Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) 2014, EcoFactor, All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of EcoFactor * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with * EcoFactor. */ package; import static*; import static*; import static*; import org.junit.Assert; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import; import; /** * The Class SavingsPageImpl. * @author $Author: vprasannaa $ * @version $Rev: 32256 $ $Date: 2014-10-14 15:46:14 +0530 (Tue, 14 Oct 2014) $ */ public class HelpOverlayPageImpl extends AbstractAuthenticationPageImpl implements HelpOverlayPage { private static final String CLOSE_BRACKET = "']"; private static final String IMG_SRC = "img[src='"; private static final String HELP_DIV = "help_slide"; private static final String HELP_CLOSE = "closeButton"; private static final String SWIPE = "FTUXBody"; private static final String MENU_IMG = "img/help/HelpMenu.png"; private static final String AWAY_IMG = "img/help/HelpSavesEnergy.png"; private static final String SWIPE_IMG = "/img/help/HelpForeground-03.png"; private static final String SAVINGS_IMG = "img/help/HelpSavings.png"; private static final String RIGHT = "right"; private static final String FIRSTIMAGE_HELP = ".ftuxHand"; /** * Cleanup. * @see */ @Override public void cleanup() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /** * Checks if is page loaded. * @return true, if is page loaded * @see */ @Override public boolean isPageLoaded() { setLogString("Verify if help overlay page is loaded.", true); return isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.className(HELP_DIV), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * @see */ @Override public void closeHelpOverlay() { setLogString("Close Help", true); final WebElement closeElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.className(HELP_CLOSE), TINY_TIMEOUT);; } /** * Gets the swipe container. * @return the swipe container */ private WebElement getSwipeContainer() { return getElement(getDriver(), By.className(SWIPE), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Gets the next button. * @return the next button */ private WebElement getNextButton() { return getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("div.nextButton"), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Gets the started button. * @return the started button */ private WebElement getStartedButton() { return getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("div.doneButton"), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Gets the current page element. * @return the current page element */ public HelpPage getCurrentPage() { WebElement currentPageElement = null; HelpPage currentPage = null; currentPageElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("div.help_slide"), TINY_TIMEOUT); for (final HelpPage page : HelpPage.values()) { currentPageElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("div.help_slide"), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (currentPageElement != null) { currentPage = page; getAction().click(getNextButton()); WaitUtil.tinyWait(); break; } } getAction().click(getNextButton()); WaitUtil.tinyWait(); return currentPage; } /** * Go to page. * @param page the page * @param swipe the swipe */ public void goToPage(final HelpPage page, final boolean swipe) { getAction().click(getNextButton()); WaitUtil.tinyWait(); Assert.assertTrue(getCurrentPage().equals(page)); } /** * Check swipe away menu help. * @see */ @Override public void checkSwipeAwayMenuHelp() { setLogString("1. Check Away Help is displayed.", true); Assert.assertTrue( isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(IMG_SRC + AWAY_IMG + CLOSE_BRACKET), TINY_TIMEOUT)); setLogString("2. Check Menu Help is displayed.", true); Assert.assertTrue( isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(IMG_SRC + MENU_IMG + CLOSE_BRACKET), TINY_TIMEOUT)); setLogString("3. Check Swipe Help is displayed.", true); final Object value = executeScriptByClassName("slide_2", "background-image", getDriver()); Assert.assertTrue(value.toString().contains(SWIPE_IMG)); setLogString("4. Check Savings Help is displayed.", true); Assert.assertTrue( isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(IMG_SRC + SAVINGS_IMG + CLOSE_BRACKET), TINY_TIMEOUT)); } /** * Swipe direction. * @param direction the direction * @see */ @Override public void swipeDirection(final String direction) { final WebElement element = getSwipeContainer(); if (direction.equalsIgnoreCase(RIGHT)) { getAction().doSwipeRight(element, element.getLocation().getX(), element.getLocation().getY(), element.getSize().getWidth() / 2, 0.1); } else { getAction().doSwipeLeft(element, element.getLocation().getX(), element.getLocation().getY(), element.getSize().getWidth() / 2, 0.1); } } /** * Close help overlay. * @see */ @Override public void goToThermostatPage() { WebElement next = null; WebElement getStarted = null; while ((next = getNextButton()) != null || (getStarted = getStartedButton()) != null) { if (next != null) { setLogString("Click Next.", true); getAction().click(next); next = null; } else { setLogString("Click get started.", true); getAction().click(getStarted); } } } /** * @param page * @see */ @Override public boolean isSlideLoaded(final HelpPage page, final String image) { Object bimage = null; final WebElement targetElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("div.help_slide_img"), TINY_TIMEOUT); bimage = targetElement.getAttribute("style"); return bimage.toString().contains(image); } /** * Loads the previous page on the help overlay. * @param page the page to load * @param swipeStatus the swipe */ @Override public void loadPreviousPage(final int pageIndicator, final boolean swipeStatus) { switch (pageIndicator) { case 1: goToPage(HelpPage.DRAG_TARGET_HELP, swipeStatus); break; case 2: goToPage(HelpPage.ECOPILOT_HELP, swipeStatus); break; case 3: goToPage(HelpPage.SWIPE_THERMOSTAT_HELP, swipeStatus); break; default: break; } } /** * Reach the first page of helpOverLay page. * @return true, if drag and drop image displayed. * @see */ @Override public boolean helpOverlayPageOne() { setLogString("Verify the drag and drop image display.", true); Assert.assertTrue(isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(FIRSTIMAGE_HELP), TINY_TIMEOUT)); return true; } /** * Verify it reaches the second page of help overlay. * @return true, if savings energy page display. * @see */ @Override public boolean helpOverlayPageTwo() { boolean helpPageOne = helpOverlayPageOne(); setLogString("Verify the Energy savings page display.", true); if (helpPageOne == true) { WebElement next = getNextButton(); getAction().click(next); WaitUtil.oneSec(); getAction().rejectAlert(); // Assert.assertTrue(isDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(HELP_SLIDE), // TINY_TIMEOUT)); } return true; } /** * verify it reaches the third page of help overlay page. * @return true, if switch thermostat page loaded. * @see */ @Override public boolean helpOverlayPageThree() { setLogString("Verify switch thermostat page display.", true); WebElement next = getNextButton(); getAction().click(next); WaitUtil.oneSec(); getAction().rejectAlert(); return true; } }