indexLocation.getFile().getCanonicalPath(); if (path.length() > rootLen) { list.put(indexLocation.getFile(), root); binder.addDir(BACKUP_INDEX, createRelativeDir(path, root)); } else { AuditLogger.warn("Index location is not inside root:" + path + "; Root is " + root); } } if ((options & BACKUP_RSS) > 0) { String path = rssLocation.getFile().getCanonicalPath(); if (path.length() > rootLen) { list.put(rssLocation.getFile(), root); binder.addDir(BACKUP_RSS, createRelativeDir(path, root)); } else { AuditLogger.warn("RSS location is not inside root:" + path + "; Root is " + root); } } if ((options & BACKUP_CONF) > 0) { list.put(new File(FileUtil.getFullPath(root, Global.FILE)), root); list.put(new File(FileUtil.getFullPath(root, Server.FILE)), root); list.put(new File(FileUtil.getFullPath(root, Installation.FILE)), root); }"Databinder successed adds external files info in {}ms", (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Save Data binder XML //output to XML file - rather than directly using String as next SAXParser InputSource() as this way save memory! String binderTmp = FileUtil.getFullPath(dir, OBJS_BINDER_NAME + "_tmp");"Databinder is going to export to file {} ", binderTmp); OutputStream os = FileUtil.getFileOutputStream(binderTmp); Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os, Constants.UTF8); XStream xstream = createXStreamInstance(); xstream.toXML(binder, writer); IOUtils.closeQuietly(writer); IOUtils.closeQuietly(os);"Databinder export to {} successfully in {}ms. Next will do proxy object removing", binderTmp, (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); //TODO: above XML has resolves-to attribute, following code will remove them, this part code may need remove //if XStream supports suppress "resolves-to" //see: //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // remove "resolve-to" attribute to real class tag, discard useless proxy class name os = FileUtil.getFileOutputStream(binderName); writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os, Constants.UTF8); FileReader reader = new FileReader(binderTmp); //Don't use SAX parser as it can not process ASCII control characters, such as ""(text-end). //See: ResolveRemoveHandler handler = ResolveRemoveHandler(writer); XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(false); XmlPullParser xpp = factory.newPullParser(); xpp.setInput(reader); int eventType = xpp.getEventType(); while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { handler.startElement(xpp); } else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { handler.endElement(xpp.getName()); } else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.TEXT) { handler.characters(xpp.getText()); } eventType =; } // SAXParser parser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser(); // XMLReader reader = parser.getXMLReader(); // reader.setContentHandler( ResolveRemoveHandler(writer)); // reader.parse(new InputSource(fis)); //close IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); IOUtils.closeQuietly(writer); IOUtils.closeQuietly(os);"Databinder XML polished in {}ms", (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); //this will make c:\\doc~1\\ expand to c:\\my document\\... String canonicalPath = new File(dir).getCanonicalPath(); if (!canonicalPath.endsWith(File.separator)) canonicalPath += File.separator; File tmp = new File(binderTmp); if (!tmp.delete()) tmp.deleteOnExit(); //binder XML always put into root directory in backup zip list.put(new File(binderName), canonicalPath); //Comment file if (!StringUtils.isBlank(comment)) { File commentFile = new File(FileUtil.getFullPath(dir, COMMENT_FILE_NAME)); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(commentFile, comment); list.put(commentFile, canonicalPath); }"System starting zip files..."); return list; } private static String createRelativeDir(String canonicalPath, String parentPath) { if (parentPath == null) return canonicalPath; int len = parentPath.length(); return canonicalPath.substring(len); } @Transactional(readOnly = true, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) private void exportData(DataBinder binder, Map<File, String> zipFileList) throws IOException, FileUtilException { //I don't use clone, as it has side effect: XStream will use ID to reference to same object, this save lots size on XML //for example, if user A popup in top all XML with ID 123, then all refer same user object, XStream will use line to refer to ID 123. //If clone(), the all object won't be same (not equals(), here is object equals) and, all refer this user will expand //to entire user information XML. //Hibernate javassist API generates different Proxy class name in some unknown reason(I don't investigate) It causes ClassNotFound exception. // <content class="$$_javassist_4" id="1677" resolves-to=""> //I got an unknown reason issue: above _$$_javassist_4 could be explain in geniuswiki 1.1 version. But XStream say class not found //exception while in geniuswiki 1.2 version. It also looks not serializable problem as it looks I recompile 1.1, it also still only know //javassist_4. In 1.2, it generate something like javasisst_17 etc... I don't know what is reason and no more time to investigate... // But anyway, delete ugly _$$_javassist_4 in XML file is extra benefit... //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // conf List<Configuration> confs = configurationDAO.getObjects(); binder.addAll(Configuration.class.getName(), confs); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // user / role / user following List<User> users = userDAO.getObjects(); //username:List<following username> Map<String, List<String>> followingMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (User user : users) { //although user clone is not quite necessary for proxy, but it may cause in this OpenSessionInView, user get null value of permission. user.setRoles(null); user.setPermissions(null); List<User> followings = user.getFollowings(); if (followings != null && followings.size() > 0) { List<String> fList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (User following : followings) { fList.add(following.getUsername()); } followingMap.put(user.getUsername(), fList); } //backup separately user.setFollowers(null); user.setFollowings(null); } binder.addAll(User.class.getName(), users); //bind user following into separated bind map binder.add(DataBinder.USER_FOLLOWING_BINDER_NAME, followingMap); List<Role> roles = roleDAO.getObjects(); for (Role role : roles) { role.setPermissions(null); Hibernate.initialize(role.getUsers()); } binder.addAll(Role.class.getName(), roles); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // workspace /nodes List<CrWorkspace> ws = crWorkspaceDAO.getObjects(); binder.addAll(CrWorkspace.class.getName(), ws); List<CrFileNode> fnodes = crFileNodeDAO.getObjects(); binder.addAll(CrFileNode.class.getName(), fnodes); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // widgets, friends, invitation, notification, responses List<Widget> widgets = widgetDAO.getObjects(); binder.addAll(Widget.class.getName(), widgets); List<Friend> frds = friendDAO.getObjects(); binder.addAll(Friend.class.getName(), frds); List<Invitation> ivs = invitationDAO.getObjects(); binder.addAll(Invitation.class.getName(), ivs); List<Notification> notfs = notificationDAO.getObjects(); binder.addAll(Notification.class.getName(), notfs); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // space, pages, links, progress, comments, tags Map<String, String> homeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<Space> spaces = spaceDAO.getObjects(); for (Space space : spaces) { //here, space may bring home page embedded. if (space.getHomepage() != null) { homeMap.put(space.getUnixName(), space.getHomepage().getPageUuid()); } space.setHomepage(null); space.setTags(null); } binder.addAll(Space.class.getName(), spaces); ContentBodyMap contentBodyMap = ContentBodyMap.initialForBackup(); List<Page> sortedPages = new ArrayList<Page>(); List<Page> pages = pageDAO.getObjects(); for (Page page : pages) { //its is better put parent page before its child, //but also need avoid infinite looping, e.g, A parent is B, B parent is A, although this is unexpected, but need take care if (page.getParent() != null) { List<Page> parents = new ArrayList<Page>(); processParentPage(sortedPages, page, parents, contentBodyMap); } initPage(page); pushContent(page, contentBodyMap); sortedPages.add(page); } binder.addAll(Page.class.getName(), sortedPages); //put draft/history after page, as their parent is from page List<History> histories = historyDAO.getObjects(); for (History history : histories) { Hibernate.initialize(history.getContent()); pushContent(history, contentBodyMap); } binder.addAll(History.class.getName(), histories); List<Draft> drafts = draftDAO.getObjects(); for (Draft draft : drafts) { Hibernate.initialize(draft.getPageProgress()); Hibernate.initialize(draft.getContent()); pushContent(draft, contentBodyMap); } binder.addAll(Draft.class.getName(), drafts); //put space/homepage relation after page and space binder.add(DataBinder.HOME_PAGE_BINDER_NAME, homeMap); //after PAGE, DRAFT, HISTORY complete, finialise the ContentBody map and put all contentbody file into zip list contentBodyMap.finalise(); zipFileList.putAll(contentBodyMap.getZipMap()); List<PageComment> sortedComments = CommentComparator.getParentBeforeSortedList(commentDAO.getObjects()); binder.addAll(PageComment.class.getName(), sortedComments); List<SpaceTag> stags = spaceTagDAO.getObjects(); binder.addAll(SpaceTag.class.getName(), stags); List<PageTag> ptags = pageTagDAO.getObjects(); binder.addAll(PageTag.class.getName(), ptags); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // user favourite, watched, templates List<UserPageMark> ups = userPageDAO.getObjects(); binder.addAll(UserPageMark.class.getName(), ups); List<Template> templs = templateDAO.getObjects(); binder.addAll(Template.class.getName(), templs); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // resource, permission List<Permission> perms = permissionDAO.getObjects(); for (Permission perm : perms) { perm.setResource(null); } binder.addAll(Permission.class.getName(), perms); List<com.edgenius.core.model.Resource> resrcs = resourceDAO.getObjects(); for (com.edgenius.core.model.Resource res : resrcs) { Hibernate.initialize(res.getPermissions()); } binder.addAll(com.edgenius.core.model.Resource.class.getName(), resrcs); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // QUARTZ jobs ExportedJob rsJob = removeSpaceJobInvoker.exportJob(); if (rsJob != null) binder.addAll(rsJob.getJobType(), rsJob.getJobs()); ExportedJob bkJob = backupJobInvoker.exportJob(); if (bkJob != null) binder.addAll(bkJob.getJobType(), bkJob.getJobs()); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //activityLog List<ActivityLog> al = activityLogDAO.getObjects(); binder.addAll(ActivityLog.class.getName(), al); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // plugin services pluginService.backup(binder);"Export data success with object {} types ", binder.getObjectsSize()); } /** * @param page * @param contentBodys * @param contentBodyMap * @throws IOException */ private void pushContent(AbstractPage page, ContentBodyMap bodyMap) throws IOException { int contentId = 0; PAGE_TYPE type = null; String body = null; if (page instanceof Page) { type = PAGE; PageContent pcontent = ((Page) page).getContent(); contentId = pcontent.getUid(); body = pcontent.getContent(); pcontent.setContent(null); } else if (page instanceof Draft) { type = DRAFT; DraftContent dcontent = ((Draft) page).getContent(); contentId = dcontent.getUid(); body = dcontent.getContent(); dcontent.setContent(null); } else if (page instanceof History) { type = HISTORY; HistoryContent hcontent = ((History) page).getContent(); contentId = hcontent.getUid(); body = hcontent.getContent(); hcontent.setContent(null); } bodyMap.add(contentId, type, body); } /** * @param page * @param parent * @param parents * @param contentBodyMap * @throws IOException */ private void processParentPage(List<Page> container, Page page, List<Page> parents, ContentBodyMap contentBodyMap) throws IOException { Page parent = page.getParent(); if (parent != null) { if (parents.indexOf(parent) == -1) { if (container.indexOf(parent) == -1) { //this parent is not put into container yet parents.add(parent); processParentPage(container, parent, parents, contentBodyMap); initPage(parent); pushContent(page, contentBodyMap); container.add(parent); } } else { //there are infinite looping in parents AuditLogger.error("There are infinit parents looping:" + Arrays.toString(parents.toArray()) + "; Page parent is set to null" + page); //just make this page's parent as null and stop looping... page.setParent(null); } } //top of page tree: parent == null } /** * @param page */ private void initPage(Page page) { Hibernate.initialize(page.getPageProgress()); Hibernate.initialize(page.getLinks()); Hibernate.initialize(page.getContent()); page.setTags(null); } @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) private void cleanDatabase() { //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //!!!!!! DON'T disturb run sequence as Database relationship dependencies!!!! pluginService.resorePreClean(); jdbcTemplateDAO.cleanTableRelations(); permissionDAO.cleanTable(); resourceDAO.cleanTable(); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // page relative commentDAO.cleanTable(); pageLinkDAO.cleanTable(); userPageDAO.cleanTable(); pageDAO.cleanTable(); historyDAO.cleanTable(); draftDAO.cleanTable(); pageTagDAO.cleanTable(); pageProgressDAO.cleanTable(); jdbcTemplateDAO.cleanNonDAOTables(); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // space relative templateDAO.cleanTable(); spaceTagDAO.cleanTable(); spaceDAO.cleanTable(); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // others friendDAO.cleanTable(); invitationDAO.cleanTable(); notificationDAO.cleanTable(); widgetDAO.cleanTable(); crFileNodeDAO.cleanTable(); crWorkspaceDAO.cleanTable(); widgetDAO.cleanTable(); activityLogDAO.cleanTable(); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // user, role roleDAO.cleanTable(); userDAO.cleanTable(); configurationDAO.cleanTable(); } private int licenseCheck(DataBinder binder) throws InvalidLicenseException { List<User> users = (List<User>) binder.get(User.class.getName()); if (Version.USER_LIMITED != -1) { if (users.size() > Version.USER_LIMITED) throw new InvalidLicenseException("Restore user amount exceeds license limitation."); return Version.USER_LIMITED - users.size(); } return -1; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void importData(DataBinder binder, String rootDir, int binderVersion) throws IOException {"Cleaning database...."); cleanDatabase();"Database cleaned and starting restore data."); //clean all noise for this clean import hibernateUtil.clearSession(); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // conf List<Configuration> confs = (List<Configuration>) binder.get(Configuration.class.getName()); for (Configuration conf : confs) { conf.setUid(null); configurationDAO.saveOrUpdate(conf); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // user, role, resource, permission List<User> users = (List<User>) binder.get(User.class.getName()); for (User user : users) { user.setUid(null); //as index is immediately execute after import. hibernate still get role from cache //it may aovid nullpointException in //UserDAOHibnerate.refreshInstancePermissionCache()=>role.getPermissions()=>getInstancePermission(wikiPermissions, perms); if (user.getPermissions() == null) user.setPermissions(new HashSet<Permission>()); userDAO.saveOrUpdate(user); } //restore user network until all users created List<Map<String, List<String>>> flist = (List<Map<String, List<String>>>) binder .get(DataBinder.USER_FOLLOWING_BINDER_NAME); Map<String, List<String>> followingMap = (flist == null || flist.size() == 0) ? null : flist.get(0); if (followingMap != null) { User user; for (Entry<String, List<String>> entry : followingMap.entrySet()) { user = userDAO.getUserByName(entry.getKey()); if (user != null) { List<User> followings = new ArrayList<User>(); user.setFollowings(followings); for (String followingName : entry.getValue()) { User following = userDAO.getUserByName(followingName); if (following != null) { followings.add(following); } else { log.warn("Unable to find user {} for user {} following", followingName, entry.getKey()); } } userDAO.saveOrUpdate(user); } else { log.warn("Unable to restore user network data for user {}", entry.getKey()); } } } List<Role> roles = (List<Role>) binder.get(Role.class.getName()); for (Role role : roles) { role.setUid(null); if (role.getUsers() != null) { for (User user : role.getUsers()) { Set<Role> ur = user.getRoles(); if (ur == null) { ur = new HashSet<Role>(); user.setRoles(ur); } ur.add(role); } } //as index is immediately execute after import. hibernate still get role from cache //it may aovid nullpointException in //UserDAOHibnerate.refreshInstancePermissionCache()=>role.getPermissions()=>getInstancePermission(wikiPermissions, perms); if (role.getPermissions() == null) role.setPermissions(new HashSet<Permission>()); roleDAO.saveOrUpdate(role); } List<Permission> perms = (List<Permission>) binder.get(Permission.class.getName()); for (Permission perm : perms) { perm.setUid(null); if (perm.getUsers() != null) { for (User user : perm.getUsers()) { //put this permission to user permission list Set<Permission> pms = user.getPermissions(); if (pms == null) { pms = new HashSet<Permission>(); user.setPermissions(pms); } pms.add(perm); } } if (perm.getRoles() != null) { for (Role role : perm.getRoles()) { //put this permission to role permission list Set<Permission> pms = role.getPermissions(); if (pms == null) { pms = new HashSet<Permission>(); role.setPermissions(pms); } pms.add(perm); } } // resourceDAO will cascade save permissions // permissionDAO.saveOrUpdate(perm); } List<com.edgenius.core.model.Resource> resrcs = (List<com.edgenius.core.model.Resource>) binder .get(com.edgenius.core.model.Resource.class.getName()); for (com.edgenius.core.model.Resource res : resrcs) { res.setUid(null); if (res.getPermissions() != null) { for (Permission perm : res.getPermissions()) { perm.setResource(res); } } resourceDAO.saveOrUpdate(res); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // widgets List<Widget> widgets = (List<Widget>) binder.get(Widget.class.getName()); for (Widget widget : widgets) { widget.setUid(null); widgetDAO.saveOrUpdate(widget); } List<Friend> frds = (List<Friend>) binder.get(Friend.class.getName()); for (Friend frd : frds) { frd.setUid(null); friendDAO.saveOrUpdate(frd); } List<Invitation> ivs = (List<Invitation>) binder.get(Invitation.class.getName()); for (Invitation iv : ivs) { iv.setUid(null); invitationDAO.saveOrUpdate(iv); } List<Notification> notfs = (List<Notification>) binder.get(Notification.class.getName()); for (Notification notf : notfs) { notf.setUid(null); notificationDAO.saveOrUpdate(notf); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // workspace /nodes List<CrWorkspace> ws = (List<CrWorkspace>) binder.get(CrWorkspace.class.getName()); for (CrWorkspace w : ws) { w.setUid(null); crWorkspaceDAO.saveOrUpdate(w); } List<CrFileNode> fnodes = (List<CrFileNode>) binder.get(CrFileNode.class.getName()); for (CrFileNode node : fnodes) { node.setUid(null); crFileNodeDAO.saveOrUpdate(node); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // space, pages, links, progress, comments, tags List<Map<String, String>> hlist = (List<Map<String, String>>) binder.get(DataBinder.HOME_PAGE_BINDER_NAME); Map<String, String> homeMap = (hlist == null || hlist.size() == 0) ? null : hlist.get(0); Collection<String> homepageUuids = homeMap != null ? homeMap.values() : null; Collection<String> spaceUnames = homeMap != null ? homeMap.keySet() : null; Map<String, Space> spaceMap = new HashMap<String, Space>(); Map<String, Page> pageMap = new HashMap<String, Page>(); List<Space> spaces = (List<Space>) binder.get(Space.class.getName()); for (Space space : spaces) { space.setUid(null); //build space map, so that save performance while build home page relations if (spaceUnames != null) { if (SharedConstants.SYSTEM_SPACEUNAME.equalsIgnoreCase(space.getUnixName())) { //instance space(where UNIX_NAME='$SYSTEM$') won't be remove during clean space table //reason is this record is verify object in DBCP connection pool validationQuery property. //If removed, DBCP will broken and DB connect can not get successfully. //so here will get it back from current DB and put it back in following Space sysSpace = spaceDAO.getByUname(SharedConstants.SYSTEM_SPACEUNAME); //this is just in case if system space is also delete in some case... if (sysSpace != null) space = sysSpace; } if (spaceUnames.contains(space.getUnixName())) { spaceMap.put(space.getUnixName(), space); } } spaceDAO.saveOrUpdate(space); } ContentBodyMap contentBodyMap = ContentBodyMap.initialForRestore(rootDir); List<Page> pages = (List<Page>) binder.get(Page.class.getName()); for (Page page : pages) { page.setUid(null); if (page.getContent() != null) { //load from contentBodys file - after VERSION 3.0 if (binderVersion > 3000) { page.getContent().setContent(contentBodyMap.getContent(page.getContent().getUid(), PAGE)); } page.getContent().setUid(null); } if (page.getPageProgress() != null) { page.getPageProgress().setUid(null); pageProgressDAO.saveOrUpdate(page.getPageProgress()); } if (page.getLinks() != null) { for (PageLink link : page.getLinks()) { link.setUid(null); } } //build space map, so that save performance while build home page relations if (homepageUuids != null) { if (homepageUuids.contains(page.getPageUuid())) { pageMap.put(page.getPageUuid(), page); } } pageDAO.saveOrUpdate(page); } //must after page saved as page_parent_uid need from Page table List<History> histories = (List<History>) binder.get(History.class.getName()); for (History history : histories) { history.setUid(null); if (history.getContent() != null) { if (binderVersion > 3000) { history.getContent() .setContent(contentBodyMap.getContent(history.getContent().getUid(), HISTORY)); } history.getContent().setUid(null); } historyDAO.saveOrUpdate(history); } List<Draft> drafts = (List<Draft>) binder.get(Draft.class.getName()); for (Draft draft : drafts) { draft.setUid(null); if (draft.getContent() != null) { if (binderVersion > 3000) { draft.getContent().setContent(contentBodyMap.getContent(draft.getContent().getUid(), DRAFT)); } draft.getContent().setUid(null); } if (draft.getPageProgress() != null) { draft.getPageProgress().setUid(null); pageProgressDAO.saveOrUpdate(draft.getPageProgress()); } draftDAO.saveOrUpdate(draft); } //put space/homepage relation after page and space // binder.add(DataBinder.HOME_PAGE_BINDER_NAME,homeMap); List<PageComment> comments = (List<PageComment>) binder.get(PageComment.class.getName()); for (PageComment comment : comments) { comment.setUid(null); commentDAO.saveOrUpdate(comment); } List<SpaceTag> stags = (List<SpaceTag>) binder.get(SpaceTag.class.getName()); for (SpaceTag tag : stags) { tag.setUid(null); if (tag.getSpaces() != null) { for (Space space : tag.getSpaces()) { List<SpaceTag> st = space.getTags(); if (st == null) { st = new ArrayList<SpaceTag>(); space.setTags(st); } st.add(tag); } } spaceTagDAO.saveOrUpdate(tag); } List<PageTag> ptags = (List<PageTag>) binder.get(PageTag.class.getName()); for (PageTag tag : ptags) { tag.setUid(null); if (tag.getPages() != null) { for (Page page : tag.getPages()) { List<PageTag> st = page.getTags(); if (st == null) { st = new ArrayList<PageTag>(); page.setTags(st); } st.add(tag); } } pageTagDAO.saveOrUpdate(tag); } for (Entry<String, String> entry : homeMap.entrySet()) { Space space = spaceMap.get(entry.getKey()); Page page = pageMap.get(entry.getValue()); if (space != null && page != null) { space.setHomepage(page); spaceDAO.saveOrUpdate(space); } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // user favourite, watched, templates List<UserPageMark> ups = (List<UserPageMark>) binder.get(UserPageMark.class.getName()); for (UserPageMark up : ups) { up.setUid(null); userPageDAO.saveOrUpdate(up); } List<Template> templs = (List<Template>) binder.get(Template.class.getName()); for (Template templ : templs) { templ.setUid(null); templateDAO.saveOrUpdate(templ); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // quartz jobs List<Map<String, Object>> rsJob = (List<Map<String, Object>>) binder .get(removeSpaceJobInvoker.getClass().getName()); if (rsJob != null) { removeSpaceJobInvoker.importJob(rsJob); } List<Map<String, Object>> bkJob = (List<Map<String, Object>>) binder .get(backupJobInvoker.getClass().getName()); if (bkJob != null) { backupJobInvoker.importJob(bkJob); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //activityLog List<ActivityLog> al = (List<ActivityLog>) binder.get(ActivityLog.class.getName()); for (ActivityLog a : al) { a.setUid(null); activityLogDAO.saveOrUpdate(a); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // plugin services; pluginService.restore(binder);"Database restore success"); } //******************************************************************** // set / get //******************************************************************** public void setPageDAO(PageDAO pageDAO) { this.pageDAO = pageDAO; } public void setBackupLocation(Resource location) { this.backupLocation = location; } public void setRssLocation(Resource rssLocation) { this.rssLocation = rssLocation; } public void setIndexLocation(Resource indexLocation) { this.indexLocation = indexLocation; } public void setRepositoryLocation(Resource repositoryLocation) { this.repositoryLocation = repositoryLocation; } public void setThemeLocation(Resource themeLocation) { this.themeLocation = themeLocation; } public void setSkinLocation(Resource skinLocation) { this.skinLocation = skinLocation; } public void setRootLocation(Resource rootLocation) { this.rootLocation = rootLocation; } public void setRoleDAO(RoleDAO roleDAO) { this.roleDAO = roleDAO; } public void setUserDAO(UserDAO userDAO) { this.userDAO = userDAO; } public void setResourceDAO(ResourceDAO resourceDAO) { this.resourceDAO = resourceDAO; } public void setCrWorkspaceDAO(CrWorkspaceDAO crWorkspaceDAO) { this.crWorkspaceDAO = crWorkspaceDAO; } public void setConfigurationDAO(ConfigurationDAO configurationDAO) { this.configurationDAO = configurationDAO; } public void setFriendDAO(FriendDAO frienDAO) { this.friendDAO = frienDAO; } public void setNotificationDAO(NotificationDAO notificationDAO) { this.notificationDAO = notificationDAO; } public void setSpaceDAO(SpaceDAO spaceDAO) { this.spaceDAO = spaceDAO; } public void setCommentDAO(CommentDAO commentDAO) { this.commentDAO = commentDAO; } public void setSpaceTagDAO(SpaceTagDAO spaceTagDAO) { this.spaceTagDAO = spaceTagDAO; } public void setPageTagDAO(PageTagDAO pageTagDAO) { this.pageTagDAO = pageTagDAO; } public void setUserPageDAO(UserPageDAO userPageDAO) { this.userPageDAO = userPageDAO; } public void setWidgetDAO(WidgetDAO widgetDAO) { this.widgetDAO = widgetDAO; } public void setCrFileNodeDAO(CrFileNodeDAO crFileNodeDAO) { this.crFileNodeDAO = crFileNodeDAO; } public void setPermissionDAO(PermissionDAO permissionDAO) { this.permissionDAO = permissionDAO; } public void setHistoryDAO(HistoryDAO historyDAO) { this.historyDAO = historyDAO; } public void setDraftDAO(DraftDAO draftDAO) { this.draftDAO = draftDAO; } public void setJdbcTemplateDAO(JDBCTemplateDAO jdbcTemplateDAO) { this.jdbcTemplateDAO = jdbcTemplateDAO; } public void setPageLinkDAO(PageLinkDAO pageLinkDAO) { this.pageLinkDAO = pageLinkDAO; } public void setPageProgressDAO(PageProgressDAO pageProgressDAO) { this.pageProgressDAO = pageProgressDAO; } public void setInvitationDAO(InvitationDAO invitationDAO) { this.invitationDAO = invitationDAO; } public void setHibernateUtil(HibernateUtil hibernateUtil) { this.hibernateUtil = hibernateUtil; } public void setTemplateDAO(TemplateDAO templateDAO) { this.templateDAO = templateDAO; } public void setUpgradeService(UpgradeService upgradeService) { this.upgradeService = upgradeService; } public void setRemoveSpaceJobInvoker(ExportableJob removeSpaceJobInvoker) { this.removeSpaceJobInvoker = removeSpaceJobInvoker; } /** * @param backupJobInvoker the backupJobInvoker to set */ public void setBackupJobInvoker(ExportableJob backupJobInvoker) { this.backupJobInvoker = backupJobInvoker; } public void setRestoreLocation(Resource restoreLocation) { this.restoreLocation = restoreLocation; } //******************************************************************** // private classes //******************************************************************** @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private class HibernatePersistentSetConverter extends CollectionConverter { /** * @param mapper */ public HibernatePersistentSetConverter(Mapper mapper) { super(mapper); } @Override public void marshal(Object obj, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context) { Set set = new HashSet(); for (Object o : ((PersistentSet) obj)) { set.add(o); } super.marshal(set, writer, context); } @Override public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context) { Collection collection = new HashSet(); populateCollection(reader, context, collection); return collection; } @Override public boolean canConvert(Class clz) { if (PersistentSet.class.equals(clz)) return true; return false; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private class HibernatePersistentBagConverter extends CollectionConverter { /** * @param mapper */ public HibernatePersistentBagConverter(Mapper mapper) { super(mapper); } @Override public void marshal(Object obj, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context) { List set = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : ((PersistentBag) obj)) { set.add(o); } super.marshal(set, writer, context); } @Override public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context) { Collection collection = new ArrayList(); populateCollection(reader, context, collection); return collection; } @Override public boolean canConvert(Class clz) { if (PersistentBag.class.equals(clz)) return true; return false; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private class HibernatePersistentListConverter extends CollectionConverter { /** * @param mapper */ public HibernatePersistentListConverter(Mapper mapper) { super(mapper); } @Override public void marshal(Object obj, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context) { List set = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : ((PersistentList) obj)) { set.add(o); } super.marshal(set, writer, context); } @Override public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context) { Collection collection = new ArrayList(); populateCollection(reader, context, collection); return collection; } @Override public boolean canConvert(Class clz) { if (PersistentList.class.equals(clz)) return true; return false; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private class HibernatePersistentMapConverter extends MapConverter { /** * @param mapper */ public HibernatePersistentMapConverter(Mapper mapper) { super(mapper); } @Override public void marshal(Object obj, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context) { Map map = new HashMap(); for (Entry o : (Set<Entry>) ((PersistentMap) obj).entrySet()) { map.put(o.getKey(), o.getValue()); } super.marshal(map, writer, context); } @Override public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context) { Map map = new HashMap(); populateMap(reader, context, map); return map; } @Override public boolean canConvert(Class clz) { if (PersistentMap.class.equals(clz)) return true; return false; } } private class ResolveRemoveHandler { private Writer writer; private Map<String, String> referenceClassMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private LinkedList<TagNameChangeElement> startTagStack = new LinkedList<TagNameChangeElement>(); public ResolveRemoveHandler(Writer writer) { this.writer = writer; } public void characters(String content) throws IOException { writer.write(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(content)); } public void endElement(String name) throws IOException { String tagName = name; if (startTagStack.size() > 0 && StringUtils.equals(name, startTagStack.getFirst().getName())) { TagNameChangeElement ele = startTagStack.removeFirst(); if (ele.getNewName() != null) { tagName = ele.getNewName(); } } StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer("</"); line.append(tagName); line.append(">"); writer.write(line.toString()); } public void startElement(XmlPullParser xpp) throws IOException { final String name = xpp.getName(); String tagName = name; boolean pushed = false; Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int idx = 0; idx < xpp.getAttributeCount(); idx++) { attributes.put(xpp.getAttributeName(idx), xpp.getAttributeValue(idx)); } String realClz = attributes.get("resolves-to"); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(realClz)) { if (name.startsWith("com.edgenius")) { if (attributes.get("id") != null) referenceClassMap.put(attributes.get("id"), realClz); //this tag name is proxy class, replace to normal one //example: < id="48" resolves-to=""> tagName = realClz; startTagStack.addFirst(new TagNameChangeElement(name, tagName)); pushed = true; attributes.remove("class"); } else { //This tag is field of some tag, then need keep it is tag name but reset class to non-proxy class name //example:<content class="$$_javassist_4" id="1653" resolves-to=""> attributes.put("class", realClz); } //always remove "resolves-to" attributes.remove("resolves-to"); } //replace reference class, this is assume reference must after real class, ie. // <page_javassist_xxx resolves-to="page" id=100> must before <parent class="page_javassist_xxx" reference="100"> String ref = attributes.get("reference"); if (ref != null) { String newClz = referenceClassMap.get(ref); if (newClz != null) { String clz = attributes.get("class"); if (clz != null) { //try to check if this reference tag name has been changed //example:<parent class="$$_javassist_9" reference="1657"/> attributes.put("class", newClz); } else { //example:< reference="1921" /> //This tag name must be proxy class name, replace tagName = newClz; startTagStack.addFirst(new TagNameChangeElement(name, tagName)); pushed = true; } } } if (!pushed && startTagStack.size() > 0 && StringUtils.equals(startTagStack.getFirst().getName(), name)) { //example <page resolves-to="xxx"><page></page></page>, this will avoid embedded page closed tag won't be treat //mapping with first tag, ie. wrong result <xxx><page></xxx></page> startTagStack.addFirst(new TagNameChangeElement(name, null)); } StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer("<"); line.append(tagName); for (Entry<String, String> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { line.append(" ").append(entry.getKey()).append("=\"").append(entry.getValue()).append("\""); } line.append(">"); writer.write(line.toString()); // System.out.println("URI:" + uri); // System.out.println("localName" + localName ); // System.out.println("name:" + name ); // StringBuffer att = new StringBuffer(); // if(atts != null){ // for(int idx =0;idx<atts.getLength();idx++){ // att.append(atts.getQName(idx)).append("=").append(atts.getValue(idx)); // } // } // System.out.println("atts:" + att.toString()); } } private static class TagNameChangeElement { private String name; private String newName; public TagNameChangeElement(String name, String newName) { = name; this.newName = newName; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof TagNameChangeElement)) return false; return ((TagNameChangeElement) obj).name.equals(; } public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder().append(; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getNewName() { return newName; } } public void setPluginService(PluginService pluginService) { this.pluginService = pluginService; } public static void main(String[] args) throws FileUtilException, IOException { //TODO: this part code may move to UnitTest in future List<Page> container = new ArrayList<Page>(); List<Page> parents = new ArrayList<Page>(); Page a = new Page(); a.setPageUuid("a"); Page b = new Page(); b.setPageUuid("b"); Page c = new Page(); c.setPageUuid("c"); Page d = new Page(); d.setPageUuid("d"); d.setParent(c); c.setParent(b); b.setParent(a); // a.setParent(d); BackupServiceImpl im = new BackupServiceImpl(); im.processParentPage(container, d, parents, new ContentBodyMap()); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(container.toArray())); } }