Java tutorial
package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; @Service @WaitDeal(name = "vehicleApprovalService") public class VehicleApprovalService implements WaitToDo { @Autowired private ContractDao contractDao; @Autowired private VehicleApprovalDao vehicleApprovalDao; /** * ? * @param vehicleApproval * @param contract * @return */ public boolean addVehicleApproval(VehicleApproval vehicleApproval, Contract contract) { HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest(); if (vehicleApproval == null) { request.setAttribute("msgStr", "???"); return false; } long count = ObjectAccess.execute("select count(*) from VehicleApproval " + "where checkType='" + vehicleApproval.getCheckType() + "'" + " and state!=8 and state>0 " + "and contractId in (select id from Contract where idNum='" + contract.getIdNum() + "') "); if (count > 0) { request.setAttribute("msgStr", "??????"); return false; } String hql = "select count(*) from VehicleApproval " + "where checkType='" + vehicleApproval.getCheckType() + "'" + " and state!=8 and state>0 " + (StringUtils.isEmpty(contract.getCarframeNum()) ? " and 1=0 " : "and contractId in (select id from Contract where carframeNum='" + contract.getCarframeNum().trim() + "') "); //System.out.println(hql); long count2 = ObjectAccess.execute(hql); if (count2 > 0) { request.setAttribute("msgStr", "??????"); return false; } switch (vehicleApproval.getCheckType()) { case 0: contract.setState((short) 2); contract.setAscription(vehicleApproval.getAscription()); if (contract.getContractFrom() != null && contract.getContractFrom() != 0) { // Vehicle v = ObjectAccess.getObject(Vehicle.class, contract.getCarframeNum()); v.setDriverId(contract.getIdNum()); ObjectAccess.saveOrUpdate(v); if (v.getOperateCardTime() != null) { vehicleApproval.setOperateCardDate(v.getOperateCardTime()); } if (v.getLicenseRegistTime() != null) { vehicleApproval.setOperateApplyDate(v.getLicenseRegistTime()); } Contract c = ObjectAccess.getObject(Contract.class, contract.getContractFrom()); contract.setContractId(c.getContractId()); contract.setContractType(c.getContractType()); contract.setContractEndDate(c.getContractEndDate()); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(contract.getCarNumOld())) { Contract c = ObjectAccess.execute( "from Contract c where c.state=1 and c.carframeNum in (select v.carframeNum from Vehicle v where v.licenseNum='" + contract.getCarNumOld().trim() + "') order by contractBeginDate desc"); if (c == null || StringUtils.isBlank(c.getCarframeNum())) { request.setAttribute("msgStr", "??"); return false; } Vehicle v = ObjectAccess.getObject(Vehicle.class, c.getCarframeNum()); if (v == null) { request.setAttribute("msgStr", "???"); return false; } v.setReused(true); ObjectAccess.saveOrUpdate(v); } if (!contractDao.contractWrite(contract)) { return false; } vehicleApproval.setContractId(contract.getId()); break; case 1: /*if(!contractDao.contractAbandon(contract)){ return false; }*/ Contract c = contractDao.selectById(contract.getId()); Vehicle vehicle = (Vehicle) ObjectAccess.getObject("", c.getCarframeNum()); VehicleMode vehicleMode = (VehicleMode) ObjectAccess.getObject("", vehicle.getCarMode()); if (vehicleMode != null) vehicleApproval.setFueltype(vehicleMode.getFuel()); c.setAbandonRequest(contract.getAbandonRequest()); c.setAbandonReason(contract.getAbandonReason()); ObjectAccess.saveOrUpdate(c); vehicleApproval.setContractId(contract.getId()); break; default: return false; } vehicleApproval.setState(1); vehicleApproval.setIsFinished(false); if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(contract.getGeneByImport())) { vehicleApproval.setBranchManagerName(1); } else { vehicleApproval.setBranchManagerName(((User) request.getSession().getAttribute("user")).getUid()); } vehicleApproval.setBranchManagerApprovalDate(new Date()); return vehicleApprovalDao.addVehicleApproval(vehicleApproval); } /** * ? * @param _vehicleApproval * @return */ public boolean updateVehicleApproval(VehicleApproval _vehicleApproval) { HttpServletRequest request = null; int uName = 1; VehicleApproval vehicleApproval = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalById(_vehicleApproval.getId()); int state = vehicleApproval.getState(); Contract contract = (Contract) ObjectAccess.getObject("", vehicleApproval.getContractId()); // if(BooleanUtils.isTrue(contract.getGeneByImport())){ // request = new HttpServletRequest(){ // @Override // public AsyncContext getAsyncContext() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public Object getAttribute(String name) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public Enumeration<String> getAttributeNames() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getCharacterEncoding() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public int getContentLength() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return 0; // } // // @Override // public long getContentLengthLong() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return 0; // } // // @Override // public String getContentType() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public DispatcherType getDispatcherType() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public ServletInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getLocalAddr() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getLocalName() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public int getLocalPort() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return 0; // } // // @Override // public Locale getLocale() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public Enumeration<Locale> getLocales() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getParameter(String name) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public Map<String, String[]> getParameterMap() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public Enumeration<String> getParameterNames() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String[] getParameterValues(String name) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getProtocol() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public BufferedReader getReader() throws IOException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getRealPath(String path) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getRemoteAddr() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getRemoteHost() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public int getRemotePort() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return 0; // } // // @Override // public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getScheme() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getServerName() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public int getServerPort() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return 0; // } // // @Override // public ServletContext getServletContext() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public boolean isAsyncStarted() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return false; // } // // @Override // public boolean isAsyncSupported() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return false; // } // // @Override // public boolean isSecure() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return false; // } // // @Override // public void removeAttribute(String name) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public void setAttribute(String name, Object o) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public void setCharacterEncoding(String env) // throws UnsupportedEncodingException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public AsyncContext startAsync() throws IllegalStateException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public AsyncContext startAsync(ServletRequest servletRequest, // ServletResponse servletResponse) // throws IllegalStateException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public boolean authenticate(HttpServletResponse response) // throws IOException, ServletException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return false; // } // // @Override // public String changeSessionId() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getAuthType() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getContextPath() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public Cookie[] getCookies() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public long getDateHeader(String name) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return 0; // } // // @Override // public String getHeader(String name) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public Enumeration<String> getHeaderNames() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public Enumeration<String> getHeaders(String name) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public int getIntHeader(String name) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return 0; // } // // @Override // public String getMethod() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public Part getPart(String name) throws IOException, // ServletException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public Collection<Part> getParts() throws IOException, // ServletException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getPathInfo() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getPathTranslated() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getQueryString() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getRemoteUser() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getRequestURI() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public StringBuffer getRequestURL() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getRequestedSessionId() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public String getServletPath() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public HttpSession getSession() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public HttpSession getSession(boolean create) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public Principal getUserPrincipal() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return false; // } // // @Override // public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return false; // } // // @Override // public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return false; // } // // @Override // public boolean isRequestedSessionIdValid() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return false; // } // // @Override // public boolean isUserInRole(String role) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return false; // } // // @Override // public void login(String username, String password) // throws ServletException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public void logout() throws ServletException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public <T extends HttpUpgradeHandler> T upgrade( // Class<T> handlerClass) throws IOException, // ServletException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // }; // }else{ // request = ServletActionContext.getRequest(); // uName = ((User)request.getSession().getAttribute("user")).getUid(); // } if (vehicleApproval.getCheckType() == 0) { if (state == 6)//? { vehicleApproval.setApprovalOfficeDate(new Date()); vehicleApproval.setState(8); vehicleApproval.setOfficeName(uName); vehicleApproval.setOfficeRemark(_vehicleApproval.getOfficeRemark()); vehicleApproval.setIsapprovalOffice(_vehicleApproval.getIsapprovalOffice()); // contractDao.changeState(_vehicleApproval.getContractId(),3); Session session = null; Transaction tx = null; try { session = HibernateSessionFactory.getSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); Contract cx = (Contract) session.get(Contract.class, _vehicleApproval.getContractId()); cx.setState((short) 3); session.update(cx); Message msg = new Message(); User u = (User) session.get(User.class, uName); msg.setFromUser(uName); msg.setTime(new Date()); msg.setCarframeNum(contract.getCarframeNum()); msg.setIdNum(contract.getIdNum()); msg.setType("?"); Driver d = (Driver) session.get(Driver.class, contract.getIdNum()); msg.setMsg(String.format("%tF %s?\n" + "%s(%s) %s(%s) ????", msg.getTime(), u.getUname(), contract.getCarNum(), contract.getCarframeNum(), d.getName(), contract.getIdNum()));; Query q_u = session.createQuery( "from RelationUr where " + "rid in (select rid from Role where rname = :rname )"); q_u.setString("rname", ""); List<RelationUr> users = q_u.list(); for (RelationUr relationUr : users) { MessageToUser mu = new MessageToUser(); mu.setUid(relationUr.getUid()); mu.setMid(msg.getId()); mu.setAlreadyRead(false); session.saveOrUpdate(mu); } session.update(vehicleApproval); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } return false; } finally { HibernateSessionFactory.closeSession(); } return true; } else if (state == 3)// { vehicleApproval.setApprovalFinanceDate(new Date()); vehicleApproval.setState(4); vehicleApproval.setFinanceName(uName); vehicleApproval.setFinanceRemark(_vehicleApproval.getFinanceRemark()); vehicleApproval.setIsapprovalFinance(_vehicleApproval.getIsapprovalFinance()); return vehicleApprovalDao.executeUpdate(vehicleApproval); } else if (state == 4)// { if (!BooleanUtils.isTrue(contract.getGeneByImport())) { String rentStr = (String) request.getParameter(""); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rentStr)) { double rent = NumberUtils.toDouble(rentStr); contract.setRent(rent); ObjectAccess.saveOrUpdate(contract); } } vehicleApproval.setFinanceManagerApprovalDate(new Date()); vehicleApproval.setState(5); vehicleApproval.setFinanceManagerName(uName); vehicleApproval.setFinanceManagerRemark(_vehicleApproval.getFinanceManagerRemark()); vehicleApproval.setIsapprovalFinanceManager(_vehicleApproval.getIsapprovalFinanceManager()); return vehicleApprovalDao.executeUpdate(vehicleApproval); } // else if(state==4)//???-?? // { // vehicleApproval.setBranchManagerApprovalDate(new java.util.Date()); // vehicleApproval.setState(5); // vehicleApproval.setBranchManagerName(uName); // vehicleApproval.setBranchManagerRemark(_vehicleApproval.getBranchManagerRemark()); // vehicleApproval.setIsapprovalBranchManager(_vehicleApproval.getIsapprovalBranchManager()); // return vehicleApprovalDao.executeUpdate(vehicleApproval); // } else if (state == 1)//???-?? { String carframeNum = contract.getCarframeNum(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(carframeNum)) { request.setAttribute("msgStr", "?--?"); return false; } Vehicle ve = ObjectAccess.getObject(Vehicle.class, carframeNum); if (ve != null && ve.getLicensePurseNum().matches("^\\w{6}")) { Vehicle ov = ObjectAccess.getObject(Vehicle.class, ve.getLicensePurseNum()); if (ov != null && ov.getState() < 2) { request.setAttribute("msgStr", "???"); return false; } } List<Insurance> ilist = ObjectAccess.query(Insurance.class, " carframeNum='" + contract.getCarframeNum() + "'"); boolean hasJQX = false, hasSX = false; for (Insurance insurance : ilist) { if (StringUtils.contains(insurance.getInsuranceClass(), "")) { if (new Date().before(insurance.getEndDate())) { hasJQX = true; } } else if (StringUtils.contains(insurance.getInsuranceClass(), "?")) { if (new Date().before(insurance.getEndDate())) { hasSX = true; } } } if (!hasJQX) { request.setAttribute("msgStr", ""); return false; } if (!hasSX) { request.setAttribute("msgStr", ""); return false; } vehicleApproval.setAssurerApprovalDate(new Date()); vehicleApproval.setState(2); vehicleApproval.setAssurerName(uName); vehicleApproval.setAssurerRemark(_vehicleApproval.getAssurerRemark()); vehicleApproval.setIsapprovalAssurer(_vehicleApproval.getIsapprovalAssurer()); vehicleApproval.setDamageInsurance(_vehicleApproval.getDamageInsurance()); vehicleApproval.setOnetimeAfterpay(_vehicleApproval.getOnetimeAfterpay()); vehicleApproval.setPayBeginDate(_vehicleApproval.getPayBeginDate()); vehicleApproval.setPayEndDate(_vehicleApproval.getPayEndDate()); return vehicleApprovalDao.executeUpdate(vehicleApproval); } else if (state == 2)//???-?? { // String carframeNum = contract.getCarframeNum(); // if(StringUtils.isEmpty(carframeNum)){ // request.setAttribute("msgStr", "?"); // return false; // } // // List<Insurance> ilist = ObjectAccess.query(Insurance.class, " carframeNum='"+contract.getCarframeNum()+"'"); // boolean hasJQX=false,hasSX = false; // for(Insurance insurance:ilist){ // if(StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(insurance.getInsuranceClass(),"")){ // if(new Date().before(insurance.getEndDate())){ // hasJQX = true; // } // }else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(insurance.getInsuranceClass(), "??")) { // if(new Date().before(insurance.getEndDate())){ // hasSX = true; // } // } // } // // if(!hasJQX){ // request.setAttribute("msgStr", ""); // return false; // } // // if(!hasSX){ // request.setAttribute("msgStr", ""); // return false; // } // // if(vehicleApproval.getOperateCardDate()==null){ // request.setAttribute("msgStr", "???"); // return false; // } vehicleApproval.setManagerApprovalDate(new Date()); vehicleApproval.setState(3); vehicleApproval.setManagerName(uName); vehicleApproval.setManagerRemark(_vehicleApproval.getManagerRemark()); vehicleApproval.setIsapprovalManager(_vehicleApproval.getIsapprovalManager()); return vehicleApprovalDao.executeUpdate(vehicleApproval); } else if (state == 5)//?? { String carframeNum = contract.getCarframeNum(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(carframeNum)) { request.setAttribute("msgStr", "?"); return false; } List<Insurance> ilist = ObjectAccess.query(Insurance.class, " carframeNum='" + contract.getCarframeNum() + "'"); boolean hasJQX = false, hasSX = false; for (Insurance insurance : ilist) { if (StringUtils.contains(insurance.getInsuranceClass(), "")) { if (new Date().before(insurance.getEndDate())) { hasJQX = true; } } else if (StringUtils.contains(insurance.getInsuranceClass(), "?")) { if (new Date().before(insurance.getEndDate())) { hasSX = true; } } } if (!hasJQX) { request.setAttribute("msgStr", ""); return false; } if (!hasSX) { request.setAttribute("msgStr", ""); return false; } // if(vehicleApproval.getOperateCardDate()==null){ // request.setAttribute("msgStr", "???"); // return false; // } vehicleApproval.setApprovalDirectorDate(new Date()); vehicleApproval.setState(6); vehicleApproval.setDirectorName(uName); vehicleApproval.setDirectorRemark(_vehicleApproval.getDirectorRemark()); vehicleApproval.setIsapprovalDirector(_vehicleApproval.getIsapprovalDirector()); vehicleApproval.setDiscountDays(_vehicleApproval.getDiscountDays()); contract.setDiscountDays(vehicleApproval.getDiscountDays()); ObjectAccess.saveOrUpdate(contract); // contractDao.changeState(_vehicleApproval.getContractId(),3); return vehicleApprovalDao.executeUpdate(vehicleApproval); } else return false; } else if (vehicleApproval.getCheckType() == 1) { if (state == 1) { //contract.setAbandonedTime(contract.getAbandonedTime() == null?new Date():contract.getAbandonedTime()); ObjectAccess.saveOrUpdate(contract); vehicleApproval.setAssurerRemark(_vehicleApproval.getAssurerRemark()); vehicleApproval.setAssurerName(uName); vehicleApproval.setAssurerApprovalDate(new Date()); vehicleApproval.setIsapprovalAssurer(_vehicleApproval.getIsapprovalAssurer()); vehicleApproval.setState(3);// } else if (state == 2) { vehicleApproval.setCashierRemark(_vehicleApproval.getCashierRemark()); vehicleApproval.setCashierName(uName); vehicleApproval.setCashierApprovalDate(new Date()); vehicleApproval.setState(3); } else if (state == 3) { String carframeNum = contract.getCarframeNum(); long count = ObjectAccess.execute(String .format("select count(*) from Accident where carId='%s' and status!=3 ", carframeNum)); if (count > 0) { request.setAttribute("msgStr", "?"); return false; } vehicleApproval.setManagerRemark(_vehicleApproval.getManagerRemark()); vehicleApproval.setManagerName(uName); vehicleApproval.setManagerApprovalDate(new Date()); vehicleApproval.setState(4); vehicleApproval.setIsapprovalManager(_vehicleApproval.getIsapprovalManager()); } else if (state == 4) { vehicleApproval.setOfficeRemark(_vehicleApproval.getOfficeRemark()); vehicleApproval.setOfficeName(uName); vehicleApproval.setApprovalOfficeDate(new Date()); vehicleApproval.setState(5); vehicleApproval.setIsapprovalOffice(_vehicleApproval.getIsapprovalOffice()); } else if (state == 5) { vehicleApproval.setFinanceRemark(_vehicleApproval.getFinanceRemark()); vehicleApproval.setFinanceName(uName); vehicleApproval.setApprovalFinanceDate(new Date()); vehicleApproval.setState(6); vehicleApproval.setIsapprovalFinance(_vehicleApproval.getIsapprovalFinance()); } else if (state == 6) { String rentStr = (String) request.getParameter(""); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rentStr)) { double rent = NumberUtils.toDouble(rentStr); contract.setRent(rent); ObjectAccess.saveOrUpdate(contract); } vehicleApproval.setFinanceManagerRemark(_vehicleApproval.getFinanceManagerRemark()); vehicleApproval.setFinanceManagerName(uName); vehicleApproval.setFinanceManagerApprovalDate(new Date()); vehicleApproval.setState(7); vehicleApproval.setIsapprovalFinanceManager(_vehicleApproval.getIsapprovalFinanceManager()); } else if (state == 7) { vehicleApproval.setDirectorRemark(_vehicleApproval.getDirectorRemark()); vehicleApproval.setDirectorName(uName); vehicleApproval.setApprovalDirectorDate(new Date()); vehicleApproval.setState(8); vehicleApproval.setIsapprovalDirector(_vehicleApproval.getIsapprovalDirector()); Vehicle vehicle = ObjectAccess.getObject(Vehicle.class, contract.getCarframeNum()); String strT = (String) request.getParameter("contract.abandonedChargeTime"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(strT)) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); try { Date abandonedChargeTime = df.parse(strT); contract.setAbandonedChargeTime(abandonedChargeTime); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Session session = HibernateSessionFactory.getSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); vehicle.setDriverId(null); if (vehicleApproval.getHandleMatter()) { vehicle.setState(3); } else { vehicle.setState(2); if (contract.getAbandonedTime() == null) { contract.setAbandonedTime(contract.getContractEndDate()); } //???? -305-25 Calendar sp = Calendar.getInstance(); sp.setTime(contract.getAbandonedTime()); Calendar endTime = Calendar.getInstance(); endTime.setTime(contract.getContractEndDate()); sp.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); int amount = 0; while (sp.before(endTime)) { sp.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); if (sp.after(endTime)) { if (endTime.get(Calendar.DATE) >= 20) { amount += 306 + 25; } break; } else { amount += 306 + 25; } } sp.setTime(contract.getAbandonedTime()); if (sp.get(Calendar.DATE) > 26) { sp.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); } sp.set(Calendar.DATE, 1); ChargePlan tplan = new ChargePlan(); tplan.setContractId(contract.getId()); tplan.setFee(BigDecimal.valueOf(amount)); tplan.setFeeType("plan_sub_contract"); tplan.setInTime(new Date()); tplan.setComment("???306,25"); tplan.setTime(sp.getTime()); tplan.setIsClear(false);; chargeDao.planTransfer(contract.getId(), DateUtil.getNextMonth(contract.getAbandonedTime()), contract.getId(), contract.getAbandonedTime()); List<String> dl = Arrays.<String>asList(vehicle.getFirstDriver(), vehicle.getSecondDriver(), vehicle.getThirdDriver(), vehicle.getTempDriver()); for (int i = 0; i < dl.size(); i++) { String idNum = dl.get(i); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(idNum)) { Driver d = (Driver) session.get(Driver.class, idNum); if (d != null && d.getDriverClass() != null) { if (d.getDriverClass().equals("")) { vehicle.setFirstDriver(null); } else if (d.getDriverClass().equals("")) { vehicle.setSecondDriver(null); } else if (d.getDriverClass().equals("")) { vehicle.setThirdDriver(null); } else if (d.getDriverClass().equals("")) { vehicle.setTempDriver(null); } Driverincar record = new Driverincar(d.getCarframeNum(), d.getIdNum(), "", new Date()); record.setFinished(true); session.saveOrUpdate(record); //driverService.addDriverInCarRecord(record); d.setIsInCar(false); d.setRestTime(null); d.setCarframeNum(null); d.setDriverClass(null); d.setBusinessApplyTime(null); d.setBusinessApplyRegistrant(null); d.setBusinessApplyRegistTime(null); d.setBusinessReciveTime(null); d.setBusinessReciveRegistrant(null); d.setBusinessReciveRegistTime(null); d.setBusinessApplyCancelTime(null); d.setBusinessApplyCancelRegistrant(null); d.setBusinessApplyCancelRegistTime(null); d.setDept(null); d.setStatus(4); session.saveOrUpdate(d); } } } // contract.setAbandonedFinalTime(new Date()); } // switch(contract.getAbandonReason()){ // case "??": // vehicle.setState(2); // break; // case "": // case "": // vehicle.setState(3); // break; // } contract.setState((short) 1); session.saveOrUpdate(vehicle); session.saveOrUpdate(contract); session.saveOrUpdate(vehicleApproval); //contractDao.changeState(_vehicleApproval.getContractId(),1); Message msg = new Message(); User u = (User) session.get(User.class, uName); msg.setFromUser(uName); msg.setTime(new Date()); msg.setCarframeNum(contract.getCarframeNum()); msg.setIdNum(contract.getIdNum()); msg.setType("?"); Driver d = (Driver) session.get(Driver.class, contract.getIdNum()); msg.setMsg(String.format("%tF %s?\n" + "%s(%s) %s(%s) ??", msg.getTime(), u.getUname(), contract.getCarNum(), contract.getCarframeNum(), d.getName(), contract.getIdNum()));; Query q_u = session.createQuery( "from RelationUr where " + "rid in (select rid from Role where rname = :rname )" + "and uid in (select uid from User where position like :position)"); q_u.setString("rname", "??"); q_u.setString("position", "%" + contract.getBranchFirm().trim().charAt(0) + "%"); List<RelationUr> users = q_u.list(); for (RelationUr relationUr : users) { MessageToUser mu = new MessageToUser(); mu.setUid(relationUr.getUid()); mu.setMid(msg.getId()); mu.setAlreadyRead(false); session.saveOrUpdate(mu); } tx.commit(); return true; } catch (HibernateException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); } finally { session.flush(); HibernateSessionFactory.closeSession(); } return false; } return vehicleApprovalDao.executeUpdate(vehicleApproval); } else { return false; } } @Autowired private ChargeDao chargeDao; @Autowired private DriverService driverService; public void setDriverService(DriverService driverService) { this.driverService = driverService; } public VehicleApproval queryVehicleApprovalById(Integer approvalId) { return vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalById(approvalId); } public VehicleApproval queryVehicleApprovalByContractId(Integer contractId) { return vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByContractId(contractId); } public void setContractDao(ContractDao contractDao) { this.contractDao = contractDao; } public void setVehicleApprovalDao(VehicleApprovalDao vehicleApprovalDao) { this.vehicleApprovalDao = vehicleApprovalDao; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Map<String, List<ToDo>> waitToDo(Role role) { Map<String, List<ToDo>> map = new TreeMap<String, List<ToDo>>(); List<ToDo> toDolist = new ArrayList<ToDo>(); List<VehicleApproval> approvalList; switch (role.getRname()) { case "??": break; case "????": approvalList = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByState((short) 0, 2); toDolist.addAll( (List<ToDo>) CollectionUtils.collect(approvalList, new VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer())); break; case "??": approvalList = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByState((short) 0, 5); toDolist.addAll( (List<ToDo>) CollectionUtils.collect(approvalList, new VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer())); break; case "?": approvalList = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByState((short) 0, 1); toDolist.addAll( (List<ToDo>) CollectionUtils.collect(approvalList, new VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer())); break; case "": break; case "": approvalList = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByState((short) 0, 3); toDolist.addAll( (List<ToDo>) CollectionUtils.collect(approvalList, new VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer())); break; case "??": approvalList = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByState((short) 0, 4); toDolist.addAll( (List<ToDo>) CollectionUtils.collect(approvalList, new VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer())); break; case "": approvalList = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByState((short) 0, 6); toDolist.addAll( (List<ToDo>) CollectionUtils.collect(approvalList, new VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer())); break; case "?": break; default: break; } map.put("", toDolist); toDolist = new ArrayList<ToDo>(); switch (role.getRname()) { case "??": break; case "????": approvalList = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByState((short) 1, 3); toDolist.addAll((List<ToDo>) CollectionUtils.collect(approvalList, new VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer(""))); break; case "??": approvalList = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByState((short) 1, 7); toDolist.addAll((List<ToDo>) CollectionUtils.collect(approvalList, new VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer(""))); break; case "?": approvalList = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByState((short) 1, 1); toDolist.addAll((List<ToDo>) CollectionUtils.collect(approvalList, new VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer(""))); break; case "": //approvalList = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByState((short) 1,2); //toDolist.addAll((List<ToDo>) CollectionUtils.collect(approvalList, new VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer(""))); break; case "": approvalList = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByState((short) 1, 5); toDolist.addAll((List<ToDo>) CollectionUtils.collect(approvalList, new VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer(""))); break; case "??": approvalList = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByState((short) 1, 6); toDolist.addAll((List<ToDo>) CollectionUtils.collect(approvalList, new VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer(""))); break; case "": approvalList = vehicleApprovalDao.queryVehicleApprovalByState((short) 1, 4); toDolist.addAll((List<ToDo>) CollectionUtils.collect(approvalList, new VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer(""))); break; case "?": break; default: break; } map.put("", toDolist); return map; } private static class VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer implements Transformer { private String base; public VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer() { this(""); } public VehicleApprovalWaitDealTransformer(String base) { this.base = base; } @Override public Object transform(Object arg0) { VehicleApproval comp = (VehicleApproval) arg0; String msg = base + geneMsg(comp); return new ToDo(msg, "", "/DZOMS/vehicle/vehicleApprovalPreUpdate.action?" + comp.getId()); } protected String geneMsg(VehicleApproval comp) { String msg = ""; try { int cid = comp.getContractId(); Contract c = (Contract) ObjectAccess.getObject("", cid); List<String> sl = new ArrayList<String>(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(c.getCarframeNum())) sl.add("?:" + c.getCarframeNum()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(c.getCarNum())) sl.add("?:" + c.getCarNum()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(c.getIdNum())) { Driver d = (Driver) ObjectAccess.getObject("", c.getIdNum()); sl.add(":" + d.getName()); } msg = sl.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return msg; } } }