Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2011 dungnv. All rights reserved.
 * VIETTEL PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
package com.dungnv.streetfood.service;

import com.dungnv.streetfood.dto.ArticleDTO;
import com.dungnv.streetfood.dto.CategoryDTO;
import com.dungnv.streetfood.dto.DishDTO;
import com.dungnv.streetfood.dto.LocaleDTO;
import com.dungnv.streetfood.dto.RestaurantDTO;
import com.dungnv.streetfood.dto.ResultDTO;
import com.dungnv.streetfood.dto.SlideShowDTO;
import com.dungnv.streetfood.dto.TagsDTO;
import com.dungnv.streetfood.dto.UserDTO;
import com.dungnv.utils.BundleUtils;
import com.dungnv.utils.DateTimeUtils;
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

 * @author tuanpv14
 * @version 1.0
 * @since 8/7/2015 8:15 AM
public class ClientServiceImpl implements ClientService {

    public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ClientService.class);
    CxfWsClientFactory wsClientFactory;
    private ClientService client;
    public static String strWsWMSUrl = BundleUtils.getResourceConfig("foodstreet_client_ws_url");
    public static String targetNamePath = BundleUtils.getResourceConfig("foodstreet_client_ws_targetNamePath");
    public static String timeOut = BundleUtils.getResourceConfig("timeOut");

    private static Map<String, TagsDTO> allTags = new HashMap<String, TagsDTO>();
    private static Date reloadAllTags;
    private static Map<String, LocaleDTO> allLocales = new HashMap<String, LocaleDTO>();
    private static Date reloadAllLocales;

    private static ClientServiceImpl instance = null;

     * @return
    public static synchronized ClientServiceImpl getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new ClientServiceImpl();
        return instance;

    public ClientServiceImpl() {
        try {

            wsClientFactory = new CxfWsClientFactory();
            Map<String, WsEndpoint> map = new HashMap<String, WsEndpoint>();
            WsEndpoint enpoint = new WsEndpoint();
            map.put(ClientService.class.getName(), enpoint);
            client = wsClientFactory.createWsClient(ClientService.class);
        } catch (Exception ex) {

    public ResultDTO insertCategory(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token,
            CategoryDTO categoryDTO) {
        return client.insertCategory(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, categoryDTO);

    public ResultDTO updateCategory(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token,
            CategoryDTO categoryDTO) {
        return client.updateCategory(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, categoryDTO);

    public ResultDTO deleteCategory(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token,
            String id) {
        return client.deleteCategory(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id);

    public ResultDTO login(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String password) {
        return client.login(userName, localeCode, countryCode, password);

    public synchronized static Map<String, TagsDTO> getAllTags() {
        if (allTags == null || reloadAllTags == null
                || DateTimeUtils.getTimeBeetweenDates(reloadAllTags, new Date(), Calendar.MINUTE) > 5) {
            if (allTags != null) {
            UserDTO user = (UserDTO) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(UserDTO.class.getName());
            List<TagsDTO> list = getInstance().getListTagsDTO(user.getUsername(), "en", "US", null, new TagsDTO(),
                    0, 0, "ASC", "name");
            for (TagsDTO tags : list) {
                allTags.put(tags.getName().toLowerCase(), tags);
        return allTags;

    public synchronized static Map<String, LocaleDTO> getAllLocales() {
        if (allLocales == null || reloadAllLocales == null
                || DateTimeUtils.getTimeBeetweenDates(reloadAllLocales, new Date(), Calendar.MINUTE) > 5) {
            if (allLocales != null) {
            UserDTO user = (UserDTO) VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(UserDTO.class.getName());
            List<LocaleDTO> list = getInstance().getListLocaleDTO(user.getUsername(), "en", "US", null//
                    , new LocaleDTO(null, null, null, "1"), 0, 0, "ASC", "locale");
            for (LocaleDTO dto : list) {
                allLocales.put(dto.getId(), dto);
        return allLocales;

    public List<CategoryDTO> getListCategoryDTOLess(String userName, String localeCode//
            , String countryCode, String token, CategoryDTO categoryDTO, int rowStart//
            , int maxRow, boolean isCount, String sortType, String sortFieldList) {
        return client.getListCategoryDTOLess(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, categoryDTO, rowStart,
                maxRow, isCount, sortType, sortFieldList);

    public CategoryDTO getCategoryDetail(String userName, String localeCode//
            , String countryCode, String token, String id) {
        return client.getCategoryDetail(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id);

    public List<TagsDTO> getListTagsDTO(String userName, String localeCode//
            , String countryCode, String token, TagsDTO tagsDTO, int rowStart//
            , int maxRow, String sortType, String sortFieldList) {
        return client.getListTagsDTO(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token//
                , tagsDTO, rowStart, maxRow, sortType, sortFieldList);

    public List<LocaleDTO> getListLocaleDTO(String userName, String localeCode//
            , String countryCode, String token, LocaleDTO localeDTO, int rowStart//
            , int maxRow, String sortType, String sortFieldList) {
        return client.getListLocaleDTO(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token//
                , localeDTO, rowStart, maxRow, sortType, sortFieldList);

    public ResultDTO insertDish(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token,
            DishDTO dishDTO) {
        return client.insertDish(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, dishDTO);

    public ResultDTO updateDish(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token,
            DishDTO dishDTO) {
        return client.updateDish(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, dishDTO);

    public ResultDTO deleteDish(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token, Long id) {
        return client.deleteDish(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id);

    public List<DishDTO> getListDishDTOLess(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode//
            , String token, DishDTO dishDTO, int rowStart, int maxRow, boolean isCount, String sortType,
            String sortFieldList) {
        return client.getListDishDTOLess(userName, localeCode, countryCode//
                , token, dishDTO, rowStart, maxRow, isCount, sortType, sortFieldList);

    public DishDTO getDishDetail(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token, String id) {
        return client.getDishDetail(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id);

    public ResultDTO insertArticle(String userName, String localeCode//
            , String countryCode, String token, ArticleDTO articleDTO) {
        return client.insertArticle(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, articleDTO);

    public ResultDTO updateArticle(String userName, String localeCode//
            , String countryCode, String token, ArticleDTO articleDTO) {
        return client.updateArticle(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, articleDTO);

    public ResultDTO deleteArticle(String userName, String localeCode//
            , String countryCode, String token, Long id) {
        return client.deleteArticle(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id);

    public List<ArticleDTO> getListArticleDTOLess(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode,
            String token//
            , ArticleDTO articleDTO, int rowStart, int maxRow, boolean isCount, String sortType,
            String sortFieldList) {
        return client.getListArticleDTOLess(userName, localeCode, countryCode//
                , token, articleDTO, rowStart, maxRow, isCount, sortType, sortFieldList);

    public ArticleDTO getArticleDetail(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token,
            String id) {
        return client.getArticleDetail(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id);

    public ResultDTO insertRestaurant(String userName, String localeCode//
            , String countryCode, String token, RestaurantDTO restaurantDTO) {
        return client.insertRestaurant(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, restaurantDTO);

    public ResultDTO updateRestaurant(String userName, String localeCode//
            , String countryCode, String token, RestaurantDTO restaurantDTO) {
        return client.updateRestaurant(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, restaurantDTO);

    public ResultDTO deleteRestaurant(String userName, String localeCode//
            , String countryCode, String token, Long id) {
        return client.deleteRestaurant(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id);

    public List<RestaurantDTO> getListRestaurantDTOLess(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode,
            String token//
            , RestaurantDTO restaurantDTO, int rowStart, int maxRow, boolean isCount, String sortType,
            String sortFieldList) {
        return client.getListRestaurantDTOLess(userName, localeCode, countryCode//
                , token, restaurantDTO, rowStart, maxRow, isCount, sortType, sortFieldList);

    public RestaurantDTO getRestaurantDetail(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token,
            String id) {
        return client.getRestaurantDetail(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id);

    public ResultDTO insertSlideShow(String userName, String localeCode//
            , String countryCode, String token, SlideShowDTO slideShowDTO) {
        return client.insertSlideShow(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, slideShowDTO);

    public ResultDTO updateSlideShow(String userName, String localeCode//
            , String countryCode, String token, SlideShowDTO slideShowDTO) {
        return client.updateSlideShow(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, slideShowDTO);

    public ResultDTO deleteSlideShow(String userName, String localeCode//
            , String countryCode, String token, Long id) {
        return client.deleteSlideShow(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id);

    public List<SlideShowDTO> getListSlideShowDTOLess(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode,
            String token//
            , SlideShowDTO slideShowDTO, int rowStart, int maxRow, boolean isCount, String sortType,
            String sortFieldList) {
        return client.getListSlideShowDTOLess(userName, localeCode, countryCode//
                , token, slideShowDTO, rowStart, maxRow, isCount, sortType, sortFieldList);

    public SlideShowDTO getSlideShowDetail(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token,
            String id) {
        return client.getSlideShowDetail(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id);

    public ResultDTO insertListDishToCategory(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token,
            String id, List<String> list) {
        return client.insertListDishToCategory(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id, list);

    public ResultDTO insertListCategoryToDish(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token,
            String id, List<String> list) {
        return client.insertListCategoryToDish(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id, list);

    public ResultDTO insertListDishToArticle(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token,
            String id, List<String> list) {
        return client.insertListDishToArticle(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id, list);

    public ResultDTO insertListArticleToDish(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token,
            String id, List<String> list) {
        return client.insertListArticleToDish(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id, list);

    public ResultDTO insertListDishToRestaurant(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode,
            String token, String id, List<String> list) {
        return client.insertListDishToRestaurant(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id, list);

    public ResultDTO insertListRestaurantToDish(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode,
            String token, String id, List<String> list) {
        return client.insertListRestaurantToDish(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id, list);

    public ResultDTO insertListRestaurantToArticle(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode,
            String token, String id, List<String> list) {
        return client.insertListRestaurantToArticle(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id, list);

    public ResultDTO insertListArticleToRestaurant(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode,
            String token, String id, List<String> list) {
        return client.insertListArticleToRestaurant(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, id, list);
