Java tutorial
/* * ============================================================= * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Edgenius ( * ============================================================= * License Information: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * * **************************************************************** */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.edgenius.core.SecurityValues.OPERATIONS; import com.edgenius.core.model.User; import com.edgenius.core.repository.FileNode; import com.edgenius.core.service.UserReadingService; import com.edgenius.core.util.DateUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Dapeng.Ni */ public class PageUtil { /** * * @param page * @param value * @param userReadingService * @param coypAttachment if null, NOT_COPY_ATTACHMENT, if PageType.NONE_DRAFT, COPY_ATTACHMENT_WITHOUT_DRAFT */ public static void copyPageToModel(AbstractPage page, PageModel value, UserReadingService userReadingService, PageType coypAttachment) { User currentUser = WikiUtil.getUser(); //Show sidebar or not - this value only take effect when PageAttribute.NO_SIDEBAR is turned off. //set default value anyway value.pinPanel = SharedConstants.TAB_TYPE_RIGHT_SIDEBAR; if (!currentUser.isAnonymous()) { int pin = currentUser.getSetting().getFixedPanel(); //system design: -1 as default value of fixedPanel, i.e., SharedConstants.TAB_TYPE_RIGHT_SIDEBAR if (pin >= 0) { value.pinPanel = pin; } } // parentPageTitle // requireNotified if (page.getParent() != null) { value.parentPageUuid = page.getParent().getPageUuid(); } value.pageUuid = page.getPageUuid(); value.title = page.getTitle(); value.uid = page.getUid(); //so far, getPageHistory() will return null for space field Space space = page.getSpace(); if (space != null) { value.spaceUname = space.getUnixName(); value.spaceUid = String.valueOf(space.getUid()); value.spaceTitle = space.getName(); //sync with blog if (space.containExtLinkType(Space.EXT_LINK_BLOG)) { value.linkedBlogs = space.getSetting().getLinkedMetas(); if (value.linkedBlogs != null && value.linkedBlogs.size() > 0) { if (page instanceof Draft || page instanceof Page) { PageProgress progress; if (page instanceof Draft) progress = ((Draft) page).getPageProgress(); else progress = ((Page) page).getPageProgress(); //fill in post ext information if (progress != null && progress.getLinkExtInfoObject() != null) { for (BlogPostMeta postValue : progress.getLinkExtInfoObject()) { BlogMeta blog = space.getSetting().getBlogMeta(postValue.getBlogKey()); if (blog != null) blog.setPostValue(postValue); } } } } } } if (page.getCreator() != null) { value.creator = page.getCreator().getFullname(); value.creatorUsername = page.getCreator().getUsername(); value.creatorPortrait = UserUtil.getPortraitUrl(page.getCreator().getPortrait()); } else { //Anonymous User anony = WikiUtil.getAnonymous(userReadingService); value.creator = anony.getFullname(); value.creatorUsername = anony.getUsername(); value.creatorPortrait = UserUtil.getPortraitUrl(null); } if (page.getModifier() != null) { value.modifier = page.getModifier().getFullname(); value.modifierUsername = page.getModifier().getUsername(); value.modifierPortrait = UserUtil.getPortraitUrl(page.getModifier().getPortrait()); } else { //Anonymous User anony = WikiUtil.getAnonymous(userReadingService); value.modifier = anony.getFullname(); value.modifierUsername = anony.getUsername(); value.modifierPortrait = UserUtil.getPortraitUrl(null); } //covert:page modifiedDate is possible from database directly read out, which is is java.sql.TimeStamp type value.modifiedDate = DateUtil.getLocalDate(currentUser, page.getModifiedDate()); value.createDate = DateUtil.getLocalDate(currentUser, page.getCreatedDate()); value.pageVersion = page.getVersion(); //only page have tag info, comparing draft if (page instanceof Page) { value.tagString = ((Page) page).getTagString(); value.content = ((Page) page).getContent() == null ? "" : ((Page) page).getContent().getContent(); } else if (page instanceof Draft) { value.content = ((Draft) page).getContent() == null ? "" : ((Draft) page).getContent().getContent(); } else if (page instanceof History) { value.content = ((History) page).getContent() == null ? "" : ((History) page).getContent().getContent(); } value.type = page.getType(); value.level = page.getLevel(); value.attribute = page.getAttribute(); if (currentUser.isAnonymous()) { //anonymous: no favorite, no watch, does not allow save draft. value.attribute = value.attribute | PageAttribute.NO_FAVORITE | PageAttribute.NO_WATCHED | PageAttribute.NO_CREATE_DRAFT; } //create page pieces: text and links value.renderContent = page.getRenderPieces(); value.sidebarRenderContent = page.getSidebarRenderPieces(); value.spaceMenuContent = page.getSpaceMenuPieces(); value.ancenstorList = new ArrayList<PageModel>(); if (page.getAncestorList() != null) { for (AbstractPage parent : page.getAncestorList()) { //only duplicate necessary fields, need adjust according to navbar requirement PageModel parentModel = new PageModel(); parentModel.title = parent.getTitle(); value.ancenstorList.add(parentModel); } } if (coypAttachment != null) { value.attachmentJson = copyAttachmentsJson(page.getAttachments(), currentUser.getUsername(), coypAttachment); } //size of all OPERATIONS, some operation is not available for page, just left it as zero value //plus space admin permission onto position 11 value.permissions = new int[SharedConstants.PAGE_PERM_SIZE]; List<WikiOPERATIONS> perms = page.getWikiOperations(); if (perms != null) { for (WikiOPERATIONS perm : perms) { if (OPERATIONS.ADMIN.equals(perm.operation) || OPERATIONS.EXPORT.equals(perm.operation)) { //13,16, for space value.permissions[SharedConstants.PERM_SPACE_BASE + perm.operation.ordinal()] = 1; } else { value.permissions[perm.operation.ordinal()] = 1; } } } //check if this user have system admin permission List<OPERATIONS> userPerms = currentUser.getWikiPermissions(); if (perms != null) { for (OPERATIONS perm : userPerms) { if (OPERATIONS.ADMIN.equals(perm)) { //index 19 value.permissions[SharedConstants.PERM_INSTNACE_MGM] = 1; break; } } } } public static void copyModelToPage(PageModel value, AbstractPage page, RenderService renderService) { // requireNotified // public String creator; // public String modifier; // public Date modifiedDate; page.setPageUuid(value.pageUuid); Space space = new Space(); space.setUnixName(value.spaceUname); page.setSpace(space); page.setTitle(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(value.title)); // page.setUnixName(WikiUtil.getPageUnixname(value.title)); page.setVersion(value.pageVersion); if (value.linkedBlogs != null && value.linkedBlogs.size() > 0 && (page instanceof Draft || page instanceof Page)) { PageProgress progress; if (page instanceof Draft) { progress = ((Draft) page).getPageProgress(); if (progress == null) { progress = new PageProgress(); ((Draft) page).setPageProgress(progress); } } else { progress = ((Page) page).getPageProgress(); if (progress == null) { progress = new PageProgress(); ((Page) page).setPageProgress(progress); } } List<BlogPostMeta> postList = progress.getLinkExtInfoObject(); if (postList == null) { postList = new ArrayList<BlogPostMeta>(); } for (BlogMeta blog : value.linkedBlogs) { if (blog.getPostValue() != null) postList.add(blog.getPostValue()); } //must reset as it not simple set method - it will convert object to XML stream progress.setLinkExtInfoObject(postList); } //so far, only create/createHome will bring back ParentPageTitle. Otherwise it is null. if (value.parentPageUuid != null) { Page parent = new Page(); parent.setPageUuid(value.parentPageUuid); parent.setSpace(space); page.setParent(parent); } // page.setType(value.type); page.setAttribute(value.attribute); page.setVisibleAttachmentNodeList(value.visibleAttachments); if (page instanceof Page) { PageContent pageContent = new PageContent(); if (value.isRichContent) { pageContent.setContent(renderService.renderHTMLtoMarkup(value.spaceUname, value.content)); } else { pageContent.setContent(value.content); } ((Page) page).setContent(pageContent); ((Page) page).setTagString(value.tagString); ((Page) page).setNewPageType(value.newPageType); } else { DraftContent pageContent = new DraftContent(); if (value.isRichContent) { pageContent.setContent(renderService.renderHTMLtoMarkup(value.spaceUname, value.content)); } else { pageContent.setContent(value.content); } ((Draft) page).setContent(pageContent); //does not set tag for draft } //page attachment if (value.attachmentList != null) { List<FileNode> attachments = new ArrayList<FileNode>(); for (Iterator<String> iter = value.attachmentList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String nodeUuid =; FileNode node = new FileNode(); node.setNodeUuid(nodeUuid); attachments.add(node); } page.setAttachments(attachments); } } public static PageItemModel copyToPageItem(AbstractPage page) { User currentUser = WikiUtil.getUser(); PageItemModel model = new PageItemModel(); model.uid = page.getUid(); model.uuid = page.getPageUuid(); //pageHistory does not return space object if (page.getSpace() != null) model.spaceUname = page.getSpace().getUnixName(); model.title = page.getTitle(); if (page.getModifier() != null) { model.modifier = page.getModifier().getFullname(); model.modifierUsername = page.getModifier().getUsername(); model.modifierPortrait = UserUtil.getPortraitUrl(page.getModifier().getPortrait()); } else { //Anonymous User anony = WikiUtil.getAnonymous(); model.modifier = anony.getFullname(); model.modifierUsername = anony.getUsername(); model.modifierPortrait = UserUtil.getPortraitUrl(null); } model.modifiedDate = DateUtil.getLocalDate(currentUser, page.getModifiedDate()); model.type = page.getType(); model.isCurrent = (page instanceof Page) ? true : false; model.version = page.getVersion(); return model; } public static String copyAttachmentsJson(List<FileNode> attList, String currentUserName, PageType coypAttachment) { List<FileNode> userAttList = new ArrayList<FileNode>(); if (attList != null && attList.size() > 0) { for (FileNode node : attList) { //this node is manual draft or auto draft if (node.getStatus() > 0) { if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(node.getCreateor(), currentUserName) || coypAttachment == PageType.NONE_DRAFT) { //if user is not current user, it means it is other person's draft, then remove continue; } //I comment this filter(2009/06/17) because I think this can maximum ensure user upload works. //If do below filter, it causes confuse sometimes. For example, user upload foo.png and save manual //draft then exit, if go back editing, upload image bar.png, if reload manual draft, the bar.png is gone as //it is auto-draft status yet. But if at beginning, user only keep auto draft, then reload will load //both images as they both status are auto-draft... confused here - if I upload an image bar.png, // this image kept if I restore auto draft, but it is gone if I restore manual draft? So anyway, // I always load all status attachment whatever the request... //could be COPY_ATTACHMENT_WITH_DRAFT,COPY_ATTACHMENT_WITH_AUTOSAVE, //Auto-save also need load manual draft attachment, but manual does not load auto's // if(coypAttachment < node.getStatus() ){ // continue; // } } userAttList.add(node); } Gson gson = new Gson(); return gson.toJson(userAttList); } //empty json return "{}"; } //******************************************************************** // Private methods //******************************************************************** /** * Copy drafts (may contain auto and manual) to PageModel draftUid,draftDate(manual) and autoSavedUid,autoSavedDate * @param drafts * @param model * @param user */ public static void copyDraftStatus(List<Draft> drafts, PageModel model, User user) { if (drafts != null) { for (Draft draft : drafts) { if (draft.getType() == PageType.MANUAL_DRAFT) { model.draftUid = draft.getUid(); model.draftDate = DateUtil.getLocalDate(user, draft.getModifiedDate()); } else if (draft.getType() == PageType.AUTO_DRAFT) { model.autoSaveUid = draft.getUid(); model.autoSaveDate = DateUtil.getLocalDate(user, draft.getModifiedDate()); } } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static ArrayList<PageItemModel> copyPageItem(List pages, int copySize) { ArrayList<PageItemModel> models = new ArrayList<PageItemModel>(); //chose minimum one int size = (pages.size() < copySize || copySize <= 0) ? pages.size() : copySize; for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) { AbstractPage page = (AbstractPage) pages.get(idx); //only copy necessary fields, so don't use PageUtil.copy() PageItemModel model = copyToPageItem(page); models.add(model); } return models; } /** * @param node * @param attModel * @param user */ public static void copyAttachmentToModel(FileNode node, AttachmentModel attModel, User user) { // attModel.index=node.; attModel.nodeUuid = node.getNodeUuid(); attModel.version = node.getVersion(); //display element attModel.filename = node.getFilename(); attModel.creator = node.getCreateor(); = DateUtil.getLocalDate(user, new Date(node.getDate())); //bytes attModel.size = node.getSize(); attModel.desc = node.getComment(); attModel.draftStatus = node.getStatus(); } //******************************************************************** // comments methods //******************************************************************** public static CommentModel copyCommentToModel(PageComment comment, User currentUser) { CommentModel model = new CommentModel(); if (comment.getCreator() != null) { = comment.getCreator().getFullname(); model.authorUsername = comment.getCreator().getUsername(); model.authorPortrait = UserUtil.getPortraitUrl(comment.getCreator().getPortrait()); } else { User user = WikiUtil.getAnonymous(); model.authorUsername = user.getUsername(); = user.getFullname(); model.authorPortrait = UserUtil.getPortraitUrl(null); } model.body = comment.getBody(); model.uid = comment.getUid(); if (comment.getParent() != null) model.parentUid = comment.getParent().getUid(); if (comment.getRoot() != null) model.rootUid = comment.getRoot().getUid(); model.level = comment.getLevel(); model.hide = comment.isHide(); model.modifiedDate = DateUtil.getLocalDate(currentUser, comment.getCreatedDate()); return model; } /** * @return */ public static PageComment copyModelToComment(CommentModel msg) { PageComment comment = new PageComment(); comment.setBody(msg.body); if (msg.parentUid != null) { PageComment parent = new PageComment(); parent.setUid(msg.parentUid); comment.setParent(parent); } if (msg.rootUid != null) { PageComment root = new PageComment(); root.setUid(msg.rootUid); comment.setParent(root); } //hide? comment.setHide(msg.hide); return comment; } }