Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) 2014, EcoFactor, All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of EcoFactor * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with * EcoFactor. */ package; import static*; import static*; import static org.testng.Reporter.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.AfterSuite; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite; import org.testng.annotations.Guice; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.ecofactor.common.pojo.Location; import com.ecofactor.common.pojo.Thermostat; import com.ecofactor.common.pojo.ThermostatAlgorithm; import com.ecofactor.common.pojo.timeseries.PartitionedThermostatRangeData; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class MobileUsersTest. * @author $Author:$ * @version $Rev:$ $Date:$ */ @Guice(modules = { MobileModule.class, DaoModule.class }) public class MobileUsersTest { /** The Constant HEAT. */ private static final String HEAT = "Heat"; /** The Constant COOL. */ private static final String COOL = "Cool"; /** The Constant THERMOSTAT_CONTAINER. */ private static final String THERMOSTAT_CONTAINER = "thermostat_container"; /** The Constant LOCATION_NAME. */ private static final String LOCATION_NAME = "location_name"; /** The Constant TH_AXIS_CONTAINER. */ private static final String TH_AXIS_CONTAINER = "temperature_axis_container"; /** The Constant UNUSED_BTM_CONTAINER. */ private static final String UNUSED_BTM_CONTAINER = "unused_bottom_container"; /** The test ops. */ @Inject private TestOperations testOps; /** The ui action. */ @Inject private UIAction uiAction; /** The login page. */ @Inject private LoginPage loginPage; /** The th page ui. */ @Inject private ThermostatPageUI thPageUI; /** The th page ops. */ @Inject private ThermostatPageOps thPageOps; /** The th ctrl ui page. */ @Inject private TstatControlUIPage thCtrlUIPage; /** The th ctrl ops page. */ @Inject private TstatControlOpsPage thCtrlOpsPage; /** The menu page. */ @Inject private MenuPage menuPage; /** The savings page. */ @Inject private SavingsPage savingsPage; /** The thermostat dao. */ @Inject private ThermostatDao thermostatDao; /** The location dao. */ @Inject private LocationDao locationDao; /** The mail util. */ @Inject MobileMailUtil mailUtil; /** The mobile user test data config. */ @Inject private MobileUserTestDataConfig mobileUserTestDataConfig; /** The convert user data to test data. */ @Inject private ConvertUserDataToTestData convertUserDataToTestData; /** The thermostat range data dao. */ @Inject private ThermostatRangeDataDao thermostatRangeDataDao; /** The th algorithm dao. */ @Inject private ThermostatAlgorithmDao thAlgorithmDao; /** The user datas. */ private static List<UserData> userDatas = new LinkedList<UserData>(); /** * Before suite. */ @BeforeSuite(alwaysRun = true) public void beforeSuite() { System.out.println("Before Suite..."); } /** * Before method. * @param method the method * @param param the param * @throws DeviceException the device exception */ @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void beforeMethod(final Method method, final Object[] param) throws DeviceException { System.out.println("Before Method..."); LogUtil.setLogString(LogSection.START, "Setup ", true); testOps.cleanup(); testOps.switchToWebView(); LogUtil.setLogString(LogSection.END, "Setup Completed", true); } /** * After method. * @param method the method */ @AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void afterMethod(Method method) { DriverConfig.setLogString( "Completed test " + method.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName() + "." + method.getName(), true); DriverConfig.setLogString("-------------------------------------------------------", true); } /** * After suite. */ @AfterSuite(alwaysRun = true) public void afterSuite() { convertUserDataToTestData.convertToXml(userDatas); DriverConfig.setLogString("Populate the mail content and send mail", true); mailUtil.mobileUserSendMail(TestType.CONSUMER, mobileUserTestDataConfig.getEnvironment(), userDatas); } /** * Mobile user details. * @param userName the user name * @param password the password */ @Test(dataProvider = "mobileUsers", dataProviderClass = MobileUserDataProvider.class, groups = { "sanity1" }) public void mobileUserDetails(String userName, String password) { try { UserData userData = new UserData(); doLogin(userName, password); boolean isPageloaded = isPageLoaded(); userData.setLogin(isPageloaded); userData.setUserName(userName); userData.setPassword(password); List<ThermostatData> thermostatDatas = new LinkedList<ThermostatData>(); if (isPageloaded) { isDisplayed(testOps.getDeviceDriver(), By.xpath("//*[contains(@class, '" + THERMOSTAT_CONTAINER + "')]"), TINY_TIMEOUT); List<WebElement> thermostatContainer = testOps.getDeviceDriver() .findElements(By.xpath("//*[contains(@class, '" + THERMOSTAT_CONTAINER + "')]")); /* * testOps.getDeviceDriver().findElements( By.xpath("//*[contains(@class, '" + * THERMOSTAT_CONTAINER + "')]")); */ System.out.println("thermostatContainer.size()#==" + thermostatContainer.size()); if (thermostatContainer.size() > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < thermostatContainer.size(); i++) { System.out.println("i=======================" + i); WebElement page = testOps.getDeviceDriver().findElement(By.xpath("//html/body/div[1]")); LogUtil.setLogString("Swipe Left for a thermostat ", true); uiAction.doSwipeLeft(page); WaitUtil.tinyWait(); thermostatDatas = getThermostatDetails(userName, thermostatDatas); } } else { thermostatDatas = getThermostatDetails(userName, thermostatDatas); } userData.setThermostatDatas(thermostatDatas); } userData = verifyUserStatus(userData); List<Location> locationList = locationDao.getLocationByUserName(userName); userData.setNoOfLocation(locationList.size()); userData.setNoOfThermostats(thermostatDatas.size()); userDatas.add(userData); if (userData.isLogin()) { doLogout(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Gets the thermostat details. * @param userName the user name * @param thermostatDatas the thermostat datas * @return the thermostat details */ private List<ThermostatData> getThermostatDetails(String userName, List<ThermostatData> thermostatDatas) { ThermostatData thermostatData = new ThermostatData(); String thermostatName = thPageUI.getCurrentThermostatName(); thermostatData.setThermostatName(thermostatName); int thId = getTstatIdForUser(userName, thermostatName); boolean thStatus = thId == 0 ? true : thPageUI.isThermostatOffline(); thermostatData.setThermostatId(thId); boolean isTstatInstalled = thPageUI.isThermostatNotInstalled(); thermostatData.setConnected(!thStatus && !isTstatInstalled); if (!thStatus && !isTstatInstalled) { thPageOps.openTstatController(); WaitUtil.tinyWait(); List<String> mode = thCtrlUIPage.getAvailableModes(); if (mode.contains(HEAT.toLowerCase())) { thermostatData.getModes()[0] = "Heat"; } if (mode.contains(COOL.toLowerCase())) { thermostatData.getModes()[1] = "Cool"; } thCtrlOpsPage.closeThermostatControl(); thermostatData.setSubsribedAlgorithms(getSubscribedAlgo(thId)); thermostatData.setDataCollection(hasDataCollection(thId)); thermostatData.setLocationName(getLocationName(thId)); thermostatData.setSavingsValue(getSavingsValue()); } thermostatDatas.add(thermostatData); return thermostatDatas; } /** * Do login. * @param userName the user name * @param password the password * @throws Exception the exception */ private void doLogin(final String userName, final String password) throws Exception { System.setProperty("userName", userName); System.setProperty("password", password); loginPage.login(userName, password); WaitUtil.smallWait(); if (loginPage.isLoggedIn()) { thPageOps.closeHelp(); WaitUtil.tinyWait(); } } /** * Do login. * @throws Exception the exception */ private void doLogout() throws Exception { thPageOps.clickMenu(); menuPage.isPageLoaded(); thPageOps.logout(); if (!loginPage.isPageLoaded()) { LogUtil.setLogString(Marker.START, "Verify the page is redirected to Login Screen", true); thPageUI.isPageLoaded(); thPageOps.clickMenu(); menuPage.isPageLoaded(); menuPage.clickLogoutMenuItem(); LogUtil.setLogString(Marker.END, "Completed", true); } WaitUtil.smallWait(); } /** * Gets the tstat id for user. * @param userName the user name * @param thermostatName the thermostat name * @return the tstat id for user */ private Integer getTstatIdForUser(final String userName, String thermostatName) { List<Integer> thList = thermostatDao.getThermostatIdForUser(userName); Integer thId = 0; if (thList.size() == 1) { thId = thList.get(0); } else { for (Integer thermostatId : thList) { Thermostat tstat = thermostatDao.findByThermostatId(String.valueOf(thermostatId)); if (tstat.getName().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(thermostatName.trim())) { thId = thermostatId; break; } } } LogUtil.setLogString("Thermostat Id: " + thId, true); return thId; } /** * Checks if is page loaded. * @return true, if is page loaded * @throws Exception the exception */ private boolean isPageLoaded() throws Exception { LogUtil.setLogString("Verify Login is Success", true); isDisplayed(testOps.getDeviceDriver(), By.className(UNUSED_BTM_CONTAINER), SHORT_TIMEOUT); boolean isBackgroundDisplayed = isDisplayed(testOps.getDeviceDriver(), By.className(TH_AXIS_CONTAINER), TINY_TIMEOUT); boolean isPageDisplayed = isDisplayed(testOps.getDeviceDriver(), By.className(LOCATION_NAME), TINY_TIMEOUT); if (!isBackgroundDisplayed || !isPageDisplayed) { LogUtil.setLogString(LogSection.END, "Login Failed", true); } else { LogUtil.setLogString(LogSection.END, "Login Success", true); } loginPage.setLoggedIn(isPageDisplayed && isBackgroundDisplayed); return isPageDisplayed; } /** * Verify user status. * @param userData the user data * @return the user data */ private UserData verifyUserStatus(UserData userData) { if (!userData.isLogin()) { userData.setHasFailures(true); } else if (userData.getThermostatDatas() == null || userData.getThermostatDatas().size() == 0) { userData.setHasFailures(true); } else if (userData.getThermostatDatas() != null && userData.getThermostatDatas().size() > 0) { for (ThermostatData thermostatData : userData.getThermostatDatas()) { if (!thermostatData.isConnected()) { userData.setHasFailures(true); break; } if (thermostatData.getModes()[0] != "Heat") { userData.setHasFailures(true); break; } if (thermostatData.getModes()[1] != "Cool") { userData.setHasFailures(true); break; } if (!thermostatData.isDataCollection()) { userData.setHasFailures(true); break; } } } return userData; } /** * Checks for data collection. * @param thermostatId the thermostat id * @return true, if successful */ private boolean hasDataCollection(Integer thermostatId) { boolean hasDataCollection = false; String currentUTCTime = DateUtil.getUTCCurrentTimeStamp(DateUtil.DATE_FMT_FULL); Calendar startCalendar = DateUtil.parseToCalendar(currentUTCTime, DateUtil.DATE_FMT_FULL); startCalendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -60); Calendar endCalendar = DateUtil.parseToCalendar(currentUTCTime, DateUtil.DATE_FMT_FULL); List<PartitionedThermostatRangeData> rangeDataList = thermostatRangeDataDao .listByThermostatAndStartTimeRange(thermostatId, startCalendar, endCalendar); hasDataCollection = rangeDataList != null && !rangeDataList.isEmpty() ? true : false; return hasDataCollection; } /** * Gets the location name. * @param thermostatId the thermostat id * @return the location name */ private String getLocationName(Integer thermostatId) { Location location = locationDao.getLocationForAThermostat(thermostatId); String locationName = ""; if (location != null) { locationName = location.getName(); } return locationName; } /** * Gets the savings value. * @return the savings value */ private String getSavingsValue() { return thPageUI.getSavingsAmount(); } /** * Gets the subscribed algo. * @param thermostatId the thermostat id * @return the subscribed algo */ public String[] getSubscribedAlgo(Integer thermostatId) { log("Get subscribed algorithms", true); List<ThermostatAlgorithm> thAlgoList = thAlgorithmDao.findByThermostatId(thermostatId); String[] subscribedAlgo = new String[thAlgoList.size()]; int index = 0; for (ThermostatAlgorithm thermostatAlgorithm : thAlgoList) { subscribedAlgo[index++] = thermostatAlgorithm.getAlgorithm().getName(); } return subscribedAlgo; } }