Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) 2013, EcoFactor, All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of EcoFactor * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with * EcoFactor. */ package; import static*; import static*; import static*; import static*; import static*; import static*; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class AndroidOperations. * @author $Author:$ * @version $Rev:$ $Date:$ */ public class AndroidOperations extends AbstractMobileOperations { private static final String ECOFACTOR_APK = "/EcoFactor-Android/EcoFactorNew.apk"; private static final String DEVICE_STATE = ".state"; private static final String NATIVE_APP = "NATIVE_APP"; private static final String WEBVIEW = "WEBVIEW"; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AndroidOperations.class); private static final String DEFAULT_PORT = "4723"; /** * Creates the cmd for device info. * @param deviceId the device id * @return the list * @see */ @Override protected List<String> createCmdForDeviceInfo(final String deviceId) { return arrayToList("adb", "-s", deviceId, "shell", "cat", "/system/build.prop"); } /** * Gets the device props map. * @param deviceId the device id * @param deviceVersionMap the device version map * @return the device props map * @throws DeviceException the device exception * @see, * java.util.Map) */ @Override protected void getDevicePropsMap(final String deviceId, final Map<String, String> deviceVersionMap) throws DeviceException { if (deviceProps.get(deviceId + DEVICE_STATE).equals("unauthorized")) { killExistingProcess(); getDeviceIds(); smallWait(); } if (deviceProps.get(deviceId + DEVICE_STATE).equals("Online")) { deviceProps.put(deviceId + ".Id", deviceId); updateDeviceProperties(deviceId); deviceVersionMap.put(deviceProps.getProperty(deviceId + ".Version"), deviceId); } else { setErrorMsg("Mobile device with ID '" + deviceId + "' is " + deviceProps.get(deviceId + DEVICE_STATE)); hasErrors = true; setLogString("\033[41;1m" + getErrorMsg(), true); throw new DeviceException(getErrorMsg()); } } /** * Update device properties. * @param deviceId the device id */ private void updateDeviceProperties(final String deviceId) { final Map<String, String> propertyMap = getPropertyFromArray(getDeviceInfo(deviceId), "="); deviceProps.put(deviceId + ".Brand", propertyMap.get("ro.product.brand")); deviceProps.put(deviceId + ".Model", propertyMap.get("ro.product.model")); deviceProps.put(deviceId + ".Version", propertyMap.get("")); deviceProps.put(deviceId + ".OsName", getOsName(propertyMap.get(""))); deviceProps.put(deviceId + ".WIFI", getWiFiConnectionState()); } /** * Creates the device driver. * @return the web driver * @throws DeviceException the device exception * @see */ @Override public WebDriver createDeviceDriver() throws DeviceException { return createMobileInstance(false); } /** * Creates the mobile instance. * @param deviceType the device type * @return the web driver * @throws DeviceException the device exception */ private WebDriver createMobileInstance(final boolean deviceType) throws DeviceException { if (!hasErrors) { try { setLogString(LogSection.START, deviceType ? "Uninstalling App" : "Installing App", true); final File app = getAppPath(); setLogString("App Location : " + app.getPath(), true); final DesiredCapabilities capabilities = setDriverCapabilities(deviceType, app); setLogString("Launch webdriver", true); final WebDriver driver = new SwipeableWebDriver(new URL(getAppiumHostUrl()), capabilities); setLogString(LogSection.END, "App Process Completed", true); return driver; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof HttpHostConnectException) { setErrorMsg("\033[41;1mAppium not started, Please start."); setLogString(LogSection.END, errorMsg, true); hasErrors = true; throw new DeviceException(getErrorMsg()); } logInitializationError(ex); } } return null; } /** * Gets the app path. * @return the app path */ private File getAppPath() { final File appDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")); return new File(appDir, ECOFACTOR_APK); } /** * Sets the driver capabilities. * @param deviceType the device type * @param app the app * @return the desired capabilities */ private DesiredCapabilities setDriverCapabilities(final boolean deviceType, final File app) { final DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); capabilities.setCapability("device", deviceType ? "Android" : "Selendroid"); capabilities.setCapability("launch", deviceType ? "false" : "true"); setHubCapabilities(capabilities); capabilities.setCapability("app", app.getAbsolutePath()); capabilities.setCapability("app-package", ""); capabilities.setCapability("app-activity", ""); capabilities.setJavascriptEnabled(true); return capabilities; } /** * Perform device cleanup. * @throws DeviceException the device exception * @see */ @Override public void performCleanup() throws DeviceException { final WebDriver driver = createMobileInstance(true); if (driver != null) { setLogString("Quit existing driver", true); driver.quit(); } } /** * Start Appium server. * @see */ @Override public void startAppiumServer() { setLogString(LogSection.START, "Start appium server", true); final String deviceId = getDeviceIdParam(); if (!deviceProps.get(deviceId + DEVICE_STATE).equals("Online")) { setLogString("Appium will not be started since the device state is = " + deviceProps.get(deviceId + DEVICE_STATE) + ".", true); return; } final String appiumHome = System.getenv("APPIUM_HOME"); setLogString("APPIUM_HOME : " + appiumHome, true); if (appiumHome == null || appiumHome.isEmpty()) { setErrorMsg("\033[41;1mPlease set APPIUM_HOME environment variable and try again."); setLogString(errorMsg, true); hasErrors = true; return; } generateNodeConfig(); final List<String> commands = arrayToList("node", ".", "-U", deviceId, "-p", DEFAULT_PORT, "--full-reset"); String listToString = StringUtil.listToString(commands, " "); final int indexOfK = listToString.lastIndexOf("/k"); listToString = listToString.substring(indexOfK + 2, listToString.length()); setLogString("Command to Start Appium Server:" + listToString, true); final ProcessBuilder process = new ProcessBuilder(commands); File(appiumHome)); process.redirectOutput(new File("outPut.txt")); process.redirectError(new File("error.txt")); startProcessBuilder(process); mediumWait(); setLogString(LogSection.END, "Started appium server", true); } /** * Get deviceIds. * @return the device ids * @see */ @Override protected String[] getDeviceIds() { final String[] result = runCommands(arrayToList("adb", "devices")); if (result != null) { final List<String> resultList = arrayToList(result); final List<String> deviceIdList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final String lineValue : resultList) { if (!lineValue.contains("daemon") && !lineValue.contains("attached")) { final String[] temp = lineValue.split("\t"); deviceIdList.add(temp[0].trim()); final String deviceState = temp[1].contains("device") ? "Online" : temp[1].trim(); deviceProps.put(temp[0].trim() + DEVICE_STATE, deviceState); } } final String[] deviceId = new String[deviceIdList.size()]; deviceIdList.toArray(deviceId); return deviceId; } return null; } /** * Stop appium server. * @see */ @Override public void stopAppiumServer() { setLogString(LogSection.START, "Stop APPIUM server if any appium session is running", true); final boolean isExists = isAppiumServerRunning("Stop"); if (isExists) { setLogString("Stopped existing appium server", true); } else { setLogString("No Appium Server is running", true); } setLogString(LogSection.END, "Verification Completed", true); } /** * The main method. * @param args the arguments * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws DeviceException the device exception */ public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException, DeviceException { final AndroidOperations androidOps = new AndroidOperations(); androidOps.cleanAndStartAppium(); } /** * Cleanup driver for close. * @see */ @Override protected void cleanupDriverForClose() { // No implementation. } /** * Gets the device brand model. * @param deviceId the device id * @return the device brand model */ public String getDeviceBrandModel(final String deviceId) { final Map<String, String> propertyMap = getPropertyFromArray(getDeviceInfo(deviceId), "="); final String brandModel = propertyMap.get("ro.product.brand") + propertyMap.get("ro.product.model"); return brandModel; } /** * Verify Appium server is running. */ @Override protected void verifyAppiumServerIsRunning() { setLogString("Verify Appium server is running", true); final boolean isRunning = isAppiumServerRunning("Start"); setLogString("Appium server is " + (isRunning ? "" : "not ") + "running", true); } /** * Display app info. * @see */ @Override public void displayAppInfo() { final String[] apkInfo = runCommands(arrayToList("aapt", "d", "badging", getAppPath().getAbsolutePath())); final Map<String, String> propertyMap = getPropertyFromArray(apkInfo, ":"); final String[] apk = propertyMap.get("package").split(" "); LOGGER.debug("Package" + apk[0] + " " + "APK" + apk[1] + " " + "APK" + apk[2]); final String apkVersionCode = apk[1].split("=")[1]; final String apkVersion = apk[2].split("=")[1]; System.setProperty("buildVersion", apkVersion); System.setProperty("buildCode", apkVersionCode); } /** * Switch to web view. * @see */ @Override public void switchToWebView() { getDeviceDriver().switchTo().window(WEBVIEW); } /** * Switch to native. * @see */ @Override public void switchToNative() { getDeviceDriver().switchTo().window(NATIVE_APP); } /** * Generate node config json for registering Appium with the Selenium Hub. */ private void generateNodeConfig() { final NodeConfigForGrid nodeConfig = new NodeConfigForGrid(); nodeConfig.setCapabilities(createGridCapabilities()); nodeConfig.setConfiguration(createGridConfig()); JsonUtil.writeJsonToFile(nodeConfig, getNodeConfigPath()); } /** * Gets the node config path. * @return the node config path */ private String getNodeConfigPath() { return System.getProperty("user.dir") + "nodeConfig.json"; } /** * Creates the Selenium grid capabilities. * @return the list */ private List<GridCapability> createGridCapabilities() { final List<GridCapability> capabilities = new ArrayList<>(); final GridCapability capability = new GridCapability(); capability.setBrowserName("Android"); capability.setMaxInstances(1); capability.setPlatform(DesktopOSType.WINDOWS); capability.setVersion(deviceProps.getProperty(getDeviceIdParam() + ".Version")); capabilities.add(capability); return capabilities; } /** * Creates the Selenium grid config. * @return the grid configuration */ private GridConfiguration createGridConfig() { final GridConfiguration configuration = new GridConfiguration(); configuration.setCleanUpCycle(2000); configuration.setTimeout(30000); configuration.setProxy("org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy"); configuration.setPort(Integer.parseInt(getMobilePortParam())); configuration.setMaxSession(1); configuration.setRegisterCycle(5000); configuration.setRegister(true); configuration.setUrl(getAppiumHostUrl()); configuration.setHost(SystemUtil.getHostName()); configuration.setHubHost( hasSeleniumHubParam() ? JenkinsParamUtil.getSeleniumHubHost() : ""); configuration .setHubPort(hasSeleniumHubParam() ? Integer.parseInt(JenkinsParamUtil.getSeleniumHubPort()) : 4444); return configuration; } }