Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.IBinder; import; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; /** * For a given BLE device, this Activity provides the user interface to connect, display data, * and display GATT services and characteristics supported by the device. The Activity * communicates with {@code BluetoothLeService}, which in turn interacts with the * Bluetooth LE API. * <p/> * ??? */ public abstract class BaseBluetoothControlWithProtocolActivity extends BaseBluetoothIsOpenActivity { private final static String TAG = BaseBluetoothControlWithProtocolActivity.class.getSimpleName(); //? private static final int RETRY_TIMES = 3; // private static final int OVERTIME = 3000; // private LocalBroadcastManager mLocalBroadcastManager; // public static final String EXTRAS_DEVICE_NAME = "DEVICE_NAME"; public static final String EXTRAS_DEVICE_NICK_NAME = "DEVICE_NICK_NAME"; public static final String EXTRAS_DEVICE_ADDRESS = "DEVICE_ADDRESS"; // private TextView mConnectionState; // private TextView mDataField; protected String mDeviceName; protected String mNickName; protected String mDeviceAddress; // private ExpandableListView mGattServicesList; protected BluetoothLeService mBluetoothLeService; protected boolean mConnected = false; // protected BluetoothGattCharacteristic mNotifyCharacteristic; // protected BluetoothGattCharacteristic mWriteCharacteristic; // // protected BluetoothGattCharacteristic mNotifyCharacteristic; // Code to manage Service lifecycle. private final ServiceConnection mServiceConnection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName componentName, IBinder service) { mBluetoothLeService = ((BluetoothLeService.LocalBinder) service).getService(); if (!mBluetoothLeService.initialize()) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to initialize Bluetooth"); finish(); } // Automatically connects to the device upon successful start-up initialization. mBluetoothLeService.connect(mDeviceAddress); } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName componentName) { mBluetoothLeService = null; } }; // Handles various events fired by the Service. // ACTION_GATT_CONNECTED: connected to a GATT server. // ACTION_GATT_DISCONNECTED: disconnected from a GATT server. // ACTION_GATT_SERVICES_DISCOVERED: discovered GATT services. // ACTION_DATA_AVAILABLE: received data from the device. This can be a result of read // or notification operations. /* */ private final BroadcastReceiver mGattUpdateReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { final String action = intent.getAction(); if (BluetoothLeService.ACTION_GATT_ERROR.equals(action)) { // mConnected = true; onActionGattError(intent); } else if (BluetoothLeService.ACTION_GATT_CONNECTED.equals(action)) { mConnected = true; onActionGattConnected(intent); // updateConnectionState(R.string.connected); // invalidateOptionsMenu(); } else if (BluetoothLeService.ACTION_GATT_DISCONNECTED.equals(action)) { mConnected = false; onActionGattDisConnected(intent); // updateConnectionState(R.string.disconnected); // invalidateOptionsMenu(); // clearUI(); } else if (BluetoothLeService.ACTION_GATT_SERVICES_DISCOVERED.equals(action)) { // Show all the supported services and characteristics on the user interface. //FIXME // displayGattServices(mBluetoothLeService.getSupportedGattServices()); onActionGattServicesDiscovered(intent); } else if (BluetoothLeService.ACTION_DATA_AVAILABLE.equals(action)) { byte[] data = intent.getByteArrayExtra(BluetoothLeService.EXTRA_DATA); //FIXME onReceiveData(data); // onActionDataAvailable(intent); } } }; protected abstract void onActionGattError(Intent intent); protected abstract void onActionGattConnected(Intent intent); protected abstract void onActionGattDisConnected(Intent intent); protected abstract void onActionGattServicesDiscovered(Intent intent); protected abstract void onActionDataAvailable(Byte[] data); @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // mLocalBroadcastManager = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(getApplicationContext()); // final Intent intent = getIntent(); mDeviceName = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRAS_DEVICE_NAME); mNickName = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRAS_DEVICE_NICK_NAME); mDeviceAddress = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRAS_DEVICE_ADDRESS); // Intent gattServiceIntent = new Intent(this, BluetoothLeService.class); bindService(gattServiceIntent, mServiceConnection, BIND_AUTO_CREATE); initFuture(); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); mLocalBroadcastManager.registerReceiver(mGattUpdateReceiver, makeGattUpdateIntentFilter()); if (mBluetoothLeService != null) { final boolean result = mBluetoothLeService.connect(mDeviceAddress); Log.d(TAG, "Connect request result=" + result); } } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); mLocalBroadcastManager.unregisterReceiver(mGattUpdateReceiver); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); unbindService(mServiceConnection); mBluetoothLeService = null; } private static IntentFilter makeGattUpdateIntentFilter() { final IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction(BluetoothLeService.ACTION_GATT_ERROR); intentFilter.addAction(BluetoothLeService.ACTION_GATT_CONNECTED); intentFilter.addAction(BluetoothLeService.ACTION_GATT_DISCONNECTED); intentFilter.addAction(BluetoothLeService.ACTION_GATT_SERVICES_DISCOVERED); intentFilter.addAction(BluetoothLeService.ACTION_DATA_AVAILABLE); return intentFilter; } /** * * FIXME * * @param content */ protected void writeContent(final String content) { // ListenableFuture<Object> future = mListeningExecutorService.submit(new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { processSendContent(content); return null; } }); // } /** * ExecutorService */ private ListeningExecutorService mListeningExecutorService; private void initFuture() { //? ExecutorService mSingleExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); mListeningExecutorService = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(mSingleExecutorService); } /////// private ProtocolDataUtils mProtocolDataUtils = new ProtocolDataUtils(); /** * ???? * * @param content */ private void processSendContent(String content) { try { //???? Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // PacketTools packetTools = new PacketTools(); //// mProtocolDataUtils.putPacketTools(packetTools.getSequenceId(), packetTools); //// packetTools.setSendContent(content); List<Byte[]> list = packetTools.translateBytes(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { Packet.Builder builder = null; // // int retryTimes = 0; loops: for (int retry = 0; retry < RETRY_TIMES; retry++) { // // if (retryTimes > 3) { // break loops; // } // for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { // Byte[] payloadBytes = list.get(i); if (i == 0) { builder = packetTools.newMorePacketFirstBuilder(); // } else if (i == (list.size() - 1)) { builder = packetTools.newMorePacketFinalBuilder(); } else { builder = packetTools.newMorePacketCommonBuilder(); } // int length = payloadBytes.length; builder.setPayloadLength((byte) length); // Short crc = ProtocolUtils.getCrc(builder); builder.setCrc(crc); // builder.setPayloadBytes(payloadBytes); // Packet packet = builder.create(); // if (mWriteCharacteristic != null) { mWriteCharacteristic.setValue(ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(packet.translateBytes())); mBluetoothLeService.writeCharacteristic(mWriteCharacteristic); } // int overTime = 0; while (true) { Boolean errFlag = mProtocolDataUtils.getErrFlag(packetTools.getSequenceId()); if (errFlag == null) { //errFlag overTime += 100; // FIXME if (overTime >= OVERTIME) { //FIXME ? // retryTimes++; mProtocolDataUtils.putErrFlag(packetTools.getSequenceId(), null); continue loops; } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (errFlag) { //FIXME ? // retryTimes++; mProtocolDataUtils.putErrFlag(packetTools.getSequenceId(), null); continue loops; } else if (!errFlag) { // errFlag mProtocolDataUtils.putErrFlag(packetTools.getSequenceId(), null); break; } } // // try { // Thread.sleep(500); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } } // break loops; } } } protected void writeContent(Byte[] bytes) { writeContent(new String(ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(bytes))); } /** * ? * TODO ? * * @param data */ private void onReceiveData(byte[] data) { if (data.length < 7) { //?7header?? return; } // byte magic = data[0]; if (magic != Packet.MAGIC_BYTE) { //? return; } // byte dataMuti = data[1]; byte errFlag = (byte) (dataMuti & 0x08); // int payloadLength = data[2]; if (payloadLength < 0) { payloadLength = 256 + payloadLength; } //// byte sequenceIdHigh8 = data[3]; byte sequenceIdLow8 = data[4]; // int sequenceIdHigh8Int = sequenceIdHigh8; int sequenceIdLow8Int = sequenceIdLow8; // if (sequenceIdHigh8 < 0) { sequenceIdHigh8Int = (256 + sequenceIdHigh8); } if (sequenceIdLow8 < 0) { sequenceIdLow8Int = (256 + sequenceIdLow8); } // // short sequenceIdTemp = 0; //sequenceIdpacket short sequenceId = (short) ((sequenceIdHigh8Int << 8) + sequenceIdLow8Int); // if (errFlag == 0x08) { //??1 mProtocolDataUtils.putErrFlag(sequenceId, true); return; } else { //???0 mProtocolDataUtils.putErrFlag(sequenceId, false); } // byte ackFlag = (byte) (dataMuti & 0x04); if (ackFlag == 0x04) { //??1 //packet? } else { //??? //?? // byte beginFlag = (byte) (dataMuti & 0x02); byte endFlag = (byte) (dataMuti & 0x01); //?packet // int myCrc = magic ^ data[1] ^ payloadLength ^ sequenceId; int crcHigh = data[5]; int crcLow = data[6]; if (crcHigh < 0) { crcHigh = 256 + crcHigh; } if (crcLow < 0) { crcLow = 256 + crcLow; } // int crcTemp = 0x00; // int crc = (crcHigh << 8) + crcLow; if (crc != myCrc) { //? mProtocolDataUtils.removeGetDataMap(sequenceId); return; } //? byte[] bodyBytes = ArrayUtils.subarray(data, 7, data.length); // if (beginFlag == 0x02) { //??1?packet //packet??sequenceId?????? mProtocolDataUtils.removeGetDataMap(sequenceId); mProtocolDataUtils.plusGetDataMap(sequenceId, ArrayUtils.toObject(bodyBytes)); } else { //??0??packet //???sequenceId??? ArrayList<Byte[]> getDataMapList = mProtocolDataUtils.getGetDataMap(sequenceId); if (getDataMapList == null || getDataMapList.isEmpty()) { return; } else { //?? mProtocolDataUtils.plusGetDataMap(sequenceId, ArrayUtils.toObject(bodyBytes)); } } // if (endFlag == 0x01) { //??1??packet //?? ArrayList<Byte[]> getDataMapList = mProtocolDataUtils.getGetDataMap(sequenceId); if (getDataMapList != null) { Byte[] myAllBytes = null; for (Byte[] bytes : getDataMapList) { myAllBytes = (Byte[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(myAllBytes, bytes); } //? mProtocolDataUtils.removeGetDataMap(sequenceId); // onActionDataAvailable(myAllBytes); } } } // } /** * ? writeCharacteristic */ protected void initNotifyCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) { if (characteristic == null) { return; } mNotifyCharacteristic = characteristic; mBluetoothLeService.setCharacteristicNotification(mNotifyCharacteristic, true); } /** * ? writeCharacteristic */ protected void initWriteCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) { mWriteCharacteristic = characteristic; } private static class ProtocolDataUtils { // private Map<Short, PacketTools> mPacketToolsMap = new HashMap<>(); //ack private Map<Short, Integer> mPacketToolsAckLengthMap = new HashMap<>(); //Err private Map<Short, Boolean> mPacketToolsErrFlagMap = new HashMap<>(); //? private Map<Short, Integer> mPacketToolsRetryMap = new HashMap<>(); //? private Map<Short, ArrayList<Byte[]>> mGetDataMap = new HashMap<>(); public void putPacketTools(short sequenceId, PacketTools packetTools) { mPacketToolsMap.put(sequenceId, packetTools); } public PacketTools getPacketTools(short sequenceId) { return mPacketToolsMap.get(sequenceId); } public void removePacketTools(short sequenceId) { mPacketToolsMap.put(sequenceId, null); } public void plusAckLength(short sequenceId) { Integer ackLength = mPacketToolsAckLengthMap.get(sequenceId); if (ackLength == null) { mPacketToolsAckLengthMap.put(sequenceId, 1); } else { mPacketToolsAckLengthMap.put(sequenceId, ackLength++); } } public int getAckLength(short sequenceId) { Integer ackLength = mPacketToolsAckLengthMap.get(sequenceId); if (ackLength == null) { return 0; } return ackLength; } public void removeAckLength(short sequenceId) { mPacketToolsAckLengthMap.put(sequenceId, null); } public void putErrFlag(short sequenceId, Boolean b) { mPacketToolsErrFlagMap.put(sequenceId, b); } public Boolean getErrFlag(short sequenceId) { return mPacketToolsErrFlagMap.get(sequenceId); } public void removeErrFlag(short sequenceId) { mPacketToolsErrFlagMap.put(sequenceId, null); } public void plusRetryMapLength(short sequenceId) { Integer ackLength = mPacketToolsRetryMap.get(sequenceId); if (ackLength == null) { mPacketToolsRetryMap.put(sequenceId, 1); } else { mPacketToolsRetryMap.put(sequenceId, ackLength++); } } public int getRetryMapLength(short sequenceId) { Integer length = mPacketToolsRetryMap.get(sequenceId); if (length == null) { return 0; } return length; } public void removeRetryMapLength(short sequenceId) { mPacketToolsRetryMap.put(sequenceId, null); } public void plusGetDataMap(short sequenceId, Byte[] bytes) { ArrayList<Byte[]> list = mGetDataMap.get(sequenceId); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<>(); } // list.add(bytes); mGetDataMap.put(sequenceId, list); } public ArrayList<Byte[]> getGetDataMap(short sequenceId) { ArrayList<Byte[]> list = mGetDataMap.get(sequenceId); return list; } public void removeGetDataMap(short sequenceId) { mGetDataMap.put(sequenceId, null); } } }