Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) 2014, EcoFactor, All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of EcoFactor * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with * EcoFactor. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static*; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; /** * The Class AbstractSetAwayParameters. * @author $Author:$ * @version $Rev:$ $Date:$ */ public abstract class AbstractSetAwayParameters extends AbstractAuthenticationPageImpl { private static final String CURRENT_VALUE = "div.dw-li.dw-v.dw-sel"; private static final String DATA_VALUE = "data-val"; /** * Save away settings. * @return true, if successful */ protected boolean saveAwaySettings() { final WebElement setElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("a.dwb.dwb0.dwb-e"), TINY_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(setElement); return isNotDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(CURRENT_VALUE), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Close away settings popup. */ protected boolean cancelAwaySettings() { final WebElement cancelElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("a.dwb.dwb1.dwb-e"), MEDIUM_TIMEOUT); getAction().click(cancelElement); return isNotDisplayed(getDriver(), By.cssSelector(CURRENT_VALUE), TINY_TIMEOUT); } /** * Change value. * @param value the value * @return the integer */ public Integer changeAwayParamValue(final SetAwayParams awayParams, final int value) { final int noOfSetPoints = Math.abs(value); WebElement containerElement = getElement(getDriver(), By.cssSelector("div.dwwl.dwwl0"), TINY_TIMEOUT); WebElement currentReadingElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), containerElement, By.cssSelector(CURRENT_VALUE), TINY_TIMEOUT); String currentReadingValue = currentReadingElement.getAttribute(DATA_VALUE); final WebElement upOrDownArrow = value > 0 ? getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), containerElement, By.cssSelector("a.dwb-e.dwwb.dwwbm"), SHORT_TIMEOUT) : getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), containerElement, By.cssSelector("a.dwb-e.dwwb.dwwbp"), SHORT_TIMEOUT); for (int count = 0; count < noOfSetPoints; count++) { getAction().click(upOrDownArrow); } currentReadingElement = getElementBySubElement(getDriver(), containerElement, By.cssSelector(CURRENT_VALUE), TINY_TIMEOUT); currentReadingValue = currentReadingElement.getAttribute(DATA_VALUE); saveAwaySettings(); return Integer.parseInt(currentReadingValue); } }