Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Viettel Telecom. All rights reserved. * VIETTEL PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.dungnv.vfw5.base.dao; import com.dungnv.vfw5.base.model.BaseFWModel; import com.dungnv.vfw5.base.pojo.ConditionBean; import com.dungnv.vfw5.base.utils.Constants; import com.dungnv.vfw5.base.utils.DataUtil; import com.dungnv.vfw5.base.utils.ParamUtils; import com.dungnv.vfw5.base.utils.StringUtils; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.ProjectionList; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; /** * @author BinhNT22 * @version: 2.0 * @param <T> - a Model that extends BaseFWModel * @param <ID> - id of the model * @since: 31/03/2015 */ @Repository public class BaseFWDAOImpl<T extends BaseFWModel, ID extends Serializable> { // Trong truong hop co nhieu data source thi tao SessionFactory moi // extend HibernateSessionFactory va khai bao them vao hibernate-config.xml long i; public Session session; protected static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BaseFWDAOImpl.class); protected T model; @Autowired private SessionFactory sessionFactory; public Session getSession() { // SessionFactoryImpl sfsdf = (SessionFactoryImpl) sessionFactory; // LocalSessionFactoryBean test = (LocalSessionFactoryBean) sessionFactory; // Properties pro = sfsdf.getProperties(); // Set<Object> set = pro.keySet(); // for (Object key : set) { // System.out.println("--- " + key.toString() + " -> " + pro.get(key).toString()); // } return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); } public T getModel(ID key) { return (T) getSession().get(model.getClass(), key); } public List<T> findByCriteria(String sessionName, int firstResult, int maxResult, ProjectionList projs, Criterion[] criterion, Order[] orders) { Criteria crit = getSession().createCriteria(model.getClass()); if (projs != null) { crit.setProjection(projs); } if (criterion != null && criterion.length > 0) { for (Criterion c : criterion) { crit.add(c); } } if (orders != null && orders.length > 0) { for (Order o : orders) { crit.addOrder(o); } } if (firstResult > 0) { crit.setFirstResult(firstResult); } if (maxResult > 0) { crit.setMaxResults(maxResult); } return crit.list(); } public List<T> findByCriteria(ProjectionList projections, Criterion[] criterions, Order[] orders) { return findByCriteria("default session", 0, 0, projections, criterions, orders); } public List<T> findByCriteria(ProjectionList projections, Criterion[] criterions, Order order) { Order orders[] = new Order[1]; orders[0] = order; return findByCriteria("default session", 0, 0, projections, criterions, orders); } public List<T> findByCriteria(ProjectionList projections, Order order) { Order orders[] = new Order[1]; orders[0] = order; return findByCriteria("default session", 0, 0, projections, null, orders); } public List<T> findByCriteria(String sessionName, int firstResult, int maxResult, Criterion[] criterions, Order[] orders) { return findByCriteria(sessionName, firstResult, maxResult, null, criterions, orders); } public List<T> findByCriteria(int firstResult, int maxResult, Criterion[] criterion, Order[] orders) { return findByCriteria("default session", firstResult, maxResult, criterion, orders); } public List<T> findByCriteria(String sessionName, Criterion[] criterion, Order[] orders) { return findByCriteria(sessionName, 0, 0, criterion, orders); } public List<T> findByCriteria(Criterion[] criterion, Order[] orders) { return findByCriteria("default session", criterion, orders); } public List<T> findByCriteria(Criterion[] criterion, Order order) { Order orders[] = new Order[1]; orders[0] = order; return findByCriteria("default session", criterion, orders); } public List<T> findByCriteria(Criterion crit, Order order) { Order orders[] = new Order[1]; orders[0] = order; Criterion[] criterion = new Criterion[1]; criterion[0] = crit; return findByCriteria("default session", criterion, orders); } public List<T> findByCriteria(Criterion crit) { Criterion[] criterion = new Criterion[1]; criterion[0] = crit; return findByCriteria("default session", criterion, null); } public List<T> findByCriteria(String sessionName, int firstResult, int maxResult, Order[] orders) { return findByCriteria(sessionName, firstResult, maxResult, new Criterion[0], orders); } public List<T> findByCriteria(int firstResult, int maxResult, Order[] orders) { return findByCriteria("default session", firstResult, maxResult, new Criterion[0], orders); } public List<T> findByCriteria(String sessionName, int firstResult, int maxResult) { return findByCriteria(sessionName, firstResult, maxResult, new Order[0]); } public List<T> findByCriteria(int firstResult, int maxResult) { return findByCriteria("default session", firstResult, maxResult); } public List<T> findAll(String sessionName, Order[] orders) { return findByCriteria(sessionName, new Criterion[0], orders); } public List<T> findAll(Order[] orders) { return findAll("default session", orders); } public List<T> findAll(Order order) { Order orders[] = new Order[1]; orders[0] = order; return findAll("default session", orders); } public List<T> findDistinct(String[] pros, Criterion[] crits) { ProjectionList listProjections = Projections.projectionList(); ProjectionList listProperties = Projections.projectionList(); Order[] orders = new Order[pros.length]; int index = 0; for (String property : pros) { listProperties.add(; orders[index++] = Order.asc(property); } listProjections.add(Projections.distinct(listProperties)); return findByCriteria("default session", 0, 0, listProjections, crits, orders); } public List<T> findDistinct(String[] pros) { return findDistinct(pros, new Criterion[0]); } public List<T> findByCriteria(Criterion[] crits) { return findByCriteria(crits, new Order[0]); } public List<T> findByCondition(int firstResult, int maxResult, Criterion[] crits) { return findByCriteria("default session", firstResult, maxResult, crits, new Order[0]); } @Transactional public String delete(T obj) { try { getSession().delete(obj); return ParamUtils.SUCCESS; } catch (HibernateException he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return he.getMessage(); } } @Transactional public String deleteObject(T obj, Session session) { try { session.delete(obj); return ParamUtils.SUCCESS; } catch (HibernateException he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return he.getMessage(); } } @Transactional public String save(T obj) { try { getSession().save(obj); return ParamUtils.SUCCESS; } catch (HibernateException he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return he.getMessage(); } } // // @Transactional // public ResultDTO saveObject(T obj) { // ResultDTO resultDTO = new ResultDTO(); // try { // // resultDTO.setId((String) getSession().save(obj)); // resultDTO.setMessage(ParamUtils.SUCCESS); // } catch (HibernateException he) { // log.error(he.getMessage(), he); // resultDTO.setMessage(he.getMessage()); // } // return resultDTO // } // // @Transactional public String saveList(List<T> obj, String methodName) { try { for (T item : obj) { getSession().saveOrUpdate(item); } // Class c = obj.get(0).getClass(); // Method method = c.getMethod("get" + StringUtils.upperFirstChar(methodName)); // // for (T item : obj) { // String value; // try { // value = String.valueOf(method.invoke(item)); // // } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { // return ParamUtils.ERROR; // } // // if (value == "null") { // getSession().saveOrUpdate(item); // } else { // getSession().update(item); // } // } } catch (SecurityException ex) { return ex.getMessage(); } return ParamUtils.SUCCESS; } @Transactional public String update(T obj) { try { getSession().update(obj); return ParamUtils.SUCCESS; } catch (HibernateException he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return he.getMessage(); } } @Transactional public String update(T obj, String field) { try { getSession().update(field, obj); return ParamUtils.SUCCESS; } catch (HibernateException he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return he.getMessage(); } } @Transactional public String updateMerge(T obj) { try { getSession().merge(obj); return ParamUtils.SUCCESS; } catch (HibernateException he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return he.getMessage(); } } public List<T> find(String boName, List<ConditionBean> lstCondition) { return find(boName, lstCondition, null, 0, 0, null); } public List<T> find(String boName, List<ConditionBean> lstCondition, String logic) { return find(boName, lstCondition, null, 0, 0, logic); } public List<T> find(String boName, List<ConditionBean> lstCondition, String order, int start, int maxResult) { return find(boName, lstCondition, order, start, maxResult, null); } public List<T> find(String boName, List<ConditionBean> lstCondition, String order, int start, int maxResult, String logic) { // if (logic == null) { // logic = ParamUtils.LOGIC_AND; // } try { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append(" from "); sql.append(boName); sql.append(" where 1=1 "); if (lstCondition != null && !lstCondition.isEmpty()) { buildConditionQuery(sql, lstCondition); } if (order != null && !order.equals("")) { sql.append(" order by "); sql.append(order); } Query query = getSession().createQuery(sql.toString()); if (maxResult != 0) { query.setFirstResult(start); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); } fillConditionQuery(query, lstCondition); return query.list(); } catch (HibernateException he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return null; } } // public List<T> findSession(String boName, List<ConditionBean> lstCondition, String order, int start, int maxResult, String logic, Session session) { // if (logic == null) { // logic = ParamUtils.LOGIC_AND; // } try { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append(" from "); sql.append(boName); sql.append(" where 1=1 "); if (lstCondition != null && !lstCondition.isEmpty()) { buildConditionQuery(sql, lstCondition); } if (order != null && !order.equals("")) { sql.append(" order by "); sql.append(order); } Query query = session.createQuery(sql.toString()); if (maxResult != 0) { query.setFirstResult(start); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); } fillConditionQuery(query, lstCondition); return query.list(); } catch (HibernateException he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return null; } } // public String delete(String boName, List<ConditionBean> lstCondition, Long transId) { // try { // List<T> listDelete = find(boName, lstCondition); // if (listDelete != null && !listDelete.isEmpty()) { // for (T obj : listDelete) { // List<RaRecycleBinBO> listRecycle = getListRecycle(obj, transId); // if (listRecycle != null && !listRecycle.isEmpty()) { // for (RaRecycleBinBO bo : listRecycle) { //; // } // } // session.delete(obj); // } // } // return ParamUtils.SUCCESS; // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // return e.getMessage(); // } // // } @Transactional public String delete(String boName, List<ConditionBean> lstCondition) { try { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("delete from "); sql.append(boName); sql.append(" where 1=1 "); int result = 0; if (lstCondition != null) { buildConditionQuery(sql, lstCondition); Query query = getSession().createQuery(sql.toString()); fillConditionQuery(query, lstCondition); result = query.executeUpdate(); } if (result == 0) { return ParamUtils.FAIL; } else { return ParamUtils.SUCCESS; } } catch (HibernateException he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return he.getMessage(); } } @Transactional public int deleteList(String boName, List<ConditionBean> lstCondition) { try { // Transaction tx = (Transaction) getSession().beginTransaction(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("delete from "); sql.append(boName); sql.append(" where 1=1 "); int result = 0; if (lstCondition != null) { buildConditionQueryDeleteList(sql, lstCondition); Query query = getSession().createQuery(sql.toString()); fillConditionQuery(query, lstCondition); result = query.executeUpdate(); } // if (result == 0) { // return ParamUtils.FAIL; // } else { // return ParamUtils.SUCCESS; // } return result; } catch (HibernateException he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return 0; } } public long count(String boName, List<ConditionBean> lstCondition) { try { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select count(*) from "); sql.append(boName); sql.append(" where 1=1 "); long result = 0; if (lstCondition != null) { buildConditionQuery(sql, lstCondition); Query query = getSession().createQuery(sql.toString()); fillConditionQuery(query, lstCondition); result = (Long) query.list().get(0); } return result; } catch (HibernateException he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return 0l; } } public void buildConditionQuery(StringBuilder sql, List<ConditionBean> lstCondition) { if (lstCondition != null) { int index = 0; for (ConditionBean con : lstCondition) { sql.append(ParamUtils.LOGIC_AND); sql.append(con.getField()); sql.append(con.getOperator()); if (con.getType().equals(ParamUtils.TYPE_STRING)) { sql.append(":idx").append(String.valueOf(index++)); if (con.getOperator().equals(ParamUtils.OP_LIKE)) { // sql.append(" ESCAPE '\\' "); } } else if (con.getType().equals(ParamUtils.TYPE_DATE)) { sql.append(" to_date(:idx").append(String.valueOf(index++)).append(", '") .append(ParamUtils.ddMMyyyyHHmmss).append("')"); } else if (con.getOperator().equals(ParamUtils.OP_IN)) { sql.append("( :idx").append(String.valueOf(index++)).append(" )"); } else { sql.append(" :idx").append(String.valueOf(index++)); } } } } //Test public void buildConditionQueryDeleteList(StringBuilder sql, List<ConditionBean> lstCondition) { if (lstCondition != null) { int index = 0; sql.append(ParamUtils.LOGIC_AND); for (ConditionBean con : lstCondition) { if (con != lstCondition.get(0)) { sql.append(ParamUtils.LOGIC_OR); } sql.append(con.getField()); sql.append(con.getOperator()); if (con.getType().equals(ParamUtils.TYPE_STRING)) { sql.append(":idx").append(String.valueOf(index++)); if (con.getOperator().equals(ParamUtils.OP_LIKE)) { // sql.append(" ESCAPE '\\' "); } } else if (con.getType().equals(ParamUtils.TYPE_DATE)) { sql.append(" to_date(:idx").append(String.valueOf(index++)).append(", '") .append(ParamUtils.ddMMyyyyHHmmss).append("')"); } else if (con.getOperator().equals(ParamUtils.OP_IN)) { sql.append(con.getValue()); } else { sql.append(":idx").append(String.valueOf(index++)); } } } } //endTest public void fillConditionQuery(Query query, List<ConditionBean> lstCondition) { int index = 0; for (ConditionBean con : lstCondition) { if (con.getType().equals(ParamUtils.TYPE_NUMBER)) { if (con.getOperator().equals(ParamUtils.OP_IN)) { query.setParameterList("idx" + String.valueOf(index++), DataUtil.parseInputListLong(con.getValue())); } else { query.setParameter("idx" + String.valueOf(index++), Long.parseLong(con.getValue())); } } else if (con.getType().equals(ParamUtils.NUMBER_DOUBLE)) { if (con.getOperator().equals(ParamUtils.OP_IN)) { query.setParameterList("idx" + String.valueOf(index++), DataUtil.parseInputListDouble(con.getValue())); } else { query.setParameter("idx" + String.valueOf(index++), Double.parseDouble(con.getValue())); } } else if (con.getType().equals(ParamUtils.TYPE_STRING)) { if (con.getOperator().equals(ParamUtils.OP_IN)) { query.setParameterList("idx" + String.valueOf(index++), DataUtil.parseInputListString(con.getValue())); } else { query.setParameter("idx" + String.valueOf(index++), con.getValue()); } } else { query.setParameter("idx" + String.valueOf(index++), con.getValue()); } } } public static String genSubQuery(String tableName, String colId, String colName, String value) { // return "(select " + colId + tableName + " where " + StringUtils.formatFunction("lower", colName) + " like '" + StringUtils.formatLike(value) + "' ESCAPE '\\' )"; return "(select " + colId + tableName + " where " + StringUtils.formatFunction("lower", colName) + " like '" + StringUtils.formatLike(value) + "')"; } public Long getTransactionId() { String sql = "select " + Constants.TRANSACTION_SEQUENCE + ".nextval from dual"; Query query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); return ((BigDecimal) query.list().get(0)).longValue(); } public Long getSequenId(String sequense) { String sql = "select " + sequense + ".nextval from dual"; Query query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); return ((BigDecimal) query.list().get(0)).longValue(); } @Transactional public String saveObject(T obj) { try { long id = (long) getSession().save(obj); getSession().flush(); return String.valueOf(id); } catch (HibernateException he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return he.getMessage(); } } //Test thieulq1 @Transactional public String saveObjectSession(T obj, Session session) { try { long id = (long); return String.valueOf(id); } catch (Exception he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return he.getMessage(); } } @Transactional public String updateSession(T obj, Session session) { try { session.update(obj); return ParamUtils.SUCCESS; } catch (Exception he) { log.error(he.getMessage(), he); return he.getMessage(); } } //Endtest public String getSysDate(String pattern) throws Exception { String queryString = "SELECT to_char(sysdate,:id) from dual"; Query query = getSession().createSQLQuery(queryString); query.setParameter("id", pattern); return query.list().get(0).toString(); } @Transactional public String saveListNoId(List<T> obj) { try { for (T item : obj) { getSession().save(item); } return ParamUtils.SUCCESS; } catch (SecurityException ex) { return ex.getMessage(); } } // public List<RaRecycleBinBO> getListRecycle(T obj, Long transId) { // List<RaRecycleBinBO> listRecycle = new ArrayList<RaRecycleBinBO>(); // if (obj != null) { // Class c = obj.getClass(); // Table t = (Table) c.getAnnotation(Table.class); // Method methods[] = c.getDeclaredMethods(); // Long recordId = null; // for (Method method : methods) { // if (ReflectUtils.isGetter(method)) { // if (method.getAnnotation(Id.class) != null) { // try { // recordId = (Long) method.invoke(obj); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } // } // } // for (Method method : methods) { // if (ReflectUtils.isGetter(method)) { // RaRecycleBinBO bo = new RaRecycleBinBO(); // bo.setTransactionId(transId); // bo.setTableName(; // bo.setColumnName(ReflectUtils.getColumnName(method)); // bo.setRecordId(recordId); // try { // Object value = method.invoke(obj); // bo.setColumnValue(String.valueOf(value)); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // bo.setDateDelete(new Date()); // listRecycle.add(bo); // } // } // } // return listRecycle; // } public String printLog(Exception e) { String str; try { e.printStackTrace(); str = " [DEATAIL]" + e.toString(); if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause().getMessage() != null) { str += " - Caused by " + e.getCause().getMessage(); } StackTraceElement[] traceList = e.getStackTrace(); for (StackTraceElement trace : traceList) { if (trace.getClassName().contains("com.dungnv.framework.interceptor.ActionInterceptor") || trace .getClassName().contains("com.dungnv.config.tms.interceptor.LogActionInterceptor")) { break; } else if (trace.getClassName().contains("com.dungnv")) { str += "\n [" + trace.getClassName() + ".class][" + trace.getMethodName() + "][" + trace.getLineNumber() + "]"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { str = ":" + e.getMessage(); } return str; } }