Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Viettel Telecom. All rights reserved. * VIETTEL PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package; import com.dungnv.vfw5.base.service.BaseFWServiceImpl; import com.dungnv.streetfood.model.TagDish; import com.dungnv.streetfood.dao.TagDishDAO; import com.dungnv.streetfood.dto.TagDishDTO; import com.dungnv.streetfood.dto.TagsDTO; import com.dungnv.streetfood.model.Dish; import com.dungnv.vfw5.base.dto.ResultDTO; import com.dungnv.vfw5.base.utils.DataUtil; import com.dungnv.vfw5.base.utils.LanguageBundleUtils; import com.dungnv.vfw5.base.utils.ParamUtils; import com.dungnv.vfw5.base.utils.StringUtils; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.hibernate.Session; import javax.transaction.Transactional; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.hibernate.type.StringType; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor; /** * * @author dungnv * @version 1.0 * @since 1/26/2016 9:17 PM */ @Service("tagDishBusiness") @Transactional public class TagDishBusiness extends BaseFWServiceImpl<TagDishDAO, TagDishDTO, TagDish> implements TagDishBusinessInterface { @Autowired private TagDishDAO tagDishDAO; @Autowired private TagsBusinessInterface tagsBusiness; @Autowired private DishBusinessInterface dishBusiness; public TagDishBusiness() { tModel = new TagDish(); tDAO = tagDishDAO; } @Override public TagDishDAO gettDAO() { return tagDishDAO; } public TagDishBusiness(Session session) { this.session = session; tModel = new TagDish(); tDAO = tagDishDAO; } @Override public ResultDTO insertTagDish(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token, Long dishId, List<String> listTag) { ResultDTO result = new ResultDTO(); locale = DataUtil.getLocale(localeCode, countryCode); String validate = validate(locale, dishId, listTag); if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(validate)) { TransactionInterceptor.currentTransactionStatus().setRollbackOnly(); result.setMessage(ParamUtils.FAIL); result.setKey(validate); return result; } // Get all current tag TagDishDTO tagDishCondition = new TagDishDTO(null, null, String.valueOf(dishId)); List<TagDishDTO> listCurrTag = search(tagDishCondition, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "ASC", "id"); if (listTag != null && !listTag.isEmpty()) { listTag = DataUtil.removeDuplicateString(listTag, Boolean.TRUE); Map<String, String> mapTagId = tagsBusiness.getMapTagsByName(listTag); for (String tagStr : listTag) { String tagId = mapTagId.get(tagStr.toLowerCase()); if (tagId == null) { TagsDTO tagDTO = new TagsDTO(null, tagStr, null, null, null, null); result = tagsBusiness.insertTags(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, tagDTO); if (!ParamUtils.SUCCESS.equals(result.getMessage())) { TransactionInterceptor.currentTransactionStatus().setRollbackOnly(); return result; } TagDishDTO tagDishDTO = new TagDishDTO(null, result.getId(), String.valueOf(dishId)); result = insertTagDish(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, tagDishDTO); if (!ParamUtils.SUCCESS.equals(result.getMessage())) { TransactionInterceptor.currentTransactionStatus().setRollbackOnly(); return result; } } else { TagDishDTO tagDishDTO = new TagDishDTO(null, tagId, String.valueOf(dishId)); if (listCurrTag.contains(tagDishDTO)) { listCurrTag.remove(tagDishDTO); continue; } result = insertTagDish(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, tagDishDTO); if (!ParamUtils.SUCCESS.equals(result.getMessage())) { TransactionInterceptor.currentTransactionStatus().setRollbackOnly(); return result; } } } } //remove unused tag_dish record for (TagDishDTO tag : listCurrTag) { result = deleteTagDish(userName, localeCode, countryCode, token, tag.getId()); if (!ParamUtils.SUCCESS.equals(result.getMessage())) { TransactionInterceptor.currentTransactionStatus().setRollbackOnly(); return result; } } result.setMessage(ParamUtils.SUCCESS); return result; } private String validate(Locale locale, Long dishId, List<String> listTag) { if (dishId == null) { return LanguageBundleUtils.getString(locale, ""); } Dish dish = dishBusiness.findById(dishId); if (dish == null) { return LanguageBundleUtils.getString(locale, ""); } return null; } @Override public ResultDTO insertTagDish(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token, TagDishDTO dto) { return createObject(dto); } @Override public ResultDTO updateTagDish(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token, TagDishDTO dto) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public ResultDTO deleteTagDish(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token, String id) { ResultDTO result = new ResultDTO(); String resultStr = delete(Long.valueOf(id)); result.setMessage(resultStr); return result; } @Override public List<String> getTagsListByDish(String userName, String localeCode, String countryCode, String token, String id) { SQLQuery query = gettDAO().getSession().createSQLQuery("select id from tags t " + "inner join tag_dish l on =l.tag_id" + " where l.dish_id = ? "); query.addScalar("id", StringType.INSTANCE); query.setLong(0, Long.valueOf(id)); return query.list(); } }