Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) 2014, EcoFactor, All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of EcoFactor * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with * EcoFactor. */ package; import static*; import static*; import static*; import static*; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.testng.Assert; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class ThermostatPageOpsImpl. * @author $Author:$ * @version $Rev:$ $Date:$ */ public class ThermostatPageOpsImpl extends AbstractAuthenticationPageImpl implements ThermostatPageOps { /** The Constant SET_AWAY. */ private static final String SET_AWAY = ".awayButton"; /** The Constant HELP_CLOSE. */ private static final String HELP_CLOSE = "closeButton"; /** The Constant HELP_DIV. */ private static final String HELP_DIV = "ftux-background"; /** The Constant SETPOINT_CONTAINER. */ private static final String SETPOINT_CONTAINER = "div.setPointContainer"; /** The Constant CURRENT_TEMPERATURE. */ private static final String CURRENT_TEMPERATURE = "currentTemperature"; /** The Constant OFF_MODE_BACK. */ private static final String OFF_MODE_BACK = "offModeBack"; /** The Constant SETPOINT. */ private static final String SETPOINT = "div.setPoint"; /** The Constant LOGOUT. */ private static final String LOGOUT = "div.menu_row.logout"; /** The Constant MENU. */ private static final String MENU = ".menuClick"; /** The Constant SAVINGS_ENERGY. */ private static final String SAVINGS_ENERGY = ".savings"; /** The Constant THERMOSTAT_SWITCHER_ICON. */ private static final String THERMOSTAT_SWITCHER_ICON = "thermostat_switcher_icon"; /** The Constant HEAT_COOL_ICON. */ private static final String HEAT_COOL_ICON = ".controlsIcon"; /** The Constant TARGET_TEMPERATURE. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final String TARGET_TEMPERATURE = "div.thermostatTargetSetpoint"; /** The Constant SETTINGS_ICON. */ private static final String SETTINGS_ICON = ".menu_row.settings"; /** The Constant THERMOSTAT_FIELD. */ private static final String THERMOSTAT_FIELD = ".item.thermostat.first_thermostat"; /** The Constant THERMOSTAT_FIELD_NAME. */ private static final String THERMOSTAT_FIELD_NAME = "HALL"; /** The Constant INSTALLED_THERMOSTAT. */ private static final String INSTALLED_THERMOSTAT = ".section_label.installed_thermostat"; /** The Constant SELECT_THERMOSTAT. */ private static final String SELECT_THERMOSTAT = ".menu_row.thermostat"; /** The Constant THERMOSTAT_FIELD_VALUE. */ private static final String THERMOSTAT_FIELD_VALUE = ".name_input.item.first_thermostat"; /** The Constant MENU_BTN. */ private static final String MENU_BTN = ".menuClick.light"; /** The Constant SAVINGS_FOOTER. */ private static final String SAVINGS_FOOTER = ".savings_footer_container"; /** The Constant SAVINGS_EENERGY. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final String SAVINGS_EENERGY = ".fadein_text"; /** The mobile config. */ @Inject protected MobileConfig mobileConfig; /** The login page. */ @Inject protected LoginPage loginPage; /** The th page ui. */ @Inject protected ThermostatPageUI thPageUI; /** * Close help. * @see */ @Override public void closeHelp() { setLogString("Verify and close help page", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final boolean isHelpDisplayed = isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(HELP_DIV), THREE_SEC); if (isHelpDisplayed || !helpNotDisplayed()) { clickNextAndCloseHelp(); } } /** * Click current temp. * @see */ @Override public void clickCurrentTemp() { setLogString("Click CurrentTemperature", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); isDisplayedBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(CURRENT_TEMPERATURE), ATOMIC_TIMEOUT); final WebElement currentTemperature = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.className(CURRENT_TEMPERATURE), ATOMIC_TIMEOUT); final boolean isClickable = isClickable(getDriver(), currentTemperature, TINY_TIMEOUT); if (isClickable) { setLogString("Clicked CurrentTemperature", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); try { getAction().click(currentTemperature); getAction().rejectAlert(); } catch (WebDriverException wde) { setLogString("Cannot Click CurrentTemperature", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); } } else { setLogString("Cannot Click Current Temperature", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); } } /** * Sets the away popup closing. * @see */ @Override public void setAway() { loadAwaySettingsPopup(); final WebElement footerElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(".footerAwayPicker"), SHORT_TIMEOUT); final WebElement awaySettingsPopUp = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), footerElement, By.cssSelector(".ctaButton.setAwaySubmitButton"), SHORT_TIMEOUT);; // getAction().click(awaySettingsPopUp); getAction().rejectAlert(); if (awaySettingsPopUp != null) { // getAction().click(awaySettingsPopUp);; WaitUtil.oneSec(); getAction().rejectAlert(); } } /** * Load away settings popup. * @return true, if successful */ @Override public boolean loadAwaySettingsPopup() { setLogString("Check whether set away popup is already opened", true); if (isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("input.ctaButton.setAwayCancelButton"), TINY_TIMEOUT)) { setLogString("Away settings popup already open. Closing the popup", true); final WebElement cancelButton = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(".ctaButton.setAwayCancelButton"), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(cancelButton); getAction().rejectAlert(); } clickSetAway(); return thPageUI.isAwaySettingsPopUpLoaded(); } /** * Turn system on. * @see */ @Override public void turnSystemOn() { setLogString("Turn System ON", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); isDisplayedBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.className(OFF_MODE_BACK), TINY_TIMEOUT); final WebElement turnSystemON = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.className(OFF_MODE_BACK), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(turnSystemON); getAction().rejectAlert(); Assert.assertFalse(isDisplayedBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.className(OFF_MODE_BACK), TINY_TIMEOUT), "Fails to Turn ON System in UI"); } /** * Click target. * @see */ @Override public void openTstatController() { setLogString("Click Target", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); isDisplayedBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(SETPOINT), TINY_TIMEOUT); /* * final WebElement setPointElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), * getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector("div[class*='" + SETPOINT_CONTAINER + * "']"), TINY_TIMEOUT); */ final WebElement setPointElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(SETPOINT_CONTAINER), TINY_TIMEOUT); WaitUtil.oneSec(); final boolean isClickable = isClickable(getDriver(), setPointElement, TINY_TIMEOUT); waitUntil(FIVE_SECS); if (isClickable) { try { getAction().click(setPointElement); WaitUtil.oneSec(); getAction().rejectAlert(); } catch (WebDriverException wde) { setLogString("Cannot Click Target Temperature", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); } } else { setLogString("Cannot Click Target Temperature", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); } } /** * Click logout. * @see */ @Override public void logout() { setLogString("Click Logout", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final String currentUTCTime = DateUtil.getUTCCurrentTimeStamp(); final boolean isLogoutIconDisplayed = isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(LOGOUT), SHORT_TIMEOUT); if (isLogoutIconDisplayed) { setLogString("\033[46;1mLOGOUT REQUEST - UTC TIME: " + currentUTCTime + "\033[0m", true); final WebElement logoutElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(LOGOUT), SHORT_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(logoutElement); getAction().rejectAlert(); loginPage.setLoggedIn(false); loginPage.setLoggedInUser(null); } } /** * Cleanup. the exception * @see */ public void cleanup() { setLogString("Cleanup in Thermostat Page.", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); clickMenu(); logout(); } /** * Checks if is page loaded. * @return true, if is page loaded * @see */ @Override public boolean isPageLoaded() { return false; } /** * Swipe. * @param LeftOrRight the left or right * @see */ @Override public void swipe(final String LeftOrRight) { /* * setLogString("Verify More than one thermostat is available ", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); * final List<WebElement> thermostatContainer = getElements(getDriver(), * By.cssSelector("div.viewPage"), TINY_TIMEOUT); * Assert.assertTrue(thermostatContainer.size() > 1, "No.of thermostat :" + * thermostatContainer.size() + ".No swipe occurs."); setLogString("Swipe " + LeftOrRight + * " for a thermostat ", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); if (thermostatContainer.size() > 1) { * final WebElement page = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("div.bodyAxisContainer"), * TINY_TIMEOUT); if (LeftOrRight.equalsIgnoreCase("right")) { * getAction().doSwipeLeft(page); } else { getAction().doSwipeRight(page); } tinyWait(); } */ setLogString("Swipe " + LeftOrRight + " for a thermostat ", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement page = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("div.viewThermostat"), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (LeftOrRight.equalsIgnoreCase("left")) { getAction().doSwipeLeft(page); } else { getAction().doSwipeRight(page); } tinyWait(); } /** * Drag target to. * @param currentTarget the current target * @param newTarget the new target * @see */ public void dragTargetTo(Integer currentTarget, final Integer newTarget) { setLogString("Drag to " + newTarget, true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); WebElement srcElement = null; srcElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(".setPoint"), TINY_TIMEOUT); Integer diff = newTarget - currentTarget; Integer yOffset = 0; if (diff == 0) { diff = 1; } else { diff = diff - 2; } yOffset = -(17 * diff); setLogString("Y Offset : " + yOffset, true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); getAction().dragElement(srcElement, 0, yOffset); tinyWait(); getAction().dropElement(srcElement); Integer newTargetValue = Integer.valueOf(thPageUI.getTargetTemperature()); if (newTarget != newTargetValue) { currentTarget = Integer.valueOf(thPageUI.getTargetTemperature()); diff = newTarget - currentTarget; yOffset = -(17 * diff); getAction().dragElement(srcElement, 0, yOffset); } } /** * Drag and drop target to. * @param currentTarget the current target * @param newTarget the new target * @see, * java.lang.Integer) */ public void dragAndDropTargetTo(Integer currentTarget, final Integer newTarget) { final int maxIteration = 5; int loop = 0; do { setLogString("Drag to " + newTarget, true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); WebElement srcElement = null; srcElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(".setPoint"), TINY_TIMEOUT); Integer diff = newTarget - currentTarget; Integer yOffset = 0; if (diff == 0) { diff = 1; } yOffset = -(17 * diff); setLogString("yOffset : " + yOffset, true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); getAction().dragElement(srcElement, 0, yOffset); getAction().dropElement(srcElement); oneSec(); currentTarget = Integer.valueOf(thPageUI.getTargetTemperature()); if (loop == maxIteration) { break; } loop++; } while (currentTarget != newTarget); } /** * Drag target horizontal. * @see */ public void dragTargetHorizontal() { setLogString("Drag horizontally ", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); WebElement srcElement = null; srcElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(".setPoint"), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().dragElement(srcElement, -100, 0); getAction().dropElement(srcElement); } /** * Drop target to. * @see */ public void dropTarget() { setLogString("Drop target ", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement dropElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(".setPoint"), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().dropElement(dropElement); } /** * Click Menu. * @see */ @Override public void clickMenu() { setLogString("Click Menu", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final boolean isMenuDisplayed = isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(MENU), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().rejectAlert(); if (isMenuDisplayed) { final WebElement menuElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(MENU), SHORT_TIMEOUT);; // getAction().click(menuElement); tinyWait(); getAction().rejectAlert(); } setLogString("Menu Page is Displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); } /** * Target temp change value by drag. * @param change the change * @see */ @Override public void targetTempChangeValueByDrag(final int change) { setLogString("Verify Target Temperature Value Change", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement temperatureSlider = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(".setPointContainer.ui-draggable"), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (change < 0) { getAction().doSwipeUp(temperatureSlider, temperatureSlider.getLocation().getX(), temperatureSlider.getLocation().getY(), -change, 0.5); } else { getAction().doSwipeDown(temperatureSlider, temperatureSlider.getLocation().getX(), temperatureSlider.getLocation().getY(), change, 0.5); } } /** * Click savings. * @see */ @Override public void clickSavings() { setLogString("Click Savings", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement footerContainer = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(SAVINGS_FOOTER), TINY_TIMEOUT); final boolean savingsLinkDisplayed = isDisplayedBySubElement(getDriver(), footerContainer, By.cssSelector(SAVINGS_ENERGY), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (savingsLinkDisplayed) { final WebElement savingsElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), footerContainer, By.cssSelector(SAVINGS_ENERGY), TINY_TIMEOUT);; getAction().rejectAlert(); } } /** * Help not displayed. * @return true, if successful */ private boolean helpNotDisplayed() { final boolean isHelpNotDisplayed = isNotDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(HELP_DIV), TINY_TIMEOUT); return isHelpNotDisplayed; } /** * Click close help. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void clickCloseHelp() { setLogString("Close Help", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement closeBack = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(HELP_DIV), TINY_TIMEOUT); final WebElement closeElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), closeBack, By.className(HELP_CLOSE), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(closeElement); } /** * Click next and close help. */ private void clickNextAndCloseHelp() { setLogString(Marker.START, "Click Next and close the help Page", true); final WebElement next = getElement(getDriver(), By.className("nextButton"), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (next != null) { getAction().click(next); smallWait(); } final WebElement next2 = getElement(getDriver(), By.className("nextButton"), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (next2 != null) { getAction().click(next2); smallWait(); } final WebElement doneButton = getElement(getDriver(), By.className("doneButton"), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (doneButton != null) { getAction().click(doneButton); smallWait(); } setLogString(Marker.END, "Closed Help", true); } /** * Click location switcher. * @see */ @Override public void clickLocationSwitcher() { setLogString("Click Location Switcher Icon", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement tsatSwitcherElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(THERMOSTAT_SWITCHER_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(tsatSwitcherElement); getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * Click controls icon. * @see */ @Override public void clickControlsIcon() { setLogString("Click controls icon.", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement controlsIcon = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("div.controlsIcon"), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(controlsIcon); getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * Swipe loc. * @param leftOrRight the left or right * @see */ @Override public void swipeLoc(String leftOrRight) { setLogString("Swipe " + leftOrRight + " for a Location ", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement page = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("div.viewPage"), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (leftOrRight.equalsIgnoreCase("left")) { getAction().doSwipeLeft(page); } else { getAction().doSwipeRight(page); } tinyWait(); } /** * click set Away icon. * @see */ @Override public void clickSetAway() { setLogString("Click Set Away", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement awayElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(SET_AWAY), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(awayElement); getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * Click heat control icon. * @see */ @Override public void clickHeatIcon() { setLogString("Click Heat Icon", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement heatIcon = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(HEAT_COOL_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(heatIcon); getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * click cool control icon. * @see */ @Override public void clickCoolIcon() { setLogString("Click Cool Icon", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement heatIcon = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), getCurrentThermostatContainer(), By.cssSelector(HEAT_COOL_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(heatIcon); getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * click settings icon in menu page. * @see */ @Override public void clickSettingsIcon() { setLogString("Click Settings Icon", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement settingsIcon = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(SETTINGS_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT); WaitUtil.tinyWait();; // getAction().click(settingsIcon); getAction().rejectAlert(); WaitUtil.oneSec(); } /** * All kind of settings operation can perform here. * @see */ @Override public void settingsOperations() { setLogString("Click Thermostat name Field", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement thermostatField = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(THERMOSTAT_FIELD), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(thermostatField); WaitUtil.oneSec(); getAction().rejectAlert(); setLogString("Thermostat Field Name Changed.", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); WaitUtil.oneSec(); final WebElement fieldValue = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(THERMOSTAT_FIELD_VALUE), TINY_TIMEOUT); fieldValue.clear(); WaitUtil.oneSec(); fieldValue.sendKeys(THERMOSTAT_FIELD_NAME); WaitUtil.fourSec(); setLogString("Updated Thermostat Field Name.", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement thermostatFieldName = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(INSTALLED_THERMOSTAT), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(thermostatFieldName); getAction().rejectAlert(); tinyWait(); clickSettingsMenu(); } /** * Select thermostat icon in menu page. * @see */ @Override public void clickThermostatIcon() { setLogString("Select Thermostat in Menu", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement thermostat = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(SELECT_THERMOSTAT), TINY_TIMEOUT); WaitUtil.oneSec();; // getAction().click(thermostat); WaitUtil.oneSec(); getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * click menu button in settings page. * @see */ @Override public void clickSettingsMenu() { setLogString("Click Menu in Thermostat", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement menuBtn = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(MENU_BTN), TINY_TIMEOUT); WaitUtil.oneSec(); getAction().click(menuBtn); getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * click some other place in same popup. * @see */ @Override public void clickotherplace() { final WebElement element = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(".thermostat_button_label"), TINY_TIMEOUT); isClickable(getDriver(), element, MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); // setLogString("isClickable:" + yes, true); WaitUtil.tinyWait(); } /** * close the savings icon. * @see */ @Override public void isSavingsClickable() { setLogString("Check either savings icon clickable", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement savingsElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(SAVINGS_ENERGY), TINY_TIMEOUT); isClickable(getDriver(), savingsElement, MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); } /** * close set Away icon . * @see */ @Override public void closeSetAwayIcon() { setLogString("close setAway Icon", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement setAwayIcon = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(".ctaButton.setAwayCancelButton"), MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); WaitUtil.oneSec();; WaitUtil.tinyWait(); getAction().rejectAlert(); } }