Java tutorial
/* * ============================================================= * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Edgenius ( * ============================================================= * License Information: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * * **************************************************************** */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Dapeng.Ni * */ // This Class name is use in Javascript, please be careful when refactor class name public class MCEInsertTableDialog extends MCEDialog implements ClickHandler { private static final int DEFAULT_BORDER_SIZE = 1; private RadioButton asTable = new RadioButton("options", Msg.consts.as_table()); private RadioButton asGrid = new RadioButton("options", Msg.consts.as_grid()); private TextBox rows = new TextBox(); private TextBox cols = new TextBox(); private TextBox gridRows = new TextBox(); private TextBox gridCols = new TextBox(); private TextBox border = new TextBox(); // private CheckBox hasCaption = new CheckBox(Msg.consts.has_caption()); private CheckBox hasTitle = new CheckBox(Msg.consts.first_row_title()); private String width; private String height; private ColorPicker bkPicker = new ColorPicker(SharedConstants.TABLE_BG_DEFAULT_COLOR, null); private ColorPicker borderPicker = new ColorPicker(SharedConstants.TABLE_BORDER_DEFAULT_COLOR, null); private DeckPanel deck = new DeckPanel(); private boolean update; /** * @param tiny */ public MCEInsertTableDialog(TinyMCE tiny, boolean update) { super(tiny); this.update = update; this.setText(Msg.consts.insert_table()); FlexTable options = new FlexTable(); options.setWidget(0, 0, asTable); options.setWidget(0, 1, asGrid); asTable.setValue(true); asTable.addClickHandler(this); asGrid.addClickHandler(this); options.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); options.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 1, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); options.setStyleName(Css.OPTIONS); FlexTable tableParamLayout = new FlexTable(); tableParamLayout.setWidget(0, 0, new Label(Msg.consts.rows())); tableParamLayout.setWidget(0, 1, rows); tableParamLayout.setWidget(0, 2, new Label(Msg.consts.cols())); tableParamLayout.setWidget(0, 3, cols); tableParamLayout.setWidget(1, 0, new Label(Msg.consts.bk_color())); tableParamLayout.setWidget(1, 1, bkPicker); tableParamLayout.setWidget(1, 2, new Label(Msg.consts.border_color())); tableParamLayout.setWidget(1, 3, borderPicker); tableParamLayout.setWidget(2, 0, new Label(Msg.consts.border())); tableParamLayout.setWidget(2, 1, border); tableParamLayout.setWidget(2, 2, hasTitle); tableParamLayout.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(2, 2, 2); tableParamLayout.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(0, "120px"); tableParamLayout.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(2, "120px"); rows.setStyleName(Css.TINY_TEXT_BOX); cols.setStyleName(Css.TINY_TEXT_BOX); border.setStyleName(Css.TINY_TEXT_BOX); FlexTable gridParamLayout = new FlexTable(); gridParamLayout.setWidget(0, 0, new Label(Msg.consts.rows())); gridParamLayout.setWidget(0, 1, gridRows); gridParamLayout.setWidget(0, 2, new Label(Msg.consts.cols())); gridParamLayout.setWidget(0, 3, gridCols); gridRows.setStyleName(Css.TINY_TEXT_BOX); gridCols.setStyleName(Css.TINY_TEXT_BOX); tableParamLayout.setWidth("100%"); tableParamLayout.setCellSpacing(5); gridParamLayout.setWidth("100%"); gridParamLayout.setCellSpacing(5); options.setWidth("100%"); options.setCellSpacing(5); deck.setWidth("100%"); deck.insert(tableParamLayout, 0); deck.insert(gridParamLayout, 1); if (update) { JsArrayString list = getProperties(); if (list.get(8).toLowerCase().indexOf("macrogrid") != -1) { asGrid.setValue(true); gridRows.setText(list.get(0)); gridCols.setText(list.get(1)); //set it to same value for switch back rows.setText(list.get(0)); cols.setText(list.get(1)); //disable some unable to change attributes gridRows.setEnabled(false); gridCols.setEnabled(false); deck.showWidget(1); } else { asTable.setValue(true); deck.showWidget(0); //this sequence is according to method getProperties() on table.js in TinyMCE table plugin rows.setText(list.get(0)); cols.setText(list.get(1)); gridRows.setText(list.get(0)); gridCols.setText(list.get(1)); final String color = StringUtil.isBlank(list.get(2)) ? SharedConstants.TABLE_BG_DEFAULT_COLOR : list.get(2); if (GwtClientUtils.isIE()) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { //stupid IE need this deferred set bkPicker.setColor(color); } }); } else bkPicker.setColor(color); final String bcolor = StringUtil.isBlank(list.get(3)) ? SharedConstants.TABLE_BORDER_DEFAULT_COLOR : list.get(3); if (GwtClientUtils.isIE()) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { //stupid IE need this deferred set borderPicker.setColor(bcolor); } }); } else borderPicker.setColor(bcolor); hasTitle.setValue(BooleanUtil.toBoolean(list.get(4))); width = GwtUtils.removeUnit(list.get(5)); height = GwtUtils.removeUnit(list.get(6)); String borderS = GwtUtils.removeUnit(list.get(7)); border.setText(StringUtil.isBlank(borderS) ? DEFAULT_BORDER_SIZE + "" : borderS); //disable some unable to change attributes rows.setEnabled(false); cols.setEnabled(false); } } else { //initial values gridRows.setText("1"); gridCols.setText("3"); rows.setText("2"); cols.setText("2"); border.setText("1"); hasTitle.setValue(true); deck.showWidget(0); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { rows.setFocus(true); } }); } VerticalPanel form = new VerticalPanel(); form.setWidth("100%"); form.add(options); form.add(deck); this.setWidget(form); } @Override protected void okEvent() { int row; int col; String borderColor = "", bgColor = "", borderWidth = "", cellpadding = "", cellspacing = "", clz; StringBuilder styleBuf = new StringBuilder(); String hasTitleB = "false"; if (asGrid.getValue()) { row = NumberUtil.toInt(gridRows.getText(), -1); col = NumberUtil.toInt(gridCols.getText(), -1); if (row <= 0 || col <= 0) { Window.alert(Msg.consts.error_input_number_only()); return; } styleBuf.append("border-width:0px;width:100%;"); //!!!please note: this size has same value in, please keep consist. cellpadding = "5"; cellspacing = "5"; clz = "macroGrid"; } else { clz = "macroTable"; row = NumberUtil.toInt(rows.getText(), -1); col = NumberUtil.toInt(cols.getText(), -1); if (row <= 0 || col <= 0) { Window.alert(Msg.consts.error_input_number_only()); return; } hasTitleB = Boolean.valueOf(hasTitle.getValue()).toString(); int borderN = NumberUtil.toInt(border.getText(), -1); if (borderN == -1) { border.setText("0"); borderN = 0; } //according to TinyMCE, style string is for creating table, hidden is for update use //although style=border-color is useless as it must put into td/th level,but it is useful to //get back this value when editing table properties if (!SharedConstants.TABLE_BORDER_DEFAULT_COLOR.equalsIgnoreCase(borderPicker.getColor())) { borderColor = borderPicker.getColor(); styleBuf.append("border-color:").append(borderColor); } if (!SharedConstants.TABLE_BG_DEFAULT_COLOR.equalsIgnoreCase(bkPicker.getColor())) { //only background color is not white. if (styleBuf.length() > 0) styleBuf.append(";"); bgColor = bkPicker.getColor(); styleBuf.append("background-color:").append(bgColor); } if (!StringUtil.isBlank(width)) { if (styleBuf.length() > 0) styleBuf.append(";"); styleBuf.append("width:").append(width); } if (!StringUtil.isBlank(height)) { if (styleBuf.length() > 0) styleBuf.append(";"); styleBuf.append("height:").append(height); } //border also pass to client even it is default size, this makes "1px solid #121212" valid borderWidth = borderN + "px"; if (borderN != DEFAULT_BORDER_SIZE) { if (styleBuf.length() > 0) styleBuf.append(";"); styleBuf.append("border-width:").append(borderWidth); } } //Original design is use form.elements['name'].value to retrieve values. But fuck IE, it does work: // //It means pure javascript can not get value by name. So I collect them into list then pass it to javascript. Fuck IE again. JsArrayString input = (JsArrayString) JavaScriptObject.createArray(); input.set(0, String.valueOf(row)); input.set(1, String.valueOf(col)); input.set(2, bgColor); input.set(3, borderColor); input.set(4, hasTitleB); input.set(5, borderWidth); input.set(6, styleBuf.toString()); input.set(7, cellpadding); input.set(8, cellspacing); input.set(9, clz); tiny.restoreEditorBookmark(); if (update) { updateTable(input); } else { //insert table insertTable(input); } close(); } public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == asGrid) { deck.showWidget(1); } else { deck.showWidget(0); } } private native void updateTable(JsArrayString input) /*-{ $wnd.action='update'; $wnd.insertTable(input); }-*/; private native void insertTable(JsArrayString input) /*-{ $wnd.action='insert'; $wnd.insertTable(input); }-*/; private native JsArrayString getProperties() /*-{ return $wnd.getProperties(); }-*/; }