Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2003 Draagon Software LLC. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Draagon Software LLC. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.draagon.meta.manager.xml; import com.draagon.meta.field.MetaField; import com.draagon.meta.manager.StateAwareMetaObject; import com.draagon.meta.loader.MetaDataLoader; import com.draagon.meta.object.MetaObject; import com.draagon.meta.attr.MetaAttributeNotFoundException; import com.draagon.meta.*; import com.draagon.meta.manager.*; import com.draagon.meta.manager.exp.Expression; import com.draagon.meta.manager.exp.Range; import com.draagon.meta.manager.exp.SortOrder; import com.draagon.util.xml.XMLFileReader; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import*; import java.util.*; // import javax.servlet.*; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; //import org.xml.sax.InputSource; //import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; //import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; //import org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException; //import org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException; /** * The Object Manager Base is able to add, update, delete, * and retrieve objects of those types from a datastore. */ public class ObjectManagerXML extends ObjectManager { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ObjectManagerXML.class); private Map<MetaObject, List<Object>> tables = new Hashtable<MetaObject, List<Object>>(); private String mRoot = null; public ObjectManagerXML() { } public void setLocation(String root) { mRoot = root; } public String getLocation() { return mRoot; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONNECTION HANDLING METHODS // /** * Retrieves a connection object representing the datastore */ public ObjectConnection getConnection() throws MetaException { return new ObjectConnectionXML(tables); } public void releaseConnection(ObjectConnection oc) throws MetaException { oc.close(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PERSISTENCE METHODS // /** Is this a createable class */ public boolean isCreateableClass(MetaObject mc) { return true; } /** Is this a readable class */ public boolean isReadableClass(MetaObject mc) { return true; } /** Gets the update mapping to the DB */ public boolean isUpdateableClass(MetaObject mc) { return true; } /** Gets the delete mapping to the DB */ public boolean isDeleteableClass(MetaObject mc) { return true; } //protected MappingHandler getDefaultMappingHandler() { // return new SimpleMappingHandlerXML(); //} /** * Retrieves the fields of a MetaClass which are persistable */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Collection<MetaField> getWriteableFields(MetaObject mc) { final String KEY = "getWriteableFields()"; ArrayList<MetaField> fields = (ArrayList<MetaField>) mc.getCacheValue(KEY); if (fields == null) { fields = new ArrayList<MetaField>(); for (Iterator i = mc.getMetaFields().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { MetaField f = (MetaField); if (isWriteableField(f)) fields.add(f); } mc.setCacheValue(KEY, fields); } /*if ( fields.size() == 0 ) throw new MetaException( "No persistable fields for MetaClass [" + mc + "]" );*/ return fields; } /** * Retrieves the fields of a MetaClass which are persistable */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Collection<MetaField> getReadableFields(MetaObject mc) { final String KEY = "getReadableFields()"; ArrayList<MetaField> fields = (ArrayList<MetaField>) mc.getCacheValue(KEY); if (fields == null) { fields = new ArrayList<MetaField>(); for (Iterator i = mc.getMetaFields().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { MetaField f = (MetaField); if (isReadableField(f)) fields.add(f); } mc.setCacheValue(KEY, fields); } /*if ( fields.size() == 0 ) throw new MetaException( "No persistable fields for MetaClass [" + mc + "]" );*/ return fields; } /** * Returns whether the metafield is persistable or not */ public boolean isReadableField(MetaField mf) { return true; } /** * Returns whether the metafield is persistable or not */ public boolean isWriteableField(MetaField mf) { if (isReadOnly(mf)) return false; return true; } protected String getNextFieldId(ObjectConnection c, MetaObject mc, MetaField f) throws MetaException { long id = 0; List<Object> list = getObjectsFromTable(c, mc); for (Object o : list) { Long l = f.getLong(o); if (l == null) l = new Long(1); if (l.longValue() > id) id = l.longValue(); } return "" + (id + 1); } public void handleAutoField(ObjectConnection c, MetaObject mc, MetaField mf, Object obj, Object auto, int state, int action) throws MetaException { if ("id".equals(auto) && action == CREATE && state == AUTO_PRIOR) { mf.setString(obj, getNextFieldId(c, mc, mf)); } super.handleAutoField(c, mc, mf, obj, auto, state, action); } /** * Gets the object by the id; throws exception if it did not exist */ public Object getObjectByRef(ObjectConnection c, String refStr) throws MetaException { ObjectRef ref = getObjectRef(refStr); MetaObject mc = ref.getMetaClass(); for (Object o : getObjectsFromTable(c, mc)) { if (getObjectRef(o).equals(ref)) return o; } throw new ObjectNotFoundException( "Object of class [" + mc + "] with reference [" + ref + "] was not found"); } /** * Get all objects of the specified kind from the datastore */ public Collection<Object> getObjects(ObjectConnection c, MetaObject mc, QueryOptions options) throws MetaException { Collection<Object> objs = getObjectsFromTable(c, mc); // Get the fields to copy Collection<MetaField> fields = options.getFields(); if (fields == null || fields.size() == 0) { //if ( options.getWriteableOnly() ) // fields = getWriteableFields( mc ); //else fields = getReadableFields(mc); } // Copy all the objects and only the specified fields Collection<Object> results = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object o1 : objs) { Object o2 = mc.newInstance(); for (MetaField f : fields) { f.setObject(o2, f.getObject(o1)); } results.add(o2); } // Handle Expressions, Sorting, Ranging, and Options Expression exp = options.getExpression(); SortOrder sort = options.getSortOrder(); Range range = options.getRange(); if (exp != null) results = filterObjects(results, exp); if (sort != null) results = sortObjects(results, sort); if (range != null) results = clipObjects(results, range); if (options.isDistinct()) results = distinctObjects(results); return results; } /** * Load the specified object from the XML source */ public void loadObject(ObjectConnection c, Object obj) throws MetaException { String ref = getObjectRef(obj).toString(); Object o = getObjectByRef(c, ref); for (MetaField mf : getReadableFields(MetaDataLoader.findMetaObject(obj))) { if (!isPrimaryKey(mf)) mf.setObject(obj, mf.getObject(o)); } } /** * Add the specified object to the datastore */ public void createObject(ObjectConnection c, Object obj) throws MetaException { MetaObject mc = MetaDataLoader.findMetaObject(obj); List<Object> list = getObjectsFromTable(c, mc); if (!isCreateableClass(mc)) throw new MetaException("Object of class [" + mc + "] is not persistable"); prePersistence(c, mc, obj, CREATE); list.add(obj); postPersistence(c, mc, obj, CREATE); } /** * Update the specified object in the datastore */ public void updateObject(ObjectConnection c, Object obj) throws MetaException { MetaObject mc = MetaDataLoader.findMetaObject(obj); List<Object> list = getObjectsFromTable(c, mc); int i = list.indexOf(obj); if (i < 0) throw new MetaException("Object [" + obj + "] did not exist in table for class [" + mc + "]"); if (!isUpdateableClass(mc)) throw new MetaException("Object of class [" + mc + "] is not persistable"); prePersistence(c, mc, obj, UPDATE); list.set(i, obj); postPersistence(c, mc, obj, UPDATE); } /** * Delete the specified object from the datastore */ public void deleteObject(ObjectConnection c, Object obj) throws MetaException { MetaObject mc = MetaDataLoader.findMetaObject(obj); List<Object> list = getObjectsFromTable(c, mc); int i = list.indexOf(obj); if (i < 0) throw new MetaException("Object [" + obj + "] did not exist in table for class [" + mc + "]"); if (!isDeleteableClass(mc)) throw new MetaException("Object of class [" + mc + "] is not persistable"); prePersistence(c, mc, obj, DELETE); list.remove(i); postPersistence(c, mc, obj, DELETE); } /** * Stores the specified object by adding, updating, or deleting */ public void storeObject(ObjectConnection c, Object obj) throws MetaException { StateAwareMetaObject pmc = getStatefulMetaClass(obj); if (pmc.isNew(obj)) createObject(c, obj); else if (pmc.isDeleted(obj)) deleteObject(c, obj); else if (pmc.isModified(obj)) updateObject(c, obj); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PRIVATE METHODS // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private synchronized List<Object> getObjectsFromTable(ObjectConnection c, MetaObject mc) throws MetaException { Map<MetaObject, List<Object>> map = (Map<MetaObject, List<Object>>) c.getDatastoreConnection(); ArrayList<Object> tmp = (ArrayList<Object>) map.get(mc); if (tmp == null) { if (isReadableClass(mc)) return loadObjectsFromFile(c, mc); tmp = new ArrayList<Object>(); map.put(mc, tmp); } return tmp; } protected String getFileRef(MetaObject mc) { try { return (String) mc.getAttribute("fileRef"); } catch (MetaAttributeNotFoundException e) { } return mc.getShortName() + ".xml"; } protected String getNameRef(MetaObject mc) { try { return (String) mc.getAttribute("nameRef"); } catch (MetaAttributeNotFoundException e) { } return mc.getShortName(); } protected String getFieldRef(MetaField mf) { try { return (String) mf.getAttribute("nameRef"); } catch (MetaAttributeNotFoundException e) { } return mf.getName(); } private InputStream getSourceStream(MetaObject mc) throws MetaException { String file = ""; if (getLocation() != null) file += getLocation(); file = file + getFileRef(mc); InputStream is = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(file); if (is == null) { log.error("Meta XML file [" + file + "] does not exist"); throw new MetaException("The Meta XML item file [" + file + "] was not found"); } return is; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Object> loadObjectsFromFile(ObjectConnection c, MetaObject mc) throws MetaException { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load the XML document Document doc = null; Map<MetaObject, List<Object>> map = (Map<MetaObject, List<Object>>) c.getDatastoreConnection(); InputStream is = null; try { is = getSourceStream(mc); doc = XMLFileReader.loadFromStream(is); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Meta XML file for MetaClass [" + mc + "] cannot be parsed: " + e.getMessage()); throw new MetaException("The Meta XML file for MetaClass [" + mc + "] was not parsable", e); } finally { try { if (is != null) is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parse the XML try { // Look for the <items> element NodeList itemdocList = doc.getElementsByTagName("objects"); if (itemdocList == null || itemdocList.getLength() == 0) throw new MetaException("The root 'objects' element was not found"); Element itemdocElement = (Element) itemdocList.item(0); Collection objects = parseObjects(c, mc, itemdocElement); List<Object> tmp = new ArrayList<Object>(); // Place the resulting objects into the map for (Iterator i = objects.iterator(); i.hasNext();) tmp.add(; // Add the objects to the map map.put(mc, tmp); return tmp; } catch (SAXException e) { throw new MetaException("Unable to load Objects for MetaClass [" + mc + "]", e); } } private List<Object> parseObjects(ObjectConnection c, MetaObject mc, Element element) throws MetaException, SAXException { String nameRef = getNameRef(mc); NodeList objectList = element.getElementsByTagName(nameRef); List<Object> objects = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < objectList.getLength(); i++) { Element e = (Element) objectList.item(i); Object o = getNewObject(mc); for (MetaField mf : getReadableFields(mc)) { String fieldRef = getFieldRef(mf); NodeList list = e.getElementsByTagName(fieldRef); if (list.getLength() > 0) { Element fe = (Element) list.item(0); String value = ""; Node nv = fe.getFirstChild(); if (nv != null) value = nv.getNodeValue(); mf.setString(o, value); } else mf.setString(o, null); } if (mc instanceof StateAwareMetaObject) { // It was pulled from the database, so it doesn't need to be flagged as modified ((StateAwareMetaObject) mc).setModified(o, false); // It is also no longer a new item ((StateAwareMetaObject) mc).setNew(o, false); } // Add the object to the returned vector objects.add(o); } return objects; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OBJECT QUERY LANGUAGE METHODS // public int execute(ObjectConnection c, String query, Collection<?> arguments) throws MetaException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("execute is not support by the XML manager"); } public Collection<?> executeQuery(ObjectConnection c, String query, Collection<?> arguments) throws MetaException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("executeQuery is not support by the XML manager"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TO STRING METHOD // public String toString() { return "MetaManXML"; } }