Java tutorial
/* * ============================================================= * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Edgenius ( * ============================================================= * License Information: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * * **************************************************************** */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.edgenius.core.util.StringEscapeUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This render engine input HTML content and return Markup content * @author Dapeng.Ni */ public class RichRenderEngineImpl implements RichRenderEngine { public static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RichRenderEngineImpl.class); private FilterPipe filterProvider; public RichRenderEngineImpl(FilterPipe filterProvider) { this.filterProvider = filterProvider; } /** * Input HTML return Markup. RenderContext only contains spaceUname */ public String render(String htmlText, RenderContext context) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); htmlText = htmlText.replaceAll("\\r", ""); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Parse html text into HTMLNode list HtmlNodeListenerImpl listener = new HtmlNodeListenerImpl(); HtmlParser htmlParser = new HtmlParser(); htmlParser.scan(htmlText, listener); //get HTML node list HTMLNodeContainer nodeContainer = listener.getHtmlNode(); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // remove all tag which has id or aid is "norender" RichTagUtil.removeNoRenderTag(nodeContainer); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //after TinyMCE, it may contain some useless or duplicated HTML tag, //such tag surrounding empty, or <font size=bb><font size=cc>some text</font></font> etc. //here will remove such useless and merge duplicated HTML tag optimizeHTML(nodeContainer); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // all Text node need do HTMLEscape and markup escape conversion,e.g, > to >, *bold* to \*bold\* etc. //in this method, nodeContainer may be re-initialized to a new instance. nodeContainer = escapeText(htmlText, nodeContainer); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //finally, arrive here... use all available filters to convert all html tag node to markup List<Filter> filters = filterProvider.getFilterList(); for (Filter filter : filters) { nodeContainer = filter.filter(nodeContainer, context); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //after filter complete, convert HTMLNode to string. StringBuffer markupText = new StringBuffer(); //this flag is use to avoid surround consequence unknown html tag, such as <object><param><object>, only need surround one paired {html} boolean reqHTMLEnd = false; boolean reqNewline = false; boolean lineStart = false; for (HTMLNode node : nodeContainer) { if (node.isTextNode()) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(node.getText())) { reqNewline = startNewline(markupText, node.getText(), reqNewline); if (reqHTMLEnd) { markupText.append("{html}"); reqHTMLEnd = false; } if (lineStart) { if (!StringUtils.isWhitespace(node.getText())) { //if node is blank text, and it is just after a line start, skip it. //for example, list <ol> <li>something</li></ol>, li is with LINE_START_TAG tag, however, spaces between //<ol> and <li> are harmful (converted mark line start with space: " # something), so remove blank here. markupText.append(node.getText()); lineStart = false; } } else { markupText.append(node.getText()); } } //skip empty text } else if (HTMLNode.LINE_END_TAG.equals(node.getText())) { reqNewline = true; lineStart = false; } else if (HTMLNode.LINE_START_TAG.equals(node.getText())) { //does next tag will in a new line start? if yes, do nothing, otherwise, append "\n" String line = markupText.toString(); if (line.trim().length() > 0 && !StringUtil.endOfAny(line, new String[] { "\n", "\r" })) { if (reqHTMLEnd) { markupText.append("{html}"); reqHTMLEnd = false; } markupText.append("\n"); } lineStart = true; } else { lineStart = false; //this assume non text node always return non-empty value from node.getText() reqNewline = startNewline(markupText, node.getText(), reqNewline); //some tag can not be handled by filters, then surrounding them by {html} macro, if (!reqHTMLEnd) { markupText.append("{html}"); reqHTMLEnd = true; } markupText.append(node.getText()); } } if (reqHTMLEnd) markupText.append("{html}");"Render rich content to markup takes: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); return markupText.toString(); } /** * @param nodeContainer */ private void optimizeHTML(HTMLNodeContainer nodeContainer) { //delete // HTMLNode paired = null; // String enclosedText = ""; // for (HTMLNode node : nodeContainer) { // if(paired != null){ // if(node == paired){ // if(enclosedText == ""){ // //nothing enclosed then simply remove such tag // paired.reset("", true); // paired.getPair().reset("", true); // }else{ // //ok, if the paired include some text, then need decide according to what is enclosed tag // } // } // // } // paired = node.getPair(); // // } } /** * @param htmlText * @param nodeContainer * @return */ private HTMLNodeContainer escapeText(String htmlText, HTMLNodeContainer nodeContainer) { //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // all Text node need do HTMLEscape and markup escape conversion,e.g, > to >, *bold* to \*bold\* etc. // if handle this textNode by textNode, it may run n * f times. n is text node number, f is filter number // so here do following: // 1. convert HTMLNode list to string again but replace all non-text node to unique string // 1.1 As TinyMCE will save text into entity code even "entity_encoding" set to "raw", so even text inside // OriginalTextRequest, it still need do HTML unescapeHtml() // 1.2 But, the text which is surrounding by these tag which is identified by OriginalTextRequest, don't // need do any escapeMarkupToSlash(). // 2. do escape conversion // 3. replace back unique string pointer back to Tag node, reset all text node (it may has escape occur) StringBuffer unescTextSb = new StringBuffer(); String uniqueKey = WikiUtil.findUniqueKey(htmlText); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // do all textnode HTML unescape //do HTML unescape,eg, > to >; Although I only do limited entity escape(see EscapeUtil.escapeHTML()), //but it is still safe use this method for (HTMLNode node : nodeContainer) { if (node.isTextNode()) { unescTextSb.append(node.getText()); } else { unescTextSb.append(uniqueKey); } } String escText = unescTextSb.toString(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(escText)) { escText = StringEscapeUtil.unescapeHtml(escText); //recover HTMLNode list: reset all text node as their content may changed by conversion //this will split N+1 strings,N is tag number. String[] textNodes = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(escText, uniqueKey); HTMLNodeContainer newNodeList = new HTMLNodeContainer(); Iterator<HTMLNode> iter = nodeContainer.iterator(); for (int idx = 0; idx < textNodes.length; idx++) { String text = textNodes[idx]; if (!"".equals(text)) newNodeList.add(new HTMLNode(text, true)); for (; idx < textNodes.length - 1 && iter.hasNext();) { HTMLNode node =; if (!node.isTextNode()) { newNodeList.add(node); break; } } } nodeContainer = newNodeList; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // do markup unescape for only text is not inside OriginalTextRequest tag, such preview MacroFilter macroFilter = (MacroFilter) filterProvider.getFilter(MacroFilter.class.getName()); List<HTMLNode> orgTextMacroHTMLIds = macroFilter.getImmutableHTMLIdenifiers(); unescTextSb = new StringBuffer(); HTMLNode preReqCloseNode = null; //this container save all tag (or text) which won't do escape: //normally, each uniqueKey will mapping to one HTMLNode, but for OriginalTextRequest macro, which may contain multiple //HTMLNodes, so that, the container use List<HTMLNode> as element. List<List<HTMLNode>> tagContainer = new ArrayList<List<HTMLNode>>(); String multipleLineUniqueKeyS = null; String multipleLineUniqueKeyE = null; for (HTMLNode node : nodeContainer) { if (preReqCloseNode != null) { if (preReqCloseNode == node) { preReqCloseNode = null; } //skip all tags between preview text continue; } if (!node.isTextNode()) { List<HTMLNode> nodes = new ArrayList<HTMLNode>(); if (node.isIdentified(orgTextMacroHTMLIds) && node.getPair() != null) { //this is preview, code or some others tags which Macro implements OriginalTextRequest //the put all tags/text surrounded by this preview tag(include its self pair) into tagContainer preReqCloseNode = node.getPair(); for (HTMLNode preNode = node; preNode != null && preNode != node.getPair();) { nodes.add(preNode); preNode =; } nodes.add(node.getPair()); } else { nodes.add(node); } if (RenderUtil.isBlockTag(node)) { //for example start<p>[test]</p>end. If simply replace <p> and </p> with normal key, this [test] will treat //as normal character surrounded, actually, it is newline surrounded, so use multiple lines key if (!node.isCloseTag()) { if (multipleLineUniqueKeyS == null) multipleLineUniqueKeyS = "\n" + WikiUtil.findUniqueKey(htmlText) + "\n"; unescTextSb.append(multipleLineUniqueKeyS); } else { if (multipleLineUniqueKeyE == null) multipleLineUniqueKeyE = "\n" + WikiUtil.findUniqueKey(htmlText) + "\n"; unescTextSb.append(multipleLineUniqueKeyE); } } else { unescTextSb.append(uniqueKey); } tagContainer.add(nodes); } else { unescTextSb.append(node.getText()); } } escText = unescTextSb.toString(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(escText)) { //do all markup filter escape, eg, *bold* \*bold\* escText = MarkupUtil.escapeMarkupToSlash(escText, uniqueKey); //recover HTMLNode list: reset all text node as their content may changed by conversion //this will split N+1 strings,N is tag number. if (multipleLineUniqueKeyS != null) { escText = StringUtils.replace(escText, multipleLineUniqueKeyS, uniqueKey); } if (multipleLineUniqueKeyE != null) { escText = StringUtils.replace(escText, multipleLineUniqueKeyE, uniqueKey); } String[] textNodes = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparatorPreserveAllTokens(escText, uniqueKey); HTMLNodeContainer newNodeList = new HTMLNodeContainer(); Iterator<List<HTMLNode>> iter = tagContainer.iterator(); for (int idx = 0; idx < textNodes.length; idx++) { String text = textNodes[idx]; if (!"".equals(text)) newNodeList.add(new HTMLNode(text, true)); //find first available non-text node, the replace the tag-token... if (idx < textNodes.length - 1 && iter.hasNext()) { List<HTMLNode> insertList =; for (HTMLNode insert : insertList) { newNodeList.add(insert); } } } nodeContainer = newNodeList; } return nodeContainer; } /** * @param markupText * @param reqNewline * @param node */ private boolean startNewline(StringBuffer markupText, String appendText, boolean reqNewline) { if (reqNewline) { String line = markupText.toString(); //the buffer is not end with newline, appendText does not start with new line, then, we need a newline break if (line.trim().length() > 0 && !StringUtil.endOfAny(line, new String[] { "\n", "\r" }) && !StringUtil.startOfAny(StringUtil.trimEndSpace(appendText), new String[] { "\n", "\r" })) { markupText.append("\n"); } } //always return false, only for reset reqNewLine flag... reqNewline only can be set while LINE_END_TAG.equals(node.getText()) return false; } }