Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 DTO Labs, Inc. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * * * User: Greg Schueler <a href=""></a> * Created: Jun 3, 2010 11:33:34 AM * $Id$ */ package; import com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.common.Framework; import com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.common.FrameworkProject; import com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.common.INodeEntry; import com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.dispatcher.DataContextUtils; import com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.utils.IPropertyLookup; import com.dtolabs.rundeck.plugins.PluginLogger; import com.dtolabs.utils.Streams; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException; import com.jcraft.jsch.Session; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; /** * SSHTaskFactory constructs a ExtSSHExec task * * @author Greg Schueler <a href=""></a> * @version $Revision$ */ public class SSHTaskBuilder { private static Map<String, String> DEFAULT_SSH_CONFIG = Collections .unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<String, String>() { { //use keyboard-interactive last put("PreferredAuthentications", "publickey,password,keyboard-interactive"); put("MaxAuthTries", "1"); } }); public static Map<String, String> getDefaultSshConfig() { return DEFAULT_SSH_CONFIG; } /** * Open Jsch session, applies private key configuration, timeout and custom ssh configuration * @param base * @return * @throws JSchException */ public static Session openSession(SSHBaseInterface base) throws JSchException { JSch jsch = new JSch(); if (null != base.getUserInfo().getKeyfile()) { jsch.addIdentity(base.getUserInfo().getKeyfile()); } if (null != base.getSshKeyData()) { try { jsch.addIdentity("sshkey", SSHTaskBuilder.streamBytes(base.getSshKeyData()), null, null); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JSchException("Failed to ready private ssh key data"); } } if (!base.getUserInfo().getTrust() && base.getKnownhosts() != null) { base.getPluginLogger().log(Project.MSG_DEBUG, "Using known hosts: " + base.getKnownhosts()); jsch.setKnownHosts(base.getKnownhosts()); } Session session = jsch.getSession(base.getUserInfo().getName(), base.getHost(), base.getPort()); session.setTimeout((int) base.getTimeout()); if (base.getVerbose()) { base.getPluginLogger().log(Project.MSG_INFO, "Set timeout to " + base.getTimeout()); } session.setUserInfo(base.getUserInfo()); if (base.getVerbose()) { base.getPluginLogger().log(Project.MSG_INFO, "Connecting to " + base.getHost() + ":" + base.getPort()); } SSHTaskBuilder.configureSession(base.getSshConfig(), session); session.connect(); return session; } public static void configureSession(Map<String, String> config, Session session) { Properties newconf = new Properties(); newconf.putAll(config); session.setConfig(newconf); } public static byte[] streamBytes(InputStream sshKeyData) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Streams.copyStream(sshKeyData, out); return out.toByteArray(); } /** * interface that mimics SSHBase methods called */ public static interface SSHBaseInterface { SSHUserInfo getUserInfo(); void setFailonerror(boolean b); void setTrust(boolean b); void setProject(Project project); void setVerbose(boolean b); boolean getVerbose(); void setHost(String s); String getHost(); void setPort(int portNum); int getPort(); void setUsername(String username); public void setTimeout(long sshTimeout); long getTimeout(); void setKeyfile(String sshKeypath); String getKeyfile(); void setSshKeyData(InputStream sshKeyData); InputStream getSshKeyData(); void setPassphrase(String s); void setPassword(String password); void setKnownhosts(String knownhosts); String getKnownhosts(); void setSshConfig(Map<String, String> config); Map<String, String> getSshConfig(); public PluginLogger getPluginLogger(); public void setPluginLogger(PluginLogger pluginLogger); } static interface SSHExecInterface extends SSHBaseInterface, DataContextUtils.EnvironmentConfigurable { void setCommand(String commandString); void setTimeout(long sshTimeout); void setOutputproperty(String s); } static interface SCPInterface extends SSHBaseInterface { void setLocalFile(String absolutePath); void setRemoteTofile(String s); } private static abstract class SSHBaseImpl implements SSHBaseInterface { SSHBaseInterface instance; public void setFailonerror(boolean b) { instance.setFailonerror(b); } public void setTrust(boolean b) { instance.setTrust(b); } public void setProject(Project project) { instance.setProject(project); } public void setVerbose(boolean b) { instance.setVerbose(b); } public void setHost(String s) { instance.setHost(s); } public void setPort(int portNum) { instance.setPort(portNum); } public void setUsername(String username) { instance.setUsername(username); } public void setTimeout(long sshTimeout) { instance.setTimeout(sshTimeout); } public void setKeyfile(String sshKeypath) { instance.setKeyfile(sshKeypath); } @Override public void setSshKeyData(InputStream sshKeyData) { instance.setSshKeyData(sshKeyData); } public void setPassphrase(String s) { instance.setPassphrase(s); } public void setPassword(String password) { instance.setPassword(password); } private SSHBaseImpl(SSHBaseInterface instance) { this.instance = instance; } public void setKnownhosts(String knownhosts) { instance.setKnownhosts(knownhosts); } @Override public SSHUserInfo getUserInfo() { return instance.getUserInfo(); } @Override public boolean getVerbose() { return instance.getVerbose(); } @Override public String getHost() { return instance.getHost(); } @Override public int getPort() { return instance.getPort(); } @Override public long getTimeout() { return instance.getTimeout(); } @Override public String getKeyfile() { return instance.getKeyfile(); } @Override public InputStream getSshKeyData() { return instance.getSshKeyData(); } @Override public String getKnownhosts() { return instance.getKnownhosts(); } @Override public void setSshConfig(Map<String, String> config) { instance.setSshConfig(config); } @Override public Map<String, String> getSshConfig() { return instance.getSshConfig(); } @Override public PluginLogger getPluginLogger() { return instance.getPluginLogger(); } @Override public void setPluginLogger(PluginLogger pluginLogger) { instance.setPluginLogger(pluginLogger); } } private static final class SSHExecImpl extends SSHBaseImpl implements SSHExecInterface { ExtSSHExec instance; private SSHExecImpl(ExtSSHExec instance) { super(instance); this.instance = instance; } public void setCommand(String commandString) { instance.setCommand(commandString); } public void setOutputproperty(String s) { instance.setOutputproperty(s); } public void addEnv(Environment.Variable env) { instance.addEnv(env); } } private static final class SCPImpl extends SSHBaseImpl implements SCPInterface { ExtScp instance; private SCPImpl(ExtScp instance) { super(instance); this.instance = instance; } public void setLocalFile(String absolutePath) { instance.setLocalFile(absolutePath); } public void setRemoteTofile(String s) { instance.setRemoteTofile(s); } } /** * Build a Task that performs SSH command * * @param loglevel * @param nodeentry target node * @param args arguments * @param project ant project * @param dataContext * * @return task */ public static ExtSSHExec build(final INodeEntry nodeentry, final String[] args, final Project project, final Map<String, Map<String, String>> dataContext, final SSHConnectionInfo sshConnectionInfo, final int loglevel, final PluginLogger logger) throws BuilderException { final ExtSSHExec extSSHExec = new ExtSSHExec(); build(extSSHExec, nodeentry, args, project, dataContext, sshConnectionInfo, loglevel, logger); extSSHExec.setAntLogLevel(loglevel); return extSSHExec; } static void build(final SSHExecInterface sshexecTask, final INodeEntry nodeentry, final String[] args, final Project project, final Map<String, Map<String, String>> dataContext, final SSHConnectionInfo sshConnectionInfo, final int loglevel, final PluginLogger logger) throws BuilderException { configureSSHBase(nodeentry, project, sshConnectionInfo, sshexecTask, loglevel, logger); //nb: args are already quoted as necessary final String commandString = StringUtils.join(args, " "); sshexecTask.setCommand(commandString); sshexecTask.setTimeout(sshConnectionInfo.getSSHTimeout()); DataContextUtils.addEnvVars(sshexecTask, dataContext); } private static void configureSSHBase(final INodeEntry nodeentry, final Project project, final SSHConnectionInfo sshConnectionInfo, final SSHBaseInterface sshbase, final double loglevel, final PluginLogger logger) throws BuilderException { sshbase.setFailonerror(true); sshbase.setTrust(true); // set this true to avoid "reject HostKey" errors sshbase.setProject(project); sshbase.setVerbose(loglevel >= Project.MSG_VERBOSE); sshbase.setHost(nodeentry.extractHostname()); // If the node entry contains a non-default port, configure the connection to use it. if (nodeentry.containsPort()) { final int portNum; try { portNum = Integer.parseInt(nodeentry.extractPort()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new BuilderException("Port number is not valid: " + nodeentry.extractPort(), e); } sshbase.setPort(portNum); } final String username = sshConnectionInfo.getUsername(); if (null == username) { throw new BuilderException("username was not set"); } sshbase.setUsername(username); final AuthenticationType authenticationType = sshConnectionInfo.getAuthenticationType(); if (null == authenticationType) { throw new BuilderException("SSH authentication type undetermined"); } switch (authenticationType) { case privateKey: /** * Configure keybased authentication */ final String sshKeypath = sshConnectionInfo.getPrivateKeyfilePath(); final String sshKeyResource = sshConnectionInfo.getPrivateKeyResourcePath(); if (null != sshKeyResource) { if (!PathUtil.asPath(sshKeyResource).getPath().startsWith("keys/")) { throw new BuilderException( "SSH Private key path is expected to start with \"keys/\": " + sshKeyResource); } logger.log(Project.MSG_DEBUG, "Using ssh key storage path: " + sshKeyResource); try { InputStream privateKeyResourceData = sshConnectionInfo.getPrivateKeyResourceData(); sshbase.setSshKeyData(privateKeyResourceData); } catch (StorageException e) { logger.log(Project.MSG_ERR, "Failed to read SSH Private key stored at path: " + sshKeyResource + ": " + e); throw new BuilderException("Failed to read SSH Private key stored at path: " + sshKeyResource, e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(Project.MSG_ERR, "Failed to read SSH Private key stored at path: " + sshKeyResource + ": " + e); throw new BuilderException("Failed to read SSH Private key stored at path: " + sshKeyResource, e); } } else if (null != sshKeypath && !"".equals(sshKeypath)) { if (!new File(sshKeypath).exists()) { throw new BuilderException("SSH Keyfile does not exist: " + sshKeypath); } logger.log(Project.MSG_DEBUG, "Using ssh keyfile: " + sshKeypath); sshbase.setKeyfile(sshKeypath); } else { throw new BuilderException( "SSH Keyfile or storage path must be set to use privateKey " + "authentication"); } final String passphrase = sshConnectionInfo.getPrivateKeyPassphrase(); if (null != passphrase) { sshbase.setPassphrase(passphrase); } else { sshbase.setPassphrase(""); // set empty otherwise password will be required } break; case password: final String password = sshConnectionInfo.getPassword(); final boolean valid = null != password && !"".equals(password); if (!valid) { throw new BuilderException("SSH Password was not set"); } sshbase.setPassword(password); break; } Map<String, String> sshConfig = sshConnectionInfo.getSshConfig(); Map<String, String> baseConfig = new HashMap<String, String>(getDefaultSshConfig()); if (null != sshConfig) { baseConfig.putAll(sshConfig); } sshbase.setSshConfig(baseConfig); sshbase.setPluginLogger(logger); } public static Scp buildScp(final INodeEntry nodeentry, final Project project, final String remotepath, final File sourceFile, final SSHConnectionInfo sshConnectionInfo, final int loglevel, final PluginLogger logger) throws BuilderException { final ExtScp scp = new ExtScp(); buildScp(scp, nodeentry, project, remotepath, sourceFile, sshConnectionInfo, loglevel, logger); return scp; } static void buildScp(final SCPInterface scp, final INodeEntry nodeentry, final Project project, final String remotepath, final File sourceFile, final SSHConnectionInfo sshConnectionInfo, final int loglevel, final PluginLogger logger) throws BuilderException { if (null == sourceFile) { throw new BuilderException("sourceFile was not set"); } if (null == remotepath) { throw new BuilderException("remotePath was not set"); } final String username = sshConnectionInfo.getUsername(); if (null == username) { throw new BuilderException("username was not set"); } configureSSHBase(nodeentry, project, sshConnectionInfo, scp, loglevel, logger); //Set the local and remote file paths scp.setLocalFile(sourceFile.getAbsolutePath()); final String sshUriPrefix = username + "@" + nodeentry.extractHostname() + ":"; scp.setRemoteTofile(sshUriPrefix + remotepath); } public static class BuilderException extends Exception { public BuilderException() { } public BuilderException(String s) { super(s); } public BuilderException(String s, Throwable throwable) { super(s, throwable); } public BuilderException(Throwable throwable) { super(throwable); } } public static enum AuthenticationType { privateKey, password } /** * Defines the authentication input for a build */ public static interface SSHConnectionInfo { public AuthenticationType getAuthenticationType(); public String getPrivateKeyfilePath(); public String getPrivateKeyResourcePath(); public InputStream getPrivateKeyResourceData() throws IOException; /** * Return the private key passphrase if set, or null. */ public String getPrivateKeyPassphrase(); public String getPassword(); public int getSSHTimeout(); public String getUsername(); public Map<String, String> getSshConfig(); } }