Java tutorial
package com.easytox.automation.steps; import com.easytox.automation.driver.DriverBase; import com.easytox.automation.utils.LocatorType; import com.easytox.automation.utils.MyWebDriverUtils; import com.easytox.automation.utils.StringUtils; import; import; import; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import; import; import org.testng.Assert; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Created by Alexander on 15.12.2016. */ public class LabClientImpl { private static final String PASSWORD = "Welcome@123"; private static final String LOGIN = "cgilabadmin"; private static final String LOGIN_PAGE_URL = ""; private static final String FIND_USERNAME = "j_username"; private static final String FIND_LOGIN = "j_password"; private static final String LOGIN_BUTTON_XPATH = "//*[@id=\"loginform\"]/div[3]/div/button"; private static final String SETTINGS_LOCATOR = "body > div.navbar > div > div > div.navbar-header.pull-right > div > ul > li:nth-child(8) > a"; private static final String LAB_CLIENT_LOCATOR = "#topmenu > li:nth-child(5) > a"; private static final String LAB_CLIENT_URL = ""; private static final String CONTAINER_LOCATOR = "loadingDiv"; private static final String ADD_LIB_CLIENT_LOCATOR = "#example_wrapper > div.toolbar > a"; private static final String BUSINESS_NAME_LOCATOR = "business_name"; private static final String BUSINESS_NAME_VALUE = "business"; private static final String ADDRESS_1_LOCATOR = "address_1"; private static final String ADDRESS_1_VALUE = "address1"; private static final String ADDRESS_2_LOCATOR = "address_2"; private static final String ADDRESS_2_VALUE = "address2"; private static final String ZIP_LOCATOR = "zip"; private static final String ZIP_VALUE = "12345"; private static final String CITY_LOCATOR = "city"; private static final String CITY_VALUE = "Kharkiv"; private static final String STATE_LOCATOR = "state"; private static final String STATE_VALUE = "Kharkiv State"; private static final String CONTACT_PERSON_LOCATOR = "contact_person"; private static final String CONTACT_PERSON_VALUE = "Alexander"; private static final String CONTACT_NUMBER_LOCATOR = "contact_number"; private static final String CONTACT_NUMBER_VALUE = "1234567890"; private static final String CONTACT_NUMBER_REAL_VALUE = "(123) 456-7890"; private static final String FAX_NUMBER_LOCATOR = "faxNumber"; private static final String FAX_NUMBER_VALUE = "9876543210"; private static final String CONTACT_EMAIL_LOCATOR = "contact_email"; private static final String CONTACT_EMAIL_VALUE = ""; private static final String WIDGET_ADD_LOCATOR = "#maincontentdiv > > div > > span"; private static final String WIDGET_ADD_VALUE = "Add Lab Client"; private static final String FORM_LOCATOR = "form"; private static final String FORM_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE = "method"; private static final String FORM_METHOD_VALUE = "post"; private static final String SUBMIT_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "#form > div:nth-child(12) > div > button"; private static final String SUCCESS_LOCATOR = "#maincontentdiv > > > strong"; private static final String SUCCESS_VALUE = "Success"; // private static final String NEXT_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "#example_paginate > ul > > a"; private static final String PAGINATION_LOCATOR = "#example_paginate > ul"; private static final String DROP_DOWN_LOCATOR = "example_length"; private static final String DROP_DOWN_ALL_VALUE = "All"; private static final String LAB_CLIENT_VALUE = "CGI DEMO Lab"; private static final String LAB_CLIENT_ANOTHER_VALUE = "CGI Tox Client1"; private static final String REGEX = ", "; private static final String LAB_CLIENT_NAME = "#editlink"; private static final String WIDGET_UPDATE_LOCATOR = "#maincontentdiv > > div > > span"; private static final String WIDGET_UPDATE_VALUE = "Update Lab Client"; private static final String EDIT_LAB_CLIENT_URL = ""; private static final String ADD_LOCATION_LOCATOR = "#maincontentdiv > > div > > div > div:nth-child(1) > form > a"; private static final String ADD_LAB_LOCATION_URL = ""; private static final String WIDGET_ADD_LAB_LOCATION_LOCATOR = "#maincontentdiv > > div > > span"; private static final String WIDGET_ADD_LAB_LOCATION_VALUE = "Add Lab Location"; private static final String LAB_LOCATION_NAME_LOCATOR = "lab_location_name"; private static final String LAB_LOCATION_DEPARTMENT_LOCATOR = "lab_location_department"; private static final String LAB_LOCATION_ADDRESS_LOCATOR = "lab_location_address"; private static final String LAB_LOCATION_NAME_VALUE = "New Lab Location Name"; private static final String LAB_LOCATION_DEPARTMENT_VALUE = "New Department"; private static final String LAB_LOCATION_ADDRESS_VALUE = "New Address"; private static final String EDIT_SUBMIT_LOCATOR = "#form > div:nth-child(7) > div > button"; private static final String SAVE_LOCATION_URL = ""; private static final String WIDGET_LAB_LOCATION_LIST_LOCATOR = "#maincontentdiv > > div.row > div > div > div.widget-header > span"; private static final String WIDGET_LAB_LOCATION_LIST_VALUE = "Lab Location List"; private static final String WIDGET_LAB_LOCATION_LIST_ANOTHER_LOCATOR = "#maincontentdiv > > div > div > div > div.widget-header > span"; private static final String LOCATION_LIST_LOCATOR = "#example > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(9) > div > div:nth-child(2) > form > a"; private static final String LAB_LOCATION_LIST_URL = ""; private static final String EDIT_ICON_LOCATOR = "#editlink"; private static final String EDIT_LAB_LOCATION_LIST_URL = ""; private static final String WIDGET_UPDATE_LOCATION_LOCATOR = "#maincontentdiv > > div > > span"; private static final String WIDGET_UPDATE_LOCATION_VALUE = "Update Lab Location"; private static final String UPDATE_SUBMIT_LOCATOR = "#form > div:nth-child(6) > div > button"; private static final String UPDATE_SUCCESS_URL = ""; private static final String ADD_USER_ICON_LOCATOR = "#maincontentdiv > > div > > div > div:nth-child(2) > form > a"; private static final String ADD_LAB_CLIENT_USER_URL = ""; private static final String WIDGET_ADD_LAB_CLIENT_USER_VALUE = "Add Lab Client User"; private static final String USER_USERNAME_LOCATOR = "username"; private static final String USER_PASSWORD_LOCATOR = "password"; private static final String USER_FIRST_NAME_LOCATOR = "#form > div:nth-child(6) > div:nth-child(1) > div > span > input"; private static final String USER_LAST_NAME_LOCATOR = "#form > div:nth-child(6) > div:nth-child(2) > div > span > input"; private static final String USER_EMAIL_LOCATOR = "email"; private static final String USER_PHONE_NUMBER_LOCATOR = "contact"; private static final String SELECT_ROLE_LOCATOR = "#form > div:nth-child(9) > select"; private static final String LAB_LOCATIONS_LOCATOR = "lablocations"; private static final String USER_SUBMIT_LOCATOR = "#form > div:nth-child(12) > button"; private static final String USER_PASSWORD_VALUE = "Welcome@123"; private static final String USER_FIRST_NAME_VALUE = "Henry"; private static final String USER_LAST_NAME_VALUE = "Ford"; private static final String USER_EMAIL_VALUE = ""; private static final String USER_PHONE_NUMBER_VALUE = "1234567890"; private static final String ROLE = "OFFICE_ADMIN"; private static final String LAB_LOCATIONS_VALUE = "Location"; private static final String CLIENT_USER_LIST_URL = ""; private static final String USER_CONTACT = "(123) 456-7890"; private static final String USER_ICON_LOCATOR = "#example > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(9) > div > div:nth-child(3) > form > a"; private static final String USER_LIST_PAGE_URL = ""; private static final String WIDGET_USER_LIST_LOCATOR = "#maincontentdiv > > div > div > div > div.widget-header > span"; private static final String WIDGET_USER_LIST_VALUE = "User List"; private static final String EDIT_LIST_PAGE_ICON_LOCATOR = "#example > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(8) > div > div:nth-child(1) > form > a"; private static final String UPDATE_LAB_USER_PAGE_URL = ""; private static final String WIDGET_UPDATE_LAB_USER_VALUE = "Update Lab User"; private static final String UPDATE_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "#form > div:nth-child(9) > button"; private static final String CLIENT_USERS_LIST_URL = ""; private static final String CLIENT_USER_NAME = "CGIclient1admin"; private static final String PLUS_ICON_LOCATOR = "#example > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td.details-control.sorting_1"; private static final String LOCK_ICON_LOCATOR = "#example > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(8) > div > div:nth-child(2) > form > a"; private static final String LOCK_LOCATOR = "#example > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(8) > div > div:nth-child(2) > form > a > i"; private static final String LOCK_VALUE = "fa fa-lock fa-2x"; private static final String MESSAGE_LOCATOR = "#maincontentdiv > >"; private static final String MESSAGE_VALUE = "x\nSuccess User DRTN1P3XBS locked sucessfully"; private static final String FIRST_CGI_LAST_CGI_LOCATOR = "body > div.navbar > div > div > div.navbar-header.pull-right > div > ul > li:nth-child(7) > a"; private static final String SIGN_OUT_LOCATOR = "body > div.navbar > div > div > div.navbar-header.pull-right > div > ul > > ul > li.dropdown-footer > a"; private static final String LOCK_USER = "DRTN1P3XBS"; private static final String LOCKED_MESSAGE_LOCATOR = "body > div > div > div > div > div.panel-body > div"; private static final String ADD_NOTES_ICON_LOCATOR = "#maincontentdiv > > div > > div > div:nth-child(3) > form > a"; private static final String UPDATE_LAB_CLIENTS_NOTES_URL = ""; private static final String WIDGET_UPDATE_NOTES_VALUE = "Update Lab Client Notes"; private static final String NOTES_PLUS_ICON_LOCATOR = "#labClientNotesDiv > > div > button"; private static final String NEW_NOTE_LOCATOR = "labClientNote"; private static final String NEW_NOTE_VALUE = "My notes"; private static final String UPDATE_NOTES_BUTTON_LOCATOR = "#form > div > div:nth-child(2) > button"; private static final String NOTES_ALERT_VALUE = "Notes For CGI Tox Client1 updated"; private static final String UPDATE_NOTES_URL = ""; private static final String ICON_NOTES_LOCATOR = "#labClientNote0"; private static final String NOTE_UNLOCK_FOR_EDIT_LOCATOR = "data-bv-field"; private static final String NOTE_UNLOCK_FOR_EDIT_CLASS_VALUE = "form-control"; private static final String CLINICIAN_ICON_LOCATOR = "#example > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(9) > div > div:nth-child(1) > form > a"; private static final String CLINICIAN_LIST_URL = ""; private static final String WIDGET_CLINITIAN_LIST_VALUE = "Clinician List"; private static final String ADD_PHYSICIAN_LOCATOR = "#newCreate"; private static final String ADD_PHYSICIAN_URL = ""; private static final String ADD_PHYSICIAN_VALUE = "Add Physician"; private static final String SEARCH_LOCATOR = "#example_filter > label > input"; private static final String SEARCH_BUSINESS_NAME = "Demo Client"; private static final String SEARCH_CITY = "Dublin"; private static final String SEARCH_STATE = "OH"; private static final String SEARCH_ZIP = "43016"; private static final String SEARCH_CONTACT_PERSON = "Demoperson"; private static final String SEARCH_CONTACT_NUMBER = "(111) 111-1111"; private static final String SEARCH_EMAIL = ""; private static final String DROP_DOWN_SELECT_LOCATOR = "#example_length > label > select"; private static final String PAGINATE_LOCATOR = "example_paginate"; private static final String DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS = "10"; private static final String ALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS = "All"; private static final String SORT_ATTRIBUTE_LOCATOR = "aria-sort"; private static final String SORT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = "ascending"; private static final String SORT_DESCENDING_VALUE = "descending"; private static final String SORT_ASCENDING_LOCATOR = "#example > thead > tr > th.sorting_asc"; private static final String CELLS_LOCATOR = "./*"; private static final String CELL_LOCATOR = "td"; private static final String TBODY_LOCATOR = "tbody"; private static final String ROWS_LOCATOR = "tr"; private static final String TABLE_LOCATOR = "example"; private static final String LIST_LOCATOR = "li"; private static final String LINK_LOCATOR = "a"; private static final int TIME_STOP = 2000; private static final int TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS = 10; private static final String ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LOCATOR = "value"; private static final String ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_LOCATOR = "class"; private static String userNameValue; private static int count; private static WebElement userNameEl; private static WebElement passwordEl; private static List<Boolean> searchResult; private static List<WebElement> selectOptions; private static String navigateButton; private WebDriver driver; public LabClientImpl() { DriverBase.instantiateDriverObject(); driver = DriverBase.getDriver(); } /* Scenario: Verify creation of a new lab client */ @Given("^Login in web app$") public void login() { authorization(); } @When("^Select Settings -> Lab Client$") public void select_settings_then_lab_client() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, SETTINGS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } WebElement lab = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, LAB_CLIENT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); checkAndClick(lab); } @Then("^Lab Client List screen with list of Clients is displayed$") public void list_displayed() { String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, LAB_CLIENT_URL); } @When("^Click Add Lab Client '\\+' icon displayed$") public void click_plus_icon() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, ADD_LIB_CLIENT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Add Lab Client screen is displayed$") public void add_lab_client_scrren_is_displayed() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, WIDGET_ADD_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { String title = el.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, WIDGET_ADD_VALUE); } WebElement form = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, FORM_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (form != null) { String method = form.getAttribute(FORM_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE); Assert.assertEquals(method, FORM_METHOD_VALUE); } } @When("^Enter all the information in the screen and click Submit$") public void enter_all_the_information_in_the_screen_and_click_submit() { WebElement business = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, BUSINESS_NAME_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (business != null) { business.clear(); business.sendKeys(BUSINESS_NAME_VALUE); } else {"business is null!"); } WebElement address1 = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, ADDRESS_1_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (address1 != null) { address1.clear(); address1.sendKeys(ADDRESS_1_VALUE); } else {"address1 is null!"); } WebElement address2 = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, ADDRESS_2_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (address2 != null) { address2.clear(); address2.sendKeys(ADDRESS_2_VALUE); } else {"address2 is null!"); } WebElement zipCode = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, ZIP_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (zipCode != null) { zipCode.clear(); zipCode.sendKeys(ZIP_VALUE); } else {"zipCode is null!"); } WebElement city = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, CITY_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (city != null) { city.clear(); city.sendKeys(CITY_VALUE); } else {"city is null!"); } WebElement state = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, STATE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (state != null) { state.clear(); state.sendKeys(STATE_VALUE); } else {"state is null!"); } WebElement contactPerson = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, CONTACT_PERSON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (contactPerson != null) { contactPerson.clear(); contactPerson.sendKeys(CONTACT_PERSON_VALUE); } else {"contactPerson is null!"); } WebElement contactNumber = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, CONTACT_NUMBER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (contactNumber != null) { contactNumber.clear(); contactNumber.sendKeys(CONTACT_NUMBER_VALUE); } else {"contactNumber is null!"); } WebElement faxNumber = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, FAX_NUMBER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (faxNumber != null) { faxNumber.clear(); faxNumber.sendKeys(FAX_NUMBER_VALUE); } else {"faxNumber is null!"); } WebElement contactEmail = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, CONTACT_EMAIL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (contactEmail != null) { contactEmail.clear(); contactEmail.sendKeys(CONTACT_EMAIL_VALUE); } else {"contactEmail is null!"); } WebElement submit = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, SUBMIT_BUTTON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(submit); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^New lab client is added successfully and newly added lab client is listed in the Lab Client List screen$") public void check_added_lab_client() throws InterruptedException { if (count == 0) { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, DROP_DOWN_SELECT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { new Select(el).selectByVisibleText(DROP_DOWN_ALL_VALUE); } } try { count++; final WebElement table = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, TABLE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (table != null) { List<WebElement> listRows = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, ROWS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, table); if (listRows != null) { int size = listRows.size(); List<WebElement> listCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, listRows.get(size - 1)); if (listCells != null && listCells.size() == 9) { Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(2).getText(), CITY_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(3).getText(), STATE_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(4).getText(), ZIP_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(5).getText(), CONTACT_PERSON_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(6).getText(), CONTACT_NUMBER_REAL_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(7).getText(), CONTACT_EMAIL_VALUE); } else { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("listCells size is not equal 9"); } } else {"listRows is null!"); } } else {"table is null!"); } } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex) { check_added_lab_client(); } WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, SUCCESS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { String elValue = el.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(elValue, SUCCESS_VALUE); count = 0; } else {"el is false!"); } } @When("^Click '\\+' icon against newly created lab client$") public void click_plus_icon_against_newly_created_lab_clients() { try { final WebElement table = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, TABLE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (table != null) { List<WebElement> listRows = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, ROWS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, table); if (listRows != null) { int size = listRows.size(); List<WebElement> listCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, listRows.get(size - 1)); if (listCells != null && listCells.size() == 9) { WebElement el = listCells.get(0); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } else { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("listCells size is not equal 9"); } } else {"listRows is null!"); } } else {"table is null!"); } } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex) { click_plus_icon_against_newly_created_lab_clients(); } } @Then("^Following values should be populated: Address - it should populate entered Address lines 1 and 2 Lab - it should populate Lab name$") public void check_populate_fields() { try { final WebElement table = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, TABLE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (table != null) { List<WebElement> listRows = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, ROWS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, table); if (listRows != null) { int size = listRows.size(); List<WebElement> listCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, listRows.get(size - 1)); if (listCells != null && listCells.size() == 2) { WebElement labCell = listCells.get(1); Assert.assertEquals(labCell.getText(), LAB_CLIENT_VALUE); } else { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("listCells size is not equal 2"); } List<WebElement> addressCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, listRows.get(size - 2)); if (addressCells != null && addressCells.size() == 2) { WebElement addressCell = addressCells.get(1); String[] address = addressCell.getText().split(REGEX); Assert.assertEquals(address[0], ADDRESS_1_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(address[1], ADDRESS_2_VALUE); } else { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("addressCells size is not equal 2"); } } else {"listRows is null!"); } } else {"table is null!"); } } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex) { check_populate_fields(); } } /* Scenario: Verify updating data for an existing lab client */ @When("^Click on a lab client name$") public void click_on_a_lab_client_name() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, LAB_CLIENT_NAME, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Update Lab Client screen is displayed$") public void update_lab_client_screen_is_displayed() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, WIDGET_UPDATE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { String title = el.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, WIDGET_UPDATE_VALUE); } WebElement form = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, FORM_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (form != null) { String method = form.getAttribute(FORM_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE); Assert.assertEquals(method, FORM_METHOD_VALUE); } String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, EDIT_LAB_CLIENT_URL); } @When("^Make changes as needed and click update$") public void make_changes_as_needed_and_click_update() { WebElement address1 = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, ADDRESS_1_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (address1 != null) { address1.clear(); address1.sendKeys(ADDRESS_1_VALUE); } else {"address1 is null!"); } WebElement address2 = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, ADDRESS_2_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (address2 != null) { address2.clear(); address2.sendKeys(ADDRESS_2_VALUE); } else {"address2 is null!"); } WebElement faxNumber = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, FAX_NUMBER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (faxNumber != null) { faxNumber.clear(); faxNumber.sendKeys(FAX_NUMBER_VALUE); } else {"faxNumber is null!"); } WebElement submit = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, SUBMIT_BUTTON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(submit); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Lab client is updated successfully$") public void lab_client_is_updated_successfully() { WebElement el = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(MESSAGE_LOCATOR)); Assert.assertTrue(el.isDisplayed()); WebElement el1 = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, SUCCESS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el1 != null) { String elValue = el1.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(elValue, SUCCESS_VALUE); } else {"el is false!"); } } @When("^Click '\\+' icon against updated lab client$") public void click_plus_icon_against_updated_lab_client() { final WebElement table = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, TABLE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (table != null) { List<WebElement> listRows = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, ROWS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, table); if (listRows != null) { List<WebElement> listCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, listRows.get(1)); if (listCells != null && listCells.size() == 9) { WebElement el = listCells.get(0); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } else { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("listCells size is not equal 9"); } } else {"listRows is null!"); } } else {"table is null!"); } } @Then("^Following values should be updated with changed data: Address - it should populate entered Address lines 1 and 2 Lab - it should populate Lab name$") public void check_updated_data() { try { final WebElement table = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, TABLE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (table != null) { List<WebElement> listRows = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, ROWS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, table); if (listRows != null) { List<WebElement> listCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, listRows.get(4)); if (listCells != null && listCells.size() == 2) { WebElement labCell = listCells.get(1); Assert.assertEquals(labCell.getText(), LAB_CLIENT_VALUE); } else { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("listCells size is not equal 2"); } List<WebElement> addressCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, listRows.get(3)); if (addressCells != null && addressCells.size() == 2) { WebElement addressCell = addressCells.get(1); String[] address = addressCell.getText().split(REGEX); Assert.assertEquals(address[0], ADDRESS_1_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(address[1], ADDRESS_2_VALUE); } else { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("addressCells size is not equal 2"); } } else {"listRows is null!"); } } else {"table is null!"); } } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex) { check_updated_data(); } } /* Scenario: Verify adding location to a lab client */ @When("^Click on the location Icon in the editPage$") public void click_on_the_location_icon_in_the_edit_page() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, ADD_LOCATION_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Add Lab Location' page should be displayed$") public void add_lab_location_page_should_be_displayed() { String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, ADD_LAB_LOCATION_URL); WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, WIDGET_ADD_LAB_LOCATION_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { String title = el.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, WIDGET_ADD_LAB_LOCATION_VALUE); } } @When("^Enter Location Name and the remaining details and click on 'Submit'$") public void enter_location_name_and_the_remaining_details_and_click_on_submit() { WebElement labName = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, LAB_LOCATION_NAME_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (labName != null) { labName.clear(); labName.sendKeys(LAB_LOCATION_NAME_VALUE); } else {"labName is null!"); } WebElement labDepartment = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, LAB_LOCATION_DEPARTMENT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (labDepartment != null) { labDepartment.clear(); labDepartment.sendKeys(LAB_LOCATION_DEPARTMENT_VALUE); } else {"labDepartment is null!"); } WebElement labAddress = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, LAB_LOCATION_ADDRESS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (labAddress != null) { labAddress.clear(); labAddress.sendKeys(LAB_LOCATION_ADDRESS_VALUE); } else {"labAddress is null!"); } WebElement faxNumber = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, FAX_NUMBER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (faxNumber != null) { faxNumber.clear(); faxNumber.sendKeys(FAX_NUMBER_VALUE); } else {"faxNumber is null!"); } WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, EDIT_SUBMIT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Added location should be added to the Location list$") public void added_location_should_be_added_to_the_location_list() { if (count == 0) { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, DROP_DOWN_SELECT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { new Select(el).selectByVisibleText(DROP_DOWN_ALL_VALUE); } } try { count++; final WebElement table = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, TABLE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (table != null) { List<WebElement> listRows = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, ROWS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, table); if (listRows != null) { int size = listRows.size(); List<WebElement> listCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, listRows.get(size - 1)); if (listCells != null && listCells.size() == 5) { Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(0).getText(), LAB_LOCATION_NAME_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(1).getText(), LAB_LOCATION_ADDRESS_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(2).getText(), LAB_LOCATION_DEPARTMENT_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(3).getText(), LAB_CLIENT_ANOTHER_VALUE); } else { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("listCells size is not equal 5"); } } else {"listRows is null!"); } } else {"table is null!"); } } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex) { added_location_should_be_added_to_the_location_list(); } WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, SUCCESS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { String elValue = el.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(elValue, SUCCESS_VALUE); count = 0; } else {"el is false!"); } String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, SAVE_LOCATION_URL); WebElement success = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, SUCCESS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (success != null) { String elValue = success.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(elValue, SUCCESS_VALUE); } else {"el is false!"); } WebElement widget = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, WIDGET_LAB_LOCATION_LIST_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (widget != null) { String title = widget.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, WIDGET_LAB_LOCATION_LIST_VALUE); } } /* Scenario: Verify editing location of a lab client */ @When("^Click on the Location icon for a lab client") public void click_on_the_location_icon_for_a_lab_client() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, LOCATION_LIST_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Lab Location List page should be displayed$") public void lab_location_list_page_should_be_displayed() { String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, LAB_LOCATION_LIST_URL); WebElement widget = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, WIDGET_LAB_LOCATION_LIST_ANOTHER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (widget != null) { String title = widget.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, WIDGET_LAB_LOCATION_LIST_VALUE); } } @When("^Click on the Edit icon for a lab location$") public void click_on_the_edit_icon_for_a_lab_location() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, EDIT_ICON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Update Lab location page should be displayed$") public void update_lab_location_page_should_be_displayed() { String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, EDIT_LAB_LOCATION_LIST_URL); WebElement widget = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, WIDGET_UPDATE_LOCATION_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (widget != null) { String title = widget.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, WIDGET_UPDATE_LOCATION_VALUE); } } @When("^Make required changes and click Update$") public void make_required_changes_and_click_update() { WebElement labName = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, LAB_LOCATION_NAME_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (labName != null) { labName.clear(); labName.sendKeys(LAB_LOCATION_NAME_VALUE); } else {"labName is null!"); } WebElement labDepartment = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, LAB_LOCATION_DEPARTMENT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (labDepartment != null) { labDepartment.clear(); labDepartment.sendKeys(LAB_LOCATION_DEPARTMENT_VALUE); } else {"labDepartment is null!"); } WebElement labAddress = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, LAB_LOCATION_ADDRESS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (labAddress != null) { labAddress.clear(); labAddress.sendKeys(LAB_LOCATION_ADDRESS_VALUE); } else {"labAddress is null!"); } WebElement faxNumber = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, FAX_NUMBER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (faxNumber != null) { faxNumber.clear(); faxNumber.sendKeys(FAX_NUMBER_VALUE); } else {"faxNumber is null!"); } WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, UPDATE_SUBMIT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Lab location should be updated successfully$") public void lab_location_should_be_updated_successfully() { try { final WebElement table = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, TABLE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (table != null) { List<WebElement> listRows = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, ROWS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, table); if (listRows != null) { int size = listRows.size(); List<WebElement> listCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, listRows.get(size - 1)); if (listCells != null && listCells.size() == 5) { Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(0).getText(), LAB_LOCATION_NAME_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(1).getText(), LAB_LOCATION_ADDRESS_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(2).getText(), LAB_LOCATION_DEPARTMENT_VALUE); String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, UPDATE_SUCCESS_URL); WebElement widget = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, SUCCESS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (widget != null) { String title = widget.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, SUCCESS_VALUE); } } else { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("listCells size is not equal 5"); } } else {"listRows is null!"); } } else {"table is null!"); } } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex) { lab_location_should_be_updated_successfully(); } } /* Scenario: Verify adding user to a lab client */ @When("^Click on the Add User Icon$") public void click_on_the_add_user_icon() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, ADD_USER_ICON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Add Lab Client User page should be displayed$") public void add_lab_client_user_page_should_be_displayed() { String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, ADD_LAB_CLIENT_USER_URL); WebElement widget = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, WIDGET_ADD_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (widget != null) { String title = widget.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, WIDGET_ADD_LAB_CLIENT_USER_VALUE); } } @When("^Enter User information, Personal information and select lab information. click on 'Submit'$") public void enter_information_and_submit() throws InterruptedException { Thread.sleep(TIME_STOP); WebElement userName = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, USER_USERNAME_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (userName != null) { userNameValue = StringUtils.generateRandom(); userName.clear(); userName.sendKeys(userNameValue); } else {"userName is null!"); } WebElement password = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, USER_PASSWORD_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (password != null) { password.clear(); password.sendKeys(USER_PASSWORD_VALUE); } else {"password is null!"); } WebElement firstName = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, USER_FIRST_NAME_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (firstName != null) { firstName.clear(); firstName.sendKeys(USER_FIRST_NAME_VALUE); } else {"firstName is null!"); } WebElement lastName = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, USER_LAST_NAME_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (lastName != null) { lastName.clear(); lastName.sendKeys(USER_LAST_NAME_VALUE); } else {"lastName is null!"); } WebElement email = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, USER_EMAIL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (email != null) { email.clear(); email.sendKeys(USER_EMAIL_VALUE); } else {"email is null!"); } WebElement phoneNumber = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, USER_PHONE_NUMBER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (phoneNumber != null) { phoneNumber.clear(); phoneNumber.sendKeys(USER_PHONE_NUMBER_VALUE); } else {"phoneNumber is null!"); } new Select(driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(SELECT_ROLE_LOCATOR))).selectByVisibleText(ROLE); new Select(driver.findElement(; WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, USER_SUBMIT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Added user should be added to the Lab Client User list$") public void added_user_should_be_added_to_the_lab_client_user_list() { if (count == 0) { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, DROP_DOWN_SELECT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { new Select(el).selectByVisibleText(DROP_DOWN_ALL_VALUE); } else {"el is null!"); } } try { count++; final WebElement table = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, TABLE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (table != null) { List<WebElement> listRows = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, ROWS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, table); if (listRows != null) { int size = listRows.size(); List<WebElement> listCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, listRows.get(size - 1)); if (listCells != null && listCells.size() == 8) { Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(1).getText(), userNameValue); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(2).getText(), USER_FIRST_NAME_VALUE + " " + USER_LAST_NAME_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(3).getText(), USER_CONTACT); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(4).getText(), USER_EMAIL_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(5).getText(), ROLE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(6).getText(), LAB_CLIENT_ANOTHER_VALUE); String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, CLIENT_USER_LIST_URL); WebElement widget = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, SUCCESS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (widget != null) { String title = widget.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, SUCCESS_VALUE); } count = 0; } else { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("listCells size is not equal 8"); } } else {"listRows is null!"); } } else {"table is null!"); } } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex) { added_user_should_be_added_to_the_lab_client_user_list(); } } /* Scenario: Verify editing user to a lab client */ @When("^Click on the User icon for a lab client$") public void click_on_the_user_icon_for_a_lab_client() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, USER_ICON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^User List page should be displayed$") public void user_list_page_should_be_displayed() { String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, USER_LIST_PAGE_URL); WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, WIDGET_USER_LIST_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { String title = el.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, WIDGET_USER_LIST_VALUE); } } @When("^Click on the Edit Icon$") public void click_on_the_edit_icon() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, EDIT_LIST_PAGE_ICON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Update Lab User page should be displayed$") public void update_lab_user_page_should_be_displayed() { String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, UPDATE_LAB_USER_PAGE_URL); WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, WIDGET_UPDATE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { String title = el.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, WIDGET_UPDATE_LAB_USER_VALUE); } } @When("^Verify User Information section$") public void verify_user_information_section() { userNameEl = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, USER_USERNAME_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); passwordEl = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, USER_PASSWORD_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); } @Then("^User Information should be locked for editing$") public void user_information_should_be_locked_for_editing() { Assert.assertTrue(!userNameEl.isEnabled()); Assert.assertTrue(!passwordEl.isEnabled()); } @When("^Make changes to Personal Information and click update$") public void make_changes_to_personal_information_and_click_update() { WebElement firstName = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, USER_FIRST_NAME_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (firstName != null) { firstName.clear(); firstName.sendKeys(USER_FIRST_NAME_VALUE); } else {"firstName is null!"); } WebElement lastName = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, USER_LAST_NAME_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (lastName != null) { lastName.clear(); lastName.sendKeys(USER_LAST_NAME_VALUE); } else {"lastName is null!"); } WebElement email = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, USER_EMAIL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (email != null) { email.clear(); email.sendKeys(USER_EMAIL_VALUE); } else {"email is null!"); } WebElement phoneNumber = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, USER_PHONE_NUMBER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.NAME); if (phoneNumber != null) { phoneNumber.clear(); phoneNumber.sendKeys(USER_PHONE_NUMBER_VALUE); } else {"phoneNumber is null!"); } new Select(driver.findElement(; WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, UPDATE_BUTTON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Changes made to personal information should be saved successfully$") public void changes_made_to_personal_information_should_be_saved_successfully() { try { final WebElement table = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, TABLE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (table != null) { List<WebElement> listRows = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, ROWS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, table); if (listRows != null) { List<WebElement> listCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, listRows.get(1)); if (listCells != null && listCells.size() == 8) { Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(1).getText(), CLIENT_USER_NAME); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(2).getText(), USER_FIRST_NAME_VALUE + " " + USER_LAST_NAME_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(3).getText(), USER_CONTACT); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(4).getText(), USER_EMAIL_VALUE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(5).getText(), ROLE); Assert.assertEquals(listCells.get(6).getText(), LAB_CLIENT_ANOTHER_VALUE); String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, CLIENT_USERS_LIST_URL); WebElement widget = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, SUCCESS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (widget != null) { String title = widget.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, SUCCESS_VALUE); } } else { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("listCells size is not equal 8"); } } else {"listRows is null!"); } } else {"table is null!"); } } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex) { changes_made_to_personal_information_should_be_saved_successfully(); } } @When("^Click '\\+' icon against newly created user$") public void click_plus_icon_against_newly_created_user() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, PLUS_ICON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Following values should be populated with updated information: Modified By Modified Date\\(with Timestamp\\)$") public void values_should_be_populated_with_updated_information() { try { final WebElement table = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, TABLE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (table != null) { List<WebElement> listRows = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, ROWS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, table); if (listRows != null) { List<WebElement> listCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, listRows.get(4)); String dataCreated; String dataModified; if (listCells != null && listCells.size() == 2) { WebElement dataCell = listCells.get(1); dataCreated = dataCell.getText(); Assert.assertNotNull(dataCreated); } else { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("listCells size is not equal 2"); } List<WebElement> lstCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, listRows.get(6)); if (lstCells != null && lstCells.size() == 2) { WebElement dataCell = lstCells.get(1); dataModified = dataCell.getText(); Assert.assertNotNull(dataModified); } else { throw new StaleElementReferenceException("addressCells size is not equal 2"); } Assert.assertTrue(dataModified.compareTo(dataCreated) > 0); } else {"listRows is null!"); } } else {"table is null!"); } } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex) { values_should_be_populated_with_updated_information(); } } /* Scenario: Verify locking access for a lab client user */ @When("^Click 'Lock' icon for any existing user$") public void click_lock_icon_for_any_existing_user() { WebElement lock = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, LOCK_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (lock != null && lock.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_LOCATOR).equals(LOCK_VALUE)) { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, LOCK_ICON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, LOCK_ICON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^User should be locked and 'User locked successfully' message should be populated$") public void user_should_be_locked() { WebElement widget = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, SUCCESS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (widget != null) { String title = widget.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, SUCCESS_VALUE); } WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, MESSAGE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { Assert.assertEquals(el.getText(), MESSAGE_VALUE); } WebElement lock = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, LOCK_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (lock != null) { Assert.assertEquals(lock.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_LOCATOR), LOCK_VALUE); } } @When("^Logout and attempt logging in with the above lab user credentials$") public void logout_and_attempt_logging() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, FIRST_CGI_LAST_CGI_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } WebElement el1 = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, SIGN_OUT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait1 = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag1 = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait1, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag1) { checkAndClick(el1); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Account locked message should be populated and user should not be able to login to application$") public void account_locked_message_should_be_populated() { String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, LOGIN_PAGE_URL); WebElement element = driver.findElement(; element.clear(); element.sendKeys(LOCK_USER); WebElement el = driver.findElement(; el.clear(); el.sendKeys(PASSWORD); driver.findElement(By.xpath(LOGIN_BUTTON_XPATH)).click(); WebElement message = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(LOCKED_MESSAGE_LOCATOR)); Assert.assertTrue(message.isDisplayed()); } /* Scenario: Verify adding notes to a lab client */ @When("^Click on the Add Notes Icon$") public void click_on_the_add_notes_icon() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, ADD_NOTES_ICON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Update Lab Client Notes page should be displayed$") public void update_lab_client_notes_page_should_be_displayed() { String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, UPDATE_LAB_CLIENTS_NOTES_URL); WebElement widget = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, WIDGET_ADD_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (widget != null) { String title = widget.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, WIDGET_UPDATE_NOTES_VALUE); } } @When("^Click '\\+' icon and add note. By clicking on '\\+' sign multiple times, multiple notes can be added.Click Update Notes$") public void click_plus_icon_and_add_note() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, NOTES_PLUS_ICON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } List<WebElement> notes = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, NEW_NOTE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (notes != null) { notes.get(i).clear(); notes.get(i).sendKeys(NEW_NOTE_VALUE + i); } else {"notes is null!"); } } WebElement button = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, UPDATE_NOTES_BUTTON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag1 = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag1) { checkAndClick(button); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Notes for lab client should be saved successfully along with date stamp$") public void check_saved_notes() { String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, UPDATE_NOTES_URL); WebElement widget = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, MESSAGE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (widget != null) { String title = widget.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, NOTES_ALERT_VALUE); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { boolean flag = false; WebElement note = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, NEW_NOTE_LOCATOR + "[" + i + "]", LocatorType.ID); if (note != null) { String noteValue = note.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LOCATOR); if (noteValue.equals(NEW_NOTE_VALUE + 0) || noteValue.equals(NEW_NOTE_VALUE + 1) || noteValue.equals(NEW_NOTE_VALUE + 2)) { flag = true; } Assert.assertTrue(flag); } else {"notes is null!"); } } WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, "#clientNoteDiv > div > label", LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { String user = el.getText(); Assert.assertNotNull(user); Assert.assertTrue(user.contains("cgilabadmin")); } else {"el is null!"); } } @When("^Click 'Edit' icon against the newly added note$") public void click_edit_icon() { WebElement button = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, ICON_NOTES_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(button); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Notes should be opened for edit$") public void notes_should_be_opened_for_edit() { WebElement note = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, NEW_NOTE_LOCATOR + "[" + 0 + "]", LocatorType.ID); if (note != null) { String noteValue = note.getAttribute(NOTE_UNLOCK_FOR_EDIT_LOCATOR); Assert.assertNotNull(noteValue); String noteClass = note.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_LOCATOR); Assert.assertEquals(noteClass, NOTE_UNLOCK_FOR_EDIT_CLASS_VALUE); note.clear(); note.sendKeys(NEW_NOTE_VALUE); String value = note.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LOCATOR); Assert.assertEquals(value, NEW_NOTE_VALUE); } else {"note is null!"); } } /* Scenario: Verify adding Clinician to a lab client */ @When("^Click on the Clinician List icon for a Lab Client$") public void click_on_the_clinician_list_icon_for_a_lab_client() { WebElement icon = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, CLINICIAN_ICON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(icon); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Clinician List page should be displayed$") public void clinician_list_page_should_be_displayed() { String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, CLINICIAN_LIST_URL); WebElement widget = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, WIDGET_LAB_LOCATION_LIST_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (widget != null) { String title = widget.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, WIDGET_CLINITIAN_LIST_VALUE); } } @When("^Click on the '\\+' Icon$") public void click_on_the_plus_icon() { WebElement plusButton = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, ADD_PHYSICIAN_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(plusButton); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Add Physician screen is displayed$") public void add_physician_screen_is_displayed() { String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, ADD_PHYSICIAN_URL); WebElement widget = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, WIDGET_ADD_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (widget != null) { String title = widget.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, ADD_PHYSICIAN_VALUE); } } @When("^Enter all the information in the Physician screen and click Submit$") public void enter_all_the_information() { Physician.physicianUserName = StringUtils.generateRandom(); selectOption(Physician.LAB_CLIENT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID, Physician.LAB_CLIENT); enterData(Physician.USER_NAME_LOCATOR, Physician.physicianUserName, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.PASSWORD_LOCATOR, Physician.PASSWORD, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.FIRST_NAME_LOCATOR, Physician.FIRST_NAME, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.LAST_NAME_LOCATOR, Physician.LAST_NAME, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.MIDDLE_NAME_LOCATOR, Physician.MIDDLE_NAME, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.MEDICAL_DEGREE_LOCATOR, Physician.MEDICAL_DEGREE, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.PHONE_NUMBER_LOCATOR, Physician.PHONE_NUMBER, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.EMAIL_ADDRESS_LOCATOR, Physician.EMAIL_ADDRESS, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.SALUTATION_LOCATOR, Physician.SALUTATION, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.FIRST_NAME_LOCATOR, Physician.FIRST_NAME, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.MEDICARE_NUMBER_LOCATOR, Physician.MEDICARE_NUMBER, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.MEDICAID_NUMBER_LOCATOR, Physician.MEDICAID_NUMBER, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.UPIN_NUMBER_LOCATOR, Physician.UPIN_NUMBER, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.STATE_LICENCE_LOCATOR, Physician.STATE_LICENCE, LocatorType.NAME); enterData(Physician.NPI_LOCATOR, Physician.NPI, LocatorType.NAME); selectOption(Physician.COMPOUND_PROFILE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID, Physician.COMPOUND_PROFILE); WebElement plusButton = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, Physician.PLUS_ONE_ICON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(plusButton); } else {"flag is false!"); } wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(; selectOption(Physician.LOCATION_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID, Physician.LOCATION); WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, Physician.CHECKBOX_ONE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); checkAndClick(el); plusButton = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, Physician.PLUS_TWO_ICON_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); checkAndClick(plusButton); el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, Physician.CHECKBOX_TWO_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); checkAndClick(el); WebElement submit = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, Physician.SUBMIT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); checkAndClick(submit); } @Then("^Clinician should be added successfully$") public void clinician_should_be_added_successfully() { String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); Assert.assertEquals(currentUrl, ""); WebElement widget = MyWebDriverUtils.findPresenceElement(driver, "#maincontentdiv > > > strong", LocatorType.CSS); if (widget != null) { String title = widget.getText(); Assert.assertEquals(title, SUCCESS_VALUE); } } private void enterData(String locator, String value, LocatorType type) { WebElement field = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, locator, type); if (field != null) { field.clear(); field.sendKeys(value); } else {"field is null!"); } } private void selectOption(String locator, LocatorType type, String option) { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, locator, type); if (el != null) { new Select(el).selectByVisibleText(option); } else {"el is null"); } } /* Scenario: Verify the Search Results */ @When("^Enter any search criteria and click on search icon$") public void enter_any_search_criteria_and_click_on_search_icon() { if (searchResult == null) { searchResult = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); } WebElement search = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, SEARCH_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (search != null) { enterData(SEARCH_BUSINESS_NAME, search, searchResult); enterData(SEARCH_CITY, search, searchResult); enterData(SEARCH_STATE, search, searchResult); enterData(SEARCH_ZIP, search, searchResult); enterData(SEARCH_CONTACT_PERSON, search, searchResult); enterData(SEARCH_CONTACT_NUMBER, search, searchResult); enterData(SEARCH_EMAIL, search, searchResult); } else {"search is null!"); } } @Then("^Matching records with entered data should be displayed in the Lab Client list$") public void matching_records_should_be_displayed() { for (Boolean result : searchResult) { Assert.assertTrue(result); } } private void enterData(String value, WebElement el, List<Boolean> list) { el.clear(); el.sendKeys(value); list.add(checkTable()); } private boolean checkTable() { int i = 0; final WebElement table = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, TABLE_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (table != null) { List<WebElement> listRows = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, ROWS_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, table); if (listRows != null) { for (WebElement row : listRows) { if (i == 0) { i++; continue; } List<WebElement> listCells = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, CELL_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, row); return listCells != null && listCells.size() == 9; } } else {"listRows is null!"); } } else {"table is null!"); } return false; } /* Scenario Outline: Verify Number of records displayed per page */ @When("^Verify the default number of records displayed$") public void verify_the_default_number_of_records_displayed() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, DROP_DOWN_SELECT_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { selectOptions = new Select(el).getAllSelectedOptions(); } } @Then("^Default number '10' should be displayed in the dropdown box$") public void check_default_value() { for (WebElement option : selectOptions) { Assert.assertEquals(option.getText(), DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS); } } @When("^clicked on dropdown that shows (.*) of records to be displayed on the Lab Client List page$") public void click_on_dropdown(String number) { new Select(driver.findElement(; } @Then("^user should be able to view and select the options from the list and the corresponding (.*) of records should be displayed on the page$") public void check_number_of_records(String number) { WebElement table = driver.findElement(; int size = table.findElements(By.tagName(ROWS_LOCATOR)).size() - 1; WebElement element = driver.findElement(; List<WebElement> list = element.findElements(By.tagName(LIST_LOCATOR)); if (number.equals(ALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS)) { Assert.assertEquals(list.size(), 2); } else { int num = Integer.parseInt(number); if (num <= size) { Assert.assertEquals(num, size); } else { Assert.assertEquals(list.size(), 3); } } } /* Scenario Outline: Verify data sorting */ @When("^Click on 'v' down arrow icon on (.*)$") public void click_on_v_down_arrow_icon(String column) { String locator = chooseLocator(column); if (locator != null) { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, locator, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } } @Then("^Records should be displayed based on the ascending order of the selected field$") public void check_ascending_order() { try { int j; WebElement table = driver.findElement(; List<WebElement> allRows = table.findElements(By.tagName(ROWS_LOCATOR)); j = getSortColumn(allRows); String temp = allRows.get(1).findElements(By.xpath(CELLS_LOCATOR)).get(j).getText(); for (int i = 2; i < allRows.size(); i++) { if (temp.toLowerCase().contains( allRows.get(i).findElements(By.xpath(CELLS_LOCATOR)).get(j).getText().toLowerCase())) { Assert.assertTrue(true); } else { int order = temp.toLowerCase().compareTo( allRows.get(i).findElements(By.xpath(CELLS_LOCATOR)).get(j).getText().toLowerCase()); Assert.assertTrue(order <= 0); } } } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex) { check_ascending_order(); } } @When("^Click on Up arrow icon on (.*)$") public void click_on_up_arrow_icon(String column) { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, SORT_ASCENDING_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } @Then("^Records should be displayed based on the descending order of the selected field$") public void check_descending_order() { int j; WebElement table = driver.findElement(; List<WebElement> allRows = table.findElements(By.tagName(ROWS_LOCATOR)); j = getSortDescColumn(allRows); String temp = allRows.get(1).findElements(By.xpath(CELLS_LOCATOR)).get(j).getText(); for (int i = 2; i < allRows.size(); i++) { int order = temp.toLowerCase() .compareTo(allRows.get(i).findElements(By.xpath(CELLS_LOCATOR)).get(j).getText().toLowerCase()); Assert.assertTrue(order >= 0); } } private int getSortColumn(List<WebElement> rows) { for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++) { if (rows.get(0).findElements(By.xpath(CELLS_LOCATOR)).get(i) .getAttribute(SORT_ATTRIBUTE_LOCATOR) != null && rows.get(0).findElements(By.xpath(CELLS_LOCATOR)).get(i).getAttribute(SORT_ATTRIBUTE_LOCATOR) .equals(SORT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE)) { return i; } } return 0; } private int getSortDescColumn(List<WebElement> rows) { for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++) { if (rows.get(0).findElements(By.xpath(CELLS_LOCATOR)).get(i) .getAttribute(SORT_ATTRIBUTE_LOCATOR) != null && rows.get(0).findElements(By.xpath(CELLS_LOCATOR)).get(i).getAttribute(SORT_ATTRIBUTE_LOCATOR) .equals(SORT_DESCENDING_VALUE)) { return i; } } return 0; } private String chooseLocator(String column) { switch (column) { case "City": return "#example > thead > tr > th:nth-child(3)"; case "State": return "#example > thead > tr > th:nth-child(4)"; case "Zip": return "#example > thead > tr > th:nth-child(5)"; case "Contact Person": return "#example > thead > tr > th:nth-child(6)"; case "Contact Number": return "#example > thead > tr > th:nth-child(7)"; case "Email": return "#example > thead > tr > th:nth-child(8)"; } return null; } /* Scenario Outline: Verify the page navigation */ @When("^Navigate back and forth by selecting page numbers (.*)$") public void navigate_button(String button) { int i; if (button.equals("Next") || button.equals("Prev")) { i = 3; } else { i = Integer.parseInt(button) + 2; } WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, "#example_paginate > ul > li:nth-child(" + i + ") > a", LocatorType.CSS); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); boolean flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } String locator = chooseButtonLocator(button); if (locator != null) { el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, locator, LocatorType.CSS); wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS); flag = MyWebDriverUtils.waitInvisibilityOfElement(wait, CONTAINER_LOCATOR, LocatorType.ID); if (flag) { checkAndClick(el); } else {"flag is false!"); } } navigateButton = button; } @Then("^User should be navigate to the selected page$") public void user_should_be_navigate_to_selected_page() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, PAGINATION_LOCATOR, LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { List<WebElement> list = MyWebDriverUtils.findElements(driver, LIST_LOCATOR, LocatorType.TAG, el); if (list != null) { WebElement activeButton; String attribute; switch (navigateButton) { case "Next": activeButton = list.get(3); attribute = activeButton.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_LOCATOR); Assert.assertEquals(attribute, "active"); break; case "Prev": activeButton = list.get(1); attribute = activeButton.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_LOCATOR); Assert.assertEquals(attribute, "active"); break; default: int num = Integer.parseInt(navigateButton); activeButton = list.get(num); attribute = activeButton.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_CLASS_LOCATOR); Assert.assertEquals(attribute, "active"); } } } } @Then("^A text message 'Showing x to y of z entries' should be displayed on the bottom left corner of the list$") public void message_should_be_displayed() { WebElement el = MyWebDriverUtils.findElement(driver, "#example_info", LocatorType.CSS); if (el != null) { String message = el.getText(); Assert.assertTrue(message.contains("Showing")); Assert.assertTrue(message.contains("to")); Assert.assertTrue(message.contains("of")); Assert.assertTrue(message.contains("entries")); } } private String chooseButtonLocator(String button) { switch (button) { case "Next": return "#example_paginate > ul > > a"; case "Prev": return "#example_paginate > ul > li.prev > a"; case "1": return "#example_paginate > ul > li:nth-child(2) > a"; case "2": return "#example_paginate > ul > li:nth-child(3) > a"; case "3": return "#example_paginate > ul > li:nth-child(4) > a"; } return null; } private void checkAndClick(WebElement element) { if (element != null) {; } else {"element is null!"); } } private void authorization() { driver.navigate().to(LOGIN_PAGE_URL); WebElement element = driver.findElement(; element.clear(); element.sendKeys(LOGIN); WebElement el = driver.findElement(; el.clear(); el.sendKeys(PASSWORD); driver.findElement(By.xpath(LOGIN_BUTTON_XPATH)).click(); } private static final class Physician { private Physician() { } private static String physicianUserName; private static final String PASSWORD = "Welcome@123"; private static final String FIRST_NAME = "Alexander"; private static final String MIDDLE_NAME = "Khasanovich"; private static final String LAST_NAME = "Bainaiev"; private static final String MEDICAL_DEGREE = "Master"; private static final String PHONE_NUMBER = "1111111111"; private static final String EMAIL_ADDRESS = ""; private static final String SALUTATION = "Salutation"; private static final String MEDICARE_NUMBER = "123"; private static final String MEDICAID_NUMBER = "456"; private static final String UPIN_NUMBER = "789"; private static final String STATE_LICENCE = "licence"; private static final String NPI = "npi"; private static final String COMPOUND_PROFILE = "Test Profile 1"; private static final String LAB_CLIENT = "CGI Tox Client1"; private static final String LOCATION = "Location"; private static final String USER_NAME_LOCATOR = "user.username"; private static final String PASSWORD_LOCATOR = "user.password"; private static final String FIRST_NAME_LOCATOR = "user.firstName"; private static final String MIDDLE_NAME_LOCATOR = "user.middleIntial"; private static final String LAST_NAME_LOCATOR = "user.lastName"; private static final String MEDICAL_DEGREE_LOCATOR = "user.medicalDegree"; private static final String PHONE_NUMBER_LOCATOR = ""; private static final String EMAIL_ADDRESS_LOCATOR = ""; private static final String SALUTATION_LOCATOR = "salutation"; private static final String MEDICARE_NUMBER_LOCATOR = "medicare_num"; private static final String MEDICAID_NUMBER_LOCATOR = "medicaid_num"; private static final String UPIN_NUMBER_LOCATOR = "upin_num"; private static final String STATE_LICENCE_LOCATOR = "state_license"; private static final String NPI_LOCATOR = "npi"; private static final String COMPOUND_PROFILE_LOCATOR = "profiles"; private static final String LAB_CLIENT_LOCATOR = "labclientselect"; private static final String LOCATION_LOCATOR = "lablocations"; private static final String PLUS_ONE_ICON_LOCATOR = "#form > div:nth-child(13) > div:nth-child(2) > button"; private static final String PLUS_TWO_ICON_LOCATOR = "#form > div:nth-child(18) > div:nth-child(3) > button"; private static final String CHECKBOX_ONE_LOCATOR = "#form > table:nth-child(16) > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2) > div > label > span"; private static final String CHECKBOX_TWO_LOCATOR = "#form > table:nth-child(21) > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2) > div > label > span"; private static final String SUBMIT_LOCATOR = "#form > button.btn.btn-primary.btn-md"; } }