Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) 2014, EcoFactor, All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of EcoFactor * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with * EcoFactor. */ package; import static*; import static*; import static; import static; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class MenuPageImpl. * @author $Author: vprasannaa $ * @version $Rev: 33071 $ $Date: 2014-12-12 17:11:36 +0530 (Fri, 12 Dec 2014) $ */ public class MenuPageImpl extends AbstractBasePageImpl implements MenuPage { /** The Constant MENU_ICON. */ private static final String MENU_ICON = "div.menuClick"; /** The Constant MENU_PAGE_ICON. */ private static final String MENU_PAGE_ICON = "off_menu_blocker"; /** The Constant THERMOSTAT_MENU_ITEM. */ private static final String THERMOSTAT_MENU_ITEM = "div.menu_row.thermostat"; /** The Constant THERMOSTAT_HIGHLIGHT. */ private static final String THERMOSTAT_HIGHLIGHT = "div.menu_row.header"; /** The Constant AWAY_TEMPERATURE_MENU_ITEM. */ private static final String AWAY_TEMPERATURE_MENU_ITEM = ".menu_row.settings"; /** The Constant AWAY_TEMPERATURE_HIGHLIGHTED. */ private static final String AWAY_TEMPERATURE_HIGHLIGHTED = "div.menu_row.settings.highlighted"; /** The Constant LOGOUT_MENU_ITEM. */ private static final String LOGOUT_MENU_ITEM = "div.menu_row.logout"; /** The Constant MENU_HEADER. */ private static final String MENU_HEADER = ".menu_row.header"; /** The Constant MENU_CONTAINER. */ private static final String MENU_CONTAINER = ".menu_container"; /** The Constant MENU_CLOSED. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final String MENU_CLOSED = "div.menu_container.closed"; /** The Constant FOOTER. */ private static final String FOOTER = "away_container"; /** The Constant SAVINGS_LABEL. */ private static final String SAVINGS_LABEL = "div.menu_row.savings"; /** The Constant SAVINGS_NAME. */ private static final String SAVINGS_NAME = "div.label"; /** The Constant LOGGER. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MenuPageImpl.class); /** The Constant RIGHT. */ private static final String RIGHT = "right"; /** The mobile config. */ @Inject protected MobileConfig mobileConfig; /** * Click the menu icon from the thermostat page. * @see */ @Override public void clickMenuIcon() { getAction().rejectAlert(); setLogString("Check Menu Icon is Displayed", true); isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(MENU_ICON), SHORT_TIMEOUT); setLogString("Click Menu Icon in Slice", true); getAction().rejectAlert(); final WebElement menuIcon = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(MENU_ICON), SHORT_TIMEOUT);; // getAction().click(menuIcon); WaitUtil.oneSec(); getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * Click the thermostat menu item from the menu page. * @see */ @Override public void clickThermostatMenuItem() { WaitUtil.tinyWait(); setLogString("Check Thermostat Menu Item is Displayed", true); final boolean state = isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(THERMOSTAT_MENU_ITEM), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (state) { final WebElement menuIcon = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(THERMOSTAT_MENU_ITEM), TINY_TIMEOUT);; setLogString("Thermostat Menu Item is Clicked", true); // getAction().click(menuIcon); getAction().rejectAlert(); } else { setLogString("Thermostat Menu Item is Not Displayed", true); } } /** * Click the logout menu item from the menu page. * @see */ @Override public void clickLogoutMenuItem() { WaitUtil.tinyWait(); getAction().rejectAlert(); setLogString("Check Logout Menu Item is Displayed", true); final boolean state = isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(LOGOUT_MENU_ITEM), TINY_TIMEOUT); WaitUtil.tinyWait(); if (state) { setLogString("Logout Menu Item is Clicked", true); final WebElement menuIcon = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(LOGOUT_MENU_ITEM), SHORT_TIMEOUT);; WaitUtil.tinyWait(); } else { setLogString("Logout Menu Item is Not Displayed", true); } } /** * Click the menu icon from the menu page. * @see */ @Override public void clickMenuIconOnMenuPage() { setLogString("Check Menu Icon is Displayed", true); isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(MENU_PAGE_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT); setLogString("Click Menu Icon", true); final WebElement menuIcon = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(MENU_PAGE_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT);; // getAction().click(menuIcon); getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * Click the away temperature menu item from the menu page. * @see */ @Override public void clickAwayTemperature() { WaitUtil.tinyWait(); setLogString("Check Away Temperature Menu Item is Displayed", true); final boolean state = isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(AWAY_TEMPERATURE_MENU_ITEM), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (state) { setLogString("Away Temperature Menu Item is Clicked", true); getAction().rejectAlert(); final WebElement menuIcon = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(AWAY_TEMPERATURE_MENU_ITEM), TINY_TIMEOUT); // setLogString("log" + menuIcon.getAttribute("class"), true); WaitUtil.oneSec();; // getAction().click(menuIcon); getAction().rejectAlert(); } else { setLogString("Away Temperature Menu Item is Not Displayed", true); } } /** * Cleanup. * @see */ @Override public void cleanup() { setLogString("Cleanup in Menu Page.", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); } /** * Checks if is page loaded. * @return true, if is page loaded * @see */ @Override public boolean isPageLoaded() { setLogString("Verify the Menu Page is loaded", true, CustomLogLevel.MEDIUM); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(MENU_CONTAINER), TINY_TIMEOUT) && isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(THERMOSTAT_MENU_ITEM), TINY_TIMEOUT) && isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(AWAY_TEMPERATURE_MENU_ITEM), TINY_TIMEOUT) && isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(LOGOUT_MENU_ITEM), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Swipe page. * @param leftOrRight the left or right * @see */ @Override public void swipePage(String leftOrRight) { WebElement thermostatContent = null; if (leftOrRight.equalsIgnoreCase(RIGHT)) { isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(MENU_HEADER), TINY_TIMEOUT); thermostatContent = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(MENU_HEADER), TINY_TIMEOUT); WaitUtil.oneSec();; // getAction().doSwipeRight(thermostatContent); } else { isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(MENU_PAGE_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT); thermostatContent = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(MENU_PAGE_ICON), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(thermostatContent); getAction().rejectAlert(); } } /** * Checks if is footer slice displayed. * @return true, if is footer slice displayed * @see */ public boolean isFooterSliceDisplayed() { return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(FOOTER), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Click slice. * @see */ public void clickSlice() { setLogString("Click Slice Area", true, CustomLogLevel.LOW); final WebElement menu_container = getElement(getDriver(), By.className("menu_container"), TINY_TIMEOUT); final WebElement footerElement = menu_container.findElement(By.className("off_menu_blocker")); getAction().click(footerElement); getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * Checks if is savings label displayed. * @return true, if is savings label displayed * @see */ @Override public boolean isSavingsLabelDisplayed() { setLogString("Check Savings label is displayed", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(SAVINGS_NAME), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Click savings. * @see */ @Override public void clickSavings() { setLogString("Click Savings in Menu page", true, CustomLogLevel.HIGH); final WebElement savings = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(SAVINGS_LABEL), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(savings); } /** * click thermostat when it highlighted. * @see */ @Override public void clickThermostatHighlighted() { WaitUtil.smallWait(); setLogString("Check Thermostat Menu Item is Displayed", true); isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(THERMOSTAT_HIGHLIGHT), TINY_TIMEOUT); // System.out.println(stateEnable + "stateEnable"); setLogString("Thermostat Menu Item is Clicked", true); final WebElement menuIcon = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(THERMOSTAT_HIGHLIGHT), TINY_TIMEOUT); WaitUtil.oneSec();; // getAction().click(menuIcon); WaitUtil.oneSec(); getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * Click menu container. * @see */ @Override public void clickMenuContainer() { final WebElement containerEle = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(MENU_CONTAINER), TINY_TIMEOUT); WaitUtil.oneSec();; getAction().rejectAlert(); } /** * @see */ @Override public void clickAwayHiglighted() { WaitUtil.tinyWait(); setLogString("Check Away Temperature Menu item Highlighted is Displayed", true); final boolean state = isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(AWAY_TEMPERATURE_HIGHLIGHTED), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (state) { setLogString("Away Temperature Menu Highlighted Item is Clicked", true); final WebElement menuIcon = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(AWAY_TEMPERATURE_HIGHLIGHTED), TINY_TIMEOUT); WaitUtil.oneSec();; // getAction().click(menuIcon); getAction().rejectAlert(); } else { setLogString("Away Temperature Menu Item is Not Displayed", true); } } }