Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) 2014, EcoFactor, All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of EcoFactor * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with * EcoFactor. */ package; import static*; import static*; import static*; import static*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.joda.time.LocalTime; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import; import org.testng.Assert; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class ThermostatPageUIImpl. * @author $Author: vprasannaa $ * @version $Rev: 32864 $ $Date: 2014-11-25 18:53:13 +0530 (Tue, 25 Nov 2014) $ */ public class ThermostatPageUIImpl extends AbstractAuthenticationPageImpl implements ThermostatPageUI { private static final String SETPOINT = ".setPoint"; private static final String MENU = "menuClick"; // private static final String THERMOSTAT_CONTAINER = "div.thermostat_container"; private static final String THERMOSTAT_CONTAINER = "div.thermostat_switcher_container"; private static final String THERMOSTAT_CONTAINER_NAME = "div.ts_menu_thermostat_name"; private static final String CURRENT_TEMPERATURE = "currentTemperature"; private static final String LOCATION_NAME = "location_name"; private static final String TH_AXIS_CONTAINER = "temperature_axis_container"; private static final String OFF_MODE_BACK = "div.modeDialog.offModeBox"; private static final String LEFT_NEUTRAL = "leftTempDiff neutralPosition"; private static final String UNUSED_BTM_CONTAINER = "unused_bottom_container"; private static final String UNUSED_TOP_CONTAINER = "unused_top_container"; private static final String TSTAT_HEADER = "div.thermostatHeader"; private static final String LEFT_TEMP_BOTTOM_POSITION = ".leftTempDiff.bottomPosition"; private static final String LEFT_TEMP_TOP_POSITION = ".leftTempDiff.topPosition"; private static final String RIGHT_TEMP_BOTTOM_POSITION = ".rightTempDiff.bottomPosition"; private static final String RIGHT_TEMP_TOP_POSITION = ".rightTempDiff.topPosition"; private static final String LOCATION_CONTAINER = "div.thermostat_switcher_container"; private static final String LOCATION_CONTAINER_NAME = "div.location_row"; private static final String SLIDING_TEMPERATURE_CONTAINER = "sliding_temperature_container"; private static final String SAVINGS = "div.savingsAmount"; private static final String HOME_ICON = "away_footer_container"; private static final String OFFLINE = "not connected"; private static final String THERMOSTAT_NOT_INSTALLED = "Thermostat is not installed"; private static final String THERMOSTAT_NOT_CONNECTED = "Thermostat not connected"; private static final String ERROR_MODEBOX = "div.modeDialog.errorModeBox"; private static final String MODEL_LABEL = "modeLabel"; private static final String CURRENT_LINE_AXIS = "div.leftDiffBorder"; private static final String TARGET_LINE_AXIS = "div.rightDiffBorder"; private static final String SETPOINT_CONTAINER = ".setPointContainer"; private static final String ERROR_MODE_INFO = "errorModeInfo"; // private static final String SAVINGS_ENERGY = ".fadein_text.savingsLink"; private static final String SAVINGS_ENERGY = ".fadein_text"; private static final String SAVINGS_ENERGY_FADE = ".fadein_text"; private static final String BOTTOM_POSITION = "bottomPosition"; private static final String NEUTRAL_POSITION = "neutralPosition"; private static final String TOP_POSITION = "topPosition"; private static final String LEFT_TEMP_DIFF = "leftTempDiff"; private static final String RIGHT_TEMP_DIFF = "rightTempDiff"; private static final String THERMOSTAT_SWITCHER_ICON = "thermostat_switcher_icon"; private static final String SAVINGS_AMOUNT = "savingsAmount"; private static final String BACKGROUND_IMAGE = "background-image"; private static final String GRADIENT_BACKGROUND = "thermostatGradientBackground"; private static final String THERMOSTAT_NAME_HEADER = "div.thermostat_name.small_text"; private static final String OUTSIDE_TEMPERATURE = "div.outsideTemperature"; private static final String TARGET_CIRCLE = "div.setPointInfo"; @Inject protected LoginPage loginPage; @Inject protected ThermostatPageUI thPageUI; @Inject protected MobileConfig mobileConfig; private LocalTime pageLoadTimeOnLogin; /** * Checks if is page loaded. * @return true, if is page loaded * @see */ @Override public boolean isPageLoaded() { getAction().rejectAlert(); getAction().clickTryAgain(); setLogString("Verify Thermostat Page Loaded.", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(UNUSED_BTM_CONTAINER), TINY_TIMEOUT); isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(UNUSED_TOP_CONTAINER), TINY_TIMEOUT); loginPage.setLoggedIn(true); setPageLoadTimeOnLogin(new LocalTime()); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(TH_AXIS_CONTAINER), TINY_TIMEOUT) && isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(LOCATION_NAME), TINY_TIMEOUT) && isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(MENU), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Checks if is heater on. * @return true, if is heater on */ public boolean isHeaterOn() { setLogString("Is Heater ON", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement leftLine = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(LEFT_TEMP_BOTTOM_POSITION), SHORT_TIMEOUT); final WebElement rightLine = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(RIGHT_TEMP_TOP_POSITION), SHORT_TIMEOUT); return leftLine != null && rightLine != null; } /** * Checks if is ac on. * @return true, if is ac on */ public boolean isAcOn() { setLogString("Is Cooler ON", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement leftLine = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(LEFT_TEMP_TOP_POSITION), SHORT_TIMEOUT); final WebElement rightLine = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(RIGHT_TEMP_BOTTOM_POSITION), SHORT_TIMEOUT); return leftLine != null && rightLine != null; } /** * Checks if is mode off. * @return true, if is mode off * @see */ @Override public boolean isModeOff() { setLogString("Verify the mode is off.", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); final WebElement currentMode = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(OFF_MODE_BACK), TINY_TIMEOUT); return (currentMode != null && currentMode.isDisplayed()) ? true : false; } /** * Gets the no of locations. * @return the no of locations * @see */ @Override public Integer getNoOfLocations() { isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(LOCATION_CONTAINER), TINY_TIMEOUT); final List<WebElement> locationContainer = getElements(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(LOCATION_CONTAINER_NAME), TINY_TIMEOUT); return locationContainer.size(); } /** * Checks if is savings displayed. * @return true, if is savings displayed * @see */ public boolean isSavingsDisplayed() { setLogString("Check Savings Icon is displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(SAVINGS), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Checks if is home icon displayed. * @return true, if is home icon displayed * @see */ @Override public boolean isHomeIconDisplayed() { setLogString("Check Home Icon is displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(HOME_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Checks if is logout icon displayed. * @return true, if is logout icon displayed * @see */ @Override public boolean isMenuIconDisplayed() { setLogString("Check Menu icon is displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(MENU), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Checks if is target temp displayed. * @return true, if is target temp displayed * @see */ @Override public boolean isTargetTempDisplayed() { setLogString("Check target temperature is displayed.", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); final boolean isTargetTempDisplayed = isDisplayedBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(SETPOINT), TINY_TIMEOUT); setLogString("Target temperature displayed : " + isTargetTempDisplayed, true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); return isTargetTempDisplayed; } /** * Checks if is current temp displayed. * @return true, if is current temp displayed * @see */ @Override public boolean isCurrentTempDisplayed() { setLogString("Check current temperature is displayed.", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); final boolean isTargetTempDisplayed = isDisplayedBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector("div.currentTemperature"), TINY_TIMEOUT); return isTargetTempDisplayed; } /** * Checks if is inside temp displayed. * @return true, if is inside temp displayed * @see */ @Override public boolean isInsideTempDisplayed() { setLogString("Check inside temperature is displayed.", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); final boolean isInsideTempDisplayed = isDisplayedBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector("div.currentTemperature"), TINY_TIMEOUT); final WebElement insideTemp = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("div.currentTemperature"), TINY_TIMEOUT); setLogString("Inside temperature is :" + insideTemp.getText(), true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); return isInsideTempDisplayed; } /** * Checks if is idle state. * @return true, if is idle state * @see */ @Override public boolean isIdleState() { setLogString("Verify the state is neutral", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement currentState = getElementByAttr(getDriver(), By.tagName(TAG_DIV), ATTR_CLASS, LEFT_NEUTRAL, SHORT_TIMEOUT); return currentState != null; } /** * Checks if is long dashes not displayed. * @return true, if is long dashes not displayed * @see */ public boolean isLongDashesNotDisplayed() { setLogString("Verify the long dashes between current and target temperature is not displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); final boolean leftValue = isNotDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(LEFT_TEMP_BOTTOM_POSITION), TINY_TIMEOUT); final boolean rightValue = isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(RIGHT_TEMP_TOP_POSITION), TINY_TIMEOUT); return leftValue && !rightValue ? true : false; } /** * Checks if is thermostat not installed. * @return true, if is thermostat not installed * @see */ @Override public boolean isThermostatNotInstalled() { setLogString("Check if thermostat is not installed.", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final String thStatusMsg = getTstatStatusMessage(); return thStatusMsg != null && thStatusMsg.contains(THERMOSTAT_NOT_INSTALLED); } /** * Checks if is thermostat not connected. * @return true, if is thermostat not connected * @see */ @Override public boolean isThermostatNotConnected() { setLogString("Check if thermostat is not installed.", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final String thStatusMsg = getTstatStatusMessage(); return thStatusMsg != null && thStatusMsg.contains(THERMOSTAT_NOT_CONNECTED); } /** * Checks if is thermostat offline. * @return true, if is thermostat offline * @see */ @Override public boolean isThermostatOffline() { waitForPageLoaded(getDriver()); setLogString("Check if thermostat is offline.", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final String thStatusMsg = getTstatStatusMessage(); return thStatusMsg != null && thStatusMsg.contains(OFFLINE); } /** * Checks if is target clickable. * @return true, if is target clickable * @see */ @Override public boolean isTargetClickable() { setLogString("Is target clickable", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement setPointElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(SETPOINT_CONTAINER), TINY_TIMEOUT); return isClickable(getDriver(), setPointElement, TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Checks if is learn more clickable. * @return true, if is learn more clickable * @see */ @Override public boolean isLearnMoreClickable() { setLogString("Is Leran More button clickable", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement errorModeInfoLink = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(ERROR_MODE_INFO), SHORT_TIMEOUT); return isClickable(getDriver(), errorModeInfoLink, TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Gets the page load time on login. * @return the page load time on login * @see */ @Override public LocalTime getPageLoadTimeOnLogin() { return this.pageLoadTimeOnLogin; } /** * Sets the page load time on login. * @param endTime the new page load time on login * @see */ @Override public void setPageLoadTimeOnLogin(LocalTime endTime) { this.pageLoadTimeOnLogin = new LocalTime(endTime); } /** * Gets the no of thermostats. * @return the no of thermostats * @see */ @Override public Integer getNoOfThermostats() { isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(THERMOSTAT_CONTAINER), TINY_TIMEOUT); final List<WebElement> thermostatContainer = getElements(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(THERMOSTAT_CONTAINER_NAME), TINY_TIMEOUT); return thermostatContainer.size(); } /** * Gets the current location name. * @return the current location name * @see */ @Override public String getCurrentLocationName() { String name = ""; final List<WebElement> themostatNameList = getElements(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(TSTAT_HEADER), TINY_TIMEOUT); for (final WebElement webElement : themostatNameList) { if (webElement.isDisplayed()) { final WebElement themostatName = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.className(LOCATION_NAME), TINY_TIMEOUT); final String locationName = themostatName.getText(); if (locationName.contains("-")) { final int tstaNameIndex = locationName.lastIndexOf("-"); name = locationName.substring(tstaNameIndex + 1, locationName.length()); setLogString("Current Location Name : " + name, true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); } break; } } return name; } /** * Gets the current thermostat name. * @return the current thermostat name */ @Override public String getCurrentThermostatName() { String name = ""; final WebElement locationName = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.className(LOCATION_NAME), TINY_TIMEOUT); final String tstDetails = locationName.getText(); if (tstDetails.contains("-")) { final int tstaNameIndex = tstDetails.lastIndexOf("-"); name = tstDetails.substring(0, tstaNameIndex); setLogString("Current Thermostat Name : " + name, true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); } return name; } /** * Gets the current mode. * @return the current mode * @return, current mode */ @Override public String getCurrentMode() { setLogString("Get current mode", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final String currentMode = getCurrentThermostatContainer().getAttribute(ATTR_CLASS); String mode = ""; if (currentMode.contains("heatContainer")) { mode = "heat"; } else if (currentMode.contains("coolContainer")) { mode = "cool"; } else { mode = "off"; } setLogString("Current mode: " + mode, true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); return mode; } /** * Gets the current temperature. * @return the current temperature * @see */ @Override public String getCurrentTemperature() { setLogString("Get current temperature", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); isDisplayedBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.className(CURRENT_TEMPERATURE), TINY_TIMEOUT); final WebElement currentTempElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.className(CURRENT_TEMPERATURE), TINY_TIMEOUT); Assert.assertNotNull(currentTempElement.getText(), "Current Temperature is not displayed"); setLogString("Current Temperature: " + currentTempElement.getText(), true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final String currentTemperature = currentTempElement.getText().toString(); return currentTemperature; } /** * Gets the target temperature. * @return the target temperature * @see */ @Override public String getTargetTemperature() { setLogString("Check target temperature is displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); WaitUtil.oneSec(); String targetTemperature = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(SETPOINT), TINY_TIMEOUT).getText(); /* * System.out.println("temp" + getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), * getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(SETPOINT), TINY_TIMEOUT).getText()); */ WaitUtil.fourSec(); setLogString("Target Temperature :" + targetTemperature, true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); return targetTemperature; } /** * @param expectedTemp * @return * @see */ public boolean isTargetTemperatureChanged(final String expectedTemp) { setLogString("Check target temperature is changed to : " + expectedTemp, true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final boolean targetReflected = new WebDriverWait(getDriver(), CustomTimeout.VERY_LONG_TIMEOUT.getValue()) .until(new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(final WebDriver driver) { final WebElement targetElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(SETPOINT), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (targetElement.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(expectedTemp)) { return true; } return false; } }); return targetReflected; } /** * Checks if is target dashed line displayed. * @return true, if is target dashed line displayed * @see */ @Override public boolean isTargetDashedLineDisplayed() { setLogString("Check target temperature dahsed line displayed in central axis", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(TARGET_LINE_AXIS), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Checks if is current dashed line displayed. * @return true, if is current dashed line displayed * @see */ @Override public boolean isCurrentDashedLineDisplayed() { setLogString("Check Current temperature dahsed line displayed in central axis", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(CURRENT_LINE_AXIS), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Checks if is under savings energy. * @return true, if is under savings energy * @see */ @Override public boolean isUnderSavingsEnergy() { setLogString("Is Swirl Icon Displayed and under Savings Energy ?", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final Object backgroundCss = executeScriptByClassNameWithPseudo("setPointFromEnergyEfficiency", "background-image", getDriver()); return backgroundCss != null && backgroundCss.toString().contains("target_blue.png"); } /** * Checks if is savings energy link displayed. * @return true, if is savings energy link displayed * @see */ @Override public boolean isSavingsEnergyLinkDisplayed() { setLogString("Is Savings Enegry Link Displayed ?", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(SAVINGS_ENERGY), MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); } /** * Checks if is savings energy link clickable. * @return true, if is savings energy link clickable * @see */ @Override public boolean isSavingsEnergyLinkClickable() { setLogString("Is Savings Enegry Link Clickable ?", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement savingsLink = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(SAVINGS_ENERGY), MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); return isClickable(getDriver(), savingsLink, MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); } /** * Checks if is schedule temp displayed. * @return true, if is schedule temp displayed * @see */ public boolean isScheduleTempDisplayed() { setLogString("Is Savings Enegry Schedule Temperature displayed ?", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(SAVINGS_ENERGY_FADE), MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); } /** * Cleanup. * @see */ @Override public void cleanup() { } /** * Gets the sliding temperature. * @return the sliding temperature * @see */ public String getSlidingTemperature() { setLogString("Get Sliding Target Temperature", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); final JavascriptExecutor javascriptExecutor = (JavascriptExecutor) getDriver(); final Object val = javascriptExecutor.executeScript( "return window.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(window.document.getElementsByClassName('" + SLIDING_TEMPERATURE_CONTAINER + "')[0]).getPropertyValue('font-size');"); return val.toString(); } /** * Current temperature drag. * @param change the change * @see */ @Override public void currentTemperatureDrag(int change) { final WebElement temperatureSlider = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(".currentContainer"), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().doSwipeDown(temperatureSlider, temperatureSlider.getLocation().getX(), temperatureSlider.getLocation().getY(), change, 0.5); } /** * Gets the temperature content by position. * @param position the position * @return the temperature content by position * @see */ @Override public String getTemperatureContentByPosition(String position) { final WebElement tempDifferenceContainer = getElement(getDriver(), By.className("temperatureDiffContainer"), TINY_TIMEOUT); final List<WebElement> divElements = getElementsBySubElement(getDriver(), tempDifferenceContainer, By.tagName("div"), TINY_TIMEOUT); WebElement requiredContainer = null; for (final WebElement element : divElements) { if (element.getAttribute("class").startsWith(position)) { requiredContainer = element; break; } } WebElement temperatureInfo = getElementBySubElementText(getDriver(), requiredContainer, By.tagName(TAG_DIV), "INSIDE", SHORT_TIMEOUT); temperatureInfo = (temperatureInfo != null) ? temperatureInfo : getElementBySubElementText(getDriver(), requiredContainer, By.tagName(TAG_DIV), "TARGET", SHORT_TIMEOUT); return temperatureInfo.getText(); } /** * Checks if is temp position relative. * @param currentTemp the current temp * @param targetTemp the target temp * @return true, if is temp position relative * @see, int) */ @Override public boolean isTempPositionRelative(int currentTemp, int targetTemp) { boolean relative = false; final WebElement currentTempElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("div[class*='" + LEFT_TEMP_DIFF + "']"), TINY_TIMEOUT); final WebElement targetTempElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("div[class*='" + RIGHT_TEMP_DIFF + "']"), TINY_TIMEOUT); setLogString("Current temperature now :" + currentTempElement.getAttribute("className"), true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); setLogString("Target temperature now :" + targetTempElement.getAttribute("className"), true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final String currentposition = currentTempElement.getAttribute("className"); final String targetposition = targetTempElement.getAttribute("className"); if (currentTemp > targetTemp) { relative = (currentposition.contains(TOP_POSITION) && targetposition.contains(BOTTOM_POSITION)) ? true : false; } else if (targetTemp > currentTemp) { relative = (currentposition.contains(BOTTOM_POSITION) && targetposition.contains(TOP_POSITION)) ? true : false; } else { relative = (currentposition.contains(NEUTRAL_POSITION) && targetposition.contains(NEUTRAL_POSITION)) ? true : false; } return relative; } /** * Checks if is background color gradient. * @param mode the mode * @return true, if is background color gradient * @see */ @Override public boolean isBackgroundColorGradient(final String mode) { final String gradientValue = getHvacModeGradient(mode); if (gradientValue != null && !gradientValue.isEmpty()) { if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("Heat") && gradientValue.contains("heating")) { return true; } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("Cool") && gradientValue.contains("cooling")) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks if is mode color reflected in screen. * @param mode the mode * @return true, if is mode color reflected in screen * @see */ @Override public boolean isModeColorReflectedInScreen(final String mode) { final String value = getHvacModeGradient(mode); final HvacModes hvacMode = HvacModes.valueOf(mode.toUpperCase()); setLogString("Verify if '" + mode + "' mode's thermostatGradientBackground has css value : " + hvacMode.getGradientValue(), true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); setLogString( mode.toUpperCase() + " mode's thermostatGradientBackground has css value as : " + value.toString(), true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); Assert.assertTrue( mode.equalsIgnoreCase("off") ? value.contains("rgb(109") : value.contains(mode.toLowerCase()), "Current thermostat container dosen't have gradient background."); if (HvacModes.IDLE == hvacMode) { return !HvacModes.COOL.getGradientValue().contains(value) && !HvacModes.HEAT.getGradientValue().contains(value) && !HvacModes.OFF.getGradientValue().contains(value); } return value.contains(hvacMode.getGradientValue().toLowerCase()); } /** * Checks if is click learn more link redirects new window. * @return true, if is click learn more link redirects new window * @see */ @Override public boolean isClickLearnMoreLinkRedirectsNewWindow() { boolean pageRedirected = false; final String parentWindowHandle = getDriver().getWindowHandle(); final WebElement errorModeInfoLink = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(ERROR_MODE_INFO), SHORT_TIMEOUT); setLogString("Click on error mode info.", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW);; getAction().rejectAlert(); // tinyWait(); final Set<String> windowids = getDriver().getWindowHandles(); final Iterator<String> iter = windowids.iterator();; setLogString("Check if new pop up window opens.", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); setLogString("Switch to other window and verify the title", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebDriver popup = getDriver().switchTo().window((String); setLogString("Check URL is :", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); setLogString("URL is :" + popup.getCurrentUrl(), true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); pageRedirected = popup.getCurrentUrl().contains(mobileConfig.get(MobileConfig.LEARN_MORE_LINK)) ? true : false; popup.close(); getDriver().switchTo().window(parentWindowHandle); return pageRedirected; } /** * Gets the tstat status message. * @return the tstat status message */ private String getTstatStatusMessage() { String thStatusMsg = null; final WebElement errorElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(ERROR_MODEBOX), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (errorElement.isDisplayed()) { final WebElement modeLabelelement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), errorElement, By.className(MODEL_LABEL), ATOMIC_TIMEOUT); thStatusMsg = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), modeLabelelement, By.tagName(TAG_P), ATOMIC_TIMEOUT) .getText(); setLogString("Thermostat status message:" + thStatusMsg, true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); } return thStatusMsg; } /** * Gets the tstat status message. * @return the tstat status message */ @Override public String getOffModeMessage() { String thStatusMsg = null; isDisplayedBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(ERROR_MODEBOX), TINY_TIMEOUT); final WebElement offModeElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(".modeLabel"), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (offModeElement != null) { thStatusMsg = offModeElement.getText(); } return thStatusMsg; } /** * Gets the hvac mode gradient. * @param mode the mode * @return the hvac mode gradient */ private String getHvacModeGradient(final String mode) { final WebElement gradientElement = mode.equalsIgnoreCase("off") ? getCurrentThermostatContainer() : getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.className(GRADIENT_BACKGROUND), TINY_TIMEOUT); final Object value = executeScriptByClassName(gradientElement.getAttribute("class"), mode.equalsIgnoreCase("off") ? "color" : "background-image", getDriver()); setLogString("Hvac Mode Gradient Value :" + value.toString(), true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); return value != null ? value.toString() : null; } /** * Checks if is location switcher displayed. * @return true, if is location switcher displayed * @see */ @Override public boolean isLocationSwitcherDisplayed() { setLogString("Check Location Switcher Icon is displayed.", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); boolean isTstatSwitcher = isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(THERMOSTAT_SWITCHER_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT); setLogString( isTstatSwitcher ? "Location Switcher Icon is displayed." : "Location Switcher is Not displayed.", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); return isTstatSwitcher; } /** * Checks if is away settings pop up loaded. * @return true, if is away settings pop up loaded */ @Override public boolean isAwaySettingsPopUpLoaded() { setLogString("Verify if Away Setting popup is loaded in thermostat page.", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("input.ctaButton.setAwaySubmitButton"), SHORT_TIMEOUT); } /** * Checks if is off mode dialog displayed. * @return true, if is off mode dialog displayed * @see */ @Override public boolean isOffModeDialogDisplayed() { setLogString("Verify the off mode dialog displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); final WebElement dialogElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(".modeDialog.offModeBox"), SHORT_TIMEOUT); final String style = dialogElement.getAttribute("style"); if (style.contains("visibility: hidden")) { return false; } return true; } /** * @return * @see */ @Override public boolean isNotInstalledDialogDisplayed() { setLogString("Verify the \"Not Installed\" dialog displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); final WebElement dialogElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(".modeDialog.errorModeBox"), SHORT_TIMEOUT); final String style = dialogElement.getAttribute("style"); if (style.contains("visibility: hidden")) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get Savings Amount * @return savings amount * @see */ @Override public String getSavingsAmount() { setLogString("Get Savings Amount", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement savingsElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.className(SAVINGS_AMOUNT), TINY_TIMEOUT); setLogString("Savings Amount " + savingsElement.getText(), true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); return savingsElement.getText().substring(1).isEmpty() ? "0" : savingsElement.getText().substring(1); } /** * Check either back ground image is display. * @param mode the mode. * @return true, if background image is displayed. * @see */ @Override public boolean isBackgroundImageDisplayed(final String mode) { final Object imageObj = executeScriptByClassName(GRADIENT_BACKGROUND, BACKGROUND_IMAGE, getDriver()); if (imageObj != null && !imageObj.toString().isEmpty()) { if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("Heat") && imageObj.toString().contains("heating")) { setLogString("HeatImage Displayed in Tstat", true); return true; } else if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("Cool") && imageObj.toString().contains("cooling")) { setLogString("CoolImage Displayed in Tstat", true); return true; } } return false; } /** * Check weather the thermostat name displayed in header. * @return true, if thermostat name displayed in header. * @see */ @Override public boolean isThermostatHeaderDisplayed() { isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(THERMOSTAT_NAME_HEADER), MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); /* * final WebElement thermostatName = getElement(getDriver(), * By.cssSelector(THERMOSTAT_NAME_HEADER), MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); */ final String thermostatHeader = thPageUI.getCurrentThermostatName(); setLogString("Thermostat Header Name:" + thermostatHeader, true); final String locationName = thPageUI.getCurrentLocationName(); setLogString("Location Name:" + locationName, true); return true; } /** * Fetch the current outside temperature from thermostat. * @return String. * @see */ @Override public String fetchOutsideTemperature() { setLogString("Fetch Current Outside Temperature", true); final WebElement outSideTemp = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(OUTSIDE_TEMPERATURE), MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); final String outSideTemperature = outSideTemp.getText(); setLogString("OutSide Temperature:" + outSideTemp.getText(), true); return outSideTemperature; } /** * verify either target circle get display in thermostat page or not. * @return true, if circle is dsiplay in thermostat page. * @see */ @Override public boolean checkTargetCircle() { setLogString("Check for Target Circle", true); // final WebElement targetCircle=getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(TARGET_CIRCLE), // MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(TARGET_CIRCLE), MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); return true; } }