Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Nexus. * * Nexus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Nexus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Nexus. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mashape.unirest.http.HttpResponse; import com.mashape.unirest.http.JsonNode; import com.mashape.unirest.http.Unirest; import com.mashape.unirest.http.async.Callback; import com.mashape.unirest.http.exceptions.UnirestException; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class GitHub { public static String API_URL = ""; public static String REPO_API_URL = API_URL + "/repos/{name}"; public static String USER_API_URL = API_URL + "/users/{name}"; public static String RATE_LIMIT_API_URL = API_URL + "/rate_limit"; public static String GISTS_API_URL = API_URL + "/gists"; public static String ISSUES = "/issues/{id}"; public static String PULLS = "/pulls/{id}"; public static String CONTRIBUTORS = "/contributors"; public static String HOOKS = "/hooks"; public static String COLLABORATORS = "/collaborators"; public static String LANGUAGES = "/languages"; public static String FORKS = "/forks"; private Cache<String, GitHubRepo> REPO_CACHE = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .refreshAfterWrite(3, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build(new CacheLoader<String, GitHubRepo>() { @Override public GitHubRepo load(String key) throws Exception { GitHubRepo existing = REPO_CACHE.getIfPresent(key); return getRepo(key, existing.userLoginForAccessToken); } }); private Cache<String, GitHubIssue> ISSUE_CACHE = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES).refreshAfterWrite(3, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .build(new CacheLoader<String, GitHubIssue>() { @Override public GitHubIssue load(String key) throws Exception { GitHubIssue existing = ISSUE_CACHE.getIfPresent(key); return getIssue(existing.getRepo(), existing.getNumber(), existing.getRepo().userLoginForAccessToken); } }); public GitHub() { } public static String getRepoApiUrl(String repoName) { return REPO_API_URL.replace("{name}", repoName); } public static String getIssuesUrl(String repoName, int id) { return getRepoApiUrl(repoName) + ISSUES.replace("{id}", String.valueOf(id)); } public static String getPullsUrl(String repoName, int id) { return getRepoApiUrl(repoName) + PULLS.replace("{id}", String.valueOf(id)); } public static String getContributorsUrl(String repoName) { return getRepoApiUrl(repoName) + CONTRIBUTORS; } public static String getHooksUrl(String repoName) { return getRepoApiUrl(repoName) + HOOKS; } public static String getCollaboratorsUrl(String repoName) { return getRepoApiUrl(repoName) + COLLABORATORS; } public static String getLanguagesUrl(String repoName) { return getRepoApiUrl(repoName) + LANGUAGES; } public static String getForksUrl(String repoName) { return getRepoApiUrl(repoName) + FORKS; } public static String getUserUrl(String userLogin) { return USER_API_URL.replace("{name}", userLogin); } public static GitHub getGitHub() { return Nexus.getInstance().getGithub(); } public String createGist(Exception e) {"Creating a Gist for " + e.getClass().getName()); Writer writer = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(writer); e.printStackTrace(printWriter); Gist gist = new Gist(new GistFile(writer.toString())); try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } return gist.create(); } public String getAccessToken(String userLogin, boolean onlyAllowTokenAccess) { if (userLogin == null || userLogin.isEmpty()) { return Nexus.getInstance().getGitHubConfig().getNexusGitHubApiKey(); } String accessToken = Nexus.getInstance().getGitHubConfig().getGitHubApiKey(userLogin); if (accessToken.isEmpty() && onlyAllowTokenAccess) { throw new GitHubAPIKeyInvalidException( "Please provide a GitHub API key (via the ghkey command) to access this part of the GitHub API"); } // Make sure that we have a valid API key to use. Provide the default Nexus API key if this user doesn't have one. return accessToken.isEmpty() ? Nexus.getInstance().getGitHubConfig().getNexusGitHubApiKey() : accessToken; } public String getAccessToken(String userLogin) { return getAccessToken(userLogin, false); } private GitHubRateLimit getApiRateLimit(String accessToken) { try { return"Authorization", "token " + accessToken), "rate", GitHubRateLimit.class); } catch (UnirestException e) { throw new GitHubException("Failed to connect to GitHub API!", e); } } public HttpResponse<JsonNode> makeRequest(String urlPath, String userLogin) throws UnirestException { return makeRequest(urlPath, userLogin, false); } protected HttpResponse<JsonNode> makeRequest(String urlPath, String userLogin, boolean assumeAccess) throws UnirestException { return makeRequest(urlPath, userLogin, assumeAccess, false); } protected HttpResponse<JsonNode> makeRequest(String urlPath, String userLogin, boolean assumeAccess, boolean onlyAllowTokenAccess) throws UnirestException { String accessToken = getAccessToken(userLogin, onlyAllowTokenAccess); // check if the api key has expired - overused GitHubRateLimit rateLimit = getApiRateLimit(accessToken); if (rateLimit != null) { if (rateLimit.getRemaining() <= 0) { throw new GitHubRateLimitExceededException( "Rate limit for GitHub API exceeded. Further requests cannot be executed."); } } Nexus.LOGGER.fine("Connecting to " + urlPath + " with ACCESS_TOKEN of " + userLogin); HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest.get(urlPath).header("Authorization", "token " + accessToken) .asJson(); if (!assumeAccess) { try { String checkAccess = response.getBody().getObject().getString("message"); if (checkAccess != null && checkAccess.equalsIgnoreCase("BAD CREDENTIALS")) { throw new GitHubAPIKeyInvalidException("Invalid GitHub API key!"); } return response; } catch (JSONException | NullPointerException ignored) { } } return response; } public GitHubRepo getRepo(String name, String userLogin) {"Requesting GitHub repo (" + name + ") on behalf of " + userLogin); if (REPO_CACHE.getIfPresent(name) != null) { return REPO_CACHE.getIfPresent(name); } try { HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = makeRequest(getRepoApiUrl(name), userLogin); InputStream input = response.getRawBody(); GitHubRepo repo =, GitHubRepo.class); if (repo == null || repo.getUrl() == null) { throw new GitHubNotFoundException("Failed to locate GitHub Repo: " + name); } repo.repoOwner = getUser(response.getBody().getObject().getJSONObject("owner").getString("login"), userLogin); repo.collaborators = getCollaborators(repo, userLogin); repo.contributors = getContributors(repo, userLogin); repo.languages = getLanguages(repo, userLogin); repo.userLoginForAccessToken = userLogin; cache(repo); return repo; } catch (UnirestException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) { throw new GitHubNotFoundException("Failed to locate GitHub Repo: " + name, e); } throw new GitHubException("Error connecting to GitHub API! ", e); } } public void fork(GitHubRepo repo, String userLogin) {"Attempting to fork repo (" + repo.getFullName() + ") on behalf of " + userLogin); try { .header("Authorization", "token " + getAccessToken(userLogin, true)).asJson(); } catch (UnirestException e) { throw new GitHubException("Error connecting to GitHub API! ", e); } } public void forkAsync(GitHubRepo repo, String userLogin, Callback<JsonNode> callback) {"Attempting to fork repo (" + repo.getFullName() + ") on behalf of " + userLogin); .header("Authorization", "token " + getAccessToken(userLogin, true)).asJsonAsync(callback); } public GitHubUser getUser(String ghUserLogin, String userLogin) {"Requesting GitHub user (" + ghUserLogin + ") on behalf of " + userLogin); try { return, userLogin).getRawBody(), GitHubUser.class); } catch (UnirestException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) { throw new GitHubUserNotFoundException("Failed to locate GitHub User: " + ghUserLogin, e); } throw new GitHubException("Error connecting to GitHub API! ", e); } } protected GitHubUser getReporterOf(GitHubIssue issue, String userLogin) { try { String issueUrl = issue instanceof GitHubPullRequest ? getPullsUrl(issue.getRepo().getFullName(), issue.getNumber()) : getIssuesUrl(issue.getRepo().getFullName(), issue.getNumber()); HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = makeRequest(issueUrl, userLogin); return getUser(response.getBody().getObject().getJSONObject("user").getString("login"), userLogin); } catch (UnirestException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) { throw new GitHubNotFoundException("Failed to locate GitHub Repo: " + issue.getRepo().getFullName(), e); } throw new GitHubException("Error connecting to GitHub API! ", e); } } public GitHubIssue getIssue(GitHubRepo repo, int id, String userLogin) { "Requesting GitHub issue (" + repo.getFullName() + " - #" + id + ") on behalf of " + userLogin); for (GitHubIssue i : ISSUE_CACHE.asMap().values()) { if (repo.getFullName().equals(i.getRepo().getFullName()) && i.getNumber() == id) { return i; } } try { HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = makeRequest(getIssuesUrl(repo.getFullName(), id), userLogin); InputStream input = response.getRawBody(); GitHubIssue issue = null; boolean checkForPullRequest = false; try { if (response.getBody().getObject().get("pull_request") != null) { checkForPullRequest = true; } } catch (JSONException ignored) { } try { if (!checkForPullRequest) { issue =, GitHubIssue.class); } if (issue == null || issue.getNumber() <= 0) { issue =, id), userLogin).getRawBody(), GitHubPullRequest.class); } } catch (JSONException ignored) { } if (issue.getNumber() <= 0) { throw new GitHubNotFoundException("Issue #" + id + " doesn't exist at " + repo.getFullName()); } issue.repo = repo; issue.reportedBy = getReporterOf(issue, userLogin); if (issue != null) { cache(issue); } return issue; } catch (UnirestException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) { throw new GitHubNotFoundException("Failed to locate GitHub Repo: " + repo.getFullName(), e); } throw new GitHubException("Error connecting to GitHub API! ", e); } } public GitHubIssue getIssue(String repoName, int id, String userLogin) { return getIssue(getRepo(repoName, userLogin), id, userLogin); } public void mergePullRequest(GitHubPullRequest pullRequest, String userLogin) {"Attempting to merge pull request (" + pullRequest.getRepo().getFullName() + " #" + pullRequest.getNumber() + ") on behalf of " + userLogin); try { HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest.put(pullRequest.getApiUrl() + "/merge") .header("Authorization", "token " + getAccessToken(userLogin, true)) .body("{\"commit_message\":\"" + pullRequest.getTitle() + "\"}").asJson(); JSONObject responseObject = response.getBody().getObject(); String message = responseObject.getString("message"); boolean mergeStatus = false; try { mergeStatus = responseObject.getBoolean("merged"); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } if (!mergeStatus) { if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("NOT FOUND")) { message = "You do not have access to this"; } throw new GitHubPullRequestMergeException(message); } } catch (UnirestException e) { throw new GitHubException("Error connecting to GitHub API! ", e); } } protected GitHubUser[] getCollaborators(GitHubRepo repo, String userLogin) { return getCollaborators(repo.getFullName(), userLogin); } protected GitHubUser[] getCollaborators(String name, String userLogin) { try { HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = makeRequest(getCollaboratorsUrl(name), userLogin, true); if (response.getBody().getObject() != null && response.getBody().getObject().getString("message") != null) { return new GitHubUser[0]; } return, GitHubUser[].class); } catch (UnirestException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) { throw new GitHubNotFoundException("Failed to locate GitHub Repo: " + name, e); } throw new GitHubException("Error connecting to GitHub API! ", e); } } protected GitHubUser[] getContributors(GitHubRepo repo, String userLogin) { return getContributors(repo.getFullName(), userLogin); } protected GitHubUser[] getContributors(String name, String userLogin) { try { // Anything using this method should already have checked API key validity return, userLogin, true).getRawBody(), GitHubUser[].class); } catch (UnirestException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) { throw new GitHubNotFoundException("Failed to locate GitHub Repo: " + name, e); } throw new GitHubException("Error connecting to GitHub API! ", e); } catch (NullPointerException ignored) { // in the event that there's no collaborators return new GitHubUser[0]; } } protected GitHubLanguage[] getLanguages(GitHubRepo repo, String userLogin) { return getLanguages(repo.getFullName(), userLogin); } protected GitHubLanguage[] getLanguages(String name, String userLogin) { try { // Anything using this method should already have checked API key validity JSONObject jsonResponse = makeRequest(getLanguagesUrl(name), userLogin).getBody().getObject(); Set<String> set = jsonResponse.keySet(); ArrayList<GitHubLanguage> languages = new ArrayList<>(); for (String language : set) { languages.add(new GitHubLanguage(language, jsonResponse.getInt(language))); } return languages.toArray(new GitHubLanguage[languages.size()]); } catch (UnirestException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) { throw new GitHubNotFoundException("Failed to locate GitHub Repo: " + name, e); } throw new GitHubException("Error connecting to GitHub API! ", e); } } public GitHubHook[] getHooks(GitHubRepo repo, String userLogin) { return getHooks(repo.getFullName(), userLogin); } public GitHubHook[] getHooks(String name, String userLogin) {"Requesting GitHub hooks for " + name + " on behalf of " + userLogin); try { return, userLogin, false, true).getRawBody(), GitHubHook[].class); } catch (UnirestException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) { throw new GitHubNotFoundException("Failed to locate GitHub Repo: " + name, e); } throw new GitHubException("Error connecting to GitHub API! ", e); } } public GitHubHook getHook(GitHubRepo repo, int id, String userLogin) { return getHook(repo.getFullName(), id, userLogin); } public GitHubHook getHook(String repo, int id, String userLogin) { for (GitHubHook hook : getHooks(repo, userLogin)) { if (hook.getId() == id) { return hook; } } return null; } public GitHubHook getHook(GitHubRepo repo, String name, String userLogin) { return getHook(repo.getFullName(), name, userLogin); } public GitHubHook getHook(String repo, String name, String userLogin) { for (GitHubHook hook : getHooks(repo, userLogin)) { if (hook.getName().equals(name)) { return hook; } } return null; } public void setIrcNotifications(GitHubRepo repo, String userLogin, GitHubEvent... events) { setIrcNotifications(repo.getFullName(), userLogin, events); } public void setIrcNotifications(String repo, String userLogin, GitHubEvent... events) { GitHubHook hook = getHook(repo, "irc", userLogin); if (hook != null) { String s = ""; for (GitHubEvent e : events) { s += s.isEmpty() ? "\"" + e.getJsonName() + "\"" : "," + "\"" + e.getJsonName() + "\""; } "Attempting to set IRC notifications for " + repo + " to " + s + " on behalf of " + userLogin); try { Unirest.patch(getHooksUrl(repo) + "/" + hook.getId()) .header("Authorization", "token " + getAccessToken(userLogin, true)) .header("accept", "application/json").header("content-type", "application/json") .body("{\"events\":[" + s + "]}").asJson(); } catch (UnirestException e) { throw new GitHubException("Could not connect to GitHub API!", e); } } else { throw new GitHubHookNotFoundException("IRC Hook not found for GitHub Repo (" + repo + ")"); } } public GitHubEvent[] getIrcNotifications(GitHubRepo repo, String userLogin) { return getIrcNotifications(repo.getFullName(), userLogin); } public GitHubEvent[] getIrcNotifications(String repo, String userLogin) { GitHubHook hook = getHook(repo, "irc", userLogin); if (hook != null) { try { "Requesting GitHub IRC notification settings for " + repo + " on behalf of " + userLogin); ArrayList<GitHubEvent> events = new ArrayList<>(); JSONArray eventsJsonArray = makeRequest(getHooksUrl(repo) + "/" + hook.getId(), userLogin, false, true).getBody().getObject().getJSONArray("events"); for (int i = 0; i < eventsJsonArray.length(); i++) { GitHubEvent e = GitHubEvent.getByJsonName(eventsJsonArray.getString(i)); if (e != null) { events.add(e); } } return events.toArray(new GitHubEvent[events.size()]); } catch (UnirestException e) { throw new GitHubException("Could not connect to GitHub API!", e); } } else { throw new GitHubHookNotFoundException("IRC Hook not found for GitHub Repo (" + repo + ")"); } } private void cache(GitHubRepo repo) { REPO_CACHE.put(repo.getFullName(), repo); } private void cache(GitHubIssue issue) { ISSUE_CACHE.put(issue.getRepo().getFullName(), issue); } }