Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) 2014, EcoFactor, All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of EcoFactor * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with * EcoFactor. */ package; import static*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Guice; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class DRAPI_Test. * @author $Author:$ * @version $Rev:$ $Date:$ */ @Guice(modules = { UtilModule.class, DaoModule.class, DRApiModule.class }) public class DRAPI_Test extends AbstractTest { private static String ISTATUS = "INACTIVE"; @Inject private DRApiConfig apiconfig; @Inject private LSProgramEventDao lsProEvent; @Inject private EventControlDao eControl; /** * Before method. * @param method the method * @param param the param * @see, * java.lang.Object[]) */ @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void beforeMethod(final Method method, final Object[] param) { logUtil.logStart(method, param, null); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Test_create_dr_event_ecofactor Corporation. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "createDRALLGatewaysECO", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 1) public void drEventForEco(final String drUrl, final String programID, final String eventID, final String targetType, final String targetALLJson) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String createUrl = drUrl; createUrl = createUrl.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programID) .replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventID + timeStamp).replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType) .replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = targetALLJson; json = json.replaceFirst("<start_time>", Long.toString(DateUtil.addToUTCMilliSeconds(Calendar.MINUTE, -5))) .replaceFirst("<end_time>", Long.toString(DateUtil.addToUTCMilliSeconds(Calendar.MINUTE, 120))); setLogString("URL Values of the API \n" + createUrl + "\n" + json, true); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(createUrl, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorcorp.p12", "ecofactor")); final String result = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + result + "'", true); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200, "Error status: " + response.getStatusLine()); final String eventName = getDrEventName(result); setLogString("DR EventName: " + eventName, true); final int programEventId = lsProEvent.updateEventStatus(eventName); setLogString("Program Event Id: " + programEventId, true); eControl.updateStatus(programEventId, ISTATUS); setLogString("Updated ", true); } /** * Test_create_dr_event_Comcast. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "createDRLocationComCAST", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 2) public void drEventForComcast(final String drUrl, final String programID, final String eventID, final String targetType, final String targetALLJson) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String createUrl = drUrl; createUrl = createUrl.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programID) .replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventID + timeStamp).replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType) .replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = commonJson(createUrl, targetALLJson); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(createUrl, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("Comcast.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String resultValue = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + resultValue + "'", true); final String eventName = getDrEventName(resultValue); setLogString("DR EventName: " + eventName, true); final int programEventId = lsProEvent.updateEventStatus(eventName); setLogString("Program Event Id: " + programEventId, true); eControl.updateStatus(programEventId, ISTATUS); setLogString("Updated ", true); } /** * Test_create_dr_event_nve. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "createDRAllGatewaysNVE", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 3) public void drEventForNve(final String drUrl, final String programID, final String eventID, final String targetType, final String targetAllJson) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String directURL = drUrl; directURL = directURL.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programID) .replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventID + timeStamp).replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType) .replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = commonJson(directURL, targetAllJson); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(directURL, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorqanve.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String resultValueString = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + resultValueString + "'", true); final String eventName = getDrEventName(resultValueString); setLogString("DR EventName: " + eventName, true); final int programEventId = lsProEvent.updateEventStatus(eventName); setLogString("Program Event Id: " + programEventId, true); eControl.updateStatus(programEventId, ISTATUS); setLogString("Updated ", true); } /** * Test_create_Dr_event_Default. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "createDRALLGatewaysDefault", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 4) public void drEventForDefault(final String drUrl, final String programID, final String targetType, final String targetALLJson) { String createUrl = drUrl; createUrl = createUrl.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programID).replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType) .replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = commonJson(createUrl, targetALLJson); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(createUrl, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("nopartnercode.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String result = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + result + "'", true); final int lsProgramEventID = getDrEventId(result); setLogString("DR Event ID: " + lsProgramEventID, true); lsProEvent.updateById(lsProgramEventID); eControl.updateStatus(lsProgramEventID, ISTATUS); setLogString("Updated ", true); } /** * Test_create_Dr_event for blank program ID. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "drEventForBlankProgramID", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 5) public void blankProgramID(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String targetType, final String jSon) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String drUrl = Url; drUrl = drUrl.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId).replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp) .replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType).replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = commonJson(drUrl, jSon); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(drUrl, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorcorp.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 404, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String result = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + result + "'", true); } /** * Test Dr event for non existing program Id. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "drEventForNonExistingProgramID", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 6) public void nonExistingProgramId(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String targetType, final String jSon) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String drUrl = Url; drUrl = drUrl.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId).replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp) .replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType).replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = commonJson(drUrl, jSon); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(drUrl, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorqanve.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String result = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + result + "'", true); } /** * Test Dr event for providing junk program Id. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "drEventForJunkProgramID", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 7) public void junkProgramId(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String targetType, final String jSon) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String drUrl = Url; drUrl = drUrl.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId).replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp) .replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType).replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = commonJson(drUrl, jSon); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(drUrl, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorcorp.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String result = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + result + "'", true); } /** * Test create Dr event for without providing event id. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "drEventforNoEventID", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 8) public void withoutEventId(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String targetType, final String jSon) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String drUrl = Url; drUrl = drUrl.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId).replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp) .replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType).replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = commonJson(drUrl, jSon); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(drUrl, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorcorp.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String result = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + result + "'", true); } /** * Test create Dr event for without providing partner code. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "drEventForNoPartnerCode", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 9) public void withoutPartnerCode(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String targetType, final String jSon) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String drUrl = Url; drUrl = drUrl.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId).replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp) .replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType).replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = commonJson(drUrl, jSon); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(drUrl, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("nopartnercode.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String result = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + result + "'", true); } /** * Test create Dr event for existing event. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "drEventForExistingEvent", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 10) public void existingEvent(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String targetType, final String jSon, final String startTime, final String endTime) { String directURL = Url; directURL = directURL.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId).replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId) .replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType).replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = jSon; json = json.replaceFirst("<start_time>", startTime).replaceFirst("<end_time>", endTime); setLogString("URL Values of the API \n" + directURL + "\n" + json, true); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(directURL, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorqanve.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String resultValueString = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + resultValueString, true); } /** * Test create Dr event for adding event. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "drEventForAddingAnEvent", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 11) public void addingEvent(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String targetType, final String jSon, final String event, final String noEvents) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); final int eventValue = Integer.parseInt(event); final int noOfEvents = Integer.parseInt(noEvents); int count = 0; String createUrl = Url; HttpResponse response = null; if (noOfEvents < eventValue) { while (noOfEvents <= eventValue) { createUrl = createUrl.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId) .replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp).replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType) .replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = commonJson(createUrl, jSon); response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(createUrl, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorcorp.p12", "ecofactor")); final String result = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); System.out.println("result" + result); setLogString("response :'" + result + "'", true); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200, "Error status: " + response.getStatusLine()); final String eventName = getDrEventName(result); setLogString("DR EventName: " + eventName, true); final int programEventId = lsProEvent.updateEventStatus(eventName); setLogString("Program Event Id: " + programEventId, true); eControl.updateStatus(programEventId, ISTATUS); setLogString("Updated ", true); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) { count++; } if (count > 0) { Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400, "Error Status: " + response.getStatusLine()); } } } else { createUrl = createUrl.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId) .replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp).replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType) .replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = commonJson(createUrl, jSon); response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(createUrl, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorcorp.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200, "Error status: " + response.getStatusLine()); final String result = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); System.out.println("result" + result); setLogString("response :'" + result + "'", true); final String eventName = getDrEventName(result); setLogString("DR EventName: " + eventName, true); final int programEventId = lsProEvent.updateEventStatus(eventName); setLogString("Program Event Id: " + programEventId, true); eControl.updateStatus(programEventId, ISTATUS); setLogString("Updated ", true); } } /** * Test for window out of program boundaries. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "WindowOutofProgramBoundary", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 12) public void outofProgramBoundary(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String targetType, final String jSon, final String startTime, final String endTime) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String directURL = Url; directURL = directURL.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId) .replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp).replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType) .replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = jSon; json = json.replaceFirst("<start_time>", startTime).replaceFirst("<end_time>", endTime); setLogString("URL Values of the API \n" + directURL + "\n" + json, true); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(directURL, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorqanve.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String resultValueString = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + resultValueString, true); } /** * Test create dr event for Inactive event. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "eventInactive", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 13) public void eventInactive(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String targetType, final String jSon) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String createUrl = Url; createUrl = createUrl.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId) .replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp).replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType) .replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = commonJson(createUrl, jSon); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(createUrl, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorcorp.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400, "Error status: " + response.getStatusLine()); final String result = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + result, true); } /** * Test create Dr event for an expired event. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "eventExpired", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 14) public void eventExpired(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String targetType, final String jSon, final String startTime, final String endTime) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String createUrl = Url; createUrl = createUrl.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId) .replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp).replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType) .replaceFirst("<target_all>", "true"); String json = jSon; json = json.replaceFirst("<start_time>", startTime).replaceFirst("<end_time>", endTime); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(createUrl, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorcorp.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400, "Error status: " + response.getStatusLine()); final String result = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + result, true); } /** * Test create Dr event for gateway id is blank. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "gatewayIDBlank", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 15) public void gatewayIDBlank(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String jSon, final String gatewayID) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String directURL = Url; directURL = directURL.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId).replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp); String json = gatewayJson(directURL, jSon, gatewayID); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(directURL, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorqanve.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String resultValueString = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + resultValueString + "'", true); } /** * Test create Dr event for non existing gateway id. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "notExistingGatewayID", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 16) public void notExistingGatewayID(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String jSon, final String gatewayID) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String directURL = Url; directURL = directURL.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId).replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp); String json = gatewayJson(directURL, jSon, gatewayID); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(directURL, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorqanve.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String resultValueString = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + resultValueString + "'", true); } /** * Test create Dr event for junk gateway id. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "junkGatewayID", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 17) public void junkGatewayID(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String jSon, final String gatewayID) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String directURL = Url; directURL = directURL.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId).replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp); String json = gatewayJson(directURL, jSon, gatewayID); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(directURL, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorqanve.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String resultValueString = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + resultValueString + "'", true); } /** * Test create DR event for providing correct gateway id. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "correctGatewayID", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 18) public void correctGatewayID(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String targetType, final String jSon, final String gatewayID) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String directURL = Url; directURL = directURL.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId) .replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp).replaceFirst("<target_type>", targetType) .replaceFirst("<target_all>", "false"); String json = gatewayJson(directURL, jSon, gatewayID); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(directURL, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorcorp.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String resultValueString = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + resultValueString + "'", true); final String eventName = getDrEventName(resultValueString); setLogString("DR EventName: " + eventName, true); final int programEventId = lsProEvent.updateEventStatus(eventName); setLogString("Program Event Id: " + programEventId, true); eControl.updateStatus(programEventId, ISTATUS); setLogString("Updated ", true); } /** * Test create DR event for providing omit gateway block. */ @Test(groups = { Groups.SANITY1 }, dataProvider = "omitGatewayBlock", dataProviderClass = DRAPIDataProvider.class, priority = 19) public void omitGatewayBlock(final String Url, final String programId, final String eventId, final String jSon) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String directURL = Url; directURL = directURL.replaceFirst("<program_id>", programId).replaceFirst("<event_id>", eventId + timeStamp); String json = commonJson(directURL, jSon); final HttpResponse response = HTTPSClient.postResponse(directURL, json, HTTPSClient.getPKCSKeyHttpClient("ecofactorcorp.p12", "ecofactor")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400, "Error Status:" + response.getStatusLine()); final String resultValueString = HTTPSClient.getResultString(response.getEntity()); setLogString("response :'" + resultValueString + "'", true); } /** * String value is common for all test cases. * @param url is url * @param targetJson is targetJson * @return String */ public String commonJson(final String url, final String targetJson) { String json = targetJson; json = json.replaceFirst("<start_time>", Long.toString(DateUtil.addToUTCMilliSeconds(Calendar.MINUTE, 10))) .replaceFirst("<end_time>", Long.toString(DateUtil.addToUTCMilliSeconds(Calendar.MINUTE, 20))); setLogString("URL Values of the API \n" + url + "\n" + json, true); return json; } /** * String value is common for few test cases were depends on gateway id. * @param targetJson is targetJson * @param gatewayID is gatewayID * @return String */ public String gatewayJson(final String url, final String targetJson, final String gatewayID) { String json = targetJson; json = json.replaceFirst("<gateway_id>", gatewayID) .replaceFirst("<start_time>", Long.toString(DateUtil.subtractFromUTCMilliSeconds(Calendar.MINUTE, 5))) .replaceFirst("<end_time>", Long.toString(DateUtil.addToUTCMilliSeconds(Calendar.HOUR, 1))); setLogString("URL Values of the API \n" + url + "\n" + json, true); return json; } /** * Fetch the Event Name after creation of DR Event. * @param response the response * @return String. */ public String getDrEventName(final String response) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(response, ","); String eventID = ""; while (st.hasMoreElements()) { @SuppressWarnings("unused") String status = st.nextToken(); eventID = st.nextToken(); } String[] eventValues = eventID.split(":"); final String eventName = eventValues[2]; setLogString("DR EventName Fetched : " + eventName.substring(0, eventName.length() - 3), true); return eventName.substring(0, eventName.length() - 3); } /** * Fetch the Event Id after creation of DR Event. * @param response the response. * @return Integer. */ public int getDrEventId(final String response) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(response, ","); String eventID = ""; while (st.hasMoreElements()) { String[] values = new String[(st.countTokens())]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { values[i] = st.nextToken(); } eventID = values[1]; } String[] eventValues = eventID.split(":"); String value = eventValues[1]; String str = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1); final int eventId = Integer.parseInt(str); return eventId; } }