Java tutorial
/*********************************************** This file is part of the Edge Home Theater project ( Edge Home Theater is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Edge Home Theater is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Edge Home Theater. If not, see <>. ***********************************************/ package com.edgehometheater; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.json.*; import com.edgehometheater.util.*; import com.edgehometheater.mediainfo.*; import com.github.savvasdalkitsis.jtmdb.*; import net.freeutils.httpserver.HTTPServer.*; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class IndexMoviesContext implements ContextHandler { protected String moviesPath = ""; protected static boolean indexing = false; public IndexMoviesContext(String path) { moviesPath = path; } public boolean Status() { return indexing; } @Context("/indexmovies") public int serve(Request req, Response resp) throws IOException { // Check if we are already indexing if (!indexing) { indexing = true; // Create thread for scanning media in background Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { int count = IndexMovies(moviesPath); indexing = false; } }; // Start thread to index movies in background t.start(); } // Let client know indexing is inprogress try { JSONObject listJson = new JSONObject(); listJson.put("status", "inprogress"); String baseJson = listJson.toString(); resp.send(200, baseJson); } catch (Exception ex) { } return 0; } public int IndexMovies(String directory) { int count = 0; File movieDir = new File(directory); String[] movieFiles = movieDir.list(new MovieFilter()); for (String movieFile : movieFiles) { File file = new File(movieDir.toString() + "/" + movieFile); // Sub-directory if (file.isDirectory()) { int subCount = IndexMovies(directory + "/" + file.getName()); count = count + subCount; continue; } // check if we already indexed this file in the Sqlite3 DB String relativeMovieFile = file.getAbsolutePath().replace(moviesPath + "\\", "") .replace(moviesPath + "/", "").replace("\\", "/"); if (MovieDB.MovieExists(relativeMovieFile).length() > 0) { // skip this movie continue; } // count of movies processed count++; MetaData metaData = new MetaData(); metaData.setMovieID(GeneralUtils.getUniqueId()); metaData.setMovieFile(relativeMovieFile); try { // Lookup media stream info, bitrate, width x height, framerate, duration, format, etc.. MediaInfo info = new MediaInfo();; int i = 0; //String format = info.get(MediaInfo.StreamKind.Video, i, "Format", // MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text, MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name); String bitRate = info.get(MediaInfo.StreamKind.Video, i, "BitRate", MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text, MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name); String frameRate = info.get(MediaInfo.StreamKind.Video, i, "FrameRate", MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text, MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name); String width = info.get(MediaInfo.StreamKind.Video, i, "Width", MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text, MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name); String height = info.get(MediaInfo.StreamKind.Video, i, "Height", MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text, MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name); String duration = info.get(MediaInfo.StreamKind.Video, i, "Duration", MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text, MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name); info.close(); info.dispose(); // Convert values, BitRate to Kbps, Duration to seconds Float bitRateFloat = new Float(bitRate) / 1000; int bitRateKbps = Math.round(bitRateFloat); int durationSecs = Integer.parseInt(duration) / 1000; //metaData.setFormat(format); metaData.setFrameRate(frameRate); metaData.setBitRate(bitRateKbps); metaData.setWidth(Integer.parseInt(width)); metaData.setHeight(Integer.parseInt(height)); metaData.setDuration(durationSecs); } catch (Exception ex) { //System.out.println("Failed: " + ex.getMessage()); continue; } // Get filename minus extension and then extension minus filename String nameMovie = file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().lastIndexOf(".")).replaceAll("_", " "); String extension = file.getName().substring(file.getName().lastIndexOf(".") + 1); // Hack for now metaData.setFormat(extension); // set initial title value based on filename. in case we can't lookup title from TMDb metaData.setTitle(nameMovie); // Lookup movie info from TMDb try { GeneralSettings.setApiKey("24498a4aee4e3f8205f29c0197261ce1"); List<Movie> movies =; if (movies != null && movies.size() > 0) { Movie movie = movies.get(0); Movie movieFull = Movie.getInfo(movie.getID()); // Get movie info metaData.setTitle(movie.getName()); metaData.setDescription(movie.getOverview()); metaData.setRating(movie.getCertification()); int year = movieFull.getReleasedDate().getYear(); year = year + 1900; metaData.setReleaseDate(year); // Get movie genres Set<Genre> genres = movieFull.getGenres(); for (Genre genre : genres) { metaData.getGenres().add(genre.getName()); } // Get cast of movie, actors, directors, etc. for (CastInfo cast : movieFull.getCast()) { // job is 'Actor' or 'Director' String job = cast.getJob(); if (job.toLowerCase().equals("actor")) { metaData.getActors().add(cast.getName()); } if (job.toLowerCase().equals("director")) { metaData.getDirectors().add(cast.getName()); } } // Get first poster image for cover and save it to the disk MovieImages images = movie.getImages(); if (images.posters.size() > 0) { MoviePoster poster = (MoviePoster) images.posters.toArray()[0]; URL imageUrl = poster.getImage(MoviePoster.Size.COVER); // Get image filename String imageFile = imageUrl.getFile().substring(imageUrl.getFile().lastIndexOf("/") + 1); // Create images folder if doesn't exist File imageDir = new File("images"); imageDir.mkdirs(); // Save image file GeneralUtils.saveImage(imageUrl, "images/" + imageFile); metaData.setPosterImage("images/" + imageFile); } } else { //System.out.println("Failed to get TMDb data: " + metaData.getTitle()); } } catch (Exception ex) { //System.out.println("Failed: " + ex.getMessage()); } // If we make it this far, then we have data to store for this movie in the Sqlite3 DB MovieDB.MovieInsert(metaData); } return count; } } class MovieFilter implements FilenameFilter { /** * Select only *.mp4, *.m4v files. * * @param dir the directory in which the file was found. * * @param name the name of the file * * @return true if and only if the name should be * included in the file list; false otherwise. */ public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { if (new File(dir, name).isDirectory()) { return true; } name = name.toLowerCase(); return name.endsWith(".mp4") || name.endsWith(".m4v"); } }