Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) 2014, EcoFactor, All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of EcoFactor * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with * EcoFactor. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class SavingsPageImpl. * @author $Author: vprasannaa $ * @version $Rev: 32836 $ $Date: 2014-11-21 13:34:05 +0530 (Fri, 21 Nov 2014) $ */ public class SavingsPageImpl extends AbstractAuthenticationPageImpl implements SavingsPage { private static final String SAVINGS_CONTAINER = ".ViewSavingsManager.savings_manager"; private static final String SAVINGS_DOLLARS = "total_savings_amount"; private static final String SAVINGS_MONTH = "savings_carousel_caption"; private static final String MENU_SAVINGS = "div.menuClick.light"; private static final String SAVINGS_DOLLAR_AMOUNT = "total_savings_amount"; private static final String BACKWARD_ICON = "savings_carousel_backward"; private static final String FORWARD_ICON = "savings_carousel_forward"; private static final String SAVINGS_HOURS = "savings_carousel_runtime_hours"; private static final String SAVINGS_PERCENTAGE = "savings_carousel_runtime_percent"; private static final String FOOTER_CONTAINER = "footer_container"; private static final String LEFT_ARROW = "div.savings_carousel_backward.disabled"; private static final String RIGHT_ARROW = "div.savings_carousel_forward.disabled"; private static final String SAVINGS_LOCATION = "savings_location"; private static final String SAVINGS_HEADER = "savings_header"; private static final String LOCATION_NOT_INSTALLED = "Location is not installed"; private static final String ERROR_MODEBOX = "modeMessage"; private static final String MODEL_LABEL = "modeLabel"; private static final String MODEL_DIALOG = "div.modeDialog.notInstalledModeBox"; @Inject protected MobileConfig mobileConfig; /** * Clean up. * @see */ @Override public void cleanup() { setLogString("Cleanup in Savings Page.", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); } /** * Checks if is page loaded. * @return true, if is page loaded * @see */ @Override public boolean isPageLoaded() { setLogString("Verify the savings Page is loaded", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(SAVINGS_CONTAINER), TINY_TIMEOUT) && isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(SAVINGS_DOLLARS), TINY_TIMEOUT) && isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(MENU_SAVINGS), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Gets the Total Savings. * @return savings * @see */ @Override public String getTotalSavings() { setLogString("Get total Savings Amount", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final String savingsValue = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(SAVINGS_DOLLARS), TINY_TIMEOUT).getText(); setLogString("Total Savings :" + savingsValue, true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); return savingsValue; } /** * Gets the current month. * @return the current month * @see */ @Override public String getCurrentMonthAndYear() { setLogString("Get Month and year", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final String currentMonth = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(SAVINGS_MONTH), TINY_TIMEOUT).getText(); setLogString("Current Month and Year: " + currentMonth, true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); return currentMonth.substring(currentMonth.indexOf("-") + 1, currentMonth.length()).trim(); } /** * Click previous. * @see */ @Override public void clickPrevious() { setLogString("Click previous", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement backwardIcon = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(BACKWARD_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(backwardIcon); getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * Click next. * @see */ @Override public void clickNext() { setLogString("Click Next", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement forwardIcon = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(FORWARD_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(forwardIcon); getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * Gets the savings value. * @return the savings value * @see */ @Override public String getSavingsValue() { final String savingsValue = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(SAVINGS_DOLLAR_AMOUNT), TINY_TIMEOUT) .getText(); setLogString("Savings Amount :" + savingsValue, true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); return savingsValue; } /** * Gets the savings hours. * @return the savings hours * @see */ @Override public String getSavingsHours() { final String savingsHrs = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(SAVINGS_HOURS), TINY_TIMEOUT).getText(); setLogString("Savings Hours:" + savingsHrs, true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); return savingsHrs.substring(savingsHrs.indexOf("(") + 1, savingsHrs.indexOf("h")); } /** * Click menu. * @see */ @Override public void clickMenu() { setLogString("Click Menu Icon in Savings", true); final boolean isMenuDisplayed = isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(MENU_SAVINGS), MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); if (isMenuDisplayed) { final WebElement menuElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(MENU_SAVINGS), SHORT_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(menuElement); tinyWait(); getAction().rejectAlert(); } } /** * Gets the savings percentage. * @return the savings percentage * @see */ @Override public String getSavingsPercentage() { final String savingsPercent = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(SAVINGS_PERCENTAGE), TINY_TIMEOUT) .getText(); setLogString("Savings Percentage:" + savingsPercent + "%", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); return savingsPercent + "%"; } /** * Checks if is footer displayed. * @return true, if is footer displayed */ @Override public boolean isFooterDisplayed() { setLogString("Check footer is not displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); return isNotDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(FOOTER_CONTAINER), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Display savings data. * @param month the month * @param year the year * @param isDisplayData the is display data * @throws ParseException the parse exception * @see, * java.lang.String) */ @Override public void goToMonth(String month, String year, boolean isDisplayData) throws ParseException { String savingaData = getCurrentMonthAndYear(); final Date dateExp = DateUtil.parseDateWithTimezone("1 " + month + " " + year); Date dateAct = DateUtil .parseDateWithTimezone("1 " + savingaData.split(" ")[0] + " " + savingaData.split(" ")[1]); final Calendar expCal = Calendar.getInstance(); expCal.setTime(dateExp); final Calendar actCal = Calendar.getInstance(); actCal.setTime(dateAct); getTotalSavings(); do { displaySavingsData(isDisplayData); if (expCal.compareTo(actCal) == 0) { return; } if (expCal.compareTo(actCal) < 0) { clickPrevious(); } else { clickNext(); } savingaData = getCurrentMonthAndYear(); dateAct = DateUtil .parseDateWithTimezone("1 " + savingaData.split(" ")[0] + " " + savingaData.split(" ")[1]); actCal.setTime(dateAct); } while (expCal.compareTo(actCal) != 0); } /** * Checks if is arrow not displayed. * @param arrow the arrow * @return true, if is arrow not displayed * * (java.lang.String) */ @Override public boolean isArrowNotDisplayed(String arrow) { setLogString("Check " + arrow + " Arrow is not displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); if (arrow.equalsIgnoreCase("Left")) { return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(LEFT_ARROW), TINY_TIMEOUT); } else if (arrow.equalsIgnoreCase("Right")) { return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(RIGHT_ARROW), TINY_TIMEOUT); } return false; } /** * Checks if is arrow displayed. * @param arrow the arrow * @return true, if is arrow displayed * @see */ @Override public boolean isArrowDisplayed(String arrow) { setLogString("Check " + arrow + " Arrow is displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); if (arrow.equalsIgnoreCase("Left")) { return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(BACKWARD_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT); } else if (arrow.equalsIgnoreCase("Right")) { return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(FORWARD_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT); } return false; } /** * Checks if is learn more displayed. * @return true, if is learn more displayed * @see */ @Override public boolean isLearnMoreDisplayed() { setLogString("Check if Learn More is displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(".help_icon.clickable"), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Display savings data. * @param isDisplayData the is display data */ private void displaySavingsData(boolean isDisplayData) { if (isDisplayData) { getSavingsValue(); getSavingsHours(); } getSavingsPercentage(); } /** * Gets the location name. * @return the location name * @see */ @Override public String getLocationName() { final String locationName = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(SAVINGS_LOCATION), TINY_TIMEOUT).getText(); setLogString("Savings Location Name :" + locationName, true); return locationName; } /** * Gets the savings header color. * @return the savings header color * @see */ @Override public boolean getSavingsHeaderColor() { setLogString("Verify if savings header has css value : " + mobileConfig.get(SAVINGS_COLOR), true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final Object val = executeScriptByClassName(SAVINGS_HEADER, "background-color", getDriver()); setLogString("Savings header has css value : " + val, true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); return val.toString().contains(mobileConfig.get(SAVINGS_COLOR)); } /** * Gets the total savings color. * @return the total savings color * @see */ @Override public boolean getTotalSavingsColor() { setLogString("Verify if total savings has css value : " + mobileConfig.get(SAVINGS_COLOR), true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final Object val = executeScriptByClassName(SAVINGS_DOLLARS, "color", getDriver()); setLogString("Total Savings has css value : " + val, true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); return val.toString().contains(mobileConfig.get(SAVINGS_COLOR)); } /** * Gets the savings arrow color. * @return the savings arrow color * @see */ @Override public boolean getSavingsArrowColor() { setLogString("Verify if savings arrow has css value : " + mobileConfig.get(SAVINGS_COLOR), true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final Object val = executeScriptByClassName(BACKWARD_ICON, "color", getDriver()); setLogString("Savings arrow has css value : " + val, true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); return val.toString().contains(mobileConfig.get(SAVINGS_COLOR)); } /** * Checks if is location not installed. * @return true, if is location not installed * @see */ @Override public boolean isLocationNotInstalled() { setLogString("Check if location is not installed.", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final String thStatusMsg = getTstatStatusMessage(); return thStatusMsg != null && thStatusMsg.contains(LOCATION_NOT_INSTALLED); } /** * Gets the tstat status message. * @return the tstat status message */ private String getTstatStatusMessage() { String thStatusMsg = null; WebElement modeDialog = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(MODEL_DIALOG), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (modeDialog.isDisplayed()) { WebElement modeMessage = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), modeDialog, By.className(ERROR_MODEBOX), TINY_TIMEOUT); thStatusMsg = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), modeMessage, By.className(MODEL_LABEL), TINY_TIMEOUT) .getText(); setLogString("Location status message:" + thStatusMsg, true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); } return thStatusMsg; } /** * @return * @see */ @Override public boolean isSavingsDollarVertical() { final WebElement savingsDollarElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.className("fusioncharts-yaxis-0-gridlabels"), TINY_TIMEOUT); final List<WebElement> savingsDollar = getElementsBySubElement(getDriver(), savingsDollarElement, By.tagName("text"), TINY_TIMEOUT); boolean isVertical = false; for (WebElement webElement : savingsDollar) { setLogString("SavingsDollar :" + getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), webElement, By.tagName("tspan"), TINY_TIMEOUT).getText(), true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); isVertical = Integer.valueOf(webElement.getLocation().getX()) .equals(Integer.valueOf(savingsDollar.get(1).getLocation().getX())); if (!isVertical) { break; } } setLogString("SavingsDollar isVertical :" + isVertical, true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); return isVertical; } /** * @return * @see */ @Override public boolean isSavingsMonthHorizontal() { final WebElement savingsMonthElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.className("fusioncharts-xaxis-0-gridlabels"), TINY_TIMEOUT); final List<WebElement> savingsMonth = getElementsBySubElement(getDriver(), savingsMonthElement, By.tagName("text"), TINY_TIMEOUT); boolean isHorizontal = false; for (WebElement webElement : savingsMonth) { setLogString("SavingsMonth :" + getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), webElement, By.tagName("tspan"), TINY_TIMEOUT).getText(), true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); isHorizontal = Integer.valueOf(webElement.getLocation().getY()) .equals(Integer.valueOf(savingsMonth.get(1).getLocation().getY())); if (!isHorizontal) { break; } } setLogString("SavingsMonth isHorizontal :" + isHorizontal, true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); return isHorizontal; } }